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    • Hello there from the Triad!
    • Anything i try to do to get away just makes it look like im acting like a fussy baby as i bite the nipple of the bottle thinking your not gonna do anything as i feel a bit of the milk flowing in to my mouth alittle quick.
    • Chapter 42 Charlotte let out a sigh of frustration as she soaked her Goodnite in Miss Willoughby’s Second Grade class.  Her eyes were fixed on her desk, glancing at a math assignment that just didn’t make sense to her now.  A week ago, it would’ve been easy for her.  But why is it so hard now?  Charlotte had to add and subtract three-digit numbers, and every makeup assignment she has done so far for math has resulted in a near failing grade.  ‘Just what’s going on?’ Charlotte sighed as she pounded her pencil down on the desk.  “Just a week ago, I was doing perfect in math!  Now, how do I subtract this again?’ Math wasn’t the only thing that Charlotte was having trouble with.  During yesterday and today’s reading circle, Charlotte had to keep stopping because there were certain words that she couldn’t read.  They were words that she had already learned, but they now seemed almost foreign to her now.  ‘This is just getting too hard!  Can’t I just go home and play?’ It was now Tuesday, which was four days since Charlotte was rescued.  Friday wasn’t fun, since she had to be treated for rashes.  As for Saturday and Sunday, Charlotte just spent it at home in recovery. And it was a good thing that Charlotte stayed home, as Charlotte’s accidents worsened over the course of the weekend.  Even though Charlotte was wearing her training underwear at home, she soaked almost every pair and almost pooped in a couple of them.  Darcy was getting tired of this, so she decided to put Charlotte in Goodnites during the day, which further fueled Charlotte’s accidents. On Monday, Miss Willoughby gave Charlotte her makeup homework, since she missed Thursday and Friday.  She asked for a volunteer to help Charlotte catch up.  Gabrielle gladly volunteered. Charlotte now winked at Miss Willoughby.  At this point, Charlotte had given up on trying to help the girl out.  She didn’t know who the girl was, and she just didn’t feel like helping her.  She was just tired and frustrated in trying to catch up with her schoolwork. Miss Willoughby winked back, and Charlotte left her classroom. But instead of going to the bathroom, Charlotte stopped at the nurse’s office to get changed. Brenda glanced at Charlotte and gave her an understanding nod.  “You need a new Goodnite, Charlotte?” Charlotte nodded, still looking unhappy.  “Yeah.  It’s very soggy.” Brenda pulled off the soggy Goodnite and nodded.  “Wow!  You soaked this one good!  The booster is soaked and it’s pretty full!  Any longer and you would’ve had a leak!  Here, let me wipe you and get a new one on.” Charlotte still looked disappointed as the nurse wiped her with some Kandoo Kids wipes.  The nurse then slid a new Goodnite on with a booster pad.  She gave Charlotte a thumbs up and smiled.  “You’re all set, Charlotte!” She paused as she noticed Charlotte hanging her face down in sadness.  “What’s wrong, Charlotte?  Your mom told me about your rough time on Thursday and Friday.  Do you want to talk about it?” Charlotte maintained eye contact with the floor.  “No.  I’m fine.” Brenda sighed and shook her head.  “No, you’re not, Charlotte.  Miss Willoughby has told me.  You are failing your makeup assignments for Thursday and Friday.  Whatever you experienced must have been very hard for you.  If you don’t want to talk about it now, let me know when you’re ready.” Charlotte sighed.  “I’m just dumb.  Why can’t I add or subtract or read?” Brenda glanced at Charlotte.  “You might be experiencing trauma, Charlotte.  Now, I know that’s a word you don’t know.  All you need to know is that it’s a really scary thing that happens to you that makes you feel upset.  It can make you worried or unsafe.  I think that the trauma is affecting your ability to complete the assignments.  Now, don’t worry Charlotte.  Your mom has already told the principal, and she will be setting up an appointment with the school psychologist.  All this means is that you’ll have someone to talk to about your troubles, okay?” Charlotte nodded, as she felt a couple of tears roll down her cheeks.  “Okay nurse Brenda.” Charlotte was misty-eyed all the way back to her classroom.  The kidnapping really took a toll on Charlotte’s mental well-being, and she was beginning to experience the worse of it.  But somewhere in Charlotte’s mind, the real Charlotte suspected something else was going on. ‘What if I’m getting younger?’ Charlotte gasped, beginning to worry.  ‘I may still feel like I’m seven, but maybe my mind is getting younger first?’ When Charlotte returned to her desk, Gabrielle was there, ready to help Charlotte. “Miss Willo told me to help you since I’m already done with my assignments.” Gabrielle told her.  “She already told the class about what happened to you.  Now, let me show you how to do that math problem.” Charlotte watched as Gabrielle walked her through three different math problems, adding and subtracting three-digit numbers with ease.  ‘She makes it look so easy!  Why can’t I do that anymore?’  Charlotte wrote the incorrect numbers, becoming more frustrated with each additional attempt. Finally, it was the end of the day and Gabrielle sighed. “We’ll keep trying tomorrow.” Gabrielle told her.  “I know you’re smart.  I have seen it!” Charlotte sat in the library after school, waiting for her mom to pick her up. After her mom picked her up, Charlotte was now sitting in her car seat, trying to relax from the rough day of school that she had to go through. Darcy sighed.  “Rough day, dear?  Miss Willoughby told me about your failing grades and we both agree that it has to do with the trauma from your recent kidnapping. Basically, trauma is something scary that happens to you, honey.  It can make you worried or afraid.  I have arranged with the principal for you to see the school psychologist.  Share your concerns with me and her, okay?” Charlotte nodded as she glanced out the window.  “Okay mommy…” Darcy smiled, trying to cheer Charlotte up.  “Hey.  We’re not going right home, honey.  Instead, we are going to a restaurant!  Your Aunt Darlene, your Uncle Daniel, and your two cousins will be there too, so cheer up!  We’ll get through this, sweetie.” Charlotte almost smiled when her mother pointed her finger at her from the rear-view mirror. “See?” Darcy grinned.  “I just saw it!  The face of a smiling girl!” The 4Runner stopped at a family restaurant. Charlotte sighed in frustration as she tried to read the sign of the restaurant.  “Dee-nyes?” Darcy nodded.  “Almost hun!  It’s Denny’s.  And from the text that I just got, it looks like your Aunt Darlene already saved a table for us.  Let mommy help you out.”  Darcy unbuckled Charlotte from her car seat and held Charlotte’s hand as they walked into the restaurant.  Darcy had a little bag with her, along with her purse. After Darcy entered the restaurant with Charlotte, she softly pressed down around Charlotte’s groin.  “Let’s get you into a new Goodnite, hun.  That one’s starting to get soaked.” Charlotte nodded, continuing to “go with the flow”.  “All right, mommy.” Darcy used the family bathroom stall to quickly change Charlotte into a new Goodnite.  She disposed of the old one and helped Charlotte wash her hands before they both left the bathroom. Darcy followed the hostess with Charlotte and found Darlene and Daniel sitting at a booth with Heather and Allison. Heather was haphazardly coloring on a placemat with crayons while Allison was sitting in a highchair, waving her stuffed hippo around while she sucked on her pacifier. Darlene glanced up and pointed at the other table that was next to them.  She smiled when she saw Charlotte.  “There’s the brave girl!  Hi Charlotte!” Charlotte gave a passive glance at her aunt and waved at her. When Heather saw Charlotte, she ran up and hugged her.  But since Heather felt something soft underneath Charlotte’s dress, she touched the soft padding and gasped.  “Charlotte’s wearing a diaper?” Darlene sighed.  “So are you, honey.  Now, it’s not nice to say things like that, dear.” Heather then looked at Charlotte.  “Mommy said that you were in a scary place.  You don’t look happy.  If I hug you again, will you be happy?”  Heather gave Charlotte another hug. Charlotte couldn’t help but smile seeing how much her cousin cared about her.  “Yes,” Charlotte told her, feeling the tight squeeze of Heather’s hug.  “I’m happy.  Let me go!  It’s too tight!” Heather nodded.  “Too tight?  I’ll let go!”  Heather released her grip and climbed back into her booster seat to color. Charlotte glanced at what Heather was doing and frowned.  “Can I have crayons and a placemat too, mommy?” Darcy nodded.  “Why, certainly you can, Charlie!” The waitress took notice and gave Charlotte some crayons and a colorless placemat. Charlotte smiled when she grabbed the placemat.  “Thank you!” “You’re welcome!” The waitress told her.  She glanced at Darcy.  “Now, do you need more time to decide?” Darcy nodded.  “We just got here!  Give us a few more minutes.  If you need drinks, get a water for me and her.” The waitress nodded.  “Two waters?  I’ll be right back!” The waitress left to get the two waters. Meanwhile, Charlotte was beginning to color the menu.  She found this to be much more enjoyable than the schoolwork that she was beginning to have more trouble with.  Charlotte didn’t have to worry about using the wrong colors.  Every color was correct.  Every crayon stroke was correct.  None of the strokes had to make any sense either.  None of it mattered to Charlotte.  As she continued to mindlessly color her menu, her mother tapped her on the shoulder. “What did you want to eat, Charlotte?” Charlotte glanced at the menu.  ‘Nice.  I want to be a big girl and order myself!’  But when Charlotte glanced at the menu, the words were very hard to read. Since Charlotte was taking too long, Darcy sighed and grabbed the menu from Charlotte.  “You’re taking too long, dear.  I’ll just get you a Junior Cheeseburger, some mac and cheese, and a Junior Milkshake.  How does that sound?” Charlotte sighed, as if there could’ve been something more appetizing on the menu and she couldn’t read it.  “It sounds fine, mommy!” Darcy nodded.  “Good.  Now I know that you have been through a lot, so let me help you with these things for now, okay?” Charlotte reluctantly nodded, mostly from her frustration in being unable to read the menu.  ‘Just what is going on?  This can’t be trauma!  I used to be able to read those words!’ Charlotte’s attention was interrupted by Allison, who was pounding her stuffed hippo on her highchair, before it flung out of her hand and onto the floor.  Her hands began to slap on the highchair, and she finally released her pacifier from her mouth, which dangled from the ribbon of the pacifier clip that was attached to the collar of her dress.  “Ah hun-gee mah-mee!” Allison shouted.  “Ah hun-gee!  Ah hun-gee!” Darlene sighed, as she picked the light pink stuffed hippo up from the floor and handed it back to Allison.  “You’re hungry, sweetie?  Here.  Mommy’s got some Cheerios to eat until your food comes.  Here!”  Darlene got a small Ziploc bag of Cheerios out from her diaper bag and opened it.  She grabbed a small handful of Cheerios and scattered them on the highchair. Allison began scooping up the Cheerios and eating them one by one. Heather took notice of her sister eating and nudged Charlotte.  “My sister says she’s hungry and she’s eating Cheerios!” Charlotte nodded and glanced at Allison enjoying her pre-dinner snack.  She then glanced at Heather, somehow feeling more intrigued at being around her.  She glanced at the picture that she drew and smiled.  “Can I see your picture?”  Charlotte held out her placemat, which displayed a bunch of random colors all over the placemat.  “This is mine!” Heather nodded as she carefully studied Charlotte’s attempt coloring.  Unlike Charlotte’s haphazard coloring job, Heather carefully chose her colors and every one was neatly colored within the line.  “You didn’t stay in the lines!” Heather said, reminding Charlotte by pointing at her placemat with waving hands. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders.  “I didn’t want to stay in the lines.  The colors just wanted to escape!” Heather laughed at Charlotte’s explanation.  “Why would the colors escape?  Are they afraid?” Charlotte continued talking to her cousin as they all waited for their food to arrive.  For some reason, Charlotte was finding herself more and more engaged with Heather’s company.  Their conversation shifted to playing with Barbies and they laughed when Charlotte discussed a game that she liked to play with her Barbies and stuffed animals. Charlotte’s conversation was cut short when she felt a tap on her shoulder by her mother. “Charlie dear,” Darcy said with a smile.  “Your food is here.  Eat your cheeseburger.” Darlene was giving Heather a similar reminder and both girls looked equally disappointed at having their conversation cut short.  Darlene glanced at Charlotte and smiled.  “Aw!  It looks like Heather and Charlotte are really having a good time tonight!” Darcy nodded.  “Charlotte’s quite the social butterfly!  She made a friend named Gabrielle at school and she’s going to her birthday party at the bowling alley this Sunday.” Darlene smiled.  “She’s going bowling?  That would be fun to take Heather bowling!  I’ll have to leave Allison with Daniel at home.  And you can come too!  Daniel honey, you don’t mind if I have a fun night with Darcy and our girl, do you?” Daniel nodded.  “Go head, honey!  Me and Allie will have a fun time at home, won’t we?” Allison smiled as she scooped the last of the Cheerios into her mouth. Charlotte glanced at her plate and began eating the Junior Cheeseburger.  As she was eating, globs of ketchup and mustard was getting all over her face, along with a couple pieces of melted cheese.  She was halfway through her burger when her mother touched her face with a napkin. “Hold still, honey.” Darcy told Charlotte.  “You got ketchup and mustard all over your face.  You’re quite the messy eater!” Heather, on the other hand, was taking careful bites and only getting a little bit of condiments on her face. Charlotte finished off her Junior Cheeseburger and began eating her mac and cheese.  Like the cheeseburger, there was cheese sauce all over her face, which Darcy had to wipe every few spoonfuls. Finally, Charlotte was drinking her Junior Milkshake, sucking the contents up rapidly.  She then stopped, pressing her hands against her forehead.  “Cold!” Charlotte shouted.  “So cold!” Darcy smiled.  “You’re drinking it too fast, honey.  Slow down, okay?” Charlotte cautiously drank the rest of her Junior Milkshake while glancing at Heather.  She then began to drink her water. Heather was slowly sipping her milkshake but then began to crouch down in her booster seat.  She began to make grunting sounds.  She then got out of her booster seat and ducked underneath the table. Darlene took notice and checked underneath the table.  “Heather, are you making poopies again?” Heather nodded as she let out a sigh of relief.  “I’m done mommy.”  Heather then sat in her booster seat and began to finish her milkshake until her straw began making noise. Darlene then grabbed Heather by the hand.  “I think it’s time for a change, Heather Bean.” Darcy glanced at Charlotte and smiled.  “Thanks for the reminder.  I’m going to check Charlie.”  Darcy reached her hand underneath Charlotte’s dress and pressed her padded groin.  Just as she suspected, it was soggy and squishy.  “You’re wet, dear.  Let’s get you changed.” Charlotte gasped, as she had no memory of when she soaked her Goodnite.  ‘Was it when I talked to Heather?  Or was it when I had the milkshake?’ Darlene slowed down with Heather when she saw Darcy trailing with Charlotte beside her.  “Your daughter needs a change too?  It’s okay.  Both our girls are in the same boat when it comes to potty training.” Darcy nodded and let out a weak laugh.  “I would call it a relapse for Charlotte.  She knows how to go, but these problems have been happening with her over the past month.  I can’t tell you how glad I am in having her in dresses now.  It makes this a lot easier.” Darlene nodded.  “Right?  Dresses make it easier for Heather, too!” Both moms entered the family bathroom with their girls and Darlene laid Heather on the fold-out changing table while Darcy removed Charlotte’s shoes and pulled down Charlotte’s soggy Goodnite.  Darcy wiped Charlotte with Kandoo wipes and got out a new Goodnite while Darlene was still working on wiping up Heather’s mess that she made all over herself. Charlotte glanced at Heather lying on a messy diaper and sighed.  ‘I’m glad that I’m in Goodnites.’ Charlotte thought.  ‘I never want to wear diapers.  Ever!’  She felt her mother pulling the new Goodnite with a booster pad up her legs, feeling it hug her waist and feel secure between her legs. Darcy glanced at Darlene, holding the soggy Goodnite.  “I’ll meet you back at the table.” Darlene nodded.  “Okay.  It looks like Heather gave me a very messy one this time.” Heather frowned as her mother continued to wipe her.  “It’s all yucky!  New diaper, please!” Charlotte sighed as she left the bathroom with her mother.  As much as she could agree with Heather on most things, a diaper was where she drew the line.  ‘She has her diapers, and I have my Goodnites.’ Charlotte found herself beginning to wet her Goodnite as she sat in her car seat on the way home.  ‘Wow.’ Charlotte thought.  ‘It’s like I have no bladder control anymore.  Is it starting to happen?  Am I getting younger again?’  Charlotte began to shudder at the thought of this.  ‘If I’m getting younger, that means…I’m going to be wearing diapers soon.  No.  Just no.  I just can’t!”  Charlotte sighed as she squirmed in her car seat, the Goodnite continuing to swell and drink up the new moisture. As Charlotte brushed her teeth that night, she was still deep in thought.  When she looked in the mirror, she still saw a seven-year-old girl staring back.  Part of her has gotten used to this being her new self.  But deep down, Charlotte just knew that she had already lived this part of her life before.  She knew that she had to focus on getting back to adulthood and living her normal adult life again.  But with these recent happenings, Charlotte felt like this was beginning to slip through her fingers.  Charlotte was running out of time.  She needed to resolve this problem and fast. Charlotte remembered her meeting with Mythra.  Or at least her dream of that meeting.  She wanted her pendant back.  Charlotte had to find her pendant somewhere, but where was it?  Charlotte knew that she had to keep looking if she was going to get a wish from Mythra.  Whether she was really going to get a wish from her or not, Charlotte had to hold on to some kind of hope, even if it felt like it was some kind of childish fairytale.  Charlotte was out of options and was ready to take whatever solution she could find to get herself back to normal.  Afterall, she knew that her reverse aging was not normal.  If something like this was possible, then magic can’t really be that outlandish for her to believe. Charlotte walked to her bedroom, where her mother helped Charlotte into a new Goodnite.  Charlotte waited for her mother to zip her into a new footed sleeper when she noticed her opening another drawer instead.  Her mother pulled out a large thing made of plastic and directed Charlotte to step into them.  She frowned when she glanced at her mother.  “Why am I wearing a plastic bag, mommy?” Darcy sighed.  “It’s not a Ziploc bag, sweetie.  It’s plastic pants.  You have had so many accidents that you need to wear them to bed, or you will wet the bed again.  Now you wore them last night and they worked really well.  Now let’s get them on, honey.” Charlotte sighed as she felt the durable plastic around her legs.  ‘It’s like I’m in a plastic bag.’  She was then guided by her mother to step into a footed sleeper.  She stepped into the legs, letting her mother guide her arms into the sleeves.  A sudden thought entered Charlotte’s mind.  ‘Didn’t I used to dress myself?  Now, I’m letting mom dress me.  Well, at least she lets me dress myself in the morning.’  She heard the sound of the zipper zipping up through her legs and all the way up to the collar.  Her mother then snapped the flap over the zipper. “All set, Charlie dear.” Darcy told her.  “Let’s get you tucked in. “ Darcy tucked Charlotte in her bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.  “I know that these past few days have been rough, dear.  But things are going to get better.  Trust me, my Charlie Bee.” After Darcy turned off the light switch, she left Charlotte’s room. For the next few minutes, Charlotte could not fall asleep.  All she could think about was the recent changes that were going on with her.  For some unexplainable reason, she wanted to play with Heather more.  And for one of the more negative changes, she was failing her second-grade assignments.  Just a week ago, she was getting mostly A’s.  And now, it was getting very difficult to read even a restaurant menu! Charlotte scrambled out of bed and dug her notebook out of her bag.  She sat by her nightlight and glanced at the letters, trying to read all the words: SUPER SLEUTH CHARLOTTE’S MYSTERY NOTEBOOK For solving The Mystery! Charlotte sighed in frustration as she tried to figure out what the word “mystery” even meant.  It was almost like the word was in another language.  She glanced at her own name, trying to figure out the letters and combine them.  ‘Oh no.” Charlotte thought.  ‘Pretty soon, I won’t be able to spell my own name!’ Charlotte glanced at the first page, struggling to even make sense of what the words even meant: Charlotte’s Super Secret Observations (HIGHLY CLASSIFIED) MYSTERY #1 – The Mystery of the Reverse Aging (AKA Fountain of Youth Mystery or Benjamin Button Mystery) ORIGIN AND OFFSET OF MYSTERY: Cause is still unknown.  The strange mystery began after my first run with my friends Lexi and Maya in mid August August 16th. DESCRIPTION OF MYSTERY: Being a really busy (on the verge of becoming famous) supermodel, I, Charlotte Warren, decided to take an extended vacation from my mansion in Beverly Hills to my mother’s house in Langford, California.  I gave Raymond, my chauffeur, the day off and took my Petra Gold Rolls Royce Phantom Extended north for a 17-day vacation where I didn’t have to think.  The traffic in Los Angeles was BAD on the way up but was okay for the remainder of the trip. I got to Langford with the plan of running with my friends Lexi and Maya, followed by a fun night of eating out and spending the night with them at my mother’s house.  My mother interrupts me with a wonderful gift: a pair of Bottega Veneta running shoes.  She spared no expense with this pair of designer athletic footwear.  The shoes didn’t fit at first, but then after I got ready for my run with my friends, they…fit?  Anyway, I love my BV’s and I wear them all the time on my runs now. I go on my run, and I find myself already primed for the workout.  After running, I appeared to be in some other alternate dimension.  A dream world where I was running a marathon in Paris.  When wearing the shoes, I seem to be filled with a boundless endurance where I can run fast without tiring from my pace. After the run, reality seemed to have been altered when both Lexi and Maya told me that I have always been the fastest runner.  There’s a possibility that I may have been sent to an alternate universe (NOTE: EXPLORE THEORY LATER!). Next event to suggest alternate reality: My mother told me after my run that my Lululemon shoes didn’t fit me and that my BV’s fit me perfectly, even though I can remember my mother watched me slipping on the BV’s when they didn’t fit. Besides the alternate reality, there has been three different episodes where I have undergone a reduction in my age (NOTE: ORIGINAL AGE IS 29 WITH ORIGINAL BIRTHDATE OF NOVEMBER 8TH, 1994.  WILL NEED THIS FOR GETTING BACK ONCE THE MYSTERY IS SOLVED). Episode 1: 2-Year Reduction (8/17/2024) New age was discovered to be 27 the very next morning after my sleepover with Lexi and Maya at my mother’s.  Alternate reality happened again as my Petra Gold Rolls Royce was replaced with a Diamond Black Rolls Royce Phantom (my older model). Next event to support alternate reality: Birth year was found to be 1996 instead of 1994 on my California Driver’s License (NOTE: THIS WILL BE RECURRING).  When I got home, my mother corroborated the allegedly fake license Charlotte closed her notebook in frustration.  While she could read a few of the easiest words, the words that she used to know were now difficult to understand.  “Fountain”?  “Strange”?  “Athletic”?  “Alternate”?  “Allegedly”?  All of these words and most of the others made the first page nearly impossible for Charlotte to read now. Charlotte sighed.  ‘Why can’t I read my notebook anymore?  There’s got to be something I can read!’  Charlotte then remembered the story that she recently wrote for Miss Willoughby’s class.  “My Chloe story!” Charlotte gasped. Charlotte got out her story and read it again: Once upon a time, there was a sevin year old girl named Chloe.  Now Chloe loved Barbies and Barbie dreemhouses and she maid it a goal two be just like Barbie sumday. So Chloe gru and she gru and she gru until she was 29 years old.  From all that gruing, Chloe was now a famus soopermodil and was just like Barbie.  She lived in a big house and drived in a very nice car.  She was so prowd and happy that she wantd too vissit her mommy for a while so she did. Now Chloe reallee loved two run so her mommy suprised her wif a specsell pressant   A brand new pier of runing shoes.  Chloe tryed on the shoes and was very happy.  She ran with the shoes for a wile. Weeks later, Chloe startd two get smaler.  She shrinkd and she shrinkd and she shrinkd until she was only seven years old.  When Chloe was shrinkin, no body beeleeved her.  Not even her mommy. That’s when Chloe got hersef an idea.  I will look for a powerfell fairee two turn me back to nomal Chloe sed. But Chloe didnt no where two find the fairee so she became a super slooth and began her investeegashin.  She red a book that was about a fairee so she new where to find her. Chloe in her bedrom that nite had to wish on a star to summin the fairee.  Chloe wished very hard and the fairee apaired Chloe was sad and said to the fairee I am not sevin I am 29 and I want two be my nomal age again can you please change me back. The fairee sed two Chloe you need two find the inchanted obbjict and I will grant you one wish.  It is a spesell necklelis wif a specsell ston. Okay Chloe told the fairee. The next day, Chloe fownd the necklelis in her clawset and waited until bedtime two wish on the star two summin the fairee agin. Chloe gave the fairee the necklelis and the fairee was very happy.  Okay Chloe I will grant you one wish the fairee sed. Chloe wishd that she was 29 years old agin and the fairee grantid her wish. Chloe gru and she gru and she gru until she was 29 years old again.  Like the Barbies that she use two play with, she got two liv in her big and butiful dreemhouse and drive her nice car agin.  And Chloe lived hapily ever after. The End Charlotte closed the story in frustration.  She found herself tired and exhausted, trying to read every word in her short story.  Like her notebook, the basic words that had three letters or less were easy.  But her difficulty was in understanding the words that have four letters or more.  She stuffed both notebooks back into her backpack and let out a frustrated sigh.  ‘Reading is too hard now!  Forget it!’ Charlotte returned to her bed, clutching Bobo in her arms and burying herself underneath the covers.  She loved holding Bobo and smiled as she held him in her arms.  ‘I don’t have to think.’ Charlotte thought.  ‘I don’t want to think.  I just want to play.’ Charlotte decided that math was too hard.  Reading was too hard.  It was all too hard. But none of it mattered to Charlotte anymore. Charlotte sighed as she cuddled with her stuffed best friend. Nothing else mattered.  Charlotte, feeling very exhausted and carefree, fell asleep.
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