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argument in tesco


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O.k i had a slight argument with a women in tesco and i kind of feel bad. It got me all frustrated and agitated and wanted to know if people think I should have said something else or there opinions on what I said.


Someone needs therapy... and not the guy wearing a diaper!

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Wow… geez. That's messed up. Having a kid that young isn't ideal but I have known people who did or had kids even younger and they didn't turn out fine by their parents hating them and being psychotic. They ended up fine because they had good understanding parents and a support system of friends and family that helped them.


Wow. She has issues and I bet her daughter being pregnant at 17 still upsets her so she took it out on you. I wonder how she treats her daughter.


I would have gotten a little less than friendly, something to the effect of "what the fuck is it to you what I buy? who the hell are you to question it? what I need is NONE of you business so why don't you go over there*points* and FUCK OFF?!* ok that might be more than I would say but that would be my thought, id be more likely to say "whats it to you?! what I need to buy is none of YOUR concern so go mind your own business and shut the fuck up!" or if I wanna get REALLY bad I might say something very very ungentlemanly(ladies, this is not me, and I apologize in advance if this offends you) "shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen, bitch!" and then I would wish I had eyes in the back of my head to watch her reaction as I walk away. I frankly think you were a little too nice about it, I believe in respecting my elders and being respectful to women but I do have my limits, and you give me bad ill want to give you bad too, its the golden rule which I try to live by every day. you could have been buying them to give as a donation to a childrens shelter, and how would she know you weren't? my mom bought some similac to give to a womens prisons or a womans shelter or something, so a package of large baby diapers wouldn't be out of the picture, you could have also further shamed her if you said you were donating them(even if you weren't), maybe something to the effect of "for your information, you loudmouth warthog faced dipshit, if you MUST know, im buying them to DONATE to help others" and make sure others hear you in the store


It's obvious how she treats her daughter! Why do you thing she is pregnant at 17??? Trying to get away from her nut job mother....her mom and her bad parenting drove her away. Thats why things like this happen. This woman is a control freak and she is pissed off her attempts at controlling her daughter failed and she is angry at herself for being who she is and being a failure as a parent and at controlling everything and everyone she runs into. UGH! Sorry you had to go through this, but these types are everywhere these days.


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Before chewing that c*** a new one, I would have told her in full detail what I had planned for those diapers, anyone from chat would know my tmi sense of humor would have really grossed her out.

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It sounded like you handled the situation pretty well, actually.


women: I think its disgusting ( somehow this made me think she knew)

starting thinking i should probably put the diaper on cause i started to almost shit myself.

Me: yeah ... ( i said confused and nervous )

Women: why would you do such a thing, I mean really!.

this made me slightly angry.


so many routes you could go here.


if you bought peanut butter to smear all over your body it still would be no business of anyone else but you.


Dayumn, props for staying level. I think I would have internally lost it, although I don't think I would have been able to give a 'fuck off' out of nervousness.


I would have handled it differently :ph34r: but then again, everyone would 'cause we're all different :) I never let things get this far out of hand. Words are just that and they have only the value you assign them, so when someone speaking with me says things like this then I return the favor giving them back words with just as little class as they have exhibited themselves :o It takes two (or more) to argue and when you keep the argument going then you are as much at fault for that as they are <_< Either win the word-war quickly or walk away and leave them looking like the raving lunatic they really are :boxing:

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At the end when security had her and you were asked to write out a complaint, I would have also said, "Can you please call the hospital or an ambulance to take her there?


yeah its funny ... i would say 9 times out of 10 when u got out in hull you see a argument so its kinda normal just i am usually mixing my own business so it never really happenes 2 me


then the security guards found me and asked if i would write out a personal statement. I followed them to the office with the women that calmed me down a lot as she said she would write one as a witness.

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*agrees with rusty pins"...THAT would have been a cool option....but what she really needs is to get the shit beaten out of her....then she'll (probably) think twice about side-busting a complete stranger like that....I utterly despise beyond words people like her.


Shocked.... Shocked not at the woman in the story.... I'm shocked that people believe this story that is clearly fabricated. XD

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