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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Crinklz Kat

BB 2023
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About Crinklz Kat

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Community Answers

  1. ABU Simple - the original, not the Ultra. I still have a few of these left.
  2. I agree about the smell -- even though I might still have some capacity left, they will usually stink quite badly after 12+ hours. As far as the X-Plus, they're the same as the Bambino Bianco/Classico. I would seriously doubt the 16 hour capability unless they were upgraded to Bellisimo specs. I haven't bought any in quite some time so no idea.
  3. 🎵🎵 I just wanna bang on my drums all day! 🎵🎶
  4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Shere Khan
  5. Well.... Plushlife talks about "bed gravity" when it comes to the weight of their plushies. They don't have the data on the web site, but I seem to recall the snow leopard being about 20 pounds. But, I don't actually want something on top of me - I've tried that and can't say it did anything for me.
  6. The "dead" accounts aren't as much of a burden as you might think. Unless those users had hundreds of gigs of stored photos, there's no significant disk space penalty. This isn't the era where it costs thousands to add a few gigs of disk space. An unused account has zero CPU penalty. Security--- well, perhaps. But you can simply lock anything that's gone idle over "x" time and require that user to send a request to unlock it were that to happen. None of the commercial car forums I'm on has ever deleted user accounts that went idle as far as I've ever seen. It's more likely the site will simply die and disappear along with all of the data vs. having a few thousand users get deleted. Another downside of deleting users is that all former posts by that user now change to "guest" or possibly could even be deleted. If not deleted, it makes it hard to search for anything historical by any specific user.
  7. cereal (he wont eat it... he hates everything!)
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