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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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About zzyzx

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Bedwetter (4/7)



  1. 1) My preferred cloth diaper is adultclothdiaper.com's Purity 4 layer (night weight) diaper used in two layers in the day and three or four layers at night. 2) If just wet, soak in wet pail before washing (water and vinegar), and wash on hot cycle, with standard soap, and vinegar as the "fabric softener" added during the rinse cycle, with a double rinse. Then hot dry in dryer. If dirtier, a pre-cold wash to rinse things clean before the regular wash cycle I normally use. If the pre-cold wash is done fairly quickly after messing, that tends to eliminate staining. 3) I don't use because I try to not perform # 2 in my diapers. 4) Only normally use when on vacation or other reasons out of the house, so dispose of in cans that aren't mine and regularly emptied.
  2. Yes, getting past TSA checkpoint can be fun.... I've been wearing (thick, cloth) diapers on flights prior to 9/11. I believe I've had at least a pat down after the nude-o-scan every time since they were introduced.... Always gotten through, but it does delay the security check. Add a (new) bottle of baby powder in the care on, and they also want to do the chemical check on that container at the same time.... At this point I always pull that bottle out of the carry on so the rest doesn't need to get searched. I think I some times get a partially used bottle of powder through without the secondary screening...... But it is rare to not have that additional analysis done, and then passed.
  3. While I haven't tried it yet, I figure a (rain) poncho can help if there are no facilities (and out in the woods.... Just an idea. Another is a blanket in a car. So far I've been able to avoid these options.
  4. @ReddyQuickly get to the shower one you change into your swimsuit and take the (normally required) quick shower. That should handle the start. At the end, don't doddle to get to the changing room for a shower and change.
  5. I have worn cloth diapers the two times I have visited Disney World. I was trying to keep the diapers dry, and was normally using the regular restroom bathroom stalls for this. Personally I've found discreet snap crotch shortalls more convient than shorts for mananging this (in that the shortalls could be kept off the floor while shorts wanted to drop to the bathroom floor), however, this is not a "normal" "male" solution. I choose to wear a light long sleave sun shirt over the top so it mainly looked like shorts to most folks when opting for shortalls over shorts.... Have used both options in the parks. The only issue with security was the amount of metal I had on (from the snap closures -- and diaper pins, etc.) caused secondary metal detector screening, but no comments were made about the metal snaps in the clothes or what I had choosen to wear. Disney staff is professional and didn't bat an eye. Tykables has since changed to velcro instead of snaps for these closures so some of the newer shortalls from them might get past the first level metal detector without the need of secondary screening. Also, if visiting one of the farther parks, and needing to take changes (due to hotel room not that close), then you get stuck with a bag and all bags get searched at the entrance. For me, I was able to leave the bag in our car at the alternate park sites, or didn't have an issue where I couldn't walk back to the hotel room if things went to the worst side. If you decide to NOT wear through the security screening, then you will have the issue of how to get the diaper through security. You will either need a deep enough pocket where it will fit, or you will end up in the bag line for additional screening at the park entrance and they will at least look in the bag to see what is being brought in. Since I have a medical need, I just wear a let security do what they need to.... (Both at the parks, and on air planes, etc.) Basically, security will know what you bring into the park..... They are profesional, but if you take a bag in, you will get a slight additional delay over the non-bag check line at the entrance. The one time I miss timed handling my bladder, we were staying on site (in a Disney hotel) and I walked back to my room to change my diaper (and also my shorts at that time due to a minor leak). [Warning: Staying hydrated while walking outside in warm weather, taking a pit stop, and then going inside an air conditioned building for say a meal or longer exhibits, may result in the kidneys dumping urine faster into the bladder than you would normally expect....] Unfortunately, the lines can get longer than my bladder capacity, so I will wear protection visiting the park. And now with additional issues from BPH I might now need to schedule a change during the day when visiting these parks. And with ABDL based disposables designs now giving better capacity, I might go with some disposable options now, and possibly pack a change in a large pocket or day pack as an easier option than cloth. Cloth needed proper handling. I believe all the bathrooms had waste bins I could have used to dispose of a disposable diaper -- maybe not too discreetly, but from my perspective no problem. I do have major issues at night, and the Disney property (as a family) we used included a washer and dryer. (Yes, my family knows i wear diapers.) Not all units have that. And as such I washed and dryed my diapers (and dirty clothes) there as needed. I did go out to a home depot at the start of the vacation to pick up a 5 gal. bucket to hold my diapers before wash. They didn't have a spare bucket available for my use. I left it there, but I doubt they would pass it on to another guest for their usage.As others have metioned guest services, every one of the five parks has a guest services building, which handles first aid, and I believe (but haven't used) resonalble changing areas that another has mentioned above. Contact guest services in advance if you need support or more info. They will be happy to provide information and support at the park. One of the resources includes maps of where the bathrooms are. As a (boarderline) diabetic, if you register as such, you will get support at pre-planned (registered) meals (such as lunch and dinner), including discussion of the best options at that restraunt, and maybe something "special", including (at times) a visit by the head chef to go through menu options prior to ordering or walking through a buffet line. Disney takes pride in making accomodations where they are needed. You just need to ask (and plan ahead). And back before they changed to the current system for timed entry to specific attractions, you could avoid at least some long lines by properly taking advantage of advanced signup for the timed entry for your group PRIOR to coming to the park. The earlier you buy your tickets, the better this option becomes. I haven't been since they redesigned their system so I don't know the current setup. You will need a Disney wrist band to take advanage of some things like this. The band also becomes the key to your hotel room. And the band I used on the first trip was still usable on my second trip - but are NOT transferable to another person. I do believe they keep photos on file (from the entrance security, and other ways they automate photos) that security I belive does use to verify the user such as when their finger print identification fails. As to quantity of people, check the park's online stats. Park capacity and usage numbers get posted and the park is well used a lot of the time, espeically in the summer. Off season / outside holidays the park may not be as packed. And some days entrance to a given park may be closed to new entries for part of the (later) day because they are at capacity. From memory, most of September (outside of holiday or end of summer) will probably be ok. End of summer (including Labor day) will likely be at or nearly at park capacity. Enjoy your time at the park.
  6. @ValentinesStuff: So could we call you Harry? Is that teddy bear in your profile picture an accurate description? (are you as harry as it?) <smile>
  7. I'm waiting for @Crinklz Kat to come back and say change "someone" to "something" and git a stuffie....
  8. I've known since childhood that of me and my siblings, I was the hardest to get potty trained. And in discussions with Mom once a medical issue hit, that I was still in diapers on my 4th birthday. I was out by my fifth birthday, but don't remember the process or timing.... The "baby book" which allowed parents to note development during the first 5 years of life, had a place for potty training under 2 years of age, which my parents left blank.
  9. And so far no one is commenting on what he is wearing at the end of the video as he walks out of the frame of the shot , and what you see includes below the waste.... You have to jump to near the bitter end....
  10. @Baby Toni38: I've had the Rezūm procedure shortly after it was assigned its procedure code (i.e. not long after it was an approved procedure - about two years after the initial experimental trials report was out). That procedure uses steam to kill off prostate tissue and then let the body absorb the dead tissue over the next three months. From the description of your procedure, they will remove material during the procedure. A catheter was left in for just under a week. The procedure only removes some of the prostate, basically around the urethra. I'm going to guess that your PSA numbers are elevated by the size of your prostate, but not really out of line for the size you have. My PSA numers are larger than "normal", but my Urologist says in line with the size of my prostate, and my free PSA numbers are relatively good for my conditions. Relax and have a good discussion with your doctor at the pre-surgery appointment. If I ever need a followup procedure done, what you are having appears to possibly be more appropriate to more fully handle the issue. Interesting....
  11. @Baby Toni38 Thanks for the note. This looks like a better procedure than the minimally evasive procedure I had a few years back. Looks like both of us have had the "fun" of dealing with early onset BPH. Best wishes.
  12. @diapijay: How is your washer / dryer in the RV working out for you?
  13. @~Brian~ Just don't ever accidentally install the stock alpine package with apt-get. You would destroy the binary files you moved into /usr/bin. Links instead of moving may have been a better choice in case of an accidental package installation of alpine....
  14. zzyzx


    Hope you enjoyed the eclipse....
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