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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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AbabeBill last won the day on February 27 2019

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About AbabeBill

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  • Diapers
    Adult Baby
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    JERSEY SHORE area, New Jersey
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Diaper Royalty (7/7)



  1. I can imagine each Dwarf having a turn of his own ant it, and encountering his own difficulties and hurtles to overcome.
  2. Welcome back! Your high chair is where you left it.
  3. Welcome back then! It’s still the place to be. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  4. Hi Brian, and welcome to DD, or I’ll say, bonjour! I don’t speak French, but for a very few words. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, and glad to have you join us. Come in, make yourself at home. There’s lots of likeminded people here. Your story is interesting, and thanks for sharing some. Some things can be very difficult to think about, or rediscover. But, this site can be a help. I would say, go ahead and explore all you can, in yourself and in the many other people here. Everyone has some different reasons for being here, but we all share a common theme. I do hope you enjoy your time spent here. Now, relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  5. Hi and welcome to DD. Nice to meet you, glad to have you join us. Come in, make yourself comfy. Lots of likeminded people here. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  6. Hi DaleWhite, and welcome to DD. Nice to meet you, glad to have you join us here. Lots of good likeminded people. Cone in, make yourself at home, grab a high chair! Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  7. Hi and welcome back. Come in, make yourself at home, lots of likeminded people here. Grab a high chair, and pull it on up. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  8. Hi, and glad to meet you. Come in, make yourself at home. You know there’s lots of likeminded people here. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  9. And felicitations! Welcome to DD. Nice to meet you, and glad to have you join us. Come in, make yourself at home. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  10. Hi and welcome to DD Dorothy. Nice to meet you, glad to have you join us. Come in, get comfy, make yourself at home. There’s lots of good likeminded people here. Any questions, just ask. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  11. Hi and welcome to DD DaisyDiaipers. Nice to meet you, glad to have you join us. There are lots of good likeminded people here. Being a mommy type, I’m sure you might find yourself very popular. There are just not too many out there, with such attributes. Should you have any questions, or difficulties, just ask. This site has a lot to offer, hope to be seeing you around. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  12. Tressa Rose contacted me also. Didn’t give any information over, I just wished them Happy New Year. But they did try to keep the conversation going. Probing I guess?
  13. I wouldn’t do a shity diaper, but it’s always been a bit of a back burner fantasy for me. I would like to possibly, have my partner wet a diaper and force me to wear it. Or, have them pour their pee into my diaper, forcing me to wear it. My ex wife might have been interested, but never got to broach the subject with her.
  14. AbabeBill

    Hewwo :3

    Hi Ren and welcome to DD, and to ab/dl. Nice to meet you, glad to have you join us here. Come in, make yourself at home. There’s lots of likeminded people here. If you have any questions, just ask away! Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
  15. At the risk of unsolicited advice, but I do like to offer something, get some Port wine, and just a small shot of it might help. If not that, some Brandy. I hope you feel better soon! To me, Port wine tastes icky, but a small dose has helped me, lots!
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