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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

rusty pins

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rusty pins last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. I have on a cloth backed Attends with a Tranquility booster pad, topped with my PEVA Plastic Pants. Good for about 4 hours, which is all the time I have for today. It will be a short diaper day for me today.
  2. Just an FYI. Back in 1946 there was an episode of the old radio show "Life Of Riley" where for father's day the family was trying to surprise their father with a new suit. To get the correct size, they has to sneak one of his old suits from his closet to the tailor. As it so happened, the father would come home and find his suit pants gone, but the coat there. Then the coat was gone and the pants there. To get his suit to the tailor without their dad seeing it, they smuggeled it out in a box, the same kind of box that their son's old diapers and rubber pants were stored in. The father, Chester Riley, thought he was going nuts because parts of his suit kept disappearing and then reappearing in a box, then disappearing again, so without looking in the box, he grabbed it and went to a psychiatrist and told him to look inside. The doctor looked in the box and it had diapers and rubber pants inside. He asked the father what he was doing with it, and Riley said, "I like to wear them. I feel good when I wear them..." etc. etc. Then the psychiatrist started talking about infant regression and all that. It's been years since I listened to the whole episode but that is the basics of it. That shows that AB/DL or infantile regression was known way back in at least 1946. You can listen to the full episode here
  3. Watch out for the Winkies and Flying Monkeys and hope for a visit from the Munchkin Lullaby League!
  4. Maybe when you rolled down the car widow he got a good "whiff" and that is why he didn't want to get in the car! LOL!
  5. Too bad that didn't happen when I was on my vacation to Pennsylvania last August! I went to Hershey Park one day (fully diapered) and might have been interesting to meet for a sandwich somewhere.
  6. Get some Sween Cream. You may have to order it off the internet. It works!
  7. I don't wear them myself, but for those interested, how do they compare on price with other brands, especially the Abena pants you wear? I'm sure after you get your order and test drive them you will give everyone a detailed report on any pros and cons.
  8. Gaming pillow? Just what kind of "games" is he playing? Looks ridiculous and some stupid company trying to find a way to get more gullible people's money with an absolutely dumb useless product.
  9. They were doing random testing for your job. They were afraid you might send one of your customer's a double order of training pants by mistake! Seriously, may be time to look for another shrink! Seems to me it's a trust issue with who you have now. Do some on line research and see if this is a common thing with these kinds of doctor's and perhaps check out the state laws and Hippa regulations to see if they went to far or violated anything. Seems they should be telling you what and why they are doing it and give you prior notice.
  10. When many major business and stores have an issue like this, doesn't matter what has spilled on the floor, they often call on their PA speakers, "Code Brown in aisle 14". In this case maybe it should be "Code Yellow"?
  11. He threw the torch instead and it burned the hand of the guy who tried to catch it!
  12. I am wearing an Abena L4 I put on about an hour and a half ago, with thick Rearz training pants over it for the extra bulk, and them my PEVA plastic pants for extra security and crinkle. I have wet several times and, although I took a big poop in the toilet this morning, I suspect the fullness I am feeling in my bowels means I will have a messy diaper as well sometime this afternoon.
  13. How far can you throw a tantrum, and is someone at the other end to catch it?
  14. Yup! The issue with spell check is you have to know the grammar and context when words spoken the same have different meanings and spellings, something which often people forget or just don't give a crap to do Or, "The issue with spell Czech is yew have to no the grammar and context when words spoken the same have different meanings, something witch often people fourget or just don't give a crap to dew.
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