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About willnotwill

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    The Carolinas
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    Sixty-four this year.

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  1. I was wearing the NSC megamax tie-dye diapers for a couple of case orders but I've gone back to black now. That and the NSC Supreme Lite polkadots, these are the only "prints" that aren't juvenile I've seen.
  2. Later in the day, Jason did take comfort in the fact that since he didn’t have to work in the dining hall, he had more free time. He strolled around the campus and then realized he had to pee. Locked in the diaper, he had little choice. He paused and let his midsection grow warm. He decided to walk back to the house. He went to his room but Kristin wasn’t there. He wandered around the house but was unable to find her. He ran into Val and Suzi in the commons. “Have you seen Kristin?” he asked. “Not in a while,” Suzi said. “What’s up?” “Oh, nothing really. I just need a change and I’m locked up in this thing.” “I’ll take care of it,” Val volunteered. She led him to the communal changing room, where she opened the diaper and changed him. “It would be nice to have this thing unlocked so I could change, but I guess they don’t trust me.” “I guess so,” Val said. He went up to his room and got some of his assignments and after an hour Kristin came in. “How’s your day been?” she asked. “OK. I was wet and locked in the diaper, but Val was able to take care of me.” “Oh, sorry about that,” Kristin said. “Let me get you back into regular diapers.” Kristin changed him again. He noticed that he had wet the new diaper though he didn’t really recall doing it. “Do you want to eat in the commons or in the main hall tonight?” He thought about it. In the main dining room he could have a glass a wine, but he’d have to wear at least a jacket. “Let’s dress up,” he said. “Good, why don’t you try on your tux.” Why not he shrugged. He went in and got everything out. He put the shirt on and fumbled with the studs and cufflinks. He had never worn anything like this before. He didn’t have the funds to take a girl to the prom. He went to Kristin and she just smiled and did them up for him. She let him step into the trousers and pull up the suspenders. She put the cummerbund around him and he put on the jacket. She picked up the bow tie. It wasn’t a clip on and it took her a couple of tries to get it right but soon she had it right. “Now, you can help me.” He followed her into her room, and she shucked out of the casual clothes she had on. She went to the dresser and pulled at a pair of satin panties and a bra. He was starting to realize what it was that had interested him to begin with. She got out a long satin dress and put it on. She turned her back to him and asked her to zip it up. He did, and she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. He about melted. She was beautiful. She turned and held out her arms. “What do you think?” You look fabulous. She came and kissed him. “I never made it to the prom,” he admitted. “Well, let this be your prom.” They made their way down to the dining room. Many people spoke highly of their formal attire as they entered. Jason just looked at the girl on his arm. She was stunning in that dress. Maybe he could make this work. The thought was only interrupted by the fact that he needed to wet his diaper. Seated, the waiter brought them two glasses of sparkling wine. “For a formal occasion, you need Champagne,” he said. This also was a new experience for him. He had several more glasses of wine over the course of dinner and he seemed to float back up to their room afterward. She went to her room and asked him, “Unzip me.” He ran his hands over the silk fabric up to the zipper and slowly took it down. She turned and lowered the dress to the floor. Then she helped him out of his jacket and pants. They stood there, bodies pressed together for a second. And then she took down his diaper and they got into bed. Things went better the next day. After a night in bed with Kristin, he felt better. After classes, he returned to the house, and Cathy met the two of them. “I got you an appointment with Dr. Swan this afternoon.” “Great,” said Kristin. “What kind of Doctor,” Jason inquired. “Medical, don’t worry.” They made their way just off campus to an office building and found the door that said Elizabeth Swan, MD, Specialty Medical Care. The two checked in with the receptionist and were directed to an examining room. A pair of women entered, and one introduced herself. “Jason, Kristin, I’m Dr. Swan.” Jason was still not sure why they were there and which one of them was getting medical care. That was quickly answered, “Jason, can you take off your clothes and get on the table.” Jason was a bit nervous. He was wearing a diaper, of course. He’d not exposed it to anybody yet. Sensing his problem, the doctor answered. “Don’t worry. I’ve seen it before. I’m a Delta Phi myself.” This explained it, Jason thought. They sent them to alumni. He got his clothes off, save for the diaper, and got on the table. As he lay there, the doctor called out to the nurse, 172 pounds. Jason wondered how she knew, then saw the readout on the wall. The table was a scale. He thought back to the pediatrician he went to as a child. The baby room had such a scale but a lot smaller. She took his blood pressure and listened to his chest, and did all the normal doctor poking and prodding. Then she asked Kristin to remove his diaper. A bit more nervous now, the doctor set to examining that point. “Just a little irritation here. You should try a cream.” She grabbed a container and opened it. She rubbed a bit on his crotch area and then handed the rest to Kristin. “Dr. Boudreaux Butt Paste” it said with a smiling baby on the label. Jason felt a little embarrassed. For every step forward, there was always something to remind him of his virtual baby status. That was reinforced when the doctor pushed a probe into his rear. A rectal thermometer. He couldn’t remember when he had his temperature taken like this. A few seconds later, it beeped. “Normal,” the doctor pronounced. She then wheeled over a machine. “I’ll need a sample,” she said. Jason wasn’t sure what sample she was referring to. The doctor set to massage his penis until he became erect gently. She then slid a metal tube with wires on it over it. The machine itself continued the message with a slight tingling sensation. Jason felt an ache within him and realized what sort of sample this thing was trying to obtain. His breath quickened, and suddenly, he convulsed into the thing. A second later, it quietly ceased activity. As he laid back, he realized he’d just been milked. The doctor, meanwhile, asked Kristin how things had been going so far, and Kristin painted an idyllic picture. After a minute, the doctor asked Kristin if she could leave the room. “I just want to let you know that whatever you can say to me is OK and will be held confidentially. You don’t have to worry about the sorority coming back at you for anything thing you tell me. I sense you might be having some problems adjusting to house life.” Jason sighed. “Well, it started out rosy enough. But I have to say having to poop in diapers is pretty disgusting.” The doctor just nodded. “And nursing?” “It was OK at first. I thought it was just intimate foreplay, but now I realize it’s bigger than that. I kind of rebelled and they force fed me as a result.” The doctor just nodded. She had known about that. Jason sensed she wanted him to continue. “I think I got over it. Kristin explained all what she went through to lactate.” “And how do you feel about your mommy?” the doctor asked. Jason noted the use of mommy rather than Kristin. “I’m happy with her. She is very kind and beautiful.” “So if you could change anything, what would it be?” “Well, being locked in the diapers is a bit inconvenient. I mean, Kristin and I can’t be together all the time. Just a couple of days ago, I came home wet and locked in. I was lucky one of the other mommy’s offered to change me. The doctor just nodded again. “Perhaps we have a solution to that.” The doctor picked up a phone and asked Kristin to be sent back in. “I think Jason is having a little issue with the locking cover,” the doctor explained to Kristin. Jason thought that this may be a positive thing. Would she relent and let him go without it. “Have you considered making him incontinent?” Jason grew dizzy. It took him a second to comprehend what was being said. “You mean, make it so I wet uncontrollably?” “Yes, effectively. We have a couple of methods, but the one to try initially would be injections. It’s the same thing as Botox. We inject it into your sphincter. It’s temporary, about three or four months. Anyhow, there’d be no reason to lock you into the diapers. You’d have to wear them anyhow.” Jason couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It would be nice not to be locked up, but to lose control. “That’s crazy?” he said reflexively. “What do you think, Kristin?” the doctor asked. “Well, it sounds like a workable solution to the problem. Would you like to try it, Jason?” she asked him. He was still trying to come to grips with it. “It’s only temporary at this point,” the doctor said. “You should try it.” Jason still hadn’t said anything. After a prolonged silence Kristin just said, “Let’s go for it.” Jason was still stunned as the doctor explained the procedure. She sent the nurse to get things ready in another room. “The first part is the worst. We will have to thread a small device into your ureter so that we can inject directly into the sphincter.” Jason had to come to grips with that. “Ureter?” “Your pee hole,” Kristin said with a giggle. Jason didn’t like the sound of this. The doctor took Jason, still naked, into the next room. He laid down on the table while the nurse put a drape over him with a hole she fished his member out of. The nurse set to cleaning it with some sort of orange liquid. The doctor produced a long tube. She placed some goo on the first section of it. “This is a lubricant but it also has lidocaine in it to deaden the feeling. Ready?” Jason had no clue what was happening, so he just nodded. The doctor grabbed his penis with one and started the tube up his pee hole. It was an odd sensation. She was watching something on a screen and then realized this thing must have a camera in him. She got to a stopping point. “I’m going to do the injections now. Here’s one at 12 o’clock.” He felt a small burn deep inside him. He then saw the picture turn. “3 o’clock.” The doctor gave him four shots in total and then removed the device. Now, if you can, please roll over. This next phase is easier. Not knowing quite what was going on he flipped over on his stomach. He felt the nurse wiping around his butthole. Then it occurred to him. “No! Not there, too?” he cried. Kristin moved over beside him and started stroking his back. “There, there, baby. It will just take a second.” And that it did. The doctor immediately started on the injections, which were much more exposed. And then it was over. “You better get a diaper on him,” the nurse said. Kristin pulled one from her bag and did him up. They went back to the other room, and Jason got dressed. The doctor came in one last time and gave Kristin the jar of Butt Paste and each of them a business card. “I think you’re both doing well, but if you have any questions, just give me a call.” They left the office and started to walk to the house. Then Jason felt it. His diaper was getting wetter, and he couldn’t control it. He stopped and started to cry. Kristin pulled him into a close embrace and kissed him hard, her tongue exploring his mouth. After a few seconds of this, she pulled back slightly. “Are you OK? We can make out more until you get some composure back.” Jason fought back the tears. “Let’s just get home.”
  3. And not in the way you're thinking... https://www.gistlover.com/crossdresser-james-brown-spotted-with-an-outfit-filled-with-diapers-at-the-trendupp-awards-2024/
  4. There was a great episode of Bones where Emily Deschanel (Bones) wore the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman outsuit. Late in the episode she pulls a 50 caliber revolver out to shoot the bad guys, leading her FBI-agent boyfriend observes "OK, where did you even find a place to carry that?"
  5. I stayed in the Grand Floridian and they'd look in my bag from time to time getting on the monorail, but it was never an issue. No guns or alcohol, but diapers are fine.
  6. When I was still working, I word Northshore Supreme Lites (usually the blue ones). They had a good balance between thickness and absorbency. These replaced the Attends Extras I had when they dropped them from the line.
  7. While they are only tangentially related to the stories, a few of mine like Fifty Shades of Gold Babies of Madison High and the like involve car seats .
  8. https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/guest-services/restrooms/ The hotels are not a problem. Bring some disposal bags and tie the used ones up and just leave them in/near the trash in the bathroom. I've never had a problem with this. Don't forget to tip your housekeeper.
  9. https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/guest-services/restrooms/
  10. It's 830 AM here and I'm still wearing last night's megamax. I guess I better change it, but it still feels dry (yet swollen).
  11. I go to a practice I call the "dental chicks." The principal dentists are all blond women and everybody else there is female. My wife says "did you pick this place because they're all young blond women?" Yeah, that was in the insurance search engines: "find me a practice with blond women near me that takes my insurance." Any, the doctor whose done all my serious stuff is always pretty good about making sure I'm numb.
  12. Released from the office, he returned to his room. He didn’t want to face Kristin or anybody else, so he climbed into his crib. Kristin came in and tried to start a conversation, but he ignored her. Finally, she gave up. She picked up a teddy bear from the dresser and put it in the crib with him. Jason was confused, angry, and hurt. What was he going to do? He grabbed the bear tight to his face and cried. He then felt Kristin stroking his hair. He opened his eyes. “It’s dinner time. Would you like to go eat?” Jason blinked. He must have dozed off. He let Kristin dress him for dinner, and they went down. He ordered a burger. He wasn’t that hungry. Kristin set a bottle in front of him and looked hopeful. He quickly sucked it dry and then followed it with two glasses of wine. They went back to the room. “I know this was a rough day for you. I knew learning to poop must be rough. Then, to have that little session with Cathy. I didn’t want to do it, but she said it would avoid problems in the long run.” She pulled him toward her, and he snuggled. He was still conflicted. How had we gone from the intimacy of the night before to this torture? “Do you still like me?” she asked. “You turned me into a baby. You might have told me this all was going to happen,” he finally said. “I’m sorry. I was afraid you’d not have gone through with it. Still, Cathy gave you the disclosure that you signed.” “I didn’t read it. I was so eager to get next to you. But it seems like I’m the one doing all the work here. Oh, you change a few diapers and got me some clothes, but I’m the one suffering the change in lifestyle.” “Well, you’re right, but I have been working. I started as soon as my high school graduation to get ready for Delta Phi. I had to take medicine and pump my breasts for the entire summer to get to the point where I could lactate for you. And if you don’t drink, I still have to pump.” That was some small consolation, but it still seemed he got the worst of it. Still, he decided to sleep in the crib that night. The next morning, they headed down to the commons for breakfast. She asked him simply, “Milk?” He nodded and she exposed a breast. He looked at her and though of her being milked all summer. He nursed and she stroked his hair and rocked him. It was comforting. After breakfast, she changed him into a disposable diaper and pulled a new cover over it. He wore a new pair of trousers that fit well over the combination. He had to poop, but he still had the plan of finding a bathroom once he got away from Kristin on campus. He went to calculus, and that went fairly well. The need to poop was overwhelming. He found the men’s room and went into a stall. He lowered his trousers and tried to lower the diaper cover and found he couldn’t. The waistband wouldn’t give. He felt around and found a disk on the back of it. Some sort of lock. Kristin, Cathy, or someone figured out he’d try to get out of them. He hustled off to history and set next to Kristin. When that class finished, he new it was inevitable. He pushed out a load into the diaper. “I need a change,” he said. They walked over to the student union and headed down a set of stairs into a room that Kristin opened with a key card. Inside was a changing room similar to the one in the public area of the house. He got up on a table, and Kristin changed him. He felt better once he was clean. As she was refastening the plastic pants, he asked, “Is that a lock of some sort?” “Yes, we were afraid you’d try to use the toilet when you weren’t being supervised,” she said. “I should have warned you. I assume you did try to take off your diaper?” Jason was a bit embarrassed at being caught out, but he had to try, didn’t he? “It’s almost lunch time…” she started. Jason just nodded, and she took a position in one of the big chairs, and he came and nursed.
  13. In-Depend-Dance day!
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