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  1. Chapter 21: Sleepyhead “Wake up. Wake up.” After receiving a hard poke to my shoulder, my head jerked upright from where it had been resting in my arms on my desk. My heart was pounding. My eyes were as wide open as they could be. My eyes darted at first to the front of the classroom, but the teacher was too busy writing on the whiteboard to have noticed my brief attempt at a nap. After four nights in a row of being wakened by a wet pull-up and a wet bed, I was now running on fumes. This was the second time already today that I’d dozed off in class. Thankfully, Samantha and Desi had been quick to wake me before I got into trouble with any of our teachers. The clock said there were five minutes remaining in the class. I wasn’t sure I could make it. Being tired plays tricks on your mind. I swear that these wooden desks at the high school had been intentionally designed to keep students uncomfortable, but now the hard surface looked more inviting than any bed I’d ever slept in. All I wanted to do was rest my head on it. Just one moment. I wouldn’t close my eyes. I’d lift my head back up in a couple of seconds. As I lowered my head, I got another poke. This time, it was from Desi. She didn’t whisper anything to me, but the look of concern on her face told me enough. I forced myself to sit upright. The temptation to close my eyes for just a few brief seconds was so strong, but I knew that if I gave in, that could easily lead to me falling asleep again. How was I going to get through the rest of the day? I didn’t know what I was going to do if the bedwetting kept up like this. I’d never felt so tired in my life. I could handle it if I was walking around, standing, and doing stuff, but sitting at a desk with someone droning on and on about some boring subject was the perfect recipe for me to fall asleep. The past couple of nights had been so strange. I had hoped that Mom’s dislike of changing diapers would extend to her letting me change from a wet pull-up into a dry one, but the last two nights she had insisted on changing me herself. Awkward wasn’t close enough of a word to describe how uncomfortable that was, but I had been too tired to put up a fuss over it. Once I had replaced my sheets and had Mom change me into a dry pull-up, I was too awake to fall right back to sleep. I’d lost a couple hours of sleep each night just laying there in my bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn’t wait for fourth period to come to an end. Lunch was next, and If I ate my lunch fast enough, maybe that would give me enough time for a short nap in the cafeteria. The bell rung, and I wearily stepped out of my desk and went off to grab my lunchbox from my locker while Desi and Samantha got in line for a hot meal in the cafeteria. I didn’t get the peaceful lunch I had been hoping for. I’d barely been at the table I was saving for myself and my friends for a few minutes when Desi arrived with a mug on her tray. “This was for you, sleepyhead,” she said, setting a coffee mug in front of me. “I don’t like coffee.” “I don’t care. You need to drink it, or you’ll be sleeping through the rest of your classes.” I took a look down at the brown liquid in the mug. “It’s disgusting.” “Stop whining. I put like seven packets of sugar in there for you.” Loads of caffeine and sugar. What could possibly go wrong? I shoved the mug away from my side of the table. The risk of offending Desi was not nearly as bad as whatever havoc that drink would cause to my bladder. “Fine. I’ll drink it instead,” Desi said. She wasn’t one to let anything go to waste. I tried to stifle a yawn, but I wasn’t successful. I couldn’t wait until I got home. A nap sounded like such a good idea right now. I wished today was Friday and not Thursday. At this point, I felt like I needed a whole weekend to completely recover. “You really need to stop staying up so late playing video games,” Samantha said, as she arrived at the table. Despite my protestations, she was convinced that this was the cause of my tiredness. In truth, I hadn’t tried too hard to dissuade her of that opinion. It was much better for her to think video games were the cause of my lack of sleep than what was really happening. I hated lying to my friends, but telling Samantha about the bedwetting was off the table – not with how she was treating her younger brother – and I couldn’t get away with telling Desi without Samantha finding out. “Mom never lets me stay up late. I’ve just been waking up a lot. I don’t know why.” I wasn’t sure if they believed me, but I was sure that they wouldn’t guess what was preventing me from getting a good night’s worth of sleep. --- With cheerleading practice over, I sat in a bathroom stall in the locker room and removed a pull-up soaked with both sweat and pee. All the physical activity of the past hour-and-a-half had kept me awake, but now I was more exhausted than before. With the pull-up off, that meant I’d have to go without a pull-up for about fifteen minutes while I showered and dressed, but it kept my secret safe from being found out by my teammates. I would stop in another bathroom on my way out to instead put on one of the pull-ups Mom had given me so that I could trick her into thinking that I’d kept it dry all through the school day. I still hadn’t gotten used to showering at school. I didn’t care to show my body to other people. I did my best to focus straight ahead and only concentrate on washing myself. I knew I wasn’t the center of attention. Everyone else was minding their own businesses as well. But in the back of my mind it still felt as if everyone’s eyes were still secretly on me. Once I’d finished rinsing off all the soap, I turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist and chest, and walked back to my locker to get dressed. As I turned around the corner to the section where the cheerleading lockers were, Claire was standing next to my locker. My backpack was propped up on the bench, and it was clear that one of its sections had been unzipped. Claire was holding a couple of pull-ups in her hand. Her face held a triumphant, jubilant look as she smirked at me. “Aww, the baby returns. Look who still wears diapers.” Those were pull-ups, not diapers, but now wasn’t the time to argue that etymological distinction with her. A few of the upperclassmen – the girls Claire often hung out with outside of cheerleading -- snickered at Claire’s childish insult. This was so not good. I tried my best to keep a look of panic from forming on my face. How could Claire have known that the pull-ups were in the backpack? Wait, she must have seen them when she had taken my backpack earlier this week. “Catch,” Claire said, tossing one of the pull-ups at me. I caught it one handed since I was still using my other hand to hold up my towel. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the pull-ups that Claire had pulled from the backpack were only my sister’s ones and not the other nighttime ones. I could use that to my advantage. I rolled my eyes at Claire, trying to put on a show of being annoyed with her rather than showing how deathly embarrassed I was. “Really, Claire? My little sister is still potty training. I have her pull-ups because if I take her out somewhere, I have to have something to carry them in case I need to change her.” I was proud of myself for coming up with that alibi right on the spot. The calm delivery of it was spot on as well. I didn’t let up on Claire, who still had the other pull-up in her hand. From the look on her face, it was clear this confrontation hadn’t gone as she had planned. “I doubt even a twig like you could fit into them, though if you’re curious, I’d certainly let you borrow one to try.” That led to a cascade of laughter from the remaining girls in the room. I was skinny myself, but not nearly as much as Claire. Her face turned to an angry shade of red as she threw the pull-up onto the ground, shoved my backpack off the bench, and stormed away. Normally, I’d keep my towel draped over my back for as long as I could while I got dressed to give myself a little bit of privacy. This time, I set the towel on the bench so that it would be completely clear to any of the remaining girls that I was putting on a pair of panties. I knew what I needed to do. I should walk down the hallway to the coach’s office and tell her what Claire had just done. But that meant telling another person about the pull-ups in my backpack. That meant another chance that my lie might get exposed. As much as I wanted to get back at Claire, I couldn’t see tattling on her to Coach Addison as being worth the risk. I grabbed my backpack – I’d put my sister’s pull-ups back inside – and left the locker room, relieved that Claire’s latest attempt to bully me had been so easily thwarted. --- A large cardboard box was sitting right in front of the door when we arrived back home. Mom must have been doing some online shopping. “Sarah, grab that box and take it to my bedroom, please.” “OK.” The box looked to be way heavier than I could manage to lift, but when I bent down to pick it up, I realized that it didn’t weigh nearly as much as I had anticipated. As I lifted the box up, the way its weight shifted with a thump suggested that it contained a slightly smaller package inside it. I propped the box up against my body with one hand while I used the other to open the door. I didn’t put much thought as to what was in the box. Mom ordered a lot of stuff online, so it wasn’t uncommon to come back from school to see a package waiting for us on the doorstep. I set the box on her bed – I knew better than to open her packages – before returning to the entryway for another routine I had grown to hate. “OK, girls, mommy needs to make sure you’ve kept your pull-ups dry.” I stood silently next to my sister as Mom took my pants off and inspected the pull-up. The nighttime ones didn’t come with a wetness indicator, so Mom pulled the front of the pull-up forward so that she could look inside. Mom went through the same steps with my sister – Emilia’s pull-up was dry as well – before letting us get on our way. I didn’t have too much homework on my plate. My biggest assignment at the moment was the group project I was supposed to be doing with Lisa, but we hadn’t talked about it since we had been given that assignment on Tuesday. I filled a bowl with veggie chips – bland, but better than nothing – and sat down on the couch to munch on the snack while looking at my phone. Mom allowed me to take a little time to eat a healthy snack before getting started on homework. With my legs folded up to my chest, the pull-up was barely noticeable. Just three more days. Three more days of staying dry and I could put this whole potty-training charade behind me and focus on trying to figure out what was going wrong with my body. Since Mom was having me follow the same potty-training rules as Emilia, that at least assured me that the times I’d wet myself at night wouldn’t count against the seven days I had to stay dry during the day to go back to wearing panties. That didn’t mean I’d stop wearing pull-ups, but secretly wearing my sister’s pull-ups was so much better than having Mom parade me around in the nighttime ones. With thoughts of freedom in my mind, I let my eyes close for just a short second. That was a mistake. I woke up a short time later. Emilia was still watching the same TV show so it couldn’t have been too long, but the damage was already done. A small wet spot had formed at the crotch of the pull-up. It wasn’t a big accident by any means, but big or small didn’t make any difference when it comes to Mom. It wasn’t fair. I couldn’t help it since I had been asleep. The thought of having to go tell Mom about the accident filled me with dread. Just the thought of that humiliation was already making my cheeks burn. Emilia was too focused on the cartoon playing on the TV to turn around and notice the obviously wet pull-up. I turned my head toward the hallway. I could hear Mom preparing dinner in the kitchen. I left the empty bowl of chips on the book stand next to the couch. Mom would be unhappy with me for that, but if I carried the bowl into the kitchen to put it in the sink, there was no way Mom wouldn’t notice the wet pull-up. I got up from the couch and walked casually through the hallway. I tried to keep my body slightly angled away from the kitchen as I passed it, but Mom was too pre-occupied with cooking to turn and look my way. I shut the door behind me as soon as I got into my bedroom. I was in the clear. No one had noticed. I removed the wet pull-up and buried it as deep as I could in the diaper pail. Mom would have to deliberately go digging through it to find out that an extra pull-up had been thrown away. I retrieved another one of the nighttime pull-ups from the dresser. There were only about a dozen left, given how many I’d gone through already at night this week. I made sure to select one with the same design as the one that I’d tossed. I sat down at my desk with a sigh of both anguish and relief. Three days had never felt like such a long time before.
    3 points
  2. North Shore just released the new 2020 all white version of MegaMax diapers. As you may or may not know, last year their manufacture changed them and cheepend them up. So North Shore was sent a pack of the original ver (before the change) to bring to China to get their manufacture to bring back the old machines. It's the first time I've ever heard of a company reversing gears and bringing back a loved product. They put a LOT of effort into bringing this great diaper back! The 2020s are amazing - and identical. Back on topic. These diapers are about the best I've seen at holding in poop and even blow outs. The Comfy24/7 although were a great diaper, they were not able to keep the poop in when you squirm around on your butt. But the MegaMax 2020s did not leak poop. Also I had a huge blowout and did a lot of moving around on my butt and they held it in. Probably because of the large inner elastic guards. These diapers are my fav in every way. They are great quality. They hold a massive amount of pee also. But the ability to poop massive loads and not have them leak is what really impresses me. You could probably ride on the back of a bull in a poopy diaper with these. Hats off, great job North Shore.
    2 points
  3. ABOUT ME: hmmm where do i begin... I've been abdl my entire life.. i don't really know anything but the diaper life... i've been sneaking around being deviant with diapers for a long time.. I can remember mentally forcing myself to wear baby diapers overnight to see if I really liked wearing them, truthfully as a self punishment.. That's what my thought process was anyhow.. These happenings occurred infrequently, maybe a dozen times in a year... and not know why i was doing it at all.. I just figured there was something wrong with me.. and there is, I had three severe bouts of throat cancer ages 5,11,18, an abusive step father who never worked so my mom was always gone working so no protection there, moltested around 5 or 6, a broken home.. A father whom i'm VERY close with who was barely ever there when i lived with him bc he worked swing shift in a factory and had an alcoholic girlfriend who didn't give twelve shits about me... and a bunch of other things... anyhow it wasn't until the other day i was shopping and decided i would pick up some diapers, after using one i began to research psychologically why i do it... community of people who thought just like i did and then some.. so after researching the damage that can be dealt by repressing fetish's so i've run with it... I began wearing 4 days ago nonstop... and will for the rest of my life... i'm always looking for a mommy or a switch bc i'm def a little... hmu
    2 points
  4. Chapter 8 Mary sat on the couch, busily typing away at her laptop. Ethan stepped up from behind the couch, carrying two mugs of hot cocoa and setting one in front of her. “You wanted whipped cream, right?” She looked up at him, deadpan. “Do you even need to ask? Everyone wants whipped cream on hot cocoa.” “Okay, okay,” he chuckled, craning his neck to see her computer screen. “What are you working on?” She turned her computer away, smirking and shaking her head. “Hey, hey! I don’t get to peek at your notes, you don’t get to peek at mine.” Rolling his eyes, Ethan sat back on the couch, sipping his cocoa and flipping through channels on the TV. “Fine. How are you acclimating, by the way?” She glanced up from her computer screen, then paused to take a sip of her cocoa. “Are you fishing for information?” He shook his head, settling on a cooking show that could play in the background. “No, I just want to make sure you’re feeling okay. I know this was… kind of a big deal for you, I guess?” “Well, I’m adjusting fine,” Mary replied, tabbing open to a new screen. “Still kind of getting used to the whole… well, yeah. But I’m getting kind of desensitized to it.” “It’s been six days,” Ethan pointed out, glancing sidelong at her. “And I haven’t seen you make any real progress since that first set of experiments. It’s alright to admit I was right, you know.” Staring up from her laptop, Mary got a good look at her fiance’s wide smirk. “Asshole!” she said, kicking the side of his leg gently with her foot. He laughed, cheeks turning a little red. “I’m just saying, I haven’t even seen you try anything since that day I had to come home and take care of you. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think maybe you’d given up on ever using the toilet again.” Mary feigned outrage and shock, but she couldn’t hide her smile as she set her laptop aside and sat up. “Jerk! I’ll show you-” “I mean, I know it’s convenient,” Ethan said in a loud, patronizing tone, “But-” “Shut up!” Mary snickered. “You’re just happy because you think you’re winning!” Ethan laughed. “Well sure, I think it because it’s true. I told you this’d be impossible, baby. Did you think I was joking?” She rolled her eyes, taking her laptop and returning to her project. “We’ll see about that.” In truth… he had a point. She hadn’t been slacking the last four days, but she had been turning up nothing with her work. Even though she knew that the cover had to have some sort of wireless connection, she’d been completely incapable to figure out how to crack it. She had thought she’d be able to figure out an exploit there, but the security on the signal was incredibly tight. So tight, in fact, that she hadn’t even been able to definitively detect what kind of signal it was. So, without brute force or a wireless exploit being on the table, Mary had been at a dead end. She’d even taken a few other jobs that she could do from home, setting up some websites for a client. Mary wasn’t about to admit it to Ethan while he was high on power, though. Instead, she changed the topic. “What’s our netflix login again?” Ethan glanced over at her, but he didn’t seem suspicious. “My email address, and “Ethan!sgr8”. Why?” “Wanted to look up and see if a show was on there,” Mary explained, punching in the login info. If she’d lectured him on password security once, she’d done it a thousand times. It didn’t matter how strong a password was, if he used the same one for every single account, it wasn’t going to do him any good. So, she logged into the Lab-D employee portal, opened Ethan’s account, and began scrolling. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find any big, obvious files labeled “HOW TO GET OUT OF DIAPERS”. Even something more likely, like a schematic of the cover, was nowhere to be found. It seemed like those sorts of files weren’t stored on the employee portal, just a schedule, some payment and tax information, employee communication, and… “Bingo,” she said aloud. “What’s that, baby?” Ethan looked up, puzzled. “Oh, I found what the show was called,” Mary explained, coming up with a quick cover. “Had to look in our watch history.” He seemed puzzled by that, but didn’t push the issue, returning his attention to the show. Formulating a plan, Mary did her work, covered her tracks, and logged out. To be safe, she cleared the recent browser history, then finally set her laptop aside and took another long pull of her cocoa. Looking over at her, Ethan chuckled, pointing at his own lip. “You’ve got a little-” “A little what?” Mary asked. “Here, let me-” Scooting towards her, Ethan leaned in, kissing her upper lip. Smiling, he added, “Whipped cream.” Her gaze darting to the bedroom door, Mary asked, “How much more of that is there?” “Most of the can,” Ethan said. “Why?” “I was thinking there were some other places we could lick clean,” Mary purred, kissing him again. “Bedroom?” … Roughly twenty hours later, Mary stood in front of the Lab-D offices, praying in the quality of her disguise. Normally, she showed up at the office wearing makeup. Maybe not a lot, but a foundation and maybe some lip gloss, enough to be presentable. Today, she’d skipped that. Her hair was the same color and length, but she’d put it in a ponytail, and she was wearing a ballcap over her head. Regular glasses had been replaced with prescription sunglasses, and she’d skipped her preferred pants and practical shirt and instead gone with a nice, flowy dress. It’d cover her diaper better, and nobody would expect her to be wearing it. She’d gotten a new bag to take with her, in case anyone recognized her normal one. And, as a finishing touch, she’d wrapped a scarf over her collar. It was by no means perfect. Most of her friends would still recognize her easily. Ethan might not even realize she was disguised. To people she was only loosely acquainted with, though… it could work. Walking through the door, Mary strolled up to the front desk. It was someone she didn’t recognize working, handling the evening shift. “Can I help you?” She nodded, taking a folded paper from her bag. “I’ve got a work order to fix some router troubles.” They skimmed the paper, frowning. “You’re not with our IT crew?” “It’s a third party piece, I’ve worked on them before,” Mary said, making the lie as smooth and reasonable as possible. “And he needed it done right away.” “Hmm…” She tried to sound disinterested. “Look, if you block me from working on this, I’m billing for my time either way. Already got contracted.” The secretary shook her head. “No, I’m just trying to read those numbers at the bottom. Is that a four or a nine?” “Oh.” Mary felt a bit silly, but said, “A nine.” The secretary punched it in, read the request that Mary had filled out the day before, and nodded, passing Mary a visitor badge. “Alright. You’re good to go.” “Thanks,” Mary said, turning to walk towards the elevator. “Wait!” the secretary called. “Don’t you need directions?” “Uh… yeah.” Crap. I shouldn’t know where his office is. “Right, sorry. Not used to these big offices.” “Uh-huh.” They glanced back at their computer screen. “Alright, you’ll go up to the third floor, follow the wall on the left until you get to the end, then just look for his office number. That’s in your paperwork.” “Got it.” Mary nodded, waved her visitor badge in front of the elevator, and got in. So far, so good. The crinkling of her diaper hadn’t been noticed, and if she was waddling, that wasn’t visible either. She just had to get in and out. Stepping off the elevator, Mary looked around, but the coast was clear. Trying not to look like she was in a hurry, she walked towards her fiance’s office. A contractor in her position wouldn’t be in a rush, so she wouldn’t rush either. Fortunately, it was the evening shift. Not many people were around, and none of the few remaining were people she recognized. Stepping into the office, Mary shut the door, closed the blinds, and walked up to the desktop. Okay, babe. Just tell me you don’t have a special password here and I’ll be all set. … Thirty minutes and a lot of big file transfers later, Mary slipped out of the office, looking around surreptitiously. She just had to get out before anyone realized she was and she’d be golden. Scanning over the cubicles, Mary’s heart stopped. Ducking down, she leaned against a cubicle wall, whispering to herself. “What the hell is Katherine doing here?” The CEO should have been home hours ago, but when Mary peeked up again, she saw her, plain as day. The tall CEO was moving through the office, occasionally leaning in to say something to one employee or another. Shit. Shit, shit, shit- Mary took a deep breath. It was okay. She could just walk to the elevator. Nobody would think it was suspicious. Standing, she started to walk, keeping her eyes on Katherine. The CEO, through some cosmic stroke of bad luck, started walking towards the corridor on the same wall as the elevator. Sucking in a breath, Mary ducked into a walkway between cubicles, ducking low. The odds of Katherine coming down this specific pathway were… You have got to be kidding me. Katherine started walking her way, leaning over one cubicle wall to make a comment about the weekend to one of her employees. Seeing no good avenue of escape, Mary looked around for an empty cubicle, ducked inside, and scooted back so that she was beneath the desk. It was as safe as she could be. Almost totally out of sight, and Katherine wouldn’t be likely to look into an empty cubicle for no good reason. Her body being the fickle bastard that it was, though, decided that her spike of adrenaline and sudden fear meant she was in fight-or-flight mode. Without her greater motor control being able to kick in and do anything about it, her instincts decided it was best to void as much weight as possible. If she had been an animal running through the woods to avoid a predator, it might have helped. Instead, she could only try not to grunt softly as her diapers filled, permeating the space under the cubicle with a particularly foul smell. Please, no. Don’t notice, don’t- The sound of sensible heels moved past the cubicle, and Mary could just see the legs of Katherine’s tailored business suit move past her hiding spot. She hadn’t been noticed. Sighing in relief, Mary counted to ten, clambered out from under the desk while trying to avoid doing anything that’d agitate the contents of her diaper, and looked around. The coast was clear. Breathing a sigh of relief, she clutched her bag and speed walked towards the elevator. The coast was clear. She wasn’t looking forward to driving home in a messy diaper, but she could roll down the windows, and it’d be almost time for a diaper change when she got home anyways. Pressing the call button, Mary danced her weight from foot to foot. Come on, come on, just get here already… *Ding*. The doors opened and Mary stepped inside, hammering the ground floor button. “Close, close, come on, dammit-” “Hold the door!” Frantically, Mary pressed the door close button, praying that it’d shut in time. Finally, the doors began to shut, moving like glaciers, slow and implacable, until- A sensible heel moved between the doors, attached to a shapely leg, as Katherine caught the elevator. “Almost missed it!” she declared, as the doors opened for her. Stepping inside, she glanced at Mary, frowning. “Do I know you?” Mary shrugged, trying to sound gruff. “Just a contractor, ma’am.” “Hmm.” Katherine pushed the ground floor button, sniffing as the door shut. Please. Please don’t, just don’t- Her nose wrinkled, and Katherine looked down at Mary. “Hmm.” Just think that I farted. Don’t question it. Just- Reaching down, Katherine hitched up the back of Mary’s dress without warning, making her diaper plainly visible. “That’s what I thought.” “I-” Mary stammered. “That is-” “You thought you’d break in and steal some information about the cover?” Katherine suggested. “Well, I can’t blame you for trying.” “So… I can go?” Mary asked, hopefully. Katherine laughed, reaching towards the elevator buttons and pressing the emergency stop. “Oh, hell no. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.” The speaker in the elevator chimed. “What’s wrong?” Katherine spoke up clearly, so that the microphone could pick up her voice. “I’m going to need security to meet me at the ground floor, we’ve got a trespasser who needs to be dealt with.” … CLICK. The camera flashed, taking a clear photo of Mary for the security office’s records. They’d taken her scarf, her sunglasses, even her ballcap, and she’d had to take her hair down. At least she’d been allowed to put her normal glasses back on, but still - her collar was plainly visible, and she was completely recognizable. “Turn to the side,” the photographer said. Mary obeyed, blushing. She’d initially protested being detained by security, but when Katherine pointed out that she could always just call the cops and have them handle processing, Mary had conceded that maybe the office security would be better. CLICK. Another photo was taken of her from the side, alongside the whiteboard with her name, date of birth, and ‘TRESPASSING’ written in big, block letters. Katherine, who was standing by the way, frowned. “Hold it.” “What?” Mary demanded, exasperated. “Yeah, can we hurry this up? Room stinks,” the photographer complained. Mary flushed, as Katherine walked over. “Take another set of photos. I want it to be clear why she was trespassing.” Reaching down, she pulled up Mary’s sundress, showing off her sodden diaper. “Okay, now.” CLICK. “That all, ma’am?” the security photographer asked, stepping back and pinching his nose. “You’re done, Bill,” Katherine confirmed, dropping Mary’s dress. “I’ll handle her paperwork.” “What about me?” Mary asked, lowering the sign. “Can I go?” “No.” Katherine pointed to a chair. “You’ll wait there until I say you can go.” Fuming, Mary walked over and sat down. She didn’t even care that much that her diaper squelched beneath her, she was just watching the clock. Ethan was supposed to change her diaper in an hour. If she took a lyft home instead of riding the bus, it’d still be fifteen minutes or more, and if she missed the window to change, she would be stuck in her diaper until morning. “I’ll admit, I didn’t take you for wearing a dress,” Katherine said, sitting down at the security desk and going through Mary’s bag. “Yeah?” Mary grumbled. “What did you take me for?” “Something with pockets,” Katherine said, shrugging as she pulled the hard drive out of the bag. Plugging it in, she scanned the contents, ‘tsked’, and said, “Yeah, I’m just formatting this whole thing.” “Fair.” Mary tapped her foot on the floor. “What’s your phone password? I need to make sure you didn’t copy anything there, either,” Katherine said. “I didn’t,” Mary lied. Katherine simply looked at her deadpan. “What’s the password?” “My birthday,” Mary admitted. It was a bit embarrassing to admit such an obvious password, though in her defense she only used it for the phone lock screen. Katherine typed it in, then began going through files. To her credit, she didn’t look anywhere she didn’t have to - Mary’s text messages went undisturbed. After ten minutes, and some liberal deleting of information, Katherine said, “Here. Ethan’s worried about you.” Mary looked up in time to see Katherine toss her the phone. Checking the messages, she saw three texts and a voicemail. Ethan: Hey, when are you getting home? Ethan: Haven’t heard from you in a while. Getting nervous. Ethan: Are you okay? Please respond. Typing quickly, Mary just explained that she was fine, but being held up with a work thing. She didn’t want to go into much more detail, since that’d mean explaining what she’d been up to. Katherine was meticulously sorting the contents of Mary’s bag, searching for any more hard drives. There was nothing else in the bag, but she took her time anyways, minutes slipping by as she went through it. Finally, she was done, and she swept the various sundries into the bag without another thought. Thirty minutes had elapsed. To have a chance at a change, she’d have to leave soon. “Can I go now?” Mary asked, tapping her foot on the floor. “I-” “Give me some time... to think about it,” Katherine said, smirking. “I think… no.” Mary frowned, getting to her feet. “Why?” “Call it a vindictive streak,” Katherine said, grinning. “You broke into my office. Do you think I’d just let you leave without a little payback?” Mary felt herself go pale. “So… what are you saying?” “That you can take your smelly tush home in about half an hour,” Katherine explained, sitting back with a satisfied smile. “That’s not fair!” Mary almost stamped her foot, before realizing how petulant that would make her seem. “Are you fucking kidding me? That’s a total abuse of authority!” Katherine smiled back at her, relaxed in her office chair. After a moment’s consideration, she shook her head. “You’re right.” “So I can leave?” Mary asked, stepping forward to take her bag. “No. Sit back down.” Reaching for her pocket, Katherine pulled out her own cell phone, eyeing Mary. Realizing she had the choice to either comply or get into even more trouble, Mary sat back down with a squish. The phone rang twice, and Katherine spoke. “Yes, Ethan?” Mary blinked, looking up in surprise. “We’ve had a security breach at the office, and it’s looking like it was your fault. Yes, that’s right. I’m going to need you to be here bright and early at 6:30 to fix this.” Mary felt cold. 6:30? But that’s- “Yes, I’m aware that that’s before Mary will have her morning diaper change. I’m afraid I have to insist, though. This…” she looked at Mary, smirking. “Leak… was your fault. If she needs to change, she’s welcome to come to the office with you and use the facilities in the lab. Uh-huh. Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mary gaped, realizing that - at the bare minimum - she was now going to be denied a change until the next day at one in the afternoon. “Now that,” Katherine said, showing her teeth. “Is an abuse of power. Don’t you dare try to break into my office again, understand?” Anger burned hot in Mary’s emotions, but it was tempered, because she knew something Katherine didn’t. She could let the CEO have her little victory. Mary might be the one stuck in her diapers for most of a day, but Katherine was the one who had lost, all things considered. Mary’s dress did have pockets, and one of those pockets had a thumb drive inside. Humiliation notwithstanding, Mary had gotten what she came for. Shuffling uncomfortably, Mary decided to send Ethan another text. Mary: Remind me, how long will that cream work to prevent diaper rash? Consider checking out my Patreon if you want to support my work! I sincerely appreciate every one of my patrons, and it allows me to write more when I can cover my bills. You get two week early access, and other perks for subscribing! https://www.patreon.com/PeculiarChangeling
    2 points
  5. Scott is at his Aunt's house and in a very embarrassing situation. With no choice he is forced to do something he detests and then discovers just how serious his family is in enforcing his new position. --- This story has been available on my Patreon page for the last week and with a $5 a month pledge you can see all my updates a week before anyone else. For $10 a month you can get early access plus access to TWENTY-EIGHT EXCLUSIVE stories that only my patrons get to see. If you are interested please consider giving my Patreon page a look https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- For most of the rest of the day Scott hid away from everyone else as much as he could. He couldn’t get used to the nappy between his legs no matter how long it was there and as time went on he became increasingly in need of the bathroom. Samantha’s house only had one bathroom and as tempted as Scott was to try and get to it he was sure he would be seen and stopped. His mum wasn’t playing around about him using his padding. He reached down and absentmindedly rubbed the front of his shorts as he contemplated what seemed increasingly inevitable. Finally Scott could take no more of the desperation. He was hiding out in a spare bedroom towards the back of the house and made sure no one was coming. He could hear the rest of the family laughing and joking together and it seemed like everyone had forgotten he was there, a fact he was very thankful of. Scott couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He closed the door and stood behind it to stop it from opening in case anyone came. He stood up completely straight and tried to relax his body. No matter what he tried he just couldn’t get his body to relax. For someone who earlier in the day helplessly soiled themselves without being able to stop it he was confused as to why he couldn’t choose to pee when he wanted to. “Just do it…” Scott angrily commanded his body. It took several minutes and Scott tried several different positions before he finally made some progress. He stood in the centre of the room and imagined having a urinal right in front of him. He relaxed and managed to stop himself from tensing up, a spurt of pee shot into the nappy before Scott inadvertently clamped himself closed. He gradually relaxed again and now the urine flowed freely. Scott shuddered as he flooded his nappy. He was worried that it wouldn’t be able to take his full bladder but the padding was very resilient and absorbed everything he put into it. He was grudgingly impressed with the nappy’s capacity. “Scott!” Nick, Scott’s step-dad called up the stairs, “Come down for dinner!” “I’m not hungry!” Scott lied in response. “Come down before we have to come up and get you!” Nick called. Scott hit his face with his hand. He couldn’t even change his clothes into something a little more discreet because his bags were still downstairs. With a resigned bark of frustration Scott opened the door and started walking down the stairs. He could smell dinner and hear the chatter of his family long before he turned the corner to walk towards the dining room. When he walked in he saw everyone looking up and Elliot stifled a laugh. His reputation was already in tatters. Scott sat down at the table and despite the food looking delicious he felt very little appetite. Everyone started tucking in and Scott spent more time pushing his food around the plate than actually eating. After a little bit the talking at the table died down and he saw both his mum and aunt looking at each other as they sniffed the air. “It smells like someone has left a little present in their pants.” Stephanie said with a smile. Scott saw everyone’s heads turn to him and he felt a flash of frustration and anger. How could they think it was him when there was an actual baby at the table? Sure, he had had an accident in the car but that was a one off, not something he was going to do all the time. A dreadful thought then shot through his brain like a bolt of lightning. If he was going to be in nappies all the time he was certain to poop himself more! “It’s not me!” Scott could feel his face flushing red as he defended himself from the inquisitive looks. As Scott looked across the table he didn’t see his grandmother reaching around behind his chair. Margaret clearly wasn’t going to take the word of a baby as she casually slipped a hand to Scott’s ass and patted the padding. No doubt she felt the swelling from the wetting but that was all that had happened. “Hey!” Scott exclaimed as he pulled away from the searching hand. “He’s not poopy.” Margaret confirmed with her years of experience, “He’s definitely wet though.” Scott blushed at the accurate assessment and looked down at his food again. He could hear his younger brother laughing and he thought he was going to be sick. He was completely humiliated and he had to try and stop himself from crying. Just the knowledge that everyone else saw him as nothing more than a baby filled him with shame. He was on the same level as Huw now. Huw was indeed messy and he was taken up for a change shortly after dinner. Scott really wanted to get out of his wet nappy but he knew more nappies were waiting and he couldn’t bare the shame of asking for a nappy change from his own mother. A couple of hours after dinner Huw was clearly very tired and it was time for him to be put down for the night. Scott was sitting in the living room with the rest of the family just trying to blend in to the background when Deborah stood up with her youngest son. “Come on, Scott.” Deborah said when she reached the doorway. “What?” Scott asked in confusion. “It’s bed time. Come on.” Deborah waved for Scott to come over. “But it’s only nine o’clock!” Scott was aghast. “And that’s the bed time for babies.” Deborah continued, “Now come on, I need to change your nappy before bed.” Scott was mortified by this humiliation in front of his family. Elliot couldn’t stop laughing and even Nick had a smile on his face. Scott desperately wanted to resist but he didn’t want to be punished even worse or prolong the embarrassment. He stood up with his shoulders slumped forwards and waddled out of the room. He could feel the heavy weight of his wet padding pulling the nappy down between his legs. Scott took his mom’s hand and was led out of the room and up the stairs. Huw was being carried in Deborah’s other arm and he looked at Scott with curiosity, the baby was unused to having Scott come with him for his nightly change. Scott was led down to the end of the hallway and through one of the bedroom doors. To his shame it was set up as a room for a young child, his first fear was that he was going to be staying in there. “I’m not sleeping in the crib!” Scott quickly blurted out. “No, you’re not.” Deborah agreed, “As appropriate as it might be for you the crib is only big enough for Huw.” Scott breathed a sigh of relief at what was essentially a very small mercy. The changing table was against the wall and Huw was laid on it for his nappy change. Scott stood awkwardly to the side as he waited for his turn. He had rarely felt so low. Huw’s change didn’t take long and after it was done he was put down in the crib. Scott jumped up on to the table with help from his mum, her hand pressed against his soggy backside to lift him up on to the padded surface. As soon as he was down Deborah pulled his shorts down. “Hims baby like me!” Baby Huw called out from across the room when he saw his older brother’s wet nappy. Scott blushed so brightly he thought that if the light in the nursery was turned off he would still light it up with his red cheeks. As Deborah started pulling the tapes off her adult son’s nappy Scott decided it might be a good time to plead his case. “Can I go back to regular underwear?” Scott asked with a clear tone of desperation, “I’ve learnt my lesson. I promise I’ll be better.” “Sorry, Scott.” Deborah didn’t look sorry at all. In fact she looked excited at the new status quo, “This is already having a good effect on you. We need to reinforce that and make sure you stay good.” Scott didn’t press the issue. He knew that there was no way to win this argument and after the battering his pride had taken over the last twenty-four hours he didn’t feel like the confident man he had once been. The front of Scott’s nappy was lowered and a handful of baby wipes were grabbed. Scott jumped suddenly as he felt the cold wipes get pressed against his genitals. It was mortifying to be like this but at least it was better than earlier, he wasn’t messy so the clean-up was much faster. The old nappy was soon slid out and then replaced with a new one. The front of the padding went up and over Scott’s crotch and was tightly taped closed. “Wait right there.” Deborah instructed Scott once she had finished the change. Scott did as he was told but watched curiously as Deborah walked out of the room. From somewhere down the landing he could hear something big being moved and he wondered what was going on. He didn’t have to wait long to find out, his mum soon came back into the room and dragged a large fold out bed behind her. She opened it up in the middle of the room next to the crib and laid some pillows and sheets on it. “OK Scott, you’ll be staying here.” Deborah said. “I don’t want to stay in the nursery…” Scott whined as he sat up and swung his legs off the table. The crescendo of crinkles caused Huw to giggle again and the baby wriggled his hips to cause similar crinkles. “You don’t have a say.” Deborah harshly informed her son, “Now get down so I can give you your bottle and read a bedtime story.” Scott cringed. It felt like every time he thought things couldn’t get worse he was swiftly proven wrong. There was a time where he would’ve refused point blank to do what he was told and would’ve walked out but everything felt very different now. Scott dropped off the changing table and crawled into the low bed. The one advantage of this position was that he could use the covers to hide himself. His humiliating state of dress became null and void when covered up by the blanket. Maureen left the room for a couple of minutes and Scott laid on his back staring up at the ceiling. He could hear Huw playing in the crib a couple of feet away from him and struggled to come to terms with being in the nursery. It had been many, many years since he had had to share a room yet alone sharing one with someone only just becoming a toddler. Scott heard the door open when Maureen returned. She was carrying two bottles of milk and a small hardback children’s book. She gave one of the bottles to Huw and the other to Scott who wanted nothing to do with it. “I’m not leaving until you finish that.” Deborah informed Scott quietly. As Maureen started reading the absurd fairy tale Scott looked at the bottle he had been given. It was one of Huw’s. Knowing his baby brother had sucked on the bottle, perhaps even earlier that day, made the situation all the worse. He reluctantly lifted it up and turned it upside down. A drop of milk dripped down on to the embarrassed young man as he lowered the teat into his mouth. The latex passed his lips and rested on Scott’s tongue, he could see his mum looking at him out of the corner of her eye as if waiting for the moment he submitted to the childish feeding. Scott squeezed the soft tip of the bottle and felt a jet of milk shoot into his mouth. Despite his embarrassment he started sucking his drink down just like his baby brother in the crib. There was something very relaxing about being read to whilst drinking from a bottle and Scott found himself getting increasingly sleepy despite the relatively early hour. By the time Scott finished his milk he was ready to sleep and as he dropped the bottle off the side of his bed he rolled over to face away from the crib and try to get some sleep. He was unconscious before Maureen finished reading to Huw.
    2 points
  6. Chapter 17: Mom was right in her statements. It was so much nicer not having to dread or be afraid of the process that came with messing myself and if her choice of food would help keep it that way, then I would do my absolute best to eat and finish everything that she would put in front of me, even thou it seemed after having convinced me that the new food choice was much better for me, Mom went back to eating like she had done before. Where my food would see itself being blitzed for a few seconds in the blender Mom’s would be served and plated straight from the stove. Sometime I’m not even sure we were eating the same thing, as I would be sitting with a bowl of green or yellow mush, while Mom would be chewing away at a piece of chicken with veggies and rice. But it didn’t matter I told myself, this food would make it so that I would not fear having to go Poop in my diaper and Mom didn’t have to worry about that, “so why would we be eating the same thing?” At this point of time my bladder control had also seemed to have made its final exit. Often Mom would ask or simply check to see if I wet, more often than not finding me soggy or completely soaked with me having no recollection of wetting myself and often not even caring if I was wet or not. “I had been busy, I was distracting, right in the middle of something and it was only some small accident they didn’t really matter.” I kept thinking this to myself over and over again. On one hand I should be nervous or maybe a little worried that I had lost so much control, but on the other this was what the whole process was about and overall why should I care if I wet or not, it wasn’t my problem I knew Mom would always be right around the corner, ready to take care of every kind of accident. “So why should I worry?” My new diet made it so that I did not need to worry or be afraid of the struggle every time I had to mess my diaper, but it also made it more and more unpredictable when I would find myself messing myself and the longer I stayed on my new diet the more my stomach and bowels seemed to adapt, leaving me with a constant wet and runny stool that could explode into my diaper at any given time, with the just the slightest pressure. Sometimes I would find myself feeling a little bloated or just feel a slight pressure around my stomach area, thinking I would just need to pass gas I would apply the slightest pressure to my bowels and within seconds find myself in a diaper filled to the brim with a wet, slobbery and sticky mush turning the outside of the diaper brown and making it sag low beneath my hips. My new lack of bowel control wasn’t so much of a problem when at home, since Mom was around 99% of the time and always ready to jump into action and clean up whatever mess I had managed to get myself into. But outside the confine of our house it proved to be a different challenge as I was about to learn one late afternoon where Mom had brought me with her to the grocery store to do her shopping for that week. I was allowed to push the shopping cart around which Mom was throwing groceries into at rapid speed, while also housing my diaper bag at the bottom of the cart. Things were moving along fast as I tried to keep up with Mom while she was almost speed walking up and down the aisle, which proved to be a challenge as my rather soggy diaper was sagging deep between my legs, being only held up by my plastic pants and sweatpants on top. We made a turn down the milk and cheese aisle when I felt my bowels twisting for just a second, before a huge load unexpectedly made its arrival in the seat of my diaper, cramming it way up the back and between my thighs as I took another step before coming to a sudden halt. Mom felt me stop and turned to look back finding that I had turned completely pale and was half hunched over the handle of the cart. “Honey, what is it?” She started to approach me but stopped as soon as she came within smelling distant as her eyes opened wide. “Baby, did you?” I simply nodded in shame, before she could finish her question, already feeling a few tears starting to form in my eyes. “Oh, no, no, Baby. Don’t be upset, it’s okay.” She took a few more steps, putting her arms around me embracing me in a tight hug. “Don’t cry, Baby. It’s okay, we’ll take care of it, don’t worry.” She managed to calm me, before I flew into a full blown tantrum, taking me by the hand she looked around for a second, before spotting a guy in a red uniform and quickly approached dragging me and the cart behind her. “Oh, Oh, excuse me, sir.” He turned and greeted her with a smile. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but you don’t have a costumer bathroom around her do you?” He gave her a polite smile. “Of course, Mam. But it’s really only for disabled and famil-.” She stopped midsentence at I’m pretty sure the smell rapidly coming from my diaper hit his nostrils. “I’m aware, sir. But you see, we kind of have a small.” She nodded her head sideways towards me. “Emergency her.” His eyes shot open as she fought to compose himself, not fully believing his ears hearing this lady standing in front of him with a twenty something old and asking to use the family restroom for an emergency. He must have spotted the infantile decorated diaper bag in the cart and together with the stench penetrating the air, been able to put two and two together, because within seconds his point us across the store with a “Of course, Mam. Its right at the other side of aisle five.” “Thank you so much, Sir. Come on, honey.” She thanked him and dragged me along. As we made our way down the aisle, I quickly looked over my shoulder to see him staring in our direction, as I waddled behind Mom who had one hand on the cart and with the was holding me tight, as I toddled along my diaper sagging so low it started pulling down my sweatpants and I’m sure exposing the top of my plastic pants in the process. Luckily there wasn’t any line to the bathroom and we made our way inside making sure to lock the door behind us, Mom with the diaper bag across her shoulder. Inside we found a small room with a sink, handicap friendly toilet and a foldable changing station made for smaller children attached to the wall. Mom had a quick look around before producing a large, square piece of plastic from the diaper bag, which quickly revealed itself to be a changing mat decorated with little cartoon animals. I didn’t have time to ask where she got it from, nor did I really care because soon I was flat on my back staring into the ceiling with my pants around my ankles. She soon had my plastic pants down my ankles as well and in the process of un-taping and peeling of the diaper, before going through several whips doing her best to get me all clean. “Mom.” My voice was almost at a whisper. “Do you think. Do you think he knew?” She continued whipping me down, before reaching into the bag and producing a fresh diaper. “Well, honey. It was rather hard not to notice. You did make quiet a mess and even the most unexperienced of parents, would be able to spot the kind of diaper bum that you’ve been dragging around.” My eyes flew open, as I heard the last tape being put into place. “But don’t worry. It’s not like he cares and I’ve already found some solutions to hide your cute little diaper tushy, so soon you don’t have to worry about your diaper sagging to the floor.” She pulled my plastic pants back up before pinching my cheek and helping me back to my feet, pulling my pants back in place before getting up, disposing of the used diaper in the trash and proceed to put all her “tools” back in the diaper bag, before dragging me out the toilet. We did our last bit of shopping before heading for the exit, where low and behold the same guy was manning the register. I watched as he and Mom locked eyes and exchanged a friendly smile, as he started ringing everything in. “You’ve managed to solve your little emergency?” He chuckled. “Oh yes, thank you so much for your help. I’ve don’t know, what I would have done without you.” Mom ran her card through the machine and proceeded to pay. “No problem, Mam. I got a small boy at home, I’ve had my fair share of explosions. When they got to go, they got to go. “Mom finished packing everything up. “Aren’t that the truth.” She turned and started to head for the exit, with me following close behind as I looked up for a moment and caught eye contact with the guy behind the register. “Good luck, little buddy.” He grinned as we exited. The incident at the store proved to me, that control both bladder and bowel had hit an all-time low as a result of spending the last months confined in my diapers at all time and the change in diet had made my bowels moment unpredictable and almost on the verge of being uncontrollable. Having these kinds of accidents in public would be something that I would have to learn to put up with and get used to, because by this rate they would stare to happen a lot more frequent in the months to come.
    2 points
  7. Tommy from DPF....that guy was a genuine trailblazer !
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  8. 2 points
  9. I spit the pacifier from my mouth and whined ”Mommy these diapers are too thick, I don't even really need diapers.” Mommy just laughed and patted me on the head. ”OK Mr. Poopy Pants, we are going to keep them on just in case though, OK? Jen was very condicending in her tone, but there was not much I could do about it now. ”Besides your not suppose to be worrying about the potty right now, remember? And you are not suppose to be holding in your pee pees or poo poos either, so you really do need your diapers!” Mia said tilting her head in a disapproving manner. My diapers... That point really hit home. Mia was right, I wasn't supposed to worry about the potty, and I wasn't suppose to hold it in, that was Jen and I’s agreement... How did Mia know about that? ”Dont worry baby no one is around, so you don't have to worry about someone seeing you, and the extra thick diapers will be there when you need them, OK?” ”OK Mommy” I said slightly more cheerful. ”Besides you look super cute right now.” Mommy grinned. That made me feel a lot better. ”Come with me sweetheart” Anne said taking my hand as she lead me from the change room. ”Come take a look at my wall of babies.” Anne lead me across the shop to the other side of the room where there was a gallery of pictures on the wall. ”Any ”Special Visitors” that come to my shop with their mummies or daddies who are OK with having their picture taken are posted here on my wall.” Anne said as I stood in awe in front of the wall. There were over two hundred pictures of boys and girls with there caregivers posted on Anne’s wall. ”Maybe when your mummy and Mia are all done loading the order into the car, you can all have your picture taken and we can add you all to the wall as well. Would you like that?” I looked at Anne and then back at the wall. All of these people looked so happy. Many of them were with multiple caregivers and most were obviously diapered. It was obvious because many were not wearing anything or very little over their diapers at all. I looked back at Anne and nodded. ”I would like that.” I said sheepishly. Jen came up behind me and hugged me. ”Mia is going to put our order in the car. Are you hungry baby?” my stomach growled as if on cue. ”Anne is there somewhere I could feed him?” Jen inquired. ”Oh sure honey, the couch right along the wall over there gets used all the time. ”Thanks Anne we really appreciate it. Come on Baby I know your hungry, let's get you fed.” Anne released me from her embrace and lead me by the hand to the couch. Not only did I notice how much I was waddling in my new diaper, I could hear an audible crinkle coming from the diaper and the swishing of the plastic pants. Jen sat down on the far end of the couch and pulled me into her lap. ”Who’s my hungry little baby?” Jen said as she bopped me on the nose. Jen unbuttoned her white blouse and released the clasp on the right breast of her nursing bra. With her right hand she craddled my head into her breast and guided me to her nipple. I began nursing immediately as Jen moved her left hand to my crotch and slide it inside of the snaps to rest of top of my diaper. I tensed slightly. ”shhhhhh just relax and let go baby” Jen’s embrace felt so nice and her touch was soo loving. I relaxed completely and began to wet my diaper slowly. The pee seeped out of me as I drew Jen’s milk in. ”Good boy... Let it all out.” Jen said as she removed her hand from my diaper and began to stroke my hair. I wasn't trying to pee, I wasn't holding back, I was just peeing .... and it was amazing. ”Good baby.” Anne continued to stroke my hair as the front of my diaper grew warm and wet. Jen unclasped her left breast and gently moved me over. I continued to suckle as I dozed slightly. I finished up and Jen moved me onto the couch and covered me with a blanket that was draped over the back. Just rest here baby and I'll come get you when we are ready to go.
    2 points
  10. So, I've tried dark and trippy I've tried science fictiony reality warping And I've tried whatever the hell this is I've reached the point where I'm just doing a shameless, totally unrealistic fap fantasy because why not. Let me know what you think! Tick. Tock. By: The Unknown Author Tick I’m fairly certain the clock is mocking me. Tock Its expressionless face watches intently, withholding the sound I want, or need, rather, to hear. Tick With my back to the clock, seated on the tiny stool in the corner, the “Naughty Stool” was its name, and it was a bitch to sit on for more than a minute, let alone the hour I had been sentenced. Tock Punishing as it was, it served its purpose, all I could do was sit here and think about what had put me here. Tick I remembered watching my kids on this very stool as they grew up, feeling pride in my abilities as a parent that they were being taught a lesson, that my punishment would correct their behavior and ensure they’d grow into well adjusted and responsible adults. Tock Four children had sat on this stool before me. My oldest now off at college, the twins blossoming into lovely young women looking forward to the end of their time in high school next month, and my youngest, the one we’d accidentally made after too much wine and celebration at my husband’s birthday party would be a teenager sooner than I cared to believe. Tick Four daughters worth of parenting under my belt and here I sit at the bottom of the totem pole, my role as responsible adult a distant memory. Tock I didn’t have to wonder about where I’d gone wrong, that was obvious, but I did wonder why I’d put up so little resistance to all of this, was being submissive to my husband sexually so deeply ingrained in me that it overrode my very personality? Tick When we’d met in college he was up front and open about his kinks and desires, making me aware of his fondness for submissiveness from his female companions. I’d listened to him and blushingly confessed my own desires to be treated like a little girl, to be loved and cared for in gentle and compassionate ways but also to be stripped of my adulthood and made to be less than what I actually was in the bedroom. Tock The first time he played Daddy in bed I cried as he held me and stroked my hair. Not having a pacifier to quiet me, he gently inserted my thumb into my mouth, when the sight of me sucking my thumb for him brought the blood to his manhood, that replaced my thumb and my first experience giving head became the foundation for our sexual relationship. Tick After college we got married and moved into our house, a whole place just for us that we could let our imaginations run wild in when our lust bloomed, which it did quite often. The first night in our new home, he gave me a bath and carried me to the bedroom wrapped up in a towel, an adorable Barbie towel he’d bought for me the previous Summer. That was the night he’d introduced diapers into our play time, drying me off lovingly and putting my hair into pigtails before laying me down and asking me if I was interested in trying something new. Tock The “diaper” he put on me wasn’t exciting in the least, it was thin and bland, designed for discretion and functionality more than anything else. Having spent my teenage years babysitting, I knew that this ugly thing I’d let him pull up my legs wasn’t a diaper any more than I was a baby for agreeing to wear it, which made the whole thing kind of a letdown for me if I’m being honest. I wanted to feel little, to feel like my Daddy was taking care of me and doing the responsible thing and putting me back in diapers because I was too little to be trusted not to have accidents, but all I felt was silly and awkward. Tick That first time wasn’t great. I’d slipped into my role of baby just as he’d done with his role of Daddy, but when I wet the diaper while he held and rocked me, it had leaked all over both of us and destroyed what little magic was attained that night. Taking the initiative, I set to work ordering real diapers for myself as well as a few cute outfits to add flavor to the fantasy, surprising him a few weeks later when he came home to find me in our bedroom on the floor in my new, very cute and very thick diapers and a little play dress that barely reached the top of said diapers. Tock That was the night we made Lily, our oldest. He was so surprised and pleased with my purchases that his pants nearly split trying to contain his massive erection. When the time came to change my wet diaper he took me and we shared in what can only be described as the single most passionate and satisfying sex either of us had ever had, and we went to sleep that night with me in a fresh diaper cuddled up in his embrace as I contentedly suckled my new pacifier. Tick When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified to tell him, sure that he would be against having a baby that would put an end to our play, or maybe that was my fear and I just didn’t want to admit it, either way, when I told him he was elated and we began the task of preparing for our new bundle of joy. When we started the nursery we made a game of having me play baby to test everything out as we got it set up, diaper changes on the changing table, toys to play with on the floor, he even put me in the crib a few times to look down on me and smile as he reassured me that he could have two babies and not let either one feel more or less loved by their Daddy. As I got bigger, my time as baby came less and less often, and I would sit in the nursery and look at the wall where he’d painted “Alexis’s Nursery” on the wall for me to give me a feeling that all of this was really for me, and I’d cry, but never tell him that I’d done it. Tock When Lily came it was the happiest day of both our lives, our family grew and our bond as husband and wife strengthened as we gained the titles of mother and father. He started out trying to keep things between us the way they had been, changing me the same time he changed Lily, feeding me a bottle as Lily nursed from my breasts, but it didn’t have the same feel as before. Sure, having my diaper changed alongside my infant daughter flipped my switches, but I felt guilty for wanting to be a baby when I was required to be a responsible mother, and my interest in being a baby for him diminished until it faded entirely by the time we were preparing for Lily’s first birthday. Tick As Lily grew up and became more independent, both mine and Daddy’s desires built back up, our former playtime resuming when Lily started preschool. He drove when we dropped Lily off that first day, and when we got back to the car he gently but firmly insisted I sit in the carseat like a good girl or else Daddy would have to punish his baby girl. When he talked to me that way it always made my nipples stiffen and my panties damp, my desire to drop to my knees and suck him off in the parking lot where any soccer mom could see filled my mind as I obeyed and squeezed myself into the carseat, pouting at the fact that I couldn’t properly sit in it, the three point harness locked between my thighs pressing against my sex as I thought of all the things Daddy was going to do to me when we got back home. Tock He surprised me with the reveal that he’d turned his office into a little nursery space for me, cleaning everything up and making it a private space for me to play and enjoy the things that Lily had outgrown as well as a crib and changing table of my very own. I blushed when he saw it for the first time, the knowledge that my little side was more of a baby than our preschool aged daughter drove me wild, a fact I made him aware of four times that afternoon in various positions all over my nursery. Tick Lily caught me when she was six, the nursery door left unlocked one weekend afternoon while she was supposed to be napping, the time when I would slip into my nursery and play with my toys in my diapers and baby clothes to recharge my batteries until Daddy got home and properly satisfied me once Lily was down for the night. I will tell you this, I was thankful for the diaper I had on, because being in my safe and quiet nursery, engrossed in playing quietly on the floor in a diaper and t-shirt with my hair done up in pigtails and pacifier in my mouth only for my ninja silent daughter to suddenly appear behind me and giggle before declaring that I was a baby made me actually piss myself in shock. Tock We sat Lily down and Daddy explained that I was just playing house, like she used to play, but since I had no one to play with because Daddy was at work, I was just playing baby alone. I couldn’t have been more embarrassed at having to sit there listening to him explain to our daughter that I was playing baby, and then sit on the bed later that night and listen to him lecture me about not locking the nursery door when I was playing and also playing without his supervision. She never made mention of it, but I’m sure she must have heard me being spanked that night. Tick When the twins were born I slipped further into the role of baby, the birth of two babies weakening my bladder muscles to the point that some form of protection was required at all times to guard against the leaks I experienced when laughing or sneezing or even just having a sudden accident without warning. Lily was a tremendous help with Hannah and Grace, stepping in to change diapers and feed one of the babies while I or Daddy handled the other. Lily had never brought up my playing baby since she stumbled upon me that one and only time, but she casually suggested I go play while she took care of the babies one afternoon, and we both knew what she meant. Daddy agreed that Lily was right and would be more than capable of watching her sisters for a little bit while I went and played, and the shame of being told by my eight year old daughter to go play baby, reinforced by Daddy’s agreement, as well as my noticing that my daytime protection was in need of changing was too much humiliation for me to handle and I scurried off to my nursery several shades of red darker. Tock As the girls got older, Lily took more of a maternal role around the house, caring for her sisters and surprising us by making dinners and preparing lunches, and my feelings of being a less than effective parent began to rise. Daddy would tease me by saying that I could let Lily step into the role of Mommy and focus on being his baby in a more permanent capacity. I knew he was joking, but it still stung, and my emotions boiled over one day when Lily took the initiative to get the twins down for their nap without involving me in her decision and I sent her to the very stool I found myself on now. When Daddy came home he was very unhappy with me, and made me apologize to Lily as if I were her peer rather than her guardian. When I refused, he arranged for the girls to stay the night with my mother and put me in my proper place with a series of spankings and a night in a messy diaper. Tick By the time the twins were in school, the dynamic of our family unit had already begun to shift into what it is today. Lily was the responsible, maternal young lady of the house, balancing her school and social life while also taking care of things around the house, her sisters looking up to her and obeying her commands more often than they did my own. I’d regularly send them to the naughty stool for disobeying me, only to have Lily undermine my authority the instant she discovered them in the corner. When I reminded her that I was her mother and that she needed to obey me, she smirked at me knowingly and mused that I must need a nap because of how cranky I was acting. The one and only time I ever spanked our children happened that day, though it wasn’t nearly as effective as I’d imagined it would be given my lack of experience as a disciplinarian. Lily didn’t cry or beg me to stop, she merely let me do what I set out to do and asked me if I was finished and if I felt better as she got off my lap and pulled her pants back up. Tock I hid in my nursery until Daddy came home, knowing he would side with Lily and show me what a real spanking looked like, I just prayed he wouldn’t do it in front of the girls and remove whatever sense of authority I still felt I had in the house. When he came home I heard Lily telling him what I’d done, the whole thing sounding like a babysitter explaining to a returning parent that their brat of a child had misbehaved and needed to be dealt with properly. I wished I’d gone to our bedroom instead of the nursery, being surrounded by the trappings of my secret life made me feel safe and secure but also cast a harsh light on what I truly was at heart, a big baby in need of Daddy’s firm hand. Tick He never came into the nursery that night, he talked with Lily for a long while, the smell of her cooking coming in to where I sat in my sodden diaper making my stomach growl with hunger. I texted him to ask him if he was mad at me, and he didn’t respond. I changed myself into a dry diaper and grabbed a bottle of juice and a jar of baby food from the small fridge we’d placed in the nursery and fed myself and got myself ready for bed, sullenly sucking my pacifier as I lay in my crib listening to Daddy and the girls laughing and watching television. When the house was finally quiet, the girls tucked in for the night and him in our bedroom, I texted him again to ask if he was mad at me, and he replied with four simple words that shattered my world, “Go to sleep, baby.”. Tock Lily’s smiling face greeted me as I woke up the next morning in my crib, my overnight diaper swollen and discolored from my shameful bed wetting habit that had only gotten worse over the years. I scrambled to cover myself, demanding to know how she’d gotten in, knowing I’d locked the door when I’d come in there the day before. She held up a small key, a mirror to the one that I had, the one that was still on the small table by the door, and I knew before she even said it that Daddy had given it to her. She told me that Daddy had asked her to check on me because he’d been called away on business for the week and needed to leave first thing in the morning. I felt betrayed and belittled and abandoned in addition to hopelessly humiliated as my daughter lowered the side of my crib and commented on how wet my diaper was after giving the swollen core of it a few teasing prods. Tick Having your teenage daughter, at the behest of your husband, enter your safe space, your fortress of fetish solitude and establish herself as an authority figure akin to a babysitter is emotionally devastating to say the least. Reeling from everything that was happening and struggling to deal with my emotions, I cried as she stood there watching me. I didn’t cry like I’d had a bad day at work or like I’d hurt myself, I bawled like the overgrown infant I was dressed as, the kind of ugly crying that taps into a primal place within that is raw emotion devoid of thought and concern for anyone that may be present’s perception of you. I had an emotional meltdown in front of my teenage daughter, and she did what a good mother would do, she gave me my pacifier and hugged me until I calmed down. Tock Lily agreed to let me change myself and left me to do so, reminding me to get dressed before I came downstairs for breakfast. The insinuation that I would somehow forget to get dressed or worse that I was too much of a baby to do so without a reminder brought fresh tears of shame, but I did as I was told and joined my daughters in the kitchen for breakfast. Hannah and Grace giggled at my pigtails when I entered the kitchen, making me wonder whether they also knew what was going on or if they were just giggling because I had pigtails. Lily shook her head and smirked as if she knew I’d mess up the simple task she’d given me and calmly told her sisters to quiet down, which they immediately did. Sitting there at the breakfast table watching Lily bustle around the kitchen as she expertly prepared breakfast made me feel so small and inadequate as the twins whispered and giggled across from me, making me paranoid that I’d forgotten something else that I wasn’t aware of yet. Tick As Hannah and Grace ate their breakfast, I sat staring at my own plate and then at Lily as she took a bite of her eggs and smiled at me, urging me to eat before it got cold. I blushed as I realized I’d been marveling at how much of a woman she was, even at fifteen, she was far more buxom than I was at her age, and dangerously close to outpacing me even at my current age. I quietly ate my breakfast, mumbling a goodbye to the twins as they dutifully cleared their plates and hurried out the door for school, my rush causing a partial mouthful of eggs to tumble from my mouth onto the table where I blushed hotly as Lily chastised me and cleaned up my mess. Tock Lily left for school a short time later, handing me a list of chores to do while she was gone. Nothing on the list was major or even difficult, but the feeling of being told to do chores by my teenage daughter made me grit my teeth and silently nod, my anger threatening to boil over when she kissed my forehead and told me to “be a good girl” while she was gone. Once the door closed behind her I was on the phone to Daddy, leaving him a very angry voicemail message when he failed to answer my call. Seven more calls were made that day, each one progressively more whiny and bratty until the final one, the one I made after finishing the last of my chores where I begged him to call me back and sobbingly apologized for everything that had happened, promising to be a good girl from then on so long as he just talked to me. Tick When Lily got home from school she made me aware that the twins were staying over at a friend’s house and she and I would have the house to ourselves. I’d calmed down since my last call to Daddy, and was actually a little relieved to have some time alone with her, hopeful that we could talk and straighten things out between us. Those hopes were dashed away when her phone began to ring and she answered it with “Hi, Daddy!”. Tock She listened to him for a moment and then accepted his video call request and set her phone down on the table so he could see both of us and we could see him, and the look on his face sent a cold chill down my spine and right into my diaper, Daddy was very angry with me and nothing he had to say to both Lily and I at once could be good for me. He explained that he’d be back home a week from then, and asked Lily to watch over things while he was gone to which she dutifully agreed. He looked to me and sighed before explaining that Lily was in charge and if he got a bad report from her when he returned I’d be in big trouble. Tick When the call with Daddy ended we sat in silence for a long while before Lily turned on the couch to face me and finally spoke to ask me how she should take care of me. I was still in such shock at the news that I’d been placed under the care of my own daughter that I sat silently, unable to even form a coherent thought. She pressed on with her line of questioning, asking about diapers and how often I needed to be changed, what my schedule was for naps and feedings, she kept on going, question after question until I finally snapped and shouted at her to shut up and leave me alone. Tock Any notion I had about there being a mistake on Daddy’s part for putting Lily in charge evaporated when she pulled me across her lap and yanked down my pants and pullup diaper to administer a spanking that rivaled the one’s Daddy gave for attitude adjusting. Within moments I was sobbing and begging her to stop, when she didn’t I flailed and thrashed futilely on her lap until she’d finished and stood me up beside her, my pants and pullup diaper around my ankles as I blubbered and bawled, the sting of her spanking radiating across my entire ass. Tick She commanded me to suck my thumb to quiet myself, and I did so without hesitation, watching as she rose to her feet and took my other hand to lead me to my nursery, my gait awkward and clumsy, not unlike a toddler, as I tried to walk with my pants and pullup around my ankles. She unlocked the door to my nursery and led me inside, guiding me to the corner where she had me face the wall as she took pictures of my red bottom which she sent on to Daddy to show him that she was well and truly in control. She held her phone up for me to see when it chirped to signal his reply, instructions for her that I was to be sent to bed immediately, and instructions for me to have Lily give me one of the punishment bottles from the fridge before bed. Tock We both obeyed Daddy that night, Lily getting me into one of my overnight diapers and my jammies, the shame of that alone enough to leave me almost catatonic, but then I had to show her where the punishment bottles were, banishing the thought of lying and taking a regular bottle instead, and nursing it sullenly as she pulled up the side of the crib and turned on the mobile and nightlight before locking me in for the night. She probably guessed what the punishment bottle would do, but I knew, and the idea of having my daughter change my messy diaper in the morning was too much for me to handle and I quickly finished the bottle and cried myself to sleep as the cramps in my stomach began to build. Tick After Daddy came back home Lily maintained her alpha status in the house, becoming more active in the raising of her sisters and ensuring that I never forgot that she could reenact the spanking she’d given me whenever she felt like it. Daddy made it clear when he came home that my behavior was completely unacceptable, and made me not only thank Lily for taking care of me, but also apologize to her for being a brat, cementing my role as her lesser for the rest of the time she lived with us. Tock Hannah and Grace picked up on the shift of power in the house pretty quickly, and went to Lily for everything they should’ve come to me for, permission slip signing, help with homework, even talking about boys went through her first and was brought to me almost as an afterthought if the whim struck Lily. My wetting started to get worse, my continence diminishing almost to the point of nonexistence requiring actual diapers during the day rather than the more discreet pullups I’d grown accustomed to. Daddy reassured me that it would be okay, that no one would make fun of me, making me sound like the baby I was gradually becoming rather than the grown woman I was. Tick When Lily got her driver’s license I lost the last vestige of independence I had. She insisted that she drive whenever we needed to go out, and if we were alone together she’d make comments about getting me a carseat as she looked at me in the rearview mirror. If the rest of the family was in the car I’d be between Hannah and Grace in the back, ignored as they chatted about things together and Lily and Daddy talked in the front seat. It was on one of these family drives that my emotions boiled over, Hannah and Grace started a game of tag and I kept asking them to stop and they ignored me and as they began to get more rapid in their attempts to tag each other I got slapped across the face by accident and launched into a tirade that seemed perfectly acceptable to me, but was deemed a tantrum by Lily and Daddy. Tock Lily had pulled the car over and Daddy had turned in his seat to look at me with his stern gaze. Lily put her hand on his shoulder and told him the time, positing that I was cranky because it was past my bedtime. Hannah and Grace giggled wildly as Lily asked one of them to grab a bottle from the diaper bag behind their seat and give it to me, which Hannah did eagerly. As the car pulled back onto the road I closed my eyes and nursed my bottle trying to block out the sounds of my younger daughters giggling and being thankful that Lily told them to stop teasing me. The combination of the drive and the bottle put me to sleep pretty quickly, and when I woke up Lily was unbuckling my seatbelt for me and pushing my pacifier into my mouth as she helped me out of the car, slinging the diaper bag over her shoulder as she closed the door and booped the alarm and took my hand to lead me into the house behind Daddy and the twins. Tick Lily insisted I say goodnight to everyone before she put me to bed, and I sleepily complied, my speech garbled by the pacifier, hugging Hannah and Grace first and then Daddy before Lily took my hand again and led me to the nursery. Slipping in and out of sleep, I vaguely remember her changing me and getting me into my jammies and then there’s a foggy memory of Daddy and the twins looking into the crib at me, but I honestly didn’t know if it was real or just a dream. The confirmation of the realness of it became apparent the following morning when Lily put on a clinic for Hannah and Grace on how to change a diaper, silencing my whines and protests with a pacifier and the threat of a spanking as she carried out the task at hand in excruciating detail, leaving me exposed and humiliated for nearly a half hour until I began to pee without warning onto the waiting diaper beneath me which Lily quickly pulled up in time to avoid a mess as I mewled helplessly and suckled my only source of peace. Tock A family meeting later that day confirmed that I was indeed the baby of the family now, seated on Lily’s lap in a pastel purple babydoll dress that Hannah and Grace had picked out for me, my normal daytime diaper replaced with one of the thicker and more infantile patterned overnight diapers, almost totally on display beneath the short hem of the dress, the sounds of my diaper crinkling as Lily softly bounced me while I suckled my pacifier listening as Daddy asked who the head of the house was, to which everyone answered that he was. He then asked who the second in command was, to which Hannah and Grace immediately answered Lily while I simply pointed at myself causing everyone to have a good chuckle and for Lily to kiss the top of my head. Finally, Daddy asked who the least powerful person in the house was, which brought a unanimous chorus of my name from my daughters. Tick By the time the party that conceived our fourth daughter came around I wasn’t sure that Daddy and I were still married or if I’d just dreamed that life. My routine at that point consisted of little more than feedings, diaper changes, playtime, baths, naps and bedtime, most carried out by Lily or Daddy, but the twins occasionally handled one or more of those things when “the grownups” were busy. My need to wear diapers at that point kept Daddy from having actual sex with me, opting instead to bring me to climax in my diaper with rubbing or allowing me to hump his thigh as I sat on his lap. He’d let me blow him, of course, but it was turned into less of a sex thing and more of a power thing with him instructing me on how I should suck his cock like I was too simple to do something with a dick that I spent most of the day doing with a pacifier or bottle at that point. Tock The party was a demonstration on how far I’d fallen from the role of an adult, the small amount of wine I’d been allowed to have made me so drunk that I ditched my shoes at some point and stumbled into the kitchen where I squatted down and filled my diaper before continuing to stumble around sucking my thumb and calling out “Mommy” as I looked for Lily to change me. Hannah had recorded the event on her phone for posterity, and Lily apologized to our guests as she led me off to the nursery for a much needed diaper change and an early bedtime. I woke up some time later to Daddy thrusting himself into me, finishing just as I started to wake up and clear my head enough to try and be sexy for him only for him fix my diaper and put my pacifier back into my mouth before he left the room. Tick Daddy had gotten a stroller custom made for me the Summer before, as well as a proper carseat which sat directly between Hannah and Grace’s spots in the backseat making family outings much more degrading for me. With the twins growing like weeds, I was now the smallest person in the family by at least a full foot and found that Lily was now able to carry me without much trouble for short distances like to and from the car. The notion that I had ever been the mother of these girls began to fade a little bit every day, slips of calling Lily “Mommy” becoming more and more common, first when I was overly tired, but gradually happening more and more during my waking hours. I started to see the twins as my big sisters, thanking them without prompting from Lily or Daddy when they played with me or gave me a bottle or pacifier. Over time I stopped being ashamed of the fact that the outfits Lily picked out for me often allowed my diapers to peek out beneath hems of dresses or bulge considerably beneath shortalls, the snaps at the crotch straining to contain what regularly became overnight diapers given my total lack of bladder control at that point. I was a baby, and my family loved and cared for me, and so long as I had a clean and dry diaper and a full tummy, I was happy. Tock I was about five months pregnant when Daddy and Lily announced that we’d be taking a trip to Disney World as a last family togetherness thing before the baby came and Lily graduated and went away to college. Still in my pajamas, I sleepily clung to Lily as she carried me out to the car and buckled me into my carseat before swapping my pacifier for a bottle of warm milk to lull me back to sleep, working like a charm as my eyes drooped and sleep overtook me before the car was even finished being loaded. I woke up some time later and giggled as everyone greeted me, Hannah giving me a bottle of juice which she held for me as she softly stroked my hair. I had no idea how long I’d been asleep or how far we’d driven, and I didn’t really need to know, Daddy knew what he was doing and would get us to Disney World before I knew it. Tick At the next rest area we stopped for everyone to stretch their legs and for Lily to get me changed out of my pajamas and soaked diaper and into something appropriate for the day. She talked to me as she undressed me, not expecting me to talk back, and made quick work of changing my diaper on the backseat before pulling a shirt over my head and guiding my arms into the proper holes. She asked me if I knew what my shirt said, and my upside down reading skills being woefully underused, I stared at the words and shook my head before she traced her finger over each word as she read them to me, “Mommy’s Little Princess” she said before kissing the tip of my nose and picking me up. My mind worked to try and untangle the mess of jumbled timelines and perceptions of reality that had been confusing me, the memories of being Lily’s mother being pushed to the dark corners of forgetfulness and replaced with memories of her taking care of me and being every bit the Mommy that my shirt identified her as. I hugged her and gurgled something incoherent through my pacifier, my mind wanting her to be aware that I loved her and was grateful to have such a loving Mommy, all I accomplished was a hug back and a soft pat on my exposed diapered bottom before she put me back into my carseat. Tock The trip to Disney World severed the remaining beliefs I had about my former life, memories of marrying Daddy and giving birth to the girls became a lovely story I could be told as I drifted off to sleep in my crib, my daily reality was inescapable and no one expected me to be anything more than the baby of the family, and the routine of being treated as a baby made any fight I could’ve had at that point evaporate entirely. I unconsciously fell backward to my simplest and most infantile state after that rest stop diaper change, and by the time we got to the park and I was wheeled around in my stroller I was nothing more than another baby to the rest of the family, and a mentally deficient pregnant woman to whomever might’ve cared to give me a second glance. Everyone made a point to get my attention when silly or amazing things came into view, and I was happy and loved and nothing else mattered to me beyond that. Tick We got two rooms at the young child oriented hotel, one for the twins and I, and one for Mommy and Daddy. The twins called their beds as we entered our room, and Mommy bounced me in her arms as she pointed out the crib that had been set up for me as she got me changed and ready for my afternoon nap. She talked to the twins as she got me ready, giving them instructions for where my supplies were and what to do in case of various things, reminding them that she and Daddy were in the next room and wouldn’t tolerate any shenanigans just because they had their own room. Both girls gave her a very polite “yes ma’am” to which she nodded approvingly before putting me down into the crib for a nap. Tock Grace woke me up later that afternoon and helped me out of the crib and into the bathroom where she bathed me while Hannah got my outfit together for our trip back to the park. Between the two of them, they took excellent care of me and surprised Mommy and Daddy by dressing me in my Tinkerbell sundress, my hair in little pigtails and my pacifier clipped to the front of my dress. Mommy and Daddy fawned over how adorable I was and praised the girls for being so helpful and responsible while Daddy hoisted me up into his arms and carried me through the hotel and down to the car. Tick After we got back home, Daddy took me to his room and sat down with me on his lap and asked me if I was happy. I’d just woken up from the car ride home, so I was less inclined to be anything but my most little and simply nodded as I sucked my pacifier. He asked me if I’d decided to stay a baby permanently, and the question confused me because I hadn’t considered the possibility that there was an out for me in this scenario, I just assumed that I’d become the baby of the family and nothing could change that at this point. I started to think about it and became distracted by a rumble in my tummy, pushing it out into my diaper without a second thought, my concentration on the act causing me to forget what he’d asked me, but after a long moment of me staring at him blankly he smiled and hugged me and told me that he’d always take care of me no matter what. I hugged him back and giggled as he gave my lumpy seat a pat and carried me to my nursery for a much needed diaper change. Tock By the time Zoe was born I’d undergone my final transformations into my second infancy, the constant use of bottles and pacifiers had damaged my teeth to the point that it was decided I’d have them all pulled, replacing them with dentures if I needed teeth for whatever reason but leaving me with the mouth of a newborn otherwise. My lack of mobility, crawling or scooting when moving on my own and being carried by Mommy or Daddy otherwise had left my legs weakened to the point that if I did walk on my own it was through holding onto furniture or someone’s hand, otherwise I’d simply crawl or be carried. The birth was terrifying as I had no clue what was happening to me, all I knew was that I was in tremendous pain and Daddy just kept encouraging me to push. My own wails of pain and confusion mirrored Zoe’s almost perfectly as they took her to be cleaned up and Daddy kissed my forehead and left me sucking my thumb as he went to take the baby from the nurses and stood there at the other end of the room with Mommy fawning over the new baby of the family. Tick If time is cyclical, I entered my terrible two’s for the second time in my life after Zoe was born. I wasn’t the baby anymore, and everyone gushed over Zoe every time she did anything. I started acting up to get attention, coloring on the walls, making messes by putting my hands in my diaper, throwing tantrums any and everywhere I could, the usual brat behavior that one sees in a jealous sibling when a new baby arrives. I spent most of my days on the naughty stool for one reason or another, my bottom a nearly constant pink to red from all the spankings I earned, not just from Mommy or Daddy anymore, but from Hannah and Grace as well. Tock When Mommy left for college I was inconsolable for days, feeling abandoned as Hannah and Grace took over the parental role she’d left behind and failed to match her level of maternal love and care in every way possible, much to my dismay. It wasn’t their fault, they were just built differently than Mommy, they were great over an afternoon or evening when Mommy and Daddy weren’t home, but long term they just didn’t have the passion for caring for not one but two babies, and finally Daddy stepped in and got me set up for regular appointments with a therapist to work through my mental regression and build me back up into the woman he’d married. Tick Seven years of weekly visits to the therapist brought me back to a healthy balance once again. I wore my dentures everyday, helped out around the house when and where I could, and portioned my little time out with Daddy for alternating weekends to maintain a routine that was comfortable and manageable for all of us. The incontinence remained, though I could mostly avoid messy accidents if I was able to get to a bathroom within ten or so minutes of the first feelings of a bowel movement arising. The therapy sessions helped our marriage as well, bringing my long dormant sexuality back to the table when I eventually moved out of the nursery and back into the master bedroom with Daddy who had gotten a vasectomy shortly after Zoe was born to ensure no further surprises came our way. Tock You’re probably wondering why I’m on the naughty stool today if I’d bounced back to my normal status in the house, well that’s kind of a funny story. See, the girls were out with Daddy buying supplies for Lily’s visit with her husband and our new grandson, and I decided I’d rather not go to the store with them and instead indulged in my nostalgia a little bit, thinking back fondly to that day at the rest stop when Lily confirmed that she thought of herself as my Mommy just as much as I thought of her that way. I changed into one of my overnight diapers and fixed myself a bottle of juice and plopped down on the living room floor for some cartoons. Not five minutes after I consciously messed my diaper and giggled as I sat back down, the lock turned and the front door opened and Daddy and the girls stood staring at me. If life were a television show that would’ve been the moment where Daddy looked at the camera and said something like “Not again!” and the canned laughter would play as we all froze in place. See, funny story. Tick Lily was due to arrive when the clock chimed, which coincided with my punishment being done, and the stink of my diaper made the time crawl by slow enough for me to relive my entire adult life up to that point as I stared at what remained of the tiny thing I’d written in crayon one day when I was on this very stool for throwing a tantrum at having to wait my turn for bath time because baby Zoe was going first. It was a simple backwards letter C, but I knew it had been part of “Daddy is a poop” and it made me smile as the clock tocked one final time before the sweet sound of freedom rang out. Bong Bong Bong Lily arrived as I was scurrying upstairs to change, and she followed me up, giving my droopy diaper a few playful swats as we climbed. She fell right back into her role as Mommy and set to changing my diaper as we made small talk. When I was in a fresh diaper she sat me up and hugged me and I hugged her back, feeling so warm and happy to have her back home even if it was just for the weekend. She rubbed my back softly and pulled me from her before kissing my forehead. “I know you’re not a baby anymore,” she said softly as she undid the ties that held my hair in pigtails and redid my hair into a more appropriate loose ponytail, “but, I was thinking that it might be nice if you let me get you ready for bed tonight.” she told me. I blushed. “I’d like that.” I told her, smiling up at her lovingly. She picked me up and hugged me again, patting my crinkly bottom softly. “You can nurse from Mommy before bed if you like, baby.”. she whispered into my ear. A pleasant tingle ran through my body and brought me back to that day at the rest stop as I nodded. “I love you, Mommy.” I whispered. Our hug tightened before she set me down on my feet and booped my nose. “Mommy loves you too, baby.” she said before she left me to get dressed, an ear to ear smile on my face at the thought of the special bedtime treat that awaited me. The End
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  11. Mommy Claire & I by Fulldiaper Michael Copyright 2020, All rights reserved. This story is partially true, but mostly the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to any person's living, or dead is purely coincidental. Chapter 1 Claire and I had been dating for six months when one evening over some alcohol beverages the subject changed to sexual fantasies, and kinks. Claire asked me to go first as she was afraid that if she went first it might damage our relationship, and she didn't want to do that. After four glasses of white wine I started drinking my beer and of course my inhibitions went out the window as Claire cuddled up to me and started stroking my leg she said, "come on and tell Mommy Claire what are your kinky dreams, fantasies, and wishes, hon?" Let me state that Claire is ten years my senior so the reference to Mommy didn't really catch my attention at first as she was a mother of three grown children that lived in other States than her and I. So I took a deep breath and said, "I would enjoy being able to be submissive in some capacity with a more Dominant Woman, and surrender to her, heart, mind and soul." I saw a small smile break into a full-blown smile and she started stroking my crotch and penis inside my pants. She could feel my penis getting hard under her steady ministrations, and she said, "Like this?" I blurted out, "My God yes." To which she laughed, and said, "Do you want me to continue?" I said, "Please don't stop." She said, "What will you for me to keep going?" My mind was a mess of goo and clouds, and I blurted out, "ANYTHING you want." Her response was rapid, and straight forward, "Anything, baby?" Through the clouds and thick goo I said, "Yes, Anything." Claire quickened her pace on my crotch, and my mind was spinning, and I thought, I have to have this, but what about my pants, I need to get them off, but Claire pushed my hands away, and said, "You said, anything, so let Mommy Claire do this Her way, baby boy." My breathing started get rapid and I couldn't think straight as I knew I was about to explode in my pants with this woman I had been with only a short six months, but being a male the smaller head won the argument, and I allowed this woman I was head-over-heels in love with continue to masturbate me inside my underwear, and pants. Shortly after thinking I need to get my pants off, and my underwear Claire picked up the pace sending into able totally different dimension than I had ever experienced with any other Woman. My body started tensing up, and I could feel an orgasm coming from the tips of my toes working it's way up the back of my calves, into upper leg, and finally into my groin. I could a surge of electricity in the air, and for some reason I knew nothing between Claire and I would ever be the same again. I felt Claire's other hand slip under my butt and she started massaging my ass cheeks, and poking at my anus. For some reason this intensified the surge I was feeling in my groin, and crotch to the point that I started started screaming, "Oh my God Claire, I'm going to CUM." Claire said, "That's the idea baby boy." With that said I felt my penis erupt as Claire my ass firmly and kept vigorously rubbing my crotch spreading all my seaman into my underwear, and pants. To any on looker it would have appeared that I wet my pants like a two year old but Claire said, "My goodness that's an awful lot of baby juice there." I was so wiped out from the drinking and Claire's attention to my penis that I dozed off to sleep and didn't wake up until the following morning in Claire's arms with my head on her lap staring up at her 42DD breast. She said, "How did Mommy's baby sleep?" I told her I slept like a baby. She said, "Not yet, but that's coming, baby." I'm sure the confused look on my face was all she needed to open up about her fantasies. She said, "Michael, I want you to listen to me very carefully, do you understand?" I heard a tone in her voice I had never heard, and I was hypnotized by it. I replied, "Yes, Ma'am." She said, "Very good, I am Ma'am, but I prefer Mommy, Michael. Do you understand?" I again replied, "Yes, and instead of Ma'am, said, Mommy." A smile broke on her face and her hand found it way to my face as she started stroking my face. She said, "I have been looking for a way to breach the conversation we started last night with you, baby." I said, "OK" She was quick to say, "OK, what?" I quickly corrected myself, and said, "Mommy" Claire looked deeply into my eyes and a tear formed as she started to cry saying, "I have a very Dominant side that misses being a Mommy to my grownup babies, Michael. Do you understand?" I looked at her and I knew she was laying her heart and soul out for me, so I said, "Yes, Mommy I understand." Claire then took her other hand and placed it firmly on my stained crotch, and said, "You can't be messing in your big boy pants like a baby, so what is Mommy going to do about this?" I had a deer in the headlight look like what, huh, I have no idea where this going, but said, "Mommy will know." She said, "That's right Mommy will know. So here is how it's going to be from now on, baby Michael." Until you can keep your underwear, and pants clean, and dry Mommy will be diapering you, feeding you, bathing you, breastfeeding you, and Yes changing your diapers where ever, when ever, and how ever she decides. From this moment forward you will be wearing your bathroom for every elimination, including the one's Mommy sees fit for your to deposit into your diapers, baby. "Is that understood?" I started to say, "But", and Mommy said, "NO Butts except that cute butt of yours in a thick thirsty diaper, baby." It was then I realized that Claire's desire, fantasy, and sexual preference was as a Dominant Mommy. I started to voice another objections and I felt a steady pressure in my crotch as Mommy squeezed, and I could feel my erection coming back, and so could Claire. Mommy said, "Ready for round two of a many more wet sessions, baby." I said, "Yes Mommy." It was then I realized nothing would ever be the same with Claire, I mean Mommy and I. ...to be continued
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  12. Little Problems With My So Called Friends By: Snackers (This may or may not be a continuation of my other story – Nerissa’s Home for Wayward Girls.) Jackie wasn’t sure she could do it. There were social rules about this, and the odds clearly favored one single reaction if she went through with it. What would her friends think? Well, her friends had been the ones to lead her to this, she knew just what they’d think… fuck her friends. There weren’t many of them left that she hadn’t already taken care of in some way. That thought gave her a wry grin. Most of them had already taken this little train. Another slight cramp reminded her the decision one way or the other was not about to wait long. It would be so easy, there were probably half a dozen Amazons who had glanced at her as she’d walked by. As a little, everyone already assumed she had next to no body control, all that they needed was for her to prove them right. If she went through with this though, it would mean that she wouldn’t be in her apartment anymore. She wouldn’t have a bank account; she wouldn’t go to class or have any hopes of being recognized for academic achievement. The most she could hope for was a hug and a kiss on the cheek from some future parent recognizing her for being ‘a good girl’. As that last thought went through her mind, she absently put a hand down to her skirt, giving it a pat and feeling the thick panties there. This was supposed to be temporary, until she could get over her little ‘episodes’ as her former friends put it. So, so easy. She was practically holding her own ticket on a train ready to leave the Central Station of Adulthood heading back to Baby Junction. All she had to do was punch the ticket… and do something so babyish as to be unforgivable to Amazons. She battled with the thought back and forth, the pressure and cramps increasing steadily. She looked around the park, it was quiet and no one was really paying her any mind right now. There were some littles being attended by their Amazon parents over at the sand pit, she could just make out the outlines of their thick diapers through their humiliating outfits. She tried to take her hand off her skirt, it’d be too noticeable. Did she want to be like them? Did she want to be everything she and her friends campaigned against? Slowly her hand came up and she eased her thumb into her mouth. If she were a baby, she’d never use the toilet again. She’d be dressed, and fed, and put in a footie sleeper and given a pacifier for bed. She would be shown a lot more attention. She gave a few more experimental sucks of her thumb, blushing as her other hand drifted back to her skirt. Was this her decision? She stared off into the distance, shutting off her senses as she delved deep into this. Could she? It wouldn’t be easy to go back. Hell, she’d only heard of like one or two instances where anyone had escaped the life. She felt a little dribble of wetness soaking the training panties. It was harder to hold things back when she was just relaxing her muscles like this. She should do this, she was tired of fighting, better to pick your own golden cage then to be caught in a snare somewhere. The dribble quickly spread through her entire panty front. As she peed, her cramps increased, her body sensing what was to come. There only moments for her to turn back. If she didn’t run to the bathroom… she’d surely have an unforgivable accident. She sucked on her thumb, and she felt her knees weaken a little, she was almost helpless to stop it. She gave her damp panties another pat, and she closed her eyes. She said a silent prayer in apology to the panties she was going to ruin. Her body told her it wanted to push… and… she did. For a second or two nothing happened, but then she felt the steady building pressure and finally release. There was a warm softness as it was moving. She could hear an ever so slight noise it made as the back of her panties rounded out. She gave another slight push and suddenly it felt like a rush, doubling in mass with a little rude noise. She hesitated, but it was too late, there was already a mess in the back of her underwear. After the rush, there was nothing left to hold, there was just sticky warmth now cupping her seat. She opened her eyes, blinking a few times. She’d practically been in a trance. She withdrew the thumb from her mouth. Was she a baby now? Was that all there was to it? She could already smell a tiny hint of it. She’d… she’d pooped in her training panties? For a moment she seemed to snap out of it, doing an almost immediate 180 of her emotions. This was a bad idea. How could she have done that?! She wasn’t a baby. No no no, she was in trouble now. She couldn’t very well un-poop her pants. This was all her own making, she was the one who had just… no she wasn’t thinking right. She got a worried look on her face, and quickly looked around to make sure none of the adults were nearby. She’d need to fix this somehow. She started an uneasy and slightly bowlegged walk trying to remember where the park bathroom was. If she could ditch the evidence, go commando, she could file this whole episode as a bout of temporary insanity. Pfft, like no little had ever tried to dispose of ruined panties in a park bathroom before. --- 6 Weeks Earlier --- If there was one thing Jackie had learned in her recent brush with Amazons, it was that she needed to be stronger. She’d spent the better part of many days just lying in her bed. Her normal, twin size, covered with an adult comforter that was sized for her, bed. She wore big girl panties, a sexy tank top, and she drank a lot of water, hoping to flush her system. Jacqueline, everyone called her Jackie, was part of the Matriots. It was a play on the words maturity and patriots with riot thrown in there somewhere. Her and her friends coveted maturity and she was an independent petite person, which was a nice way of saying she was what the majority of the population called a ‘little’. She and her kind were usually between 4’ft to 6’ft tall; while the rest of the population, generally known as ‘amazons’ were often more than double that height. Jackie rolled out of bed and wandered over to her small bathroom. She was going through the effort of using the toilet for what must have been the sixth time today. Last week she’d had one or two wetting accidents, and for personal safety she had quarantined herself up in her room to wait out the effects. The culprit had been tainted milk. She knew it had been tainted before she’d drank it, but the foolhardy crusader in her felt secure as an adult and believed that she needed to at least have a taste of what she was up against to fully understand the fight before her. She had been an idiot with a capital ‘I’. The milk had been ambrosia and the ghost of its taste was still on her tongue whenever she thought about it. Knowing what an evil and addictive substance it was did not lesson its effects. The whole thing had started in a park with her friends. Some of her fellow Matriots had seen a girl named Shannon. Shannon was a petite person like herself, but she had become everything they feared. An Amazon named Nerissa treated Shannon like she was a toddler. She was kept in diapers and dressed up like a baby. Shannon accepted this reality, and it turned Jackie’s stomach to watch how complacent the girl was with it. It was a popular sentiment among the Amazons that little’s needed care, that co-dependence was their only option in a ‘big’ world. Jackie’s group campaigned to fight against that perception. ‘WE WILL NOT BE REPRESSED BY THOSE WITH THE VERTICLE MONOPOLY!’ was one of their favorite slogans. It was so easy to discuss something in her group. They each nodded to each other, they each looked at what Shannon was going through, disparaging how weak she must have been to accept it. They told each other it’d never happen to them. The trouble had been when Jackie had accepted an invitation to play with Shannon. The Amazon controlling Shannon had said she needed more friends. Jackie wasn’t a dope, she knew what the invitation was, and she was on her guard. She told her friends that she was going to remind Shannon she didn’t have to be a baby, that they could help her and others like her. Her adventure had been educational to say the least. She’d played with toys, had a sip of a dangerous drink, had a nap, woke up having peed herself, and left the house in a pair of pull-ups. Part of her felt lucky to have left the house at all. The Matriots had all consoled her and congratulated her on walking through fire. They talked excitedly about the proposition of helping free other petite persons from the baby nightmares they were stuck in. Although that talk died down when Jackie had started to pee herself in the middle of their meeting… it was the single act that undermined all her bravery. The group had given her sidelong looks after that, rather than touting her bravery, they were nervous to associate with someone rendered temporarily accident prone. Which was why she had elected seclusion in her room. Which is why she was on the toilet for the sixth time today. “Another successful pee,” she told herself, feeling reassured in having kept her panties clean for so long. A solid week, no accidents. She was resolute that not only was she going to get over this setback, she was going to help Shannon. She was going to prove her cause, and be an asset to it. She was going to give her friends an example to follow. The question was how she was going to do that. If she went over for another playdate, she’d be offered milk, and having spent a week getting over its affects, she was fairly certain she could say no to it this time, but how stupid did she have to be to walk into that same trap again? And there was that taste… tasting it again would not be so bad, because it really did taste… no no, she couldn’t think that. ------- As the meeting started, Jackie knew she had to say something. All of the other girls, all of her so called ‘friends’; Liz, Amanda, Gina, Anne Marie, and Katherine were treating her like she was radioactive. Why did she even bother coming to these meetings if she was just going to be the pariah sitting on the outside of it. They always sat in a loose semi-circle, and they always took up the same chairs. Today they didn’t. Today the other five girls were seated in a clump on the other side of the coffee table, while Jackie was on her own. She edged her chair a little closer, and to their credit the girls didn’t flee, but they certainly didn’t acknowledge her in conversation. After the meeting, Jackie cornered the girl she’d known since high school. “Liz, what gives?” “Oh, hey Jackie, its uh, good to see you back.” “Don’t give me that, I’ve been gone from classes a full week and not one call from any of you. What’s wrong with everyone? What’s wrong with you? Why are you treating me like I’m contagious?” “Please don’t take it the wrong way, everyone was just a little worried. After the accident you had last meeting you have to understand how nervous it made everyone.” Jackie felt a familiar pain in her stomach. Was this what the group did when it faced any danger? “Riiiight, no one wants to be around a baby. And one accident obviously makes you a baby.” “That’s not what I’m saying Jackie, you’re being ridiculous.” “It’s what you were thinking. I walked through hell to prove I’m better than their formula. Who here has spent an afternoon in an Amazon’s playroom and come back to talk about it?” “No one’s doubting your bravery…” “Well I certainly didn’t get a heroes welcome back home.” “Jackie… what do you want me to say? You know their fear. I’m scared of getting snatched up one day, same as I’m sure you are.” Jackie opened her mouth to say something but closed it. What if she really had had an accident last week and been snapped up? Would her friends have just written her off as a lost cause? The end to the likely scenario? None of them had bothered to call or check in on her. Would they have even bothered to look? “I guess I’m just disappointed. It doesn’t take that much for our group support to fall completely apart.” “We haven’t fallen apart. We’re stronger than ever Jackie, we do better by helping each other.” Jackie rolled her eyes. This was becoming an education. Chanting happy self-reassuring slogans was one thing, but in a time of need, she’d found out just how deep the bonds of ‘friendship’ really were. Something told her that the whole group was just a spiked drink away from a complete internal meltdown. Despite what aphorisms and pats on the back they all told themselves. They were terrified and this whole group was just a fiction to help cope with that fear. “Right… well, see you next week Liz.” Liz offered an uneasy smile and instead of offering a hug or a handshake, she waved and left. Things didn’t get better as the week went on. Jackie felt like her ‘friends’ remained noticeably distant. Rachael was cordial and even polite to a point, but it didn’t extend very far. Liz didn’t come by to hang out with her like she used to. Gina didn’t find her to walk to classes. She spent a lot of time alone, when the group usually preached strength in unity. It had already been two weeks since her last accident. One night, Jackie found herself suddenly crying into her pillow. She felt stupid for doing it and worse, she felt childish, but she couldn’t stop it all the same. She was lonely and felt abandoned by her friends… the same stupid friends were now showing her just how much of a sham their group really was. Petite persons? They were littles. They were littles who just liked to pretend otherwise, and for whatever reason, her friends had stopped doing the curtesy of keeping the fantasy going for her. THEY all saw her as a little now, while they pretended they themselves weren’t. Jackie didn’t sleep well after that. The next morning while groggy and still half manic, she decided on a new purpose. The more she thought about it the more right it seemed and the pain of anxiety in her tummy was replaced with a dull smoldering fire. Her friends were afraid of her, they thought she was a little who was going to drag them down with her when she was inevitably scooped up by some Amazon. That’s what they all feared. The dark joke they shared in quips like ‘see you around, stroller bound’. In her sleepless night, Jackie had come to an important realization. Her, and the Matriots weren’t free. What was freedom anyways when you lived in constant fear of being scooped up and forced into a life you didn’t want? Freedom was realizing what was certain and shrugging off the worry. She needed to break out of the fear and it was time to show her ‘friends’ a much more stress free life. She wrote down their names on a sheet of paper. Liz, Amanda, Gina, Anne Marie, and Katherine. Five of the founding members of the Matriots, with her being the sixth. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like it was the right thing to do. They didn’t want to help her, but she could certainly help them. They hadn’t abandoned her on purpose, but rather because of fearful conditioning. All she needed to do was help each of them individually get over their fear. She’d find each of them an answer to their ‘little problem’. For the first time in a few weeks, Jackie smiled. And unironically, she slept like a baby after that. --- Jackie straightened the bow tied into her braided ponytail. A month ago she would have cursed and burned the thing in a fire, but now? It was liberating to put on something so childish and pretty. Part of her knew that this whole endeavor was wrong, and that perhaps she was going a little crazy, but there was another part of her who could really get used to sleeping soundly at night without fear of being snatched up. If it happened, it happened, but she already knew it wouldn’t be today… even despite how much she seemed to be tempting fate with this outfit. She had purchased the dress from a little store. The workers inside were only too happy to let her try on a dozen different dresses and said that this one really brought out the color of her eyes. It had more layers then a birthday cake. All she’d had to say was ‘it’s a surprise for mommy’ and she’d practically won their hearts, they even gave her a discount. Sure, the outfit made her feel little, and she hated that, but at the same time, it let her hide in plain sight. It was more a shame that she hadn’t started going into cover like this years ago. She also had on a pair of pull-ups. She would have preferred to stay in panties, but she needed the outfit to be convincing in case she was ‘checked’ on the street. Pull-ups wouldn’t raise as many amazon eyebrows as panties would. Walking around in her pretty dress, with little purse, she looked like a little whose parents trusted her just enough with a tiny modicum of freedom. It wasn’t perfect cover, but it was good enough to fool the majority. This outfit she wore had been picked especially for her ‘friend’ Gina. It was going to be a test of where Gina’s priorities lay. Her former friend had been the one she walked to class with every morning. She lived on the same block and they had their first class together. Gina was a little shorter than her, with brunette hair and a natural bookish appearance owed to her thick glasses. She was nice, but shy and kept to herself to focus on her studies. Jackie knew she was wound up tight as a spring and doubted Gina had every really cut loose and had fun in her entire ‘adult’ life. It was too bad, she liked Gina, but like the other girls, Gina had studiously started to avoid Jackie and no longer walked with her to school or even gave her the time of day. Today would be her test, if she passed, maybe this whole endeavor could be scraped, but somehow she already knew what would happen. It was time show everyone what she’d learned about this pointless sham of a support group. “Time to have a ‘little’ talk,” Jackie said to herself, smoothing out her dress. This whole outfit was ridiculous and the thought of how she must look made her giggle oddly. She skipped off to a park on the way to class, knowing she’d run into Gina on the way. It only took 5 minutes tops, and by then she was already panting a little from having skipped the whole way. Just as planned Gina walking to class, book out, head down, low profile. “GINA!” Jackie said in an urgent whisper breaking out into a run when she was just a few feet away. “Gina you have to help me!” she pleaded, still keeping her voice down. Gina looked up in surprise, her eyes widening and looking a little bug-like behind her glasses. She didn’t say Jackie’s name, but her mouth silently formed the syllables, like they were a question. She drank in Jackie’s appearance in shock, her mind calculating. “Please, I don’t have much time, they’re looking for me,” Jackie pleaded, grabbing Gina’s hand as she feigned looking around for a phantom pursuer. “Can I hide at your place?” Gina audibly gulped and without so much as a second glance, turned to run, dropping the book from her other hand. “Gina?!” Jackie implored, feeling a little pang of sadness as she didn’t let go of the grip she had on Gina’s hand. “Let me go! They’ll get me too!” the girl said frantically. It was the wrong answer. If Gina had been looking at Jackie’s face, she would have seen the scared pretense wash away like poorly applied paint, replaced by a sardonic grim sadness. “Let me go!” Gina repeated, looking back at Jackie’s hand holding onto her. “No one’s chasing me,” Jackie said calmly. Gina didn’t understand, she stopped trying to get away, looking around. There were a few people looking at them oddly, but mostly paying them no real attention. “You would have just left me?” Jackie asked. “You’ve already been to a nursery…” Gina said hesitantly, still looking around like a deer in the woods spooked by a broken twig. Poor girl, thought Jackie. She was living in a cage of fear and didn’t want to name it. It unfortunately confirmed her suspicions about their support group. It was a sham, in the end, it was every little for themselves. “Someday, maybe you’ll thank me for this,” Jackie said, mostly to herself. “What are…?” Gina was about to ask something but noticed the odd look in Jackie’s eyes and realized the other girl was still holding onto her hand by the wrist. “Jackie, can you let go of my hand?” “WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME? WHERE’S MOMMY?!” Jackie screamed. That got the attention of every Amazon in the park, heads snapping over to look at them. Gina’s face went white before she turned and started trying frantically to tug her hand free. Jackie put on a show as well, backpedaling and looking to tug the other way. From a distance it was hard to tell who was tugging who… regardless, Amazons would have no problem picking sides. When looking between the little in a shirt and jeans wearing a college backpack, versus the little in the adorable dress with a hair bow? It was an easy pick of which little was in the wrong. “Let go, let go!” Gina hissed, trying to claw at Jackie’s hand now, already seeing mothers from the playground area she was careful to avoid heading their way. “MOMMY! I WANT MY MOMMMMYYYYYYY!” As the Amazons started to hurry toward them, Jackie released her grip just when she was fairly confident it would be moot point in trying to outrun them this close by. She put on her best performance of giving a big wet tearful honk as she ran off blubbering nonsensically about ‘mommy’. One taller Amazon one gave her a concerned look and stopped to try and help, but Jackie was careful to duck past and began running back home. The Amazon stared after her as she left but soon enough had turned back to see about the other little. Gina provided the distraction Jackie needed for a clean getaway. Once released from her grip and overbalanced by her backpack of books, she tumbled forward to land in a heap. She was quick to try and pick herself up, stumbling at a half crouch even as irate looking Amazons bore down on her. Although it was hypocrisy at its finest, the very idea of kidnapping a little away from her happy Amazon family was as deplorable as it got. One woman managed to grab the loop at the top of Gina’s backpack, “Hold it one moment little miss,” she said in a commanding and stern voice. Gina shrugged out of her backpack and continued to make a break for it, only to get swooped up in the arms of a big chested blonde woman. “Just what do you think your doin?” the other woman demanded. It was another few minutes before Jackie got to survey the aftermath. She was safely back in her apartment and watching from the window. She had a good view of the park, it was just down the street and she usually checked it every morning before going to class to make sure there wasn’t too much of a crowd and it would be safe to walk through. Three Amazon women had teamed up it seemed. Gina had probably been pulled kicking and screaming over to the playground while the other littles sitting in the sandbox all watched but made no move to interrupt what was happening. She’d missed the good parts while running home, but from what she could see Gina was now strapped into a stroller. Her shirt, jeans and even glasses were gone, replaced with a thick diaper and a cute long sleeved shirt. There was a paci in her mouth and it seemed to be stuck in place the way Gina pawed at it. “I guess I better tell the Matriots that Gina got snatched up, maybe they will be willing to launch a rescue operation,” Jackie said to herself, chuckling at the idea. Even though it was cliché, part of her wanted to make some popcorn and just sit and watch for a bit. The Amazon women a block away stood and talked animatedly amongst themselves, likely over what to do with the criminal little Rebel they had. Jackie reluctantly moved away from the window, heading over to her desk where the list she had was sitting. She took out some stickers from a drawer and put a smiley face next to Gina’s name. “There, one happy little girl. That just leaves Liz, Amanda, Anne Marie, and Katherine. Someday we can all have another support group meeting together… maybe at daycare or something.” Jackie said giggling to herself. She skipped into her bedroom to change out of the dress. Cute as it was, the layers made and running around made it a bit too hot and stuffy. Besides, it wasn’t her time to wear this kind of thing everyday yet. --- Up Next : Amanda would you like to know a secret? ---
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  13. Does anybody ever feel upset about having to be potty trained when they were younger? I know I do. I should mention that I was in diapers until I was 6 years old. Lucky me!??
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  14. So here it goes. The absolute love of my life has had this fetish since he himself was in diapers. I'm completely new to the scene and I need help with tips, advice, anything helps! We as a couple have just opened discussion into exploring this together. He's bought his preferred type and we've been through 3 nights of him being super comfy! I'm happy for him, now that he's comfortable with himself he's so much happier. But my dumb ass normie brain keeps getting her feeling hurt! How can I try learning about the desire for this when the community is so obscure!? I need a guru. I need links. I need friends who are going through this or wish to help me understand how my love feels and how to better make him comfortable. Also ya girl is a XXL and needs a site for cute sizable diapers to try this thing out!! Wish me luck, even if I get no responses airing this has kinda been therapeutic in a sense. Anyways, peace and love. Thank you for the time.
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  15. So I’ve been interested in diapers since I was old enough to be out of them. I’ve been in a relationship for about 3 1/2 years, living together for about 3. At the start of our relationship, my girlfriend tried to be my mommy, incorporate diapers and bondage into sex, etc. Ultimately, she decided she was more vanilla than she thought and I found myself diapered maybe once or twice a year when she would go out of town (which is somehow less than I would wear when living at home). She’s not into it, and I don’t want to pressure her and wear diapers or be little around her if she doesn’t like it. Well, ever since the pandemic started and I got furloughed (since April 1st), my depression, anxiety, and insomnia have gotten really bad. It didn’t help that she started a new job in our field that is basically a dream job. I’m proud of her, obviously, but it doesn’t help my self-esteem while I am not currently working. I got a little lost in diaper porn for about two weeks, watching it every night before bed (masturbating sometimes helps me get to sleep and like I said before, I’ve had a lot of trouble). But it didn’t compare to actually wearing because it is as much emotional for me as it is sexual, perhaps more so. I tried messing with a text to speech app, typing it diaper related phrases, trying to not be so bored with the same videos I had seen over and over. Here’s where I made my mistake. I copied one of the phrases so I wouldn’t have to retype it while messing with settings. Well, my girlfriend and I were talking and I went to send her a funny photo. Instead of sending the photo, I pasted the message and immediately hit send. She was taken aback and I explained what I had been feeling and how I wanted to be little, but felt like I couldn’t. She looked at me and said “I don’t care if you want to wear diapers, do whatever makes you happy idiot!” Don’t worry, she was being playful. She went on to tell me if I wanted to wear diapers, a onesie, use a pacifier, it literally doesn’t matter as long as it makes me happy. So I bit the bullet and asked if she would be okay with me wearing 24/7 because when else would I get such an opportunity with having nowhere to go right now? I was a little surprised when she told me that even if everything was normal, she would support me wearing 24/7. She just doesn’t want me to mess around her or for her to change me. Which sucks, because I love her, she’s great at diaper changes, and obviously I would like her to change me, but I completely understand. She did say she might diaper me after I shower though, which I think is more than fair. So now, I’ve emptied my underwear drawer and am wearing 24/7! I’ve only used the potty once since starting when I had to mess, but I’ve used my diapers for everything since then (away from her so it doesn’t bother her and I change immediately). I’m using generic drugstore diapers at the moment since they’re cheap and readily available with Bellissimos or my thick cloth diaper at night. I have more, better diapers coming in the mail soon though! I also installed a baby log app and am keeping track of all of my diaper changes, bottles, meals, bathings, etc. I didn’t expect this, but using a log app has REALLY made me feel little, especially scrolling through and looking at the pictures you can add for each diaper change, feeding, etc. so I’m basically making a journal of my 24/7 experience. And the best part is that my mood has done a complete 180. The first night I slept for 8 hours straight which I haven’t done in a very long time. I’m happier, more productive, and even more hygienic. And I also feel the burden of hiding my little side has lifted. The downside is that had we had this conversation 2 1/2 years ago, I could have spent more time diapered and little. Oh well, lesson learned that communication is important, even if the topic is a little embarrassing. I don’t know how long I’ll stay diapered, I think until at least 4th of July weekend when we visit her parents (not worth that risk), but I’m definitely going to use this time to my advantage! TL;DR: Haven’t gotten to wear diapers in a long time, thanks to an errant text my girlfriend knows how repressed I felt, so now I’m diapered 24/7 for as long as I want!
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  16. Scene 29 Well, there’s a first time for everything, and most of things happen at a fairly young age. I think my brother was 12 when he did it for the first time. Somehow I got all the way to 30 before I ran away to my grandma’s house. Or really Nana’s house. Maybe not run away, exactly, so much as disappear over there for a few hours while avoiding Mary. It felt like going on an adventure after so many months cooped up. I had been on walks and drives but this was the very first time since March I’d gone over to Nana’s. I guess one of the benefits to having a retired friend in a quarantine is you know they’re going to be home and won’t be busy. I knocked on the backdoor and stepped back a few feet. “Hi,” Nana said to me when she slid open her patio door. “Hi. Can I hang out for a while?” “Of course. Would you like to come inside?” “Yes, but I think it’s better to stay outside.” “Okay. Can I bring you anything?” I held up my water bottle and she stepped outside, closing the screen door behind her. We sat down in her chaise lounges under the patio umbrella. “I’m glad you came over. I miss your visits.” “Me too. I miss, well, everything. I wanna go out.” “Things are starting to reopen. I’m sure you can find some safe things to do.” “We’re thinking about it. Mary is ... she’s worried about me. She doesn’t want to take any risks. I’m worried about me, but I’m ready to take some baby steps.” “You can’t stay cooped up until there’s a vaccine. You’ll both go insane.” I grimaced at the very thought of that. “Mary isn’t quite there yet. I think if I weren’t immunocompromised, she’d feel different, but her exact words last night were, ‘You’re my little gold nugget, and I’m not taking you out where there are virus breathing dragons.’ ... She’s such a nerd sometimes.” “That’s sweet of her. I can understand that. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to dip a toe in the water.” “Literally. I wanna go to a pool so bad. Or the beach.” But it could hurt, is the thing. It seems small, but it’s really not. It’s the same risk as back in March. “Maybe we could start small. You could come inside.” “I think I should ask permission first,” I said because I’m apparently I’m nine. Or not nine, just someone who knows there might be consequences to breaking the social distancing rules. “You wouldn’t get in trouble for coming inside,” Nana said like someone who doesn’t get how domestic discipline works. I can get in trouble for anything if Mary decides. “I’m already in trouble today,” I fessed hope. “I came over to hide,” I said as the blood rushed to my face. “What happened, sweetie?” “I deleted something from Mary’s work computer by accident. Or at least I think I did. I would’ve tried to fix it, but she told me to just let it be. I think I got it coming when she’s done with work.” “You shouldn’t be playing on her computer,” my Nana said in an odd way. Like, when did she become an a actual nana telling me what I should and shouldn’t do? “I was just reading the news,” I protested softly. “I just closed something by accident.” “Well, I don’t think you’ll get in too much trouble for that. It was an accident.” “I know. I don’t think it’s going well at work for Mary. She was in her office with the door closed for a couple hours yesterday, and she was really quiet when she came out. I don’t know why.” I tried to talk it out of her, but she didn’t want to. I gave up and tried to just snuggle with her while we watched TV, but she ended up taking a bath with the door closed. She usually leaves it open. “Well, I bet things will work out, whatever it is. They usually do, and I know because I’m old.” “You are not old,” I said to her, even though she kinda is. She’s at that age where she could be old if she wasn’t energetic, but she is, so she’s just advanced in her years, as I like to think about it. I get kinda sad when I think about the people I care about getting old. We sat there quietly for a minute, and then Nana said, “I was going to save this, but you seem like you need some cheering up. Be right back.” I was hoping she’d come back with some wine or other consciousness altering substance, because it sucks being in your right frame of mind all the time. Mary and I both tried to turn a corner with the pandemic diet, and I do think we both feel better, but it also sorta took away one of the few things we had to look forward to every day. Nana came smiling so big. That’s my kinda person, the kind that’s so excited to give a gift, which it apparently was because it was in a gift wrapped box. “You didn’t hafta do that,” I said partly to be polite and partly because I meant it. I love giving gifts, and second to that is getting them. “Well,” she said as she sat down again and passed me the box, “I got time on my hands and didn’t get you anything for your birthday.” “You didn’t have to get me anything for my birthday.” Though technically as I was empress for a day, I should’ve gotten tribute from my admirers and vassals. “It’s just a little something I made. Open it.” Trying to have a little decorum even though fuck yeah presents, I opened it carefully. “I wasn’t really sure if this was something you’d like, but I saw the other one and thought maybe it would be and you look so cute in the one you have so if you don’t like it you don’t hafta wear it,” she rambled nervously. I folded back the tissue paper to find a lavender colored shirt with a rainbow on it. Okay, not something I’d wear out of the house, but okay for around the house. “Thank you. I ...” paused as I lifted it from the box. “It’s ... uh,” I tried and couldn’t even mumble. I think I blushed so hard I had a mini-stroke. “Thank ... thank you.” “You don’t like it,” Nana concluded. She didn’t sound unhappy, more just disappointed with herself. “No, I ... it’s just a surprise, is all,” I said covering, or trying to. “Well, like I said, if you don’t like it that’s fine. I just took a little chance, and it gave me something to do.” “No, I will wear it. Really. I just, um, am surprised to, um, get a onesie from you.” “Is that what you call them? I thought a onesie was footie pajamas.” “O, no. I call them a onesie. What do you call it,” I asked because etymology is good distraction when you want to not talk about your Nana sewing you a onesie. “When I was growing up,” Nana said, “we called them diaper shirts.” Well, fuck my life. And fuck etymology, too. It failed me. And when the heck did she see me wearing a onesie? “Heh. So, um, you sewed this from scratch?” “No, i actually bought two of the shirts and used materials from the second to make the flap. Turn it over.” Yep, second rainbow right on the butt. Well, it is Pride Month. “That’s how I make them for all my grandbabies.” Nana realized what she’d just said and turned almost as red as me. “I don’t mean...” “I know. It’s cute. Ill definitely wear it.” “Good. Like I said, you don’t have to be embarrassed about the things you like around me.” “Okay,” I said, not having the heart to explain where that statement went astray, for my own benefit more than hers though I didn’t really want to explain any more link to Nana. “When did you see me wearing one of these?” “Out on your patio with Mary one evening, from my window.” “O. Guess we’re really not as alone as we think sometimes.” “Just me,” she said, “and I don’t mind. And Mary was right about the pacifier . Too cute.” “Well, thanks for being understanding. I should probably go home and start making dinner. Maybe that’ll get me some brownie points and Mary won’t be so mad at me.” “I doubt very much she’s mad at you,” Nana said. “I’m pretty sure she is. Usually if I’m in trouble, I get my consequence right away. Even in public. She only makes me wait when she’s angry.” “In public?” “Hmm?” Did someone say public, because I sure didn’t. Nothing happens in public. Ever. Stupid mouth saying stuff without consulting with my brain first. Where is that friggin’ pacifier when I actually need it? “Anyhoo,” I said, and Nana took the hint. “Well, take it from me, Daffy, Mary isn’t mad at you. I can sense these things. It’s a special Nana power.” “I just hope it wasn’t important, whatever I deleted.” “You’ll feel better if you find out. Run along home, and maybe tomorrow we’ll talk about you coming inside my house. Or me in yours. Who knows? By the end of the week, you could even go eat out on a patio.” I took my present home and started on dinner. I decided to make a veggie and chicken pasta salad. It was too hot for hot food, and there was enough time for it to chill in the fridge before dinner time. I went upstairs to put my present away, and I was surprised to find Mary on the bed. I thought she was in her office. I tiptoed to my dresser and left the box there, not wanting to open a drawer and make it squeak or something. “Whatcha doing, pumpkin,” Mary asked. “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whispered. She rolled over and sat up. She looked like she’d been crying. I felt my stomach fall through my feet. “I was just resting my eyes. Come sit with me.” I climbed on the bed and crawled toward her, sitting in the space she made for me beside her. “Is everything okay?” “Fine,” she said in the way people say it that makes it clear it is not fine. Not fine at all. Here’s the disadvantage of domestic discipline: when something bugs me, Mary has a tried and true way of getting me to talk about it, but when something is bugging her, I don’t have that option. “No it’s not,” I said. She turned and kissed me on the head. Well, I was not gonna be put off. I can be quite forceful when called to be. “Tell me.” “It’s just work stuff.” “So? I tell you work stuff ... when I’m employed.” “You got your big girl britches on today or something?” “I’m a big girl everyday,” I said a little petulantly. “I just wanna know what made you cry so I can tell them to be nice to you.” “I had to lay someone off today.,” she said. “I’ve never had to do that before. Adverse effect of being a boss.” She’d been in her new position for not quite a year. “I’m sorry. That’s terrible. I thought your company is doing well.” “It could be doing better. Here, sit up for me.” I did, and she stood up from the bed, turned, grabbed my ankles, and pulled so I was flat on the bed with my knees over the side. Don’t gotta be a rocket scientist to know where this was going. “I’m sorry I deleted that thing,” I said, trying to get out of it. “I rescued it. Just please be more careful.” “Well, I think you should spank me for it. Very hard.” Maybe a distraction would do the trick, and I’d muuuuuch rather get spanked than hafta wear a diaper. “No, that’s okay. No harm done,” Mary said as she got a diaper and stuff from the closet. “But I didn’t tell you the other stuff I did today. I, um, spent more than $100 without telling.” “Uh huh,” Mary said as she peeled my shorts down along with my underwear. “I told lies.” “Butt up,” she said as she lifted my ankles and bent me backward until my butt was off the bed. “I didn’t do my chores.” “I watched you do ‘em, silly.” She plucked a wipe from the thing and ran it where - ooh! it was cold. Talk about a sensation to steal your train of thought. “Well, I, um, hhh! I - Ahh! Maryyyy! Eee!- I - Ah! - I - I committed wire fraud,” I said kinda loud with my eyes pinched shut. “Daphne Ann!” Wait, that’s what gets her attention? She is so weird sometimes. At least her finger wasn’t ... “You naughty girl. Look at this.” I picked my head up. “What do you have to say for yourself?” That I wish I were a tree. Not fair. I let my head fall back to the mattress and crossed my arms over my eyes. “Nuh uh,” Mary said, taking my arms away from my face. “You are too old to be forgetting to clean up after the potty.” “I do,” I whined. So unfair! Put up job! I’m good at the potty! One of the world’s all time greats, and she damn well knows it, so there! Nyeh! “Then what am I holding?” “You stuck our finger halfway up my ...” SMACK! “Ow!” “A girl your age.” SMACK SMACK SMACK SPANK! “You just might not be ready to use the potty on your own.” SMACK SMACK CRACK! “Mary, that is so not fair!” She practically poked me in the brain. No one is clean in there. I mean, have you heard some of the things they call that part of human anatomy? Gross. “I decide what’s fair, little girl.” “I. Am. Notalittlegirl!” WHACK! Okay, that one legit hurt. “Who just got her bottom cleaned?” “My bottom is on the outside,” I shot back. SMACK! “Ow!” “Tsk tsk tsk.” “Stop tsking me!” I whined again. She put my legs down, and my feet were flat on the bed. “Now we’ll clean your front, too.” “Mary, I just - hhh! Ooh - Mar - mmm.” It’s impossible to argue a point when someone is - ooh! Hahuhhahaha. Mary is kinda awesome at - hehehe. “Well, you can have your underoos back tomorrow, but you had better keep them pristine, little girl, or I’ll wash your bottom myself and spank your pink little bum dry.” That is such a mixed incentive. She’s an evil genius. She could totally run a death star. “Now,” she said as she pulled that stupid diaper up between my legs, “you just keep this on for tonight. Maybe a break from your undies will help you remember what a special privilege they are and how important it is to keep them clean.” “They are clean,” I protested as she sealed the tapes shut. I do gotta admit, though never to Mary, that when she gets it taped just right it feels sorta like a hug down there. She held out her hands for me to sit up, and I looked right at her and said, “Go wash.” She laughed all the way to the bathroom. I hopped off the bed, crinkling all the way, and picked up my clothes. “Ahem,” Mary said to me from the door to our bathroom. Dammit! Dammit all to crap! “I was just ...” “I see what you were doing. Well?” “They’re clean,” I said as I handed her my panties. I was just double checking, because, well, because it’s my right as a grown up to not have to explain myself. Except to Mary. Stop looking at me like that! “You know, sweetie pie,” she said with that look where you can see the evil wheels are turning in her head, “if they’re so important to you, you could always wear them under your diapees.” “Diaper! -per. Don’t make it worse than it is,” I decided to argue because I don’t know why, “and no. That’s gross.” “Could be a good punishment.” “I could never wear them again.” “You could, if we wash them well.” “You know what I think,” I said, “I think you should wear a diaper for being so mean.” “Don’t be silly, you silly goose.” “Iamnotasillygoose,” I whine shouted. “Tsk tsk tsk.” Welp, Nana was right. Our prolonged quarantine has driven us both insane. The seeds of it were there before, but we’ve been pushed over the edge. That’s how I explain those fifteen minutes. “Sit back down, honey.” I did. “Wuddya get,” she asked turning to the box. “Nana made it for me.” I swear, you would’ve thought she’d opened a moving box and found pot a of leprechaun gold and spanking porn. “It’s perfect! Did you say thank you?” “Yes.” “Let’s get it on you. Arms up.” I was shortly wearing the thing, and Nana had done a good job. I hadn’t noticed she’d sewn elastic around the leg holes. “It’s a good thing you’re cute,” my wife said to me after she’d stepped back and admired me. She’s always admiring me. She’s a predator is what she is. She’s a siren out to wreck my ship and steal my picnic basket. “You’ll have to make her a card.” I’m thirty. I don’t make cards. I send thank you notes. “Mary?” “Mhmm?” I took her hand and sat back down on the bed and she sat with me. “I think you should spank me.” “Why is that, honey?” “You had a bad day. You’ll feel better.” “I feel better.” “I don’t believe you. I think you’re covering.” “C’mere.” I scooched over. “Today sucked. I hope I never have to do that again, and I feel awful that I had to. It wasn’t my choice, and I feel much, much worse for that person, but I want you to know that we’re going to be okay, and that I don’t want you worrying about that or about my work or about any of that stuff.” “But I do.” “But you shouldn’t.” “But I should. We’re a team. That’s how it works. Lemme do something to make you feel better.” “You did, honey.” “I didn’t do anything.” “Well, let’s see what you did. You obeyed, you held still, you made the most adorable little faces, you turned the prettiest shades of red, you pouted o so cutely, and you’re pretty as a picture in your rainbow onesie ... and the grumpy face you’re making right now is too much to even stand,” she added with a giggle. She patted her lap and I swung my legs over and gave her the hug she needed. “You’re not allowed to be sad alone,” I lectured her. “You’d have given me an earful if I wouldn’t say what was bothering me and spent the evening in the bathtub alone.” “Of course I would’ve. You’re too little to deal with emotions that strong all on your lonesome.” “Mary, I’m trying to be serious here.” “I know, sweetie. I’m sorry. I’m okay now.” THWUMP. “Urghmmm.” “You are just whiney butt today.” THWUMP. Fine. If patting my butt is gonna make her smile, fine. Just friggin’ fine. “Mary? Can we go out soon?” “Yeah. Let’s talk about it after dinner.” ”Mary, if I didn’t delete your thing, why do I hafta a wear a punishment diaper?” ”You’re not, little girl.” “Then what is it?” ”It’s a diaper,” Mary said, tapping out the last two syllables on my nose. I’m pretty sure she’d just wrapped a sympathy card around my butt. Well, that’s new and different.
    1 point
  17. Waking up in a wet pull up, or hanging out in a pull up (after having an accident instead of using the potty and having my big girl undies taken away) and t-shirt coloring, playing with Lego, Play Doh or Beanie Babies.
    1 point
  18. So, the reason I didn't go into more detail about brute force security attacks is because it would get boring and repetitive, fast, but there are reasons why all of those ideas would not work. The short version is, there are a bunch of redundancies baked in so that any attempt to attack from one direction will run up into a safety feature from another direction. Am I going to go into more detail about how these redundancies work? Absolutely not, because you are being far too clever already! Trying to get at it via wireless connection is going to come up later in the story. I won't say if it works, but it does end up being very important to Mary's progress.
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  19. LOL! They are all so cool, but that last one is especially true!
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  20. @dyperbole This one is AWESOME and Cute Brian
    1 point
  21. I woke up about 3 hours ago in a very wet and messy Dry 24/7 diaper. I changed and showered and am now in a nice clean and dry Seni Super Plus diaper. I don't know how long I will be dry, but I should not have any more messy accidents today.
    1 point
  22. Roger and her sat on her bed they started kissing, soon they were heavy petting. Soon after that their clothes were off and they were having sex. With Nicole's body I finally knew what it feels like for a female to have sex. Say what you might, I was very surprised that Roger lasted as long as he did. My first time I was from go to the finish it was like 3 minutes. I did a study of sex in rabbits. From start to finish was about 5 to 10 seconds for the buck or male rabbit and the doe the female rabbit had anywhere to from 3 to 10 babies. All that from 3 to 10 seconds of sex. He had lasted about 6 minutes! Then they took a shower together and their hands were still. Everywhere all over each other in the shower. They were done and both put diapers on and she put a tee shirt on. Roger called his family and said he was spending the night at a friend's house. Nicole heard him say Nic's house! I guess if she had a nickname it would be Nic. It sounded masculine. Nicole definately was feminine. She guessed. She heard him say no, please can I just stay? Alright I'll come home, maybe tomorrow I can live with that! He said. He hung up. I gotta go my parents have people over tonight, that and they think that maybe those that torched the school would be out looking for us T.P.'s I think it was the guys that lived by the school, myself. But I guess I don't count! With that he left. Nicole started making dinner. She was cooking just thinking about the sex at first it hurt until he perforated her hymen. Then it felt great. She had enjoyed it. She was done with dinner and washing her dishes. She so wished she had someone here to share the night with. She took one of her English book and started looking through it. What's the use she didn't have school for the next while there was no school to go to. She put it down. She heard a knock. Cool Roger must have talked his parents into spending the night with Nic. She was all smiles she flew to the door and flung it opened and there was Tammy Fong. "Tammy what are you doing here?" Nicole never thought that she would ever see Tammy Fong again.
    1 point
  23. Yes, yes, and more... I wear Pampers Cruisers, Pampers Easy-ups, Goodnites as well as Parents Choice 5T training pants from Walmart. If I'm good I get a bottle of formula too. Be sure to check my profile for pictures...
    1 point
  24. Thanks for the update and thats great news. It was disappointing when the quality changed last year. I just ordered a case this morning - looking forward to getting back in them and pooing them to the brim. I totally agree they are fantastic for filling and feel amazing once completely soaked and loaded.
    1 point
  25. I am enjoying a wet, and now messy Molicare Maxi; blue plastic with aesthetically pleasing line design on the front. I used a disposable soaker for the night and no leaks while I respond to this thread; wet and squishy on the inside while dry and clean on the outside. Life is good at the moment.
    1 point
  26. Hello and welcome! Don't sweat coming after the great crash. I've come after the great crash and I've found plenty of amazing stories and new ones are added every day. Also, I agree with the others that you should go for it and try a diaper. I have to say that finally deciding to wear a diaper was an amazing decision for me and made me a lot happier. Little Tomás
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  27. That is strange because, judging by the "like"s and comments, you are always drooling over mine. One would think you wear them 26/7. Or am I just too adorable?
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  28. peeing the bed.. always, peeing the bed
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  29. Does he see you as his mommy? do you act like his mommy? mommies don't wear diapers babies do.. and switches... if your down to try the diapers that's fine even in his eyes i'm sure... but try to let it take away from his mommy... this is something you need to talk about with him.... He IS an expert.. He's been through it... talk to him and be open... It may be I don't want you to wear diapers because that takes away from the realness of you being his mommy… Again talk to him and be open...
    1 point
  30. Hi and welcome to DD. Come on in, get comfy, make yourself at home. I’d say the same, for trying out a diaper. Take the plunge! Lots of good info, and people here, so if you have questions, just ask away. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!
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  31. Welcome and enjoy. If you have the interest in diapers and want to try wearing one, you have to just jump in and do it, no being timed. You never know until you try it, and if you read the forum posts here, you will find the majority were hooked on wearing diapers once they first tried it! Usually once they wear a diaper they have a very positive reaction and a joyful experience.
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  32. Rosalie and Michael Bent from abdiscovery Robert and Gayle from Changingtimesdiaperco Adam from Northshorecare
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  33. I’m sitting in my doodoo now and squishing it in a Pampers 7 diaper. This is my favorite way to start the day. TGIF, I will have lots more poopy play time this weekend.
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  34. @MinnieMouse, there's a lot of good replies here! Just remember: It only feels wrong because so many of us were "shamed" out of diapers during potty training, so many people will put this fetish down as a bad thing. Your diaper desire is not hurting you, or anyone else. You are entitled to happiness! Your desire to be diapered is likely deeply ingrained into who you are, so try to ride out the binge urges with the mindset of "this too shall pass" When your binge cycle kicks in, embrace and enjoy it! Know that the more you work toward acceptance, the more you'll come to enjoy the "binge" side and the "urge to purge" will eventually wane.
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  35. I used to wear goodnites, but I too echo the sentiments of many members, although I can jump on the ship that "goodnites got smaller" yes, they definitely did, but I also got bigger ? I no longer wear or fit any goodnite products. I use the goodnite bed mats on occasion when I will not have access to laundry.
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  36. I've spanked naughty boys and girls to the point of tears before, but it typically has to be more than just a very "painful" spanking, you have to have the emotional component as well. I was actually interviewed for an article and discussed crying as cathartic release, you can read the article here: https://www.kinkly.com/does-crying-turn-you-on-theres-a-name-for-that/2/17520 in Kinkly magazine. The emotional component could be a variety of different things, such as: feeling deep remorse for some wrong-doing on the spankees part, feeling unconditional love from the spanker (or Top/Domme, depending on if the person considers themselves a spanko or a submissive or both), feeling like they really "let down" someone who they truly love/admire, etc. And the majority of men in general have a very hard time crying, due to social conditioning & having been taught "boys don't cry!" from the time they were really little, which is why it's really hard to cry, even for many who "desire" to do so. But if the right conditions exist, it can happen. Hugs & spanks, Miss Jenn Davis (aka Mommy Jenn) http://abdlmummy.com
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  38. Stroller I don't think there is anyone on D.D. that could have said it better.
    1 point
  39. What he said. For so many of us it has taken many years to accept what we are and order our lives so that it works without the binge/purge cycles and the guilt. But quite a lot of us on here have reached that point eventually, and are comfortable with what we are. The lucky ones get there more quickly. A lot of people never reconcile themselves to it at all, but as far as we know this thing we have never goes away for anybody. You have to learn to love what you are, and enjoy it. Easier said than done I know, but it's the way to go. Be proud on the inside!
    1 point
  40. @MinnieMouse I am incontinent myself, so there are times where I used to think how "strange, wrong, weird, different", etc that I was. I finally accepted that I would use them and have them a part of my life, because of circumstances beyond my control. It is NOT uncommon to feel that you are going through "cycles." I have had that happen in my life, because you have a funny feeling that you crave it, and then you act on it, and its awesome, and you can't get enough of it, and then you lose interest in wearing/using diapers. (In this case) It is similar to seeing a succulent chocolate cake, and craving it: Your mouth is watering, you smell it, you see it, you WANT it. You then stand there, debating, and eventually you find that you are in heaven, and you can't get enough of the cake, and eat yourself to submission! - at that point, you have overloaded yourself, your stomach, your senses, your being, with chocolate cake, and you don't even want to LOOK at cake, and it makes you sick, because you have had enough of it. At that point, you don't want cake, or maybe not even cookies, or anything that is chocolate for a LONG while - The same thing can be said of Diapers, or any AB/DL equipment - You go through stages, where you can't get enough of it, and then times when you could care less, and go without it for weeks/months or longer. You should NEVER be ashamed of who you are, what you feel, or what makes you feel better/safe/happy. There are many people that wear diapers here - Some of us use Cloth Diapers, some disposables - Each of us has their reasons for using or wearing. There are even some who, have accepted diapers, and need them, and rather than worrying about the stigma of having to wear for medical reasons, have embraced the AB/DL lifestyle to be able to cope with the them. They do this by making the diaper wearing part fun - Maybe they "play baby" or play with toys, read books, play games, etc. Some of us use diapers for comfort, or because it makes us feel "Little" or reminds us of a time when we had no responsibilities - where we could just be kids, and be "safe." Yes, you go through binges and purges - You may buy diapers, use them for a while, then get rid of them, because you feel that you don't want them anymore - But eventually the craving returns, and when it does, the cycle starts again - You then may feel like you have to indulge - There is absolutely NO SHAME at all in wearing, using, enjoying or doing things in diapers. Remember, you are in control, and as long as you are comfortable with YOUR REASONS for using diapers, or partaking in activities involving them, doing so responsibly, no one will know, and if they do find out, you can give them a reason, but really, the only one that will know the real reason for the use of diapers is YOU - and anyone else, well, they can pound sand. I was a lurker here on DD for at least 10 years, having the same kind of guilt, and feelings that it was "Yucky," "Wrong," "Strange," and other feelings - I was DRAWN to diapers in the way I described - Its like something taking over your subconscious mind, and your autonomic reaction is to "satisfy that craving" - I've been through the Binge and purge cycles, and regardless of how many times I have done it, I always come back to the realization that "Hey, I still like diapers, I like the feel of them, I like the softness/crinkle of them, etc" and NOTHING is gonna change that - Last summer, I was having issues of incontinence myself, and decided that I was gonna deal with it using diapers: I figured, with my Cerebral Palsy, I am looking ahead, and preparing for a future where I may need and will need to use them. Yes, it can be a pain, and it can be inconvenient at times, but think of it this way, would you rather have a wet or messy diaper, or an accident in your pants? My answer is: The Diaper! There are people here that have other experiences too, so take a look at their comments, but remember that you are HUMAN, and as such have urges - There are far WORSE things that are a lot more harmful than wearing diapers. I have accepted that I need and use diapers, and I would NOT go back - Its a decision I stand by all the way. NEVER be afraid to be yourself - If you think that wearing or using diapers or having feelings and urges to act little or the urges to indulge is not common, I can tell you from experience, that the urge or feeling is NOT uncommon - Diapers are a Tool, and can be used to help you experience and enhance your feelings: NEVER feel guilty - Weather you use for medical, emotional, or comfort reasons: Diapers are just a special "Underwear" - (and Ladies that have periods understand this quite well) Who cares if they look cute or white, or babyish, as long as they make YOU feel complete? - YOU know the reasons, and it is common to feel like you are "getting away with" something, like when we were kids, and we would wet our diapers. If they make you "feel good," then GREAT - Embrace and GO - just know that we all go through the cycles of wanting to wear or not wear - As a guy that's incontinent, I can tell you that the experiences I've had are amazing! Good Luck - Feel free to send me a message if you wish! Brian
    1 point
  41. I don’t always sleep in a diaper, but when I do, I normally pee in it at least once before falling asleep. Last night I was wearing a Crinklz diaper while watching a movie in bed. I peed in it twice before sleeping and about 3 more times before I got out bed in the morning. Diaper was fully soaked but not leaking. Then I poopooed in the diaper and sat in my poop for a while before getting cleaned up for work.
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  42. Just a quick update, chapter 12 is coming and yes I’ll be continuing this story. Just been busy with other things so not had the time to get anything written. Watch this space!
    1 point
  43. Dude you gotta go camping in a diaper, Me and girlfriend did it. Miles of wilderness and park. The outdoors is great for diaper fun !
    1 point
  44. I hear so many incontinent stories and although I know it is not an option being incontinent I would love to be anally incontinent to feel and see and know what it's like not to be able to control. I have had control of myself all my life. I have never wet a bed that I can remember, or have been forced to wear diapers. Diapers to me was a choice of cleaning my panties extra good or messing a diaper and discarding it after fun time. I don't wish incontinence on anyone. I would just like to have that learning experience of not feeling it. I feel it oh too good and usually a good poop is a good orgasm. Hugs everyone and please enjoy messing.
    1 point
  45. Little Problems With My So Called Friends By: Snackers It was gross, sticky, and if Jackie stood still, she could smell it. It wasn’t to the point that she had a cartoonish stink cloud hanging around her, but if someone stood within three feet of her there would be no mistaking what it was. What in the blue blazes was she thinking? She must have been a few fries short of a happy meal to even consider doing this. Jackie walked as quickly as she could toward the park bathroom, scanning around to make sure no Amazon’s were paying attention. She should have come up with a better plan. So many plans in the last few weeks… and the one for her own future was the worst of them? How could she be so careless now? She had at least an idea of which cage she wanted to put herself into and doing this IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARK was not going to help. Well, a small part of her had to admit it did get her a little hot and bothered. The causality of it: she had an ‘accident’, therefore she was one of THOSE littles. It was simple logic that Amazons employed and being put under that label did make her shiver in a way other than fear. Maybe she really was losing it. This wasn’t a simple gamble, stuff like this was playing for keeps. She needed to get better control of herself and her direction. Moving around a bend in the park trail, Jackie’s heart stopped a beat as she saw an empty stroller parked outside the bathroom. That meant one thing, there was an Amazon parent in there changing a little. Unless she wanted to line up to be next, she couldn’t go in. “Fudge,” Jackie said… frowning at her sudden realization of the irony. She sneaked a hand back to gently tap at the packet in her panties. Yup, still there, couldn’t wish it away. Could she make it back to her room to take care of this? It was a block away and there would be who knew how many people on the street between the two points. Maybe she could fake that she was going home to have mommy take care of it? Pop her thumb in her mouth and march out like she totally meant to do this. No, her clothing would clash with that idea. She was too between worlds at the moment to pull off that ruse. She looked around again, checking for any prying eyes or even just an inspiration on what do next. This was the same kind of careless risk Amanda would have taken. At least she could sort of see the appeal now to living dangerously. --- 4 Weeks Earlier --- Of all the littles in their support group, Amanda was the most confident. She wasn’t brash or quick to give into fear, instead she was self-assured and whole heartedly believed in the group message. Brave as she was, she did have one major flaw. Amanda was occasionally fool hearty. It seemed to be a hobby of hers to take one or two careless risks just to get her heart pumping. If anyone in the group were to mount a rescue operation, it would be Amanda. Not that her former friends were any sort of trained operatives. They were just college girls who had grown up under Amazon oppression. Jackie was 100% certain that no attempt would actually go beyond the planning phase, even if making it that far. In their group, Gina was the smart one, Amanda was the brave one, Anne Marie was the pretty one, Katherine was the party girl, Liz was the organizing socialite and Jackie, herself, was the fighter and spirited one. Her plan for the group was simple, so far she needed Gina out of the way because she might figure out what was happening before the others. She needed Amanda out of the way since she was the natural rally point with her bravery and leadership. Like last time, it was a shame, Jackie did like Amanda. She felt she was a kindred spirit in being a rebel and a fighter. The only difference between them was that Jackie’s eyes had been opened, while Amanda’s remained forcibly shut to the world around them. She was brave, just as Jackie was, but Amanda was also stupid. Thankfully, help was on the way. Jackie had another plan. Amanda’s fool hearty nature meant that she could be counted on to go near places the other girls would not even be on the same street as. All it took was a little careful maneuvering. --- Jackie didn’t need the floofy dress today. Instead, Jackie went for something of a hybrid between adult and immature. She wore a casual pair of navy-blue capris, and a yellow collared shirt. She still wore her bra and some normal tennis shoes, giving her a mature college girl appearance, but instead of panties, she wore a pull-up and let the capris ride a little low so that the fringe top would peek out regularly through her movement. She knew that Amanda would catch a glimpse of what she was wearing, and she knew that like her other former friends, she’d make a snap judgement on a lost cause. That worked for her, she needed Amanda to pity her and keep her off her guard. The meeting spot she’d picked was in a commercial district not far from the university. She walked down a certain side street and stopped short of the colorful entrance. It was a place that not too long ago featured in her nightmares. Dr. Bremer’s Automated Daycare and Little Shelter. It was a relatively non-descript building tucked off the main street. Beside the Amazon sized front door, there was a bright pink tube slide. Advertisements billed it as a fun way to relax and new social escape! If you were a little and were looking to try out the ‘real’ little life just hop on in the slide. It also served as something of a homeless shelter, if nothing else you could always come there and stay free of charge. What they didn’t advertise was that “Little Shelter” was a polite way of saying adoption center. The entrance of which was like the board game chutes and ladders, except without the ladders and every square was a chute moving you closer to the inevitable end game. Jackie had pieced together a working understanding of everything that happened inside. She’d read Amazon parents forums, watched interviews with Dr. Bremer. It would certainly be an eye-opening experience into the ‘little life’ as the advertisement claimed… Which coincidently was just what all the girls in her group needed! The setup for her plan had started earlier that day when Jackie had texted Amanda. The ruse was that she was looking for Gina and starting to get worried. She wrote that Gina had not been walking to school with her lately and she’d missed her last three classes. Both of which were true, although misleading. She also added in her in text that none of the other girls were brave enough to investigate with her, and added the rub, “I understand if you’re not either, but I wanted to ask at least someone for backup.” “Where should we meet?” was the response. Amanda was predictable if anything, couldn’t have her nerve called into question. She eventually showed up and joined Jackie on the side street. Her short red hair was tucked behind her ears and she was wearing a button-down shirt untucked from her jeans. She was a tomboy, which was another unfortunate way to draw Amazon attention in this society. “Is that what I think it is?” the red head asked as she walked up to Jackie. “Yes, obviously, but Gina’s missing so I wanted to check and to see if she might have ended up here. Not many people know this, but you can scroll through the available adoptees on the screen by the front door. We can check if she’s here, we just need something to stand on,” Jackie said as she pointed to the screen just out of her reach that was next to the Amazon sized front door. Amanda seemed to hesitate at that. She wasn’t afraid to be on same street as this building, but actually being right next to it seemed to be a different story. “I couldn’t just bring a ladder to stand on. Could you either stand on my back or let me stand on yours so we can check?” Amanda looked at the doorway and the slide once more before looking at Jackie. Jackie couldn’t help but see the way Amanda’s eyes flitted down to her midsection before coming back and avoiding eye contact. She’d seen what she was wearing, the reaction was as expected. No question or concern, just pity. “We can check, but I don’t want to hang around here for too long,” the other girl said. Her look also said ‘I don’t want to hang around you too long either,’ but she was at least polite enough not to say it. Jackie stepped before the slide, staring down the colorful tube. Oddly, or perhaps not, it smelt like talcum powder. Down the street Amanda seemed to be hesitating, but seeing as Jackie wasn’t afraid, she forced herself over as well. She stopped just short. “You ever think about… …” Jackie started, looking at the tube a little longer before turning her eyes back to Amanda. “just going down this?” Amanda frowned at that. “If your accidents are that bad, can I have your TV and stereo afterwards?” Maybe that was supposed to be a joke, but the way it was said didn’t sound like it. Jackie already knew the rest of the group had written her off, not like they’d ever try to talk her back from the ledge if she was ever on it. She gave Amanda a non-committal shrug, so much for kind words from ‘friends’. She went under the screen again, motioning for the other girl to come over. “I just want to confirm that Gina’s not here,” Jackie added. “That’s all. Someone in the group has to care about missing people, even if the rest of you are busy avoiding me.” Amanda protested at that. “Hey, I came didn’t I? Do you really think she’s in here? Not like she’d put herself in here on purpose,” she said as she came over. “No one else in the group had mentioned her being gone, but you’re right, I haven’t seen her in a few days and that’s unusual.” Jackie looked at the slide again. “I don’t think she’d come to this part of town on purpose. She was too smart for that, but she also wasn’t the most athletic or quick, someone could have scooped her up. That’s why I want to check.” “Pfft, like to see someone try scooping me up. I’ve been working on my self-defense.” It was hard not to laugh at that. Jackie just smirked and waved Amanda a little closer. “Just punch them in the nose, like if a dog bites you, right?” Jackie chuckled. “Somehow, I don’t think it’ll go down like that, but you know, I did learn something from my nursery time. You want to hear a secret about Amazons? It’s something I figured out from my little incident a few weeks ago.” Amanda seemed skeptical but moved in a little closer. If someone did have a secret about Amazons that the group didn’t already know, Jackie might have the best chance of knowing it since she had visited a nursery and returned to talk about it. Jackie waited till her former friend was close enough she could whisper, the two of them in front of the slide. “It’s simple when you think about it, all Amazons seem to know it too, I don’t know why we never figured it out?” she whispered as she leaned in closer. Amanda was interested now. “What? What do they know?” “That we’re all just babies.” Amanda frowned, confused and not liking the sound of that answer. It worked to put her off balance and all her so called self-defense lessons didn’t prepare her for an unexpected hard shove. Jackie committed her whole body to it, shouldering the red head into the tube slide. Struggling, Amanda tried to grab something as she tumbled backward, eyes going wide. Jackie just steadied herself and watched as her former friend failed to find purchase and slid backwards inside. She offered a pleasant flat smile and gave a little wave to see her off. “Let me know if you find Gina in there. I don’t think she will be, but never hurts to check. I’ll tell the group where you are, maybe they’ll band together to get you out?” Jackie called into the tube. Amanda spewed out a string of curses that would have made a sailor blush, but a moment or two later there was the sound of nursery music and machinery that seemed to quiet her down. She still cursed, but now it was things like “You can’t @#$%& doing this! Get the &*#&$@ offa me!” Just as Jackie thought, it’d be an interesting experience for her. Jackie was quick to retreat after that. Just in case someone checked on all new arrivals she didn’t want to be around. If there were cameras or anything watching the place, she wondered what they’d think when they saw her little performance. --- Dr. Bremer’s Automated Daycare and Little Shelter was state of the art. When it came to little care and the improvement of little lives, it was a point of pride to show that no expense was spared and every thought to comfort was made. Never mind the fact that little adoption was the leading growth sector in a booming baby industry, that was all just icing on the cake. Whenever a new arrival was detected coming down the slide, the scanners began cataloguing gender, age, height, weight, and clothing size. In-processing was a 7-step process that had been carefully vetted and approved by leading little authorities. Amanda tumbled backwards into Step 1. Step 1: Clothing removal. The new visitor struggled, but it was easily within expected tolerances for the extending armatures that removed her clothing. Clothing was deposited down chutes for recycling and when she was naked, she was brought to Step 2. Step 2: Basic Hygiene. Although a full bath was preferable, it was hard to accomplish with a non-compliant subject. For ease, Amanda was given a quick sponge bath and rubbed down with sanitizing lotion. Her struggling angry words continued but seemed to pause momentarily when her temperature was taken rectally. Thankfully, she did not have an elevated temperature or any outward signs of medical distress, meaning she could proceed to further without needing to be remanded to urgent care. Step 3: Diapering Prep. For safety reasons this step required the subject held down with minimal movement. A quick laser sweep under the arms, down the legs and between them removed all unnecessary hair. The subject struggled less at this stage, seemingly scared of the laser but once cleaned, shouting and movement redoubled. Step 4: Diapering. The subject while still restrained had their legs lifted by the ankles so a standard ‘little size 3’ diaper could be fluffed out and placed underneath them. Her legs were pressed toward her chest, exposing her bottom better so the armatures could apply rash cream and an ample amount of powder before sealing the diaper snugly on. Step 5: Clothing. Once securely diapered, the subject is dressed in a warm flannel footed sleeper. The restraints are released in phases to allow the garment to be brought up and over her diaper, zipping and locking in the back to prevent tampering and removal. Subject’s profanity continues so an optional pacifier with strap is added in order to prevent disturbing other residents during the next step. Step 6: Placement within facility. The small changing pod angles downward to force subject through the slide aimed at one of the empty cribs within the nursery wing of the facility. Subject is surprised and lets out a yelp when exiting, but is now safely within the facility. Step 7: Admin. This step does not usually complete until after 6 hours from entrance to the facility. Research has found that if a subject is photographed and catalogued upon entry, the resulting profile picture of a sometimes angry child does not help their prospects in adoption. The most effective photo seems to come of the child napping off their first bottle of warm milk. Jackie knew from her data collecting online that the process from being shoved in, to landing in her new crib, would take Amanda less than 6 minutes. Hopefully the girl would be grateful someday for the social services she was about to get for free. She’d probably be in there a month or two. After a few dozen episodes of Naomi & Oliver, plus regular formula and structured playtime with any other residents, Jackie was certain that Amanda would be a good little, and probably quite a bit less tomboyish. Another job well done. --- Up Next : The worst 24 hours of Amanda’s life ---
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  46. For a while now, i’ve been having some weird urgency issues. I’ll get the urge to pee, and hold it until i go to the bathroom. It’s not necessarily a strong urge, but my bladder calls on me to release and occupies a lot of my attention anyway. When i finally make it to the bathroom, i’ll usually find that i don’t release that much, at least not that much in proportion to the urge to go. Then a couple minutes after i leave the bathroom i’ll get another urge to go! When i’m at home, i’m usually wearing pull ups, so i’ll just release into that if this happens. It’s usually not that much urine on the second release, and i won’t get another urge for a while after that, depending on how much liquid i’ve been drinking. I gone through many stints of wearing and wetting diapers close to 24/7 over the past 5 years, and i’ve definitely noticed that my bladder and stream has weakened as a result. I don’t wear 24/7 right now, but often wear a pull up at home and to bed, holding it most of the time. I think this might be some form of overflow incontinence? I’m still able to hold it in, but the strong urge to go right after having just peed seems abnormal to me. Has anyone else who’s worn for extended periods of time experienced similar symptoms?
    1 point
  47. Chapter 3 Claire's preparation for her new baby. After the sexual escapades in the classroom, Claire knew that Michael whether he knew it or not, she knew he was the one to fill the void in her life as her new baby boy. She had to know shop, and furnish his layette, nursery, and a few little enhancements from a really good Female Dominant Psychologist friend of hers for some special hypnosis mp3's along with a could of medical prescriptions to start Michael, when the time was right to begin his total and complete de-toilet training back into full time diaper, using them just like any other baby. But, this would have to be done in baby steps so as not to spook Michael. Claire got on her laptop and navigated to Babykins of Canada and placed orders for cloth diapers, rubber pants, locking rubber pants, and locking diapers, and onesies, along with some adult toys that would be used by Mommy to slowly stretch her baby's anus to be totally useless, and an insertable cage that had a hollow tube to ensure total diaper compliance wetting, and messing them. With a little help from Mommy Claire all of Michael's eliminations would be deposited into his diapers by the time she was finished with his, he would be here perfect big baby wetting and messing his diapers for Mommy. Happily, she pressed the purchase button, then entered her AmEx card information and submitted the order. Next Claire navigated to Meo and order a metal set of hollow butt plugs, along with a nylon harness that would hold them securely in place. Then she picked three different types of lubricants. Then she contacted one of her former students that hobbied in furniture manufacturing to have Michael's nursery crib, changing table, play pen, rocking chair, high chair, punishment table, and chair with removable parts to allow Mommy access to baby's parts at her will while Michael would be secured helplessly Mommy could insert an anal dilator to stretch Michael's anus with a device that would force him to lose his urinary continence. This is done by the machine measuring moisture in the diaper sensor. If it doesn't detect enough moisture the dilator slowly starts to expand stretching until it detects enough moisture that causes it to stop. The tempo can be set to cause the wearer to wet every five to ten minutes, or stretched out to every hour, to four hours, and it can be set to incrementally require more moisture over a period of time. This would mean Michael would be on a constant feeding of a high fluid intake, mixed with diuretics, vitamins, electrolytes, and bulk forming laxative. This mixture would fill Michael's bladder, and bowels. The bladder would continuously empty after only a few hours in the anal dilator, and very soon his bladder won't fill more than a few ounces before emptying into his diapers. With the bulk fiber with the dilator stretching him out eventually his more little sphincter muscle will be so stretched that even the slightest fecal matter, and bulk fiber will also helplessly empty into his diapers just like any other baby does requiring his Mommy to change his diaper. Another attachment for the dilator is a small suction pump that can be attached over the penis stimulate the wearer each time he wets the penis is stimulated to the point of ejaculation for most wearers. Sadly, eventually the wearer only starts shooting blanks since the climax can be set to stimulate every time, or in a specific time period, say every hour, or as low as every fifteen minutes. The last of the attachments for the dilator is a plug that can be inserted to prevent any leakage, or discharge of fecal into the wearers pants, bed or diapers. This can be used to punish the wearer, or to make a massive movement when the plug is removed will effortless press out into the diaper, bed, or wearers pants. Claire also placed large orders for Miralax, Benefiber, Lactulose, Sorbital and other artificial sweeteners to assist in accelerating Michael's diaper dependency. She also had a set of pin hole camera's installed in what would soon be the nursery. She called a plumber and scheduled to have her toilet modified with a bio-metric lock, with an iris scanner so that only she would be able to utilize the toilet, or bathroom facilities when she started Michael's training. The house was equipped with a sophisticated voice activated security system that would only respond to Claire's voice commands, and no one else. She also spoke another good friend that was a surgeon to potentially consider irreversible surgery for Michael, but that would be reserved as a backup plan. She was pretty sure that as a dominant woman she could manipulate Michael into her submission. She already saw submissive features after the brief sexual encounter at school. She could play her card right, and he wouldn't even know what hit him, until it was too late and he was in diapers for her. Claire was soaking wet just thinking about all the potentials she reached down between her legs and started diddling her- self and rocked herself a fantastic orgasm and soaked her clothes so much she had to go change. Chapter 4 Michael's reflections I just had sex with this amazing older woman and she just just rocked my world, and she did it from the Female superior position. She soaked herself, and me too. I never knew it could be that great. I always knew I preferred older women, but never really knew why. Now I think I know why. They have more experience, they're more tender, and not in a hurry, nor do they make you feel you're under pressure to satisfy them in the sack, or on the classroom chemistry table. I need to keep focus on my work. I can't afford to lose this job, or any other, but this woman occupies every waking, and sleeping hour of my life now. I crave to be around her, to please her, to get her acceptance for everything, like a children does with it's parent. Why do I think of her as a parent figure? Could it be those massive breasts that are so perfect and screaming touch me, suck me, squeeze me, love me? As I started to inventory all the IT equipment I noticed that I was sporting a huge erection with Claire control every thought, in my head, both small and large. I needed to find out more about this woman. As I was installing a computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and headset in one of the other classroom I happened to ask the professor about Claire. She said, "Claire is a breath of fresh air. She has been here for over ten years, and has really set the male dominated school on it's ears. She speaks her mind, and her actions speak the same language as she does. It's usually the male that is the aggressor in a relationship, however most of the men around her can't hold a candle to Claire. She is a real Woman, and empowers, her students, and co-workers. We have all grown since Claire started her teaching here." I said, "She's quite a assertive, and aggressive career wise, and sexually." Then I blushed. "She sure is. She has advanced women here in the school by light years." she replied. She said, "I heard you go indoctrinated by Claire in her classroom by a few of her female students." I blushed, "Yes, Ma'am. She did." "Submissive too, I see." she commented. But she said, "Most men around Claire are as simple as a small child, or baby." I finished installing the equipment and asked her to come login, to ensure her system credentials would work, and she could access her class curriculum and assignments. I found out by her login her name was Marsha. Windows Server challenged her for a change in her password for security, and she said, "Can you change that?" I said, "I can, but the school security policy is you have to change your password every thirty days for their security." Marsha logged in with her new credentials. I also noticed her eyeing my ass, and crotch. I had a passing thought, any male in this school is either in heaven, or a total female Hell. I did notice as I was hovered over her she too was endowed, but not near as much cleavage, or breast size as Claire. ...to be continued.
    1 point
  48. My tips for pooping in a diaper are: if you want to poop right away use Fleet Glycerin Suppositories. You should poop in two-three hours. Don't stay in a poopy diaper for ten hours or you will get a horrible diaper rash. If you must squish around in a poopy diaper for a long time, put Desitin cream on before putting on your diaper. You will thank me later. If you want to contain the smell plastic pants over a diaper do a pretty good job of containing the odor. The easiest way to clean up afterwards is to wash off in the shower.
    1 point
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