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  1. Amazons should be careful, what if their baby accidentally knocked off their special glasses right as it began? Those poor Amazons wouldn’t stand a chance. I really like how you’ve written this so far. While some things had been deliberate, like the breast milk, but the tv show and things were accidental in a way that it’s believable.
  2. I don’t know how I missed two hole chapters and now there’s a third one a few hours after I got caught up. This last part is intriguing. I’m pretty sure she kept those photos on her old work laptop so I’d say it confirms that her ex boss and mentor has access to her files and who knows what else.
  3. Okay, I have a few minutes while at work. I was sad to see everything just from her side of things. I’m really excited to see how everything goes with LPS and Dani’s mommy and all that. I’m also really hoping to see what the Amazon daycare workers punishment is going to be. But, after giving it more thought, after reading this chapter. There wasn’t really any other way to go. Most of the information given in this chapter you can’t just skip over. It does a lot of building Dani as a character along with the others. It even helps understand some aspects that would be confusing later on had it been skipped over. A lot of good information in this chapter, even from an emotional standpoint. I really can’t wait to see the rest play out. I have a feeling, getting her through the portal won’t be as easy as they made it sound. Sounds like they’ll have to find a way to find a way to get her through the portal, probably posing as someone else.
  4. I just read it, it’s good. I have to get ready for work, I’ll leave a better comment later. I’m so happy to see this update and to see you’re doing okay.
  5. Basically it’s a diaper dimension story. It follows that genre, but it touches on body swapping and a few other things that OS mentioned, a bit more than the original Diaper Dimension story that PPP wrote that started this genre. im going to read it again as OS posts it here. It is a tad confusing to me, but things like body swapping and showing the actual multiverse usually confuses me anyways. I do really like a lot of the aspects and concepts that OS will show in this story. I’m kind of hoping a few end up in other DD stories and almost become part of the DD genre itself like so many others.
  6. Yay another chapter. I hope all is well in your world. It’s a great chapter.
  7. Really? We didn’t even get to see her waddle out to her or the other woman’s car or be taken by LPS and her waddle out their car without pants on? SHAME on you, Shame on your cow…….. NOW I HAVE to keep reading. The audacity.
  8. This definitely getting exciting. At first I thought he’d end up with Laura as his primary caregiver, however, she said something that gives me pause She didn’t say that he would get the cookies. She said it as if someone else in the house is the one in charge and possibly Laura is just the babysitter of sorts, though my mind goes where it likes and I like to imagine that she didn’t leave that place unscathed either and someone else is in charge of them both and they’re basically siblings. At this nursery, I feel like there’s not enough of a nurse/baby ratio for it to be safe. Also that one nurse needs to be spanked every time she runs that test so that maybe she won’t be so happy about doing it
  9. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (I throw myself on the floor) “I WANT IT NOW” (tantrum mode engaged) I am really happy to see you posting again. I’ve really missed your creativity.
  10. I’m happy you didn’t go with your original ending. While you didn’t add some of the worst punishments, you did leave enough room for the reader’s imagination to fill them in. At least I feel like you did. as for posting your revised stories, I definitely vote yes, whenever you’re ready and comfortable to do so. When I voted on the poll for this story, I really only did so because it kept taking second place on the previous polls and the story I voted for kept getting 1st. I voted for this story to help those that obviously really wanted it written as much as I wanted the DD stories written and I wanted to help them get it. Personally I didn’t think I’d actually enjoy it, boy was I wrong. I have thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it and putting so much of yourself into it.
  11. At least Mark(Mike?) I read this last night, I can’t remember his name, at least it seems like he’s doing better and isn’t brain dead. I was thinking, maybe the place that people get sent to, like that nurse/nanny is just a place to do a little education in obeying their new set of rules and then every day they’re taken to a place option B’s go and they help the staff take care of them. Though with lots of distractions and constant supervision. Some might be wearing panties, a lot are wearing pull ups and a few naughty ones are wearing diapers. Especially if they pooped their pull up instead of asking to be taken to the potty. I do hope they’ve returned mikes sex drive and that they’ll let John’s sex drive come back.
  12. Just look at the crazy stuff the youth of our dimension does with enough alcohol or peer pressure. I doubt the Amazon youth are any different. Now, I don’t think it happens too often at Emerson, but definitely at a school that has a bunch of sororities and fraternities and such. Where there’s a different atmosphere. The peer pressure would be different.
  13. Um, I’m pretty sure they had planned that all of them coming through would be Little size. So not having an apartment for her is suspicious. I hope Little Katie enjoys sitting in poopy diapers, she’ll be doing a lot of it pretty soon. I thought about something, involving the Holographic Diaper Changing rooms. I wonder how often do they involve a dare from the Amazon students. “I dare you to pee/poop your pants and walk into the holo nanny room.” Or after losing a dare and having to wear a diaper “I dare you to use your diaper and go get the holo nanny to change you.” Is this saying that a few students that grew in size actually grew to the size of Amazons?
  14. I read all this on Amazon Kindle. I have a question, is any of this going to be different at all, even slightly? Just curious. I wasn’t sure if I should read it here as well.
  15. Ugh! I keep coming to see if there’s an update to this story lol. It’s one of my favorites. I hope I’m not the only crazy person lol
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