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  1. Past hour
  2. Some diapers are.better then others. Look for.ones with tight fitting leg gathers. And the correct size
  3. I usually change with in 15 to 30.min. But i have stayed in up to 2.hr. i don't really do long term diapers with the exception of my nighttime diaper which averages 10 to 12 hours .
  4. Every night for years. I.started wetting the bed again to.
  5. Part 15 It seems strange that only a few months ago I could never remember any of my dreams but now, well, they were occupying my day as well as night. My imagination was making things real whether I was awake or asleep and it was happening more and more. After identifying with Adam earlier in the evening, I was suffering another frustrating dream featuring him as I slept. We were at school, and he was wearing his padded protection, except he was complaining to anyone who’d listen that it was me who was forcing him to wear it. I was desperately trying to tell him he could wear what he liked and explaining that I only wore diaper stuff from time to time. The confusing thing was this, although I knew I was wearing my protection, every time I opened my shorts to show him, I was padded, there was no padding just a normal pair of briefs. Adam was surrounded by his school friends, who were all looking at his bulky pants, commenting and mocking him. The fact that I couldn’t prove he wasn’t alone in wearing diapers to school was making him feel vulnerable. I felt awful because I wanted him to see I was on his side, but it just looked like I was trying to make him look bad. Kenny wasn’t in this dream. In fact, everyone but him was there and were all watching Adam who was trying to hide away in embarrassment. I was trying to tell him it was OK and that he wasn’t alone but, that was proving a problem, it was as if I wasn’t there. The trouble with dreams is that they seem so true. I was convinced I only wanted to help but appeared to be making it worse. Adam began crying as his classmates began to pick on him even more and, although I felt his pain, I could do nothing. His pitiful weeping woke me up a little, and as I was coming round, realized I was in bed and only dreaming so, relieved, I fell back to sleep. The only thing was… the dream would start all over again… and that was for the third or fourth time. *** Although still fairly dozy, hearing my bedroom door close had woken me up but I could still hear sobbing and voices. I got up and opened my door and there was auntie just checking in on Jake. She saw me and looked at my bedraggled state and came over to hug me. “I thought I heard voices. Is mom home?” I babbled sleepily. “I heard someone crying.” “It’s OK Si,” Auntie was soothing as always. “Shh, shhhh, your mom is having a bath… and you my little sweetheart were having a bad dream.” She guided me back to my bed, even though I wanted to see and talk to mom. “You can speak to her in the morning. Now let’s get you all tucked…” She paused when she realized that my bed was wet through. “Oh Si, seems like it was more of a nightmare than a dream.” She sat me on the chair next to my desk. “Wait there and let me fix this.” I was still very drowsy, but auntie soon had my bed stripped, mattress turned and it all remade in moments as I was trying to work out what was happening. Once the bed was done auntie turned her attention to me. My sodden t-shirt and boxers were removed, I was wiped clean, powdered and put into a very thick terry cloth diaper, which she pinned into place. “OK young man, now you’re all clean and tidy, lift up your legs.” I sleepily lifted them up and she slipped a pair of thick plastic pants into place. “There, all done. You should be OK now.” I slowly wondered back to bed and auntie tucked me in, ran her hand through my hair and wished me ‘night-night’ once again. Before she went, I asked her, “Is mom OK? I heard crying.” She came back to my bed and again ran her hand through my hair. “Oh sweetheart, it was you who was crying. Your mom just popped her head in because she heard you… but you stopped once she’d kissed and tucked you in.” I didn’t understand. It was Adam who was crying in my dream not me and I definitely heard crying when I woke up. Surely it wasn’t me who was in tears? “I’ll tell your mom to come and talk to you when she’s finished her bath. You’re obviously worried about… something. In the meantime, you’re well-padded, your mom’s home… and we all love you so try and go back to sleep… everything will be fine.” I don’t know if mom came back to chat because the diaper was so comforting I fell asleep almost immediately and didn’t wake up until I had to get up for school. *** As I pulled back the covers and saw my thick protection the events of the night came back to me and for some reason, I felt tears in my eyes once again. I wasn’t sure why, perhaps I was just upset at Adam being upset. Maybe it was wetting the bed and having auntie come to clean me up. Then I remembered that auntie had said it was me who was crying and crying loud enough to bring mom to check in on me. I wasn’t sure why I should suddenly be so tearful but, whatever the reason I was a bit nervous about getting dressed and seeing everyone at breakfast. In the end I stripped out of my night ‘defense’, washed and, with a reassuring pair of pull-ups in place, ventured downstairs. “Morning sweetie,” Mom said as she held out her arms for me to give her a hug. “Are you alright now… you had a bit of a rough night?” I hugged mom tightly. “I missed you mom.” She held me in a tight embrace and then gently patted my slightly padded bottom to signify it was time for release. “I missed you as well.” Jake was eating his breakfast, so I suppose he’d already done all his hugging. “It’s been a busy time for us all… what with Jake at Jeremy’s, you and Kenny, and Auntie Rose having to…” she left it unsaid but I knew what she was referring to. Like Jake I was dressed in my uniform and ready for school, but wanted to know about mom’s trip and if she had made a decision - were we moving? “Is that what’s been worrying you?” She looked sympathetically at me. She spread her arms again and invited both Jake and me into her embrace. “No, for the moment anyway, we aren’t going anywhere.” I was so relieved and cried with happiness, and so did my brother. A huge cloud had been lifted and even if it was overcast outside, at least it was sunny for the two of us. *** I was full of smiles when I met Kenny. “We’re not moving.” The huge grin that appeared on his face told me he was happy with the news before he came over and gave me a big hug. “That’s fantastic.” “Mom says we are staying here. I’m so pleased. I was worried I might lose…” Once again Kenny supplied the rest of my sentence by hugging me even tighter and whispering in my ear. “I’d hate it if you weren’t here… and my friend,” then sighed a little as he secretly kissed my ear. A thrill ran through my body. My best friend was hugging and kissing me in public and I was wriggling happily in his embrace enjoying every second. “Do you want to come over to my house this weekend?” He murmured so no one else would hear. Our bare legs were brushing up against each other and I didn’t want the feeling to stop. The tightness in my pull-ups I hoped was matched by a similar sensation for Kenny but eventually we pulled away. I nodded yes… then realized that this would be the first time I’d stayed at his place. I’d visited his home when we’d gone up to the lake, but I’d never been inside, on that occasion we were in just too much of a hurry to set off. So, for the rest of the week I was imagining what his room would be like. *** Kenny lived at the opposite end of town to where we were so it wasn’t a place where I could just nip over to play with him when I wanted. Lifts had to be organized, and although I had a bike, and the streets were fairly safe, mom was never keen for either Jake or me cycling too far away from home. So, believe it or not, we didn’t socialize much out of school because of the distance. So, a trip to Kenny’s house was going to be quite an event, well at least that’s how I built it up in my mind. Because of the way Kenny always spoke I had this image in my mind just what his bedroom would look like. It would be colorful, possibly pink, there would be cartoon posters or wallpaper, soft lighting, a little table and chair like I had, and the room would be full of soft toys and kid’s games and there’d also be a mobile hanging down over a crib… not a bed. For some reason I just assumed he would have taken the whole ‘babyish’ thing to the limit and his mommy and daddy would let him sleep in a nursery and be more than happy to go along with it. *** Mom was needed back at head office for the weekend so, once she’d dropped me off Friday night and handed me my backpack, auntie had Jake all to herself. Kenny had said that he hoped we could spend the entire weekend in our onesies, but I wasn’t sure if that would happen. I had my blue and yellow shorty and my white (like a rabbit) long one, neither of which I thought appropriate for such a length of time. I also brought the ‘special’ outfit that matched with Kenny’s and hoped we’d get the opportunity to do as auntie had suggested – ‘mix ’n’ match’. At the door auntie had a few words with Mrs Morrison and I overheard her say that Kenny had been very excited about his time spent at our house and how much he’d loved the things she’d made for him and me. Mrs Morrison seemed genuinely pleased to meet mom’s sister and complimented her on her design and sewing prowess. I think the conversation, which auntie seemed delighted about, would have gone on longer except that Jake was with her and she’d promised him a visit to the movies. As we waved auntie and Jake off Mrs Morrison beamed her friendliest smile and said that she hoped I’d enjoy what was planned. Kenny was, as usual, all enthusiasm and smiles, so I eagerly joined in the general feeling of happiness that his mommy seemed to radiate. *** For some reason I was sad that Mr Morrison was on duty for the entire weekend, and it was down to his wife to keep us boys entertained. He’d been a lively and inventive ‘games’ organizer up at the lake and I also liked his relaxed attitude to being naked. Actually, when I thought about it, none of the Morrison family were shy about how they dressed (or not), and up at the lake it was often the bare minimum to wander around in. Unlike so many of the other boys Kenny was not fazed when changing in the locker room, it just never occurred to him to be anything other than relaxed when it came to dressing or undressing. I know Jake and I are fairly casual about being naked in front of each other, but we’re brothers so I don’t suppose that counts. Kenny led me to his room to stow my backpack and I was truly amazed at what I saw. Apart from the array of stuffed animals it was nothing like I had pictured it would be. The walls were painted a dark blue, his little bed was black with a blue two-tone duvet, the black wooden floor was shiny and there wasn’t a thing out of place. His clothes were stored in two big black closets, and he had a huge set of drawers, also in black. It was across the top of this where his collection of teddy bears and animals sat. On his desk were a collection of framed photographs; one of his mommy and daddy, one of the family and seven of Kenny and me together… one of which was the image of him and me in our thick protection up at the lake… we did look silly, innocent and cute. I wanted to get a copy. *** He opened one of his closets and it contained his onesies and piles of diapers and stuff, not unlike my own, except his were beautifully arranged. In the second closet were all his other clothes; school uniform, Sunday best, suits, shirts and shorts. I thought his mommy must have been very well organized, but he told me it was he who had sorted everything to how he wanted it. He emptied my backpack and hung my clothes up in a little space he had left just for my clothes. There was no computer or TV around, just a clock radio on his nightstand and again, another photo of me and him, which I didn’t know had been taken, talking to one of the scouts. I could see why he wanted that particular image as the boy in the uniform looked stunning. Kenny told me to make myself at home, but his room was just so tidy that I felt a bit nervous of doing anything that would spoil the look of the place. I asked him if it was always this clean and he giggled nervously as he told me he loved dusting, polishing and sweeping the entire house. He said that as both his mommy and daddy had busy jobs he’d learned early on to help out. He could do these little tasks, which were appreciated, and the more praise he got, again he giggled, the more pride he took in keeping up his good work. I wondered if Jake and me would ever be that thoughtful but remembered that Kenny is nothing less than an angel so it was quite fitting, he should think of others. *** As he showed me around, Kenny was dressed in his soccer kit; just shorts and team jersey and didn’t appear to be padded at all. As usual I was wearing shorts and t-shirt and I had my pull-ups on, which I have to say, I was wearing more often than my briefs these days. Unlike our house Kenny’s was all on one floor, although he did say they had a basement, which I hadn’t seen yet. But like us, they had a huge back garden although in it they had a little ‘summer house’ painted pink and pale blue, that Mr Morrison had built himself. It looked like it was straight from the pages of a cartoon book, and I imagined three little pigs or Snow White living there. It was really very nice, and Kenny was very proud of it, telling me that he often went there to read or write. He said that in the summer months the family spent nearly all their time in the garden and using the little house. I asked him where the three little pigs and Snow White went when that happened, and he looked at me strangely. I then realized I’d only thought about those characters I hadn’t said it out loud. I felt rather silly. Once I explained my ‘joke’ he laughed, and we went inside where he showed me some paintings and drawings he’d done over the past few months. He was particularly proud of one he’d done of me sitting on a fence wearing my, sorry, his old blue checked shorts. I even remembered the incident because I was exhausted with all the running around and had just stopped to pull up my diaper. I think I could even make out the bulge under the shorts. Still, I was quite delighted that he’d used me as a subject and the job he’d done wasn’t bad at all. I think you could definitely tell who it was… if you knew me. *** My best friend had even more talent than I realized, and he said he wanted to paint me again sometime during the visit. I got quite excited at the prospect and wondered if he wanted me to dress up as a cowboy, a gladiator (we’d been learning about them in class) a soccer player or maybe his favorite pop star. Then I realized that he’d asked me to bring my onesie, so I assumed that would be how I was to be captured for eternity. When it began to get colder, we went in and he showed me their basement – it was like a sports center. The area was huge and had a pool table, table-tennis table, weight training equipment, a running and rowing machine, a TV, sofas and chairs and at the far end there was a screened-off part that Kenny said was a bedroom for guests. I was a bit stunned and wondered if this would be where I’d be sleeping but Kenny quickly allayed my fears when he said that usually his grandparents used it on their visits. “Oooh good,” I let out a relieved sigh, “I thought it was where I might be sleeping.” Kenny shook his head. “No way!” He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me through his long thick lashes. “I don’t think I could sleep knowing you were nearby… but not with me.” “Does your father like to work out?” I said surveying all the equipment. “Yes, he’s a bit conscious of keeping fit for his job. In fact, mommy and daddy both use this stuff regularly.” I was about to ask if he did as well, but he continued. “Daddy won it, well most of it, in a competition.” He pointed to various bits of heavy training machinery. “But daddy thinks that most of it might be too much for me… he only lets me use some of it.” He sat at the rowing machine and gave a few pulls, then got up and let me try. As I stretched my shorts rode up showing him my pull-ups and he could see the cartoon character on the front. “I’ve got some like those,” he smiled, “mommy thinks they look cute.” I nodded as I tried to make the ‘rowing’ look easy, but I soon tired of that game. We snuggled up on one of the sofas and turned on the TV, it was tuned into a sports channel and was showing some European soccer. Kenny was interested so, even though I wasn’t, I curled up close to him and we watched until we were called to dinner. *** After the meal Mrs Morrison turned on the computer, they had it hooked up to the huge TV in their living room and started to show me some of the fantastic photographs that were taken on our trip to the lake. Mrs Morrison was very funny with some of her comments, and we had to keep going back to certain shots because we’d missed them with laughing so much. I wanted copies of everything, yes even the ones of us in our diapers and rubber pants – Mrs Morrison called us ‘The Protection Boys’ and had done a sequence of images and short video clips, which she’d made up a story for - we were investigating ‘The Disappearance of… the Fish.” The way Kenny was laughing, hiding in embarrassment, and squealing with delight I guessed he hadn’t seen this version before and I was so happy to be included in the Morrison family photo album. We watched it twice more and were in equal fits of laughter each time, it was very funny and loads better than the DVD we’d had at my house. Mrs Morrison was giggling as much as we were, and I marveled at how inventive she was to come up with such a fantastic idea. Time just seemed to shoot by and before we knew it was time for bed. I could have sat and watched it again but as I got up Mrs Morrison handed me a silver disc. She’d written on it in marker pen; ‘The Lake and the Strange Case of the Disappearing Fish’ starring Simon Hudson… I held it for a few seconds in wonder, not really believing I had a copy of my own… then excitedly hugged her tightly in thanks. *** After we’d washed and brushed our teeth we returned to Kenny’s bedroom. I was half expecting to see his bed festooned with diapers and stuff, or at least his mother there to make sure we were well padded for the night but… no. Kenny stripped off down to his briefs, so I stripped off down to my pull-ups and we stood looking at each other. Kenny said that he thought I looked really good in the rubber pants at the lake and wondered if I liked them as well. I nodded. His mother tapped on the door and asked quietly if we boys needed any help? “No thanks mommy… we can do it ourselves.” He said as he looked straight into my eyes. “OK then, good night boys.” We chorused a return good night. “Don’t stay up too long and I’ll check on you when I come to bed.” “Thanks mommy… good night.” He moved over to his closet and pulled out two disposable diapers. He nodded at my pull-ups as if to say it was time to lose them and I slowly shimmied them down. He lay out a padded waterproof mat and indicated for me to lie out, which I did. He got some oils and lotions and, as if I was a baby, rubbed everything in making sure I was well moisturized before applying the powder. Once he was happy, and I was trying not to giggle or be too embarrassed he fastened me into the double-diapers, pulling at the tapes tightly to make sure I was held in a diaper embrace. He then went and collected a couple of pairs of rubber pants. He pushed my feet into the air and fitted me into one of them. I assumed the other was for him, but I was wrong. This first pair was small and pulling them up to my waist they gripped me and everything very tightly. He then quickly slid the other pair over them, so I was very bulky and snug. Well perhaps snug isn’t the correct word but I certainly wasn’t going to be running anywhere soon. *** He stood back and gauged his work before going to the closet and getting out a onesie I hadn’t seen before. It was made of shiny nylon. Actually, it was made from the same material auntie had made the ‘special’ quilted diapers from, and it looked very new and glossy. It was pink, Kenny’s favorite color, with blue cuffs. He guided it over my head, fed my arms through and fastened the pop studs between my legs. I thought I looked like a very bulky shiny doll but the look of happiness on Kenny’s face told me he liked what he saw. He bent down and kissed me slightly on the lips and pulled me to my feet. “Do you like it?” His smile told me even more. “You look fantastic.” He murmured. I looked in the mirror and, although at first, I wasn’t too sure, as Kenny stroked his hand over the silky fabric and across my padded bottom, I began to enjoy the attention and, if I was honest, quite liked the reflection. Kenny walked over to his closet and said, “Right, your turn.” I looked a bit quizzically at him. “You can use anything in here… you just dress me as you’d like to see me.” And with that he pulled off his briefs, and, ever tidy, placed them in his wash basket, and stood naked waiting for me to make my move. *** tbc ***
  6. Theirs a big difference between kids playing with toys and building with toys...your thinking of giggling running around play most small children ingage in. That burns off excess energy But when kids use building toys they get all quit and quite images on their project same with art and drawing... its a different type of play
  7. Today
  8. Chapter 6: What Sean Wants To Do With Me I came back down wearing a pair of shorts and Uncle Sean had the stew on the table for me. “What are you wearing?” Uncle Sean asked. “Just a pair of shorts.” He sighed. “You don’t plan to go to the toilet until you can’t hold it anymore, do you?” I looked down. “I just want to be a big girl like my sisters.” He nodded. “Well, I already think you are a big girl like them. Whether you go to the toilet or not is not going to make you a big girl or a baby.” “It’s not?” “No. But wearing wet shorts against your privates for any length of time is going to make you very uncomfortable.” “But I don’t pee my pants in the day…,” but I had to stop. I do too, now. I just did it today, just before. I lowered my head. “I used to not to.” Uncle Sean got up and walked over and kneeling behind my hair, he whispered in my ear. “Honey, you don’t,” he told me. “You were out back there, and the toilet was too far away. It doesn’t count if you pee your pants out where the animals are, okay?” “It doesn’t?” “No. But I do have another idea, if you’d like to try it so you really don’t need to pee your pants out back there.” “I … um… what is it?” “Well, you can wear a skirt, and hopefully you are wearing regular panties and not your bedtime things?” “I am….” “Well, if you wear a skirt, then you can just pee in front of me, and you can adjust your panties so they get out of the way of the pee, and your skirt will cover you so you won’t have to be scared of being watched.” “Um….” “It’s okay,” Sean put a hand on my shoulder. “I’d really like you to do this for me.” “Why?” “Because I don’t want you holding it until I go back to the house all the time. I won’t get my chores done if I keep bringing you back, and I don’t want you holding it like that anymore. I promise, this compromise will mean you can pee when you want, and you won’t be going in your pants.” “Okay,” I sighed. “If you want me to….” “I do, sweetheart.” After lunch, Uncle took me by the hand and led me up to the bathroom. “Go ahead and try just so you start out comfortable,” he told me. “Then I’ll show you some more of the fences I want to fix.” “Okay.” He closed the door for me, and didn’t watch, but I still couldn’t get any to come out. I had already done it in my pants earlier, so with a sigh, I pulled up my skirt that Uncle insisted that I wear, and after washing my hands, I came out of the bathroom. “Just let me know when you want to go potty again,” Uncle told me. “If you let me know that’s what you want to do, and you go where I tell you I think is safe, I won’t come looking for you until you’ve had time to go, okay?” I nodded. “But I don’t really care if you watch me. Anyway, wasn’t the skirt so I can just go in front of you and you won’t have to see?” “I did say that, yeah. But still, people usually like a little privacy, and as long as it’s same to do so, I’d like to give you your privacy, sweetie.” “Okay.” We started to go out back and we peeked on Olive-Spot first thing. She was in the pasture, but Uncle pointed her out from a far. “We don’t want to disturb them while they are out there. See?” He pointed at rather large imposing black bull. “He’ll run us through if we disturb his family without reason. He can be ornery, but I keep him because I know with him around, wolves are going to think twice before trying to get in at our other animals.” “What about the dog?” I pointed at the dog that was lying close by. “Oh, that was Toby’s dog,” Uncle Sean frowned. “He’s very gentle, but since Toby died, we hadn’t really been expecting much from him, and now he’s pretty old. I just take care of it because that’s what Toby would have wanted.” “He doesn’t come into the house.” “No, he doesn’t. He hasn’t been in the house since maybe a week after Toby died. At first, he had been banished from coming in because of grief, and we didn’t really know what we were doing. We blamed the poor sweet animal, but once our senses came back to us, he hasn’t really found a desire to come into the house after that.” “Poor dog.” “Yeah. Humans can be very cruel when we are grieving a loss.” I looked sadly at the dog. “He’s very gentle. If you wanted to, I think think he’d let you pet him.” I nodded and started to slowly approached him. The dog’s tail thumped on the dirt and he lowered his head into my hand. “What do you know of the boy’s death?” I asked him. “It’s name is Ore,” Uncle Sean told me at last. “Toby asked where gold came from, and he was only four at the time, but when I told him its from a rock, an ore, I don’t think he really understood, but he liked the name Ore, so that’s been the dog’s name ever since.” “I’ve never heard you call its name.” “No. I don’t really feel that attached to Ore. It’s probably because I’m afraid that if I get too close to him…, well, I don’t know exactly. I just don’t want to get too close to him.” “But it’s okay if I do?” “Sure,” Uncle Sean said. “I don’t think Ore had anything at all to do with Toby’s accident. It was just a tragic thing that happened, and he was probably found there, because he was trying to help him.” I nodded. “So, you are sure it’s not the dog’s fault, but you still don’t really forgive him?” “No, honey, there is nothing to forgive. I don’t blame Ore at all. I just don’t have it in my heart to really love him right now, and I think Ore understands. Dogs are very smart creatures.” “It’s still sad,” I looked up at Uncle Sean as I pet the old dog. “I bet Ore could be a lot more help around the farm than I could be.” “Maybe,” Uncle Sean smiled. “But sometimes, things are really hard, honey.” “I know. And it’s like you said. I think Ore knows, and I think he’s still around because he forgives you for blaming him. He’s probably just waiting for you to accept him again.” Uncle Sean frowned and looked down. “Well, we have some fences to mend.” “Can Ore come?” “He’s a free creature. He can do what he likes.” I called him, and we all walked towards the first of many fences that Uncle wanted to fix. We came to a broken section that had several missing boards for nearly three parts of the fence. This was where he kept some goats, and I could see the goats just beyond, grazing on the grass out there. “What kind of animals are those?” I asked wondering because I had not seen a goat up close before, and the pictures of them always showed them all with horns. “Those are goats, sweetheart.” “Where are their horns?” “Horns?” he chuckled. “Well, not all goats have horns.” I frowned. “They don’t?” “No, sweetheart.” He started to measure some points on the first pole, where he’d replace one of the boards that was broken off, and then he measured points on another pole, and he smiled up at me. “We’ll be replacing the boards between these poles.” “Those don’t look dangerous,” I told Uncle Sean. “Now. I’m not going to be replacing the fence anywhere near the dangerous animals,” he told me. “Not while you are out here with me. The further you are kept from the more aggressive animals, the better.” “Okay.” “Sweetheart? How strong are you?” Uncle Sean asked me. I balled up my fist and rose my arm like you see those men that show off their muscles do, and I presented my little lump in my arm at him. It wasn’t very big at all, but it was stiff. It didn’t sag the way Popeye’s arm did before he ate his spinach. Uncle Sean felt my arm, and he gave me a serious looked. “Okay, then let’s see.” I looked up at him. “I’m going to put this board up here, and use this other one to hold it in place. I’d like you to hold the piece that holds it in place, and lean on the main fence board so I can work on the other side of the fence hammering it into place. Can you try that?” “Of course! I’m strong,” I said proudly. “Okay, but if it gets too heavy or it hurts your hands, you are to jump back and away from it so the board doesn’t hit you, understand?” I looked up at him. “I mean it, tiger. I don’t want you getting hurt. How about we practice you jumping away first?” I looked up at him. Was this for real? He held the boards together and I watched, and then I saw him jump back releasing the boards. “Can you do it just like that?” I nodded. He did it a few times with me until I laughed about it. He smiled, too. Though I knew he didn’t want me to get hurt, I couldn’t tell if he was doing this for practice, or if he was kind of playing with me, but he did make it fun to practice. “Okay,” he smiled as it seemed I had caught on. “One more thing. If you see a snake, try not to move. Most snakes are not aggressive if you don’t move. You are a little too big for most of them to be interested in eating you, and if you are quiet and don’t move, then you are not a threat to them, either.” “Okay.” “You stay perfectly still if you see one, and even if I yell at you, you stay still. I’ll come and see why you are not responding to me, and I’d rather you disobey me and not get bit than you try to come when I call you, and the snake get scared and bite you. Okay?” “Okay.” The other end of the board wasn’t that far away though. I think he could have easily seen if a snake was near me, but maybe he was just trying to teach me how not to get bit if I wasn’t near him. I wasn’t sure. He sure didn’t like me being far from him though. He was really upset earlier when I just went to find a broom to help him. I don’t know how long it took to repair those three sections, but I was kind of hot out there, though by then, we’d been outside pretty much all morning, and at least an hour into the afternoon. “Are you drinking your water?” Uncle Sean asked me. “Oh, I’m not thirsty,” I told him. I was hot, but I didn’t really think about drinking anything until he asked about it. He had given me a strange container to drink from when we came back from lunch. “It’s a water flask,” he had told me when we came out earlier. “It’s what the pioneers used when they were traveling west.” “I thought they used canteens,” I said referring to the rounded things I had seen on the westerns. “No, sweetie, those were used some later, but most people used water flasks first. Canteens were invented a lot later.” “They were?” Anyway, I pulled my flask off my hip, it was dangling there tied around a belt Uncle Sean had put on me. I thought the belt as to hold my skirt up at first, but when he put the water thing there, then I understood why it wasn’t doing anything to hold the skirt, not that the skirt needed it. It fit me just fine thought it was kind of stained from me always sitting on the ground back at home. “Go ahead, honey. Drink some,” he smiled and took a drink from his own flask. “We still have a lot of work to do, and I don’t want you getting tired or too hot out here.” “Okay.” Though I didn’t understand why he said he didn’t want me to get tired, or what water had to do with it. Section by section, we repaired the three segments of the fence that Uncle Sean wanted, and I was really helping him. I could hold up one side of the board, well, at least keep it held up and in place with the stick Uncle asked me to hold against the loose wood, and he even let me hit the fence several times with the hammer. The first time I tried to use the hammer, it was a little harder than I thought. “That’s it,” Uncle Sean encouraged me. “Now, step to the side, and swing the hammer at the nail.” I did what he said, and then it hit the wood instead, denting it some. I looked down. “Honey, try again,” he one hand on my shoulder. “Do you think I hit he nail perfectly the first time I tried?” “But you at least hit the nail?” I asked. “No, sweetheart. I didn’t. The nail is a very small surface, and it takes practice to hit it. “Now, no giving up, okay? Shelley keeps telling me how much help you are, and you can’t be much help if you give up so easily, now can you?” I frowned shaking my head. “I’m not giving up. I just didn’t want to ruin your fence.” “Baby, we are replacing this area because it was already damaged. It won’t hurt anything if we have to put a few extra nails in, alright?” “Okay.” “Now, try again. You can do it.” I missed the nail like ten or twenty times, but Uncle kept telling me to hit it until finally, I did! I hit it. I got so excited, I nearly forgot what the goal was and was jumping up and down excited that I pushed the nail in a little bit more. “Sweetheart, sweetie! Baby! Samantha!” Uncle had to call at me several times before I looked up from celebrating. “The nail isn’t all the way in, yet. Please do it again.” “Oh,” I felt my face get a little red. “It’s okay,” he chuckled. “I can’t remember one kid that didn’t get excited the first time they hit the nail right, myself included. But we can’t forget about the fence, okay?” “Yes, sir.” He rubbed my head. “Hit the nail, baby.” I took aim, and missed the nail three more times, and then hit it hard, and it sank some more. Uncle smiled at me and nodded at the board each time, and eventually, I got the nail in. “Shelley was right. You really are a great help, sweetie!” I felt myself blush again. I don’t know why they said I was help, but it felt good every time they did, and I did get the nail in all by myself, too. We left the goats, and Uncle took me to the produce growing area, where he had potatoes, watermelon, and other things growing. “I’m going to enter that one at the fair contest next month,” Uncle Sean pointed out a giant watermelon. “I’ve been working on that one for sometime, and I think it might be the biggest one yet.” “Am I going to the fair, too?” I asked. “Of course, sweetie. We’ll not be leaving you out of any of the fun this summer.” I smiled. We waded through fields with onions, cucumbers, and others things, too. Uncle showed me what he as doing as we went through the fields. I was drinking my water properly now as it got really hot, and Uncle was drinking his, too. “How are you feeling, baby?” he asked me after we had done a lot of amazing things. I could now see why Uncle spent a long time out in the field, but it made me wonder why daddy didn’t. “Great!” I said smiling up at him. He put an arm around me. “I need a moment, but I don’t want you anywhere dangerous, so can you hang out over here?” he asked me directing me a place where I could see the horses. “Yeah. I can wait here for you.” I didn’t want to be a problem for Uncle. I looked at the prized watermelon and some of the other things they were growing while Uncle took a little time to do something he didn’t want me to see. I supposed that if he wasn’t taking me back to the house, like every five minutes, then maybe he was doing the same thing he would have wanted me to do…. I didn’t really mind though. I’d pulled my pants down at our own place when I was by myself in the fields, only if daddy caught me, and he sometimes did, I’d get it for behaving like an animal instead of a little girl. “Now, we can go ahead and go start rounding up the animals,” Uncle told me. “It’s about time to start directing them back to their sleeping places so they can be safe for the night. As I told you before, there are dangerous things out there, even things that can kill the larger animals.” “Yes, sir.” He rubbed my head and then took me by the hand as we went to get the goats first. Uncle didn’t want me to go anywhere without telling him, and I kind of understood, now, that it wasn’t that he was controlling me, but because he really thought there were things out there that could hurt me. I still thought he was just being a worrier though because snakes had never bothered me before, and I was assured that our place back home had a lot of them, too. He let me touch one of the goats for a moment after we put them in their little inside space. “You’re a cute little guy,” I told the goat I touched on the head. It looked at me with its rather large round eyes. “That one is Splutterdiggs,” Uncle told me. “That’s a funny name.” “Well, I call him that because of the way he behaves, sweetie. He can be ornery at times.” We left the goats, and Uncle Sean put a hand around my shoulder as we walked out towards the cows. “It’s pretty out here,” I told Uncle as I saw the sky starting to take on a sort of an orange-like hue. “It is, sometimes, yeah,” he smiled down at me. “This is why I live out here, and have never really liked it in the city. Cities are crowded, you nearly never see the stars at night, and it’s hard to find an open enough space to even see the sky change colors in the early morning or the late evenings.” I nodded. I didn’t know what he was talking about since I had lived on a farm all my life and had known nothing but the large expansive sky overhead. Daddy never got me up early enough, really, to enjoy the early morning, and I rarely ever saw the sky change colors in the evening because I always had to be inside long before that. We came upon the cows, and Uncle Sean pointed out a place behind where the main gate swung open. “I want you behind there,” he told me. “Why?” “Sometimes, the cows can come charging out of the gate, and they aren’t going to run into the fence because it hurts them to do so, for the most part.” “Oh.” Uncle then walked into the area, and as he did so, he grabbed some rope that was hanging off a pole of the fence. I kind of wanted to pee. Uncle told me the reason for wearing a skirt was so I could pee in front of him and not have to worry about being watched, but I had panties on. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to not get my panties wet, so I kept holding it. I’d ask him after he finished getting the cows to come out of the pasture. Though Uncle had worried about them charging out of the fence, it seemed they were pretty calm at this time, and Uncle was leading one of the brown cows, closely behind it, the big strong snorting bull was in tow, and then the other cows were coming along. I saw Olive-Spot, and I came out from behind the fence and walked towards her. The big cow next to her lowered her head at me, and looked into my eyes with one of her great orbs as if daring me to touch her baby. “I’m not going to hurt her, I promise,” I crossed my heart with my fingers at the cow. “We’re just taking you home so your baby will be safe.” The cow kept staring at me, and she swished her tail, but she seemed to let me walk with them just the same. We got the cows put into their holding areas, and I hurried to Uncle’s side. “Excuse me, sir?” He bent down and pushed a stand of hair from my eyes and around my ear. “Yes, sweetheart?” “I have to pee….” He nodded. “If you want a little privacy, we can walk around to the back, and then I’ll wait around the corner for you.” “Well, you said that it’s dangerous, and you told me I’m wearing a skirt so I can just do it, but I’m not sure how to keep my panties dry if I just do it.” “Oh, well, you and turn around and pull your panties off, and hold them while you go, and spread your legs out a bit, but stand up kind of straight, and it should just go straight to the ground. You can go ahead and remove your panties in here, and I’ll turn my back until you take them off.” I looked up at him. “And it’s okay to do this?” “Sweetie, anything is better than you running off on your own. If you are uncomfortable doing this, then you can go around the corner from me, or if that’s scary, you can even just wet through your panties, it’s up to you, sweetheart.” “I don’t pee my pants, Uncle.” “I know, sweetheart. That’s why I insisted you wear a skirt, so you have some options open that still kind of keep you decent, but will let you pee without it getting all over you.” “That’s still kind of like peeing my pants, though, isn’t it?” I asked Uncle. “Honey, what do you mean? If you spread your legs and pee on the ground under your skirt, the only thing that will get wet, if you don’t remove them, is your panties.” I looked down. “I… I don’t want to pull down my panties outside.” “You don’t have to, honey.” “But then I’ll be wetting my pants?” He sighed. “Well, I’m almost done out here anyway. If you promise to go straight to the house, and don’t come back out after you are done. Just play or something in the house if Shelley isn’t back?” “But you don’t want me to go to the house by myself?” “It’s not my first choice, no,” he frowned. “We are still a little ways from it, and if you met a snake or something on the way….” I sighed and looked down. “I’ve not seen a snake at all, though.” “I know. They usually hide around very large animals, but I still worry about you.” “I… do you want me to wet my pants?” I whispered up at him trying to get a read. “No, sweetheart. I don’t want you to do anything that would scare you or make you feel bad. Wetting your pants at eight years old doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in yourself.” “So…, you are saying…?” I asked. He frowned at me. “Honey? Don’t you understand? I’m saying I don’t want you to do anything that makes you feel bad about yourself.” “So…?” He sighed. “Don’t pee your pants, baby.” “I don’t know how long I can wait.” “Okay. Well, you can go behind a building and I’ll be around a corner in case you need me, you can just go under your skirt, or you can go back home.” “But you don’t want me to walk back to the house on my own.” “No, honey, I don’t want that, but if it’s the only way to not make you pee your pants, then I don’t see what choice I have. Your health and happiness come first.” “I can hold it.” “No, sweetie. That’s the one thing I do not want you to do anymore. You’re holding it too long, and as it is, I bet you’ve already been waiting, haven’t you?” I looked down. “Yes sir.” “So either way, you need to pee right now. The options are, around the corner, under your skirt or back at the house.” I squirmed for a moment. “I… I don’t want to worry you, so I’ll do it here, but….” “You don’t know if you want to do it under your skirt or around a corner?” I nodded. “How about this? Just reach inside your skirt and pull your panties off, and you can do that over there behind the hay bails, and then we can come outside, and you can pee on the ground, and then you can go back behind the hay bails to put your panties back on?” “I won’t be able to wipe.” “I know, but at least you won’t have to pee in your panties, and we can have you change your panties when we get back to the house.” “Okay.” I understood why he didn’t want me to just pee behind the hay bails, because they were still inside the building. And at least, this way, I didn’t wet my pants, so I did what he said. We eventually got all the animals inside, and were headed back to the house. Uncle Sean was holding my hand. “When we get inside, you can go up and wash yourself off in the bathroom a little bit, and then put on some clean panties. Just put the dirty ones by your other clothes. I’ll make sure Shelley knows you didn’t wet again, but I just had you change because you didn’t have anything to wipe with this time.” I nodded. “Have you never peed outside at your own farm?” he asked me. “Well, I did,” I frowned looking down. “I mean, I did all the time, actually, but I was by myself. No one knew I was doing it.” He smiled. “So, you were scared to do it because I was there, or because I knew about it?” “Both,” I admitted. “I was kind of scared of getting in trouble for it, and kind of embarrassed. I had never even done it if my sisters were close by.” “Well, as long as you have privacy, I don’t see it as being a big deal,” Uncle Sean said. “People have been going out in nature since before the idea of cities, and when people camp, unless they are at a modern fancy campsite, they still have to do it outside.” I frowned. “Daddy once caught Leah going outside, and I think we were camping, even, but he got really mad at her. She got it good for that, and then she wasn’t allowed to play even with the older sisters watching her. He watched her the whole time.” Uncle Sean frowned. “Well, I suppose you were at a modern campsite where there were people around?” I shrugged. “Probably.” “Even still,” he sighed. “I don’t think he should have spanked her. When did this happen?” “I don’t remember, I think maybe the year before last?” “So you were around six at the time?” “Yeah.” “And that would have made her around eight?” “I think so….” Uncle Sean shook his head. “Well, even if he needed to explain to her not to do that around other people, he shouldn’t have spanked her.” We went in the house, and I really felt my mouth get wide and my heart fill with delight as I saw Aunt Shelley in the kitchen working on something. “Did you have fun out back?” she asked me with a smile. “I did…,” I smiled. “Except I was bad before lunch.” Uncle Sean shook his head at Aunt Shelley. “She wasn’t bad. She just forgot the rule not to leave my sight, and it turned out she had to go potty.” “...And I peed my pants,” I finished telling on myself so I wasn’t lying to her. She said no secrets and no lying at her house. “She did have an accident,” Uncle Sean confirmed. “That’s why she’s in a skirt now and not the jeans from earlier. I figured a skirt would make it easier for her to go without being exposed if she had to do it in front of me.” Aunt Shelley smiled and walked over, and hugged me. “She’s been dry since then, though, and we did let her go like twice while we were working. The last time, she was still too nervous, and I had to direct her, but she pulled off her underpants behind a hay bail, and then peed on the ground outside before putting them back on again. She really has to be watched, or she’ll hold it until it’s impossible for her.” Aunt Shelley nodded. “I know. Poor child. I’m going to take her to clean her up.” “Sure. Anything I can do to help you stay on schedule with dinner?” “Not really. I just came in the door about a minute before you did, so it’s going to be late one way or another.” “Well, I’ll start peeling the potatoes then,” Uncle Sean said, and then Aunt Shelley took me by the hand took me to take a bath. Later in the evening, Uncle Sean had me in his arms, and I was sitting on his lap watching television, both Uncle and Aunt right there. I felt pretty happy at the moment, and I felt my eyes getting heavy. I was glad I was there, and slowly my breathing was slowing, and my eyes were getting heavy. I was safe, and even if I peed right now, Auntie would call it bed wetting, and I wouldn’t be in trouble. The darkness of my closed eyes had cleared. I looked around, in the empty school halls, but I could only see one figure, force marching from the fifth grade rooms towards the toilets. I frowned as the figure got closer to me, and then she turned right into the toilets not even recognizing me. I think it was Leah. I walked into the bathroom behind her, but I didn’t end up in the bathroom. I was in the office, and daddy was there, and he had swatted me on the thighs to sit still while the principal was telling him something. “She pushed a first grader on the playground,” my dad was told. “Now, fighting at school isn’t even tolerated, but certainly picking on younger kids is something that has to be taken seriously. She’s a bully!” I felt tears in my eyes as the principal had taken the other kids’ word at value and ignored what really happened. Daddy yanked me by the arm, and I was having to nearly run to keep up with him as he pulled me around through the halls, and then we came face to face with Leah. She was coming out of the bathroom. “Where is your class?” he demanded of her. “Um… in the classroom?” I saw Leah shaking a little bit. She knew she was in trouble. She broke the rules. I woke up and was shaking myself. I opened my eyes, and looked around into the darkness of the room, taking in all the silhouettes, and the missing extra bed. I finally realized I wasn’t at home right now, and this was nearly three months later. I was at Uncle Sean’s house, and I felt it, then. I was peeing. Sitting up, I pushed the blankets back, but the pee kept coming out, and I finished in my bedding. I sniffled. I sat there for several minutes, not sure what to make of what had happened. I remember that day, actually, from my dream. A first grader had come and kicked me and then ran away. I chased him. I was mad! He kicked me for no reason at all. He tried to get away by climbing up a slide, but in his hurry, he lost his balance or something and fell. I shivered. Because I got mad at him, I got in trouble for fighting, and I got Leah in trouble. We knew better than to leave work undone, and if we were in our classrooms, and the teachers teaching, then we had unfinished work. Daddy wouldn’t have caught her out of the classroom, if he had not been there to get me for fighting. Leah didn’t talk to me for two days because daddy got really mad and when she got home, she was spanked hard. I finished peeing, and I sighed and looked over at my door. Did I just pee on purpose in my bed? I guess I kind of did. I stood up and started to pull the blankets off my bed. Aunt Shelley had put a plastic under the sheets, so at least the bed didn’t get a huge pee stain on it, the sheets were soaked. I got the sheets off, and then I went to lay on the plastic, and before I got the top quilt to pull over me, I saw the door open, and the tall slender frame of my aunt reached out and turned on the light. “Are you okay?” she asked as she came over and pulled me off the plastic sheets that still had a puddle where I was about to settle again. I looked down. “I wet my pants.” “I told you, already, baby. At night, it’s no different than wetting the bed to me. It’s not your fault, sweetheart.” I sighed and looked up at her. “I got Leah in trouble.” “Honey, she’s way over in other state. How could you have gotten her in trouble?” I frowned and looked down. “I got in trouble at school, and then daddy caught her being bad because he had to come and sort out what I did.” “Honey, you are not at school,” Aunt Shelley reminded me. “You haven’t been at school since Saturday, sweetheart. Your school year is over.” “Oh, yeah, sorry. I meant, I was thinking about the day I got Leah in trouble. She was so mad at me, she didn’t talk to me for two days.” Aunt hugged me for a moment after getting me out of the soaked bed, and then she walked me over to the closet to get me a long shirt and another pair of my bedtime panties to sleep in. “Honey, that happened a while ago. I’m sure she’s forgotten about it. Besides, if she did something truly bad, then you had nothing to do with her getting caught, baby. She was going to get caught anyway if she did something.” “But… daddy wouldn’t have known,” I muttered looking down as she put the nightshirt on me. “But then it would be lying.” “But I wouldn’t have known, so I wouldn’t be lying. Besides, I think sometimes, lying to daddy or at least not telling daddy something can get us not in trouble. Sometimes, we get in trouble, but I don’t think other kids get in trouble for the same things.” Aunt Shelley frowned. “Well, come on, baby,” and she picked me up and carried me to their room for the second night in a row. “What’s happened?” Uncle looked up at Aunt Shelley. “She had a nightmare.” “Aw… poor baby. Put her right here,” and he reached out his arms and brought me down right next to him between Aunt Shelley and himself. “Go to sleep, sweetie. You’re safe now.” My eyes once again closed, and when the darkness lifted, I felt a little smaller somehow, and if things around me were a little bigger. I was being carried, I think, and my pants were soaking wet. Gracie was nearby, but she didn’t look the same as usual. She had longer hair, and she seemed a little lighter in build. I looked back at the car, the door still open, and I saw two wet areas where we had sat. I think I was in Gracie’s lap and we were in the middle and the middle was wet. I must have peed on Gracie. Leah’s seat area was wet nearer to us by the open door, and Jenna’s spot was the only dry one. I frowned as I looked around and realized Daddy was holding me and patting my wet bottom. Mom was holding baby Katie-Beth, and she was a baby. She couldn’t have even been a year old yet. He was yelling at Gracie, who was ten years old and at Leah. Both to them had their eyes looking down, and tears running down their faces. Both of them had peed in pants on, but I did too. Daddy wasn’t yelling at me, though. Jenna was the only one not even wet. “Daddy?” I squirmed in his arms. “I peed peed my pants. Gracie holding me.” “Baby, shush,” Daddy let me down while he got closer to Leah and Gracie. I woke up again, this time, light was coming through the window, and I saw that Aunt Shelley was still lying next to me, her eyes open, and she was rubbing my tummy. Uncle Sean was already out of the room. Then, I frowned. I felt wet. I peed again. “Are you alright?” Aunt Shelley asked me as I looked up at her wondering how I was going to tell her I peed in her bed. I sighed. I didn’t want to say I was alright because I peed in her bedding. I was sorry I got her sleeping space wet. “Sweetheart,” she whispered soothingly to me. “What is it? You didn’t have another bad dream, did you?” I gulped. Did she know everything I did? “You can talk to me,” Aunt Shelley told me. “I promise, you are safe here, baby.” She pushed and pulled me up onto her and by then, she could tell I had soaked myself again, and I started to feel myself shake with silent sobs. “What is it, sweetheart?” she asked as she rubbed my back while I lay wet and straddled over her, my legs splayed around her lower tummy. Tears came out of my eyes, and I shook and shook, and couldn’t stop. “It’s alright, baby.” She put both her arms around me, protectively, and she stared to rock me, sitting up as she did so, she adjusted me. She touched my wet butt. She had to know what I did, but she still seemed clueless about what I was upset about. And I realized, she didn’t know I was upset I peed. She kept telling me it’s okay if I wet the bed. I tried to choke the tears off so I could speak, but it was hard. The sobbing kept coming, and the words were taken away from the force that caused me to cry. “Baby…. It’s okay,” she eventually breathed evenly and soothingly into my ear. “I know it’s embarrassing and scary,” she continued. “But you just had an accident in your sleep, baby. You’re not in trouble, and you didn’t hurt anything. You are okay, baby.” She did know, at least by now, why I couldn’t stop sobbing. It was quite an emotional roller coaster, and Aunt Shelley called Shay Anne that morning. “I’m really sorry, but my cousin’s child is staying with us, and she’s really needy right now. Is your dad doing alright?” I sighed. I didn’t want Aunt Shelley to think I was too much trouble. “I… I can play with Uncle Sean with the animals again,” I tried to tell her while she was on the phone, but she put an arm around me while she spoke to this Shay that I had no idea of who it was. “I’m glad he’s feeling better,” Aunt Shelley told her. “Maybe in a day or so I’ll bring little Sammy with me, and the you can meet her. She’s a nice little girl, but she has had some trouble adjusting to the new rules around our house.” I heard silence for a bit, and then Aunt Shelley hung up the phone with a soft goodbye. “No, sweetheart, I think we need to talk today,” she told me as she directed me back to the table, and we started to eat. “Sean?” “Yeah, Shelley?” “Do you think after you’ve fed the animals, you can take us to town today?” “Oh, um… sure. Is there something you needed?” “Well, not me,” and she nodded in my direction. “We’ve been talking about it the last few nights, you know?” He smiled and looked down. “Yeah, about that…. Okay. I’ll just go check on the animals, and he quickly left the table not even finishing his breakfast. “What?” I looked up at Aunt Shelley wondering what was doing on. “Honey, you’ve been having a hard time over the last few days here, and you still won’t go to the bathroom on your own most of the time….” I frowned. “I don’t pee my pants….” “Baby, that’s why I’m worried. If you at least peed your pants sometimes, then at least we’d know your bladder was working properly.” “I don’t understand. I’m eight. I’m not supposed to….” “You are not supposed to under normal conditions,” Aunt Shelley pulled me into her lap. “But baby, there is nothing normal about your behavior at all. You need help, sweetie.” “Why? I am a big girl! I can do even better. I won’t pee the whole day. I bet I can hold it until the sun goes down.” Aunt Shelley shook her had and rubbed my back. “No, baby. Please don’t do that.” “But you want me to pee my pants!” “Honey, I don’t want that either, but the alternative being that you are always holding it way beyond what is healthy, yeah, I would prefer you being wet to you not peeing at all.” “But I’m not supposed to…,” and I started crying. Aunt Shelley sighed and rubbed my back. I buried my face in her chest and continued to crying not understanding what exactly they wanted of me. Uncle tried to make it so I wouldn’t pee my pants, but right now, Aunt Shelley acted like I should do just that. I was feeling really confused and wondered what bad things I was doing that made them act so confusing. “Baby?” Aunt Shelley rubbed my back and spoke softly. “How about this? Will you please tell us as soon as you have to go? We are going into town, and you aren’t supposed to be wet around other people are you?” I shook my head no. “Daddy says that’s being bad.” “Well, we are going to be around other people, so will you please come and squeeze my hand when you need to pee again? If you squeeze my hand, I’ll just take you to the toilet, and you don’t have to talk or say anything. Then, you are not really saying anything you are scared to say, and you are not interrupting if you just squeeze my hand, and I’ll know to get you to the bathroom before you start squirming around. Would that be okay?” I looked up at her for several minutes trying to think how my squeezing her hand might break daddy’s rules…. “You do as your mom’s cousin tells you,” he had said. “But remember the house rules, too.” I remembered them alright. I would never break a rule daddy had for any reason. Never embarrass people by saying things that are personal. Eating and going to the bathroom will be taken care of in time. There is no need to say anything about those things. “Honey, just squeeze my hand,” Aunt Shelley told me. “Then I’ll know you have to go, and you won’t start squirming around….” That kind of made sense. I wasn’t saying anything, and Aunt Shelley didn’t want me squirming around, so this kept her not getting embarrassed. It seemed to follow daddy’s rules. “Okay.” “Good girl,” she kissed my head. “Can you come upstairs so I can get you cleaned up so we can go into town?” “Okay. Thank you. Sorry, when I looked back, I didn't really know how to fix the first time I tried to describe her age, so it hasn't been fixed. In my mind, it is getting the age correct, so I think maybe I'm just not seeing something you are at the moment. I'll try again later to see what is unclear. I know sometimes, when I am writing, I think I'm reading something when actually, I'm just remembering and the words are not actually reading as they should to my eye, so I'll try to look again later on, after I have let it be forgotten what I had in my head so I can see if that clarity helps me see through the illusion my mind is using to hold me back from seeing it.
  9. I also enjoy the feeling of a wet diaper, therefore I try to wear it, till it is full but as a lot of other people, I don’t like my diapers leaking (tough it happens sometimes)
  10. I am wet and messy in a Bianco Ultra Stretch diaper. even though it's definitely time to change my diaper right now, I am going to enjoy the warm, soft, squishy poopie in my diapee for several hours before I change. I don't mind cleaning up after I mess my diaper; a few adult wipes, wash cloth with Dawn Dish Soap ( great for any residual poopy odor), rinse, dry, and I am fresh and clean for my next diaper. I am out of bed super early because I have a complex report to write today that involves integrating data from multiple sources. After I clean up, I will put on another diaper and wet during the day while working on the report, but no more potty in my diaper because my wife will be up. I am not hiding messy diapers from her, but we have a boundary that I don't go poopie in my diaper around her.
  11. Mom broke two of her wooden spoons on me (at different times).....
  12. Almost every time I wear I do . But of course my reason is different for wearing . All for the mental health here . So that seems to help me have calm time
  13. That's it. There is no longer a reason for me pursue my dreams to go to space. I'm sure NASA is just devastated that they a lose a half-blind man in his 50's with bad knees as a protentional candidate, but if they don't let me wear diapers- what's the point?
  14. Ello mate and welcome. If you are me in chat say hi😀 I hope you enjoy the site
  15. I think so too. If the end of the catheter rests in the urethra past the bulbous area than it may cause irritation that feels like it is in the tip of the penis. That is another reason why I started making my own stents that end in the bulbous part.
  16. Maybe it is not the retrieval line that is annoying you but some irritation along the urethra from the stent that is 'referred' to the tip.
  17. “No, dude! I don’t need a fucking change already!” Jackson shouted at his big only moments after the ceremony ended. “What's the issue?” The president said, walking over to the two of them as Ryan struggled to get Jake’s hands off of him. “It's been like 2 minutes, and this freak already wants to see me naked again!” Jackson shouted in an irritated tone. “His diaper is incredibly loose,” Brady started to explain. “It’s just gonna leak the first time he uses it,” “Right, then what's the issue? Change him,” The president said sternly, as if that was obvious. “That's just it, he won’t let me,” Brady said. “Right! Pledges!” The president called out, gesturing for the others to gather around. “I guess I forgot to clarify that this relationship works both ways. Just as your bigs will be punished for failing to care for you, you will be punished for failing to comply with their instructions,” “How much worse can it get?” Jackson asked, trying to sound unphased by the idea. “Up to your big,” The present shrugged. “But we have a variety of things that can make your life a little worse. Wooden paddles…” “Huh- what, are you gonna spank me?” Jackson asked in a sarcastic voice, cutting him off. “If that's what it takes,” The president said with a smirk. “Pffft, I’d like to see you try. There's no way that I would let…” Jackson started, before Sam and Oscar’s bigs grabbed a hold of him, forcing him towards the ground. Brady stepped away for a second as they kept him pinned, returning seconds later with the fraternity paddle that Ryan had pointed out on arrival. “Right little guy, all you have to say is ‘I’m a little baby’ and this will stop,” Brady said aloud, before positioning himself behind Jackson. “What!? I’m not going to fucking say…” Jackson started to protest, still fighting off the two guys who were holding him down as he felt the wooden paddle slap his ass with an aggressive force, causing an unusual stinging sensation Jackson hadn’t been ready for. “What the fuck!?” Jackson screamed, before the paddle came down again. Time and time again, as Jackson tried to protest, hoping to fight his way to freedom. His struggle was of no use though, as he slowly started to realize that even just one of these brothers could keep him pinned, let alone the two of them. 5. 6. 7. Brady just kept coming down, quickening his pace as he put more force behind each swing. “Fuck! Stop!” Jackson said as he started to tear up from the pain. “Stop!” “Say it,” Brady said, halting mid swing while he waited for Jackson’s response. “I’m- I’m a little baby!” Jackson shouted. The two guys quickly let go, letting Jackson fall on his stomach as he sobbed silently, before quickly trying to gather himself. Oscar, Sam and Ryan stood very still, having just watched everything unfold in front of them as the idea of complying with their bigs every order was concretely demonstrated before them. “Right then, I imagine you can take care of him from here?” The president asked, taking the paddle back from Brady. “Oh, for sure,” Brady said with confidence, proceeding to grab one of the diaper bags from a close by wall and setting it next to Jackson. Jose and Nick looked at their littles who stood silently, unsure what was going to happen next. “Your diaper is looking a little loose too,” Nick said, grabbing one of the diaper bags and walking off before turning around to call for Oscar. “Come on, follow me,” He said, quickly getting Oscar to trot after him, giving a quick look over his shoulder at Sam and Ryan who were just as worried as he was. “You two look good to me, let's start drinking,” Jose said, tapping Jake on the shoulder before they started towards the kitchen. Ryan and Sam quickly exchanged looks before following after them, no longer sure if it was okay to even be separated from their big. “Ey, dibs on one of those tables!” Jose called out to some of the guys setting up the two ping pong tables for beer pong. They looked reluctant to give one up, but agreed which ultimately gave Sam and Ryan the idea that their bigs had priority over things. That or some kind of seniority was in place. “Alright boys, let's start you off right with some shots!” Jose said, grabbing a bottle of tequila off the counter and a couple red solo cups. “Shit, alright,” Ryan said, trying to get himself stoked for the week again after having just watched Jackson’s painful spanking. “That's the spirit!” Jose said, handing him a cup which he instantly downed. Jose handed a cup to Sam, downing his as well as Jose wasted no time refilling their cups again. “Double up for good luck,” He chuckled, before taking a shot himself and handing the bottle to Jake. More and more brothers slowly started to fill up the space, pouring in from various rooms in the house after most likely unpacking their stuff for the weekend as the four of them made their way over to one of the tables. “What do you say we make this extra interesting?” Jake asked, starting to fill each of the cups with a generous portion of beer from one of the many growlers. “Losers little chugs a whole growler,” A cheer erupted from some of the other members on the sidelines watching the game unfold as Sam felt his gut sink. He’d never even played beer pong before. He looked to Ryan for a shared expression, but saw a genuine smirk instead. “Hell yea,” Jose said, grabbing two of the ping pong balls. “You ever played before, Sammy?” He said, handing him one of the balls. “Uh- No, actually,” Sam said reluctantly, which elicited a few laughs from the sidelines. “Shit, dude. Guess we know who will be changing the first dirty diaper tonight,” Jake teased. “You?” He asked, gesturing towards Ryan. “Oh, for sure. Lets cream these losers,” Ryan said confidently, trying to fit in with the mockery. ~~ The game went on for a while, all members having been a little rusty themselves having not played since before the summer as Jackson and Brady eventually made their way into the room in a slow stroll, meandering their way up to the table. “Ey! No hard feelings, right little man?” Jose teased, seeing the disheartened look on Jackon’s face. “Right,” He said, not looking very amused. “Can I get something to drink?” Jackson asked, looking back at Brady. “Of course, got a preference?” Brady asked. “Something hard,” Jackson responded, as Brady disappeared into the crowd that was forming around the beer pong tables. “You good bro?” Ryan said, quickly darting to the side to chat as Jose and Sam made their turn. “Of course I’m good, why wouldn’t I be good?” Jackson scoffed, not even making eye contact with Ryan. “Alright, bro…” Ryan said, stepping back towards the table. “Just trying to look out for ya,” “That's what Brady’s for,” He mocked, as Brady returned through the crowd carrying a red solo cup and a chilled Corona. “Double shot,” Brady said, handing him the cup as Jackson started to effortlessly chug. “And a chaser,” Brady said, exchanging the empty cup for the bottle. “Good shit, little man,” Brady said as Jackson started to chug the beer as well. “We’re playing winners,” Brady called out, seeing the game nearing an end with Jose and Sam definitely on the losing side. It didn’t take long before Ryan sunk the final shot, ultimately winning the game as they slid the remaining cups over to Sam and Jose with a laugh, the crowd seeing the churning mix of emotions on Sam’s face. “Shit, good game,” Jose said, downing half the cups as Sam tried to keep up. “I believe this is for you,” One of the members said, sliding a dark growler onto the table in front of Sam. Sam stared at it, never having been to a party before, he wasn’t exactly sure if he’d even be able to chug it. “Right…” He said quietly, unscrewing the cap. “Make us proud, my man,” Jose said, grabbing the rest of Sam’s cups and downing them for him before putting his hands on Sam’s shoulders and giving him a quick shake for reassurance. “Bottoms up, and don’t put it down till its empty,” “Loser’s little has to down a growler,” Ryan said, leaning over to fill Jackson in. “Shit, I hope I’m on the losing team then,” Jackson said, downing the last of his own beer. Hesitantly, Sam picked up the growler, feeling its significant weight as he placed it on his lips and lifted it into the air, starting what he knew would be a long process. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” The crowd started to chant, even pausing the game at the table next to them. Sam tried his best, forcing down large quantities of beer in lengthy gulps, not actually able to truly chug it. He struggled with the first half, downing it before lowering it for air, feeling the pressure of the crowd as his stomach started to hurt lifting it for a second go. “Let’s go Sammy, let's go!” Jose shouted, starting a chant as Sam continued to struggle, the crowd egging him on as he downed another quarter before letting the growler back down, struggling for air as he let out some rather uncomfortable belches. “You okay?” Jose asked, resting his hand on Sam’s back as Sam lowered closer to the floor. Sam shook his head, feeling incredibly sick in the stomach as he set the growler on the ground. “Deals a deal, someones got to finish that growler,” Jake chimed in with a laugh. Jose gave him a smug look, grabbing the growler from Sam who was obviously not in a state to down the remainder, quickly chugging through the contents himself as the crowd erupted with cheer before eventually dispersing back to their own games and conversations. “You good?” Jose asked as Sam struggled to stand back up out of fear of puking everywhere. Sam nodded, still feeling a little uneasy. “Maybe some food?” “Right,” Jose said, as Sam suddenly felt Jose’s hand press firmly against his upper back and lift him from under the armpit, getting him on his feet as he started to guide him through the crowd. The selection wasn’t anything great, though Sam wasn’t surprised as it seemed that food was only there by necessity. Afterall, drinks were the primary focus, at least at this point in the day. He scraped together some scraps for a burger, dumping a generous portion of chips onto his plate before looking at Jose. “More meat wouldn’t hurt,” He joked, dropping two hot dogs onto his plate. “Could use some meat on those bones,” Sam nodded, his head beginning to feel like a bag of rocks precariously balanced on his neck. “Come on,” Jose said, placing his hand on his back again as he pushed them through the crowd, eventually stepping out the patio doors and onto the rather expansive deck where the level of chaos instantly dropped down a few notches. Sam looked out at the lake, letting Jose guide them towards a few chairs as Jose pulled one out for Sam, ensuring he got in the chair safely before joining him in the seat beside him. “So how’d it feel?” Jose asked, taking a bite out of his own hotdog as Sam smashed the burger into his face, desperate to put something in his stomach to help clear up the otherwise unpleasant feeling the growler had left behind. “Huh?” Sam murmured through a mouthful of food. “Your first game as a brother,” Jose said. Sam nodded, loudly chewing his food as he tried to force a swallow. “Aren’t- I still a pledge?” Jose chuckled. “Technically, but you don’t plan on running off on me, do you?” Sam shook his head, taking another massive bite from his burger. “Then as far as I see it, you’re a brother. A baby one, but nonetheless,” He smirked. Sam smiled through his chews before moving on to scarf down the hot dogs Jose had added to his plate, now realizing that Jose had been right about the need for meat. They sat in silence for a bit, filling their stomachs in preparation for what the rest of the day would bring as Sam felt his bladder approach its maximum, his body obviously churning through the mountains amounts of sudden liquid, creating a rather uncomfortable sensation next to his already bloated stomach. “Do uh- I just…go?” Sam asked awkwardly after a few moments, suddenly squirming in his seat as the pressure finally reached an unbearable level. “Breaking the seal?” Jose joked, setting his plate down. “Here, stand up,” He said, waiting for Sam to do so. Sam hesitantly stood up, setting his plate beside Jose’s on the railing. “And spread your legs a little,” Jose said, using his foot to help push Sam’s legs apart. “Perfect. Now just pee,” Sam felt like an idiot, standing there in front of his new big with his legs spread apart. He could feel the soft padding of the diaper pressed against his groin as he tried to force his mind to let him pee, though luckily it didn’t take much due to his current need. He felt his face grow hot, noticing a few of the other guys looking in his direction, chuckling in small groups as they all knew what he was about to do. He gulped, letting go of his bladder as the warm piss flooded the front of his diaper, instantly soaking into the padding as it spread itself out. He stared down at his feet, avoiding eye contact as the front of his diaper started to transition to a rich yellow color. The warmth spread across his entire waste as he tried to decide whether he enjoyed the feeling or not. It certainly was something new. Jose stood awkwardly beside him, laughter erupting in the background as he looked around. Sam’s stream went on for longer than usual, his blush red face keeping him from looking up until he felt the full weight of the diaper pulling down at his waist, the likely sign that a change would surely follow. He took a deep breath, mustering the courage to look up, sure that everyone would be watching him fill his diaper with pee but was ultimately surprised when he saw no one. Everyone that had been on the porch was suddenly crowding their way inside where loud belts of laughter echoed through the doorway as the crowd circled around what Sam could only assume was one of the other pledges. Did you enjoy the story? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar! Or be sure to let me know what you thought by interacting with the post!
  18. “How's Mommy's little princess?” Lilith cooed, slowly walking back into the living room where Maggie had settled down to watch some cartoons. Maggie nodded her head, not looking away from the TV as she nursed a sippy cup of juice. “Yea?” She said with a soft smile, leaning down to check her diaper. “We might need to give that a change before we head out,” Mikey crawled his way into the living room, plopping back on his padded butt as he sat on the carpet before looking up at Lilith. “Out?” Maggie questioned, suddenly looking away from the TV. “Mhmmm,” Lilith said softly, making her way towards the kitchen. “We’re going to go for a little walk as a family. Get some fresh air,” Maggie felt her nerves churn ever so slightly in her stomach, unsure what all that would entail. “Relax,” Lilith said calmly, returning with a bottle as she handed it to Mikey on the floor, who quickly reached out to take it. “Mommy’s magic is going to keep everyone safe as usual,” Maggie nodded, feeling suddenly reassured. “Besides, Mommy has a cute little harness she wants to try out with you,” She teased, suddenly producing it from the side of the couch as if it had just been conjured. Its simple backpack shape seemed cute. A stuffed white rabbit with a tiny pocket made up the simple bag, attached to a simple pink set of straps that had a locking mechanism on the front. Lilith held it up for her to see, showing off its accompanying pink canvas leash that she then connected to it. “Can’t have you running away on me,” She teased some more. “Wha ‘bout the baby?” Maggie asked, pointing down at Mikey who had drained nearly half of the bottle already. “Mommy’s got just that thing for him,” She said, getting up as she made her way to the front door, giving a discreet flick of her wand as she stopped at the door, muttering some words under her breath. The door swung open, revealing a rather simple baby stroller, only it had been massively oversized to fit an adult. Both Mikey and Maggie’s eyes grew wide as Lilith rolled it inside. “Come on,” Lilith said with a smile, overly excited herself as she leaned down to hoist Mikey off of the floor as he clung to his bottle. The smile on his face grew as big as it could as Lilith lowered him into the stroller. Her vibrantly green eyes glistened down at him as she smiled lovingly at him. The soft padding cradled him on all sides as he felt practically weightless. The angle sat just right so that he could see forward, or drift off with ease, an idea that filled him with a sudden sense of excitement. “What a cutie!” Lilith squealed, suddenly overwhelmed with joy herself as Mikey tried his hardest to keep up the fantasy for her, lifting the remaining contents of his bottle as he started to suck it down again. “Ughhh!” She let out, leaning in to secure the straps around him as he suddenly felt even smaller than he thought he could. “You stay right here, baby boy. Mommy’s going to get everything we need for our walk,” She cooed, before disappearing back down the hall. “Hehe, dat looks comfy,” Maggie said, stumbling her way over to be in front of the stroller. “You make a cute baby,” Mikey’s face was beet red as he blushed intensely, hiding behind the shrinking contents of his bottle. “Alright, baby girl,” Lilith called out from behind, carrying a variety of items in her arms as she carried them over to the stroller. “Finish your juice and meet Mommy in the nursery. We’ll get you changed out of the icky diaper,” Maggie blushed slightly, giving Mikey a final glance before scurrying off towards the nursery. “Now,” Lilith said, setting the items on the floor as she started to bring them up one by one. “I got you your favorite plush blankie,” She said, laying it over him as she tucked the ends in around his legs. “Keep you nice and warm,” Mikey smiled, his bottle coming to an end as he set it down, running his hands over the blanket, stimulating his sensory input. “We’ll get you another bottle before we leave too,” She said with a smile, pulling out a pacifier as she guided it into his mouth and clipping it to his collar. “I know how fidgety you can get too,” She said, clipping an obvious baby toy to be just above his face before tucking a few smaller fidget toys into the side pockets. “Of course, you be sure to let Mommy know if you get bored,” She said, finally handing him his stuffed bear as he latched onto it, clutching it in his arms as he gave Lilith a large smile from behind his binky. “Can you be a good boy for me and wait here?” She cooed, slightly adjusting the blanket as she grabbed the bottle to get up. “Mommy just has to get your sister all nice and ready,” Mikey started to nod, but Lilith quickly disappeared from sight without waiting for his response. He felt helpless, suddenly noticing the actual lock on the harness holding him in place, but he loved it. He waited patiently, looking around at the various parts of the stroller he could see while his mind wandered about all of the possibilities. The minutes grew longer as he felt himself becoming ever so slightly bored, eventually pulling out one of the toys to play with as soft chirps of gleeful squeals came from the nursery. He giggled to himself, as Lilith eventually made her way into sight, pulling Maggie closely behind her as the leash already in full use as Maggie’s face practically radiated with excitement and happiness. “Oh, I almost forgot,” Lilith said, filling up Mikey’s empty bottle before handing it to him in the stroller. “You all set in there, baby boy?” Mikey nodded, tucking the bottle at his side as he suddenly felt the stroller start to move, making a gracious turn towards the front door as they headed out as a family. Mikey’s smile beamed with excitement. The feeling of being in the stroller was an entirely new experience that he instantly fell in love with. He marveled at the world in front of him as Lilith pushed the stroller down the path. The sun glistened through the trees above as the gentle breeze brushed against his skin. The soft, plush blanket sat loosely over his bottom half, providing a discrete cover to his diapered bottom, while also helping him stay on the warmer side, with a touch of extra cuteness. The colors all seemed so vibrant, as if he’d never seen these shades before. The yellows, blues and greens glistened together to create a sparkling sense of wonderment as he happily sucked on his pacifier. “Careful now,” Lilith's voice rang out as Maggie suddenly felt the force of the leash pull her back, preventing her from running further into the grass to chase a butterfly. Mikey couldn't help but smile from behind his pacifier. He was living in a fantasy land with the most incredible Mommy. He shifted slightly in his seat to get comfortable as he felt his stomach give a soft rumble, but ignored it as he listened to the songs of the birds around them. He let his pacifier fall out, grabbing his bottle as he raised it to his lips before beginning to suck. The cool streams of milk helped further dull his mind as he felt his stomach give a slightly larger rumble before suddenly feeling the familiar warm mess fill the back of his diaper. He let out a sigh, his hot breath escaping around the sides of the bottle's nipple before quickly latching out again as his body continued to void its waste. The warm mush instantly filling any available space before pushing its way forward. He thought about crying out, knowing that Lilith could make it all go away if he wanted it to, but he didn’t. Usually he felt naughty after making a mess, wanting to act on it to bring out his bratty side. But this time he felt at peace. Truly relaxed as he embraced its warmth as the cool breeze continued to fill the stroller. “Can I go in da wa’er?” Maggie suddenly asked, excitedly pointing towards the lake that was coming up ahead of them. “If that's something you want to do,” Lilith chuckled. Maggie nodded her head, pulling on the leash as she skipped ahead of the stroller, almost as if to guide them in the direction of the lake. Lilith smiled to herself, holding the leash firmly as Maggie's determination pulled them ahead on the otherwise short walk as Mikey fidgeted in his mess. Lilith positioned the stroller just short of the sand as it came to a stop, giving Mikey an excellent view of the soft waves pushing their way onto the sandy shore. “Uh uh,” Lilith's voice rang out, as Maggie was pulled back by the leash. “Shoes and socks, little girl,” Maggie blushed before returning to Lilith who helped her remove them as Maggie used the stroller for support. “No higher than your ankles, understand?” Lilith said, helping roll her pants up as Maggie nodded. There was a moment of silence before Maggie took off running past the stroller, the harness still attached but with no lease as she made her way on the sandy beach to the water's edge. Lilith crouched down in front of the stroller, pretending not to notice the smell emanating from his otherwise full diaper as he lowered his bottle. “Hi, sweetie,” She cooed, giving his stomach a soft rub from above the blanket. “Are you going to be okay waiting right here? Or do you want to play in the sand?” Mikey shook his head with a smile, content with where he was. “Alright…” She said, her hand gently running down to his diaper as she pushed at the squishy diaper and its content with a smirk. “I'm sure we'll have to get you out of this stroller here shortly either way,” Mikey blushed embarrassingly as she gave him a final smile. She got up, turning to chase after Maggie who had already gotten her feet wet in the water. Her arms were held up high as she tilted her head back, fully soaking in the sunshine as she enjoyed the moment of bliss. Did you enjoy the story? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar! Or be sure to let me know what you thought by interacting with the post!
  19. Some might say getting a double wide in west Texas tornado country might not be that far off from jumping off the roof. I hope we get a Christmas follow up scene with Cindy's sister. No one does humiliation like an angry sister.
  20. gdalto

    Moncton NB

    is there still a store in Moncton
  21. Sweet chapter. Beth and Carlys relationship sure grew a bit. Between the threat and their pain, they learned exactly what they mean to each other. Needing each other to calm down after everything. They figured out that they would do anything for the other. Even give each other up. Though neither one can see leaving. I liked seeing Beth thinking about leaving the dimension with Carly. And for the first time Carly really hinted that she may just stay. Guess we will see what happens in the end. I hope they remain together in the end.
  22. I mean, it's a fever dream. And it seems normal to me because I wrote it a while back while running a fever. So it's ... y'know. Normal to me?
  23. Cindy is great, but there are so many great characters in this story. And I really appreciate the behind the scenes look at running a diaper service. A lot going on here that I've never thought about. It would be neat to interview someone from a place like Rearz to learn what goes into turning a profit from disposables.
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