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~Brian~ last won the day on May 17 2023

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About ~Brian~

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Community Answers

  1. @Mary Moon I am glad that your family was supportive, and I can also tell you that once you get used to wearing and using diapers as you do, you get used to it, and you end up getting a "system" that you use: The way you do that is up to you, It is good that no one makes you feel guilty or bad, because diapers are there to help you, and NOT hurt you, and there are many other things in life that can hurt you, but diapers are good because you can be DRY and comfy most times, and not have a problem, unless you leak - than that can be a problem. My parents were always supportive, and I think when I was a kid, and had to do Pediatric Rehab twice, they wanted everyone to wear diapers and be in wheelchairs, because they did not want us to be able to get up at night to use the bathroom: They used our disability as an EXCUSE to diaper us, and then, because they were the adults, they would threaten us: I guess that is why I am a Diaper Lover, because we had to wear while there If you want to read more about my "journey", you can do that HERE - My Journey Thread Take Care, Brian
  2. @Mary Moon I had one problem when I started wearing and using diapers in 2019 and 2020. I had a service provider "out me" as an incontinent diaper wearer, because I made a couple mistakes that I shouln't have done: I took responsibility for that, but STILL, even after I was able to take care of that, I ended up talking to my Case Manager from the HH agency, as well as one of the staff from the Community Health Team office for my doctor, who used to be my case manager, I was able to get this service provider to not think of me as a "bad guy" - but then, they got after me again - I then had to get ANGRY, because they were threatening me, and I said: "Don't you guys deal with incontinent and disabled people?" to which they said "Yes, but NOT You specifically" That was because they were not asked to perform Personal Care for me: so I had to ask my Case Manager if I had questions about IC, or anything like that. The day that this service provider called me, they threatened me with LOSS of all services, and I had to take the call, while at work, and I told them that it was "inappropriate" for the work place, but they STILL THREATENED ME, so I asked my case manager to FIRE them: This Service Provider told me that they were going to "make sure I don't have any services when they were done" I AGAIN got mad, and Told them off, and fired them MYSELF, then I had to go to the doctor that day anyway, and I was told my Case Manager was gonna Stop my services: When I talked to the doctor and tol him of the crazy nonsense I'd had to deal with, he said "You won't lose any services, we will take care of the problem." Then I found out that the service provider I fired had LIED and said that the HH agency were going to stop my services, and my Case Manager said "NO WAY!" Wearing and using diapers help me in ways that I can't count: I don't have to worry about having an accident, and I can get sleep at night, and it allows me to be myself, and not worry about anything like that again. I look at it like this: Your body does it's thing, and we eat and drink and breathe and all of that. I think of the fact that diapers help me deal with stress and anxiety, and just like there are things that we use that we may not need anymore, anything that your body does not need is released in the diaper. When I made the decision to start wearing 24/7 in 2020, it was one of the best decisions I ever made, and the people who NEED to know about my incontinence know, and those that don't, I don't reveal that to. That Fired Service Provider wanted to make a big deal out of something that was my fault, but they also made me think that they were going to nail me for the misunderstandings. When you are disabled, and you are having mobility issues, and you simply don't or cannot get to the bathroom without possibility of falling, the diaper is better: I feel like a part of me was "missing:" I have always wanted to wear diapers, and I've been a DL since I was eight, and many of our community can tell you that wearing diapers or using diapers has a reason: I am glad I made the choice I did, and I am proud to say that I am Incontinent and a DL + @WeaselDiaperBoy is RIGHT: There are LOTS of people that are professionals, and they deal with people that wear/use diapers all the time. They know you use them, and if they know that, they don't usually cause issues. My doctor helped me get diapers, so he knows about it, and anyone that deals with me knows about my diapers, if they are dealing with medical situations. I don't worry about that anymore, as I told my doctor in 2019 that I was using them, and in 2020, they were working well for me, so I decided to go 24/7, or "all in" as I told him, because for some reason, it just felt "right" and I was dealing with IC anyway, so I. just had him add the incontinence diagnosis: "Fecal incontinence with Fecal Urgency / Continuous Leakage of Urine" I maintain that there are people who know you wear and use, or will not know that you wear and use: It depends on the situation, the people involved and the reason for disclosure: Its on my medical records, so that I will always have diapers: I have no problem with people knowing about it, but there are some people as @WeaselDiaperBoystated that "do not need to know" and so I don't have to reveal it: The people on my medical team and my support team all know about it, so it's not that bad. The thing that I learned was wearing diapers, using diapers, and LIKING diapers is NOT a problem - I accepted that I needed them LONG ago, as stressors and strange things have happened, and I don't HAVE to hide my need, and I don't have to worry about "being discovered" as many that I deal with also deal with incontinence or other issues, and as far as I am concerned, I don't care if I pee or mess myself: If there is one thing that I DON'T worry about is incontinence: On a scale of 1 to 10, Incontinence rates as a ZERO - Its a part of life, and I, having a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis, understand and have understood for quite some time that I would probably need them eventually anyway - Dailydiapers has been amazing, because they have helped me to understand that use of diapers is NO BIG DEAL, and those who don't understand why, are those that we will have to "educate" to get rid of the "stigmas" that people told us as kids of potty training age that "diapers are for babies" and other crazy notions, because adults use them as well @Mary Moon If they are understanding and they KNOW that there are people that wear diapers, or use diapers, true friends stick with you through thick and thin: I've had to ask some of my friends the same question: Does Wearing and or using diapers bother you? ALL of the people that I have been friends with understand, and they think its "no biggie" so I don't have any problems so far - Like I said, diapers should not change whether someone is your friend, because if the WORST thing any of us here on DD had was bladder or bowel issues, and we had nothing else going on, that shows that we can deal with anything or anyone. I am glad that this community is strong, and that I am able to help others with questions or concerns: we deal with our own personal issues, but each of us are here because we have diapers in common As far as accidental exposure, that can happen: however, those people that know I wear and use, know that, and there has not been a problem since the situation where I needed to fire that contractor. Our family had to deal with disabled children, so diapers were something that we dealt with, and my late brother Richard was disabled, and non verbal and nonmoble and wore diapers all his life: Diapers were used as a help, and not used to punish, and we dealt with diapers a lot, so it was no big deal most times. When I had my Colo last year, it was easy to deal with, and the nurses didn't even flinch, as they knew I wore diapers and used them. They just changed me as I needed, and I had to be changed 27 times during that 2 day period, but they were professional, and all I did was ask, and they took care of me, and all I really did was take my pants off, when they were ready, and they did a change for me, and then I just relaxed until i had to start taking the laxatives. Take Care, Brian
  3. @LeapdayLottie I agree: As I was growing up: The WORST thing that you could get was a spanking with the DREADED "Wooden Spoon!" At 52, I still have an adverse feeling when I see a plastic spoon, or a Wooden Spoon - It hurt bad enough so I don't even want wooden spoons in the HOUSE - It was one of the things my parents always used against me.I am sure that there are other implements that are used for this purpose, but Wooden Spoons were something I DREADED!! Brian
  4. ~Brian~

    ~Brian~'s Pictures

    Pictures of me or things around me.
  5. David (from the Incredible Hulk TV series)
  6. @Abi Have fun **HUGS** Brian
  7. BBUS STATUS (7/25/2024 @12:00) BBUS network devices have been reset, and the modem and the router have been reset. To do this, we shutdown all devices connected, and then reconnected the router to the network. Once this was done, I power cycled everything connected again, and then reconnected the router: Once connected, I then turned my router on, and power cycled cardinal again: Everything seems to be running normally, but I was having a problem with the network manager, which was telling me that we had no connection to cardinal's IP addresses. After the last restart. everything is showing up in the router, and all devices that are active and ON are showing a connection. WHAT HAPPENED THIS MONTH?: This month (July 2024) we had a repeat of the floods that we had in 2023, exactly to the day: We had to deal with getting mud and silt and junk under control, and I am happy to say that I was not affected this time either, but during the first few weeks of July, I decided to Power cardinal DOWN during the thunder/lightning and heavy rain. Today, I have been dealing with power outages: Our generator will bring the power back up in the building when we lose the main power, but the Disk Drives that are connected don't like to deal with sudden power drops. I also don't like to see the power come back up so fast, so I try to bring down the system during rainy or inclement weather, especially during rain and thunder and lightning events. Cardinal is now running, all systems appear to be responding OK on the Internal and External IP addresses Brian
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