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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Glennie last won the day on February 18 2018

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Diaper Royalty (7/7)



  1. Thanks uncle joe.. you're doing a great job. you just keep on keeping on buddy
  2. Glennie

    Fanarts abdl

    you are a very talented artist
  3. as many of you know my mother punished me with diapers for many years.. it was pretty much from the age of potty training until I was 12. According to my father my mother had me in cotton training pants on my first birthday and the accidents happened from then on. I really struggled with both bladder and bowel control. my mother felt I was doing it on purpose, so her goal was to embarrass me as much as she possibly could. Warmer months of the year, she wouldn't allow me to wear pants outside. For the record kids are really cruel to the weird kid in diapers, well past the age they normally need them. My mother would make me pulled down my pants and show all of our relatives my diapers and tell them why I was wearing them. I still vividly remember standing in front of my grandmother, with my pants down and my diapers and plastic pants on full display, my grandmother telling me she was ashamed of me. looking back at my time in diapers as a kid actually made sense. I was commonly found in muddy underpants or at least wet ones and very often wet the bed. yes diapers for me made a ton of sense. The mental damage came from making it so embarrassing. I've been told by several therapists that my mother probably made my problems even worse. her constant demand for my success caused too much mental strain to be successful. Yes it create a diaper fetish. and by the time I was actual out of diaper, I was hopelessly in love with them too. As an adult I have struggled with diapers. I hated them for so long. I just couldn't stop wanting to wear them no matter how hard I tried. I have a bunch of medical issues that have gotten me to wear diapers 24/7.. I question just how much of my incontinence is really just in my head.. the mind is a very powerful thing and can create problems just to solve other issues. I an a insulin dependent diabetic and have watched my ability to stay dry, get worse and worse as I aged. 4 years ago I finally made the move to diapers full time. doing that helped quiet the constant desire to wear diapers, to settle down a bit and in turn, made my life a lot more peaceful. I know I will be wearing diapers until the lid on my casket is closed and I am ok with that now.. I've found my peace with who I am.
  4. Perfectly said warpiper. We can't have stuff like this on our website less someone think we support this type of behavior. it is dangerous and possibly deadly.
  5. dude.. welcome to my full time world. Thank god I'm not on oral diabetes medications anymore because I have a serious intolerance to them. The best thing to have ever happen to me was my drs putting me on injectable insulin. I had a Dr literally say, just carry extra diapers with you. (yes I am also urinary incontinent, which is very well noted in my medical records). I have struggled off and on my entire life with being clean and dry. Its no fun when you learn you will literally have almost no control over your bowels. Its seems like a bunch of fun until you are wearing a pair of crap filled pants and you don't remember doing anything to have caused it. It was embarrassing the first few months and I was still in full denial. you can hide a peed diaper for a while to a point, but when you crap your pampers, its gonna smell and people are going to notice, and if by some luck, people don't notice, the constant diaper rash you get from the burning butthole is even worse. You don't get a break from it. The rash just keeps on coming. I finally gave up and started wearing diapers full time the week I had 7 full blown, s.h.i.t. my socks episodes. and yes I meant to say that. You learn pretty quickly that a diaper is really just a fancy containment system that keeps your socks and shoes clean. Gravity is not your friend when it comes to a leaky rearend gasket. I would love to be able to go somewhere and not bring a bag with me or preplan a diaper change. Everyone in my life knows I wear diapers 24/7, because I had to get over hiding it. That means co-workers, friend and family all know, you wear diapers and will require extra time to get changed from time to time. Being incontinent has a tendency to isolate you to a point. some people don't want to take you places because of your handicap. Its sickens me when I hear of people that are going out of their way to cause permanent harm to they bowels or bladder. give it time. live your young life first.. Btw.. not many sexual partners will find it sexy when you have to go take a shower before you have sex, so that you don't smell like a toilet. THINK REALLY REALLY HARD, before you do something dumb. However if you do something stupid, document it well so we have good examples of what not to do
  6. i think we should all plan to go out, Tommy Pickles style, next year for little pride week ?
  7. just own you incontinence.. I am 24/7 for urinary incontinence. so if I ever get the side eye, I just tell them I have a handicap and will need the bag to use the bathroom.. Yes they will immediately look at your crotch, but you aren't the only person to wear diaper.. hell their store has an entire isle of them. Stop being a frightened mouse and just own your incontinence. Your world gets a lot easier once you just say screw it and stop thinking that everyone in the world will immediately make the jump from.. "omg he is wearing a diaper and needs to wear them". to "omg that must be one of those adult baby freaks". Before I get jumped on, I am using the term "adult baby freaks" to push the envelop. I don't consider any of us to be freaks. Lots and lots of people wear diapers, its a major industry. TO THYSELF BE TRUE!!!
  8. and your just getting started spending money on your trains.. its a wonderful hobby but a very very expensive one as well.. enjoy
  9. just.. WOW is all i can say..
  10. yes i have in fact seen the proof and AE and myself are friend that talk on the phone.. This is 100% the truth
  11. back in my day I was the tv remote.. hey kid go change the channel.. so I would go stand next to the tv set and flip the channel until the adult would say.. thats good right there
  12. i have the same issue. what I do it fold the flaps into a wedge so that my hips are not covered by they wings of the diaper. start at the bottom of the flap and fold a it up into sort of a triangle shape. that give all the room needed for your hips and gives you rub free comfort.. I also wear a size larger than I need so that the tapes are more into the center of the diaper. I wear 24/7 so a comfortable diaper is very important. hope this helps you a bit.
  13. now that's a real dump.. but seriously did you know when the pack of diapers says up to 35 pounds.. that's the size of the child and not how much poop they hold.. I tell you what.. you learn something new every single day
  14. Pee's in your diaper drawer 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Glennie


      goes to the truck stop and pees all over your sleeper mattress and then pulls the fifth wheel pin for good measure?

    3. snobak


      Sends you the bill to fix everything 

    4. snobak


      Puts tadpoles down your diaper  ?


  15. if this thing every makes it way to cleveland I am going down there in one of my cutest onesies and take a ride around the park..lol
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