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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


Boy Banker 2019
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    Incontinent 10 year old

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  1. @Apache RaccoonI feel like you are uniquilely qualified to tell us why your bretheren see these as dumpsters!
  2. I think boosters are far more effective for increasing compacity. Double diapers are best kept for play time/punishment
  3. Do you wear a barrier cream while diapered? Something like Desitin or KY? That could help reduce the friction as well as actual contact.
  4. OMG It's beautiful!
  5. I want to see the wal!!l 😻
  6. I wanted to throw a couple suggestions of my own into the ring. One, go buy, read and then reread, “You're not Broken”, by Dr. Rhoda Limbscomb. Understanding and internalizing the lessons in this book are an absolute nessecity. You will not achieve any level of success until you eliminate any and hesitation and shame you have surrounding diapers. I am not a psychologist or mental health professional but your hesitency to be discovered in public would say to me that you have not reached that point. You need to KNOW this is what you want and NEED. And until you reach that point you will not achieve any semblence of success in my opinion. As to the sound. Unless you are in a library or someplace completely silent NO ONE will hear your diaper, even if you find the crinkliest, noisiest diaper available. And I don't know that I have ever heard a story where someone was approached in public with anything more than “your underwear is poking out”. And that was a sympathetic helping vs ridicule. As I said before. Until you believe that you need them, you won't make any progress. It is no different than diabetes medication or any other problem now. You need these medically. It may only be for mental health initially, but one day very soon if you persue this, you will absolutely need diapers medically or you will end up with wet pants. As Hannah said, be prepared for your favorite diaper(s) to be discontinued. I take it one step further that if you are under 40 that single use plastics will probably be banned in your life time and that you may need to use cloth diapers. I think anyone seeking full incontinence of any kind should have a cloth diaper backup plan for times that money is tight. I also personally have a hybrid system of disposable/cloth diaper route I put a cloth booster into a cheaper disposable and it greatly enhances the effectiveness. I generally only do this when I know I will be changing at home. I also love me some thick diapers which are not particularly practical given my situation. I frequently find myself in a position where I am dry or not ready for a change but ready to mess or about to mess. The hybrid system is kind of the best of both worlds. I think there is far too much emphasis on shrinking the bladder early on. I would find ways to get yourself to relax and go easier as well as maybe looking up some foods that cause bladder irration and find one that works for you. These should help you pee more often w/ out too much effort. Something else to consider is find a way to really understand your pelvic floor and process. I did a daily meditation for 15-20 minutes last year where I tried to find and understand every muscle in my pelvic floor. I think it really helped later when I was able to relax easier. OK. One final thing. You asked about hypnosis. I don't think the tapes or files are worth it. I bought a few and have had some very success. If you are interested in the hypnosis route, find inductions that work for you to get you started into trance. Then go learn about self hypnosis, I have found this to be FAR more effective than any hypnosis file. And also primed me for entering trance when I started seeing professional hypnotists.
  7. So. I will preface this post by saying that I have been in traditional therapy now for 7+ months and doing regular hypnotherapy for 5+ months as well. So I will describe my progress but I don't want anyone to think that this is a panacea. It has DEFINITELY helped but not the end all be all. I ascribe most of my progress with the progress I have made in accepting myself and my desires primarily. THat being said. I can tell when I try to reverse kegal vs this methodology. So. I don't remember where I was exactly in March particularly. I only know where I was in November 2023 before I started Therapy or hypnotherapy, and my mental health journey in general. At that time I would wake up 2-5 times a night with the urge to pee and would frequently to get out of bed and stand up just to let it out. I would often have to stand up from a sitting position to pee long after my bladder was painful from being overfull. There were situations where I could not pee at all, ever: Being around people, literally anyone, Sitting in the car (Moving or parked), At work, walking around while shopping, or talking on the phone or during a meeting. As you can see there was a laundry list of situations that I was completely blocked up. So where am I today? I no longer wake up several times a night to pee. I usually wake once in the early morning (like 5 or 6) with a painfully full bladder and usually able to let go with out any major adjustment. I have had several nights that I have even been able to wet semi conciously. I have had several times at work that I have wet. I have wet during several phone calls/meetings. There have been several days that I felt like I was trickling in my diaper during work. While I can not wet while on the move in the car I have definitely wet while parked or at a stoplight without forcing it. And the coup de grace in my opinion. Last Wednesday I left work with a ostensibly dry diaper and when I messed it at home I found that the front was wet. I don't remember any specific time that I had wet it but had some times that I felt like I was dribbling/trickling into it! Regardless, of what ever progress one can glean from my anectdote, here is the bottom line. I made ZERO or regressive progress from July 2019- November 2023 and have made leaps and bounds progress from November 2023-June 2024. Some of this was due to the methods outlined in this post and some of it was general mental health corrections. The percentage of which I am truly uncertain. From a nervous system perspective. I have found that the more I embrace incontience and allow myself to relax more and more that the less I feel pain in my pelvic region. Here is the bottom line in my opion. We in the incontience desires community keep saying that this is a mental game but everyone keeps recommending habitual fixes. One will only ever be incontinent as they are ready for. And until you conclude that wetting and/or messing anywhere at anytime is appropriate for you. You will never make any progress.
  8. The bowel surgery does sound much more involved...... Did you get a quote or ballpark by any chance?
  9. While I don't agree with the designs, I think they are just plain ugly. No one ever became a child molester or was encouraged to act because they saw a picture on a diaper.
  10. I never understood this argument. As it stands right now the president does not need to care about what anyone in 35 states think about them. Their electoral victory is all but certain. So a California Republican or a Texas Democrat holds absolutely zero power, and frankly their compatriots across the aisle do as well. These states are so safe that they just don't matter. I am in favor of the popular vote for president so that everyone has a say in the president's policies and in their election. For example, this year as an Arizona resident my vote will be one that will probably decide who is president and your vote in SC just doesn't matter.
  11. Have a safe trip Reddy! God speed and soggy dips. While you say you are heading down there for a touchup to your first surgery. We all know the truth. It is time for your return to the ring! La bandida pañal has returned!
  12. DAQ


    I haven't seen tykables run sales on diapers in a long time, clothes and accessories yes, diapers no 😭
  13. DAQ


    @Spanky So I LOVE Tykables. Just a heads up. Str8up is actually NRU (A Euro diaper) and retailed by Tykables in the US. So the cut, fit, and absorption is different. I personally find them much more comfortable to day use and the cut of the tykables much preferred for night use. Regardless. I think you will find you breaking down one of the best accidents (pun not intended) that you have had in some time.
  14. I was reading a title of songs and I read "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Quickly it became "Lucy in the Sky with Diapers". So what song titles if misheard or misread become ABDL titles?
  15. "Why did you name your horse, Lou?"
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