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Just wondering what it feels like to be diapered full time?

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As many on here know one day I will be fully diapered 24/7 as that is my plan I am losing control of my #2 though not really that much of the front side.  Got some leaks but nothing to call home about.

Now for obvious reasons I know the bulk is the difference. But the comfort level and also the feeling of always being diapered.   The sensation's of wearing the diapers.

I really not sure how to ask this question but I am trying.

I am of course going to tag a few people who I know are wearing fulltime.

@~Brian~ @Little Sherri @oznl @chubbyABDLcub @Evelyn Dellcerro @Transfusionelle @Stroller @Enthusi @Young1 @Little Spider @joey52 @Kif @Beccathelittle @Dprczyone @Kawaharu @RonnieJA @Timmybaby @timmy 02

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So for me- wearing fulltime feels like wearing regular underwear but bulkier. 

It did take some time to get used to sitting down and feeling the paddedness whether wet or not. But i guess the trick is to focus on your day to day tasks, and not so much as the diaper til its time to change. 

I guess if you could take 1 full day of diaper wearing and figure that but everyday and sticking to it, 

Making it take the place of regular underwear when you wake up and get dressed for the day. 

Though wearing full time may require you to spent that little extra for the premium diapers all the the time ( crinklz, megamaxs, and other super absorbant diapers) 

Idk if any of this babble makes any sense but i hope it helps. 

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26 minutes ago, Young1 said:

So for me- wearing fulltime feels like wearing regular underwear but bulkier. 

It did take some time to get used to sitting down and feeling the paddedness whether wet or not. But i guess the trick is to focus on your day to day tasks, and not so much as the diaper til its time to change. 

I guess if you could take 1 full day of diaper wearing and figure that but everyday and sticking to it, 

Making it take the place of regular underwear when you wake up and get dressed for the day. 

Though wearing full time may require you to spent that little extra for the premium diapers all the the time ( crinklz, megamaxs, and other super absorbant diapers) 

Idk if any of this babble makes any sense but i hope it helps. 

@Young1 thank you yes it does help.

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I’m not sure if the question is about physical or psychological ‘feeling’.

For the physical, well, that’s just like wearing diapers any other time except that it’s ALL the time.  It’s a little bulky, it can be a little be hot, a little humid and it’s not always great for physical flexibility but I don’t mind.  Sometimes however it’s quite nice having your own private cushion to sit on.  After a few weeks, their presence starts to be less noticeable and in my case, I started to not notice being wet that much.  It became normalised.  Leaks happen and they suck but that gets better over time.

It seems that the price of the convenience of being able to pee in your pants is a substantial amount of inconvenience.  It requires time, effort, money and planning

The main benefit for me was psychological.

When I used to wear diapers intermittently I found myself in one of two headspaces.  One, thinking about how I’d rather be diapered and how long it was going to be before I could get back into a diaper and Two, IN a diaper but fretting about how long before I had to come back OUT of it.  My low level anxiety about having to NOT wear diapers was starting to get in the way of the comfort I derived when I WAS wearing diapers.

24/7 resolved ALL of that.

  • There is no beginning.  There is no end.  I am literally ALWAYS diapered.  The borderless/endless cycle of diapering comforts me strangely and deeply. 
  • I don’t need to think about non-diapered time because there isn’t any: just diaper changes.
  • I don’t have to control my pee because there is literally no point.  It’s all going into my pants anyway and diapers prefer dribbles to floods so I don't bother.
  • If I start bedwetting (which of course I did), well that’s one less reason to wake up and I’ll be well-diapered anyway so why care?
  • If my continence erodes (and that is slowly happening), it’s irrelevant.  I don’t use my continence anymore and I'll always be diapered anyway.
  • I am being the way I want to be, all the time.  I am what I am.  Who wouldn’t want that?
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9 hours ago, Young1 said:

But i guess the trick is to focus on your day to day tasks, and not so much as the diaper til its time to change. 

This is definitely true for me as well. Diapers have been my "foundation garments" for coming up on 4 years, so, being in a diaper becomes a background matter, most of the time. But diapers are nice about tapping you on the shoulder from time to time; they remind you that they're there, because they change shape subtly throughout their lifecycle, and of course the climate in there gets more humid. I like suddenly noticing my diaper again, after having more or less forgotten about it for a while, when I shift on my chair or get out of the car or roll over in bed or whatever. 

Tactilely and visually checking for leaks becomes a part of life. You always have a bit of a stopwatch running in your head, as well... For example, how long have I been in this diaper, and what's on the agenda later? Let's see, I'm in a Lil' Squirts, that's about a 6 - 8 hour diaper, it's been 4 hours, but I need to go grocery shopping and then drop off something at my parents' place... might end up having tea while I'm there... do I want to change my diaper while I'm out and about, or, do I swap it now? Whereas if I'm just at home for the evening, I'll wait until I'm getting warning signals from below, to change it. 

6 hours ago, oznl said:
  • There is no beginning.  There is no end.  I am literally ALWAYS diapered.  The borderless/endless cycle of diapering comforts me strangely and deeply. 
  • I don’t need to think about non-diapered time because there isn’t any: just diaper changes.
  • I don’t have to control my pee because there is literally no point.  It’s all going into my pants anyway and diapers prefer dribbles to floods so I don't bother.
  • If I start bedwetting (which of course I did), well that’s one less reason to wake up and I’ll be well-diapered anyway so why care?
  • If my continence erodes (and that is slowly happening), it’s irrelevant.  I don’t use my continence anymore and I'll always be diapered anyway.
  • I am being the way I want to be, all the time.  I am what I am.  Who wouldn’t want that?

This is the crux of it for me. I hated knowing that diaper time had to end, and now, it doesn't end, which I find profoundly comforting. Also, making time for diapers in my life was coming between me and my family; I was sending them on trips, or elongating my own travel schedule, so that I could get time to "be me". Whereas now, I look forward to hanging around with my family, because there is no compromise. 


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I have made that same choice about 3-4 years ago for the same reason. I have IBS and long story short, life is more comfortable with my diaper.  I’ve dealt with minor leaks all my life and underwear left me uncomfortable.  The biggest challenge I would say is external, social stigma.  Outside of that; I don’t care, in fact, my body for some reason finds it WAAAAAAAY easier to pewp my diaper then a toilet. How ever, I’m diapered 24/7, at this stage, I just don’t want to have an accident at a inconvenient time, like most bowel incontinent people want.  When it comes to urinating, my range and capacity is WAY Differnt then it was a decade ago.  I have a timer now until I start leaking, ?, I have 15-30 minutes before I start squirting out.  It’s like my body is like “Mind, I know you don’t want to go, but I need too! I don’t care you’re not wearing your DIAPER! ATTACK!” And i have a wet spot in my pants.  The funny thing is at times I believe I’m not incontinent. ? However, I can’t hold my own pewps and pees ?????????????

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10 hours ago, DiaperboyEddie12 said:

As many on here know one day I will be fully diapered 24/7 as that is my plan I am losing control of my #2 though not really that much of the front side.  Got some leaks but nothing to call home about.

Now for obvious reasons I know the bulk is the difference. But the comfort level and also the feeling of always being diapered.   The sensation's of wearing the diapers.

I really not sure how to ask this question but I am trying.

I am of course going to tag a few people who I know are wearing fulltime.

@~Brian~ @Little Sherri @oznl @chubbyABDLcub @Evelyn Dellcerro @Transfusionelle @Stroller @Enthusi @Young1 @Little Spider @joey52 @Kif @Beccathelittle @Dprczyone @Kawaharu @RonnieJA @Timmybaby @timmy 02


Good Morning:

as I promised you, here is my response regarding your question. Hopefully the information that I give you is helpful to you in some way shape or form. @~Brian~

Introduction:  Wearing a diaper is like having a friend with you at all times. As you grow up, we transition away from diapers, and we end up going to underwear. that means we lose a lot of bulk underneath, and it's a lot easier to deal with going to the bathroom every time. however, in cases where you are incontinent or you are having trouble with it, not having a diaper on can be almost like having somebody playing Russian roulette with a gun with one bullet in the chamber: you don't know where the bullet is So every time you pull the trigger, it might click, And then after awhile you're gonna find the bullet pull the trigger And the game ends there.

Wearing a diaper, you avoid having that problem where you have to play Russian roulette. The reason why I say that is because if you have a diaper on, you don't have to worry about when you're gonna go or where you're gonna go or why you go. You just go and release it. a diaper is designed for that purpose. I believe it's always been that way, and most people understand that that's what it's for. When you have a diaper on you don't have to worry about anything, it's, except of course after using it, you will have to worry about whether or not you're going to change it, and when you're going to change it, and in some cases you can do it  immediately,  while in other cases you might not be able to change right away you have to be prepared for those type of situations, even though you may not be able to change right away.

Wearing a diaper is like a lifesaver and a change in the way things happen. When you end up having a diaper on stuff can happen so quickly You don't even have a chance to even think about it. When you have a diaper on, after a while you don't even think about releasing, It just happens. Your body just automatically thinks that it is going to be a diaper around the waist, so your body will condition itself to release whenever it feels the need. this is different from when you where potty trained or where potty training, because you're trying to teach your body not to release every time it feels the need, but to release whenever it is necessary, but it gives you plenty of signals to remind you that you have to release.

Wearing a diaper, you don't have to worry about using it. that's what they're for, and that's what it is expected. Anybody who wears a diaper knows that they have to deal with that everyday. Incontinent people have to change their diapers several times a day unless they have good quality diapers, and this is important because most people don't understand that if they have severe incontinence, most products that they sell in the stores will not deal with that, And they need better protection com which is what I have been saying all along, because diaper manufacturers think that the only thing they should be manufacturing are low end products, which are all over the stores, but they're not really worth much to those that are severely incontinent.

Sensations and Feelings:  This is kind of hard to explain, but if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it is that your body is full of nerves and sensors, And by that I mean for everything you do, you either feel it taste it smell it see it or hear it period since. sensations have a lot of things to do with the way our lives work. you can sense it, and if you can sense it you can feel it. sometimes You have a bad feeling, and you know it in your heart or you know it in the pit of your stomach, and that is what I call a gut reaction. when you have a sensation or a feeling, you usually are able to use your senses to be able to determine that your feelings are are trustworthy, in a situation where you know that something is wrong, your body kind of can give you a signal: First it would give you a weak signal to tell you that there's something wrong, and as you approach the situation you may have a stronger signal that tells you that something is dangerous, or something just isn't right, then when you finally realize something isn't right, your flight reflexes it activate and you are on guard for whatever happens, and even sometimes then you are not really ready for something to happen especially if you're surprised. I have learned to trust my feelings and I've learned to trust my instincts because most of the time they're darn close to being right, even if the way I perceive it may be a tad bit different than somebody else.

I think the most powerful system in your body is the five senses. If somebody really wanted to get your attention, they could use ways of doing it, by attracting you to a particular situation. if somebody decided that they really wanted to get your attention for example, they could cook your most favorite meal, and each of us has their favorites, and each of us would be attracted by those favorites. imagine having somebody that you meet somewhere. Each time you go to a particular place, your senses and your feelings are going to be stimulated. If you go to a football game for example, your senses are going to be able to figure out what's going on around you, what you see what you smell et cetera, plus your feeling is going to be pumped if your favorite team is either winning or losing. Regardless of what happens, you want your team to win, so you're going to cheer and hope your team wins, sometimes coming home For example with a voice that is horse or you might end up with laryngitis because you can't talk anymore because you've used up all your energy in your body needs to recover.

Diapers end up also affecting your feelings and your senses. Your feelings, will be affected because you are going to remember what it is like to wear them, use them, smell them, see them, etcetera. each of your senses will be affected if you are around diapers, and I know for darn fact that everybody has some sort of attraction to them if they have worn diapers since they were children. each of us has their own way that diapers affect the senses or the feelings. for example, one of the things that will always remind me of my childhood, is if somebody were to bring me a white diaper. The diaper would have to be thick, and also crinkly. Of course adult diapers do not smell like baby diapers do come, but in the 70s when I was growing up, they would put perfume in the diapers itself, so when you opened a box of pampers for example, you could smell it from a mile away, and you knew someone in the house was wearing diapers. When you walk into a nursery for example, you know what it smells like, you know what it looks like, and I can tell you right now that even at my age if somebody were to use the right scent, and spray that around here, that would set me off and put me right back into a position where I could remember that. For some reason my main memories of being little always snapped back to being in my house when I was a kid, and having everything around me. I remember having to tell my mom all the time or my dad that I'd have to use the bathroom, and it was kinda crazy, but the diapers themselves always ended up eliciting and bringing feelings and senses to the forefront. If somebody really wanted to attract your attention, they would put on perfume where something else that would attract the senses or would attract the feelings because of what they're doing. if somebody took a diaper for example, and they end up holding it and crinkling it, or they brush your face with the end of it, or they allow you to smell it, it'll put you right back into space that you want to be whatever trigger you use your headspace Will change depending on the situation. I think 90% of us understand that in some way our senses and our feelings can be affected by what we do around us, and that is important, because without our senses or our feelings, nothing would be able to be understood, and it's always good to be able to do things and use our senses, because that way we know what's going on around us, if we didn't have our senses the world around us wouldn't be very good, because it wouldn't be able to detect anything.

Wearing Diapers:  Wearing diapers is no big deal. there is an adjustment. that everyone needs to make, because in our situation where decided that you're going to start wearing them all the time, you have to make an adjustment to the way you take care of your bathroom habits. you must have the proper topicals, wipes, display, disposal system, gloves, and everything else that you need to be able to make a change including the diapers. This is also is something that you have to determine when you start comment because once you start down the road of bring them, you may not be able to stop worrying them, unless of course you have control of your bladder for example but not your bowels, or your bowels, and not your bladder. if you don't have control of any of these, or you're losing control, this means that you will have to get used to wearing diapers and changing them as needed. it is also very very very important that you make sure that everything that you're doing make sure that you're clean in your diaper area. if you don't clean yourself well, that can cause major problems, and it also can cause rashes and skin breakdown. believe me, you don't want skin breakdown, it is the worst thing that can happen, and it can also make your skin raw, and it can actually rub off if it's bad. I remember one time I had jockitch, and I thought it was a skin breakdown, but it wasn't. it was caused by my senses going haywire because of a situation that was really bad. I've never had jock itch like that, and hope I never do again. It is important however, that you keep yourself clean, because you are actually wearing the diaper, and you are releasing whatever you're holding in your bladder or your bowels and you're holding it against your skin or close to your skin, so you don't want to be wearing a diaper for too long, otherwise what it'll do is it'll start to sag, It won't fit right, it will stink, and then you will have to clean yourself up, and then comes the hard part: you have to take the diaper off, and if you've had a blowout for example, you will have to make sure that whatever you're releasing remains inside the diaper for the most part, while making sure that the mess is kept to a minimum. Wearing a diaper, if you have the right one, should be no problem because you will be able to do exactly that for the most part. if you're lucky enough to be able to catch it before you actually release all the way, you may end up being able to deposit some into the bathroom toilet before you have to make a major change, but if you are totally incontinent, that is very unlikely.

Wearing diapers Just means that you are making changes to the way things are: you are allowing your body to deal with whatever it is is holding, and you know that diapers are best for your situation, and that is based on what you feel, and how you feel. no one can make that decision for you, but in my case, it was almost cut and dry. I was having accidents, and I was dealing with IBS and diverticulitis, so when you add all three of those together, and you end up seeing how many times I made a mistake and ended up having accidents, realize that diapers are usable and are practical. Because of my mobility limitations, sometimes I cannot get up fast enough, and when I can't do that, and I realize that it would be futile for me to be able to cross the room, then I just sit back and let it happen. I hope for example that it won't end up blowing out all over the place, but if my body wants to get rid of it, it will get rid of it. wearing diapers with pee/poop in them for a few minutes is 1 feeling, while wearing diapers for maybe 2 hours with them in it is a different story. prolonged wearing of soiled diapers can cause problems with your rashes and other things, and can cause skin breakdown, so it's important to change it as soon as possible. some people like to sit in it, or mash it around, whatever it is they do when they release, But in the end you will have to clean up that mess, and you will have to determine how to deal with red angry skin if any of that matter gets on your skin.

Comfort Level:  As far as comfort level goes: comfort level is basically something that is subjective. Some people think diapers are very comfortable, some people think diapers aren't comfortable. That also could be due to the fact that certain brands of diapers are made differently, size differently, and because of that they might fit differently. Once you find a diaper that works for you, regardless of what you're doing in it, that's one level of comfort. this being, that you don't have to worry about what's happening, and you're comfortable if it happens and you release, because whatever you're wearing you have faith in that will be able to hold and contain whatever it is that you release. another comfort level is personal comfort: is that product that you're wearing something that you trust enough to use? Are you comfortable wearing that particular product, does and does it help you? The third part of comfort level is regarding your decision that you make.

The Decision:  The decision on whether you wear diapers or not, and when you start wearing diapers, is yours and yours alone. however I must say that the most important thing is that you are comfortable with your decision, and you are comfortable with the timing of such a change. A lot of people don't like the idea of having to go 24/7 in the community, and that means outside of our community. in our community, people that understand what is going on, why it happens, and they think the best way to handle it is to go 24/7. Some people may not understand the why or the what quite yet, but sometimes what our body knows our head forgets. The most important thing is that your body is able to deal with its business,, and you can't hold it back, because that would be even worse of a situation than if you just released like you normally do, but some of us don't have the strength to be able to hold back, or we don't have any control because our plumbing is broken, and I can tell you from experience, that the best thing that you can do is to just let it happen! Therefore you don't have to worry whether you're going to use the diaper, because you have the diaper there to be there to be used.

I'll say it once and I'll say it again: stigmas of the past are part of the reason why are turned off by diapers or are somehow repulsed by them. This is because of everything that we've been told and everything that we've heard and everything that we've seen. it's one thing if a child is trying to learn to do something, and sometimes they make mistakes, and sometimes things take longer for some children to learn than others. I am one of those types of people who couldn't do certain things for a long time, hell I couldn't even tie my shoes until I was 12, in that were something that I'd never thought I could do because I didn't have the dexterity and I hand coordination to be able to complete the task. Otherwise it probably would have been able to tie my shoes a lot earlier in my life. Just like I learned how to tie my shoes by the age of 12, children have to learn how to use the bathroom, and that's the way they do it. they end up starting in diapers just like everybody does, and then they learn that the diaper is there to help them, and they are expected to use it, and they use it because that's the choice that's made. a diaper is put on by your parents, and it is used, then changed. unless the child decides to remove the diaper of course, then you have a major mess on your hands if it is loaded. but let's put it this way, children learn children learn at different rates, and I wish people would not use stigmas and negative connotations when they refer to diapers. they are tools and they are part of your wardrobe until you can safely navigate that part of your life, using the toilet. there's no reason why anyone should be shamed or made fun of or any of that, because they need they're diapers for longer than somebody else does. peer pressure has a lot to do with some of this too, because kids like to follow what their friends are doing, and they feel as if they're in a lower class if they are unable to do something that a big brother or big sister does, or one of their friends does. peer pressure has a lot to do with people trying really hard to make sure they are up with everybody else.

Unfortunately there are people in this world that do not have the ability to hold their bladder or their bowels, or they have reduced functionality and are unable to hold it for long periods of time. these people are considered incontinent by function, and I'm sure that people understand that there are people that are in this position. For that particular purpose, and because people are disabled, people understand this but sometimes I wonder how much they understand. if you have a disabled child for example, you've been down the road that I've been traveling, because each disability is different, each person is different, and the way you deal with that person in your family is different, because you have to be able to anticipate what may happen, and then be able to deal with it. If you are disabled for example, and you wear diapers, then that is that! people understand that hopefully, And for those that do not, They're the ones that we need to educate: there are many people in the world that wear diapers because they need to, and there are people that wear diapers that need them for other reasons, like comfort reasons or psychological reasons, but they're all valid reasons come, and medical reasons at that. I'm not sure how people how people think about that, But if you think about it, when you have an autistic person for example, @Little Belle @BabyCat2 @~ashley~ And others come each of them May find comfort in their diapers because of the sensations the diapers give them, the noises they make, or maybe it is that it makes them feel more comfortable and more confident. in my example with the three individuals listed in my in my mentions, each one of these individuals has different reasons for wearing them, but they are needed, and for each one of these individuals, It may not be a medical reason for wearing them, but it could be considered as such. many people have to understand that stigmas are things that are built in our heads because people tell us that something is good or something is bad, or you shouldn't do this or you shouldn't do that, because it's not right or moral or whatever! 

the problem is is there are too many people out there that judge people without even knowing anything about them, or why they do what they do, or how they do what they do. It is one thing not to understand something, and then trying to learn why something is the way it is or why somebody likes what they like or why somebody needs what they need. it is quite another thing to chastise and put down and make fun of some somebody that needs diapers or other support devices because they don't understand the reasoning why. Many people would say the diapers are terrible, or they stink or whatever, they don't wanna deal with it, but most of these people that use diapers everyday understand exactly what is going on, they know why they made the decision, and there's no reason why there shouldn't be a person that can wear diapers because it helps them. I don't care if somebody wants to wear a diaper all day long and walk around and they don't use it, but if they do it is there to be used, should need arise, and if it makes a person more comfortable, makes them more productive, keeps them safe, or whatever it is, then diapers are a reasonable thing that should be considered. If I'm not mistaken, the Americans with Disabilities Act, may state that if you were wearing diapers because of a problem, nobody can give you any grief about your employment status or other status because that's what the act states. I don't know about you, but I think there's a lot of people around here that would agree that there are smart individuals and ones that are very very adept at what they do, and they do it well, and if they do a job well and they can function normally with just a little bit of help from the ADA, then what the heck is the problem? people look down on others too much in life, and they need to realize that there's a lot of people around here that are hell of a lot smarter than they think, and their people that have their talents can do and can do amazing things, they can be parents, they can be doctors lawyers, firefighters, emt's, web designers, and all of these other things. these people are very active And they do a very good job, the only thing is some of them may wear diapers, and that's not a big deal, and that's what we need to be able to tell people: they might not understand why they might not understand that we do it because it makes us feel good, they help with are mental health as well, and some people just lock on to the stigma that was dug into our heads when we were about two years old when we were learning potty train the diapers are terrible and we need to get rid of them as quickly as possible! a lot of us can't help what we have going on, so we use them.

As I told @Diaper00Wearer Last night, if you need to use them, use them, and don't worry about what other people think or believe or say. it is one thing to have a dry diaper, it is one thing to have a wet diaper, but it is more important that if you have a wet diaper or a messy one, that for the most part your pants and everything around you stay dry, and that is the most important thing, regardless of what somebody else says. If you need to use diapers, you use them, and that was something that even my doctor agrees with. so please understand that people that need diapers have a reason for using them, even if we don't all know the reasoning. there are many things in our lives that do not concern us, so that information does not get disclosed. I can understand why people don't want to disclose the information, lest they end up finding out that somebody dislikes what's going on, Or bad things can happen like being outed and made to be a target for somebody to shoot at, which is basically what happened to me when I was out at! That is not the right way to handle it. And people need to listen and understand But some people won't, So that's why we have to educate everyone so that they don't make stupid comments based on stigmas and old beliefs that are probably older than my great great great great grandmother! it is high time that people understand that there are more ways to deal with mental issues or disabilities than just telling us that something is morally wrong call, because there's nothing wrong with wearing diapers!

In conclusion: when we're talking about how it feels to wear diapers: the best way to describe it is exactly what this quote below states:

6 hours ago, Kawaharu said:

It feels amazing going diapered permanently. I never have to worry about being potty trained anymore and I can go in my diapers at anytime I need to.

@Kawaharu hits the target again right in the Bullseye! I couldn't have said it any differently than she did. The feeling that you get when you're diapered in my opinion, is like nothing you can describe other than to say, that you do not have to worry about things at all! sure you're gonna have to change the diaper, But once you have to change the diaper, you know that you're going to be clean and you know you're going to be all set. You also know that regardless of what happens, you will be able to change the diaper So it is not how does it seems. Sometimes we have bad days and sometimes we have messes we clean up, But as we get better at managing this, it's a lot easier to deal with than having dirty or wet pants, or a mess in your pants. When you have a diaper on, you don't have to worry about anything, other than the fact that when it's time to go, you go- no questions asking That's the way it goes! sometimes your body decides to release when you don't want it to, but your diaper is there to stop it or to help you. the best feeling in the world is knowing that you have it on, and you are more confident that you can handle almost any situation. in my mind, the best thing about wearing a diaper is the fact that you don't have to be scared, or afraid to go somewhere or do something with the friends, but you do have to make sacrifices to make that happen, but the sacrifices that you make when you wear diapers are nothing compared to what you would have to do if you had gone and had an accident without them.

@DiaperboyEddie12 will have to weigh these factors when he makes a decision as to when he decides that he wants to go 24/7. I have a feeling however that it's not going to be a question of if, but it'll be a question of when. when he does, he will have information that he needs to be able to make the decision that's in his best interest.

Good luck my friend!




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33 minutes ago, munkey said:

in fact, my body for some reason finds it WAAAAAAAY easier to pewp my diaper then a toilet. How ever, I’m diapered 24/7, at this stage, I just don’t want to have an accident at a inconvenient time, like most bowel incontinent people want.  When it comes to urinating, my range and capacity is WAY Differnt then it was a decade ago.  I have a timer now until I start leaking, ?, I have 15-30 minutes before I start squirting out.  It’s like my body is like “Mind, I know you don’t want to go, but I need too! I don’t care you’re not wearing your DIAPER! ATTACK!” And i have a wet spot in my pants.


BOOOOOM:  when I read this, especially the part about your mind and your body pitting themselves against each other, I had to laugh because that's exactly how I feel!  I couldn't have said it better myself!   Your mind and your body work together. I have learned one lesson over the last 50 years, and being incontinent, that is, that if your Body says it has to release, and your mind says anything other than OK let's go, then what will happen is either your mind will tell your body to release, or your body will release anyway, because it needs to get rid of what it's holding.  You can't end up saying something like if my body is going to release, because when your body wants to release whatever it's holding, it is going to release, And if you were not ready, your body is going to release! I love the way that you said things about the mind saying that it needs to do something else, while the body is saying something else, and if the mind doesn't respond, the body will use the diaper, and there the attack begins! that's exactly the way it feels to some people that are incontinent in my mind. you don't have a choice on whether you are going to have to use your diaper, the only thing that you know is you have to put it on other otherwise you know what's going to happen, and that is going to be even worse than if you had it on in the 1st place!

I have been a member here for almost four years, and during those four years, I have learned a lot of things. I have changed a lot of things in my life, making it easier for me to live, because the best thing to do is to make things easier for yourself than harder for yourself. when I started having problems in 2018, with accidents IBS and Diverticulitis, I knew that I needed help, And rather than wait and wait some more, after the horrendous ridiculousness I had to deal with, because I was buying diapers prior to this for my problem, I asked my doctor for help. He told me that it takes a strong guy to be able to come in to see him and tell him that he needs help like this, I told him that although it may be a tad bit embarrassing, a wet diaper/messy diaper and a little bit of inconvenience, is a hell of a lot better than dirty pants and a lot of inconvenience. After knocking my head out for two months at least at least, I started having problems in 2019 again, So then I decided to go to the doctor, when I did that and I asked him, he was very accommodating, And throughout my journey I had to change the type of diaper I was using from the cheap stuff to the plastic back good stuff, because total incontinence cannot be managed with those type of things, you need plastic backed diapers with odor control, And there's nothing that these other supposed diapers will allow you to do. they always want you to use the cheap stuff first, which I did. I found that all of that stuff is inferior to what I'm wearing and, and that's why I'm with a Mega Max. Mega Max is having let me down yet, except for one order where they had manufacturing defects. during that problem being taken care of, I dispose of 13 bags of megamax, because they were all defect, because they felt like somebody had put cardboard in the diaper And that's what it felt like between my legs. I had later found out that it was a manufacturing problem because the owner of the company North Shore, emailed me and said that that's exactly what the problem was, And we worked out a deal where I wouldn't have to get rid of all of that order and then reorder it. I also couldn't order the better ones because they were using those for a long time. Luckily I still had some of the older ones from 2019, So I was able to use those, And I usually order at least two months of a supply, So I kept on ordering the new supply when I found out that the older diapers that had the problem had been removed And a new stock of diapers for that year had been created, which means that I could finally get rid of my old stock, because all I would be getting would be the right ones, rather than the ones that feel like cardboard.

Like you, I made the decision To go 24/7, and I haven't regretted it one bit! Sure there are drawbacks to it, but I'd rather have the knowledge that regardless of what happens, my diaper is on, and I can deal with the results. I have been More productive, more confident, and it also helps me with my mental health as well period now I want now I won't have to worry if I have to use the bathroom, and I can't get to the bathroom fast enough, and if I really wanted to, I could use the diaper all the way, and I've learned not to be embarrassed about it, because it happens. many of the people here that I consider very close friends have taught me that you can't let incontinence take over your life or stop you, and you shouldn't allow something like incontinence to control your life. The most important thing is you have to have control of what's going on. sure you may not have control of your bladder or your bowels, but at least you are in control of how you deal with it, and you are in control of making sure that it's taken care of, but you shouldn't let your life be negatively impacted by the decision. there are plenty of very smart individual tools that wear diapers every day, and they help us do many things in our lives, and many of us probably don't even realize that they're wearing them. even if we did realize that, I would hope that people would end up saying OK no problem, and then they move on! i've had to deal with my disability all my life, and I've been very lucky that most people are very understanding and they accept that I have a disability and they know I have a disability, so there's no issue. I also long for the world where wearing a diaper is a non issue, and people can do it without being chastiser made fun of, because that's not the way it goes or away it should go!

Thank you for your insight! I think we're pretty close as far as are feelings on this one! ??


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12 hours ago, oznl said:

24/7 resolved ALL of that.

  • There is no beginning.  There is no end.  I am literally ALWAYS diapered.  The borderless/endless cycle of diapering comforts me strangely and deeply. 
  • I don’t need to think about non-diapered time because there isn’t any: just diaper changes.
  • I don’t have to control my pee because there is literally no point.  It’s all going into my pants anyway and diapers prefer dribbles to floods so I don't bother.
  • If I start bedwetting (which of course I did), well that’s one less reason to wake up and I’ll be well-diapered anyway so why care?
  • If my continence erodes (and that is slowly happening), it’s irrelevant.  I don’t use my continence anymore and I'll always be diapered anyway.
  • I am being the way I want to be, all the time.  I am what I am.  Who wouldn’t want that?

Also vibe loooooooots with this! 

Continence problems or not, that awful cycle of wishing you were diapered and then dreading being out of them again sucks lots. I'd dream of the mundanity of staying in them permanently, and I'm finally here. 

And blissfully, it's pretty boring all things considered ?

Like...I think the only change I didn't expect was transitioning as part of it, and going more fem in my wardrobe. But it turns out skirts are fantastic at concealing diapers, dry or ... not.

I was also worried my Little side would become less important. But it has been the opposite; I'm far more open to myself and in-tune with it. I've worked through lots of baggage, made friends, am going to CAP...it has been amazing. 

How else would I describe being 24/7 besides "thicker underwear"? I dunno...but the results and positive impact it has had have been nothing short of wonderful. 

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4 hours ago, ~Brian~ said:

@Kawaharu hits the target again right in the Bullseye! I couldn't have said it any differently than she did. The feeling that you get when you're diapered in my opinion, is like nothing you can describe other than to say, that you do not have to worry about things at all! sure you're gonna have to change the diaper, But once you have to change the diaper, you know that you're going to be clean and you know you're going to be all set. You also know that regardless of what happens, you will be able to change the diaper So it is not how does it seems. Sometimes we have bad days and sometimes we have messes we clean up, But as we get better at managing this, it's a lot easier to deal with than having dirty or wet pants, or a mess in your pants. When you have a diaper on, you don't have to worry about anything, other than the fact that when it's time to go, you go- no questions asking That's the way it goes! sometimes your body decides to release when you don't want it to, but your diaper is there to stop it or to help you. the best feeling in the world is knowing that you have it on, and you are more confident that you can handle almost any situation. in my mind, the best thing about wearing a diaper is the fact that you don't have to be scared, or afraid to go somewhere or do something with the friends, but you do have to make sacrifices to make that happen, but the sacrifices that you make when you wear diapers are nothing compared to what you would have to do if you had gone and had an accident without them.

And that's why I am kept as an adult baby. I am way to comfortable and way to use to being in a diaper over adult underwear. If i was ever put in an adult underwear, I would be nervous and I would leak so badly. Even being an adult baby, let's me do things that adults, grown ups and big kids would never get to do. 

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I love being in nappies 24/7. I wouldn't change it for the world even after over a year of full time wearing. Sure sometimes it's a faff, it's expensive and it's no fun dealing with leaks but all that is manageable and the comfort, security and calm I feel all the time is well worth it.

Yes @~Brian~ I think nappies do satisfy some sensory need that I have and part of my autism is that i don't experience internal 'cues' very well (introception) so being able to totally ignore my bladder is extremely liberating! 

I agree with other posters that when you're in them full time you don't think about them very often but when you do, it's so lovely and comforting to know they're constantly there for you. 

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1 hour ago, Little Belle said:

I love being in nappies 24/7. I wouldn't change it for the world even after over a year of full time wearing. Sure sometimes it's a faff, it's expensive and it's no fun dealing with leaks but all that is manageable and the comfort, security and calm I feel all the time is well worth it.

Yes @~Brian~ I think nappies do satisfy some sensory need that I have and part of my autism is that i don't experience internal 'cues' very well (introception) so being able to totally ignore my bladder is extremely liberating! 

I agree with other posters that when you're in them full time you don't think about them very often but when you do, it's so lovely and comforting to know they're constantly there for you. 

That’s like me as well. I love being in diapers permanently and I wouldn’t change it any other way. Being kept in diapers, I don’t have to worry about being potty trained anymore and I can go without thinking about it. It’s why I know I feel much safer in a diaper than in an adult underwear.

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@DiaperboyEddie12My full time wearing is usually about 3 full days a week but like many others here it's the bulk between the legs. One of the reasons I wouldn't wear a thin diaper. The confidence that goes with a good thick diaper is amazing. If I could, I would go 24/7 but with family around a lot I'm just happy I get the time I do. I may never make myself incontinent but it would be fun trying.

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On 1/17/2023 at 4:45 AM, Dprczyone said:

@DiaperboyEddie12My full time wearing is usually about 3 full days a week but like many others here it's the bulk between the legs. One of the reasons I wouldn't wear a thin diaper. The confidence that goes with a good thick diaper is amazing. If I could, I would go 24/7 but with family around a lot I'm just happy I get the time I do. I may never make myself incontinent but it would be fun trying.

If you want to wear full time it's exactly those times around other people that you could wear a thinner nappy. It might not fulfill that love of being thickly padded but better to be less thickly padded than not at all! You'll just need to change more often but it will give you the discretion you need.

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I have to wear diapers full time due to medical issues from my car accident 22 years ago ( Dec 11th, 2001 ) At 1st I wasn't comfortable about having to wear diapers again, but now it's like I have a diaper on me, it's there cause I need it, but I don't care if I am stared at if anyone sees or hears my diapers from under my jeans or sweatpants. I have to deal with being diapers all the time now and it's like I'm ok with it and I deal with the matter

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@Little BelleMy issue with wearing around people as I run errands and such isn't a problem. I don't wear around family because I don't want to include them in this. Your idea of wearing something thinner is good but if I'd happen to need a change it could create an awkward situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, funny thing. I asked the wife the other day if I could wear around the house more when it's just her and I. At first she didn't say anything but later that day she came over to me and said it would be fine. That was Jan. 15th and I've been 24/7 minus 21 hours ever since. It has been the highlight of my diapered life! I hope others get to feel the same way someday.

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To answer the question in the title, for me, besides being awesome and comfy, being diapered full time, after a while, is mundane and lackluster. Don't get me wrong, diapers are amazing and all, but day in, day out, day in, day out, it's no wonder why people need to take a (sometimes long) break. The reason why people start and stop 24/7 is because managing diapers at all times (I'm looking at you, wet and messy diaper changes) can get tedious and time consuming.

Small quip: I don't know why some people say that a "proper" diaper change takes only 5 minutes. I usually take between 10 to 20 minutes depending on how messy I am.

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I’ve been wearing pretty much 24/7 (either pull-ups or diapers). When I’m in a pull-up, it’s not much different than underwear, until I wet of course. Diapers occasionally make me feel kind of sweaty and gross but I enjoy wearing them when the time is right. Some days I only wear pull-ups and still try to use the bathroom. Some days I wear diapers and give up on the toilet. It all depends on how I’m feeling and whatever I have going on that day. 

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  • 1 month later...

I went no toilet last week and while I enjoyed my time padded, got my fill by the 3rd day and went back to undies for my hubby over the weekend. That fill lasted about 3 days and now I want back. Currently padded and not trying to hold it. Also, northshore is reporting a 10% increase in demand yearly and stated that the taboo linked to diapers is fading.

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My mom was in the hospital last year for about five days (she's fine now), I had the house to myself even at night so I wore 24/7. LOVED IT! but I was very happy to have her come home.

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