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In what way would you most like to become incontinent?

In what way would you most like to become incontinent?  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. In what way would you most like to become incontinent?

    • Unpotty training for at least a year but apart from diapers no additional costs and hard to reverse once achieved
    • Home made stents, instant result, apart from diapers estimated additional costs about $ 10 and reversible whenever you want
    • Surgery, instant result, apart from diapers estimated additional costs about $ 10,000 and not reversible

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What if all the above ways to become incontinent were safe, painless and effective, which option would you choose?

For me it would still be option 2. How about you? Please feel free to explain.

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No way at all! It is one thing to be a fan of diapers (which I am not. They are only one part of being a little girl). It is  another thing to be a slave to them and not be able to CHOOSE when and when not, to wear and go through all that goes with them

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I picked the 3rd option but really my answer is: None if the above. 

I want permanent urinary  incontinence and I won’t settle for less. I used to fantasize about getting surgery,  but for now it seems that behavioral interventions have done the trick. At this point surgery would guarantee my results are permanent, but even without surgery it’s looking like I’m already “stuck” in diapers for life. I’m not sure how much I’ve spent over the years on professional personalized hypnosis (which has been instrumental in getting me towards my goal). I’d estimate $1000-$2000 range.  It sounds like a lot, but compared to the cost of surgery, I’d say I saved a ton of money! ?

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I say the 3rd option. permanent bowel and bladder incontinence. Weeping and dribbling constantly, always wet and passive bowel incontinence where I don't know I've messed until I smell/feel it. I have to wear nappies 24/7.

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I chose the 1st option. Wobie the 2nd option also has something for itself. At the moment I'm wearing catheters in which I make holes on the side or cut them off.

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I'd prefer the first, to be honest; I'd rather get there the slow way than instantly via surgery. 

If you know I've had gender confirmation surgery(ies), then that might strike you as odd...but here's the thing. 

You can't get an insta-gender-change. But, you can get an insta-diaper...and depending on how you behave with it, insta functional incontinence. Yeah, you might be able to hold back if you choose to, but if you don't then well...what's the difference, really? It's not like you can avoid changing your wardrobe, going light on protection, etc either way. 

Secondly, I find satisfaction in watching things change. I feel I'd miss out on that journey if it were just...instantly there. Plus, honestly having that big of a change so suddenly would have been too much for me emotionally...by going slowly, I could deal better; e.g. gradually changing my wardrobe and emotionally getting over my anxieties of wearing outside my home.

But most of all? Recovery sucks ass. While I don't regret my results, I don't want more surgery; I'd rather not experience more post-op pain, immobility, anxiety over recovery, etc. There's no frame of reference for when things go wrong, and I did not expect those kinds of experiences to affect me so profoundly emotionally. You can pray it doesn't happen to you but if it happens...you're stuck with it, possibly permanently.

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I voted the first option, as that is what I'm doing, but its very unlikely that I will lose control.

I wouldn't mind if I become incontinent, but I wont pay for it. 

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I voted the second option. I wouldn’t mind to become incontinent but on the other hand I wouldn’t cause harm to an otherwise healthy body. I tried option one, couldn’t make it work even though I think I have the right mindset. By now I have been using stents almost 24/7 for the last 9 years and still, if I take it out it is back to normal within a matter of hours. From a mental point of view it is alright to go in my diaper that is why I wear them in the first place. Unfortunately my body doesn’t agree with my mental acceptance to go in my diaper. Tried hypnosis as well no luck in that aria either. Think I have to accept the fact that I will have to stick to using stents to achieve some sort of incontinence. Still love to wake up soaked in the morning.

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I would not like to become incontinent but I want to continue the enjoyment of purposely wetting and messing my diapers. I would like to be able to mess my diaper whenever and wherever I want, but social convention and courtesy dictate otherwise. My admiration for those who are incontinent and live life to the fullest...with a full diaper.

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The third option is definitely my choice. I’d be hard pressed to come up with the money but I’d figure it out. It would probably be a simple surgery with a couple of days to recover. 

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I said I'd go with number one because that's pretty much what I've done. I wouldn't do it any different if I were given a do-over either.



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I would go with Option #1:  Seems as if this is not only the EASIEST option, but no one would be the wiser if I decided to do it that way.

As far as surgery goes:  I have been through that most of my childhood years, and the biggest surgical procedure for me was when i was 17:  I had problems with my legs and my hips, which, if NOT corrected, would have pulled my hips outta my sockets:  This also would cause arthritis for the rest of my life, so I went for it, and I am glad I did it, because I am am happier with the decision to fix my legs and hips, and it took me about 20 weeks to get back to normal, and I walk a LOT better than I did prior to that.

Surgery would be something to consider if, like the example above, it would enhance my life in some way:  In MY OPINION, i've been through ENOUGH surgery in my life, and at 30, my appendix RUPTURED and what a MESS that was :(  I NEEDED that one too, because the thing EXPLODED, and what came OUT was all the infection - THANK GOD for that :)

I have had catheters, and they are a PAIN, and BURN after a while, and I used Monostat 3, to get rid of a bladder infection because of prolonged use:  Surgery for iC is OUT, and Diapers would be how I would deal with it :)


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2 hours ago, jonbearab said:

I chose option three. I've been trying to untrain for a while now and I'm not seeing much progress. I wouldn't mind getting it over with, y'know?

Ditto what jonbearab said... I voted for 3 too. I need to be totally bladder incontinent.

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On 7/1/2022 at 11:19 AM, DiaperDean said:

I would prefer option 2, but I would need a way to create temporary bowel incontinence as well.

Have you tried anal training and/or tunnel plugs? That combined with laxatives can give the desired effect. Temporarily of course. A good hard anal training session can leave you bowel incontinent for a few days, in my experience.

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54 minutes ago, jonbearab said:

Have you tried anal training and/or tunnel plugs? That combined with laxatives can give the desired effect. Temporarily of course. A good hard anal training session can leave you bowel incontinent for a few days, in my experience.

You say 'anal training'...? I do like the thought of temporary bowel incontinence ?

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16 hours ago, DiaperDean said:

You say 'anal training'...? I do like the thought of temporary bowel incontinence ?

Yes, where you train your bum to take larger and larger plugs/dildos/safe things. It's important to note that if one takes their time and "plays right", incontinence should never really happen; it's when you go big and hard (without permanent damage) is when things get a little loose. ;) 

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  • 1 year later...

I've been researching surgery but it seems like such a big step. There is something about the instant gratification and I truly do want to just dribble with zero control. Working on a medical stent to get there faster. Hope to have one back in very soon.

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Number two would be my preferred choice, but instead of a homemade stent I would rather have a commercially made and professionally installed stent. And depending upon the length of being in I could reverse if absolutely needing or wanting. I would also be very willing to try long-term catheter use. As my urethra stretches, I could keep increasing the diameter of the catheter to the point that I would permanently be incontinent and always dripping.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm on the fence about it. If I were to lose control from years of wearing and naturally going in my diaper, oh well, it happens. But I would never do anything crazy to actually become IC. I'm just happy to go in my diaper naturally without thinking about it or finding it wet and not recalling when it happened. 

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