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Little Baby Becca

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Little Baby Becca last won the day on May 18 2023

Little Baby Becca had the most liked content!

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  • Diapers
    Adult Baby
  • I Am a...
    LG (Little Girl)
  • Age Play Age
    varies 6months -tween

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Diaper Royalty (7/7)



  1. Well, last night I did sleep in a Huggies, I was awoken around 3:30am when my wife caught her foot on the playpen. She was on her way to the bathroom having woken up with a fever herself. She wasn't happy and left me in the playpen, fortunately this morning I was mostly dry. She is now sick and stayed home from work so told her she should sleep in the playpen tonight... I wont share her response but looks like another night diapered in the playpen for me...
  2. Tonight will be the 3rd night in a row diapered and sleeping in the playpen. I have had a low fever and a sore throat, went to work but my wife didn't think we should share the bed. Her idea was to diaper me and put me in the playpen for the night. I didn't complain, the only problem is during the night I can't get out of the playpen by myself and with all the extra fluids I've been drinking It was more than just a damp Pampers when I was helped out of the playpen in the morning. I asked if I could wear a Huggies Little Movers tonight. She just smiled at me... I'm just wondering how long I can milk this... or should I say Formula...😉
  3. I have to agree 100%... A close second would be sitting in my highchair with my diaper showing ...
  4. Neither, but you can see 1000's of pictures of my tween girl wardrobe on my 2 Flickr pages... May need a Flickr account to see some of the pictures, I have them marked as moderate so some poor girl looking for training bras doesn't accidentally find my pictures😉 If you visit please let me know what you think. Becca's Flickr 1 Becca's Flickr 2
  5. Tonight I was put in a Disney Princess Pull-up... If I stay dry, I get to sleep in it tonight... Check my profile albums for pictures...
  6. It's training bras for me... My wife says I have more than all the girls in our local middle school. If you would like to see more of them just ask and I will give you a link to my 2 Flickr accounts with 1000's of pictures of all my tween girl clothes...
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