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Hard for me to sleep without diapers

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While I can sleep without a diaper on and I currently sleep without diapers, I get the best sleep of my life when I'm in diapers! The sleep I get is so good that when I'm padded, I don't wake up for anything. I'm so out of it when I go to bed in a nice thick pamper that I don't even wake up to use the restroom. The problem with that is I have a fear of having accidents considering the fact that up until I was treated for Sleep apnea, I had bed wetting problems regardless of being padded or not and personally, I find my experience with bedwetting to me a nightmare. Now that I have treated my sleep apnea and my bedwetting problem as completely disappeared, I'm a little hesitant to start wearing diapers to bed because I'm worried that I won't wake up, I will use the diaper and wake up in a soaked bed again. I'm also worried that my body will get use to wearing diapers and will stop waking up to go to the bathroom even if I'm not in a diaper... So while the sleep I get when thickly padded before bed is amazing, I'm too afraid to wear to bed again or at least regularly. 

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I'm the opposite.  I can't fall asleep if I am wearing a diaper.  I've been that way for years and years and the funny thing about it is I used to be a bedwetter as a little kid and wore thick cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed every night until i was almost 6 years old.

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I have been profoundly urinary incontinent since 1985, Since then I have absolutely no bladder control. In 1976, when I was 12 and had just reached puberty, I reverted to bedwetting. I immediately began wearing diapers to bed or when the chances were great that I would fall asleep, such as long car trips.

Since I resumed bedwetting I cannot go to sleep without a diaper/

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The only way I can go to sleep without being diapered is if I want to have a 'bedwetting adventure' as I call it. It's rare that I feel this way but occasionally it's fun. I do something similar with pantswetting here at home more often; maybe twice a year with that. It's just something wetting-related which breaks up the monotony of my continuous wearing :rolleyes: Being a 24/7 wearer anytime I'm not diapered feels weird and uncomfortable and that goes to the front of my mind and bugs me until I do something about it. It's strong enough to disrupt my sleep and anything else I'm doing even when I'm airing out after a shower :whistling: so it's certainly going to affect my sleep as well!


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  I have trouble sleeping without a diaper on. It used to not be that way but now if I go to sleep without one it is constantly on my mind. I get a fantastic night sleep when I am wearing a diaper and listening to a relaxation cd. When I go in to see my therapist, one of the questions on a little evaluation quiz she asks me is; Are you having trouble falling or staying asleep? There are answers you give such as; Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Frequently or Always. About a year ago I would have answered, Sometimes, to that question. Now I have been able to answer Never. 

   My therapist knows about my fetish and she is very accepting of it (at least she doesn’t shun me for it anyway) and is interested about how my “crib” project is going. I think she views it as something positive in my life that I can look forward too. I have told her about DD and she thinks it is good for me to have a place where I can share my experiences with other like-minded people. :girl_baby:

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I can still sleep, but I’m much happier when wearing a diaper. The only reason I’ll sleep without a diaper is if I’m sharing a room with someone. Road trips, race weekends, things like that. Probably less than 10 times a year. I’m usually so busy durring those times diapers aren’t even on my mind. 

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I sleep ok with or without diapers on. The only difference is when I wake up in the morning, my accidents are either contained in my diaper or uncontained and all over the bed. I prefer to have my accidents fully contained because the cleanup is much easier.

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It's been so long since I've gone the bed without a diaper. I don't plan on trying because I know I'd just wet the bed, but I'm sure I'd have trouble getting to sleep without having a diaper on.

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