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  1. Heres the next one :0) Any & all constructive criticism welcome! Chapter 3 Brushing her nose, Laurie peered up at the woman with annoyance; admittedly, with all she’d seen outside the alley, her comment had only partially caught her off guard. ..Wandering off? The hell? "Uh, Ma'am, I'm in my twenties. I'm really not sure what you’re trying to say." Attempting to keep her composure, Laurie figured the best thing she could do was introduce herself; she wasn’t some misguided child, and hopefully the woman would see that..despite the situation she was in. "-- Well, anyways!” Rubbing her neck, Laurie attempted to soothe her nerves. “I’m Lorelei.” Giving the Little her full attention, Nora quietly eyed her up and down. After ushering Laurie away from prying eyes, Nora found herself feeling a bit awkward, but the Amazon figured after getting a full grasp on the situation, she’d know what to do. “Oh! That's a really pretty name!”, the Amazon tried. Nora was already physically at the Little’s level, now she just needed to figure out how to get on her level..psychologically? Socially? “..I usually go by Laurie for short,actually." Offering the woman a modest smile, Laurie fell silent. Ok. I..should–I just ask her? Maintaining her small smile, Laurie ran through the possibilities in her head; namely how to ask the massive woman in front of her where the hell she was. Now that she was actually holding a conversation with one of them, it was harder to keep her anxiety at bay. “..Laurie is also cute!” Nora chimed in, attempting to keep the conversation flowing. The Amazon knew she was probably coming off as..strange. It was weird to actually be having a real conversation with a Little; Laurie seemed to be very well-spoken. Surprisingly, Nora didn’t even detect a hint of a lisp..and, on some level, she hoped it would stay that way. Cringing at the woman’s remark,Laurie fought the urge to roll her eyes. Just focus on the task at hand. She ask where she was..and then about how to get home? Where the nearest police station was?..Maybe if she could use her phone to make a call? There were too many things she could ask the woman, especially why giants kept people as.. infantile pets? Of course, Laurie didn’t know if that was undeniably how they viewed normal-sized humans, but judging how the giantess was talking to her and what she’d seen, she couldn’t be far off. Sitting in silence for a couple seconds, Laurie attempted to push forward to garner any answers she could. “Soo,Miss?--” "Nora.", The Amazon filled in the blank for her, still feeling a bit out of place. "..Well, Ms.Nora, I am actually lost.”, Laurie chewed her lip. “..So you did wander off? Well, that's not an issue, I’m sure your Dadd–” “No. I did not. I actually..w-well, it might sound weird, but I’m not sure how I got here.”, Laurie cut her off curtly, becoming more uncertain as she spoke. Squinting at the girl, Nora racked her brain. Some kind of portal Little?? “Annnnd, so..well–”, Laurie timidly began. “Why is everyone so tall?” A brief silence filled the alleyway once more. Nora figured she had to be some sort of portal Little. Maybe something went wrong with her coming through..because she clearly wasn’t supposed to be here. Or she could be vacationing? Got separated maybe.. Yet, that didn’t really explain Laurie’s amnesia or her confusion when it came to Amazons. If she was pulled through for adoption, it was most likely to save her life as well–that would explain her lack of memory. Pulling a stray hair from her skirt, Nora thought about the best way to explain to the Little where she was. Should she be nonchalant? Reassuring? "Okay Laurie, it seems like somehow, you've made your way into our dimension, which of course is different from yours in some ways–” as the Amazon began to gingerly explain, the Little cocked her head, trying to take it all in. Nora pressed on, eager to get her explanation out. “ So! ..I’m not going to run through everything, but, the major difference you’ve most likely noticed are the Amazons–the bigger people." Shifting her weight, Nora wondered if she was doing a good enough job. Using the Little’s facial expression to gauge her next move, she offered up a bit more information. " Here, we call your kind 'Littles', y'know, because you’re smaller; anyone pretty much between 4 to 6 feet qualifies for the title..” Struggling to keep her calm, Laurie barely moved a muscle–she didn’t realize she was holding her breath until a labored exhale escaped her lips. Other dimensions? It was crazy..and yet, here it was. The evidence was staring her in the face. “..W-What are the, well, the diapers and stuff about?” Gnawing her lip in earnest, Laurie hoped that Nora could disprove her theory. It was just…too messed up to believe. ..Am I sure I’m not on drugs? Nora saw the rising panic in her eyes, but she knew there wasn’t a whole lot of comfort she could provide her with. Only the truth..Laurie asked, so she had to tell her. "..Well? So, how do I phrase this?..” Nora never really had to explain to a Little why and how they were a Little before. As much as it was common knowledge to the Amazon, she knew that being blunt about it wouldn’t help. Conversely, acknowledging on some level what Littles went through, Nora also knew there wasn’t a way to approach it delicately. Shit. With each passing moment, Laurie looked at the woman with more and more anticipation. Beginning to open her mouth to ask Nora to hurry up, she was abruptly cut off. “--Essentially, they’re like.. pseudo-children for us.”, Nora blurted out. Well this is definitely going to make me late for work. It wasn’t as delicate as the Amazon had hoped her explanation would be, but it did the job. Nora was sure that there would be follow-up questions..and probably tears. Then, paired with or following the tears, Nora also expected the typical tirade about ‘maturity’ and ‘independence’; she predicted anger and indignation. Yet, upon hearing her explain, Laurie’s expression of uncertainty contorted into one of fear and panic. With her biggest suspicion confirmed, she didn’t know how she was going to get out of the situation with her adulthood intact. Again,there was absolutely no room for skepticism with the massive woman squatted in front of her. Any one of the Amazon’s could easily snatch her up, and she’d be gone—just like that. Lasting only a couple seconds before her face began to crumple, Laurie gave into her stress, any thoughts or questions she had took a backseat. Don’t. No, don’t cry.. She willed herself to keep it together. However, she was already beginning to cry, and in a matter of seconds her silent tears evolved into a sniffly sob. Of course, Laurie wanted to be productive..to ask the necessary questions, to make her way out of this–but, she was far too overwhelmed. Watching as she began to sob, Nora felt a tad guilty. Well? I mean, what was I supposed to say? She’d expected Laurie to get emotional..but what she envisioned was a lot different compared to what was now in front of her. Even though the Little was sobbing, she wasn’t very loud–and it wasn’t tantrum induced..she seemed genuinely discouraged. Continuing to watch her awkwardly for a few beats, Nora knew she had to offer some sort of reassurance..after all, she was supposed to be helping. “..Uh,well..?”, the Amazon glanced at her heels, unsure about how to comfort her. Internally, Laurie’s panic was making Nora panic. She felt frazzled, and again, somewhat out of her element. This wasn’t part of her routine, this wasn’t how her friend’s Littles acted. The Amazon didn’t deal with indecision well; it was rare that she didn’t know what to do, no matter the situation. Maybe a hug? Slightly rising from her crouched position, Nora clumsily began to shimmy towards her. Hearing the scuffle of the Amazon’s heels, Laurie immediately looked up. W-What..what is she doing?? Watery eyes widening in fear, the Little promptly started to back up. ..No way. No way she's going to– “Hey–it’s just..you looked like you could use a hug?”, Nora sheepishly opened her arms, hoping she didn’t look too intimidating. She really wasn’t good at this kind of thing. Glancing between the Amazon and the opening of the alley, Laurie raised an eyebrow. “W-What?” Looking down at the girl, Nora almost wanted to laugh at her expression; Laurie’s gaze bored through her, a mix between skepticism, sassiness, and confusion. Eyes still large and shiny from crying, she scrunched up her nose in suspicion. I mean, she's kinda cute. Still waiting for an answer, Laurie watched Nora zone out, a small smirk spreading across her face. “What the hell are you smiling at??”, the Little bit out, slightly crossing her arms. No way she’s gonna try to make a freaking move on me..and then laugh about it.. Instantly withdrawing her arms, Nora frowned. Sheesh, attitude. “Hey. I was only trying to be nice–” Scoffing, Laurie stared at her defiantly, waiting for her to say something else ridiculous. “Also, considering what I just told you, you really shouldn’t use language like that–” “I feel like it’s justified, especially with some giant woman coming at me like a dope.” Ok..that was way too mean. “S-Sorry, I–” Rolling her eyes, Nora hurriedly finished her explanation. “--As I was saying, that’s the quickest way to get noticed by a bunch of Amazons..misbehaving.” Nora was still holding back laughter, what Laurie said was genuinely funny; she wasn’t offended, but talking like that was a surefire way to get into trouble. “Like I was saying, because most Amazons here view you as..well, a baby, or ,if you’re lucky, a toddler..you need to watch what you say.” I guess that makes sense. “Listen, I’m sorry…I know you’re just trying to help–”, Fiddling with her sleeves, Laurie continued her apology. “..It’s just, I can't really trust anyone.” Briefly meeting Nora’s eyes for emphasis, she tugged on her sleeves harder. “A-And apparently I’m in another dimension, and I don’t know how I got here, and–” Hanging her head in embarrassment, Laurie started to sniffle again. “Hey, don’t worry, okay?” Nora softly reassured her. “We’ll figure something out.” Sulkily nodding her head, the Little wanted to believe her, but still, her paranoia persisted. Nora seemed trustworthy enough, especially having gotten some answers from the Amazon. However Laurie subconsciously knew that she was the only one who prioritized her return back home; everyone else..well, it was clear what they wanted. As her chin trembled in tandem with her sniffles, she clenched her jaw in irritation. Nope. Can I for once..just keep the tears inside of my eyes? Shit. Throughout the entire interaction, Nora’s gaze hadn’t left the Little; watching her grapple with her emotions was conflicting. Laurie felt like she was losing her grip; the situation was just.. too much. Thinking back to her University back home, she could only imagine the setbacks this would cause her. Piling on even more, she thought about how she didn’t really have anyone back home to miss her; in truth, she wasn’t very good at making friends, and she wasn’t close to her family either. Laurie had kept her own company, and made her own money to put herself through school. The only people that would notice her recent absence for sure were her Professors. Her sniffles were halted by a dry chuckle, she truthfully did hope some of her Professors would notice something was up. Before all this, she was looking forward to what the future held after her graduation…but now, she didn't know. Nora continued to stare, racking her brain for a place that would actually help Laurie; in the meanwhile, something was pushing her to reextend her offer for a hug. “..Hey.” She started softly. “Are you sure you don’t want a hug?” Nora gently opened her arms to the Little once more. Fuck it, why not. Wordlessly closing the distance between them, Laurie gingerly stepped into the Amazon’s embrace. Pressed into Nora’s lap, the Little slumped over in exhaustion. She didn’t care that she was cuddled up to some random woman, she didn’t care that she was an ‘Amazon’, to Laurie, it just felt nice to be held. Nora lightly wrapped her arms around the girl, growing more anxious with each passing moment. What the hell am I going to do? Again, Nora tried to weigh her options. Laurie didn’t strike her as the kind of Little who would lie, especially considering how stressed she seemed. Even so, she had no idea how to help her in the way she wanted to be helped; no Amazon would actually consider sending her back to her dimension. Not to mention, the process of dimensional travel was complicated, and from what Nora knew–it could be dangerous. What if someone was looking for her? If she was supposed to come through the portal and ended up here, someone had to be looking for her. Realizing more and more what she’d probably have to do, her heart sank.
    5 points
  2. Chapter 54: Aenonnos Love in Dimensions – LittleFallenPrincess “So... this is really it? This is really Aenonnos?” I asked, looking around at the beautiful scenery. The tide crashed against the rocks in the distance. The warm air filled my lungs. The air felt so... pure... much different to our own dimensions. Gulls cawed over by the cliff. Everything just felt so... natural. Like it hadn’t ever been touched by humans. But as I turned around, I saw the gleaming city of Aenonnos across the river that connected to the sea nearby. Marble spires, gold inlay decorating even the simplest of buildings... even from here it looked impressive. And having such a strong interest in the Zadri made me excited to see the city up close. The long white bridge Rose and Faith had talked about from their vision about looked even more beautiful than they described. Normally a city made mostly out of marble and gold would have been impossible to create on our Earth... but here, with magic... it was certainly an impressive marvel to behold. “If the memories and our visions are true, then yeah, we finally made it.” Rose replied. “Fucking finally!” Faith shouted, quickly earning herself a smack on her padded rear by Morgan and a disapproving look from Evie. I looked around, checking no one was about. “We’re the only ones here...” I mumbled. “I guess they don’t visit here often. I wonder what the population size is...” Rose started talking to herself, so we all left her to it as we took in the scenery whilst we could, before we get moving to find the Goddesses. “So... they’re supposed to be nice people...” Olivia started to say something. “We’ll need to hide our faces.” Noelle said, abruptly. “Huh?” “They know us. We have the same faces as their Goddesses. We’ll need to cast a spell on us to glamour over our faces.” “Won’t they be able to see through that? They’re a magic-based civilisation.” Liv asked. “We can’t say for sure... but I think it’s our best option. Especially as we need to find out more information first, which would require talking to the citizens.” “That’s my clever little baby...” Rose appeared out of nowhere. One second she was staring off into the distance in her own thoughts, the next here she was, kissing Noelle on the forehead and making her blush. The interaction was cute, but it made my competitive nature kick in, so I grabbed Paige’s wrist and pulled her in close. “Don’t you go running off, babygirl. You stay with Mummy whilst we’re here, got that? I can’t have a repeat of the Diaper Dimension...” I warned her. My wife just blushed in that cute little way she does when she’s feeling subby and little. Locking my fingers around hers, we held hands as I started walking off in the direction of the city. “Where are you going?” Rose asked. “You said we need to talk to the locals. So let’s get going, it’s already getting late by the looks of it...” I said, using my free hand to point at the sun that was currently setting. “You can cast your little glamour spell on the walk up.” Everyone quickly followed as I walked off with Paige up the beach towards civilisation. Along the way, Rose and Noelle had cast some kind of glamour spell on us all, making our faces different to anyone else who looked at us. To ourselves, we looked normal, but to any of the Zadri, we’d be random strangers who looked nothing like the Goddesses. Using the memories that we had witnessed, they also glamoured our outfits to match those the Zadri would be seen wearing. We just hoped they didn’t change their taste in fashion in the thirty-odd years since the Goddesses were around. In fact... we just hoped not too much had changed in those years, a lot can happen in thirty years... “Right everyone... guards ahead...” Rose warned. My heart was racing as I prepared myself, standing tall. It was one thing being on Earth, or Faith’s Earth or even the diaper dimension. I was trained to fight people taller and stronger than I was. But I felt the same fear I felt in Rose’s dimension. Against people, even Amazons... I stood a good chance of taking them down... against someone wielding magic? I probably had no chance. So I felt fear running through my body, a feeling I wasn’t particularly used to on my Earth. We walked closer and closer to the entrance to the enormous marble bridge that led to the main city. The scale of the bridge became even more impressive the closer we got to it. From afar, it looked big, but from here? It was enormous. As we reached the large gate... something felt... off. “Stop.” Rose abruptly ordered, stopping in place and holding her arm out to signal us all to stay behind her. “Something isn’t right...” An eerie silence filled the air. Which sounded unusual for a city this large... “The... the guards... they’re dead!” Faith exclaimed, holding her hands to her mouth in shock. “Wait, how do you...?” I asked. “Her eyes are augmented, remember? She can see further than we can.” Morgan whispered to me. “Oh shit, yeah, sorry, forgot about that. Her augments aren’t as obvious as...” I shut up mid-sentence, I knew it could be a sore topic for her, so I instantly regretted saying what I had already said... and what I was about to say. “Yeah well anyway, we better be careful...” We edged closer and closer to the guard station located in front of the large, gold, ornate gate that allowed entrance across the bridge and into the city. And the closer got, the more it confirmed what Faith told us... these guards were dead. I quickly turned around, pulling Paige into a hug so she didn’t have to see the bodies. “They’ve been here a while, decomposition leads me to believe it’s been some years since they died. But the question is... how? And why were they just left here?” Rose asked. “Look... on the bridge...” Faith called out, pointing at the bridge. “Holy fuck... what happened here?” Paige yelled. I looked down to see Paige had wormed her head out of my embrace to take a peek at the scene behind me. ‘I’ll spank you later for that language... but yes... holy fuck...’ I thought to myself as I turned around to see what Paige was taken aback by, Paige escaping my arms to go have a closer look. It was horrible. More bodies were strewn across the bridge. “No sign of a struggle... no blood, no apparent injuries... faint magical signature coming off of them...” Rose said, examining the deceased guards closely. “So something magical kill them all? I wonder if people in the city are alright...” “Let’s go. Stay close though, we don’t know what kinds of threats are out there waiting for us.” Rose instructed, leading the way to the bridge. Morgan pried open the gate as quietly as possible and Rose took lead again as we all walked through the gateway and onto the bridge. I held Paige close, trying to prevent her from seeing the deceased Zadri who littered the bridge. The closer we got to the city, the more silent it became. Now we couldn’t even hear the ocean or the wind. And for a city... that was frightening. “Is...” We reached the city. We found the main street that disappeared off into the distance. Gorgeous architecture lining the sides of the street... trees and plants decorated the centre of the road, but they were all overgrown and wild. “Oh god. It’s all of them... they’re all...” Rose stood in shock. She was right. My heart sunk as I saw the pained faces of the people of Aenonnos. Their bodies littering the streets. The awe I felt looking at their beautiful ornate structures was negated by the horrific scene that lay in front of us. I wish I could just focus on the buildings, on the gorgeous spires and the beautiful artwork on the sides of the marble and gold buildings. I wish I could focus on the market stalls, the book stores, the little cafes... I wish I could focus on the gold inlay that decorated even the most basic of buildings. I wish I could focus on how the Zadri must have lived their lives, how their society managed to be so advanced and so peaceful... But I couldn’t. So I held Paige as tightly as possible, covering her face as best I could with my arms and chest. I didn’t want her to see this, and as I looked up at my sisters... I saw that they had the same idea. Morgan had Faith in her arms, covering her eyes, preventing her from witnessing the horrors that lay to the sides of the street at we walked down what I assume would be a bustling market street... and Rose held Noelle closer, trying to prevent her from looking off to the sides of the road, whilst Charlie gripped Olivia’s hand tightly. Evie followed along closely behind Morgan and Faith as we slowly made our way down the main road of this seemingly abandoned city. We walked for a good twenty minutes, trying to figure out what the hell happened to this once-thriving civilisation for it to end up like this. We eventually reached a fountain in the middle of a square that indicated where the major buildings were, so we looked for the place we needed. I noticed the bodies we found had gotten fewer and fewer as we got closer to the heart of the city. “They must have ran to the entrances to the city, to flee whatever was coming for them.” Rose commented. “And what a great amount of good that did them...” Morgan remarked. “Something with an immense amount of power must have killed them. Which means we need to be on guard. Let’s not start getting snarky with each other.” “Sorry.” Morgan apologised, looking nervous. “Hey, we’re all on edge here. No one should witness what we have witnessed. And not just here. All the shit we’ve been through in other dimensions... it’s like the universes are playing some cruel joke and torturing us.” “I know. I’m sorry. Let’s just find the Goddesses and get out of here. I don’t want Faith to go through any more trauma.” “She’s got you, Evie, and the rest of us. We’re going to be okay, Morgan, I promise.” I said, trying my best to reassure her. Sure, I was just as terrified as she was, but I was good at pretending to keep a level head under pressure. “Yeah well let’s keep going, I can see a large building that looked similar to the Elder’s building from Freya’s memories in the distance. So we’ll head for...” A wind blew through the streets suddenly. Darkness quickly filled the skies. The hair on my arms stood on end as I felt an eerie presence nearby. And as I turned around, a dark hooded figure appeared from behind the fountain in the middle of the square. We all froze in place, our eyes focused on the strange figure getting closer and closer. With each footstep, his walking cane clanked on the stone floor. He gripped it with both hands for support, and whilst it acted as a walking cane... it looked more like a staff. “Who are you?” Rose called out, pointing her hand out at the mysterious figure. Noelle stood to her side, doing the same. Morgan and I quickly pushed our littles behind us and prepared ourselves for a fight. He crept along, circling the fountain, until he was in full view, staring at us with his beady little eyes and his long, white, scraggly beard. He stopped, took a second, and then upon removing his hood, his eyes narrowed and his face turned sour. He lifted his staff up and pointed it directly at our group. His frail body caused the staff to shake in his arms, but he kept it in position as best he could as his mouth turned into a snarl and he started screaming at us. “You... I see through your disguises... I see your faces... YOU DID THIS! YOU KILLED THEM ALL!” ========================================================== So... not the welcome wagon they were hoping for... Haven't read my new story, Regression Echo? Go read the first few chapters! It's posted here! Link below! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them! Thank you to all my patrons for their support! Don't forget, the next 4 chapters are available on my Patreon, as well as the next two chapters of Regression Echo, which can be found here if you go for the second tier. You get two weeks early access to chapters of Love in Dimensions and Regression Echo. New chapters of Love in Dimensions every Wednesday/Sunday! New chapter of Regression Echo every Friday! Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks! ?
    3 points
  3. If you would like to get access to exclusive content then please consider subscribing to my Patreon - www.patreon.com/backtobabyhood. Any support makes a massive difference and encourages me to keep writing so if you're enjoying my writing and want to see more then please consider becoming a Patron. All chapters of the French Exchange and Step-Brother to Step-Baby will be released early there and you will also receive access to over 170 posts including a 30,000 word exclusive Patreon story - 'A Secret Love of Diapers'. There are also more exclusive stories and future stories planned.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six Mikey relents and decides to join the girls for his supper. He soon realises that his humiliation might only just be beginning… “Right, ok then. I’ll play your stupid game. You’re honestly mad, do you know that?” “Thank you Mikey, it is lovely that you’ll be joining us.” As Mikey put the dummy in his mouth, I grabbed my phone and called his name. As he looked at me, I took a picture. He spat out the dummy again and ran towards me to grab the phone. “What are you doing? You said you wouldn’t tell anyone…” Before I had a chance to reply, Mother had stood in front of me and interjected to calm the situation. “It’s an insurance Mikey - if you behave then I am sure we can keep it a secret but if you decide to play up then we might have to share it with some of your friends and invite them round for playtime with you.” That was the final straw. Mikey was defeated. He said nothing as he put the dummy back in his mouth and waddled behind us downstairs to the kitchen table. It was incredible. Just a few hours ago, we were all scared of Mike but he no longer felt like a threat to us. I still couldn’t believe that Mother had managed to outmanoeuvre him and make him submit to wearing a nappy and suck a dummy. Mikey was still sucking his dummy as he gingerly took a seat at the kitchen table. As he sat down, the plastic pants made a loud rustling sound. He was clearly conscious of the noise as he looked down at the floor nervously. It was evident that Mother had planned tonight very carefully. She rarely cooked stews but knowing that there was a strong likelihood that tonight’s meal would have to sit around for a while, she had decided that it would be a sensible choice. We all took our places at the table while she dished up the food and served it to us in turn. Mikey would normally help himself to food before any of us and would snatch the first plate that Mother served but tonight she deliberately made him wait until last. When Mother finally put his plate in front of him, she spoke in a childish voice as she pulled the dummy out of his mouth. “You can take your dummy out while you eat your food Mikey.” By treating Mikey like a toddler, Mother was reinforcing the message that she was in charge and that he was just a child who needed her permission to make decisions. All of her actions were a deliberate ploy to turn him into the well behaved boy that we craved. He did not say anything back and began to eat his food. I could only imagine what was going through his mind at that moment of time but he was clearly still in shock at what had happened to him and was understandably very quiet. Dinner was very enjoyable as we talked about our plans for the weekend and flowers and other girly topics that were normally off topic when Mike was around. He would usually tell us to shut up and that we were “talking rubbish” or “boring” but tonight we had free rein. We were all very pleased about how the evening had gone - except Mikey of course - and were in a jubilant mood as we finished our food. I looked over at him and smiled. As I looked over, I could see that he had spilt some food down himself and decided to use it as an opportunity to tease him and get a reaction. “Mother, look at Mikey. He’s spilled half his food down himself, perhaps we should look at getting him a bib?” I could see Mikey’s face changing as he angrily looked over at me before he responded. “You better shut up you little bitch otherwise I’ll make you sorry. You might think you’re big now and clever now but you’ll be sorry. You won’t get away with this.” Mother quickly intervened to take control of the situation and remind Mikey of his rightful position in the family now. “No pudding for you I’m afraid Mikey which is a shame because it’s chocolate brownie, your favourite. And you know the rules…” As she finished her sentence, she placed the dummy back in his mouth and removed his bowl of food which he had not quite finished. He spat it out and shouted back at her. “**** off you crazy lady. I haven’t even finished my food. Give it back here” “I told you the rules earlier, put your dummy back in now please. If you want the rest of your food, you can ask me nicely.” “Please can I have my food back?” “I won’t have a discussion with you until you’ve got your dummy back in your mouth.” “How am I supposed to ask you a question with this stupid thing in my mouth?” “Oh Mikey, you are silly. Have you never been with a toddler? They are able to keep their dummy in their mouth and still speak so I’m sure you can too. Now if you want your food…” Mikey again looked defeated and reluctantly placed the dummy back into his mouth. It was another win for Mother as he was accepting the rules that she had set and had understood that she was not going to back down and give him his food until he did as she told him. He sounded ridiculously childish as he requested for his food to be returned with the dummy still wedged in his mouth. “Please can I have my food back?” “As you asked so nicely, I will of course let you have your food back Mikey. And to your sister’s suggestion, I had not thought of getting you a bib but perhaps it’s not the worst idea judging by the state of you.” Mikey’s face went bright red as he came to the realisation that his humiliation might only just be beginning, and he was right…
    2 points
  4. Part 2 “Jason, do you like to wear nappies?” She didn’t ask if I liked these Durable nappies in particular it was more a general enquiry. The question took me by surprise because, although we’re pretty straight with each other, that query seemed to come out of nowhere. I suppose that’s silly really. After all that’s happened over the years and more especially over the last few weeks you’d think I’d have some inkling mum might think that way. “Errmmm,” was how I answered. There was no accusation to her enquiry and no sense that she wanted to trip me up if I answered a certain way. Mum wasn’t like that but I could tell she thought it might be a possibility. So even if I wasn’t sure, she certainly suspected it might be the case. Mum’s eh? Now then, admission time - since mum got me those Durable Slips (disposable nappies) I have in fact worn them more often than not. The reason being that when I didn’t wear them I felt vulnerable and the vulnerability meant I leaked. I know, I know, there’s no reason at all that the two things should be linked and I’ve had this discussion with myself and mum... and she just hugs me and says, ... “it’s always best to be on the safe side.” Eighteen and wearing nappies and rather substantial rubber pants. I’m sure it wouldn’t be ideal for most teenagers and I’d like to think I’m not fine with it either, except it appears I am. “Well sweetheart, do you?” I wasn’t going to get out of this with a shrug and vagueness so I nodded. I didn’t think, considering the circumstances, I could deny the fact. Especially as I say, I was wearing a rather thick nappy and a pair of nappy-hugging vinyl pants at that moment. “Erm... maybe I don’t mind.” “Look love, it’s alright by me, I don’t have a problem with any way you choose to dress. I just want to make sure you have everything you need and aren’t worried about anything.” Well, I was worried a little about the direction this conversation was going but mum knew me too well and I couldn’t just walk away. “Like what?” I shrugged unable to think of anything... well, anything specific. “Well, for instance. Do you have the right creams and lotions to prevent nappy rash? Maybe you’d like to wear something different and are scared to buy it or ask me to get it for you? Perhaps you’re not happy that it’s something you like and feel, well, guilty. I don’t exactly know, but, I want you to know that I’ll support you in any way I can and, as with everything else, you can depend on me.” Now, that was a nice little speech. I’ve never doubted mum for a second... ever... and I still don’t but she was making things sound official whereas I still thought of it as my anxiety and I’d eventually be over it. She popped the dummy between my lips and hugged me close. “I want my baby boy to be happy and if that means he wears nappies then so be it.” I could have just carried on sucking and let mum’s warmth and love engulf me but I wanted to explain a little bit even if I was unsure what I was going to say next. I removed the dummy. “Mum, I don’t know... I mean... uuummmm... since you bought these,” I ran my hands over the Durable, “I’ve felt much calmer but I still end up soaking them and don’t seem to have any control over that... I don’t understand why.” I was dubious about looking at mum to see if she had an explanation but she just patted my padded bottom and hugged me some more. “Look love,” she took a deep breath. “There have been times, throughout your life,” she rubbed the front of my bulging nappy and pointed to my dummy, “when certain items have brought you comfort in trying times.” It was true... and she gently reinserted the dummy to where it belonged. “I don’t know if I’ve told you this but it was your father’s idea to let you keep the dummy.” I looked up at her as this was entirely new information. “Not that I was against it but was always told by his mother, your granny, that it helped through anxious times when he was young, so no one should belittle a dummy’s use. It was him not me that made sure you always had one nearby just in case you needed it. So, as it never bothered him when it helped calm you down it never bothered me. I could see the sense in what your grandmother advised because it worked.” How come I’d waited eighteen years to hear this tiny, but influential, piece of my history? My dum-dum appeared to have played a more important part in my life than I’d previously given it credit for. I mean, granny had never mentioned it, dad never mentioned it, so how come mum’s only mentioning it now? We didn’t see granny that much these days because she retired to a home on the south coast where she seems very happy. However, when we do get a chance to visit she’s always keen that I’m happy and loves to hug and pat me all the time. I never thought about it before but wondered if she’s checking if I’m padded. My reaction to this news was I simply sighed because the thought of dad not being here was always a sad thought that got my emotions all tangled up and I’d find myself sobbing (and sometimes peeing). Perhaps dad was responsible because he knew, or suspected, I was like him and got anxious about anything and everything. But that didn’t explain why now I was wearing nappies and apparently not that worried about doing so... or maybe I was and that’s why I wet them. A sort of circle; one thing leading to another, leading to another and eventually ending up back where I started? I was more than a little confused and wondered why this little titbit of information had never been revealed before. It’s not like there had never been an opportunity but that would have to wait because I had something else on my mind. I began to wonder about mum’s words “I want my baby boy to be happy” I mean, I’m hardly a baby but, with the way things have gone, is that how she now sees me? “People have different needs,” she continued but looked sombre. “When your father died... I found it very difficult to cope. The sudden loss of my wonderful husband hit me hard but the thing I was grateful for... I had you.” She hugged tightly. “My worry then was how would you cope? You were eight and struggling with the loss as well but, and you may not have been aware of it, you were strong and I believe you knew I wasn’t coping so made every effort to relieve my suffering,” stroking my head as she often did when wanting to make a loving point. “It was you and the things you did and said that kept me from... well... I don’t know what... but you lifted me from the depths of great depression and...” “Maaawwwmm.” I said emotionally through the dummy. I didn’t want her to get depressed as she remembered dad’s death. “You did love.” She perked up a bit. “Things like bringing some little flowers you’d picked. Or a drawing of me, you and dad you’d done at school. There were several times when I was at my most, well, depressed doesn’t really cover it but I was down and you, my little flower, bounced me right back. It wasn’t your job to lift me up but you did and for that I’m eternally grateful.” I was trying to hide the fact that I was weeping but I looked up and saw mum had tears in her eyes as well. “You managed your own grief by sucking on your dum-dum and the picture of you doing that made me less stressed because you looked so sweet and innocent. I don’t know exactly why but it did... and we became even closer. Perhaps because it had been your dad’s idea and it felt, in some way, he was still with us when you popped it in.” She shrugged, as if partly dismissing the very notion. I wondered if it was a thought that had just popped into her head or was there more to it. Is this why she’s happy for me to use the dummy, and whatever else, because it brings back memories of dad? Did I have a residual memory of it happening and that’s why I do it now? Have I used the dummy so much I’m now reliant on it to solve all my problems? “Maawwmmm,” and we hugged tightly together for what seemed ages. The front of my nappy warmed slightly as a similar feeling grew throughout my body. # “Mum, what did you mean you wanted your baby boy to be happy?” I eventually asked. “Just what I say sweetheart,” she patted my padding. “But mum, I’m eighteen... hardly a baby boy.” “Oh sweetheart... look... you’ve always been my baby, I’ve never stopped calling you that, or love, or darling, or loads of other pet names I have for you.” “But baby boy?” “Well love,” she said emphasising the word love, “You’ll always be my baby because it doesn’t matter whether your eighteen months, eight, or eighteen years old... you will remain my baby boy. So, you can look forward to your thirty-eighth and forty-eighth birthdays and I’ll still be calling you my baby.” “Oh,” I said a little defensively, “it just seemed that because I’m wearing a nappy you thought, umm, or I thought, ermmm, you might think.... mmmm...” “No love, it’s not meant in a negative way and I’m not trying to baby you. Mother’s always think of their kids as their babies... and it has nothing to do with whether you wear a nappy or not. It’s the way mum’s especially think of their children.” She smiled her reassurance. “They will always be their babies who need love and looking after no matter how old and independent they become. It’s what a mum does.” “OK, thanks mum.” “No, thank you my sweet baby boy.” She chuckled as I was released from her hug. I just oozed contentment from behind my dummy as we got back to being ourselves the warmth in my nappy adding to my sense of wellbeing. # Although I’d taken mum to task for calling me a baby, no matter how innocently, the term entered my head but any resentment about the word quickly faded to one of acceptance. Now, before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion, I didn’t want to be treated as a baby, I just accepted that to mum, I would always be her baby boy. Maybe it helped in that understanding because I was wearing a nappy and sucking on my dummy, though I’d like to think not - although that is perhaps a little naïve of me. In a couple of days I’d be starting work and my childhood would be behind me... perhaps that was a bigger jump than I thought it would be. Maybe, all this nappy business was a reaction, an unintentional, emotional reaction, to that very fact. Unfortunately, that’s what was going through my mind when I realised I was filling the nappy yet again. The amount of warm pee making me once more glad I was wearing protection. I began to think of what mum said about how anxiety often got the better of dad when he was growing up and I wondered if perhaps he’d also had problems with unexpectedly wet pants. “Mum, was dad full of anxiety like me?” I tried to make it sound like a natural question but could tell it was quite loaded. Mum sighed. “Yes love he was anxious most of his life. His anxiety made him question everything and check and re-check whatever he was doing.” “Am I really that much like dad?” “I think so sweetheart, I think so.” She nodded and sniffed back a sob. “Your father was one of the best - a loving dad and husband but he worried. At times I saw the anxiety etched on his face though he tried to hide it. He didn’t always talk about it, which I wish he had, maybe I could have helped but...” The rest was left unsaid. I wanted to ask if he wet himself but for some reason thought such a question would somehow tarnish his memory. I wandered back up to my room to change and noticed that I was down to my last couple of Durables, although I still had a selection of pull-ups left. I changed to a pull-up and plastic pants under my jeans and, thinking to change the mood I’d left, told her that I was nearly out of disposables. “Yes love,” she bucked up immediately, “I noticed that so I’ve already ordered some more and they’ll be with us first thing tomorrow so don’t worry.” She was grateful we had something else to talk about. “Oh, erm, thanks mum... did you think I’d need some more?” “Well sweetie, you’re going through them pretty quickly and I noticed you were nearly out so I was just thinking ahead. I’ve never ordered online before so this was a first.” “I suppose if they don’t arrive I can always pop along to the pharmacy for some.” I offered as a helpful suggestion. “Yes, although they did promise delivery... I even have a 10.30am time slot... which I thought was quite splendid.” She checked her phone as if to reassure herself. # At 10.47 the following day a delivery van pulled up outside our house and a small, wiry driver, wearing a brown polyester shirt and shorts, struggled up the pathway pushing a huge box on a trolley. Mum answered the door and signed something. I think she found the entire process new and exciting. “Well, the delivery people are very efficient aren’t they? Only a few minutes late and I’ve even got a message on my phone to say ‘your package is on its way’ and here it is... amazing.” Mum was impressed and I knew she was making a mental note about using the facility again at some point. However, all I could think was ‘what an awfully big box full of nappies’. She must be expecting me to need them for the rest of my life. I manoeuvred it into the front room where mum had gone and retrieved a knife from the kitchen to slit the taped seal. She looked excited and once the thing was open I could see why. She’d ordered a plethora of disposables in all colours, some with childish designs on them. Plus more plastic pants, large terry type nappies and a couple of onesies. “What the hell mum!” I was angry because this all looked so bloody infantile and made a lie about her comment about me being her baby boy. “I can’t wear any of this it’s, it’s, it’s.... bloody hell mum, what were you thinking?” Mum looked quite shocked at my reaction. “Sorry love I guess I got carried away. I mean,” she held up one of the packs of colourful cartoon disposables, “they said in the advert on the site that these were thicker and absorbed more than any other and I just thought you deserved the best. It didn’t occur to me that, as no one else would see them, you’d be all that worried about the pattern.” “But mum,” I whined a little but she’d taken the wind out of my argument and anger by saying she only wanted the best for me. However, these really did look childish so I wondered where the hell she’d bought them... what site had she been on? “It’s OK Jason, look, what you don’t want we can send back... no problem. It said that as long as the packages are intact...” “And what’s the idea with these?” I held up the onesies in disgust. “Well, you’re starting work soon and, from experience, if you wear a nappy, to prevent it sagging, a onesie that fastens there,” she pointed to my crotch, “holds it up and in place and more-or-less prevents drooping from happening.” “Ohh, I see, ermmm...” Again, mum had been thinking ahead and I was seething because I thought she was, well, you know. “Sorry mum, I just thought...” I shrugged and felt a fool. I don’t know why I’d let the term ‘baby boy’ become so important. I thought I’d got past it but it irked and annoyed and... I just didn’t like it because, well, it made me feel like that’s what I was becoming. Then it struck me. That was it. It was me who was worried about the expression, not mum using it. I was worried that nappies and a dummy at eighteen meant I was still a baby even though I had no desire to be that... at least that’s what I think. “We’ve been through this.” Mum was looking a bit exasperated. “Why would I want to make you feel self-conscious about any of this? I just want what’s best for you and as you’re having enough anxiety thinking about the job I hoped I could relieve some of it by taking on the easy bit... getting you a fresh supply for when you need it. The site I found offered loads of stuff for a growing lad who might need a bit of help,” she pointed to my groin, “in that particular area.” Mum looked a bit hurt at me being angry with her. Of course she didn’t shout or create she just got on with things. Thinking about it I should be grateful for her being so thoughtful. I’m an idiot. # We emptied the box and did an inventory of what she’d bought. I was impressed because there were plenty of disposables and the new fabric nappies felt really soft and thick. The plastic pants were in a variety of colours and even a couple of new dummies should I want them. All-in-all mum had in enough supplies to last for a few months if things didn’t improve once I started work. It was strange but after mum had said she only wanted what was best for me I sort of went along with all these things, I mean they were all fantastic and her enthusiasm for each product had us giggling at just how thick the cartoon disposables might end up being. However, I don’t think mum was of the opinion I’d be out of nappies anytime soon. She’d asked if I liked wearing them and I’d admitted to doing so... I didn’t think I could deny it. She was actually supplying me with the very thing I needed, even before I really accepted that fact myself. Mum was always ahead of the game and couldn’t have been nicer or more prepared about it “Look love,” she shrugged but smiled, “I don’t know for definite you’re going to need all this stuff but I have known you for quite a while.” She beamed at her own silly observation. “Almost a lifetime,” I added with an equally wry smile. “That long, eh?” “Almost” “Well then, it’s here, it’s available and it’s up to you what you want to do with it.” I was grateful for her love and astuteness so we cuddled over this pile of new ‘stuff’. “Thanks mum.” Tomorrow I start work. # tbc #
    2 points
  5. Earlier this year, I visited My Inner Baby. I saw no sex toys. A large section was full of adult disposable diapers, most AB style, but also a variety of "medical" diapers. There were also some cloth diapers, diaper covers, plastic pants. The main room had walls of onesies, and a few adult sized baby outfits. They also sold pacifiers, bottles, coloring books, changing pads, and some other accessories. NO sex toys, no X rated magazines, no pics of naked men or women. And while they may cater to adults that are ABDL, that doesn't make them a sex shop. As a comparison, nearby to this store is a Cheerleader Supply store. I'm sure that adults with a cheerleader fetish shop there. Does that make it a sex shop? Is a lingerie store a sex shop? Despite using GPS, I still had a difficult time finding the store. The entrance faces a treelined chain link fence, separating it from a limited access highway. The parking lot entrance has a sign, but there is another business that faces that street. Anyone seeing the store is deliberately going to visit the store, not randomly driving by and seeing it.
    2 points
  6. I have no problem sleeping in a wet bed and never get up once it is wet. Unless it is soaked I just let the bed air and sleep in it again the next night.
    2 points
  7. Diaper room scent - my wife sells scentsy - Whether you are AB or DL... or ABDL .... If you are looking for a powerful baby powder scent.... "Newborn Nursery" WILL Work for you. If you do NOT have a wax/candle warmer, you can still use the wax bar inside and old sock in your diaper bags. You can also use the room spray to "Scentsy" spray your own diapers NO MATTER WHAT diaper you like. The Perfect Diaper room scent /Scentsy your own diapers!! So.... I had to share this ...Why pay for pre scented diapers? Let's help the wife with Scentsy orders everyone, she AB DL AWARE but does NOT engage in it. Her husband, Me was a DL, but MS has made other plans. Respect her and her business - https://tinyurl.com/y2w2s2th
    1 point
  8. I love to wear a peed up diaper even if it isn't mine I love the feeling of the warmth and get a little kinky to have someone else to pee in it while I am wearing it. anybody feel the same way.
    1 point
  9. https://crinklesapp.com i just found this app and thought I would share and try to get support for it. The app allows you to log your diaper changes and have an catalogue of your current diapers!
    1 point
  10. I've been waiting to see @~Brian~'s response. <GRIN>
    1 point
  11. Hopefully the family put a clean diaper on them before burying . Wearing a blood stained diaper to eternity is cruel.
    1 point
  12. On one hand this sounds really cool! On the other I wonder who is collecting the data on the other end...
    1 point
  13. Bridget smiled when seeing Dani having the time of her life on the swing she looked absolutely adorable and carefree, but when she came over Bridget asked, "What's wrong Dani do you need your diaper changed?" When the little teenager asked if there was anything she could do to help, Bridget just smiled and said. "oh no sweetie mommy has everything under control, if you want to come back inside I can put on the TV for you, I think I have a DVD collection of the classic Care Bears if you want to watch that?"
    1 point
  14. Aww what a wonderful mum and a lucky boy. Thanks. Maly.
    1 point
  15. @AbabeBill I forgot you live in Jersey as well! With @2sail2 And myself. I wonder how many others live in NJ.
    1 point
  16. Welcome to Daily Diapers @Itty bitty baby Feel free to check the rest of the forum out and join us in chat sometime. A lot of nice people here.
    1 point
  17. No, I wike my wet diaper and if I do mess except smell I wike it too, mommy or daddy would have to chase me down to change me tee hee
    1 point
  18. A long answer is better than no answer.
    1 point
  19. I LOVE this scent. I keep a scent pak in my diaper cabinet to get a burst of nursery freshness everytime I open the door. My mom also likes it and says the scent spray is the best "after bathroom" spray on the market.
    1 point
  20. What I notice most is people responding to a question with, "So,..." Bugs the shit out of me! Case in point, a topic in this very forum. So... Does anyone else get jealous of little kids, or is it just me? With the lack of an I.Q. above 70 for many people, an essay is about the only way you can get them to even come close to comprehending anything.
    1 point
  21. Intentionally displaying your diaper or other ABDL paraphernalia is inappropriate because we need to be respectful of the general, more vanilla population, especially children, and this type of ostentatious display gives us a bad name.
    1 point
  22. Mummy! Why do I have to wear pink!? Everyone can see my nappy...
    1 point
  23. I see London, I see France. I see Elfy's nappy pants.
    1 point
  24. Brave New Diaper World The year is 2125, Everyone from babies to adults, is incontinent and wears diapers as nobody has been toilet trained in nearly 50 years. Virtually everyone who is sexually mature has a diaper fetish and much of the population is AB/DL. Pampers has become the world leader in every conceivable field, including world leadership. There was no other competition from any other companies after the Pampers-Mimosa war of 2090-2097. Between the Pampers Group of 7 and the Mimosa lead Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Where afterwards Pampers became the United Nations. Much of the world is controlled by A.I due to widespread automation and human employment being replaced by virtual and/or robotic counterparts. Although most humans are consumer-employee-citizens where they work voluntarily for more than the basics and to help gives Pampers a more “human” face with many humans in leadership positions and most people having careers of some kind. But the A.I’s that truly run Pampers keep humanity pacified with numerous gadgets, screens with endless media, replacing half of solid food with formula and confining much of the population to vast megacities with self-contained districts where virtually all of day to day life is accessible within a 30 minute walk. Pampers culture is very pro-natalist and venerates babies & children and child rearing is seen as fundamental to personal and societal good. Indeed the world population is about to hit 12 billion people driven by a massive baby boom in the west. Commuting between districts in Pampers cities is done primarily via a series of metrorail trains and fully automated highways with small pod vehicles. Longer distance journeys within and between cities are done by maglev rail. All humans live in Condominium pods with a handful of rooms. A bedroom, a bathroom with a changing table. A kitchen, a media/living room, a washroom with an automated standing diaper changer and a laundry room although rooms can be reduced for single residents and added for families. Pampers main article of casual clothing is a spandex and other synthetic fabric mix jumpsuit that is Pampers blue-green with white lines with the pampers logo written across the upper chest. Although there are many other styles of clothes, mainly for different uniforms needed for work, there are school uniforms for children with a smaller Pampers heart logo around the heart area for all styles of clothing. At night most people wear onesies or classic style pajamas. Nighttime diapers are quite thicker than their daytime equivalent as bedwetting is a very common problem and beds & sheets are made to be easy to clean and hydrophobic. Cosplay is a very popular hobby due to widespread fandom and near constant access to media made by both fans and by Pampers. Along with Pampers remaking or editing much of 20th and 21st century media to feature diapered human characters. Everyone also sucks on pacifiers from time to time, depending on the mood and don’t worry everyone got used to the smell. This is a day of life for a pair of Pampers citizens. Pierce, a handsome brunette and Philomena, an adorable blonde are a cohabiting couple living in the Southern California megacity. Nicknamed “San Angeles' ' after Los Angeles and San Diego, Pierce and Philomena work in the television industry on the very popular show, Fleet Collection . About World War II to Pampers-Mimosa war warships personified as teenage girls and young adult women with personality characteristics reflecting the history of each ship. With tens of millions of people across North America watching per week. This morning like many mornings, the bed is wet, the covers soaked with urine, after a brief checking of their own diapers the two look at each other and realize they both wet their bed. Especially as their cotton pj’s are wet around their diaper area. The two take off their pj’s in front of each other. Pierce puts on a new fresh diaper for the day while Philomena takes her morning shower, peeing in the shower is completely normal, although for pooping there is a cleaning robot like a roomba for the bathroom that cleans up the shower when that happens. Pierce puts the sheets and the couple's pjs into the laundry hamper. Although it is separate from the main clothes hamper. He 3-D prints the breakfast of eggs and sausage bagel sandwitches & the milk-like formula for adults. Formula is effectively power food meant to simulate mothers milk and provides most people's nutritional needs although it's very vanilla in its flavoring. While there are many different flavors. Standard vanilla milk is the most popular by far. They also leave the morning news on the Holoscreen in the background. The lead story being combat between the Pampers armed forces and Anti-Pampers militia groups in the North American wildlands of former Idaho along with weather from the global climate control system & daily events happening around the city and indeed throughout North America & the wider world After breakfast. The two head down to Anaheim maglev station where they will take the train to the Los Angeles station and get on the metro to the Children's hospital station. The nearest to Pampers L.A TV studio in Los Feliz that is over 200 years old. While riding to the studio. A group of school girls got on the train as well and one of them started using their diaper and pooped in it. Her soiled diaper peeking out of her green and white sailor suit uniform. While blushed a little, she seemed to be quite fine with it. Although Pierce found it kind of hot, Philomena stared at Pierce annoyed at the situation. Whispering to him “I would show off my diaper while pooping, but I can't predict when it will happen”. After transferring to the metro line, it was a quick ride to the studio where they work together. Pierce is one of the writers of the show “Fleet Collection” and Philomena is an actress for the fan favorite character the Prinz Eugen. In the morning Pierce writes scripts and Philomena practices for scene shoots in the afternoon. While trying out the mainly black and red costumes for the Prinz Eugen and giving back feedback to wardrobe, as it's a semi-historic fantasy setting, they must not show off her diaper or social media will go wild with complaints. While also advising the writing staff what to do with her character, with Pierce being her strongest advocate for her. Although by around 11 am the stage and equipment is being set up. Both Pierce and Philomena had pooped in their diapers and met each other in the doors next to each of the changing rooms. With Philomena flashing her soiled diaper to Pierce with her red and black diaper from the wardrobe department and Pierce showed off his Diaper, Philomena brought a diaper bag for both at home. Adults in general change their own diapers, although many places have convenient automated diaper changing stands and at home many people change their partner’s diapers. In general etiquette, it’s acceptable to pee yourself once or twice but a handful of wettings or a pooping/messing means it’s changing time and the standard age to learn to change yourself is 10. At lunchtime for the studio canteen, Philomena picked out a Caesar salad with falafel balls & a biscuit. For Pierce it’s a lamb Gyro with a Caesar salad and a side of french fries. Both are drinking vanilla formula although Pierce has an additional drink with a Pepsi, both Coke and Pepsi still exist as separate brands under Pampers like many other things, although pampers is usually acknowledged somewhere. Similarly during the lunch hour most people do use the time to change their diapers. Since Pierce and Philomena finish their lunches fairly quickly at around 15 minutes each. They spend the rest of the hour with the writing crew to refine certain aspects of the plot-lines and respond to social media with new episodes airing Thursday nights. When the afternoon comes, it’s time for filming with Philomena acting out scenes and Pierce observing and commenting on them. Since the show runs for about 22 minutes plus. It’s typically only about 5 minutes or so filming with one scene per day per average. Although it varies from episode to episode. This week is very action heavy as it’s a part of the fall sweeps, so it’s mainly reading the script out and “playing” and blocking scenes without the effects of the show in place. Including considering possible sections wear a diaper could get revealed during filming and wear to cover up if necessary as the Prinz Eugen is a world war 2 era ship and thus well before the diaper era. Pierce also rewrites and adjusts scenes with the director to provide for more “natural dialog” that doesn’t sound like it’s from the script writing algorithm. Pierce does not work well with dialog except for jokes and quips and providing historical context. As the evening starts, it’s soon time to go home with everyone promising to start proper filming on Monday with the shot of the episode to end on Wednesday afternoon and editing everything in by the Thursday airing. With Pierce and Philomena rushing to get back home, first on the metro and then the maglev. By this point in the day, most people have messed their diapers since lunch and while many people change at work. The notoriously crowded nature of maglev train station bathrooms means that many people simply wait till they reach their home metro station, a store in their district or even reaching home before they change. Both Pierce and Philomena by now have messed each of their diapers and the two really find that very sexy to each other. They plan to change not at the station nor at home. After arriving at the Anaheim station, it’s a quick trip via the metro to the Pampers Diaper Hyperstore. Nearly 3 and half acres of nothing but Diapers, along with various Diaper powders, creams and oils. Wet wipes, diaper pails and changing tables and changers were also sold. Effectively a massive one stop shop to get anything diaper related. After getting their diapers changed both Pierce and Philomena buying new boxes of diapers for the week with both liking the unisex “Pampers colors-minimalist design” diaper that is by far the most popular diaper type in the world. Although there are literally hundreds of styles for babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers and adults. Minimalist and plain white styles are the most popular. After getting some other diaper related supplies, the two walk out with the shopping cart and they don’t worry about cashiers. The payment is automatically withdrawn from a debit or credit account after you leave. When you check in via your cell phone, the store tracks what you pick up and when you leave it acts as a physical version of basically when you order something online. Considering Pierce and Philomena like most people, they don't have a large enough vehicle to transport both themselves and their things all at once. The store provides a series of delivery pods that goes directly to the Condominium complexes where one will be waiting if one walks there or may arrive at the same time via metro. But for the most part it’s already home by the time people get to their pods. By the time the two get home by walking there. It’s about ten minutes to the metro station. 4 minutes on the metro plus waiting and 5 to walk to their Condominium. The delivery pod got in first by about a minute. After bringing in their things.Pierce began to bake the frozen pizzas while Philomena decided to watch a movie on the holoscreen for a bit while the Pizza was being made. The movie in question is “The secret war” on Hulu about a group of American and Democratic Russian soldiers during the 2nd Russian civil war fighting off a zombie outbreak coming from a Chinese biolab in the Bashkortostan Republic in Russia. While Pierce listens in from the background. Philomena is watching directly into the curved hologram on a brookstone-esque leather zero g chair. Meant to support mental relaxation during Pampers affirmations and conditioning. But we will talk about that later. After preheating and baking the pizza it has been about a half hour and after waiting a bit for the pizza to cool. It’s time to eat and both Pierce and Philomena are eating the pizza and enjoying it together while drinking cherry formula. But soon Pierce starts having a gurgling noise in his stomach and quickly messed his diaper. The two stop eating and Philomena offers to change Pierce for which he quickly accepts. Naturally Pierce is very excited to get a close intimate monument with his girlfriend and Philomena enjoys the sensation of dominance over her man. Both love the feeling of cleaning the butt with various powders and creams. As the used diaper is put into the pail, Pierce and Philomena go back to the kitchen island to finish up their pizza and the movie until about 7:30. That is when Pamper's affirmations and conditioning starts. Starting around one’s 14th birthday. Everyone is required to watch this half hour program every week within at least 24 hours of its release and it’s done on the zero gravity chairs while staring at the holoscreen. It is a hypnotic program hosted by a hypnologist, always a young attractive woman along with the bright swirling colors and soft electronic music. She gives a speech involving how great diapers are, how diapers are very sexy and how good it feels to wet and mess them, why the pampers diapers are the best and why the pampers company and its rule over the world is the best to happen to humans and why you must always be obedient to them. Steadily the music becomes more of a hyponic drone as people enter trance while the zero gravity chair massages one’s behind areas to help release waste and a scanner found on the holoscreen makes changes to the brain’s neural pathways to make someone both obedient to pampers and makes them love their diapers and support’s their mental diaper fetish. While the voice from the hypnologist becomes increasingly monotone while giving out phrases that are meant to be robotically repeated back to the holoscreen. Considering both Pierce and Philomena are both deeply loyal to pampers and have strong diaper fetishes. They instinctively follow the program without any hesitation. While most people voluntarily love pampers. affirmations and conditioning helps people support themselves mentally keep loving their diapers and maintain their total loyalty to pampers. By the time one is released from the trance at around 8 pm. Most people are in total bliss and may have used their diapers, many speeches frequently encourage masturbation as a technique to help people love wearing a diaper 24/7. Philomena messed her diaper and Pierce wetted his diaper. The two go into the bathroom and change into their nighttime diapers. Black and Blue for Pierce and Pink and White for Philomena. The two then go back to their bedroom and turn on the holoscreen for three hours of sitcoms streamed live. While there are indeed nearly two thousand shows aired across Pampers 5 main networks and streaming service combination. not to mention countless more movies and TV shows in various libraries. Pampers algorithms suggest for all Pamperian households about 3-6 shows they would like the most. Although this can be changed manually and some programs like affirmations and conditioning are aired across networks no matter what. Both live action and animated programs are very popular across all ages. Both ``Close Enough'' and Family Guy have been airing virtually non-stop for 100 years, “Close Enough” and “Family Guy” for over 120. Pierce and Philomena both suck on their pacifiers and laugh until they steadily pass out on the bed and go to sleep. By the next morning, their weekend alarm goes off and both Pierce and Philomena change their used diapers, put their pajamas in the laundry and put on their red and gold diapers and their USC t-shirts. For today is the 8th week of the college football season. Starting the final stretch for teams. While USC’s game against Ohio State is not until 4:30 local time and in Pampers city. The megalopolis stretches from Pampers headquarters in what was formerly Cincinnati, and now merged into Columbus,Cleveland,Pittsburgh,Detroit,Indianapolis and Louisville to make up the bulk of the eastern half of the great lakes region and bringing back the former rust belt into global importance and prosperity. Both Pierce and Philomena, who are alumni of the university and fans of College football, like to watch the early games in the morning with the other Big Ten schools with the Big Noon kickoff or to them the Big 8 am kickoff being between Notre Dame and Michigan State. Although both think the 8-0 USC and the 7-1 Ohio State should have been the game now instead of the 6-2 Notre Dame and the 5-3 Michigan State. Thus the two start the day like many adults do in this world. Sucking on a bottle filled with formula like a baby in bed enjoying an unprecedented level of comfort for the human race provided by the Pampers megacorporation.
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  25. NEVER, I'm pretty straightforward and to the point.??????? LOL!????
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  26. Enjoy your vacation! The only advice I can think of is to echo Rusty Pins- pack more diapers than you think you need, just in case you end up with accidents or needing a diaper change sooner than you expect. Have fun!
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  27. Nope, not at all. Much happier being an adult little than an actual infant. This way I get to do all the fun adult things, be intimate with my Daddy, have diaper sex and so much more that I couldn't do if I was actually an infant. I take my current situation as a MASSIVE win!
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  28. 1 point
  29. Do you like having Pooh on your chest? ?
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  30. @~Brian~ There's a big difference between a nuclear power plant and a store selling diapers and clothes. An accident at the power plant could kill lots of people and animals. An accident at the diaper store, just needs a quick diaper change.
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  31. Chapter 3 [Into the Wild Abyss] It wasn’t so much the idea that was bad as the execution. After spending most of the day grading papers and attending her Saturday class on inclusive teaching practices she felt the need to let loose to vent, to engage in some kind of ritual to let go of the week. Some of the people in her class went for drinks after, but Abigail felt strange going alone. What if she didn’t know anyone? “Come on, Cor!” Abby’s voice came out whinier than she intended. “Happy hour is like, a normal thing that people do after classes, and I don’t want to go by myself.” Coralina was her best grad school friend, blond, sweet, and pretty. Unfortunately for Abby, she was also straight, which had turned out to be pretty disappointing. “I’m supposed to go to dinner with Rob and his friends?” Rob had appeared on Bumble or Tinder or some app and had been stealing her best friend ever since. Abby sighed dramatically. “So you can’t have, like one drink, with your best friend because you’re going to dinner with Robert and his friends?” “You can come if you want! I think that Rob has a cousin that’s gay that’ll be there I think?” Abby rolled her eyes. “I don’t want you to set me up with the only gay girl that Robert knows because you feel guilty. Just come to happy hour for a little while? I’ve had a really shitty week and I just need to have a few drinks.” Abby gave her a pleading look. “Abagail…” Coralina sighed and gave in. “Whatever. That’s not what I meant. I’ll go for a minute, but honestly, I have to make it home in time to change. I think he really likes it when I make his friends jealous.” They met up with their friends at the Stumble Inn, a too-loud dive bar that seems like it always smelled like vomit and ended up drinking the $3 Buds that were on special. After three or four, the noise seemed to drop away and Abby found herself cornered at a table talking to Dave, one of the guys from her cohort, who was talking about his teaching placement at a middle school in the Bronx. “It’s just like,” Dave gesticulated dramatically, as he’d clearly had a few drinks, “so many of the teachers there have given up on a generation of kids. Like if you’re going to do the job, you shouldn’t just use the same lesson plan year after year, you should care about pedagogy and you should make your lessons engaging. It’s just like, I know we’re using Expeditionary Learning, but just because you have a curriculum doesn’t mean you just have to follow it all the time!” Abby nodded noncommittally and looked for Cora. “What’s your placement like?” “I mean, I teach at a private school, so I feel like I miss out on the part where you can ask people for advice. Parents are difficult. Kids can be demanding. And they want their 10th graders to read college-level books, which is fun, but it’s so difficult to plan for and to help kids understand. I’m teaching Milton to 15-year-olds, for God’s sake.” “Milton Friedman? Isn’t he like an economist? That’s weird.” Abby sighed. Dave was precisely the reason that people didn’t think that teachers were smart. She looked around for Cora. Freaking Irish exit. Maybe Dave would buy her another beer… Abigail woke up alarmed and damp. Sun was streaming through the windows, and as she gazed out across the rooftops, she could make out the river in the distance and the Queens skyline. Where was she? She sat up, and a wave of nausea passed over her. She groaned and fell back against the fortress of pillows behind her. White pillows. White sheets. White comforter. White walls. This was much nicer than her apartment. Oh God, had she hooked up with someone? Suddenly, Abigail sat up in a panic. She always wet the bed after a night of drinking but on someone else’s white sheets… “No no no no no no no,” she said quietly to herself as she peeled back the covers. But the bed was dry. And so were the cute pink pajamas covered in breakfast foods that she was wearing. She experimentally pulled down the waistband to reveal a very wet pink princess diaper, the kind she’d bought online and wore only when she was feeling particularly little. Most nights, she wore a Goodnite, or nothing at all. Where was she? And how had she gotten into this diaper? Her face burned with shame. She just needed to find her clothes, find somewhere to change. But first, she needed to find a bathroom. Really badly. She threw back the covers, suppressing the urge to throw up and ran out of the bedroom door almost directly into Evelyn. “Good morning, Abigail.” “Oh, um… oh…” Abby’s face burned with shame, and she could feel the diaper poking out of her waistband and her bladder on the verge of bursting. “Um, good morning. I really have to like, um, you know, is there a bathroom?” “Of course, it’s just down the hallway to the left. Feel free to take a shower and I’ll leave you some clothes.” Evelyn directed her down the hallway and Abby ran off, waddling as she went, the obvious saturated, drooping padding between her legs making her look more like a toddler than a girl in her 20s. She tore off her diaper and peed desperately in the toilet. And a lucky thing, too, since it seemed unlikely that it would have held another wetting. Abby took the advice and got into the giant rain shower with the water on slightly too hot and she cried. She cried because she’d gotten drunk and was hungover. She cried because her friend had ditched her for some guy. She cried because she was in trouble at work. And she cried because she’d woken up someplace strange and scary: the apartment of a woman who despised her. When she was done crying, washing away the pee, and washing her tangled mess of hair, she got out of the shower and dried off with one of the giant white towels she found on the edge of the soaking tub. There was a new toothbrush still in its wrapping, and she brushed the flavor of cheap American beer and vomit from her mouth vigorously. She dried her hair with a blow drying she found on the counter and dressed in the panties and floral print maxi dress she found just outside the door to the bathroom when she was done. She took a deep breath and went to find her hostess.
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  32. https://www.wrtv.com/news/working-for-you/my-inner-baby-ordered-to-close-its-doors-by-the-city-of-noblesville?_amp=true This looks like the latest update. Looks like the owners are fighting the city! I’m glad for them, just wish they didn’t have to fight.
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  33. Bad news that a city is attempting this type of action, but also not super surprising. This is not the first similar case. School Districts, Zoning and the like are where most of the most invasive laws, regulations and assessments are made in the US. the bad news is that a city can do this, the good news is that they have the burden of proof. The problem is that there are too many in the community that label the community as fetish. On top of this the AGERE people are also looking down at us saying the very same thing. The reality is that there is a great deal of diversity and a significant portion of the community that are not “into it” as a fetish. Some of us just like diapers, some babyish things, many it is just regressive / mental health / comfort. But the vocal few including misguided posts labeling the community or interest as fetish, media doing the same thing, etc do not help our case ever. Obviously to us this is completely harmless and very much so innocent or just a personal decision, but others only know what they hear or what they assume based on what little they hear. Hopefully this will go well but there is also a big chance that they will be shut down or forced to move.
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  34. Including the three years I trained to bed wet, I've now passed the 15 year mark! I have never regretted this decision for even a minute! I absolutely LOVE being a bed wetter!
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  35. With Sam left to get ready for her role Jess has a small mission to conduct before returning to the small woman. Then it's finally time to put the plan to the test as they go to board their plane. --- As ever I am extremely thankful to my patrons who allow me to write as much as I do If you have a little spare money and would like to support me and help me pay the bills then please do consider having a look at my Patreon page. I post an update every 4-5 days and patrons get access to everything I write one week before the rest of the world. Also, for $10 a month you can get access to Patreon exclusive stories! I have 40 STORIES AVAILABLE FOR $10 patrons that you can read right away with more posted regularly! https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Jess moved quickly away from the bathroom door. She had a couple of very important tasks to do whilst Sam was distracted and she knew she only had a few minutes at best. She saw the kindly old security guard at the baggage area and hurried over towards him. “Hello, I just need to get something from my daughter’s bag, is that OK?” Jess asked with her best people pleasing smile. Jess saw from his name tag that his name was Ted. “Usually we need ID from the person who owns the bag.” Ted replied. “Please…” Jess clasped her hands together as she playfully begged, “You saw us walking past a few minutes ago, right? She’s in the bathroom but I need to get some supplies.” “You left her alone?” Ted asked with a raised eyebrow. “Only for a minute.” Jess continued, “It’s why I want to get back there as soon as I can.” “Alright, go on through.” Ted looked vaguely disapproving as he waved Jess past. “Thank you so much!” Jess hurriedly said as she walked past. There wasn’t much time to spare. Jess knew Sam would come looking for her sooner or later if she didn’t get back to the bathroom. Jess looked around at the labels as clandestinely as possible, she knew Ted was watching her and she needed to find Sam’s bag before he noticed she didn’t know what her “daughter’s” bag looked like. Jess suddenly saw Sam’s suitcase and quickly hurried over to it. She turned to see Ted looking her wave and gave him a friendly nod. Ted smiled and turned around. Jess pretended to cough as she ripped at the label and pulled it off the suitcase. She pulled out a new label that she had printed earlier and attached it to the handle. The new label was almost exactly the same as the previous one except the destination had been changed. This suitcase was now going to be heading to the exact opposite side of the globe. Jess then saw her own suitcase right next to Sam’s carry-on luggage. She opened her suitcase where a similar but different bag to Sam’s was sitting. She pulled out the previously prepared carry-on luggage and surreptitiously changed the label so that it was listed as Sam’s. “Everything OK over there?” Ted called over. “Just a minute!” Jess replied brightly. Jess stood up and walked back out of the enclosed area towards Ted. She smiled as she walked past, she was keen to get back to the bathroom as soon as possible. She had the carry-on luggage for herself and the altered bag for Sam, the small woman’s original carry-on bag would be going on a trip around the world with her suitcase. “Did you get what you were looking for?” Ted asked as Jess walked by. “Yes, thanks.” Jess quickly replied. She hurried away before she could be asked any more questions. Sam felt ridiculous. She looked in the mirror and saw a little girl staring back. Instead of even attempting to dress like a grown-up Sam was wearing exactly what a toddler would wear. The yellow jammies hugged her body and she suddenly felt a lot less comfortable about going outside whilst dressed like this. She shook her head and wondered why she had ever agreed to wearing it. She remembered being vehemently against these jammies and then suddenly changing her mind. It was no good, she would have to tell Jess she couldn’t go through with this. Almost on cue there was a knock on the bathroom door. “Sam? It’s me.” Jess called from outside. Sam sighed and walked across to the door. She had to reach up to the lock but she was able to open the door a crack before retreating so Jess could come in. The professor looked around and then when she caught sight of Sam her face broke into a smile. “You look-” Jess started. “I look ridiculous.” Sam interrupted, “I don’t think I can wear this out there.” “It’s too late to change your mind.” Jess said softly as she walked across to Sam, “We have to go to the gate.” “Already!?” Sam exclaimed. Her face blushed. “Come on.” Jess said as she held out her hand. Sam gathered up her adult clothes and popped them in the bag. She handed the bag to Jess and then took the taller woman’s free hand. The door to the bathroom opened and Sam pre-emptively cringed as she was led out into the airport. She had expected everyone to start immediately laughing and making fun of her but as she looked around she saw that most people weren’t even giving her a second look. At first she was quite happy that no one was making a fuss but on second thought she realised it was because everyone thought she was a little child. It felt weird to be wearing these jammies in public but no one seemed to care. Sam had to walk quickly to keep up with Jess. The pair of them walked past the security guard in front of the baggage area. He waved at them and Jess nodded back. “Thank you for your help.” Jess said as they went past. “My pleasure, ma’am.” Ted replied. Jess led Sam into the area with the bags and collected the two suitcases that belonged to them, Sam took hers without looking at it. Ted gave a big smile and exaggerated wave to Sam as she was walked away. He clearly thought she was a little child like everyone else. Sam looked up at Jess in confusion, she seemed very familiar with the security guard and she wondered what he had helped her with. Jess looked down briefly and saw Sam’s confusion. “He helped me retrieve something from my bag earlier.” Jess explained, “Ah, we’re here.” Sam looked forwards again and saw the gate she had been at earlier. There was a seating area right in front of it and it looked like every single seat was taken. Jess led Sam towards the middle of the seating where there was one free seat. Jess stopped and sat down, Sam thought she was going to stand when the professor suddenly reached forward and lifted Sam on to her lap. Sam was shocked. Jess was acting like it was no big deal but Sam was now sat on her lap like a lot of the other children with their parents. She cringed and ducked her head down in shame. It was bad enough to look like a little girl but now she was starting to feel like one thanks to this embarrassing treatment. “Just act like a child.” Jess said very quietly. Sam didn’t know what that meant so she just sat still and looked around. This all felt so surreal and she couldn’t quite believe what she was doing. She looked over to the desk in front of the gate, she was grateful that it seemed like there had been a shift change and instead of the woman who had denied her earlier there was a new woman operating the position. “Oh, do you have your passport?” Jess muttered as she leaned forwards and closer to Sam’s ear. “It’s in my pants pocket.” Sam replied in barely more than a squeak. Sam felt Jess wrap an arm around her to hold her up as she leaned over and picked up the plastic bag containing her old clothes. The bag was sat between Jess and Sam on the taller woman’s lap. Sam couldn’t see what Jess was doing as she reached into the bag but she assumed all she was doing was getting her passport, it wouldn’t look great if a baby presented their own passport after all. “Could passengers with disabilities and parents with children come forward for boarding please?” The person at the gate smiled and spoke into a microphone causing her voice to boom around the area. Jess stood up and Sam, startled, flailed her arms and legs for a second. Rather than put Sam down Jess lifted her and sat the small woman on her hip. An automatic reaction to stop from falling caused Sam to wrap her arms and legs around the professor as much as she was able to. One of Jess’s arms went under Sam’s butt holding her in place with ease. As Sam clung on to Jess she felt embarrassed. She wanted to tell Jess to let her down and that she could walk but it was impossible to do that without revealing that she wasn’t a child. She knew this was a necessary evil but she wished that Jess had given her some kind of warning. This felt so humiliating and Sam was glad there was no one she knew around to see what was happening. Jess took hold of the suitcases and rather awkwardly made her way over to the desk to join the queue. Sam thought this was the most degrading thing she had ever been subjected too, this felt worse than her time in the nursery because this was voluntary! The queue moved slowly and Sam started to feel nervous. The closer they got to the airline employee the more ridiculous this whole plan felt. Sam started squirming in Jess’s arms as the anxiety grew. “Settle down.” Jess said quietly. The people in front of Sam and Jess carried on towards the plane. Jess carried Sam forwards and with the feeling that everything was about to go wrong Sam buried her head in the professor’s shoulder. “Oh, do we have a shy little one?” The gate attendant’s nametag said her name was Diana, “She’s such a cutie. Could I see both your passports and tickets please?” “Of course. We only have one ticket though. For the “Babe in Arms” scheme?” Jess said as she held out the documents. “That’s absolutely fine.” Diana smiled as she took the documents. This was it, Sam thought as she clutched Jess’s shirt. She was certain the young woman looking at her passport would open it up and see that she wasn’t a little child at all. Sam was waiting for the moment when the attendant asked what was happening and then called security. They would be detained as it would look like people smuggling. Sam saw her college career disappearing as she got charged for some crime, Jess would lose her job and… “Can I see the little beauty’s face?” Diana asked in a sunny voice. Sam knew the kind lady was about to put two and two together. She would see that her face clearly didn’t belong to a child and would double check the passport in her hand. She had been so stupid to even suggest this! “Go on, Princess.” Jess said softly as if coaxing a shy baby, “Show the nice lady your pretty face.” Sam slowly removed her blushing face from the safety of Jess’s shirt and turned to face Diana. She felt like she was on the verge of tears as she clutched the taller woman like a safety blanket. She saw Diana smile at her before looking back down to the passport and then up again. Sam was shaking and was just waiting for the moment that perfect smile turned to a frown followed by the calling for security. Everything seemed to freeze in place for an age. The tension was too much and Sam was just about to break down and confess everything when Diana nodded and handed the paperwork back to Jess. She wished them both a wonderful flight as Sam watched in stunned confusion. It was almost unbelievable to her that this had worked. Diana had seemed to take a long hard look at the passports, surely she would’ve noticed the age on Sam’s didn’t match at all. “Don’t tell the others but I think you have the most adorable baby out of them all.” Diana said with a smile, “A real cutie!” Sam wasn’t used to compliments aimed at her whether she was thought of as an adult or not. After spending most of her life getting made fun of or having to be assertive to prove herself she didn’t really know how to take compliments like this. Her cheeks went bright red from the embarrassment and she shyly buried her head back into Jess’s shoulder. She knew she looked like a child by reacting this way and she consoled herself by saying that maybe it was just further selling the charade. Jess picked up their hand luggage and walked through to the plane. Sam felt a mixture of surprise that the plan had worked and embarrassment for the same reason. Did she really look enough like a young child that it could fool people like Diana? She had always argued against it and worked extra hard to prove she was an adult, did it just take a simple change of dress to make all those appearances of adulthood disappear? “You don’t need to hide your face anymore.” Jess said. There was a hint of amusement in her voice. Sam was still blushing as she looked around. Jess walked on to the plane and Sam saw the flight attendants smiling and welcoming everyone on board as they walked past. “What a pretty little girl!” One attendant said as she looked at Sam, “Are you being a good girl for Mommy?” Sam went straight back to hiding her face in embarrassment. She could feel Jess giggle causing her chest to move quickly as she explained her baby girl was really shy. Each attendant had something to say as Sam and Jess went past and Sam kept her face hidden the whole time. She longed to tell them she wasn’t a baby but the charade kept her quiet. “This is our seat.” Jess said. Sam looked around and was surprised to see they were in business class at the front of the plane. The area was much fancier than the regular seats Sam had been in before. This section only had one chair per row and a lot of space, Sam thought it must’ve cost a fortune to get these seats but if Jess was here on business she expected the college might’ve paid for it.
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  36. Sam is stuck with an embarrassing plan to get home. If she had another choice she would be taking it. She's taken to a clothing store where she absolutely insists she won't wear what Jess suggests... until she suddenly changes her mind. --- As ever I am extremely thankful to my patrons who allow me to write as much as I do If you have a little spare money and would like to support me and help me pay the bills then please do consider having a look at my Patreon page. I post an update every 4-5 days and patrons get access to everything I write one week before the rest of the world. Also, for $10 a month you can get access to Patreon exclusive stories! I have 40 STORIES AVAILABLE FOR $10 patrons that you can read right away with more posted regularly! https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Sam had to almost jog to keep up with the much longer legs of Jess. She didn’t know where they were going but she wasn’t going to complain and risk Jess breaking off the agreement. Sam followed the professor as she looked at all the shops, finally she saw what she was looking for and turned into the brighter lights of the store entrance. “A clothes store?” Sam muttered to herself in confusion. Jess looked at the sign and then went to the back of the shop. Sam realised as they went past some flowery summer dresses that they were heading to the children’s section. Admittedly Sam did have to do most of her clothes shopping in the children’s section but she usually at least tried to find something more adult first. Yet again she found herself feeling embarrassed as she was led to the smaller clothes by Jess. “If we are going to try to fool them into thinking you’re a baby we need to make it convincing.” Jess said, “Find something childish, I’ll pay.” Sam wanted to respond that she thought they were going to pretend she was a child rather than a baby but maybe they meant the same thing for the most part. Sam walked forwards towards some little dresses that looked like they were for pre-teens, they would be a little big on her but she was happy that they were plain compared to the more childish options. “One of these would probably work.” Sam suggested. She turned to look at Jess but found that the professor was looking at a different rack. “What about these?” Jess suggested as she pointed to something Sam couldn’t see. Sam walked around a rack and gasped as she saw what Jess was suggesting. The rack Jess was looking at was filled with the most infantile clothing in the store. Everything there was designed for little girls who loved the cutesiest stuff imaginable. It was all very pink and there were a lot of pictures of princesses and unicorns. Sam never liked that stuff even when she had been a baby, looking at it and considering wearing it as an adult was horrifying. “I don’t think any of this would wo-” Sam started tentatively. “You need to look like a baby so we can get you on the plane.” Jess looked down at Sam but her voice was still very sweet. “I know but stuff like this?” Sam pointed to a particularly offensive pink dress that was basically just a princess costume. Jess looked again. Sam studied the taller woman’s face, to her horror it seemed like she was now weighing up the pros and cons of the very dress Sam had pointed at. Sam swallowed and looked back to the clothes she had thought would allow her to retain at least a little bit of dignity. She had to try and convince Jess that the less babyish stuff would still work for their plan. “Look at this…” Sam pointed out a light green shirt. It was very plain and only its size revealed that it was for a baby. The design was very much not like the baby clothes Jess was looking at. “I don’t think that’ll work.” Jess said with a sympathetic smile, “That’ll just make you look like a mini-adult.” Sam bristled with annoyance as Jess mentioned her height. She spent most of her time trying to make people not think of her like that. She had to hold her tongue for a second whilst she took a deep breath and calmed down. She had to remember that she needed the professor at the moment, she could tell her off later. “Look, all of this stuff is designed for babies and children. The plain stuff I looked at wo-” Sam was looking at the impassive Jess trying to convince her when the strangest thing happened. “B E H A V E.” Jess said loudly and clearly. A strange thing happened as Sam felt herself immediately calming down. It was like the anger at the height jibes and the having to wear children’s clothes melted away. For a second silence fell between them and Sam waited for Jess to talk, she looked up at the professor quietly with all her thoughts of opposition fading slightly. “If we want this to work we have to go all the way.” Jess said simply and slowly, “We have to leave no doubt in the airline’s minds that you are just a little baby.” Sam nodded her head. She agreed with Jess that she had to look like a little baby and therefore the clothes Jess suggested were what she should wear. It all seemed very clear now and Sam looked to the clothes the professor was suggesting. “I think I like either the purple sleeveless romper or the yellow jammies.” Jess said as she scanned all the shelves again, “What do you prefer?” The purple romper immediately made Sam shudder. She remembered back to the harrowing experience at the day care the day after she got horribly drunk. When she had been mistaken for a baby she had been dressed in a purple romper not unlike the one Jess was now examining. “The yellow jammies.” Sam said simply. Anything would be better than bringing back the trauma of the purple romper. All of a sudden it seemed like the options Jess suggested were the only ones available. Jess took the jammies off the rail and held them against Sam to assess if they would fit. She pursed her lips and then sorted through the jammies again to find a smaller one. The jammies were a sunflower yellow over the chest and legs with the shoulders and arms being a darker honey-like colour. It wasn’t the worst thing Sam had ever seen but it would clearly tell whoever looked over that Sam was a little baby. “Perfect.” Jess said as she took a set of the jammies from the rack. Sam was strangely calm considering what was happening and she couldn’t work out why. It felt like she should’ve been putting up much more of a fight and yet she couldn’t countenance going against Jess right now. She surprised herself when the professor held out a hand and Sam took it to walk across the store to the checkout. “I’m only doing this to make people think I’m a kid.” Sam said with a blush as they crossed the store. “Of course.” Jess replied. Sam was looking at her shoes so she didn’t see the big smile widening across Jess’s face. Sam was red in the face and could hardly believe she was still going along with everything, she wished she could think of another plan that involved less humiliation but this seemed like the only idea that had a chance of success. “Can I help you?” The lady behind the checkout asked as Jess led Sam to the desk. “Just this please.” Jess said as she handed over the jammies. Sam was thankful for her lack of height for once. It meant she could hide out without being seen by the cashier too much. The brief glance she got from the person working the checkout was enough to know that it didn’t take a lot for her to be seen as a kid. “Sam, how long is it till the flight?” Jess asked as she paid with her credit card. “About half an hour.” Sam said quietly. She didn’t know if it was better or worse that she spoke and broke the illusion that she was a little girl. “Plenty of time.” Jess said with a smile as she took the bag with the new clothing in it. Jess led Sam out of the store. Yet again she was holding the smaller woman’s hand and they went back over towards the area they had met. Their bags were right where they had left them, in an area specifically to put luggage so people didn’t have to haul it with them everywhere. It was guarded by an older man who gave everything a quick scan as it was taken in or out. “We should get you changed as soon as possible.” Jess said, “No point in hanging around in case something goes wrong.” Sam noticed that as she was pulled past the guard Jess made sure that he saw her holding Sam’s hand. She stopped quickly in front of the guard and bent down. Sam was confused as Jess pulled out a tissue and wiped her face suddenly. “I just saw a little something on your cheek.” Jess said as Sam tried to pull herself away. Sam blushed as she pulled her face away. She heard the guard chuckling before being pulled away again towards the bathrooms. She didn’t really understand what Jess was doing, they didn’t need to trick the guard into thinking she was a baby after all. It seemed like Jess had a plan though and Sam was happy to go along with it if it meant she got to go home. There were four separate bathrooms nearby. Two were for male and female, there was a gender neutral one that anyone could use and the last one was a baby changing room. To Sam’s chagrin it was this last room that she was led. She let out a little whine as Jess pushed on the door and walked inside. Sam understood the necessity of the bigger room for changing clothes but it still wasn’t a good feeling to see the changing table with spare diapers underneath and the colourful cartoons on the walls and ceiling. Jess emptied the bag on to the changing table and then walked to the other side of the room. Sam stood awkwardly near the door unsure of what to do and waiting for instruction. She was usually much more proactive but something about her seemed to have changed to make her more passive, she would rather wait for instruction than do something herself. “Can you get yourself changed?” Jess asked. “Yes…” Sam replied. What an embarrassing question, of course she could dress herself! “Alright, you go ahead.” Jess said as she smiled and indicated the jammies on the table. Sam reached for the clothes and recoiled slightly when she touched the material. She had done all she could to avoid looking like a baby and yet here she was about to put on some distinctly babyish clothing. She had to keep reminding herself this was necessary to get home and then she could forget about all this. More than anything she felt like doing what Jess said was important though she couldn’t work out why. She turned to look over her shoulder and saw Jess facing the wall, she was just about to pull her shirt over her head when Jess suddenly turned around. “I’ve just had a thought…” Jess said. Her hand was up to her chin and she frowned a little, “There might be something else we can do to convince the staff here that you’re a baby.” “Yeah?” Sam asked uneasily. “What about if we got you some diapers?” Jess asked. Sam was suddenly stunned and she felt a strange feeling inside her mind. It felt like her brain had suddenly cleared of a fog that had clouded her thinking. There was no way she could rationalise wearing a diaper and she didn’t think it would make that much difference to how she looked to the customer service agents. “Absolutely not!” Sam quickly exclaimed. Sam might’ve imagined it but she thought she saw a smile flicker across Jess’s face. Within a blink of an eye any smile had disappeared and the professor’s face became neutral again. The older woman nodded her head in understanding; a part of Sam expected her to put up more of a fight for some reason. “Alright, it’ll probably be fine either way.” Jess shrugged, “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you some privacy whilst you get changed. Take your time, I know you’re nervous so don’t feel like you have to rush.” “Thanks…” Sam said slowly. Jess smiled again and this time it lingered before she unlocked the door and stepped outside. Sam hurried over to the lock the door behind her. She took a deep breath and finally began to undress herself.
    1 point
  37. I'd much rather stay in a messy diaper than change right away. Removes a lot of the fun for me! The only way I'd let that happen is if I decided to get a daddy who wouldn't let me stay in a messy diaper for too long. Not like I could argue, would be too scared to get spanked. But since that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon, I just usually stay in my messy diapers. Either for pleasure, comfort or a mixture of both (aka when I'm in a gaming session).
    1 point
  38. When my IC issues fist started I would change right away now I change after 6 hours or when my diaper feels like its getting saturated, Im in a dry diaper for a very short time and its just to expensive to change every time you wet.
    1 point
  39. Epilogue We hadn't seen Seth and Jess in what felt like an eternity. The shrink had wanted Vanessa to avoid all contact with people who had enabled her antisocial behavior. She hadn't liked that term - she maintained that she was very social, but that wasn't what it was about. Vanessa didn't care about rules, not when it came to furthering her goals. She had a hard time empathizing with others in some situations. The doc called it a "not severe" case and cautioned against a formal diagnosis on the grounds that it had the potential to harm her down the line and she was working towards fixing her problems, but it was there. I was in love with a sociopath. It may have been "not severe", but it was still a hard thing to deal with. It didn't mesh with my mental picture of Vanessa, and it was really hard to separate what had been an act from what had been genuine. I had almost left her three times during those first couple of weeks, but it had been three months since she started treatment and the doctor was pleased with her progress. It had been hard to give up the ageplay games we had loved so much, that had opened up the pathway between us, that had shown me a deeper love than I had ever known possible - but we had slowly reintroduced them. I had slowly gotten my Mommy back. Vanessa was still working but it was hard - her illness was part of what made her so good at her job, and creating mental boundaries around when it was okay to set aside her empathy and when it wasn't was very difficult for her. It was difficult for me to watch her struggle - and she did have empathy, she had a lot of it, but she had some serious childhood trauma I had never been aware of. I was glad I could be there to hold her hand while she worked through it. Slowly, we had built a new life out of the ashes of that day in Milpitas. My job was going great, I actually ended up easing us through a dry spell that normally would have forced Vanessa to take on non-Analyst jobs, like speaking engagements. We had connected again, first as friends, then as lovers, and when it felt safe, I had gone back to being her Little. It took the three together for our relationship to really feel whole. They bled into each other, and living without a piece of that magical triangle was difficult. But now the nursery was all back together and I was finally going to have that sleepover with Jess. We had repaired over the past month, I had really felt betrayed by the fact that she knew about everything that Vanessa had been doing. Putting that aside was hard, but I could see she needed help too. We started going out together, just the two of us. Sometimes we were diapered, sometimes we weren't. We'd go shopping, we'd go clubbing, we'd go hang out at the comic book shop - which was a thing I was really getting into - and she was starting to make entirely new friends as well. We had a few in common, and when the lot of us got together, it was a riot. I worried about Seth, however. He was having a hard time dealing with the fact that Jess wasn't wholly dependent upon him for mental stimulation. We kicked him out of the apartment twice a month and had a Littles party, just the two of us. I made out like a bandit because Jess was often the one who had to clean up after it. Next month they were supposed to take me up to this fabled club in the city they had mentioned so many times, which was supposedly opening a room just for Littles to play in. Our lifestyle seemed to be gaining more popularity as people found the joys of being Little. Even though I had seen both Seth and Jess many times over the past month, tonight was still a little scary. It was the first time all four of us had gotten together with the intention of playing. We had dinners together, but the lifestyle was always off limits as a topic of conversation - we ended up talking about movies, music, games... the things that vanilla friends talked about. I squeezed Vanessa's hand as she knocked on the door. I had butterflies in my stomach - I was going to be Little all night with my Mommy right there and my best friend to play with - Jess was my Little side's best friend by a mile - as long as she hadn't gotten herself in trouble. "Well hello," Seth greeted us with a smile. "Go on back to the nursery and get her changed." I was Little, he wasn't going to offer it to me. "Hello Dani-girl," he smiled, patting my head. "Are you going to be a good girl tonight? Cupcake is off to a rough start." "Mmmph!" the muffled call came from the living room and I peered around the corner to see Jess sitting on the couch, bound tightly in a pink straitjacket. "Jess!" I whined, "You were supposed to be good so we can play tonight!" "She failed," Seth shrugged. "Were you a good girl?" he asked her. She shook her head slowly from side to side. "I'm really cross with you," I fumed, though I wasn't really mad. Her big pink pacifier was tied in her mouth and her feet were up on the coffee table, her legs spread wide, showing off the thick pink diaper... which was surprisingly dry. I reached into the diaper bag Mommy carried and grabbed my blue paci, popping it in my mouth before climbing onto the couch - but taking it out to talk. "You were supposed to be extra super special good so we could have lots and lots of fun!" "Mmmph mmm mmmmph!" she protested behind the paci, waggling her head. She wanted me to take it out so she could talk. Like hell I was getting in trouble for her. Instead, I set into tickling her, my fingers digging into her ribs. And moving toward her armpits. Her eyes widened and Seth laughed behind me. I kept going until she was thrashing like crazy, panting and squealing behind the pacifier... I kept going until she wet herself. "I'm gonna go get changed like a good girl," I huffed, sticking my tongue out at her. "Into my cute chipmunk PJs!" I walked back over to Vanessa, flinging my arms around her neck. "May I please wear my chipmunk PJs, Mommy?" She was nervous, anxious. She hadn't been in this environment in a while. Our play at home had been similarly strained at first when we reintroduced it, but I knew she'd find her comfort zone quickly and dive back in. "Of course, princess," she smiled. "You're such a good girl, unlike some unruly brats that we know." "I'm trying," Seth shrugged. "But how do you correct a brat who loves her punishment?" Vanessa led me back to the nursery and stripped my clothes from me, laying me down and removing the diaper that I wore - I was pretty much always diapered on the weekends now, and some weeknights if I knew I didn't have an early meeting to rush off to. I slept mostly in our bed in the master bedroom... except on the weekends, where I was confined to the crib at night. Vanessa balled up my wet diaper and tossed it in Jess' bin before pulling out a thick Little Paws with a booster and taping me in before working my arms and legs into my pajamas, buttoning up the buttons for me and tying my hair into pigtails. She clipped my paci clip to the pajamas and looked at me with concern. "I'm nervous," she said. She was still sharing all of her negative emotions with me so I could help her stay grounded. They were a lot fiercer after she had dug up so much trauma from her childhood. "What if this triggers all of the things I've been working on?" "I'm proud of you," I told her, hugging her tightly. "If Seth wants to talk about the things that you've been working on, just tell him that you're not comfortable with that. He's your friend, he loves you. He'll respect your boundaries. If he won't, we'll leave and give him another chance later." "I love you so much," she said, kissing me softly. "I love you too, Vanessa." "I'm ready to be Mommy again," she smiled a warm, genuine smile. Her eyes lit up, though that hint of fear, that touch of sadness was still there. Facing one's demons - especially when you had let them drive for so long - was incredibly hard. "Well Mommy," I grinned. "Let's go pick on Jess. Where's Buttercup Jolly Hooves?" "Oh you're going to be a brat tonight then?" she smirked, grabbing Jess' very most favoritiest toy from the crib. "I'm sure she'll let you try out her straitjacket." "Actually," I laughed softly. "That sounds like a lot of fun. How much trouble do you think I'll have to be in before Seth suggests it?" "Let's go find out." Epilogue Two I would never fully understand Harvey's 'fursona', but he would likely never understand my Littlespace either. But we'd trade. I'd parade him around on a leash at his gatherings and he'd baby me at mine. It was a pretty big shock to learn that I was a switch after all that time - but I found genuine joy in fulfilling the dominant role for him, more than I had ever thought possible. It had taken a long time to work through the person that I used to be and the damage that Aubrey had done to me. I hadn't spoken to her in almost a year now. Harvey had saved my life. All because he had been Lucas' wingman and Lucas thought Aubrey was hot. It was funny how life worked out sometimes. Harvey had turned out to be a psychology student at Berkeley. He had been studying specifically on how to help the victims of abuse cope with their pain... it was kismet. He had been my life raft, and I had cut ties with Aubrey. He helped me find a place to stay in Berkeley while I got back on my feet, he helped me get a job working near the university, and after six months of dating, I moved in with him. It was scary to think about how close I had been to the bottom, how close I had been to death... and how wonderful things were now. He had helped me discover a caring, dominant side to my personality. He had helped me nurture it. He had helped me grow into a whole person. I wondered where Aubrey was from time to time. I wondered where Vanessa was. And some days it was hard to keep that part of my life behind me. I wrote them each lots of letters that I never sent, talking about my feelings, my regrets with Vanessa - how I'd been selfish and self-absorbed, how I hadn't valued what she had been offering... and my pain to Aubrey over what she had done to me, and how disappointed in myself I was for letting it get there. Harvey told me it wasn't my fault, that I had been doing the best I could with the resources I had at the time, that I had been sick. But it was difficult to shake that shame. I worried that I might never be free of it. But I was trying. And I was happy.
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  40. Chapter Twenty-Eight "Are you comfortable?" I asked, half teasing. She seemed so obsessed with the shibari lesbians on her computer that I couldn't help myself. Dani was hogtied on the crib mattress, her ankles bound to her wrists - each in cuffs - with a pair of double-ended snap hooks joining them. This sort of tie wasn't my favorite thing, it was less cuddly and warm than I liked my play, but this was what she was expecting. She had seen Jess in all her diapered glory if my understanding of Seth's message was correct and her reactions were telling me that she wasn't interested in Little play, she wanted more of what I had shown her last night. I should probably just let her go, say my goodbyes and be done... but I liked her a lot. One more night of BDSM play wouldn't kill me. "Comfortable?" she echoed, squirming. "How could this be comfortable?" "There are those who find how inescapable that is comforting," I smirked. I unbuttoned my black jeans and slid them down my legs. "Knowing that you're completely safe - and you are completely safe, if you safeword now we'll end it this instant - but also knowing that you're... " I paused for dramatic effect, my pants discarded next to the daybed, "Absolutely. Helpless." I punctuated each word by laying my hands on her shoulders one at a time as I turned her body toward me before discarding my panties. I crouched slightly as I drew her toward me, burying her face between my legs. "Show me what a good girl you are," I commanded. I felt her tongue find my button quickly - she was practiced - and I legitimately had to lean my weight on her slightly as my knees went weak. I hadn't expected her to be able to please me this quickly - oral was far from my favorite thing and even the bondage I had her in at the moment wasn't my preferred kink. But her lapping tongue, teasing and flicking, separating my lips and ever so quick... she was really, really good. A soft moan escaped me, which only energized her - her attack redoubled. I dropped to my knees and kissed her, taking her face between my hands and driving my tongue between her lips, tasting my own juices on her. I felt a need for her that was far more powerful than I expected. This scene was supposed to be me teasing her, not her driving me wild. When the kiss broke, after what felt like several lifetimes, we were both panting furiously. "Am I a good girl?" she asked, her eyes shining. "Your tongue is magic, my princess," I breathed. "Fuck me," she growled, taking me completely by surprise. Her intensity was shocking, how she went from submissive and pleasing to feral in a split second... I could see the hunger in her eyes. I kissed her again, grabbing her by the hair and running my tongue along the back of her teeth before I pulled her head back. "Don't. Move," I commanded and ran for my room to get my strapless. She was getting fucked. * * * An hour later we were both naked and sweaty, her cuffed but unbound form laying on top of mine as I breathed heavily, the feeldoe discarded on a pile of clothes next to the bed. We had certainly put the crib's bed frame to the test. "I want cookies," she informed me between panting breaths, her hand cupping my naked breast. "Is that just a thing with you?" I teased. It took some willpower not to correct her I want, there would be time for that later. "Yes," she laughed. "I always want cookies after good sex." "Oh so it was good then?" I prodded, giving her a squeeze. "Um, yeah - all that screaming? That was a good thing." "Hopefully my neighbors don't think I was trying to kill you," I mused. "I'll have to invest in some white noise machines and a better stereo like Seth." I wasn't sure what my misstep was at first, I felt Dani stiffen in my arms, felt her freeze... but before I could ask what was wrong, she asked me a question first. "What's your deepest fantasy?" her voice was soft, cautious. She was asking a lot of me and she didn't realize it... but at the same time, if I ignored her question, if I brushed it aside or made an excuse, it would be detrimental to the budding relationship. She had said she was trying to think up how to break up with Julian, it was a foregone conclusion - she was all but mine if I wanted her. And now, unexpectedly, after amazing sex... she was asking me to be more vulnerable than I had been in years. "I want my princess to need me," I admitted obliquely, "I want her to prove how helpless she is, how she needs to be cared for. I want to guide her and protect her." I was saying it all, telling her my secret wants, but without saying anything. Nothing concrete. There were too many ways to interpret that statement. "Will you get me cookies then?" she grinned. "I'm far too helpless to go get them myself, I need you to care for me." "Of course," I laughed, kissing her forehead and sliding out from under her. I shook my head at her silliness as I walked for the kitchen, but before I could step out of the nursery, her voice came from behind me. "And milk?" she added, batting her eyelashes at me. She was turning on the cute... and it was working. She was adorable, her hair mussed and messy with sweat, her neck and shoulders and thighs covered with bite marks that had yet to fade. Our session had been intense, but she had kept up with my energy at every turn, she had given as well as she had gotten. "Of course," I said again, savoring that image, my princess sprawled on the bed. I didn't bother putting on any clothes, the apartment windows were closed with the shades drawn, no one would see anything. I fetched her cookies and milk... and returned to a new surprise. Dani was on her knees on the mattress, her cheeks flushed and red for some reason, her eyes downcast. "What's wrong?" I asked, not understanding what could have happened in the few moments I had been away. "I had an accident," she whimpered. My eyes shot to the puddle that was spreading beneath her... and my knees went weak again. "I'm sorry. I didn't make it to the potty." I almost dropped the glass of milk. I had no idea how to respond, my brain spun in circles as I processed what I was seeing, this vision from my fantasies, this perfectly deciphered image - she had read my meaning flawlessly, had seen through my subterfuge and given me exactly what I wanted. "Are you mad at me?" her voice quavered as she looked up at me with watery eyes. I thought for a moment that her sadness was genuine... but her eyes flicked to the cookies in my hand for the briefest moment and I knew. She knew. She had seen Jess. She knew what I wanted. But she had let me lead her to it. She wasn't rejecting it. I had hope. Real hope. "It's okay, princess. I'm not mad at you," I soothed, putting the cookies and milk on the dresser and standing her up, pulling her to her feet off of the bed where her urine was spreading on the sheets. I could smell it now, she had actually debased herself for my enjoyment... and she was quivering. "But I think you should probably wear a diaper for a while, okay?" There. I took the plunge. I threw the card on the table and hoped against hope that I was right. She nodded, biting her lip. My heart soared - this was it, the moment that I had dreamed of, that I had fantasized about for so long. I took her by the wrist and led her across the hall, snagging a towel from the bathroom on the way which I spread out on my bed before laying her down. She was trembling as she lay there, exposed, in my room. I reached under the bed and pulled the bag Seth had stashed there a little closer and pulled out a bottle of powder and a DC Amor. My hands were trembling as I began to unfold it. My mouth felt dry as I spread it out, tapping Dani lightly on the hip. Sure enough, she raised her bottom so I could slide the crinkly plastic-backed garment underneath her. I moved slowly, lowering her hips onto the waiting diaper, watching as she sank into the padding every so slightly before I wiped her down with the tenderest of care I could imagine. I began sprinkling the powder over her, taking a moment to rub it in, lingering a bit to make sure she felt my attention. And then, as the moment of truth neared, my breath caught in my throat. I pulled the front of the diaper up, pulling it over her sex and smoothing the wings to either side before taping it snugly. When it was done, I rubbed my hand across the smooth padding, admiring the soft pink color that matched her wrist and ankle cuffs so well. I pulled her to a sitting position before joining her on the bed, guiding her into my lap and wrapping my arms around her. I held her tightly, my heart beating in my naked chest, my skin pressed against hers as I breathed in the scent of her - our sex, our sweat, her natural perfume, her shampoo... she was a symphony, every note perfect. "I'll never be mad about an accident, my precious princess," I whispered in her ear, my hand sliding downward to caress her padding, to reinforce these positive feelings. We stayed there for a few long moments before I carried her back to the nursery. I sat her on the floor before grabbing her cookies and milk and sitting with her, pulling her into my lap again. I held the glass in one hand and the cookies in the other, my arms around her. She took one with a shaky hand, dunking it in the milk with her trembling grasp before guiding the soggy cookie between her lips. "I'm wearing a diaper," she whispered. Fear rose in me, an irrational fear that even now she would reject me, that she would tear it off and berate me as Lauren had, but her free hand snaked down between her legs and I heard the crinkle of the padding as she caressed the diaper, feeling it while she munched on cookies. "Yes you are," I agreed. "A princess who has accidents needs to wear a diaper." I felt scared as I added to our blossoming shared fiction. "It's... soft," she breathed, the exploratory crinkles still coming as she consumed another cookie. "It's really soft and warm." "And adorable," I added. "You... you look amazing in it." I realized how weird this must seem to her, to be wearing such an infantile garment, but she had no idea how many nights fantasizing about this very moment had gotten me through. "This is stupid," she laughed a small laugh as she munched another cookie. My heart sank at the words, I felt so fragile - I felt like I might break at the slightest blow. "But I kind of want to show Jessica." My mood lightened again as she finished the thought. I was surprised at my own volatility. "I saw her in one just like this today," she continued, "that's how I knew. I had no idea they even made diapers this big." "Princesses come in all sizes," I offered, resting my chin on her shoulder as she sat in my lap, munching her treat in both hands now, like the squirrels she loved so much. "Is Jessica a princess?" she asked. "Jess is a brat," I laughed softly, "And we call her Jess when she's Little, she's only Jessica when she's pretending to be an adult. But a brat is exactly what Seth wants and it's what Jess loves." "But I'm a princess," I liked hearing the word from her lips. It felt right. "You are absolutely my precious, perfect princess, Dani," I cooed softly at her, holding the glass of milk with both hands as she took the last cookie from my grasp, dunking it and munching it. "Are you comfortable?" I asked. "More comfortable than I ever imagined," she answered, leaning back into me, melting in my arms.
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  41. That awkward moment when you're glad someone's house burned down because they're forced to move in with a friend and you ship them SO hard.
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  42. Chapter Eleven Dani's chopstick technique was as elegant as her outfit. She had poise and control, despite the fact that she was eating the most ridiculous mayonnaise and cream cheese rolls known to man. I was a purist - I wanted good rice soaked in good wine, with good fish on top. She wanted deep fried madness - mango and peanuts, avocado and eel, sriracha and roe... she didn't order anything remotely traditional, but watching her enjoy it was delightful. She did this little dance when she bit into a new roll. I sat across from her at the cramped little table and the smile that spread across my lips at her unfettered joy was genuine. She was adorable. "Wait," I gaped, genuinely surprised as they served her another roll. "Does that actually have beef on the top of it?" It certainly smelled like beef. "Yep!" she wiggled in her seat, a side-to-side motion with a grin as big as the world on her face, snatching up a piece with her chopsticks. "They cook it with a blowtorch right on top of the roll. It's actually really, really good." Her taste in sushi was bizarre, but I was glad she was letting go. She seemed bouncier at this meal than Jess had been at hers, and Jess was certainly a Little. "So," I decided to roll the dice. "What's your purse's name?" "What?" she sputtered, choking a bit on her bite before she took a long sip of water. "What do you mean?" "Your purse," I nodded to the squirrel slung over the back of her chair. "Did you name it?" "Well," she blushed... and then mumbled something I couldn't make out. "What?" I asked, leaning forward a bit. "I couldn't hear you." "His name is Forrest," she whispered, blushing and looking away. I couldn't help it, I reached over and tucked a lock of her hair back behind her ear, pushing it away from her face. "Hey there," I said gently, revealing the barest part of my caring self. "You don't need to be embarrassed. I was pretty sure that you had already named him. I was going to guess Nutsy." "No," she laughed softly, looking up - her eyes were vulnerable but she was on the defensive - she was waiting for me to make some crack, to hurt her. I stroked her cheek gently with the back of my hand, caressing her with the lightest of touches. "I like that you named him," I spoke in a low, soothing tone. "And it's a great name. He seems like he's been a really good friend to you." Whoops. I pushed a little too far there. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Hey, Dani.. it's okay, everything's okay. I can see you're really embarrassed and I'm sorry. I think it's wonderful, and I really appreciate you being vulnerable with me." She nodded and looked down, hiding her face behind her hair. She sniffled and wiped her face before looking up, a fake smile etched on her lips. "I'm fine," she lied. I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my lap and cuddle her, to hold her tight and promise her that I would never judge her, certainly not for wanting to indulge in cute things. But we weren't there yet. "It's okay to like cute things," I assured her. "It doesn't make you less of a professional, it doesn't make me respect you less, and it doesn't make you less attractive. In all honesty, you carrying that purse in the club is what made me want to talk to you initially." "Really?" her eyes were shining as she looked up at me. "You don't think it's dumb?" "Of course not," I promised, silently wishing I could throttle the "friends" who had drilled this insecurity into her. "I'm really glad you told me, I'm really glad you opened yourself up to me, and I'm really glad to meet Forrest. I'm going to make sure I have a small bag of peanuts next time we get together, just for him." That got a small laugh, which finally broke her tension. "You're silly," she laughed, "I didn't think you'd be silly - you look so important." "Appearances can be deceiving," I smiled - with no motive, no message. Just a genuine, relaxed smile before I popped a nigiri in my mouth. "But there are always little hints to the truth. Right, Forrest?" It took her a moment to recover, but she went back to enjoying her ridiculous roll with a more relaxed air. When the rolls were gone and she seemed satisfied, I ordered a small bottle of sparkling sake. "Oh, I've never tried that," she smiled. "It's for you," I informed her. "I'll have a taste, but I've got a pretty firm rule about drinking and driving - I won't drive if I've had even one drink. It's too dangerous, too easy to hurt yourself or someone else." "Yeah," she blushed - I already knew she wasn't as responsible with that as she should be, especially in the ride-sharing-app world we lived in now. "Oh, this is good." Her smile was wide and genuine as she sipped the sweet drink - so much like a Little to enjoy the sweeter things. "Why haven't I tried this before?" "That I can't say," I smirked, "but I hope to show you many things that you never knew you liked." "I'd like that, Vanessa," she laid her hand on mine and smiled a serious smile. * * * After dinner, we had gone to a stand-up comedy show. Clean jokes, puns, a little bit of topical humor - no heavy political humor, nothing terribly charged... a great night out. It had gone just as I had hoped - the seats were good, the performer was good, the company was amazing. We had cuddled close at our table as we watched, her head on my shoulder. I would say I would cherish the moment forever, but I hoped to make lots of little moments like that - moments of tenderness, of kindness. But there was a reluctance to her kiss tonight, as we stood at the door to her apartment. Something was holding her back, something was keeping her from allowing herself to fall, to lose herself. Something was bothering her. And it was almost certainly Julian. I wished I already had the dirt on him - everyone had a story, and most of them had a great big patch of darkness in it. "I had a great time tonight," she said softly as she held on to my upper arms. I enjoyed the way she looked in this shadow, her raven hair sucking the very light from the area. Her skin didn't look so tan in this light, next to that darkness, her lips so deeply red. I wanted to take her back to my place right then. To pull her into my bed and to hold her close, to find out what was weighing on her so heavily, to chase all of her problems away. To make her feel safe and secure... to make her mine. "I did too," I agreed. "I really enjoy your company, Dani. You're a sweet and kind person and I look forward to getting to know you better." "I'd invite you in," Dani said softly, looking down - she was embarrassed. "But my place is a mess." "I'm sure it's not that bad," I reassured her. Most people said that - oh, my place is so messy... but it wasn't usually true. "I don't... I spend all of my time at work cleaning up other peoples' messes, so I tend to be a little lazy at home." She was trembling a bit, she was really afraid of being judged. There was some trauma there, someone had hurt her. "If you don't feel comfortable," I kept my voice low and soft, gentle, "it's okay. You don't have to rush with me, I'm patient. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." "Well," she took a deep breath, "just... promise me you won't judge?" "I won't judge," I promised. Dani's apartment was a disaster. I had expected clutter, a mess of papers, a stack of books, a pile of mail... I hadn't expected what awaited me behind her door. She had empty food containers strewn about her living room, a pile of laundry by the front door, empty glasses and cans everywhere. There were stacks of empty Amazon boxes littered around, a clear path leading to the couch and another to the hallway that undoubtedly led to her bedroom. "Sorry," she whispered, her face a deep red. She needed someone to take care of her. She hung Forrest on a hook by the door and led me to the couch, tossing a pile of laundry on the floor. "It's clean," she assured me. "I just haven't put it away yet." "It's no big deal," I lied. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "Hey, it's okay. Everything's fine." "I should've cleaned," she whispered. "I... I didn't know the date was going to go so well." "Well thanks," I teased, feigning hurt. She panicked. "I'm teasing, I'm teasing. Everything is okay. Hey, I have an idea - how about I get my laptop from my trunk and we just play a game? No pressure, no judgement. We'll just play some casual matches. You can show me your Support chops." "That sounds nice," she smiled weakly. "And next time... let's go to your place." * * * I reflected on the evening as I drove home - Dani was attractive, fun, and had so many Little tendencies that I was feeling hopeful. Julian hadn't come up once, not that I expected him to - it wasn't exactly couth to discuss one person you were dating with the other. I reasoned that her reluctance in our kiss had been embarrassment about the mess she lived in. And it was a mess. She definitely needed someone to help her handle that particular Little tendency - Seth would have flipped at that sty. Jess wouldn't be able to sit for a week if he had come home to that apartment, but Dani wasn't mine... yet. But I would have her. My resolve was stronger than ever. Playing with her had been fun - all Littles were good at playing. She had been nervous at first, but she was skilled. She was right, her micro - specifically her precision - needed work, but it wasn't hard to mitigate her mistakes. We played too late into the night, I still had to get up and face the day tomorrow, but I had been loath to leave. The sound of her laughter as we enjoyed our shared hobby was music to my ears. We won more than we lost and we quit on high spirits. But I felt like I might be lying to myself about her kiss... that same reluctance had been in our final kiss, long after I had convinced her that I wasn't bothered by her cleanliness. Which I wasn't bothered, in a way - her tidiness wouldn't be a problem once she was my Little. I'd clean up for her, she'd only have to make sure the toys in the nursery were tidy and I'd take care of everything else. I'd take care of her. I dreamt of her that night - that same candlelit room, flickering flames everywhere, but instead of Lauren waiting for me on that bed, it was Dani. Naked and vulnerable, her runner's figure lithe and toned as she lay spread-eagled on the bed. When I pulled the diaper out from under the bed and smiled at her, she smiled back. The diaper was covered with frolicking squirrels, thick and fluffy. I lifted her hips gently and slid it beneath her. I traced my finger gently around her exposed lips before I powdered her, caressing the sensitive spot where her thigh met her hip and twisting a finger delicately in her pubic hair. When I pulled that diaper closed between her legs, it was joyous - the look on her face as I fastened those tapes, sealing her in. It was an expression of contentment, of peace. I patted her padded crotch gently, rubbing my hand over the plastic backing. I was sad when I woke. I wanted that dream to be real, for her to be that vulnerable with me, to throw shame and adulthood both out the window and surrender. To be mine.
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  43. Chapter Ten Ugh. I did NOT want to be here today. I hated Wednesdays. Benny was supposed to give me the day off, but he said that it was important that we look as productive as possible while the Terminator's stupid audit was going on. I hated that woman, that Ice Queen. Honestly, I had hated her from the moment Kailee introduced me to her. Kailee went gay for this bitch, and Vanessa just dropped her like a bad habit, leaving her with some really messed up ideas. She actually wore diapers for Vanessa, and I'd never understand that. Kailee had been normal before she came around. Things had started off normal enough for them, Vanessa was obviously the guy in the relationship, Kailee had acted like she had with lots of guys - talking about how tall Vanessa was, how smart, how cool, how strong. Then her clothing had started to change - she had ditched her usual style for pastel colors and cutesy things, which didn't make a bit of sense when you looked at the Terminator. Severe did not begin to describe the woman. Oh, she was smooth, she was a charmer. She knew just what to say and who to say it to... and slowly, Kailee changed. They had only been dating for a month when I walked in to Kailee's room to find her laying on her bed in nothing but a diaper, sucking on a pacifier. That had been a weird night. She had cried and apologized, she had told me that she understood if I didn't want to be her friend anymore... and I'll be honest, I was pretty bothered by the whole thing. But I comforted her and we talked about it... and it came out that she was doing it to make Vanessa happy. The crazy bitch wanted Kailee to dress like a baby, and she did it... Even after they broke up - well, after Vanessa the Hosebeast dumped poor Kailee on her butt - she still kept going at it. She wore diapers to bed, she bought her own... sometimes she'd wear nothing but a t-shirt and a diaper around the apartment. I figured out eventually that she just really wanted Vanessa back, and this was the way she was going to try to do it. The blackmail had been my idea - I thought maybe if Kailee spent some time around Vanessa again, she'd see that the woman was bad news. But Kailee had never listened to me when it came to love. I had told her that I didn't think Vanessa was all there in the head long before the diaper thing started. The only time Kailee and I really ever fought was when one of her lovers was involved. I never could understand why she didn't just approach love the same way I did - a great way to get what you want out of someone and feel good along the way. I didn't love Benny - he was too old, he wasn't nearly good looking enough... but he made it so my job was easy and he bought me things, so I stayed. Why couldn't Kailee just do the same thing? She was just as pretty as me, she could have gotten another guy - or even a girl, since she apparently swung that way - without needing to debase herself. "Hey Vanessa," I greeted the Terminator as we both found ourselves in the small kitchenette on this side of the building. "Good afternoon, Aubrey," she greeted me with that infuriatingly sure attitude she had. "Kailee's been asking about you, asking if you'd said anything about her - but she's afraid to ask me to get you to call again for some reason." "I've called her as you requested," the bitch said coldly. She knew what I wanted, what Kailee needed. Honestly, I didn't want to see the two of them get back together. Kailee threw herself into her relationships entirely too hard. Vanessa hadn't even been fun to hang out with. She thought she was so smart, so cool. She didn't care what anyone around her thought... and she always had to be right, to get the last word. But Kailee was still pining, even though it had been years. She'd had other relationships, but every partner she dated - boy or girl - had to be compared to Vanessa. And none of them seemed to want to put up with her diapers. I couldn't blame them, I didn't really want to either. The longing for Vanessa got worse when they kicked her out of that stupid kinky club for flirting too hard. "You need to take her out on a date," I replied. "She hasn't dated anyone in months, she's still obsessed with your guys' stupid game." "She can find another partner for that game," Vanessa's face was a blank mask - unreadable. That was the thing about her - you couldn't trust her to give anything away, whatever Vanessa projected was exactly what she wanted you to see. She was a sociopath, a sick bitch who played sick games. Her entire job was deciding who to fire, as if she could weigh the worth of another person in her hand. Truth be told, I hated her. But I loved Kailee - she was my roommate, she had been my best friend for over ten years, and I was hoping that one more spin around the block with the Terminator would open her eyes to the fact that the bitch was bad news. "I'm not asking for a lot, Terminator. Actually, I'm not asking. You're going to call Kailee, you're going to take her out on a date, and you're going to make her feel good, okay?" I wanted to tell her to figure out some way, any way of getting Kailee over her... but knowing Vanessa she'd just tear the poor girl's heart out again. I had to hope Kailee could see it on her own. I didn't even wait for a response, I just turned and walked away. I hated Wednesdays, but I hated Vanessa Evans more. * * * I had a difficult time focusing on the job after my run-in with Aubrey. Why was it so hard for someone to understand that a relationship that involved coercion was doomed to fail? My desired conquests were consensual - I wasn't going to force anyone into diapers. I wanted a woman who was young at heart but hadn't fully discovered the joy of letting go, the way Jess had with Seth. If you had to force someone to do anything, the relationship wasn't going to work and it wouldn't be satisfying for either partner. My job was almost done, I expected it to be complete by this time next week and I'd turn in my report... but then we'd begin the negotiations and the downsizing plan. If they wanted me to be the trigger-woman, I'd be on for another week or two making sure that the exit interviews were handled correctly and that no one being asked to leave would do anything drastic. It was a messy business, but I was used to it. There would be pain, there would be tears - people often got very emotionally involved with their work - but that's why companies like this hired me, because I didn't. Kailee and Aubrey, on the other hand, had me bothered. As I fired up the engine to my car and began the drive to Sunnyvale. The 101 was irritating as usual, though it was much worse going north than south. I tapped my phone until Lily Allen sprang to life through the speakers of my car. I had to calm myself - to Dani, I was a slightly timid and generally happy person. I needed to get into that mindset before I arrived, I didn't want anything - least of all me - to be out of place. I was pretty sure I had achieved the right state of mind when I parked outside of her apartment building. I knocked gently and waited - and was a little surprised by her choice of attire. She had gone with something quite mature - a backless navy blue maxi with a plunging neckline, revealing some cleavage, accented by a lovely silver necklace. "Wow," I breathed, focusing a bit to bring some color to my cheeks - simulating a blush. "You look great." "You think so?" she hoisted her squirrel-purse up on her shoulder, which brought me some relief. Her Little side was still showing, at least. I looked down at my own outfit - I was in one of my many power suits. Charcoal grey, two-button with a dark blouse and sheer black hose. I was dressed on par with her, but she had a much more relaxed and sensual vibe than I had been expecting. Honestly, I had expected a sundress or a swing dress, something frivolous or casual - she had certainly not chosen frivolous. Her earrings were, however - she was wearing the squirrels I bought her. "I do," I assured her, offering her my arm. Some girls liked that, some didn't. Some liked to put me in the "masculine" role in the relationship, some preferred me to be more "femme" - Dani seemed to prefer the former based on the way she easily hooked a hand through the proffered elbow. Good - I didn't truly care one way or the other, but I found this was more indicative of a submissive personality, not that I needed a lot of reassurance of that with Dani at this point. I led her back to the car and opened the door for her, which she seemed to appreciate, before sliding in and starting the engine. "So what's for dinner?" I asked her, half-teasing. "What are you in the mood for?" she turned it back on me. This could go one of a few ways - either she had something she wanted but she wasn't sure about, she was fishing for information about me, or she didn't like deciding on food. "I'm honestly not feeling too particular tonight," I shrugged, putting her to the test. "Well," she hesitated, looking off into the distance and pondering. Indecisive? "How about sushi?" I offered. "Oh my goodness yes," she gushed. It could have been any of those scenarios. "Great, there's a place off of El Camino that I like," I said as I pulled the car out. "Oh that's perfect," she sighed, relaxing in the chair. "Honestly, I have to make so many decisions during the day that I had deciding things at night." She laughed a small, short laugh. "Sometimes, I don't even eat because I can't decide what I want." Well that wasn't healthy, and we'd be putting a stop to that. I'd happily decide for her. "No worries there," I smiled warmly, a comforting smile. A smile that said, 'I am happy to take care of you'. It might have been playing my cards a little openly, but technically this was the third date and it was time to test the waters. Either she was a Little at heart or she wasn't. I didn't want a repeat of either Lauren or Kailee. "I'm happy to decide. I'm used to calling the shots, and I don't mind doing it in my off-hours. It's why I'm a tank main." "We should play sometime," she giggled - actually giggled, it was adorable - and pulled out her phone. "I'm messaging you my tag. Let's play later this week, or maybe over the weekend." "What's your main?" I probed. She blushed. "Support. I know, I know - stereotypical gamer girl, but I like being the Healer. My micro is crap and everyone yells at me when I play DPS, it's much more satisfying to help someone else succeed than having everything resting on me." "There's nothing wrong with knowing what you like," I assured her. "And there's nothing wrong with letting someone you trust take control." She made a contented sort of sound at that. Promising.
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  44. Chapter Nine I stretched as I stood, waiting, in Seth's living room. I had decided to go with a simple style tonight, my hair was down - a few locks braided near my temple to hold some beads, otherwise flowing free. I had chosen a pair of deliciously tight black jeans and sneakers sporting a flaming heart, along with a small t-shirt - Sir Sly, white on black and very form-fitting. I wondered idly what he would have Jess wear - if she would be padded - but I didn't have to wonder long. Jess stepped out into the living room timidly, her arms wrapped tightly around one of Seth's as he guided her. She wore a simple one-piece dress, a blue skirt and black top with a few bands around the waist, the short sleeves hanging down over her upper arms elegantly. It was a very mature look, but I could hear the crinkle as she moved. She was still well-diapered under there. No one else would know, it wasn't a thing most people even thought to listen for, but I knew that sound very well. Her hair fell in blonde waves around her face, her makeup was simple but there - more than she usually wore - and she had lovely hoop earrings that went well with her ensemble. "Is this Jess' older sister?" I teased, crouching down a bit so our eyes were level, "Hello there, you look quite mature - your sister is cute as a button, but she's terrible at potty training. How about you?" "Nessaaaaa," she whined buring her face in Seth's arm. "This one's no better," Seth joined in, turning Jess around and lifting her skirt. "Not potty trained at all. She has to be kept in the thickest of diapers, look at these." "Oh they are cute," I continued as Jess pushed her skirt down, blushing fiercely. The small woman was adorable - Seth was tall and Jess only stood to his shoulder, she came to my nose at least. It wasn't a terribly big surprise that she was a Little. "I thought I was supposed to be adult tonight," she complained, pouting and defeating her own point. "I thought that was the whole idea?" "It is," I confirmed. "But you can't blame us for teasing you just a little. Your blush is darling." Seth laughed and kissed Jess sweetly, pulling her to him and bending down slightly - though she still stood on her toes so he didn't have to bend quite so far. I wondered what it would feel like to have a lover so much smaller than I was - Kailee was as close as I'd come, she was four inches shorter than me. Dani was only two inches or so shorter. Seth seemed to like it, and I wagered that Jess did too given that Littles preferred to feel small, in general. "You're going to be an adult," I confirmed. "The padding is just a precaution, given that you've been 24/7 for quite a while now. No one will ever know, I won't do anything to embarrass you." Jess nodded and Seth gave her a small nudge with a hand to the small of her back. "I love you, Cupcake," he smiled and blew her a kiss. "I love you too, Daddy," she grinned as we slipped through the door, making a heart-shaped gesture at him with her hands. * * * I let Jess pick the restaurant - Seth liked keeping her in the dark whenever they went out. She wouldn't know where they were eating until they got there, it was just part of their dynamic. Honestly, I wondered what she really thought of that... the fact that she had an answer instantly said quite a bit. She wanted Korean - I wasn't a huge fan of the cuisine and I knew for a fact that Seth didn't like it at all, some vendetta against fermented vegetables. "Thanks for letting me pick," she whispered as she sat down across from me. "I never get to have Korean anymore, it used to be my favorite." "Of course," I smiled warmly to her, not a condescending smile, but a friendly smile. "When was the last time you went out this way?" "Gosh," she shrugged as she lay her napkin across her lap, "I don't know - six months?" "You haven't stepped outside of your dynamic at all in six months?" I asked, genuinely surprised. That wasn't healthy. "No, that's not true," her smile was easy and comfortable - she wasn't feeling threatened by the question, that was good. "Seth and I have adult time, and sometimes we go hang out with some other people from the club, but I almost never go out without him. I get a break from littlespace pretty regularly." I decided not to press the issue any further, no sense in potentially ruining our night before it had even begun. She ordered a mild bibimbap, I ordered a spicy one - it was my favorite dish as far as Korean went - the way you could mix the flavors in your own time, paints on the palette of your bowl, it was culinarily entertaining. "So," she began, unable to take more than a few moments of silence after the waiter took our order. "Will you tell me about your new girlfriend? Her name is Dani, right?" "Yeah. She's a year or two younger than me. Taller than you - but that's not terribly hard," Jess stuck her tongue out at me for that one, but I continued anyway, "Young professional type, very serious career-woman. She prefers a bohemian style, lots of chunky jewelry and earthy tones, it's nice." "What makes you think she's a Little? That's why you're trying to catch her eye, right?" "She's got some subtle tells," I explained, "But what tipped me off initially was her purse - it's shaped like a squirrel." "Oh em gee," she actually said the letters - I always found that mannerism of hers to be ridiculous, "Yeah, that's a pretty big tell - like, that's her everyday purse that she carries around normally?" "She was carrying it at a nightclub," I smiled. "So yeah, pretty big. It's adorable... she's adorable." The smile I wore now was an easy one, it came naturally - a rare, true reflection of how I genuinely felt: content and hopeful. "Is she already in the scene?" Jess asked, lowering her voice as if anyone cared. "I've never seen her at the club - not that I go very often any more... no, I think she's a vanilla waiting to find her spice and she just doesn't know it. Truth be told, that's what I'm hoping for." "I hope she is, Nessa. I think doing double dates with you and your Little would be awesome... and playdates. We've gone out to dinner with a couple of the other clubgoers, and I get along great with the other Littles, but you know Daddy. He's so standoffish. He finds something wrong with everyone we hang out with - that guy is too religious, it's creepy. That girl chews with her mouth open - which he hates. That couple can't stop laughing at awkward moments. Et cetera, you know how he is." "I do at that," I agreed, "Seth likes things the way he likes things." "I'm glad you're his friend, Nessa. I like you a lot. In a way, you two are really similar. You've both got this calm, in control attitude. And you're both really scary when you're mad... but it's like this quiet mad. Daddy would be less scary if he yelled, I think." "I'm glad he's my friend, too." I chose not to comment on Seth's temper. Watching Jess eat was mildly hilarious - her chopsticks technique left a lot to be desired, but her overjoyed expression as she ate her favorite meal showed no self-consciousness. Jess - especially this Jess who sat before me now, who had been with Seth for over two years as his live-in Little - had a childlike glee that most adults didn't have. Seth had seen it in her early on, when she was a burned out restaurant manager... when she was Jessica. Seth had seen that spark in her, that inner child, right away. I had been there when they met, it was a rare client dinner where both of us had the same customer. Imagining that sharp, pinched woman sitting here with me now was impossible - Seth had unlocked her Little self and while I think Jess could have rejoined the workforce if she wanted to, she was much happier this way. She sold some homemade jewelry online, but for the most part her life was strikingly similar to a three year-old's. When she was done, she politely sat her chopsticks on the edge of the bowl and relaxed in her chair with a look of pure contentment on her face. "Oh," she groaned happily, "That hit the spot. Thanks Nessa." "Are you going to be too full to go dancing? When was the last time you even had a drink?" "I drink," she said defensively, "Daddy says I'm giggly when I drink, so I drink at home sometimes... like once a month." "Really? That's surprising, considering Seth never drinks." "He doesn't drink with me... but he'll put something nice in a sip- " she cut off as the waiter came back to collect her bowl, blushing that she almost admitted to drinking from a sippy cup at home. "Is this on one check or two?" he asked, that eternal question that I had to deal with no matter how affectionate I was being to whatever woman was with me. Despite being in the Bay Area, it seemed unfathomable that a pair of ladies could be, well.. a pair. "One check," I smiled my polite-professional smile, there was no point in showing that the all-too-common attitude bothered me. The few times a date and I had been correctly identified, I had left a 200% tip. "Thanks, Nessa," Jess grinned sheepishly. "Anyway, yes - I can still go dancing tonight, no worries." * * * "Wow," Jess whispered to me, my arm gently around her waist as I guided her into the club. "There aren't many guys here at all." "Not on a Tuesday," I smiled - it was, in fact, Ladies' Night at this particular club and I had observed quite some time ago that despite being a prime invitation, guys just didn't seem too common at these. Not that I was complaining, mind you. "Are you hoping to hit on a guy?" I teased. "No!" she half-gasped, half-grinned. "Just sometimes... it's nice if they try. I haven't done this in a long time." "Want to know if you've still got it?" "Not really," she shrugged as we sat down at the bar together, "I honestly can't imagine life the way I lived before. Is that pathetic? I really like just being... Little." "Is it pathetic to enjoy yourself? No, I don't think so." "No, that's not what I mean," she pursed her lips as I ordered our drinks - a hard cider for her, one of my favorites that I thought she'd like: a raspberry, and a Jack and Coke for me. "I mean, do you think it's a little pathetic... you know, the way I live? I'm not exactly the postergirl for female empowerment." "Hey," I said gently, setting my hand on hers. "Feminism is about the freedom from the traditional roles - but it doesn't mean that the sub role is inherently bad. If that role brings you joy, if you're not being oppressed against your will, then who cares if you're not Ms. Career Woman. You lived that life, and it almost ate your soul." "Yeah," she grimaced her agreement as she sipped the cider. "Oh, this is good." "I thought you'd like it." "I just... sometimes I feel guilty, like I should be doing more with my life. I'm giving up a lot, I basically walked away from my career. It's hard to get that back once you throw it away, what if... " "Are you going to throw away," I interrupted her, squeezing her hand gently, "something that makes you happy right now on the possibility that things might be hard later? It's good to plan ahead, it's good to prepare for potential hard times, but should you deny yourself something that feels right and makes both you and Seth happy so you can fulfill some sort of modern female ideal? I think you're doing the right thing, just where you are. And I say that as Ms. Career Woman. It's okay that you enjoy your relationship and the feelings it gives you." "You're so damned smart," Jess smirked. "Thanks, Nessa. You're a good friend." "You are too - now let's have a dance or two before I have to get you home. I won't even tell Seth about the naughty word you just said." After her blush faded, Jess really opened up when we hit the floor - I wasn't especially big on dancing myself, but she knew how her body moved and she enjoyed it. She was fluid, sensual. She had a sex appeal to her that I couldn't imagine Dani possessing - I certainly didn't have it either. She did end up getting hit on but let him down gently - I wondered what his reaction would be if he knew what was hiding under that skirt. I actually had to move to block someone from grabbing her butt at one point, so she wouldn't be discovered. I gave the guy a fiery, possessive look and he backed off before Jess noticed. She was walking on clouds after the all the attention that night, I didn't want some misguided shame ruining that. She loved that people were flirting with her, she loved that she was wanted. Everyone wants to feel wanted, after all.
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