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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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ppbenn last won the day on February 19 2017

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  1. I agree with the previous sentiments. Great start and I am looking forward to reading more soon.
  2. I love the latest updates, and I am definitely looking forward to read more soon. Thanks for writing this and sharing it here.
  3. Finally, I am caught up reading this story. Wow! That is all I have to say! I look forward to reading more soon. Thanks for writing and sharing it here.
  4. Wow, I don't know why it took me so long to read this story; however I am glad that I did. I have not seen the movie on which it is based I have a feeling though that your story is incredibly more enjoyable. Thanks for writing and sharing this.
  5. I finally got around to reading this. I would like to read more. Thanks for writing and sharing it here.
  6. Great start. I liked how you incorporated some light BDSM and D/s play into the story. However you also kept it grounded in reality and not internet fap fodder. I look forward to reading more. Thanks, for sharing.
  7. Cute story! Thanks for writing and sharing it.
  8. Well shit! I feel that on some level this had to happen, there is an old adage I once heard, and while it's morose I feel it bodes true in this fictional story as well. "three people can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead." As I said it is morbid, and I read it years ago in a thriller novel. I am curious to see how this plays out for Lavender and Vivian, I hope for nothing but the best for them. I guess time will tell. This resonated with me. I feel there is a dichotomy in most of us, (the yin/yang.) I feel the same way with my age play and diaper wearing. Presumably most people would look at me and not think that I like to wear diapers and be babied, but little do they know, lol! Great chapter(s) I look forward to reading more and I am also glad to hear that there will be further humiliations to read about.
  9. Wonderful, simply wonderful. Thank you for writing and sharing this story here with us readers! Is this the end for Lavender and Vivian. Will the two lovers ride off into the sunset, or will we be able to read more of their adventures and the further humiliations of Lavender? Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. Glad she made the right choice too. I certainly hope that neither Lavender nor Vivian have any tea that would be offered by their gracious hosts. That could possibly lead to a dire situation; although if there was a tea that made Vivian more maternal, I don't think Lavender would object much. ?
  11. Wow! i just binged read this whole story, and I already want more. You have a unique writing style and I like it. This is a wonderful story and I look forward to reading more. Thank you for taking the time to write and share this here.
  12. I just found this story, and while I am not a sci- fi fan, I find the idea of a matriarchal society fascinating; especially one where the men are kept as diapered playthings, or servants. Great work, I hope to read more soon. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this here.
  13. Cute story thanks for writing and sharing it.
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