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  1. I can’t even imagine not being self conscious about my diaper when in public. It never stops me from living my life. But it’s on my mind nonetheless.
  2. @BabyCody27 to answer your question about does the novelty wear off? I can only speak for myself but the short answer is no! Over the years my relationship with diapers has evolved such that it’s always new and fresh to me. They still represent all the good feelz that we as ABDLs appreciate. But they also are like a pair of glasses, in that they are part of me. So, I’ve also learned to appreciate diapers for the functional purpose. They keep me dry. Also, it’s been decades since I tried my first adult diaper, and it’s great to see how far things have come. It’s more important for me to find a good diaper now more than ever. Im proud that I now have a “history” with diapers. I love trying new products and discussing new innovations in the adult diaper world.
  3. Oh totally! Actually, while in the process of rewarding yourself like that, repeatedly remind yourself what a good boy/girl you are. Works like a charm. Or so I hear… 😇 PS … Extra shoutout to you, for phrasing it as “when” you wake up on the morning. That’s the positive mindset! 👍
  4. Just curious if anyone else has read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits. Here’s a summary, though as with all summaries like this, it doesn’t do the book justice: https://thebooklore.com/atomic-habits-summary/ I’m not sure how Mr. Clear would feel about it, but his approach works quite well for achieving diaper dependency. For example, starting with how you identify, and then shaping your small daily lifestyle decisions around that. A critical part of untraining is learning to identify as someone who is diaper dependent. Start there, and work outwards. Even if you have no interest in losing bladder or bowel control (I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want that, but to each their own! 🤷‍♂️) it’s great for any lifestyle change that appeals to you.
  5. This speaks to my soul, @Kaliborio! It’s the damndest thing, because you would think, how can maintaining continence be considered work? I mean, most two year olds can figure it out. And, in my case I was able to stay dry for much of my childhood. But it just sucked so much to manage. Staying dry felt like chore that I hated but was responsible for managing full time with no breaks. I wish I could describe it better.
  6. I try to stick to a consistent schedule for diaper changes. That way I don’t have to worry as much about how wet I am. That was a problem I experienced a few years ago, and I had a period of a few months with lots of leaks. It took care of the problem. Though the downside is that there are times when my diaper is only 50-65% saturated but it’s time for a scheduled change. In those cases it’s game time decision if I want to change, or wait a tad longer. That said, I think the bigger adjustment is having to have extra diapers nearby at all times.
  7. I also worked with a personal professional erotic hypnotist. We spent a lot of time on my identity. What are my barriers to seeing myself as incontinent and how can we overcome them? As for guided imagery I did a lot of work around having a rare medical condition called “Juvenile Regressive Incontinence.” I defined JRI as a poorly understood neurological condition. There are many symptoms to focus on. For instance in JRI, over exercising the external sphincter causes it to release a toxin that weakens it with further usage of the muscle. Also a lot of time spent learning to thank my diaper for keeping me dry because otherwise clothing and sheets and floor would be soaked. I realized a huge theme was accepting the inevitability of incontinence. It’s going to happen. Your bladder control will never be normal again.
  8. Hi all, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my journey recently, and just how far I’ve progressed in my untraining. I’ve been 24/7 for about 7 years now, and it’s already been around 5-6 years since I actively started untraining. I developed my own technique, which was to understand precisely how bladder control develops in a kid, so that I could use an amalgamation of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to reset myself back to factory default. It was a very scientific approach, though much easier said than done. There was no secret sauce, but though I don’t want to sell myself short either. These days my bladder control is completely wrecked, day and night. Staying dry seems like a super power to me. My sphincter has long since defaulted back to “open” / relaxed mode. I can clench the muscle, but it’s very weak and as soon as I forget it goes back to relaxed mode. Usually I have no sensation of needing to go, until BAM! Too late. Also because everything is so weak,there’s usually a bit of pee just sort of hanging out in the urethra. This means I’m usually damp to some degree. And because I’m damp, it’s harder for me to know how much I really have to pee, which further perpetuates my diaper dependency. Bladder sensations are basically “noise” to me at this point. When you’re wearing 24/7 and your bladder is on autopilot, and you feel damp, the feeling of bladder pressure is meaningless. If I pay attention, I can kind of tell how much I have to pee, but again it doesn’t matter. But even more than that, the continence mentality seems foreign to me. Potty training, fear of accidents, accidents… it all seems like a bunch of “work” to me. Ironically, being 24/7 is a heck of a lot more work than potty trained, but I don’t know, it’s just pee… I am curious how it is for others. I know there aren’t many like me, but I can’t be alone.
  9. This is a fascinating topic! I can’t explain the reason other than it just feels right for me to not have bladder control. The worse it gets, the happier I am. My life if so much more complicated now that I have to wear diapers full time. All of the hassles of being 24/7… they never go away. And boy and how do those hassles suck! But the fact that I deal with them, the same as anyone else, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  10. Hi all! I’m going to be going on a week-long Caribbean cruise in about a month. While I’m no stranger to traveling in diapers, or cruising, this is my first cruise since I’ve been diaper dependent. I’m going to be traveling with family, who knows I wear diapers out of necessity. I’m curious if others have cruised while in diapers full time? 1. Would it be better to pack a lot of thin cloth backed diapers, or even pull-ups? With it being so hot and us potentially in and out of the water, I think it makes sense to go thin. 2. Has anyone ran into issues getting searched when leaving ports to get back on the ship? Then again, does it matter? 3. What to wear for a top while on the ship. I don’t mind if my diaper accidentally pokes out a little bit. But I suspect it might be more than a little bit seeing as it’s a cruise ship… Other tips?
  11. Hi friends, I’ve been reflecting a lot on how much of this journey is psychological. The further we go along the more it’s apparent this is “mind over matter”. The most subtle and perhaps profound examples is the continence mindset. By that, I mean our basic assumptions: 1. Mastery bowel and bladder control is an essential milestone of early childhood. 2. You should never, ever, leak urine. 3. Diapers are, generally speaking the last resort, other than for babies. These aren’t bad things. There’s an evolutionary advantage to being continent. But knowing that they are psychological construct and that malleable does help in my experience. It’s not easy, but it is doable.
  12. Going full 24/7 to the point of tossing out your underwear and investing in cases of diapers and planning around vacations takes an immense amount of commitment. I suppose it’s theoretically possible to do it in a way that nobody in your household ever notices. But geez. I couldn’t imagine the practicality of not treating my diapers like underwear, when that’s what they are. In my experience the economics of cloth diapers don’t work out unless you go big on them and make them your full time thing, or hardly wear them. When you factor in the investment cost, the storage cost, laundry cost, and also the cost of the diapers, and plastic pants, you need to wear a lot of times for everything to pay for itself. Also remember that odor protection isn’t as robust with cloth diapers. And by “isn’t as robust” I mean virtually non existent. That said, that’s just my experience. If there’s a cloth-diaper enthusiast out there who begs to differ, please do! Trust me, I wish I could get cloth diapers to work out. Instead, OP, have a different suggestion: Enjoy wearing diapers as often as you can to the point where it doesn’t cause issues for you. It’s okay if you can’t commit to this lifestyle for decades. If you can, that’s amazing! If there’s a point where you diapers need to take a backseat, that’s life. Either way, good luck! Let us know how it goes. You got this. ❤️
  13. Hi all, I wasn’t sure the right forum for this as it applies to “all of the above” so I apologize if this isn’t the right place. Due to a combination of intentional and unintentional factors I’ve been losing some weight. I tend to be on the cusp between medium and large, and traditionally I size up. But with the recent slimming down I feel like larges are just a tad too large now. This is weird. The diaper looks and feels so much more snug. I’m not used to feeling the tapes (with larges the tapes are over the front panel). So it’s simultaneously thinner and thicker feeling. The real test will be seeing how it holds up.
  14. </Thread> I have to say in the excessive time I spent ruminating on this perceived rejection* I never considered this perspective. You’re right, I never went through the grief cycle, like so many others there did when they received the diagnosis of incontinence. My experience was more of a relief cycle. *This get’s to @oznl’s Uno Reverse question asking me why I get so offended when accused of faking it. The answer is quite simple: I wish I knew myself! It’s on my growing list of things to work through in therapy! 😂😬
  15. Thats the other thing that bugs me about how much hate I received for not suffering with incontinence. many of us here are freaking EXPERTS in the urinary tract system, and have an encyclopedic knowledge of incontinence, management, and treatment, and we are creative problem solvers who deal with a different type of stigma, and because we live it 24/7. Like @Little Sherri said, their loss.
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