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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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About zzyzx

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    Over 21

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Diaper Pro

Diaper Pro (5/7)



  1. I've enjoyed seeing shots of your plushie menagerie. Once I retire and move back towards family I've been considering picking some items up. Too bad some of the shops have gone out of business / no longer producing.... Last I looked Plush Life hadn't posted the delay from Feb. to March for ordering on their web site..... but also hadn't opened up the order page.
  2. @thegreenbeatle: Welcome. From you introductory comments, you may need to hear something a counselor told me that I wasn't expecting would have the impact it did: "Its not your fault." Keep that in mind as you consider the past. It might help if you have access to a counselor to utilize their services. Take care....
  3. If you would like to stop sucking your thumb without a replacement, I can recommend how my mom got me to stop occasionally sucking my thumb during early / mid elementary school. Go out and get clear fingernail polish. Apply it to the nails on your thumbs (and maybe also on each finger nail. Let it dry. The next time you suck your thumb you will have an aversion affect. <smile> I don't remember if it took only one application or a second round before I stopped.... Best wishes. If you want to keep sucking.... I think chewery has some options that would work for you. And I recommend the orthodontic size 6 pacifiers.... I prefer that over the Nuk Medic Pro (size 5). I believe these have helped shift how my tong rests so I'm not snoring like I used to....
  4. zzyzx


    @PurplePup89: A Charlotte's Web fan?
  5. @gothindiapers: If you are having trouble keeping it in all night, it may be a bit too big for you. For me, I've found the size 6 works. And I can tell that after a few months, the resting position of my tong has shifted and it isn't blocking the back of my through like it partially did when at rest.... So, I believe it has reduced snoring.
  6. @PeterLupus: My preference is the "t-shirt" or rompers in solid colors (mainly white) from Tykables. I also have white onesies from ABU. I'm currently prefering the white "t-shirt" onsies from Tykables over their "rompers". I find both of those have snaps that hold better than the ABU set (for my situation). All three just "look" like a normal white t-shirt when I'm wearing them, like under a dress shirt or polo shirt. The ABU neck cut is a bit lower / wider. Tykables neck cut is more what I like, I'll have to compare what I use to the price, etc. from your Sarah Ming Creations - www.sarahming.com recommendation, which I haven't used.
  7. The only time I've had any one make any comment (in public) toward me concerning my diapers was when I was in a camp ground laundry room folding my (recently) cleaned and dried (cloth) diapers when a lady walked in to start their family's laundry. She made a comment that what I was folding would make good towels, and I may some response like "yes, they could".... before the light dawned on her.... and nothing else was said.....
  8. @CuriousForPadding; You may also want to open a (private?) discussion up with @Enthusi about your situation. I believe he also broke earlier than "normal".
  9. @Little Sherri: In my opinion, it was low light, not the pacifier that was interfering with the facial recognition.
  10. @CuriousForPadding: The claim is it only takes three weeks to install a "habbit"..... If you don't try to change course now, I expect by the end of the month you will have significant trouble being dry at night.... Well, that is the question: Do you want control (back)? If not, be careful what you wish for, because I expect by the end of the month you will have lost what is needed to maintain (regular) dry nights. You might only be intermittent, since you have had some dry nights. And it sounds like you have some "better" sensation that I do, but not much, concerning "recognizing" you've triggered a mictrition cycle while sleeping. It is obvious that you are comfortable even when wet... If you want control, I strongly recommend taking some actions NOW. Counseling might help. Bed-wetting alarms might help. I don't know if you would be as comfortable as I am in a wet cloth diaper (i..e consider getting and using some cloth diapers, etc., which after initial investment, in my opinion is more economical in the long run). At this point it is your choice. But you may soon get past the point of no return on being reliably dry at night if that is what you want. A piece of me thinks that some of us are wired where we will eventually get in trouble in this way sooner or later. Assuming the gender assigned to you at birth was male: How are your PSA and Free PSA numbers? Have you had a digital rectal exam? I suspect based on your (listed) age, you might not understand or know about my questions. Some folks "have fun" from early onset BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). This can (typically?) reduce ones capacity to hold, which can then interfere with sleep.... And in your case, and how you have reacted so far, probably would indicate where you may have been headed a few decades from now. Best wishes... Ultimately, the choice (I believe at the moment) is yours. Not sure how much longer that window will be open.
  11. @deewet: Only suggestions I can make since you don't want to go the cloth diaper route, is to get a higher capacity disposable and/or add the better capacity doublers (sp?) that some of the ABLD manufactures have. However, with the doublers, you will need a disposable with tall leak guards. OK, maybe you need to find a better way to get a good fit with the disposable -- so that liquid gets directed back toward internal padding when you overwhelm the spot currently trying to absorb the onslaught -- if that is possible. For me, based on how the standard cut is for Gary PUL pants, compared with the old style VI Products / Comco vinyl plastic pants, if the diaper isn't able to absorb quick enough, I'd expect leaks, even if it has more capacity.
  12. @CuriousForPadding: Short term, that is good news. Just realize you are closer to the edge than the average person... And you probably should wear protection at night if you have been drinking.... Best wishes.
  13. @id0ntknow: If you had permission to wipe out the drive, you could have reset the disk contents. However a "regular" Windows based user might not know how. You got bit by old vs new boot methods If the drive had been wiped out prior to the (next) install attempt, it probably would have worked. For me, under Linux, wiping out such a drive (from root terminal window) is easy.... But you have to make sure you know WHICH drive you are wiping out, or you very easily get in trouble (wiping out a drive you didn't intend to). Best wishes.
  14. @id0ntknow: At about 8 months, if it wasn't used when you got it, I wouldn't expect the SSD to be the issue.... Best wishes on figuring out where the problem is.
  15. @id0ntknow: How old is the SSD you are using? Are you able to bring up SMART information for the drive? (How many writes have been made to the SSD drive?) I have had solid state media fail on me. Initially you start seeing hangs and errors as "sectors" can be written, or possibly read. In these cases, eventually, the media will become unusable. So if you have any files you want to save that are on the drive, I'd start by getting a new drive (maybe another SSD), use it with your windows install disk. After the system is up, hook up the old drive as a second drive and copy stuff off it that you want to retain. Best wishes.
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