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Closed Club · 236 members · Last active
One of the biggest issues that many ABDLs (including me!) run into is a way to arrange meetups in real life in a way that is both private and accessable. This group is here to do just that. It is closed in order to keep addresses and things like that safe, but all requests to join are accepted and everyone is welcome here. -
Open Club · 82 members · Last active
Are you into comic books? Horror movies? Have you seen Star Wars a thousand times? Is your other car a TARDIS or DeLorean? Is Elvish your second language? Wish you could Warg? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are a nerd and that makes you a perfect fit for this group! Join now and receive friendship, stirring conversation, a puppy*! *puppy not a guarantee
Open Club · 68 members · Last active
For those of us Abdl's that simply love, adore, crave and are turned on by the Sweet Smells of Diapers, Plastic and Rubber pants and All related or associated stimulation, as well as Diaper sniffing, kissing, Diapers and or Plastic pants(wet or not?) on face, wet bed and sheets, play and punishment..and More..l have always seemed to have found the Sweet smells of Baby Lotion, Baby Powder and other Diaper smells, seem to Trigger old, and now very Exciting "Diaper wearing memories" and if I let it,It puts me in that Wonderful, Babyish mood..Ready to get into my Diapers and plastic pants and make even More Wonderful Diaper smells..So if you're one of those that especially Shares and finds these interests Very Stimulating, Fun and Exciting, this might be for You!. Leave a Comment..Create a topic..Post a Pic(s), vid(s) or start a Discussion..Thanx Diaper Baby Friends..Brian..:)
Open Club · 11 members · Last active
This club is for those who are not necessarily into nursery themed diapers, but don’t like the cold institutional look of plain white diapers. Members can share examples, offer tips, etc. of what they have done to customize their diapers. If you wear diapers for any reason and want / like something unique in the look or function of your then this club is possibly for you. -
Open Club · 166 members · Last active
This club is for "older littles" in the 4 - 7 age range (adults IRL, of course). We don't wear diapers. Course we don't. Well, maybe some of us do at night still, or for long car journeys. But basically we are "littles" who wear proper underwear. And try not to wet it. But don't always succeed *blush*