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Bedwetter (4/7)



  1. When I switched to cloth diapers I started having more rash problems that I'd ever had before going back 40 years. I finally concluded that it was fungal in origin and I need to do a better job of washing the diapers. Turns out 140F/60C is the key, but that's another story. To treat the fungus, I was using over the counter ointments and sprays, but that never seemed to kill it off completely and they cost about $10 for a tiny tube (I might be exaggerating, but not by much!). One evening when I realized I didn't have any fungal cream left, I tried spraying some hydrogen peroxide on it in desperation. That's the same stuff you'd have in a first aid kit to sterilize a cut or scrape and it comes in a spray bottle. The raw itchy parts tingled a little bit but it wasn't bad and after all, that's how you know it's working, right? That seemed to help so I started spraying it on with each diaper change and the rash cleared up in a couple of days. Also, the stuff is dirt cheap at about $1.50 per quart. These days I only use it in the morning and evening, but at the first sign of an itch, I go back to using it with each change.
  2. That's an interesting survey and I look forward to seeing the results. If you want to improve the survey, you might want to check out previous work done here: https://understanding.infantilism.org/surveys/
  3. Speak for yourself. At 66, I enjoy working from home and would happily do it exclusively. Unfortunately, I do have to get out and visit clients and colleagues from time to time because that keeps the money flowing in. The other thing is I enjoy what I do and have no plans to retire. I'll keep doing it as long as I can hold on to what marbles I have left and I figure if I continue to take on projects that challenge my expertise I'll be able to prolong the inevitable decline.
  4. I wasn't sure I'd like progressive lenses when I ordered my first pair, but for me, it was love at first sight. Even when looking at my computer screens, I have to deal with fonts of all sizes and I can usually dial the magnification in to just the right spot to read the letters.
  5. I have a couple of clients that would send me checks every month that were consistently getting lost. I converted one of them to a direct draft/deposit. I asked the other about it and found I wasn't the only vendor they had with lost checks. Since they're just down the street from my office, I just swing by and pick it up every month.
  6. When I travel diapered, which isn't often, I bring a reusable bed pad with me. I expect disposable bed pads would be fine too, however, my reusable pad is rather large and goes from my knees to my shoulders and a good 12 inches on either side of my somewhat rotund hips. I use the same one at home. I slip the pad underneath the sheet and hasn't been needed so far. When I've had leaks at home, it is usually small and we don't bother to wash the sheets. Well, except for that one time I'm also meticulous about not leaving the pad in the room when we check out. I'd also suggest some of those terry lined plastic pants that Babykins sells.
  7. I've always been fond of Escargot. I've had venison and thought it was fine as well as rabbit. I've tried kimchi before, but didn't really care for the funk and didn't care for caviar either. Likewise with any kind of liver... not even liver curry made it taste good and I generally love Indian food. I never thought I'd like sushi, but after reading George Takei's autobiography (he goes on and on about how great his mother's sushi tasted), I was won over and liked it. I'll try most anything once, but not necessarily twice
  8. Odd jobs around the house including going nuclear on the drain flies. Also had dinner with a couple of old friends from high school and solved the world's problems over a bottle of wine.
  9. I agree. I double up my cloth diapers all the time with great success, however, there is little you can do to hide the bulk.
  10. This will take to directly to the message board: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/ This will take you to the login page: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/login/
  11. I put on a favorite move or show and loose myself in the story for a while. When it's over, my troubles are usually a little less burdensome.
  12. Blueberries are such a great treat! I've been trying my hand at growing them for the past few years, but a few plants grown in containers will be barely enough to put on my morning cereal for the few weeks a year when they produce. Sad that there aren't any "ever bearing" varieties available.
  13. When the wetness starts creeping up the back, I'll think about changing soon.
  14. I trim mine with a double comb on my beard trimmer set to the shortest setting.
  15. For those who wear diapers to bed all the time, do they make it all the way through the night without leaking or do you sometimes wake up and have to change in the middle of the night? I go for long periods of time wearing diapers to bed. Usually I make it all the way through the night without leaking. Every once in a while I leak a little, once in the last year, I leaked a lot and once in the last year I changed in the middle of the night. Which brand of diapers do you wear to bed that do last all night, and are there any brands that you have used that seem to leak before morning more than others? I use double Babykins cloth diapers. Do you put a fresh diaper on just before going to bed, or do you sometimes go to bed already a little wet? I always put my night diaper on right before bed. On average, how many hours do you sleep a night? 6, 7, 8 or more? Usually around 6 hours, 7 or 8 if I can manage it. Do you use any boosters in your diapers to help make it though the night without leaks? Yes, I add enough boosters to cover those nights when I'm a bit over hydrated. When I had a major leak recently, I started adding an extra booster to the mix. Are you a heavy night wetter or average? Depends on my hydration level, but usually there's extra capacity when I wake up. If you do make it all night without leaks, how much longer will your diaper last before having to change it? Through the first cup or two of morning coffee, so a couple of hours. Do you ever wear plastic pants over your night diaper to help prevent the bed from getting wet if your diaper does leak some? Since I'm wearing cloth, YES! Do they help? As I'm using cloth diapers, I'll assume that question is rhetorical.
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