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Powders and creams

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22 minutes ago, DailyDi said:

Do you use em?

I personally don't. They don't seem to do much but make a mess. Love the smell of powders, but not enough to make it part of my routine.


Sometimes I do use powder, and sometimes not.  I carry Powder, Vasaline, Zinc Oxide, and Bag Balm in my Go Bag in case I need to treat a rash.  I try not to add a LOT of it, because it can mess with the diaper's tape, or the taping panel.  Zinc Oxide is used when there is a red area, or if there is burning or itching.


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No, mostly.  If I plan to do more than wet my diaper I will add baby oil, Vaseline or a diaper rash cream to my bottom.  I've not gotten a rash but I have had "hot spots" on parts of my butt from what I figure is slight urine burn on sensitive areas.  When on vacation this past summer and I was in diapers all the time except about 8 hours sleeping each night, I always used ointment of some kind.  16 hours in hot and very humid weather in plastic backed premium diapers dictated some skin protection each diaper change.

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Absolutely I used them! Especially baby powder, to me it's a essential part of not only diaper changes, but being a baby! As for creams, They can be useful for diaper rashes and soothing my skin. Plus it reminds me of the days when I was actual a little one and my mommy used to smother me with lotion and then get me dressed after a nice bath.?☺️?❤️??

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I didn't use to, but I use powder now as it helps in a couple of ways.

1) it smells nice, and it helps a bit hiding a stale pee smell, for those extended wear times ??? should I "forget" to change...

2) it does help heal any sores or hot spots that occur

3) with disposables, it helps them slide around a bit, rather than sticking to my skin ( ie:my butt) making them more comfortable. 

Like I said, its not something I used to do, and sometimes I forget, but it is something I have (kind of) worked into my changes....not mandatory by any means, but actually, a nnice option.

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A small amount of sudocrem at every change applied to deep cracks and crevices as a preventative.  I don't slather myself in it.  I don't use powder much at all - too much mess and odour.   Maybe a little if I need some extra care and I'm in cloth.

Because I'm 24/7 and on a two-nappy-per-day diet, I'm wet to some extent MOST of the time and I've discovered prevention is FAR less trouble than cure.

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I used to use powder and lotion but have since cut back to just lotion. Taking the 4 prescription meds I'm on gives me a better chance for a rash to happen. During my 24/7 time there is a decent chance I may get a rash if I don't use something. Even if I'm just going to diaper for a night I use lotion also. One of those big J&J baby lotions lasts me around 3 to 4 months so the cost is minimal. Plus it smells good and it could keep the dreaded rash away. 

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Just like we did when raising our kids, I use on myself just what I need to keep comfortable and healthy - nothing more.  I use Sudocrem on any sore areas, and as a preventative up my crack - that gets sore if I don't.  And I use BodyGlide on areas that risk chafing, ie on the inside of both thighs.  (btw that's not what the kids got - they got what THEY needed to keep comfortable and healthy.)  Cloth nappies and 5-mile daily dog walks mean I've got to be careful of chafing.  I've never believed all the 'you're worth it' advertising of things we don't actually need.  Must have saved a fortune over the years by doing that, or rather I would have done if I hadn't spent it all on other things...

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Never need them when wearing medical diapers, but if I'm wearing an ABDL diaper, and gonna put on a new ABDL diaper, I sprinkle some powder in it.
Not sure if it helps, but it doesn't get any worse, but then I have to shower on the next change.

I often just change from medical to medical, without cleaning the area with no problems.

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I do the same. I may not use powder all the time, but I do have the lotion and all the supplies.  I don’t use talc anymore, because of what I have heard happens with it being a cancer-causing product. The cornstarch powder is what I use, and I use the lavender as well it smells good it feels good, and I believe one of the ones I had, powder I think, was the original scent of Johnson and Johnson’s baby powder when I was a kid. Every time I open that container, I get a whiff of that and it reminds me of my childhood.

my diaper changes are not very remarkable. I takeoff a dirty diaper, I throw it in the Jenna bell system, then I take a wet wipe and wipe down, then I go to my bed get a fresh diaper put it on and I’m finished. When I’m away I have to modify this routine a little bit, but it’s not that hard. I carry all of my supplies with me when I go somewhere so that I always have what I need when I need it.  In my “go bag”, I have everything I need, and can change in less than 15 minutes. If I need to put on any topicals, I usually do that while sitting down on the toilet and cover the area generously and then put the diaper on the way I need it. The reason why I don’t use powder all the time is because if you are peeing in a diaper, or pooping in one, unless you are slathering yourself and baby oil or lotion, which I don’t normally do, the powder can cake around your “diaper area“ and then it can cause issues because of clumping, which you have to clean up when you change your diaper. If I don’t have to put powder on, I won’t. When I do put it on, I put it on lightly and rub it all the way In, so if I do it right I don’t have the caking going on.

I do use 40% zinc oxide when necessary, and also the bag balm, because that will protect my skin and my diaper area from irritation.


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calmoseptine and powder between most every diaper! sometimes for a light diaper between a soaked overnight diaper and a shower i just wipe and powder. 

the cream really helps with skin health and stops any itching or irritation that happens sometimes under my diaper. which is honestly incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable. this happens especially when i just change and powder.

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Yep. I use a barrier cream containing zinc oxide. The barrier cream functions as a layer to prevent moisture from reaching my skin, which is good because immersion in even pure water (without even considering chemical irritants) breaks down the skin and makes it softer. In this case, the barrier cream also reduces the degree to which chemical irritants reach my skin. The zinc oxide component specifically is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory which promotes healing of minor skin wounds.

I tend to apply it over my diaper area and slightly outside it, onto my upper thighs in areas that are otherwise liable to be chafed by the diaper leg holes. It has a similarly protective effect there.

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I only use J&J baby powder (with corn starch--not talc) because it doesn't clog cloth diapers. They don't like barrier creams. Plus I don't want to damage my PUL covers.

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I personally use a moisture barrier cream daily and reapply it at the time of changing. They work well at preventing diaper rash or chub rub which for me is a big issue. There's no gap between my thighs and when you add a soggy diaper and humidity, that's a sure fire recipe for a rash. The creams also help with keeping my chastity cage lubricated and moving to eliminate pinching or pulling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I normally use a barrier cream when I go to bed just to prevent a diaper rash because I frequently mess my diaper while sleeping. It normally wakes me up when I start pooping but not always. If I sleep without a barrier cream and mess my diaper without waking up, I end up with a bad diaper rash.

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