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  1. Most of the time I never even think about my nappies. I just get on with my life. Usually I think about it when I am ready to change and it is getting heavy and uncomfortable. Becoming a bedwetter again once I got over the initial shock of it returning after almost 10 dry years has been a good thing for me. I can understand why some really want this. I have never been happier since it came back. 11 years of soggy nappies wet sheets and a room that reeks of stale pee and I just love it. I love waking up wet every morning .
  2. Non of the local girls would go out with me probably because it was common knowledge in our village I was a bedwetter
  3. Until I met my first serious girlfriend it wasn't an issue. Then I met this lovely girl and couldn't believe my luck when she told me she still wet the bed
  4. Sometimes I am aware I am peeing and sort of wake but most times I just pee in my sleep and wake up soaking wet in the morning.
  5. I seem to attract them. I often wonder if it is a subconscious attraction. My first girlfriend wet the bed all the time we were together. My next long term partner had been a late bedwetter growing up although never wet the bed while we were together she wet her knickers quite often. My wife was a chronic nightly wetter growing up and wasn't dry at night until her late teens. She very occasionally still wets at night.
  6. I have thought long and hard about this. Even during my childhood there was never a time when my bedwetting ever bothered me. I only ever remember complaining during the night to my parents that I had wet the bed. My mother told me to get back in it while it was still warm. I did and realised actually it didn't feel so bad and soondrifted back to sleep. After that I never complained if the bed was we and just slept in it. Somehow I felt safe in my warm smelly wetness. My mother had inadvertently started something. Whether it was subconscious or not I don't know but I just had no interest in becomi g dry at night. By the time I reached my teens if I had made an effort I could have probably beaten my bedwetting but chose not to. If I woke needing to pee I just wet the bed and went back to sleep. This went on for a while and soon I was back to wetting in my sleep again. All through my teens I wet the bed often in my sleep but also deliberately if I woke needing to pee. Sometimes I would go to bed with a full bladder and soak the bed before falling asleep. I was taken to the doctors on numerous occasions but back the little was done about bedwetting. It was t seen as a serious medical problem and you were expected to become dry in your own time. I was issued with an alarm that woke everyone else before it woke me. My folks soon gave up on that one. Finally during my teens I was dragged off to the doctors one last time. My mother demanding something was done about my bedwetting. The doc just referred me to the fledgling NHS continence service. The nurse issued me with a proper fitted "Sandra" cover for my bed and I was given adult nappies to wear. They were big blue disposables that usually leaked but at least it was something. My mother got me some plastic pants which helped. After that my folks just accepted I wet the bed and probably always would. I was basically left to it. I was expected to change my own bed and do my own laundry and deal with my wet nappies every morning. So there was no incentive for me to become dry at night. I knew it wasn't normal to be still bedwetting in my mid teens but why try and stop now I had nappies and a waterproof cover so I just carried on wetting both in my sleep and deliberately. That was a long time ago. Eventually I did stop wetting at night well almost. Too much beer always resulted in a wet bed and I had episodes of wetting on and off throughout my adult life. Some lasting the odd night and sometimes a week or two. Then from being in my late 30s until my late 40s I had almost 10 years being completely dry at night. When my bedwetting came back after the initial shock I just settled back in to old habits. It was like having a long lost friend back in my life. My wife wasn't phased by it and suggested nappies and plastic pants. During the last 11 years I have had few dry nights and honestly couldn't be happier. Being a nightly bedwetter feels absolutely right for me.
  7. Not caring what others think is very important. I wet the bed so what! Is my attitude. No one entering my bedroom would be any doubt and that is how I like it. I don't go around broadcasting it but I make no effort to hide it either.
  8. Never been diagnosed but suspect I am on the spectrum.
  9. Same here my wetting never wakes me. In fact I think so sleep better once wet.
  10. It feels right for me to be in nappies. I couldn't imagine not needing them now.
  11. Sounds like you have acheived incontinence. Mine happened naturally due to diabetes but I have about the same lack of control as you. Fortunately like you I enjoy being this way.
  12. Not a cruise but I spent a three week vacation in the States recently in nappies or pull ups all the time. I took enough Boots maxi pull ups for one every day and enough tena maxi slips for one every night.
  13. Have you ever had a diagnosis as to why you wet. No one ever found out why I was a chronic bedwetter when I was growing up but now it is blamed on diabetic related nerve problems
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