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Little BabyDoll Christine

Baby Banker 2017
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Little BabyDoll Christine last won the day on May 29 2023

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About Little BabyDoll Christine

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  • Diapers
    Adult Kid
  • I Am a...
    LG (Little Girl)
  • Age Play Age
    Very Little Girl; 4-3/4 to 5-1/2. A typical blonde "Little 'BabyDoll' Christine": Adorably cute, sweetly feminine: And she knows how to use it. Not DL. If you are not LG nor cloth diaper and rubber panties, then we have almost nothing AB/AK in common

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  • Location
    RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME Intersection of Souhteastern MA and Fairyland http://sandralyn.net/
  • Real Age

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  • Website URL
    RUBBER PANTIES'R'US http://other.sandralyn.net/rppage-cont.html LITTLE CHRISTINE'S LATEST NEWS https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/blogs/entry/3677-little-christines-news/

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  1. Anyone interesited in loose lego's? https://www.ebay.com/itm/196014598953?itmmeta=01J3RWDY64PGSWJCNYCQ0BNVZC&hash=item2da3616b29:g:79YAAOSwvmBlH0X4
  2. I will pass on anything tastes like, after I have a few bites, they can pick me up with a good magnet
  3. I have had picled pigs' feet and pickled lamb's tongue. I liked them
  4. If that is a reaction to urine, that is striange, since wetting is what they are all about. Also back in the days when the norm was 3 or 4 children. It might also be that you do not have enough so that you can cycle through them at a decent rate, 2 or 3 will not last as long as 5 or 6. In RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US, I have a picture of a Sears layette. Baby panties would serve two babies in a row, after which they might be given to a little girl for her "dolly box" or to a relative with a baby Another culprit is body heat and oils. Baby panty "vinyl" is not a single thing, there may be separate formulas in use, some better for panties than others
  5. I use Gary 7 mil and other panties and know nothing about the durability of Babykins 6 mil material. I use a DIY "baby oil", made if glycerin, aloe vera, coconut oil and topicval vitamin E. It has been tested and found to be harmliess to traditional baby panty materials, by being put right on a piece of the material and left alone for 3 days. See my album RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME Personal Care and baby powder. Use the Knowledge Base in my siggy to access that. You might do the rinse and soak in lukewarm water
  6. There are sefveral things at play here 2. How thick is the material 1 What kind (brand) are they? 3. Do they come into contact with protective substances that you use 4. How do you care for them There is a section on that in RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US; see my siggy. In many cases, that is just part of the aging process
  7. This thread title just about BEGS to be answered with I'm sooo sissy that...:: Even my excessive frills have frills I even WRITE with a lithp I'm so into effeminacy and SPH that my favorite pie is "minceNOmeat" When I do these jokes, I want to be called "Joani Carson...erm...Cardaughter"
  8. As for the first few questions, I can only recommend my RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US. It has links to cloth diaper sites and in the shopping section places that sell cloth diapers. You might look up LL Medico and plastic-pants.com (Mountain View). I just wash mine in cool water with a bit of Tide on the Whites setting and double-rinse I cannot answer any questions about trow-aways because I do not go near them and only time will deal with the guilt as the practice becomes part of your life
  9. 1. You are asking a medical question here 2. That is like asking your car machanic about retirement investing. If he knows anything about it, it is because he talked to an investment advisor and his understanding is shallow at best. From my experience I could tell you a few things about cancer; the specific kind of cancer that I had. But that is because I listened closely and asked questions. And even if we had the same kind of cancer, follicular B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, there would probably be things about your version of it that would make it impossible for them to treat it the same way they treated mine; 1998, CVP-1 followed by Rituximab in 1999, then in 2001 radiation and in 2004, Rituximab. Some "swollen lymph nodes!. It really sucks when "I should" becomes "I should have". And, if you war wondering about it, then you know what you should do
  10. What makes you think any of use have MD after our names? So why aks about what could be a serious meidcal problem on a recreational website? The advice would be worth what you pay for it, Right? No, because it could miss something deadly. To illustrate. In Nov of '98, I developed a lump on my jaw. Now that is usually a swollen lymph node, so I paid it no mind until late Feb, when it started to ache. I went to the doctor's, which started a sequence of events that lasted until 2005 with the final bit in '09, by which I had been in every kind of sci-fi war there was, chemical, biological atomic and anti-matter (PET). It started with "stage III" (which sounds more horrible than it is; it refers to the metastasis pattern and its relation to the diaphragm except for IV which means that actual symptoms are showing up. Fortunately, whit I had was very wimpy but hard to kill; but so am I
  11. This was before SAP became the be-all and end-all At about this time, some kind of SAP was sold in a powder form that you put in your diaper in some way and it converted the wet into a jelly. It was to extand the time between changes. As I understood, it was for use in both throw-away and cloth diapers. I would presume it was to be used on the outside of the diaper, since, if it was put inside, it would mess up the absorbancy of the diaper itself. If it was used with cloth diapers, it could be put in the crotch of the rubber panty or something, letting the diaper first absorb its capacity then gelateinize the excess
  12. Back in the heyday of DPF, to double up throw-aways you were told to peel away the outer covering of the inner one
  13. Do not bet on the "missing Coloseum" We have that to the megamax a thousand television channes and the internet. From Latium to Luna; all the heroism and heartache in the world at the fingertips of patrican, plebian, or slave We who are about bleed on cue salute you
  14. How come nobody has been to the rubber panty club for just ages?
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