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Bedwetter (4/7)



  1. Odd jobs around the house including going nuclear on the drain flies. Also had dinner with a couple of old friends from high school and solved the world's problems over a bottle of wine.
  2. I agree. I double up my cloth diapers all the time with great success, however, there is little you can do to hide the bulk.
  3. This will take to directly to the message board: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/ This will take you to the login page: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/login/
  4. I put on a favorite move or show and loose myself in the story for a while. When it's over, my troubles are usually a little less burdensome.
  5. Blueberries are such a great treat! I've been trying my hand at growing them for the past few years, but a few plants grown in containers will be barely enough to put on my morning cereal for the few weeks a year when they produce. Sad that there aren't any "ever bearing" varieties available.
  6. When the wetness starts creeping up the back, I'll think about changing soon.
  7. I trim mine with a double comb on my beard trimmer set to the shortest setting.
  8. For those who wear diapers to bed all the time, do they make it all the way through the night without leaking or do you sometimes wake up and have to change in the middle of the night? I go for long periods of time wearing diapers to bed. Usually I make it all the way through the night without leaking. Every once in a while I leak a little, once in the last year, I leaked a lot and once in the last year I changed in the middle of the night. Which brand of diapers do you wear to bed that do last all night, and are there any brands that you have used that seem to leak before morning more than others? I use double Babykins cloth diapers. Do you put a fresh diaper on just before going to bed, or do you sometimes go to bed already a little wet? I always put my night diaper on right before bed. On average, how many hours do you sleep a night? 6, 7, 8 or more? Usually around 6 hours, 7 or 8 if I can manage it. Do you use any boosters in your diapers to help make it though the night without leaks? Yes, I add enough boosters to cover those nights when I'm a bit over hydrated. When I had a major leak recently, I started adding an extra booster to the mix. Are you a heavy night wetter or average? Depends on my hydration level, but usually there's extra capacity when I wake up. If you do make it all night without leaks, how much longer will your diaper last before having to change it? Through the first cup or two of morning coffee, so a couple of hours. Do you ever wear plastic pants over your night diaper to help prevent the bed from getting wet if your diaper does leak some? Since I'm wearing cloth, YES! Do they help? As I'm using cloth diapers, I'll assume that question is rhetorical.
  9. I think the pocket design has some good features going for it. Some of them include double elastic with standing leak guards and a stay-dry barrier over the padding. The kind of features that are standard in high quality disposable designs today. I'm on the other side of the pond from you, so my options are different. Since Threaded Armor had all those design features, I tried them a while back to see if they were a viable alternative to the hour glass & velcro hook and lop design I've been using from Babykins. The first problem I had was I couldn't quite get the capacity I wanted without making the padding a bit too noticeable. The second issue was their design (with pocket covers and inserts) works as a single unit, you need a fresh cover for each change during the day instead of just swapping out the insert. The last issue (for me at least) was while they say you can tumble dry the covers, I know that's hard on the PUL covers and shortens their life, so I hang mine up to "drip dry" in the bathroom. I then added up the numbers to estimate how many I'd need and how much it would cost for the initial buy-in. I'd prefer to do laundry every other day and less capacity means I'd need more changes during the day. I estimated I'd need 6 or 7 per day and a stock of 3 days worth. I finally concluded that having a dozen or more covers drying in the bathroom that I share with my wife might be a bridge too far for her. Having said all that, the only way to know if those will work for you, is to buy a pair and try them out. Get a couple of different inserts and mix and match. See if you can get a combination that will work will with whatever amount of wetting you need. I was looking for around 30oz (~900ml), but found they maxed out at about 18oz (530ml), but your mileage will be different.
  10. I was born in '58 and wore gauze flat diapers.
  11. Hard to tell since I don't keep track, but I'd say it's somewhere between 40% to 50% of the time.
  12. I've slept in the nude since I was in my early 20s. When wearing diapers though, I sleep in just the diaper.
  13. tuffy


    We'll cook burgers on the grill Thursday cause I might need to work on Friday and I'll probably smoke ribs over the weekend.
  14. I'm not 24x7, but I usually go for weeks (or months) at a time when I am diapered. After a few days of wearing, I begin to wet in my sleep. Depending on how much liquid (and salt) I had the night before, I'll have an urge to go right away in the morning and sometimes not. I almost always start with a dry diaper when I go to bed and I make sure my bladder is completely empty about 3 hours before bedtime. About an hour and a half before bed, I'll drink about 16oz of water when I take my bedtime drugs (antihistamine and acid reducer). For the first few days after returning to diapers, I'll wake up around 3am, pee and go back to sleep. After about the first week, I don't remember waking up. I developed this process about 15 years ago by trial and error and it took a couple of years to work it out. Sometimes it takes longer than a week for me start sleeping through wetting my diaper, but not more than 2. For me, there were 2 key things that had to happen. First was drinking just enough water to make sure I would need to go during the night. Second was having enough protection to be confident I wouldn't harm the mattress. One other thing. I'll be the first to admit this isn't really "true bedwetting" (whatever that is), but it's good enough for me. Unlike @oznl, I haven't tried this same formula without a diaper, but I suspect I'd come fully awake when I need to go.
  15. tuffy


    Having to say goodbye is the worst part of inviting them into your life and caring for them. With 2 of ours that had kidney disease, we were able to use subcutaneous fluids to ease their symptoms for a while, but that only lasted a couple of months. I'm sorry for your loss.
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