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spoonchicken last won the day on December 29 2013

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  1. Updated = total lack thereof
  2. ChatRoom is working just fine. Just click the Chat icon at the top of the page on the Main Forums page and you should get in just fine. If not, then the tech issue is on your end, not ours.
  3. Glad you're bouncing back, Mikey *hugs* Normal ?!?! Wtf is that ??? Normal is simply the most commonly used cycle on a washing machine Be what you is, not what you is not / folks that does this, is the happiest lot
  4. Crank up some metal to high volume, get stoned, and wallow in my anger and despair.
  5. I feel like that most days too. *hugs*
  6. On the British TV show "London's Burning" one of the characters nickname was "Furry". Two people were talking while a third person ( the furry ) participated, and then walked away. One of the other two asked why his nickname was Furry, to which the other person (Sub Officer Hallam) replied ( with words to the effect of ) "I'm not going anywhere near that question". I don't know which exact episode it was but it was a later season (6 or 7). "Blue Watch ! For your duties...fall out".
  7. His last log-in was Feb 13th...the day before Valentines Day. I hate to say it but it's not at all unthinkable that he committed suicide. He was very heartbroken after the death of his wife and Valentines Day being THE "day of romance" it's very possible that the stress and depression got to him. He's gone
  8. Based on very convincing circumstantial evidence it is believed that "poobrat" is dead. He was an everyday visitor but hasn't been here since Feb 13th. Also, he was both very overweight and very heartbroken after the death of his wife a few years ago. His financial situation was precarious at best, and it's not unreasonable to speculate that the guy dropped dead of either a stroke or a heart attack. Froggy and I have done what we can to verify this IRL but without luck. Furthermore, TXdiapered "knows" him elsewhere on the Internet but reports no activity on any other online accounts. All things considered it seems safe to think he's gone. I, for one, shall miss the guy. He was a regular in the ChatRoom and a great person. R.I.P., bro poobrat - [DD] Boards & Chat (dailydiapers.com)
  9. Welcome to this website, and to the rest of your diapered life *hugs & farts !* 🥄🐔
  10. Ben Davis for President...plenty tough
  11. Why are you afraid / reluctant to share this with family? They should be supportive of any family member. Unless they’ll the kind of people why HAVE to be right and you wrong no matter what ( like my family). If they’re willing and able to be cool about, feel free to be cool with them. And if they’re not cool about it, then to hell with them. Either way , and on behalf of the entire membership here, I wish you all the best in all things in general and with this path of self-improvement you’re choosing to embark upon in particular.
  12. 40% of folks always vote Republican and 40% always vote Democratic. So, it’s the leftover 20% “swing voters” who decide election outcomes. They’re the primary audience for political debates ( of any sort, really ). I always vote for Democrats so I couldn’t care less about watching it, except for the flubs, gaffes and outrageous statements and claims that get headlines the following day. And for that, I can wait until the next day for the highlights and lowlights on the news.
  13. I’ve received requests to lock this thread because of the borderline hostile discourse occurring. I’ve chosen to leave it open and will leave it open until & unless one of two things happen…the site owner overrules me and it gets locked, or if the discussion gets completely out of hand. It seems to me that we could use a Thread for everyone to “blow off political steam”, but we need to remain mutually polite and respectful to each other. The vanilla world seems to have forgotten how to agree to disagree”, so what do you say we take the moral high road and behave as people should.
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