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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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foreverdl last won the day on August 7 2016

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    10 yr old still wet bed, & Loving plastic and now having Bi feelings confusion over sex

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  1. Most people will not say a word if they see your diapers , they don't want to embarrass you.. That's why I will say something to a Dr when I feel like I need to be sure they know I am ok with it..
  2. A couple of my regular Dr's know, I had to pull down my diaper and underwear , for my skin cancer Dr, I have dealt with squamous cell cancer since 2007, so they keep an eye out. And I had asked my skin cancer Dr for some good rash stuff, for my diapered area. He did look at it only once, and he has kept me in hydrocortisone oint for several years so it was worth it. Then my other cancer Dr has only seen the top of my pull up, when I take off my shirt. I did ask him if I can get diapers from Medicare , both Dr's said no it's not covered. I di look on our SSA site and they are correct it is not covered at least in our state. I have worn a pull up diaper to my scopes and scans, I have to or they have to pull them down . But I want my Dr's to know. Letting them know helps me to worry less about getting exposed as a diaper wearer. I do wear 24/7.
  3. I have to ask was there some comradely with the kids in that cabin? I would think so. See was and still am a loner, if I was connected to a group of any kind, like here I know it's only online here. But I have several things in common with. this group . I wonder did they change the sheets every day in the cabin, of just say you have the sheets you have for the trip? Your a few years younger than my son is, and he wet the bed till about age 10, I kept his bed in a plastic jip up even after he stopped wetting , I took it off maybe a year later. That's about the age I stopped wetting , but I wish I had kept wetting the bed.
  4. Nothing new, my second hand stuff, daytime a Prevail woman's purple pull up, they hold an amazing amount of pee. Then back into my second hand night stuff.
  5. Some of us are not rich,, I see a lot on this site that buy Adult baby diapers . I cannot afford to even buy the second hand that I get, I Wish I could afford the nice Adult baby diapers .
  6. I never thought of using the microfiber towels we use them on the car and they hold a lot.. I am gonna try them. I have about 6 I can experiment with.
  7. I do add a cloth thin layer on top, by the skin contact. And put a thick baby cloth diaper in my plastic pants with a thin pair of underwear or anything thin and tight to hold it up.
  8. I say again you're Lucky. You may have a way of picking them? or a mental thing? what ever ,, it seams to work. If my wife would start peeing the bed, and then be able to sleep with a TV on all night I may go back to our bedroom to sleep. I have been in my recliner for several years. I do keep it protected really well so The thing may leak I am safe. I have a big piece of nice backed vinyl and a cute baby quilt to catch any leaks, when I should have added an extra diaper to my night mix...
  9. My NEW choice for daytime diaper because they have more gel and hold more than others That I Can Afford ....And they are purple...Thats a plus.... But My Nite time diaper is made up of 3 layers of What I can Find at second hand..stores....I use a cloth layer against my skin,,( a small baby receiving blanket),,, I use 2 cheap diapers that I make a BUNCH of slits in The Bottom so they will Not overflow the sides, Then I use a LG or XLG tape tab diaper ( second hand store also ) for my outside ,,Then I have underwear made almost see through to hold it up, with a cloth baby diaper inside the underwear for an additional layer, and I have plastic pants over that. And I wear a nice pair of tights for my outside cover. In summer I wear the plastic feel tights SOO Nice and they hold any pee that leaks and then it will trickle down my legs and feels soo nice.....Now what ever anyone says Negative about this ,, they can please pay me so I can buy the approved diapers that they say is acceptable . We all have to use what we can afford to keep any of our pee/poop contained. Or just wear nothing and wet the bed. Witch By the way I would do if I didn't care what my wife thinks of me..
  10. I just ordered one online, Thanks I think I will like it the one at Target is in/out and you can run one fan in and one fan out.
  11. I like this idea, I will search for one, we had one years ago, but we were using it to help cool down a room and it was no good for that, but to vent my room it just may work, Thanks
  12. When in my case all I can afford is Cheap diapers, I have to buy second hand store diapers a lot. Which them I will do 3 layers with a LG outside , and then smaller ones inside of it. with slits in the inside ones, and a cloth layer on top, it will usually hold me for the night, with pee only. I don't poo my diapers, at least not yet. If you can afford to spend $3-4 a night for a nice diaper and a nice pad in it, then thats cool. I am on disability and can't.
  13. When I was still working, I loved and still love plastic backed ATN diapers they can be warm in the summer. But I used a good baby diaper, the size 3-4 would hold the most pee, and then the plastic backed was for overflow , and the baby diaper was easy for me to reach in pull it out the front, and then just slide the new one back it, . It may take a little getting used to? but I did it for a few years. I did a lot of driving and I got used to changing while driving .
  14. I had brother and a step brother that soaked there king size unprotected bed so much it really smelled sooo sooo good, I was scared to start wetting but with all of the crap, of us kids getting tossed back and forth I could have started without any problems , but we didn't have the luxury of the kids now with all of the information on the web, I would have started soo quickly and just gotten moved to the bed my brothers shared, that I would get naked when everyone was out and I wrapped up in the still soaked blankets etc and I was soo happy and hard.... If I had only known then what I know now. I would have made myself a bad wetter .....
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