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    • Some diapers are.better then others.   Look for.ones with tight fitting leg gathers.  And the correct size
    • I usually change with in 15 to 30.min.   But i have stayed in up to 2.hr.  i don't really do long term diapers with the exception of my nighttime diaper which averages 10 to 12 hours . 
    • Every night for years.   I.started wetting the bed again to.
    • Part 15 It seems strange that only a few months ago I could never remember any of my dreams but now, well, they were occupying my day as well as night. My imagination was making things real whether I was awake or asleep and it was happening more and more. After identifying with Adam earlier in the evening, I was suffering another frustrating dream featuring him as I slept.  We were at school, and he was wearing his padded protection, except he was complaining to anyone who’d listen that it was me who was forcing him to wear it. I was desperately trying to tell him he could wear what he liked and explaining that I only wore diaper stuff from time to time. The confusing thing was this, although I knew I was wearing my protection, every time I opened my shorts to show him, I was padded, there was no padding just a normal pair of briefs. Adam was surrounded by his school friends, who were all looking at his bulky pants, commenting and mocking him. The fact that I couldn’t prove he wasn’t alone in wearing diapers to school was making him feel vulnerable. I felt awful because I wanted him to see I was on his side, but it just looked like I was trying to make him look bad. Kenny wasn’t in this dream. In fact, everyone but him was there and were all watching Adam who was trying to hide away in embarrassment. I was trying to tell him it was OK and that he wasn’t alone but, that was proving a problem, it was as if I wasn’t there. The trouble with dreams is that they seem so true. I was convinced I only wanted to help but appeared to be making it worse. Adam began crying as his classmates began to pick on him even more and, although I felt his pain, I could do nothing. His pitiful weeping woke me up a little, and as I was coming round, realized I was in bed and only dreaming so, relieved, I fell back to sleep. The only thing was… the dream would start all over again… and that was for the third or fourth time.  *** Although still fairly dozy, hearing my bedroom door close had woken me up but I could still hear sobbing and voices. I got up and opened my door and there was auntie just checking in on Jake. She saw me and looked at my bedraggled state and came over to hug me. “I thought I heard voices. Is mom home?” I babbled sleepily. “I heard someone crying.” “It’s OK Si,” Auntie was soothing as always. “Shh, shhhh, your mom is having a bath… and you my little sweetheart were having a bad dream.” She guided me back to my bed, even though I wanted to see and talk to mom. “You can speak to her in the morning. Now let’s get you all tucked…” She paused when she realized that my bed was wet through. “Oh Si, seems like it was more of a nightmare than a dream.” She sat me on the chair next to my desk. “Wait there and let me fix this.” I was still very drowsy, but auntie soon had my bed stripped, mattress turned and it all remade in moments as I was trying to work out what was happening. Once the bed was done auntie turned her attention to me. My sodden t-shirt and boxers were removed, I was wiped clean, powdered and put into a very thick terry cloth diaper, which she pinned into place. “OK young man, now you’re all clean and tidy, lift up your legs.” I sleepily lifted them up and she slipped a pair of thick plastic pants into place. “There, all done. You should be OK now.” I slowly wondered back to bed and auntie tucked me in, ran her hand through my hair and wished me ‘night-night’ once again. Before she went, I asked her, “Is mom OK? I heard crying.” She came back to my bed and again ran her hand through my hair. “Oh sweetheart, it was you who was crying. Your mom just popped her head in because she heard you… but you stopped once she’d kissed and tucked you in.” I didn’t understand. It was Adam who was crying in my dream not me and I definitely heard crying when I woke up. Surely it wasn’t me who was in tears? “I’ll tell your mom to come and talk to you when she’s finished her bath. You’re obviously worried about… something. In the meantime, you’re well-padded, your mom’s home… and we all love you so try and go back to sleep… everything will be fine.” I don’t know if mom came back to chat because the diaper was so comforting I fell asleep almost immediately and didn’t wake up until I had to get up for school. *** As I pulled back the covers and saw my thick protection the events of the night came back to me and for some reason, I felt tears in my eyes once again. I wasn’t sure why, perhaps I was just upset at Adam being upset. Maybe it was wetting the bed and having auntie come to clean me up. Then I remembered that auntie had said it was me who was crying and crying loud enough to bring mom to check in on me. I wasn’t sure why I should suddenly be so tearful but, whatever the reason I was a bit nervous about getting dressed and seeing everyone at breakfast. In the end I stripped out of my night ‘defense’, washed and, with a reassuring pair of pull-ups in place, ventured downstairs. “Morning sweetie,” Mom said as she held out her arms for me to give her a hug. “Are you alright now… you had a bit of a rough night?” I hugged mom tightly. “I missed you mom.” She held me in a tight embrace and then gently patted my slightly padded bottom to signify it was time for release. “I missed you as well.” Jake was eating his breakfast, so I suppose he’d already done all his hugging. “It’s been a busy time for us all… what with Jake at Jeremy’s, you and Kenny, and Auntie Rose having to…” she left it unsaid but I knew what she was referring to. Like Jake I was dressed in my uniform and ready for school, but wanted to know about mom’s trip and if she had made a decision - were we moving? “Is that what’s been worrying you?” She looked sympathetically at me. She spread her arms again and invited both Jake and me into her embrace. “No, for the moment anyway, we aren’t going anywhere.” I was so relieved and cried with happiness, and so did my brother. A huge cloud had been lifted and even if it was overcast outside, at least it was sunny for the two of us. *** I was full of smiles when I met Kenny. “We’re not moving.” The huge grin that appeared on his face told me he was happy with the news before he came over and gave me a big hug. “That’s fantastic.” “Mom says we are staying here. I’m so pleased. I was worried I might lose…” Once again Kenny supplied the rest of my sentence by hugging me even tighter and whispering in my ear. “I’d hate it if you weren’t here… and my friend,” then sighed a little as he secretly kissed my ear. A thrill ran through my body. My best friend was hugging and kissing me in public and I was wriggling happily in his embrace enjoying every second. “Do you want to come over to my house this weekend?” He murmured so no one else would hear. Our bare legs were brushing up against each other and I didn’t want the feeling to stop. The tightness in my pull-ups I hoped was matched by a similar sensation for Kenny but eventually we pulled away. I nodded yes… then realized that this would be the first time I’d stayed at his place. I’d visited his home when we’d gone up to the lake, but I’d never been inside, on that occasion we were in just too much of a hurry to set off. So, for the rest of the week I was imagining what his room would be like. *** Kenny lived at the opposite end of town to where we were so it wasn’t a place where I could just nip over to play with him when I wanted. Lifts had to be organized, and although I had a bike, and the streets were fairly safe, mom was never keen for either Jake or me cycling too far away from home. So, believe it or not, we didn’t socialize much out of school because of the distance. So, a trip to Kenny’s house was going to be quite an event, well at least that’s how I built it up in my mind. Because of the way Kenny always spoke I had this image in my mind just what his bedroom would look like. It would be colorful, possibly pink, there would be cartoon posters or wallpaper, soft lighting, a little table and chair like I had, and the room would be full of soft toys and kid’s games and there’d also be a mobile hanging down over a crib… not a bed. For some reason I just assumed he would have taken the whole ‘babyish’ thing to the limit and his mommy and daddy would let him sleep in a nursery and be more than happy to go along with it. *** Mom was needed back at head office for the weekend so, once she’d dropped me off Friday night and handed me my backpack, auntie had Jake all to herself. Kenny had said that he hoped we could spend the entire weekend in our onesies, but I wasn’t sure if that would happen. I had my blue and yellow shorty and my white (like a rabbit) long one, neither of which I thought appropriate for such a length of time. I also brought the ‘special’ outfit that matched with Kenny’s and hoped we’d get the opportunity to do as auntie had suggested – ‘mix ’n’ match’.  At the door auntie had a few words with Mrs Morrison and I overheard her say that Kenny had been very excited about his time spent at our house and how much he’d loved the things she’d made for him and me. Mrs Morrison seemed genuinely pleased to meet mom’s sister and complimented her on her design and sewing prowess. I think the conversation, which auntie seemed delighted about, would have gone on longer except that Jake was with her and she’d promised him a visit to the movies. As we waved auntie and Jake off Mrs Morrison beamed her friendliest smile and said that she hoped I’d enjoy what was planned. Kenny was, as usual, all enthusiasm and smiles, so I eagerly joined in the general feeling of happiness that his mommy seemed to radiate. *** For some reason I was sad that Mr Morrison was on duty for the entire weekend, and it was down to his wife to keep us boys entertained. He’d been a lively and inventive ‘games’ organizer up at the lake and I also liked his relaxed attitude to being naked. Actually, when I thought about it, none of the Morrison family were shy about how they dressed (or not), and up at the lake it was often the bare minimum to wander around in. Unlike so many of the other boys Kenny was not fazed when changing in the locker room, it just never occurred to him to be anything other than relaxed when it came to dressing or undressing. I know Jake and I are fairly casual about being naked in front of each other, but we’re brothers so I don’t suppose that counts. Kenny led me to his room to stow my backpack and I was truly amazed at what I saw. Apart from the array of stuffed animals it was nothing like I had pictured it would be. The walls were painted a dark blue, his little bed was black with a blue two-tone duvet, the black wooden floor was shiny and there wasn’t a thing out of place. His clothes were stored in two big black closets, and he had a huge set of drawers, also in black. It was across the top of this where his collection of teddy bears and animals sat. On his desk were a collection of framed photographs; one of his mommy and daddy, one of the family and seven of Kenny and me together… one of which was the image of him and me in our thick protection up at the lake… we did look silly, innocent and cute. I wanted to get a copy. *** He opened one of his closets and it contained his onesies and piles of diapers and stuff, not unlike my own, except his were beautifully arranged. In the second closet were all his other clothes; school uniform, Sunday best, suits, shirts and shorts. I thought his mommy must have been very well organized, but he told me it was he who had sorted everything to how he wanted it. He emptied my backpack and hung my clothes up in a little space he had left just for my clothes. There was no computer or TV around, just a clock radio on his nightstand and again, another photo of me and him, which I didn’t know had been taken, talking to one of the scouts. I could see why he wanted that particular image as the boy in the uniform looked stunning. Kenny told me to make myself at home, but his room was just so tidy that I felt a bit nervous of doing anything that would spoil the look of the place. I asked him if it was always this clean and he giggled nervously as he told me he loved dusting, polishing and sweeping the entire house. He said that as both his mommy and daddy had busy jobs he’d learned early on to help out. He could do these little tasks, which were appreciated, and the more praise he got, again he giggled, the more pride he took in keeping up his good work. I wondered if Jake and me would ever be that thoughtful but remembered that Kenny is nothing less than an angel so it was quite fitting, he should think of others. *** As he showed me around, Kenny was dressed in his soccer kit; just shorts and team jersey and didn’t appear to be padded at all. As usual I was wearing shorts and t-shirt and I had my pull-ups on, which I have to say, I was wearing more often than my briefs these days. Unlike our house Kenny’s was all on one floor, although he did say they had a basement, which I hadn’t seen yet. But like us, they had a huge back garden although in it they had a little ‘summer house’ painted pink and pale blue, that Mr Morrison had built himself. It looked like it was straight from the pages of a cartoon book, and I imagined three little pigs or Snow White living there. It was really very nice, and Kenny was very proud of it, telling me that he often went there to read or write. He said that in the summer months the family spent nearly all their time in the garden and using the little house. I asked him where the three little pigs and Snow White went when that happened, and he looked at me strangely. I then realized I’d only thought about those characters I hadn’t said it out loud. I felt rather silly. Once I explained my ‘joke’ he laughed, and we went inside where he showed me some paintings and drawings he’d done over the past few months. He was particularly proud of one he’d done of me sitting on a fence wearing my, sorry, his old blue checked shorts. I even remembered the incident because I was exhausted with all the running around and had just stopped to pull up my diaper. I think I could even make out the bulge under the shorts. Still, I was quite delighted that he’d used me as a subject and the job he’d done wasn’t bad at all. I think you could definitely tell who it was… if you knew me. *** My best friend had even more talent than I realized, and he said he wanted to paint me again sometime during the visit. I got quite excited at the prospect and wondered if he wanted me to dress up as a cowboy, a gladiator (we’d been learning about them in class) a soccer player or maybe his favorite pop star. Then I realized that he’d asked me to bring my onesie, so I assumed that would be how I was to be captured for eternity. When it began to get colder, we went in and he showed me their basement – it was like a sports center. The area was huge and had a pool table, table-tennis table, weight training equipment, a running and rowing machine, a TV, sofas and chairs and at the far end there was a screened-off part that Kenny said was a bedroom for guests. I was a bit stunned and wondered if this would be where I’d be sleeping but Kenny quickly allayed my fears when he said that usually his grandparents used it on their visits. “Oooh good,” I let out a relieved sigh, “I thought it was where I might be sleeping.” Kenny shook his head. “No way!” He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me through his long thick lashes. “I don’t think I could sleep knowing you were nearby… but not with me.” “Does your father like to work out?” I said surveying all the equipment. “Yes, he’s a bit conscious of keeping fit for his job. In fact, mommy and daddy both use this stuff regularly.” I was about to ask if he did as well, but he continued. “Daddy won it, well most of it, in a competition.” He pointed to various bits of heavy training machinery. “But daddy thinks that most of it might be too much for me… he only lets me use some of it.” He sat at the rowing machine and gave a few pulls, then got up and let me try. As I stretched my shorts rode up showing him my pull-ups and he could see the cartoon character on the front. “I’ve got some like those,” he smiled, “mommy thinks they look cute.” I nodded as I tried to make the ‘rowing’ look easy, but I soon tired of that game. We snuggled up on one of the sofas and turned on the TV, it was tuned into a sports channel and was showing some European soccer. Kenny was interested so, even though I wasn’t, I curled up close to him and we watched until we were called to dinner.  *** After the meal Mrs Morrison turned on the computer, they had it hooked up to the huge TV in their living room and started to show me some of the fantastic photographs that were taken on our trip to the lake. Mrs Morrison was very funny with some of her comments, and we had to keep going back to certain shots because we’d missed them with laughing so much. I wanted copies of everything, yes even the ones of us in our diapers and rubber pants – Mrs Morrison called us ‘The Protection Boys’ and had done a sequence of images and short video clips, which she’d made up a story for - we were investigating ‘The Disappearance of… the Fish.” The way Kenny was laughing, hiding in embarrassment, and squealing with delight I guessed he hadn’t seen this version before and I was so happy to be included in the Morrison family photo album. We watched it twice more and were in equal fits of laughter each time, it was very funny and loads better than the DVD we’d had at my house. Mrs Morrison was giggling as much as we were, and I marveled at how inventive she was to come up with such a fantastic idea. Time just seemed to shoot by and before we knew it was time for bed. I could have sat and watched it again but as I got up Mrs Morrison handed me a silver disc. She’d written on it in marker pen; ‘The Lake and the Strange Case of the Disappearing Fish’ starring Simon Hudson…  I held it for a few seconds in wonder, not really believing I had a copy of my own… then excitedly hugged her tightly in thanks. *** After we’d washed and brushed our teeth we returned to Kenny’s bedroom. I was half expecting to see his bed festooned with diapers and stuff, or at least his mother there to make sure we were well padded for the night but… no. Kenny stripped off down to his briefs, so I stripped off down to my pull-ups and we stood looking at each other. Kenny said that he thought I looked really good in the rubber pants at the lake and wondered if I liked them as well. I nodded. His mother tapped on the door and asked quietly if we boys needed any help? “No thanks mommy… we can do it ourselves.” He said as he looked straight into my eyes. “OK then, good night boys.” We chorused a return good night. “Don’t stay up too long and I’ll check on you when I come to bed.” “Thanks mommy… good night.” He moved over to his closet and pulled out two disposable diapers. He nodded at my pull-ups as if to say it was time to lose them and I slowly shimmied them down. He lay out a padded waterproof mat and indicated for me to lie out, which I did. He got some oils and lotions and, as if I was a baby, rubbed everything in making sure I was well moisturized before applying the powder. Once he was happy, and I was trying not to giggle or be too embarrassed he fastened me into the double-diapers, pulling at the tapes tightly to make sure I was held in a diaper embrace. He then went and collected a couple of pairs of rubber pants. He pushed my feet into the air and fitted me into one of them. I assumed the other was for him, but I was wrong. This first pair was small and pulling them up to my waist they gripped me and everything very tightly. He then quickly slid the other pair over them, so I was very bulky and snug. Well perhaps snug isn’t the correct word but I certainly wasn’t going to be running anywhere soon. *** He stood back and gauged his work before going to the closet and getting out a onesie I hadn’t seen before. It was made of shiny nylon. Actually, it was made from the same material auntie had made the ‘special’ quilted diapers from, and it looked very new and glossy. It was pink, Kenny’s favorite color, with blue cuffs. He guided it over my head, fed my arms through and fastened the pop studs between my legs. I thought I looked like a very bulky shiny doll but the look of happiness on Kenny’s face told me he liked what he saw. He bent down and kissed me slightly on the lips and pulled me to my feet. “Do you like it?” His smile told me even more. “You look fantastic.” He murmured. I looked in the mirror and, although at first, I wasn’t too sure, as Kenny stroked his hand over the silky fabric and across my padded bottom, I began to enjoy the attention and, if I was honest, quite liked the reflection. Kenny walked over to his closet and said, “Right, your turn.” I looked a bit quizzically at him. “You can use anything in here… you just dress me as you’d like to see me.” And with that he pulled off his briefs, and, ever tidy, placed them in his wash basket, and stood naked waiting for me to make my move. *** tbc ***
    • Theirs a big difference between kids playing with toys and building with toys...your thinking of giggling running around play most small children ingage in. That burns off excess energy  But when kids use building toys they get all quit and quite images on their project same with art and drawing...   its a different type of play
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