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Warmwetandcozy last won the day on June 15 2020

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    Adult Baby
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    Las Vegas NV
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Community Answers

  1. Im fully fully aware of the changes cutting my balls will off will have I'll never have them bang in to my legs while running again I'll never have swell up to the size of baseballs and cause me agonizing pain I'll have no testerorone so I wont have to shave anymore I wont have them slipping away over the leak guard of my diaper causing leaks anymore I wont have that nasty goo come out on the rare occasion we have sex fyi we dont really like sex we both prefer a magic wand over our diapers Also when I had the first 2 UTIs I was 13 and a virgin and had never put anything up there both I started vomiting uncontrollably then my testicles swelled to the sizes of baseballs and put me in a level of pain you cannot begin to comprehend I then went to urgent care where they sent me to the ER from there I got a disgusting quack American doctor who insisted it must be an STDs but I knew all along I was a virgin and hadn't even masturbated for my first time yet much less put anything up my penis I was given nothing for the pain or the nausea or antibiotics for 3 whole days while doing every std test known to man before he finally gave up and sent me to a urologist at Vanderbilt who within 30 minutes came back and said it was a uti that had spread to my testicles to cause infection in my testicles I was in the hospital for 11 days I couldn't eat anything till number 6 I recovered and then about a month later it came back with a vengeance and the same shit show ensued at the local er then I was sent to Vanderbilt again and spent another 18 days in Vanderbilt I am currently typing in my local ER waiting for tests to come back which I already know the answer to I've already been through 2 UTIs where I would have given anything bullet in the head I'm not going through that again and If its happened 3 times already numbers 4 5 6 7 8 are guaranteed either I'll find a doctor willing to make a couple simple cuts and rid me of fear and agony for the rest of my life or I'll do it with bayonet in my car outside the ER which would still hurt less than 3 more weeks of this shit the worst they can do is throw me in looney bin for 72 hours before I can leave without their consent and they can sew me up the hard way I'd as it stands I'd be perfectly willing to sell my gun collection which would be at least 30k I highly doubt just cutting my balls off could cost me 30k
  2. Ok I've already had 2 agonizing UTIs when I was a teenager and 1 of the worst part was my testicles swelling up to size of baseballs and causing agonizing pain for about 2 weeks the first time and a month the second time I've always practiced good hygiene went to restroom frequently and drank cranberry juice but now I'm having all the same symptoms now as the 1st and second utis I have no intention of ever having children nor does my gf so wont to get my testicles removed I have no use for them what so ever all they do is make me uncomfortable in my diaper and bang against my legs when I exercise so I've made my decision I wont the filthy bastards gone snip snip snip gone GONE so if theres any transgender people who would feel fine telling where to find a willing doctor and what I have to say just to get them to cut my balls off and stop I would be very appreciative my current doctor keeps insisting that I want to keep my balls wont tell me anything about the process of getting rid of those nasty painful lumps they call testicles I realize I'd have to take testosterone supplements the rest of my life but if that stops me from dry heaving green vile and feeling like my ball are on fire its totally worth it
  3. For your punishment eat of brussel sprouts
  4. Ok you're the dumbest bear alive I wish I was drunk
  5. Was arrested for attempted murder upon trying to give the POTUS an enema
  6. Granted but it's in pinnies and you can only spend what you can carry in your pockets I wish I had a time machine
  7. For your punishment you must hold a Tabasco sauce enema until politicians quit lying
  8. That's what i was thinking we've both used dulcolax suppositorys before and neither one of us could possibly hold it for the 45 minutes to an hour it would take us to walk there get our packages and walk back so I'm probably going to do it
  9. Thanks for your vote I'll update this thread as needed
  10. I've had all my teeth removed all they did was num me up and start yanking I didn't get any pain pills after wards either it hurts to have teeth pulled after the numbness wears off but during it was absolutely painless just remember If you feel anything ask for more numbing they'll do it they didn't charge me extra and I had like 15 shots of numbing stuff each time and I paid cash the dentist doesn't want you in pain its uncondolsive of them keeping their fingers
  11. Ok earlier today me in and my girlfriend decided we might like to try messing away from home so we talked about it and then decided we should both take 2 dulcolax suppositorys tonight just before we walk up the road about 1km away to pick up some packages from the Amazon locker we figure on going at like 2 am at night so when its about a 99% chance we wont run into anybody on the street or at the Amazon locker so we're not unwillingly making anyone else participate in our activities but I'm beginning to chicken out so you decide for me should I do it or not just drop a yes or no in the comments section below thanks I'm making the decision at 11 tonight my girlfriend really wants me to do it but itd be like the first time I've semi purposely messed away from home Thanks and have a nice day UPDATE WE DID IT details will be added in stinky squishy and proud under when was the last time you messed admin please feel free to move this topic to messing section I don't know how
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