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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Diapered Dave

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Diapered Dave last won the day on February 11 2022

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  1. Well, I guess you can't ask for more proof than that!! 😁👍😂 Maybe the next photo, you'll be in diapers! Hope everything goes well for you.
  2. Judging by his first post, it almost sounds like he just had the surgery today.... He might still be groggy, sore and sleepy. ( I know I was when I've had different surgeries in the past.. )
  3. How long do you have to stay there? A week? Do you have diapers ready for after they remove the catheter?
  4. What was your recovery time? Did you need a catheter afterwards?
  5. I think it's a good story!! I see it has had over 5,000 views. To bad more people have not commented on it. Sometimes people get a little lax ( including myself..) when it comes to leaving feedback, but how else are authors suppose to know if folks like what they're writing?
  6. What country are you in? This sounds similar to the surgery that a few other members had in Mexico, but it was about $25,000
  7. Well, I have always worn them around my butt. When I first got diapers, I wore them over my head. But I kept bumping into things, cuz I couldn't see where I was going. 😁 I thought I was wearing them properly, cuz people always called me "Shit-head", so I figured "Hey, this must be right!" I was wrong. 😆
  8. So... cruelty-free acorns... Were these like "Free range acorns", as opposed to "caged acorns"? 🙄😆😁
  9. Yes, she was a GREAT writer... However, she hasn't been on this site since Oct. 2021. It's always sad when someone just disappears like that. Hope nothing bad happened to her.
  10. Yes, I have found his postings very interesting and informative too... However, for what ever reason, it looks like he has erased all his past postings and profile information. I hope he is ok...
  11. So it's the New Year!!! Just wondering if our two diaper-dependent Super Heroes (Reddy, BrownBobby..) had any un-foreseen incontinence issues over the holidays... With traveling, gatherings with friends and family, holiday events, etc... Also, any new plans for how you'll handle your incontinence in the new year? Any changes in your incontinence? Leaky, retention, bedwetting?
  12. Yes, I've found adult diapers at thrift stores many times. They're usually the cheaper quality store brands, not like BetterDry or Molicare. I use to wonder why thrift stores would have adult diapers. But often when an elderly person dies, and their home is being cleaned out, there are several packages of adult diapers there, which are then donated. It actually happened to us recently, when we had to clean out my aunt's apartment after she passed away. There were a few bags of store brand diapers there, and I didn't even know she was having incontinence issues.
  13. Two diaper pins... The small part of me that's AB feels that 2 pins are more authentic. Also, I only use adult size diaper pins now days. Again, the larger pins with adult size diapers just feels more authentic to me.
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