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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by wetatnight

  1. I hate the cloth like ones myself, but I believe the cloth like Cushies by ABU are the only cloth like adult baby diaper currently available I think most ab/dl's prefer the plastic covered diapers
  2. I tend to wet my diapers until their almost leaking then I change
  3. I'm not totally sure maybe the age and size of an average 2 year old and able to walk and speak and to do basic things and still be in nice thick diapers
  4. their pretty decent if your not a heavy wetter to use them as a belted garment or as a booster pad
  5. it could be they lost interest or their lives got too busy to be here anymore
  6. these artists can have their openions but it doesn't give them the right to cancel shows in those states and punish the fans who paid money in advance to see them perform
  7. I prefer thick diapers because i'm a heavy wetter and thinner diapers don't meet my needs
  8. do they have a plastic outer cover? I couldn't tell from the description
  9. I have sleep apnea and Narcolepsy so I'm tired all of the time I use a CPAP machine at night and I believe that it has contributed to my bed wetting along with my back problems
  10. maybe as they sell more of them they'll come out with more sizes of them
  11. before the internet I thought that I was the only person interested in diapers and wanting to be back in them again
  12. I hope your health improves and no more nasty surprises
  13. I think it's BS , IT seems like everything we use or eat is bad for you and causes cancer I think their needs to be more proof
  14. I have been working a contract IT job at a local hospital and on the level where babies are born by a nurses station is a bulletin board
  15. I find women in diapers hot,but I'm not sure how many women find men in diapers hot or cute?
  16. I may have missed some thing also about Finn wearing diapers
  17. I would like to try the newer version some time, but not at the current price
  18. I have yet to see an ab/dl themed show that showed us in a positive light I would say keep your private life private
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