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    • I'm Reggie I'm a total DL. My boyfriend is a DL also, looking for like minded people to share with.
    • Setting some fun rules can make the game even better. Maybe add dares for the losers each round or have a "wild card" rule where someone can change things up.
    • Angela pouted in the corner. What she thought would be nothing more than an unfortunate afternoon had turned into so much more. She expected Thomas to be furious when he picked her up later that evening, but he wasn’t. Like almost every other Karen that came through their doors, Angela couldn’t help herself and continued to earn more spanking and demotions. Sitting on her sore bottom in the Classroom, she continued to write lines and look at the other women there. Getting spanked in front of other women…especially women so far beneath her dignified status…was even more humiliating than being spanked over the manager’s desk. But one by one, Angela watched as each of the other women left until she was alone in the classroom, trying not to die from the tedium of writing lines like she was a schoolgirl again.  She had pages and pages of lines by the time she felt Thomas’ firm grasp on her shoulder. She turned to him and buried her face in his broad chest, something she had not done in decades. There was a time when he had been her protector, her provider, her lover, her friend. Lately, he had been nothing more than an ATM and an annoying roommate. Angela was sorry, truly sorry, for maybe the first time in her life, and she continued to squeeze him tightly as he took her from this wretched place. But Thomas knew it wouldn’t last. The manager warned him of as much, and he also knew his wife better than anyone in the world. Angela was absolutely humiliated to have to walk through the parking lot in her revealing schoolgirl outfit. She wouldn’t have worn something so scandalous even in her college days, but that had been decades ago, and it was absolutely unthinkable now. Yet, here she was. Walking through the dark parking lot and trying to keep her tiny plaid skirt from showing off her reddened backside while her husband gripped her other hand like she was a petulant child as they marched through the parking lot towards his car. Thomas could have used the valet, of course, but that always seemed snooty to him, no matter how much money he made. He had legs and he could walk. The parking lot was deserted by the time he drove in to pick up his wife, so while there was little chance that anyone would see them, it still felt adventurous and fun to him, though probably not as much to her. The drive home had been silent. Well, he had been silent. Thomas held her hand and slowly shook his head anytime Angela tried to apologize or talk about how it wasn’t fair or how they should maybe look into a class-action lawsuit with some of the other women for the unjust treatments she had received. It had taken them no more than twenty minutes to drive home and, even dressed as a naughty schoolgirl to remind herself, Angela was already showing him that an afternoon of discipline would not be enough. So into the corner she went. As soon as they walked through the front door, Thomas pulled his wife onto his lap and flipped up her plaid skirt. SMACK! “Thomas, what are you…” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Thomas, please! I’ve learned my lesson…” SMACK!! SMACK!! SMACK!! “Puh…please….oh god…noooooo!” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!! Thomas continued for several minutes. He was not angry. He was not upset. He was firm and resolute. He had made his millions as a man who knew what to do and how to do it. Following his gut along with a carefully crafted plan had never failed him, and Thomas was about to put it to the ultimate test. —------------------------------------------------- As he sipped his bourbon, Thomas watched his wife in the corner and couldn’t remember the last time he had been in the same room with Angela and silence at the same time. It was always one or the other, as though they were two things that could not touch or coexist. But as he sat and reflected on the afternoon and their entire marriage, Thomas realized that he had failed them both.  In succeeding in business, he had neglected his wife and trusted that she could take care of herself as a responsible adult. But that was not the case. And it was never the case. He doted on Angela and took care of her every need when they were dating and through the first few years of marriage. But she also respected him and wasn’t as privileged in those early days.  Times had changed and so had they. He remembered when the whole Karen Craze started. And how he immediately recognized that his wife fell into that category. At the time, it was funny. He pointed it out to his wife, and she did not think it was funny, which seemed even funnier to him. But Karen’s time in the sun came and went, as did so many things. But Angela stayed the same. A life of privilege must be earned. Thomas had earned everything he worked for. His kids were in college and both were headed towards well-disciplined and successful lives. It was time for Angela to learn the same.  —------------------------------------------------- Thomas sat down for breakfast, overjoyed to see Clara joining them once again. “Clara, it is so good to see you. What have you been up to?” “Well, after the kids graduated, I took some time for myself. It sounds so cheesy, but I did the stereotypical thing…explored the world, backpacked through Europe…you know, all the things that you’re supposed to do to find yourself.” “And did you? Find yourself?” “While I enjoyed a couple of years to take care of myself and recharge, honestly I was getting bored. I enjoy taking care of others and must admit that I was very intrigued by your call.” She paused her conversation apologetically and turned to her left. “Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” Angela pouted and played with her oatmeal. This wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. “I’m so glad that our paths always seem to cross at the right time, Clara. You did such a great job with Ben and Elise that when I was trying to think of someone to take care of my wife during the day, you were the only person I had in mind.” “Thank you, Mr. Miller. But I actually wanted to talk to you about that. After spending a week with Angela,  I’m not sure if daytime care is really what your little princess needs. I haven’t found a place to stay yet since I got back into town, and I think that it is highly likely that you will also need some help in the evenings and on weekends. You are a busy man with a business to run. Let me take care of this naughty little thing so you can take care of everything else.” “No! I’m not a fucking child. This is ridiculous!” Angela threw her bowl of oatmeal across the table and stood up, exposing her juvenile pajamas, proclaiming that she was ‘Otterly Exhausted’. The difference between her childish outburst and wardrobe and the polished businessman and professional nanny on the other side of the table could not have been more clear. “See what I mean?” —------------------------------------------------- “Bye, Mr. Miller! We’ll see you tonight!” Weeks turned to months, and Angela was finally showing some potential. At least some days, she showed potential. Today was not one of those days. It took a little adjusting for Clara to fine-tune her methods from actual children to adults that acted like petulant children, but soon she enacted a simple level system that seemed to work best for all involved and was easy to follow. Even Angela could clearly see the benefits and understand her privileges and demotions as they were earned and taken away based on her behavior. At Level 5, Clara was simply around to act as a friend and companion to Angela. The older woman was free to dress any way she chose as long as Clara approved and they had fun together; seeing movies, shopping, and working out. When they existed in this space, Clara and Angela both seemed to enjoy their time together, and it was a shame that they could only experience a few scattered days of this freedom from time to time because of Angela’s repeated outbursts. At Level 4, Angela was given the rights of a teenager. She had limited screen and phone time and was not allowed to drive. The petulant brat that she was, it was easy for Angela to fall into the role of a bratty teen and this was often as far up the totem pole she got before working her way back down again as she had more and more privileges taken away. Angela was sent back to her elementary school years for Level 3. Clara enjoyed this time as many of the children she worked with before the Millers were in this age range. Cute childish outfits, fun crafts, and simple meals and snacks were a part of the mature woman’s new day-to-day life. Angela was given no phone access and needed to ask Clara for permission for everything she wanted to do, slowly learning to use her manners like the good girl they were training her to be. Clara found it hard to believe that Level 2 even needed to exist. Why would a grown woman not even be able to handle the basics of life intended for an 8-year-old? But Angela proved stubborn and time and time again she found herself demoted to a life of pull-ups and training potties, where she was forced to ask permission to go potty and have Clara cut up all of her food into bite-sized pieces that Angela could easily eat with her hands. Angela was only allowed sippy cups and Clara even occasionally used a pacifier on the stubborn pouting woman when the situation called for it and she needed a break and some silence for a while. Level 1 was only intended as a threat. A joke. Something from the furthest reaches of the internet and Clara was sure that even Angela wouldn’t need to spend time here. The mere mention of this level would be enough to keep even the most stubborn women compliant. But yet here Angela was, stuck as a toddler in diapers. When it became clear that this wouldn’t be a one-time thing, Mr. Miller approved more supplies for his wife. Soon a high chair, baby food, and bottles were commonplace, and one of the guest rooms was turned into a nursery. Angela pouted behind her pacifier in the middle of her nursery after her second diaper change of the day. Clara looked up from her book and kept an eye on her latest charge. Angela looked particularly adorable today in just a pink shirt and diaper with her spunky pigtails on display. That had been one of Mr. Miller’s suggestions, thinking that maybe if his wife didn’t look like a Karen then she might learn to see herself differently. And see herself differently they did. As her hair grew and months of training and spankings continued, they each saw glimpses of the woman that Angela could become. It didn’t come all at once. And it rarely stayed for long before her bratty attitude sent her toppling back down the levels, but it was there. Deep down, Angela Miller was a good girl. So after months of fighting and crying and pleading, self-preservation kicked in. Angela didn’t want to live through her forties in diapers…or training panties. She didn’t want humiliating bath times, messy highchair feedings, painful spankings, boring cornertime, or adorable little outfits to be her new normal. If Angela wanted to get out of this mess, it was time for her to grow up. Angela still didn’t think it was fair and still thought that she knew better than any of them. But she learned to keep her mouth shut. The pacifier helped, of course. And she learned that privileges, even the most basic of them, should not be taken for granted. Angela had a great life and a beautiful home and a loving husband that obviously cared for her. Sure, this was weird. But Thomas could have kicked her to the curb and upgraded to a younger trophy-wife as so many of his counterparts were doing at his age and he didn’t. He loved his wife and wanted the best for her and Angela would do her best to be a good girl for him and earn his trust again. One level at a time. -------------------------------------------------------- My newest story, Oakley Asylum, released on Amazon TWO days ago and is already my best-selling book this month. I'm dropping a chapter each day for subscribers on Ream or SubscribeStar and it concludes tomorrow. Click the links for a sneak peak at Dr. Elaine Oakley's story as a renowned pyschologist who is demoted and is forced to experience the infantile and humiliating treatments that she developed.   
    • I had a very wet night and now a very wet and messy morning. My MegaMax USA is huge but NO LEAKS or DIAPER BLOW-OUT. Sitting here warm, messy and squishy, what can be better than that? I just got up and returned to my computer, waddling into the kitchen to get more coffee was a delightful experience, only surpassed by sitting back down, feeling my warm poopie in my diapee squish all over my perineum. 
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