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Like most mornings, Tiffany was waiting in the morning crowd of coffee fanatics, anxiously awaiting to hear her name called so she could grab her drink and get on with her day. The heaters were on full tilt, making the multiple layers of clothing she had on rather uncomfortable but it just wasn’t worth taking any layers off, only to quickly return to the frigid air outside. Her eyes wondered, scanning the busy store for anything of interest in an attempt to kill time, only to find her eyes continually gazing back at the same telltale sign that she was all too familiar with from her own boyfriend. While most were dressed in large puffy coats, others were more lightly dressed, which probably resulted in them running from the store to the warmth of their cars, but that's besides the point. Her eyes wandered back for a fourth time as she finally made up her mind, seeing the thin crisp edge of a diaper peeking out from under the man's shirt in front of her with a small barnyard creature peeking back at her. “Excus-” She started, reaching out to tap him on his shoulder, just as a name was called out, causing him and what appeared to be his partner to disperse into the crowd in an attempt to grab their drinks. “Tiffany!” One of the baristas called out almost immediately after, causing her to trail through the crowd after them, grabbing her warm coffee before following them out of the store and into the cold. “Hey uh-,” Tiffany started to call out, only stopping herself as she realized it didn’t matter anymore. The woman in front of her turned her head around, still parading forward through the parking lot, stopping as she looked at Tiffany. “Were you talking to us?” Tiffany gave a smile, “Yea, sorry I just wanted to say his tails are sticking out,” The woman gave a short, puzzled look before looking at her boyfriend's butt to see what she was talking about. “Ha!” She let out, chuckling as the man's face reddened. “And where's yours?” She called out with a chuckle. Tiffany smirked, giving a slight shrug as she approached the couple, snow crunching beneath her feet. “Probably still fast asleep at home,” “I get that. Sometimes it's a whole ordeal to force these little dudes to leave the house for anything,” She said, chuckling as she tried to embarrass her partner. “I hear ya. Coffee and Target is about the last thing he wants to do on a Saturday morning,” Tiffany said. “Tiffany, by the way,” She said, extending her hand. “Beth,” The other woman responded, shaking her hand. “Did I hear you say Target?” Tiffany smiled, “You sure did,” She said with a laugh, taking a drink of her coffee. “It's cold,” The man said quietly, his arms and hands wrapped around his hot drink. “Alright, go get in the car baby,” Beth said, pulling her keys out to unlock her car as it beeped in the distance quickly followed by the man turning to make his way to the car. “Any who, were off to Target ourselves funnily enough,” “Wow! Small world huh?” She said with a laugh. “And you got him to come with?” “He doesn’t get much of a choice in our household,” Beth said with a smirk. “He gave up the pants a long time ago, if you know what I mean,” Tiffany chuckled. “I hear ya, my little guy just doesn’t want Mommy to drag him around all day,” “Pfft. Withhold his happy times and I’m sure he’ll eagerly follow you around Target,” Beth said with a laugh. Tiffany let out a wide grin, completely enjoying the ability to just talk about this with a stranger. “Hey well, it's cold and my drink is getting cold, but what do you say we meet up at Target? Talk some more while we shop?” Beth let her jaw drop for the added suspense. “Oh. my. God. Yes! Ah, this will be so fun!” “Yea! It will be great to get some girl time, especially with another Mommy!!” Beth said with excitement. “Yes! For real! James will still be in tow, but he can quietly push the cart while us girls talk,” Beth said, pulling her keys back out. “Alright. Well, I’ll see you there then,” Tiffany said, pulling out her own keys before turning to head towards her car. “See ya soon!” Beth called out. ~~ “Hey!” Tiffany called out, stomping the snow off her feet as she entered the store to see Beth and James standing towards the entrance with a cart. “Thank goodness! I was beginning to get nervous!” Beth said, wrapping her arms around Tiffany for a hug which kind of caught her off guard. “Sorry, the kiddo called and was asking for permission,” Tiffany said. “By the way, I’m Tiffany,” She said, extending her hand towards James to officially greet him. “James,” He said quietly, lightly shaking her hand. “Permission? You’ve got him well trained then,” Beth chuckled, starting to walk off into the store to which Tiffany followed as James slowly pushed the cart after them. “What's his name?” “Tyler,” Tiffany responded. “Aw, cute. I used to date a Tyler,” Beth said, turning down an aisle to look at some of the home decor. “Was kind of a prick though,” She said with a laugh. “What’d you do, tell him you wanted to baby him and he ran away?” Tiffany joked. “Is that too much to ask?” Beth said jokingly, giving James a smile as his cheeks flushed up a little. “So how long have the two of you been dating?” Tiffany asked, taking a sip of her now lukewarm coffee. “Can you answer that one dear, Mommy’s really liking this pillow,” She said, setting her drink down in the cart as she carefully examined it. “Uh, just over three years now,” James said calmly, nodded as he answered. “And how’d you meet?” Tiffany said, pushing on James as she wandered around the isle, slowly perusing. “Online actually. She uh- Mommy uh- DM’d me on one of my posts,” James said with a little giggle. “You can’t just leave out all of the important bits, dear. Tell her all of it,” Beth chimed in, still spinning the pillow around in her hands as she tried to look preoccupied. James' cheeks reddened again as he rubbed his hands together nervously. “I had uh- posted a pic…of me…wearing a diaper with my stuffed rabbit…” “And…” Beth said. James' face had gone flush red by this point as he stood on his heels, swinging his toes back and forth avoiding any eye contact. “I was asking if any Mommy’s could come change me,” “Good boy!” She said, suddenly putting the pillow back on the shelf. “Wow! I didn’t know those kinds of posts actually got responses,” Tiffany said, trying not to giggle too hard as she was afraid it might hurt James’s feelings. “Right?” Beth said, giving her a puzzled face as she strolled down the aisle. “I don't know what I was thinking. I was just alone, at home late one night scrolling through my feed and I thought, eh what the hell? Shot this random internet stranger a message and things just kind of took off?” “Was it quick?” Tiffany asked. “Oh no. I think it was like three months before he finally had the nerve to ask me out?” Beth said, wandering into the next aisle. “Three months?” Tiffany said, completely baffled as she followed behind Beth. “Yup. Three weird months. He wasn’t the only one either. I’d shot a couple of dudes' messages, all of which turned out to be complete creeps. Maybe it only worked out because he took so long?” Beth said. “Huh, I guess online dating can work out,” Tiffany said. “Do you feel lucky?” Turning around to look at James. He blushed a little as he nodded. “I do,” “Damn straight!” Beth called out, giving a quick twirl as she held her coffee in the air. “Baby boy is damn lucky!” She said, before putting her hand over her mouth. “Was that outloud?” Tiffany chuckled as she shook her head, turning to see James doing a quick check if anyone was behind them, likely being relieved by the fact that no one was. “And what about you and Tyler? How’d you meet,” Tiffany asked as they strolled out of the home section and into clothes. “A friend set us up,” She said. “A friend? More like a match maker. So which one of you was into the whole scene?” Beth asked. “Believe it or not, both of us,” Tiffany said, nodding her head as Beth turned to stare at her in disbelief. “Just like that? Magically out of the blue? So then who brought it up first?” Beth asked. “Tyler. I think I knew, at least a few weeks before he told me anyway, but it was so cute. He was tossing and turning all night until I finally asked what was bothering him when he broke down and just told me everything. I think he thought I would dump him, run for the hills, that sort of thing? But his eyes went real big when I let him know my feelings about it,” “Aww, must have been magical. This little guy has been in diapers since day one of our relationship,” Beth said with a laugh, giving a loving smile back towards James who was eyeing the toy aisle off in the distance. “Think you need anymore binkies?” Beth asked jokingly, grabbing a pack off the shelf and showing them to James. His face had been red since the moment they turned down this eye, knowing that a part of him was always interested in potentially finding something new. “No, Mommy,” He said quietly with a smile, obviously enjoying the teasing. “What about sippy cups?” Beth teased. “It's crazy how many little things end up scattered around the house,” Tiffany said, grabbing a pack of baby wipes and tossing it in the cart. “Right? They just end up everywhere. Practically have a whole cabinet's worth,” Beth chuckled, eying the shelves for anything new and fun herself. “Have to walk around with a bin picking it all up before guests come over,” Tiffany added. “Sometimes I think about just leaving it all out, but it's really just his parents that ever come over. Which at one point I thought would be a funny way to embarrass him, then I realized I would have to see them all the time and that probably wouldn’t make for a long lasting relationship” She said, causing James to smile as he looked at her lovingly. “Yea, can’t say Tyler would appreciate that either,” Tiffany said agreeingly, suddenly pulling her phone out of her pocket as it vibrated. “Speaking of,” She said with a smirk. “Hey, sweetie,” “Hi Mommy!” A voice rang out over the phone, barely loud enough for James and Beth to hear who both nonchalantly came a little closer. “What's going on?” Tiffany asked, smirking at Beth as she practically put her ear up towards the phone. “When do you think you’ll be home?” Tyler asked in a whiny voice. “Probably not for a bit. Is there something that you need?” Tiffany asked. “Mmmm…no…” Tyler said. “Sweetie…” Tiffany insisted. “I have to poop,” Tyler said, eliciting a laugh from Beth as she tried to cover her mouth with her hand. “Who was that?” Tyler asked, suddenly sounding less whiny as Tiffany tried to hold back her own laugh as James let out a smirk of his own. “Just some new friends Mommy made,” Tiffany said. “Go make pushies, sweetie,” “But when will you be home?” Tyler asked again. “Uhh-” Tiffany started. “Why don’t the four of us grab lunch after this?” Beth suddenly asked. Tiffany gave her a thumbs up. “Soon, sweetie. But I want picture proof. 5 minutes tops. Also, we’re going to lunch with some new friends after I get home,” Beth gave Tiffany an impressed look while James tried to hide a smile from her. “Who- but-” Tyler said over the phone. “No buts. 5 minutes,” Tiffany said again. “Yes, Mommy…” Tyler said, sounding defeated. “I’ll be home soon, sweetie. I love you!” Tiffany said. “I love you too,” Tyler said before hanging up. “Dam girl,” Beth said, exiting the baby aisle as they entered the toy section. “I’m liking your style. Might even have to try that one myself,” She said with a smirk. Tiffany grabbed her phone from her pocket as it dinged nearly a minute later. “Alright, you’ve got to let me see this,” Beth said, leaving James to his own devices as he tried to decide on which lego set to get. Tiffany shrugged, turning the phone screen so that she could see the picture. A perfect crotch shot of Tyler’s soiled diaper drooping well below his waist with spots of brown peaking through the colored plastic as the legs of his stuffed bear dangled to the side. “Thats fucking adorable,” Beth said, practically putting her face against the phone to see everything. “I can’t wait to meet him,” Tiffany texted him back as Beth helped James decide, ultimately putting one in the cart. “Why don’t we pick one out for your new friend Tyler too?” Beth said. “Oh no, you don-” Tiffany started. “Please, it's my pleasure. Plus you’ve got to teach the little ones to share,” Beth smirked. James grabbed a matching set off the shelf, placing it in the cart. A quick walk through the food section yielded a few odds and ends here and there for each of them, but ultimately the cart was rather bare at the end of the trip. “Typical,” Beth said as they stood in line. “What's that?” Tiffany asked. “A trip to Target and the only things we’re leaving with is food and something for the little guys,” Beth said with a chuckle. Tiffany laughed too as James stood confidently, lego sets in hand as he waited to ring them up. “Oh, he's not using his own- '' Tiffany started again. “Shhh girl, it's fine,” Beth said reassuringly as James placed the legos down on the belt. “Our finances are shared, it just makes him feel happy when he purchases things by himself,” Beth whispered to Tiffany. “Well, text me an address and I’ll meet you there with Tyler,” Tiffany said, bagging up her few odds and ends and turning to leave. “Any preferences?” Beth asked, leaving the bags for James to carry. “Something good?” Tiffany said with a chuckle. “See you both in a bit!” Did you enjoy the story? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar! Or be sure to let me know what you thought by interacting with the post!7 points
Back home unexpectedly early from our Christmas visits, as my parents were under the weather and didn’t want to pass it along. So, three days/two nights at my in-laws, yikes! A couple of notable funny moments: during family game night, I was leaning over the board to move my piece and could feel a tinkle coming, which kept going as I sat back down. Of course, only I noticed. And in the evenings watching Christmas movies, my wife and I sitting next to each other on a couch, both knowing I would be getting progressively wetter as the night progressed! We had worked out a couple of code words if anything went wrong or if we needed anything, but other than some sneaking around to toss out used diaps, things went pretty smoothly. I even got a kiss under the mistletoe from my lovely wife, who included a quick, subtle diaper check along with it!5 points
Happy holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Act II: Coming & Going Eight: Life on the East Coast I wasn’t gone long enough for ‘reality’ to feel new or fresh. It feels like the same garbage I escaped from a few days ago. In fact, the further I get from my brief adventure in California, the more unlikely it seems that I went anywhere at all. Which was more believable–that I flew across the country and suckled milk from a woman’s tit until I was wetting myself uncontrollably; or that I’d just been in New Jersey the entire time? Because I was willing to write off my entire experience as a strange dream I experienced. Nikki, she didn’t bat an eye. She woke up this morning, dressed for the gym, and went on her way without a word–like it was just another day. I was tempted to stop her as she walked out the door. “Hey, real quick…did all that stuff happen? We did go to California, right?” I hadn’t heard from Anders since he dropped us off. I haven’t heard from Sam either. It worries me a little, as now I’m just imagining the murder scene that police are stumbling into at their house. And me–I’ve got plenty to do. I’m just not ready to do it yet. I’ve got some articles to write for work. I’ve got to talk to my editor. I’ve got to return Maxine’s messages. I probably need to see Maxine sometime soon. I need to decide if I’m eating those bananas or if I’m throwing them away. I need to get some diapers too. Something I never thought I’d need to say before. I woke up to the feeling of wet padding this morning–immediately destroying any hope I had of being over these ‘accidents.’ And things went from wet to messy not too long afterwards. There was a small part of me that still liked the thrill of helplessly expelling myself into my pants, even after we landed in New Jersey again–but the realization that I have to interact with people that I know again has ruined any lingering charm. Worse, I’m currently wearing the last of the diapers that Mirabelle sent me home with. Yes, I would’ve had one more if I didn’t accidentally spill my coffee on one of them, but it’s best if we don’t think about that. I don’t think it’s important to note why a clean diaper was in such close proximity to a full cup of coffee either. “I got to go to the store,” I announce to the apartment. I hear Nikki–back from her workout by now–stirring in her room. “I need a few things,” she says. “Mind if I tag along?” “Why don’t you just, like, give me a list of what you need?” She snorts. “What, I can’t just, like, come with you?” “Well I was planning on going alone,” I sigh, “because, uh…I need to get things.” “Things?” “Things.” “Oh,” she laughs, eyes a little wider. “Like…baby things?” I clear my throat. “They’re not baby things. They’re adult diapers. Ah-dult! It’s right there in the name.” “Mmhmm,” she hums, walking past me so that she can put her shoes on. “Let’s go, baby.” It seems easier to say nothing at all than to continue to argue my case, so I let it go. === “Really, Alfie?” Nikki asks. “Lowery’s?” “I don’t like it either,” I reply, “but nobody shops here. You can be damn sure that I won’t be caught dead at ShopSmart carrying a pack of adult diapers.” Nikki snorts. “You think people give a shit about what you’re buying?” “Most people? No. But ShopSmart is busier, and more people means a greater chance of being spotted by someone curious. Maybe even someone I know.” “You care too much about the dumbest stuff.” “Do you want me to drop you off at ShopSmart and you can buy them yourself? Be my guest.” She groans and shrugs. “Well…they’re for you, so…” I laugh as I pull into the parking lot of Lowery’s Market. Broad Street, the closest thing this town has to a ‘main’ street, is bookended by two grocery stores. Lowery’s, an ancient institution, sits on the western end and had been unopposed for half a century. In the last decade, though, a ShopSmart has popped up on the eastern end. Talk to anyone five years ago, and they’d have told you that they were Lowery loyalists, through and through. These days, however, one would find the ShopSmart parking lot packed at all hours of the day and evening, while Lowery’s is looking more and more like a ghost town. Thus making it the perfect place to go if one needs to buy something embarrassing. “I have a few things to grab while I’m here,” Nikki says, getting out of the car. “Some toothpaste. Oatmeal. Jerky, for sure. Uh, I think we’re good on bananas, right?” “We’re on a mission,” I say. “We can’t be lollygagging. Get in. Get diapers. Get out.” “Lollygagging?” Nikki mutters. “Look, if you’re that stressed about buying them, just order them online and have them shipped to the apartment.” “A great idea,” I say, a bit more snidely than I intend to. “But I kind of need them, like, now.” We walk through the ancient automatic doors at the entrance; they open with a mechanical skronnnnnnk and close with a similar sound. “The whole point of me coming was so that I could get the things I needed,” she says. “We’ll get your precious diapers last, alright?” Precious. I roll my eyes and shrug, following her lead. She’s a better shopper than I am. I have a tendency to just kind of mill about in a store, getting distracted by new products and daydreaming about whether or not they’d fit into my life. Nikki, on the other hand, is a machine. She knows what she wants, she knows where they are, and she doesn’t waste time. “Where even are adult diapers?” I ask, after Nikki signals that she’s gotten everything she needs. “Are they near the baby diapers?” She snorts. “That’d be insulting to old people, wouldn’t it? I think they’re usually in the same aisle as the feminine hygiene products.” “Well I don’t know where that is either.” Nikki sighs as she picks up her pace a little so that she’s walking ahead of me now, leading the way. This would usually be about the time when she makes a comment about how helpless I am, or how it’s a miracle that I’m capable of breathing on my own. I’m grateful that she’s sparing me that commentary today–because it’d probably hit a little too close to home as I feel a fresh patch of wetness in my diaper. “Here,” Nikki says, her finger pointing at the sign hanging from the ceiling that describes what is in the aisle: FAMILY PLANNING, FEMININE HYGIENE, INCONTINENCE CARE. “It’s wild that they’d put that on a sign,” I say, realizing I’ve never really thought about it before. “What? Incontinence?” I nod. “Just seems needlessly humiliating. Any person walking into this aisle has to worry if someone watching them thinks that they’re either pissing themselves or needs a condom.” Usually, this would be where Nikki reminds me that I think too much about stupid things–but she’s already said that in the car. Instead she says: “Maybe there’s someone who’d need both? Even the incontinent might want to get their bone on.” Damn. What if that’s me? There’s more options on the store shelves than I’m expecting. Maybe I should’ve done a little bit of research first. Who could I even ask questions to? Anders, probably–though I don’t know if I’m ready to give him a ring about diaper recommendations just yet. “Well, let’s see,” I say aloud. “They’ve got pads.Undergarments made to look like underwear. Undergarments labeled ‘maximum protection’ that look like, uh, diapers.” “Any with cute little animals on them?” Nikki asks. “Or Minnie Mouse?” “Fuck off.” “Maximum protection,” she says, pointing to the bulky package on the bottom shelf. “Just get those and then you’ll be sure that they’re, like, absorbent enough.” I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help but laugh. “Jeez. Really? Do you think I’ll be spraying like a fucking firehose?” “That’s just my advice,” she shrugs. “And I’m certainly no expert on diapers.” I’ve been meaning to ask if she has any regrets about not tasting the milk for herself. I suspect I already know the answer, but she did seem hesitant to leave the farm. I wonder if, given the chance to go back, she’d eventually allow herself the experience–even if it was just once. “Just pick something out and lets go,” Nikki sighs. “You were the one who didn’t want to–what was your word? Lollygag. Well, it seems to me like you’re lollygagging.” She’s probably right about that. Right about two things, actually. I am lollygagging. And, also, without knowing what to expect from my continence, the ‘maximum protection’ incontinence briefs are probably the way to go. I survey the aisle one more time, spotting nobody that seems overly invested in what I’m shopping for, and I quickly grab a package from the shelf–pressing it against my chest like it’s a secret treasure I need to protect. “Carry them like that,” Nikki says, “and people are going to look.” === “Well, well, well,” comes a voice from the canned fruit and vegetable aisle. “If it isn’t everyone’s favorite dynamic duo.” “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Nikki mutters under her breath. I’m thinking the same thing. I hope it’s not who I’m sure it is, but I hold on to a sliver of hope as I spin around. Sure enough, it is her. Julie Ross–not only an ex-girlfriend of mine, but the most probable candidate for future stepmother. And here I am with a thick package of adult diapers in my hands. “Julie,” I nod, feigning a grin. “It’s good to see you.” It's frustrating that she’s good looking, as it almost makes my words true. Her long brown hair is pulled back behind her head in a ponytail, her top seems to barely contain her chest, and her shorts are gloriously short. I’d never say this aloud–especially to my father–but he has good taste. “Likewise,” she says. “I almost didn’t recognize you. I guess it’s been a little while since we’ve been in the same place at the same time, huh?” No doubt a jab about the fact that I mostly refuse to visit my father when Julie is expected to be present as well. “Yeah,” I shrug. “How about that? Just have a busy schedule and all that.” She seems to ignore my remark and instead turns her gaze to Nikki. “And Nikki, a pleasure as always.” “Uh huh,” Nikki shrugs. Pretending to like people is my specialty, not hers. “Funny running into you,” shrugs Julie. “I almost never come here. I’m more of a ShopSmart girl, myself.” It’s tempting to dissect that a little, to see if she is somehow being judgmental of the type of person who usually shops at Lowery’s–though I resist that urge for the time being. “Just had to, uh, run an errand,” I say, nervously glancing from the plastic package over to Nikki. “Interesting,” Julie replies, her lips forming into a curious smirk as her eyes wander down to the package. “Please tell me those aren’t for you, Alfie. You’ve always been so good at making it to the bathroom on time.” “You’d feel pretty shitty right now if he admitted that they were for him,” Nikki says. Julie’s smirk dissipates and she clears her throat nervously. “Sorry…maybe that’s none of my business.” I actually thought ahead to a situation like this. Maybe not, specifically, running into Julie at the grocery store–but running into anyone I knew. The plan was to state that these were for my father. Of course, seeing as how Julie probably knows my father’s bathroom habits better than anyone else these days, that story just isn’t going to fly. “Th-they’re for my, uh, mother, actually,” I say. Please-oh-please don’t let this come back to bite me later. “Oh my,” Julie frowns, some genuine concern in her voice as she holds a hand up to her mouth. “Is she okay?” “I think so? She just had a procedure done, you know? And these are just a, er, precaution.” “I had no idea she had a procedure,” Julie sighs, shaking her head. “I don’t think Peter knows either. Or, if he does, he didn’t tell me about it.” “Well it’s not the sort of thing she likes to talk about,” Nikki says, always knowing when I need some backup. “So maybe it’d be best if we just kept all this between us? Especially the incontinence pants.” “Right,” Julie nods. “Of course. Well, look, I shouldn’t hold either of you up much longer. I hope your mother has a speedy recovery. And, hey, you really should reach out to your father sometime. I know he’d love to see you.” “Yeah, I’ll do that,” I nod, hoping I’m selling this little fib too. “It was great seeing you, Alfie. And Nikki, you too.” “Uh huh.” === “Of all the people we could’ve run into, why’d it have to be her?” I ask, tossing the package of undergarments in the back seat of the car and slamming the door shut. “I’ll never understand why you’re so polite to her,” Nikki says as she gets back into the passenger seat. “She broke your heart, remember?” “Well, sure. And if she had just broken up with me, I might have shivved her.” “You would not have.” “Okay. But you would’ve. On my behalf.” “I won’t lie–I was thinking about it.” Nikki’s the best. “Right. But she’s–and I still cannot believe I have to say these words out loud–dating my fucking father now. So I kind of have an obligation to be polite.” “Your sister certainly doesn’t feel that obligation.” “My sister also hates my father, so she’d hate Julie by default–even if Julie wasn’t younger than her and her brother’s ex-girlfriend.” “See, when you talk about your sister like that,” Nikki says, “it makes me wonder why me and her don’t get along better than we do.” “Don’t take it personally,” I shrug. “Sam hates everyone equally. I’m, occasionally, the exception.” “You realize Julie’s going to run back to your father and tell him she saw us, right?” “I know.” “And she’s going to say that she saw you hauling around a pack of adult diapers.” “I know.” “And she’s going to tell him that you said they were for your mother. And that she had a ‘procedure.’” “I know.” “And your dad’s probably going to call your mom.” “I know.” “And your mother’s going to say that she has no idea what you were talking about.” “I know.” “Okay. I just wanted to make sure you knew.” === It was the day after my high school graduation party, and Samantha, myself, my parents, and Samantha’s then-boyfriend Crispin had gone out for breakfast. This particular breakfast remains embedded in my mind because, for one, it was when my parents announced they were getting a divorce. And, too, it was the very last time our family–Crispin aside–was in the same place at the same time together. The divorce was one of those things that seemed like it came from out of nowhere. My parents always seemed happy. They always seemed polite to each other. Up until the very end, they were still planning things like vacations together. It was only after the fact, with hindsight being 20/20 and all, that Sam and I started to see the cracks that had always been there, but we just weren’t paying attention to. Sam couldn’t remember the last time she saw them holding hands. I recalled how my mother always went to bed long before my father did. They always needed someone else around–be it myself, Sam, or a family friend–and never just spent time together. Up until that point, I had always assumed that I was incredibly lucky to be in a well-adjusted and functioning familial unit. I watched as friends and cousins were rocked by their parents’ divorces, and took solace in the fact that I didn’t have to worry about things like that. Until I did. I actually took the divorce a little better than I thought I would. After the initial shock wore off, it was easy to get distracted by all the other things going on in my life. High school was over, I had a big summer ahead of me, and then I was going to college in the fall. Had the divorce come any sooner–at a time when I was a little more dependent on them–I imagine I would’ve lost my mind. It’s for this reason that I believe my parents waited until when they had to make their announcement. And, even now, I wonder how long they knew the end was coming. Months? Years? Sam, on the other hand, didn’t take the divorce well. Like me, she saw our family as a well-tuned machine–though she knew this machine a lot longer than I had. She took it personally–as if my parents did this to her. It was tempting, from time to time, to tell her that she was being a little dramatic–though who was I to tell her how to grieve? The next few years got a little weird, as my parents went in their separate directions. My mother kept the house we grew up in, where she still lives today, and almost immediately began cohabitating with a new partner. The idea of someone new staying in our house was wild enough, but then we learned her new partner was Janet–a co-worker of our mother’s who we had known for almost our entire lives. Sam was not happy about this either. My father, meanwhile, promptly entered his ‘mid-life crisis’ phase, splurging on a lakeside condo, hair transplants, and a new motorcycle. While I was a little troubled by my father’s newfound recklessness–he had always been a more careful and reserved father figure while I was growing up–I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just needed to find himself a little. And he did find himself–he found himself, and his motorcycle, wrapped around a tree just outside of town on a crisp autumn afternoon. He spent a good amount of time in the hospital afterwards, recanting some of his more recent decisions. Of course, it was during this time in the hospital that he met his new ‘true-love,’ the much younger nurse, Julie Ross, who was tending to him. And, for whatever reason, she seemed just as smitten with him. It wasn’t until later–after he was out of the hospital–when his new gal was moseying around his condo and spotted a picture of me, that they put all the pieces together. “Oh, you know Alfie?” she asked. “Well…that’s my son. Do you know Alfie?” he replied, or so his version of the story goes. “We used to date,” she said. “Wait…haven’t you and I met before?” “I didn’t have hair then,” he shrugged. “And I had green hair at that time.” And then they both laughed a lot about how crazy it was that they hadn’t recognized each other until now. This was the part of the story where I would’ve liked it if they agreed that seeing each other was strange and a bad idea–but, alas, they kept on trucking. They’re still together now. Sam was really unhappy about this. These days, I maintain a very casual relationship with both of my parents. I’d say I’m a little closer to my mother than my father, but that’s mostly because I try to avoid my father when I know that Julie is going to be around. And she’s always around. Sam, she avoids both of my parents like the plague. The entirety of her family now is just myself and Anders. All this to say, I had a lot of regret about California when Anders and I came home. We were all Sam had, and here we were daydreaming about diapers and breastfeeding. Maybe Anders will explain this all to her in a way that makes sense. But that just makes me laugh. No…I probably need to talk to her about this myself. Eventually. === I had texted Maxine less than twenty minutes ago, and she’s suddenly in my apartment–looking extra cute. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume she was just waiting around for me to reach out to her. “I missed you,” Maxine says, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing tightly. “I was gone for, like, three days,” I say, reciprocating her embrace. I don’t mind her doting affection, of course, but I can’t help but state the obvious. “Every day counts,” she says, likely alluding to the scheduled end-date of our relationship looming in the future. “Did you bring me back anything from California?” I laugh, trying to imagine what keepsake from my bizarre weekend I could offer her. “Would you care for a used diaper?” I shake my head. “Well, we weren’t in, like, the touristy parts. It was pretty hard to find a gift shop.” She frowns, though quickly reverses it into a smile before repeatedly pressing her lips against my face. I can feel the oily residue of her lipstick as it makes contact with my skin, and I can just sense that she’s left little kiss-marks on my face. Maxine doesn’t wear makeup all that often, leaving me to wonder if she only wore lipstick so that she could decorate my face. Usually, I don’t think much about Maxine’s age. She’s more mature than some people I know who are older than I am, and she’s always proven herself to be very intelligent and thoughtful in a way that seems beyond her years. Still, once in a while, I catch a glimpse of her youth. This is one of those times. It makes me wonder if she’s just acting more immature than usual, or if I’m just more attuned to it after my milk-induced trip to babyhood. She pushes me down onto my couch and straddles my lap, her legs wrapping around my body while she continues to deliver smooch after smooch to my head. I attempt to take a mental screenshot of this–this is one of those scenes I’ll want to remember a few months from now after Maxine has gone to school. “So you found your brother, huh?” “Sure did,” I sigh. We’re on the verge of talking about things that I don’t know how to talk about yet. I’ve been pondering this all day–how much do I tell Maxine? And how do I explain what I do tell her? “How’d that go?” I almost laugh, thinking about how complicated the answer to that simple question is. “Well, we got him back here. So well enough.” “So what was that place?” asks Maxine. “Like, a weird…diaper-spa?” “Yeah, kinda,” I shrug. It seems much nicer than calling it a cult. “Was it cool?” “Cool?” I laugh. She shrugs, her cheeks getting a little pinker. “I dunno. LIke, I’m sure it was weird. But, this place was full of people who wanted to be there, right?” “Uh huh.” “Right,” she nods. “It kinda makes me a little jealous that there’s this place that people can go and be their true selves without judgment–whatever those true selves are. I mean…I guess I’m romanticizing a concept–I don’t know shit about what this place is actually like. But that’s how I’ve been thinking about it.” As far as I know, Maxine has never been a diaper fetishist herself, but I could actually see her enjoying The Cradle. “Did you like it there?” she asks “Uh, well, I didn’t spend that much time there, so it’s kind of hard to say for sure, but…” “You saw people in diapers, right?” “Sure did.” “Okay,” she laughs. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll drop it. I’m sure the last thing you want to do is talk about that place endlessly. I’m just so freakin’ curious about it, y’know?” I rub the center of her back with my hand. “Maybe you ought to go yourself sometime.” She giggles, her face turning red. “N-no…” “So,” I say, ready to change the subject for now. “What’ve you been up to while I was away?” “Oh, you know,” she coos, twirling some of her hair around her finger. “Just missing you and all that.” I like the idea of being missed. I like the idea of someone thinking about me when I’m not around. I like when she thinks about me. But I sometimes find it a little confusing when considering her proposed end date for our romance. Whatever feelings she has that allow her to miss me now–does she really believe she can just turn them off later? I’m tempted to ask, but it doesn’t feel like the time for that conversation. Of course, it never seems like the time for that conversation. Her bottom slides back and forth on my lap a little, causing some stimulating friction in my pants. She knows I’m a fan of this move. “Actually, I missed you a lot,” she says. She gazes down at me, her eyes clearly filled with lust. My cock immediately responds to this, quickly growing firmer. “I missed you too,” I say. “We have a little catching up to do,” she says. “Really now? Are we that far behind our quota after only three days?” “Afraid so,” she coos. “We’re going to need to pull an all-nighter.” “Good call,” I say, my throbbing cock feeling like it’s going to bust a hole through my pants at any moment. “Maybe we should get started on that?” “I like where your head’s at.” One of her hands slips between us, groping at the bulge in the front of my pants and causing me to moan softly. It’s only now that I remember that I’m wearing a diaper–and a slightly damp one at that. It’s funny, because since I’ve returned from the west coast, the only thing I’ve been thinking about are diapers. The weight of Maxine on my lap has managed to be the first distraction I’ve had from them. I can’t do this. I’m not ready for her to know about my diapers. But what am I supposed to do? Abruptly change my mind about wanting to fuck her? I doubt she’d even believe that if I said it aloud–my hard cock was doing all the talking for me right now. Maxine doesn’t seem to notice my hesitation, and proceeds to pull her shirt up, revealing her lacy black bra. While one hand remains affixed to the bulge in my pants, the other reaches behind her back so she can unfasten the bra’s clasp. I sometimes fumble with the damn things with two hands, so I’m very impressed when she quickly succeeds with just one. Immediately, the cups of her bra fall away from her chest, revealing her perky round tits. When we first started dating, she was really self-conscious about her chest–afraid that her ‘smaller’ bust size would make her unappealing when compared to other women. But I’d like to think that I’ve spent enough time worshiping her lovely B-cups that she’s gotten over that. Now, of course, when I see a pair of breasts in my face, I can’t help but think of the breasts of Mother. I’m thinking about my lips wrapping around her nipples. I’m thinking about the taste of the first few drops of warm milk that dribbled onto my tongue. I’m thinking about the short bursts of milk that were released with each suckle. And it’s only then that I realize I’m suckling on Maxine’s breast. “Oh…fuck,” she mutters. “I don’t know what this is all about…but I like it. Did you learn a few new tricks in California or something?” Yeah, kinda. I know that I shouldn’t be doing this. Because this is going to lead to more. And ‘more’ is going to lead to my pants being pulled down. And my pants being pulled down is going to expose my diaper. But I just can’t help myself–I feel locked on to her nipple, and I’m sucking on it for dear life. “Shit,” she says in a breathy gasp. “Shit, shit, shit. This is good, Alf. Keep this in the rotation, alright?” It’s very hard to stop, but I finally manage to at least slow down before I get myself too worked up. I’m playing with fire, and I’m afraid that having my diaper exposed to Maxine before I talk about it is the equivalent of getting burned. I sigh as I release my mouth from her breast. Both her skin and my face are covered in a thin layer of my saliva. “So, like, I really want to…” “Fuck me?” she interrupts. “Yeah, I want you to do that too.” “I’m, uh…” I have no idea what to say, but I feel like I need to say something to delay any further canoodling. “I’m thirsty. I hate to pause the action like this, but I really need some water.” “Oh,” she says, sliding away from my pelvis a little. “I’ll go get you some.” “You’re a doll,” I say. “Thank you.” She removes herself from my lap, wriggling out of her shirt and bra entirely and leaving them on the couch next to me as she walks into the kitchen topless. I’m thankful that Nikki is at work right now, as I think Maxine would’ve done the same thing even if she had been home. I have a moment to think now, though she’ll be back soon. First things first, I stand up–my logic being that she can’t sit on my lap if I’m not sitting. Still, I feel a little foolish with the front of my pants tented out like I’m a horny teenager. I bite my lip and rock on the heels of my feet nervously, unsure of what I should say or do when she comes back. Because she either finds out about the diapers, or I shut down this moment altogether. Neither sound all that pleasant to me. I quickly dip a hand into the waistband of my pants, sliding it into my diaper. I feel wet, but I’m curious as to how wet. Wet enough, it seems. I suddenly have an idea–an idea so obvious that I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it earlier. I’ll just take the diaper off. Easy peasy. I begin a hasty stroll towards the bathroom, only to run into Maxine as she rounds the corner from the kitchen with the glass of water in her hand. We bounce off each other, and some of the water splashes on the both of us. “Ooh!” she squeaks. “That’s cold!” “Here, hold on,” I say. “I’ll get you a towel and…” “It’s just water,” she shrugs. “If you’re thirsty, maybe you start by licking it off my skin.” Maxine, you’re killing me here… “J-just one sec,” I say, sounding way more distracted than I want to. If this were any other time, I’d be very happy to lick the droplets of water off her bare skin. “I’m going to run to the bathroom.” “Try not to be long,” she says. “Wouldn’t want you to get dehydrated.” But then she reaches down and grabs my crotch again, getting a big handful of my stiff cock along with some damp padding–though she doesn’t know that. Well, she didn’t know that. Because her hand lingers in my crotch a little longer as she narrows her eyes. She looks like she’s considering something. “Alfie…what are you wearing?” I play dumb: “What do you mean? I’m wearing, y’know, pants.” “No…there’s something else.” Her fingers explore my midsection a little more as I stand there, seemingly paralyzed. She asks again: “Really, what are you wearing?” I could just break away and run to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. But. Perhaps it’d be better to just get it all out there. I’m not a fan of lying to Maxine, nor do I think I’m very good at it. Sooner or later, she’ll know–and she’d be disappointed that I didn’t just tell her what was up in the first place. “So, uh, there’s something I need to tell you. Just try not to judge me, alright?” Maxine’s a smart girl, though. She’s probably already considered all the possibilities and has computed the most likely answer. She smiles, leaning in close so that she’s whispering in my ear: “Are you wearing a diaper?”5 points
This is my favorite regression scene in the book. The next few chapters are shorter, and I'll post them Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Chapter 6: Watch out cupid, stuck me with a sickness. May 26th, 2020, Salinas, California - Earth “Grace Finnigan-Wu, we are pleased to offer you an internship at the Institute for Extra-Dimensional Research.” Howard Finnigan put the letter down again. He had read the letter five times. His daughter had her first real job. An internship, but a real job that paid money at a place with respectability. He handed the letter to her mother, who was sitting across the table. “Why can't they get your name right. Wu-Finnigan! Same with your school, those letters drop my name completely.” Mira Wu-Finnigan was sensitive about this. Grace calmed her mother slightly, “I'm sure it's just a computer thing. Anyway, back to the topic, I hope you know that this is a place with secrets, and so while you are free to ask me about my mood or generic questions about my fellow employees, I will not be talking about the details of what I do there.” Mira went full tiger mode, “It better not interfere with your schoolwork. School is the most important thing. Then your job.” “It's just for the summer, plus I'm only taking like one class, it'll be fine.” Grace replied. Howard was still beaming, as such he did not realize he was about to correct his wife in front of his daughter, “Now, sometimes there are things more important than school. Let her make her own choices.” Mira's look was sharp, eyes and face firm and held for a few seconds, where she then excused herself. Howard knew what he had just done, and he would pay for that later. But for now, it was the happiest day he'd had in a long time, and nothing could take that away from him. “What's with her sometimes? This is important to me. I get to work under Oliver Swift.” “You met him?” Howard kept in his excitement. “Just a few introductions. He's shorter than I'd expect in real life. Still has a cane.” “Well, he might be an important name in our household, but he's just a regular guy to the rest of the planet. Don't let him be bigger than he is to you. You earned your spot there just as he did.” Grace's dad was a war nut. All dads are. His choice was the D-war. He had been bitten by something when Grace was still in high school. Some dads got into the Civil War, others into World War Two, even a few lost souls fall in love with the Falklands campaign. Her dad knew the names of all hundred bombers that launched the attack on Terra. He had the 8k Blu-ray of “Necessary Evil”. He was building a model of that plane in a bottle. She wondered if he were just excited, she would be working with the man who pushed the button. “School is very important to your mother.” Howard softly added, unsure if it needed to be said. “You think I don't pick that up? She's a tigress. Pushed me my whole life. Had to get into STEM too, not literature or whatever. I barely got into Polytechnic. Is this just an Asian thing?” “No, that's not it at all. She takes after your grandmother sometimes, but it's not like that.” “I just want to live a normal life, without pressure. Get a normal degree, get a normal job, raise a normal child. She wants me to be perfect, better than her, and I just don't know why.” Howard sighed, OK fine, he'll walk her through it. She's old enough for this. “What's your mom's birthday?” “May twenty-fifth, nineteen seventy-eight? We just had her forty first.” Grace answered. “And your birthday?” Howard continued. “August second, two thousand and one.” “Your mom was a grad student at Caltech when I met her. We both wanted to try this new online dating thing. Your mom just wants you to have opportunities she never had.” For the first time in her life, Grace thought nine months backwards from her birthday and put the date into context of her parents’ lives, now understanding what that meant as an adult. Thanksgiving, two thousand? Her parents’ anniversary was in January. Her mom would have been at the start of her master’s when she was pregnant. The timeline for mom's graduate education did not line up right. Grace had a memory of being there when her mother finished grad school. And it was not Caltech. It was something local. She was four in the memory. Mom had put her life on pause for five years and settled for something less. “I guess I had never thought of what she gave up. I'm sorry if she feels I was a burden.” Grace wondered if she would be strong enough to do that. Quit school to raise a child. Howard assuaged her, “No, don't ever think that. She loves you more than anything, but there can be things more important than what we want. School is important for your mother, and you're going to have to make a choice between your career and what your family wants from you. All I want is for you to be happy with whatever choice you make.” Grace hugged her father, it was the answer she wanted to hear, it was her choice. “I'll see if I can't get Captain Swift to sign a picture for you.” * * * June 1st, 2020, Templeton, California - Earth The facility was far from the city. It was about a forty-five-minute drive for Grace into an industrial sector. It looked like an abandoned school, except the fences were huge. Easily twenty feet tall. Cameras were everywhere. Grace had dressed professionally. Subtle makeup, nails professionally trimmed, hairstyle which was exactly the right length to convey the idea of sexy hair but combed and curled in a way that conveyed some authority or control. She wore a blazer and an aquamarine undershirt. Her heels were a bit too long, but she walked slowly and made it work. Naomi was her direct superior, and above her was Mr. Swift. Naomi had a dark complexion, and she wore a pink, white blouse, and long professional skirt. Appropriate for the summer heat. She had taken Grace around, introduced her to everyone, gotten her through orientation and security procedures. Even took a picture and got her a badge printed. This was work, as in real work, not the Dairy Queen job she worked one summer. It was nothing like she imagined. It felt like school but better. Everything done here was important. Nothing she did at school mattered. Agency – adulting - was addictive. Naomi put the forms Grace had signed into a large manila folder. The two relaxed over their lunch. She had said it qualified as a working lunch, as Grace was technically filling out paperwork while the two ate, but the forms were not difficult to fill out. It felt like the system wanted everyone to bend the rules in a way you could not do in school. That wasn't the case, Naomi was using it as an opportunity to judge Grace's temperament, see her assessment of the facility and people, and judge Grace's emotional stability. “I'm so glad you've agreed to join the experiment and testing division. The work here is some of the most important.” Naomi started. Grace was not sure, “Will I just spend most of my time eating exotic fruits?” Naomi chuckled. Yes, there was that. There was a watermelon analog they had just discovered that was the size of a person. It grows like a weed. It would be a perfect sustainable crop for areas prone to droughts. “The foods and entertainment and all that, that's all important. Beethoven's tenth is fantastic. I've had a chance to eat dodo-bird. We are actually more interested in techniques and best practices. Getting past our cultural blinders. Not just technology exchange but social exchange. Ideas. Philosophy. Your timing joining us is perfect. We've just discovered this new pedagogical technique we think would help revolutionize education forever.” When Grace thought of pedagogy she thought of teaching children, not an adult like herself. “You know I'm in college, right? I'm not sure how useful I can be to something like that.” “Oh yes, of course, that's actually why we wanted you. You see, we can tell you're a smart one. You didn't give us your eSs Aye Tee or Aye Cee Tee scores, but we found them. And your grades. You're struggling a bit in school, right?” Naomi was not subtle with the question. “That's... OK, that's a bit personal. The - hell - are you guys doing here?” Grace had not expected her new employer to spy on her life. “Now hold on, just relax. It's fine, you're perfect for this. We know how to get you back to where you were. You don't have to spend hours each night studying. What if there was a way to just put the knowledge directly into your brain? You wouldn't forget it.” Naomi started her pitch. Like, neuralink? Wasn't that illegal? “I'd very much like that.” “OK so the idea here is that some people are visual learners.” “Yes, my whole life I've heard this. Different methods of teaching. It's stupid.” She was so over this nonsense. Play with this toy. Build a graph. Visualize! The whole education system was in love with looking at stuff. Even in college it was all graphics and analogies, and it was pissing her off. Just show the equation. Shut up and calculate. “You're not a visual learner. In fact, many people aren't visual learners. You don't learn by visualizing; you learn by thinking the words in your head. You read by thinking about the words in your head. Humans are great aural learners. Think how much more you get from a podcast than a TV show. Think how easy it is to have a lecture going on in the background as you work on a paper. We want a talented aural listener.” Naomi did not say, your YouTube and iTunes subscriptions are also available to us as an employer and helpful to us in the hiring decision. Now Grace was curious. She did listen to podcasts. Serious ones. She would often put a video on of just a person talking for an hour. She would even close her eyes in class and just listen to the teacher, never taking notes. Grace had just learned something about herself, and more than that, they were offering her a super charged version of how she liked to learn. Put the knowledge directly into her brain. Yes. Fuck yes! First day at the top-secret lab and she was already getting a superpower. “Can I choose what I learn?” She was thinking of the physics class she was taking. Nuclear Concepts. It was going to break her. The teacher was like eighty. He spent his time talking about Chernobyl and Three Mile Island and almost nothing on the material. Each class was getting harder. It did not help it was a summer class either. They met twice a week for three hours, and she never wanted to go. Naomi consented, “It's your head, so I don't see why not. Go ahead and bring some stuff you'd like to learn, and we'll see how it goes.” * * * Grace was in an auditorium. Not too big, just a hundred seats and a small stage, but she was the only one in the room. A creak of the chair or a slap on her writing pad would echo the room more than once. The lights were distant above her and fading yellow-brown-orange. The chairs on other rows had been covered with white sheets, which made the room have a smell like an unused shower curtain. She was a kid again in her head even though she had last been in an auditorium like this just a couple years ago. The curtain had been drawn, its ugly blue green obscuring the stage. She was told to sit nicely in the front row. The noise to expect would sound weird, both louder and deeper than a normal human range. Someone would start reading from behind the curtain, and she would just need to listen. She was given a glass of water, pen, paper, and her boss took away her phone. Grace had been waiting for a few minutes and started to get worried. She had not been this long without a phone in ages. Being forced to sit patiently with just her own thoughts for minutes was unnatural. Like being in time out. Like being at the store or the doctor's office and needing to wait on an adult to finish paying. As she took another sip of her water, she heard it. “I'm sorry, this is. I can't do this. I can't read this.” It was loud. A man's voice. Like her grandpa. Aged, distinct, a slight hoarse like from a bit of an old smoking habit. She heard Naomi's voice as well, but her boss's words were not distinct behind the curtain. “I want to cooperate.” There was some more talking from Naomi. “I want to cooperate, what I mean is I can't pronounce this word.” “Nu-clear” “Nuc-u-lar” “Nuke u lar. Is the whole book going to be like this?” “OK I'll pronounce it right. I'll be fine. I'll go slowly.” She saw Naomi hurry out the front of the curtain, “Just a slight hick up. You doing OK?” Grace nodded. “Well, we're just going to read the first chapter. I'm sure you've read that before, but we want to start from a clean fresh slate.” She had not read the first chapter yet. The class was in the second week but she kind of did not give a fuck about going anymore. The man's voice came back. “OK, well, we'll start with chapter one. Skip all this stuff at the front. Chapter one: 'Radiation History to the Present – Understanding the Discovery of the Neutron.'” The auditorium lights were dimming. She had a memory of sitting in elementary school watching a puppet performance. Something involving Aladdin or Ali Babba. It was not like the movie though, more direct from the original story. Back then the puppeteer's voice had echoed in a room just like this was now. “I'm sorry, before we begin. Um, hello.” The curtain was talking with her. Was she supposed to talk back? She had not received instructions. “Hey there?” “I'm ... Mr. … Powell. It is a pleasure to be your um... reader, today. I'd like to know your name.” “I'm Grace.” “Hello Grace, but it helps if I have your family name, I need to see you as a full person not just a first name.” She paused, this was a bit sensitive, “I'm Grace Wu-Finnigan.” “I'm not from around here, you're the first Wu-Fin I've ever met. Is that a common name?” “No, my parents hyphenated it.” “Ahh like nobility! You're a princess. From the House of Wu and the House of Finnigan.” “No... it's not like that at all. My dad is Howard Finnigan, and my mother is Mira Wu-Finnigan, and I have both last names.” “What an unusual people. I'm not from around here, Ms. Finnigan, and I think that's a bit too much for me to remember. You should just go by your daddy's name, as it was the first gift, he ever gave you. It sounds so much nicer. Grace Finnigan.” It was nicer. She had done it a couple times for school applications. She did not trust having an Asian last name with the California schools. That was not the real reason she had done it, though, right? She just liked her dad more, and she thought it was a bit cunty that her mom made him combine names. She wanted to be daddy's little princess and she hated her mom for not letting her be. Well not hate. She was almost nineteen now, she could probably change it legally. Tomorrow perhaps. Grace Finnigan. Until she got married and took her husband's name like a good wife should. Oliver Swift had left his suit jacket in his office, but still had a white collared shirt and tie when he popped into the control room. The auditorium was far from the main parts of the facility, and his cane had slowed him down. He watched the exchange on the monitors, the giant behind the curtain, the young lady in the auditorium. Artificial intelligence was transcribing the words within seconds of being spoken and outputting it as white text on a layer above each person. “He could be using the voice right now and we would not have any idea. Do we?” Oliver spoke his concern. The one technician handling the computers shrugged, “We need more data before the software can guess if it's being done in real time.” Oliver instead turned to his colleague. “Naomi. This is dangerous.” “She's a grown woman, she can handle this. She signed up for this, we all did,” Naomi calmly replied. “No, I mean, giving an Amazon a textbook on nuclear physics? You know they don't have the bomb, right? This guy could go and jumpstart the Manhattan project if we send him back.” “He can't even pronounce nuclear! He has no idea what he's reading. I doubt anything will stick. Grace at least has the background from a year of schooling to get this.” The white text started to shift, indicating the giant was reading from the book: “We are going to retrace Chadwick's discovery of the neutron.” “In eighteen ninety-seven it became possible to determine the mass to charge ratio of the electron...” The curtain read through the first page. The giant was even improvising at times, “Alpha-Beta-Gamma, the names are based on their penetration. Just like your Aye-Bee-Cees! Right Grace?” “Yes.” It was important to involve the audience. Grace was completely zonked out on the monitor. At times it looked like she was trying to write on the paper. “And this is what makes a gamma ray a gamma ray, otherwise it is a photon. A gamma ray is like a grown-up photon.” And then, “Oh Grace! I wish I could show you this picture here. Maybe next time we'll let you see the pictures. The hydrogen and the polonium experiment. There's this ionization chamber.” She didn't need to see the book to see the picture. She had opened it at least once, she remembered it. She had only seen it for a fraction of a second, but daddy's voice had made her remember. Like reading the instructions for assembling furniture, dads only need to glance at it once and they could build it. “With the original theories, the gamma ray was predicted to need 'fifty times ten to six' electron volts. And how much is that, Grace?” “Fifty Million!” She was completely into the story. “Mr. Polonium was releasing his alpha rays to his friend Mr. Beryllium. Oh, look there's a note to the side. It says 'Be' - open parenthesis, 'eNn', comma, two 'eNn' close parenthesis. Can you remember Ms. Finnigan? I wish I could show you the book so you can help me read it. It's special math writing. The book says you'll learn more of how to write it as you go along.” “One neutron goes in, and two neutrons go out!” Was that from the class? Hadn't she fallen asleep in the second half of the first class when this was covered? One fish, two fish, polonium fish, beryllium fish. So easy a child could remember it. “Oh, how exciting. One neutron goes in, and two neutrons go out. Grace you're a smart little girl.” This went on, reading the chapter was slow, but the giant kept at it for an hour. The monitoring room was starting to relax. Oliver had his eyes on Grace though. Something was wrong. She was starting to wiggle in her seat. Too much exposure to the voice? Mr. Powell was getting into it at this point, reading a quote “The mass defect of the 'Cee thirteen' nucleus is known both from data supplied by measurements of the artificial disintegration of boron 'bee ten' and from observations of the band spectrum of carbon; it is about ten by ten to the sixth electron volts. The mass defect of 'bee nine' is not known, but the assumption that zero will give a maximum value for the possible change of energy in the reaction: 'bee nine' plus alpha to 'cee thirteen' plus quantum.” Mr. Powell paused “I think a quantum here is supposed to be a photon, or a gamma ray? What a silly word to describe a photon. 'On this assumption it follows that the energy of the quantum emitted in such a reaction cannot be greater than about fourteen times ten to the sixth electron volts.' Grace, you're such a tiny little quantum there, all squirming. Are you a tiny little alpha or a middling beta or a big girl gamma ray?” Oliver was concerned, “We should get her out of there. He's regressing.” Naomi shook her head, “No, I think he's addressing something difficult here. He needs her to see you can express mass and energy as the same thing.” Her head popped up, “I get it! The conservation of energy! You have a big particle, and you smash it with a fast tiny one, and then you have a different big particle and a different one spin off. The mass of nucleus one plus the mass of nucleus two needs to equal the mass of the two spin offs plus the energy transfer.” “Yes, you can express the mass of the two nuclei in terms of the initial and final energy. 'Eee' equals” “Mass times 'Cee' squared. We can just use energy to describe these systems!” They kept going, page after page, her daddy reading to her, her excitement and movements becoming more exuberant as the story continued. “If there were to be a neutron, which was as big as a proton, then Mr. Beryllium plus his little alpha particle, become Carbon twelve and a neutron. Just like a mommy and a daddy!” Grace was excited, “Both reactions are balanced in terms of mass! Do you see that daddy? If you do the full reaction and calculate the energy. Mr. Que made everything equal, just like you said. Ignore the starting kinetics because atoms don't really move. You separate out the energy and there's an inequality. The velocity for the neutron is...?” “Four times ten to the nine centimeters per second.” The wiggling stopped. She was so excited. Oliver saw the word thirty seconds too late, “We're pulling her. Now! End it!” “You know you're a special little girl. I bet you need your daddy to read to you every night. Do you still wet the bed when there's no one to read to you Grace? It almost looks like you had an accident down there.” The lights came on. Naomi had raced to shut down Mr. Powell; the technician had run to get Grace. She was crying. In the confusion she must have spilled her drink. Her notes were a mess. They got her some medical garb for her pants, and she drove home in them. She told them she was fine enough to drive after just a couple hours. Her eyes had been vacant for the first. She wanted Daddy to finish the story. They told her she was brave, that she could take time off, but she wasn't sure why. Everything was great. She loved her job. She would be back tomorrow. That night she read the first chapter of the book by herself, getting up to the part Mr. Powell had stopped. It was like she had memorized it; she could read every word out loud. She had never seen the text but knew every word, every shape, every picture, just as he had described it. And then, chapter two. She was not reading in Mr. Powell's voice anymore. She was reading in her own. She struggled, slowly going through each word, mumbling, having to look up what the equations meant. It was not like chapter one. She cried and went to sleep. She left the lights on, and the book fell to the floor from her bed. When she woke up, she knew she had wet herself. She still had class today. She usually dressed up, but today she would wear something girly. It was summer, it was great to wear something a bit revealing. She spent longer cleaning herself in the morning, and got her sheets cleaned in the laundry. Class was at eight, but she had woken up at five without prompting. She had not been up without an alarm clock that early since she was nine. She was the first in the classroom. Dr. Short was not eighty. He was sixty-six. He worked summers because his wife had left him a few years ago and he needed to fill the days. She had divorced him just after his son had gone to college. Grace had never noticed how vibrant and strong he looked. Well, for an old guy. She put her butt right in the front row and stared at him. Bald up top, white along the edges and back. Glasses were not too thick and lacked a frame on the bottom of the lenses. The old man had a clean face. Today he wore a long blue sports jacket with a striped blue and white shirt. He probably shopped at JC Penny's. Grace took in every word. The classroom was just like Mr. Powell again. She laughed at his jokes about Three Mile Island. She raised her hand to ask questions. When everyone left, she went up to him. “Doctor Short, I was having some trouble with the reading, I was wondering if you had a few minutes to just explain some of the harder parts. Maybe in your office?” Forty years teaching and it had finally happened. Why now? Why not twenty years ago? Decades of seeing lesser men fall for this. Getting fired. Losing marriages. He knew what was happening. The student had a crush on him. Not just any student, his student. He was sixty-six. Would they fire him? Standards are different now, right? Let's just play the game, maybe nothing will come of it, have a bit of summer fun. Summer school doesn't count right? “Of course, Ms. Wu, I'd be happy to help you with anything.” He had known Ms. Wu a long time ago. He did not want to say Grace looked like her, because that felt like saying all Asian gals looked alike. Grace's hair was emphasized sexy, rare for school and rarer for summer school. She carried herself well in heels regardless. “It's Ms. Finnigan now. I'm going by just my dad's name now.” ` They chatted about the chapter in his office. He made her a small book with the equations to reference, and helped walk her through why they are to be used. It was not the same as Mr. Powell, but it was close enough. When she got home, she would turn on a Feynman lecture and masturbate as she watched the great man discuss the finer secrets of the universe. She had started to need night protection; the wetting was getting worse. She did not tell anyone at work, but in some sense, she did not think it was that big a deal. She would sometimes call her dad just before bed. She told him that things were going well at work. She told him that she had met a guy, and things were going serious, but he was a bit older and more responsible than her last dates. She did not know how to tell him about the name change. Or the diapers. She felt talking to her dad was helping. Work was fine, just not as cool as on her first day. They had her tasting fruit now. “This apple tastes like a grape” “This watermelon tastes like a watermelon” They would not let her see Mr. Powell, though she had inquired when they'd get to chapter two. The need to be read to was getting worse. She needed the voice. She needed someone to read to her. She started putting out classifieds. “Bakersfield area - Need an older man to read to me before bedtime. REAL SCIENCE background required! NO SOCIAL SCIENTISTS” It was an open invitation for perverts. She would hand them her physics book and that weirded them out. Some tried, but it was not the same. Most just thought she was crazy. Who gets off on wanting nuclear physics read to them? Plus, so few of them actually knew how to pronounce the words or explain the equations. Why was dating so hard? It was in late July she decided to let the one man who had both the experience and knowledge to help her, actually help her. “Doctor Short. I have a problem.” She plopped into a chair in his office, like she owned the room. “I've been helping you a bit in these after class sessions, I don't know if it's fair to the other students Grace.” He liked to do that, just pretend he was oblivious, make it her decision. “Charles, what I'm about to tell you does not leave this room, OK?” He was sixty-six years old, he had no wife, his son did not talk to him, and his work colleagues hated him. Grace was the only person he could call a friend. Maybe more than that. He looked around his office and nodded. “I can keep a secret.” “I have a job at I.E.D.R as a research assistant. Mostly I do boring things like taste apples from other dimensions and rate them for flavor.” “That sounds important” He kept a straight face. Stay in school kid, get yourself a real job. “Well, one day they wanted to test this thing, it was some new learning process, and they would put knowledge directly into my brain. Something went wrong.” Charles Short was well aware of I.E.D.R. They were huge. Almost unlimited budget. Lots of students had worked there, or wanted to work there, and the teachers too. He had a less civil opinion of the place. Stealing science from the multiverse was cheating! This universe was already infinite, we did not need a million infinities. Still, he had not heard of anything bad happening from them. Except the war with Nietzscheans. That was kind of bad. “Um... something got in my head here, and” She was starting to sniffle, “this is stupid, but I can't go to bed at night unless I have someone read physics to me.” “What?” That is the dumbest come on he had ever heard. “I've gone through every Feynman lecture and they're not working anymore. I put out ads for men to come and read to me. Sometimes I have to have sex with them first, but that's the price of science. I need a real man who can read an actual physics paper and help me get to bed.” “Look, Grace, if you want to just have sex that's fine, but this is a bit too kinky for me.” “No, you don't understand, if I go a night without my daddy reading to me, I literally wet the bed. And it gets worse. I've been up for two days straight. I'm losing it. Please, just read me anything. I don't care if it's Newton's laws, I need a man to read to me.” He looked at her. Shit, he did not want to admit it, but Ms. Finnigan was wearing a protective garment down below. He had seen it at one point. Had she flashed him? “Look, this is enough. I'm done. You want to do some kinky daddy fetish thing, get it the fuck out of my office. I'm not talking to you for the rest of the semester. In fact, here. You get an Aye. Leave and don't come back. I don't want to deal with this. I'm never teaching you anything ever again. Fuck! This is why teachers and students don't make good partners.” She cried as she ran out, his eyes spotting a flash of elastic white and teal was visible above the edge of her pants. Charles sat for several minutes, thinking about that plastic-cloth line over and over. He went home frustrated. Horny in the brain. He thought about taking Viagra so he could masturbate. He decided against it. Who gets off on diapers? When Grace next arrived at the institute, she wore the same outfit she had worn to the first day of work. It was a bit impractical for watermelon eating, but she wanted to look her best when she met Mr. Swift again. They were alone in his office. “Sir, I should have come forward sooner and let you know. It just took me a while to realize what had changed and why it needed to be fixed.” “I want you to know that Commander Powell wasn't aware of what he was doing. We're only starting to scratch the surface of what this voice thing is. We're helping him come to terms with who he is and how to fix him. I do wish you had come forward sooner, I think it might have helped with his progress.” Commander? He was Mr. Powell last time. “Am I going to be fired for this?” Grace did not want to be fired from her first job. Her first real job. “Why? We exposed you to a dangerous activity, and you were damaged by it. How is that your fault? It's mine. I think you and the Commander should have a nice chat.” His look got serious, and tone dropped the sympathy he had shown, “I don't care about the grape apples or the bananas. This is an actual secret. What we're about to show you, it does not leave this facility. No one can know what we're dealing with here, but I think if you met him, you could convince him to undo whatever he did to you. He's better now.” Swift went over the basics of Amazons. They come from another dimension. They are ten feet tall. They would take adults and force them to be babies. That was actually about it. All the other stuff did not need to be gotten into. He brought her outside to Commander Powell. He was seated far in the courtyard at the bench near the light. He was dressed in a blue uniform, and his chest had metals that brightly reflected afternoon sunlight. As Grace and Mr. Swift got closer, it became possible for her mind to comprehend this man was huge, in a way seeing him from across the courtyard had not. He loomed over her at twice her height. Her heart was throbbing, and some sweat was forming as she got closer. “Ms. Finnigan, I'm happy to see you again. They told me that I hurt you and I'm sorry about that.” He stood up and reached his large hand out and down. He smiled, “It's so weird seeing you big like this. Last time we met you were like five feet tall, and now we're close to the same height. You're only a couple inches shorter than me!” She looked at Oliver and then at Powell. The commander lacked the gravitas that she had originally associated with the voice. He was a bit broken, weak, almost squeaky. Like a boy. He looked younger than she had imagined him, not a grandpa, but someone maybe a decade older than she. Seeing him shrunk in this way gave her the confidence to deal with the situation, as equal adults. Oliver reminded him, “Now, we only made you think you were five foot eleven. You're actually still.” Oliver pointed up. “Oh right. Now, let me see if I can't go over the list of changes they said they think I did to you. Starting with your name.” Hastily she shrugged it off, “I like Ms. Finnigan. I legally changed it.” She turned to Oliver. “Mr. Swift, do you mind if we have some privacy, I'd like to discuss with Mister, sorry, Commander Powell what exactly I need him to do for me. It's the stuff in my head after all, and it's a bit personal.” Oliver wasn't sure he liked that, but she did have a point. An adult should be able to decide what goes in or out of her own head. “Certainly, I'll be at the doors if you need anything.” Oliver monitored from a distance. This was it. Can you trust an Amazon? Grace was showing tremendous courage in going into the lion’s den again. He watched them talk. She must have been explaining what she wanted. She seemed to almost shrink and cry at times. Powell would just pat her head. He said something, it looked like a twenty, thirty second speech, Grace stood up and hugged him, started making her way back. Then she stopped, rushed back, and stood in front of him. Something was being exchanged. Talked about? He had his hands over her head, cupping her ears. This talk was long, maybe even a couple minutes. Weird. Grace started coming back first. She was playing with her phone. His phone beeped. He checked the e-mail of habit. “He's faking it.” G. Finnigan (attachment) Just one word in the e-mail - Neutrons, and a wave file attachment. Oliver understood, “Ms. Finnigan, was it everything you needed?” “And more. He said I didn't have daddy issues, I had mommy issues,” She smiled at that, like she was going to laugh but did not. “How is that better?” “Because I actually do have issues with my mother. I think I wanted to date Dr. Short because he was old enough to be her dad, not mine. I'm jealous my dad loves my mom more than me. I'm sick of the fact she raised me like a tiger mom, forcing me to do four hours of homework a night, pushing me into science, and into the job she wanted. Powell helped me realize all of this attachment was just lashing out at her, and that I would be a great mother some day because I had learned how not to do it.” Oliver was unsure whether that was an improvement. Maybe? It was her brain. “And the e-mail?” “I'm ready to do more than just eat watermelon.” “You're reporting directly to me starting Monday. This is a full-time position. Class seven salary. Go get some rest, you're stepping into a much larger world.” Grace smiled, a real job! She was not even twenty yet! The pay would be good enough to drop out of school. That would put her mother on complete tilt. Maybe she might take a class here or there, just to learn something, but of the hundred thousand worlds, ninety-nine thousand of them did not give a fuck where she got her degree. At this point Commander Powell came up behind them. “I'm just glad I was able to help. I'm ready to go back.” Oliver looked at the man, “Who said you could leave?” The giant backed up confused, “I thought I was going back. You said you were happy with my progress.” “No. I think we'll start with a nine for a few hours, gives us the option to bump up to a ten if we're not happy with how you're going. You remember nine, Mister Powell?” He would hate to use the chair here, but he was running out of options. Maybe they had to actually make him regular sized physically, and not just in his head? They could even go smaller if that is what it took.4 points
There's typos. Lots of typos I need to go back and correct when I have more mental energy. Apologies. It's been a while since an update, so I figured a typo-riddled update was still something. I do intend to go back and correct things. “I get it now. What you were hinting at before- the lesson you wanted me to figure out for myself.” Lili shifted from foot to foot, scowling down at her rose pink sweater. After all this time, she still felt like she was wearing a stranger’s skin. Prissy’s clothes. A mast of social acceptability. “And what did you figure out?” Asha asked calmly as she sorted through a variety of shopping bags from brand-name boutiques at Mapleton’s upscale mall. She never glanced at Lili. “These clothes. It’s not about me. Who I am, my self expression. It’s all just an image, it influences what other people think. And that’s important...because if you know what your image says, then you can influence what they think. You can manipulate them. I still don’t care about them, but now I see how controlling what those lemmings think is a useful tool.” Asha lifted a silk blouse, folding it up then setting it on the bed. “It’s not about caring at all. You need to learn to be subtle. Speaking of that, this is the first time you’ve ever been so blunt with me. It’s not an endearing trait.” Lili winced at the reprimand. “Subtle has never been my strong point.” Asha sighed, not hiding her disappointment. “I know. We all know.” She reached into another bag. “It’s a useful too, too.” Lili’s fingers curled into fists. “Maybe you’re too subtle. Don’t you ever get tired of your games?” Asha laughed. “Do you?” Lili grit her teeth, frustration twisting into annoyance and anger. Getting angry with Asha never solved anything; it just made the older woman push her buttons more. In all these years, she still hadn’t figured out just how to handle Asha. The older woman always kept her on her toes. Just when she thought she had the game figured out, the rules changed. Lili didn’t answer; she just glowered while her grandfather’s mistress unpacked from her shopping trip. Cameron was asleep in Lili’s bed, tucked in with pillows and blankets on either side of him to keep him from accidentally rolling off the bed. He was used to sleeping in a crib, and she was afraid he’d hurt himself. Grandpa Jack was at a meeting with his financial advisors. Grandma Jill would be coming home soon- most likely with Beatrice in tow. Beatrice always visited with Jill after a Society meeting so they could gossip about it. Lili had stumbled upon Asha by accident. She’d been on her way back from the bathroom when she saw Asha returning from shopping. The next phase of Lili’s ½ baked plan involved cornering Beatrice and letting Cameron be a big boy again. She had no clue how she’d do that. She was in over her head and she knew she needed help. She’d seen Asha and pounced. Now here she was, making a mess of it. She took a deep breath and forced her fists to unclench. “Yes.” Her words were even more blunt than before. She struggled with being subtle; it was never her style. Even after all these years, she still had trouble reading Asha, figuring out what her angle was let alone fathoming her motivation. She nervously played with her piercings then laid all her cards on the table. “I know you’re trying to teach me life lessons and how to be like you, but I suck at figuring that shit out. This isn’t about me. Cameron, the boy you’ve had me babysitting-” “He’s going to be sent back to a regression hospital. Don’t look so surprised. I know all about it- probably more than you do.” Asha spoke calmly. She set her bags on the floor then eased herself onto the king sized bed, kicking off her shoes. She smiled at the bewildered, shell-shocked look on Lili’s face then patted the bed besides her. Both invitation and command to come sit. Lili was numb all over, her limbs felt heavy and she stumbled. That revelation doused her fire and desperation. She knew she shouldn’t be surprised by this. Asha always knew everything. But this was something she was sure was top secret; she’d only found out by snooping through Beatrice’s private papers. Asha’s dark eyes glittered with delight at her confusion. She loved holding all the cards while others blundered in the dark. “I had a very illumination conversation with a personal chef the other day. I asked him for a report on how you were doing. Good with the baby but otherwise an obnoxious asshole he said.” She fondly stroked Lili’s hair. Lili lowered her eyes. The touch was reassuring, but Asha’s tone held neither praise nor recrimination, so she didn’t know how Asha felt about that report. Probably exasperated and amused. How could she convince wily Asha to help her? She wanted to kick herself. She was of no use to Cameron. The only reason she’d gotten to be his babysitter was because of Asha pulling strings. Maybe she deserved to be regressed with Cameron. They could be a diaper shitting duo. She snorted at the thought. She certainly was failing at handling this in an adult manner. “Beatrice made a sizeable donation to the head doctor of a regression hospital with the promise of more donations if they took her grandson under the premise that he’d relapsed and needed more intense treatment. The paperwork is all in order.” Lili sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart constricted. “S-so...so you’re saying we-I’m- too late?” Her brain shut off. She didn’t know what to do. Yes, she did- if all else failed, she’d take Cameron and run, consequences be damned. She’d never give in. Asha grinned, a flash of white teeth. “Naturally, that’s why you blundered in here to ask me for help.” She waited for Lili to cautiously nod her head. “You couldn’t even get the babysitting job because of your reputation. Though I do admire your determination on that one. You did give it the old college try though.” Lili winced, lowering her head in shame. “Don’t beat yourself over it, child.” Asha patted the top of her head as if Lili was still a little girl. Lili chewed her bottom lip. This didn’t feel like a dismissal. Minutes ticked by. She shifted on the bed, anxiety gnawing at her. She imagined the crinkle of Cameron’s diaper in her ears. She couldn’t live without him. He was her air, her sunshine. Asha stayed silent until Lili couldn’t take the pressure anymore. Her head flew up, eyes wild in desperation. “Well, will you? Help? Please?” “There’s not much to do. He’s not family. It’s none of our business.” “He’s my family! I love him! I won’t accept this. He needs me. There has to be something. Anything. He’s gotta have some rights. A lawyer to fight back. What if- he wants to be a big boy. An adult. We can get a lawyer to fight for him, so he can get his independence back.” Her chest heaved with turbulent emotions, adrenaline pumping along with her chaotic thoughts. She leapt to her feet, towering over Asha. “He can come back to India with us.” Ever unflappable, Asha reclined calmly, oblivious to Liliana’s inferno. “That’s certainly a better solution that running away. For now, we can do nothing. This is Cameron’s choice.” “He’s made his choice! He’ll fight!” “Will he? We’ll see.” Lili heard the dismissal in Asha’s voice. She’d be getting no help from her. Fine. She’d go straight to Grandpa Jack. “Screw you.” She snarled in Hindi as she spun on her heel and slammed the door shut behind her so hard a decorative wall plate fell to the floor and shattered. Asha eyed the mess, shaking her head in disappointment. “Oh, Lili. I love you, but you are a very stupid girl sometimes.”3 points
I'm 24/7 and depending on how my body is i usually go throgh 2-3 a day, depending on season I go through lots more in winter due to the cold making my spasticity worse but megamax seems to cut down on the changes even though they cost tons. The main issue is having spares in case of a diaper blowout, or like mine lately extra set of clothes.3 points
Does anyone else find themselves focused on diapers in movies. I’m talking about regular, vanilla movies. I’ve noticed this before but over the holiday it’s become more evident to me. example - Elf movie: pediatrician office scene, diapers on the shelf. home alone: diapers at the pharmacy on the shelf. its even better when you spot vintage diaper packaging. Saw a scene with 80’s Ultra Pampers and Thick Pampers (two different packages)…. Ah memories. Lol I guess I’m watching a bit more TV over the holiday season than usual, so it’s more evident. Joey2 points
Fun day hitting a couple thrift shops, the Dri-Bottoms and Cuties Pull ups were together in a zip lock bag marked 4 dollars. I think Dri-Bottoms may have been the wal-mart brand or some other store brand in the late 90s, but I definitely remember that cute little duck. When I opened the package I saw some 2005 Huggies and then was blown away by an XL 1992 Pampers, and maybe Luvs or Huggies from that same time period. Been a long time since I've seen a plastic backed diaper before they got stretchy sides and then cloth backed. I also got a Pooh hoodie in brand new condition and then the Curious George T-shirt is kind of odd it looks just like a shirt you would get a toddler for their 3rd birthday, but it's adult XL so maybe it's from a curious george movie. Their can't be too many more 30 year old diapers out there waiting to be found.2 points
The hoodie and t-shirt are adorably cute 👍 It's always awesome when you find clothes with "toddler" print in adult size😊2 points
2 points
It's a Christmas Miracle! I actually finished a story. Hi everyone, I've been writing stories here for years and every single time they get away from me. I started writing this story about 4 months ago, and set a goal to not post it until it was finished. I limited myself to a single "episode" and wanted to keep it short and sweet. I ended up writing 18,000 words. I have edited the story a bit, but I know it needs work so I apologize for all the many mistakes that it contains. If you have time to read it please do me one favor and comment. Specifically I'm interested to know if you would pay to read a story like this. I know I would, as most times I pay for a story to read on my kindle I'm unsatisfied. Thank you! This Story is set in the near future, and what sparked the concept is following the very successful streamer F1NN1STER. -Sarah FRIDAY Andy never planned to work as a model, it just kind of happened. A girl he met at a party said he had just the look she wanted and offered him a few bucks to pose for her photography. Then he was posing for a figure painting class, then he was modeling underwear for a small indie company. He wasn’t really trying that hard to get jobs, they just fell to him, and the truth was he needed the money. Being a poor college student is hard so any opportunity he would take which is what led him here. It was Friday evening at 5:00 when he pulled his old Ford Focus into the driveway and checked the address one more time before getting out, a nice house in a nice suburban neighborhood, nothing to worry about, just his first time as a fetish model. In his last job Andy modeled some underwear being marketed to LBGTQ people and the photographer and business owner were both really impressed. They didn’t come out and say it but he had the exact androgynous body they were looking for. Andy was thin especially in the mid section, he had no real muscle definition and very little body hair. He had a baby face with soft features and beautiful skin. After the shoot the photographer gave him an email address, and told him that these friends were looking for models like him, but only to call if he was OK with fetish stuff. When asked for more info they said just to email. The email led to a phone call with a young woman named Emily who was looking to hire a model to create for Sissy content. The pay was outstanding at $1500 dollars for the weekend. When he asked for more information she told him just to google fetish sissy. Andy spent a few minutes on the web and saw that the Sissy fetish seemed to mostly focus on maid outfits, over the top bimbos, and had quite a bit of humiliation and sex involved. Andy made one more phone call and Emily assured him that there would be no actual sex involved, but it would have sexual themes, she added that there would be some other work involved that would be part of the shoot, some social media stuff, video, a bit of streaming and that he would need to make plans to stay overnight on Friday and Saturday. When he asked why he would have to stay overnight she explained that the hours for the shoot would depend on several factors so he needed to be available when they needed him Andy needed the money and agreed. Emily greeted Andy at the door and invited him in. The house was well kept and tastefully decorated, which was a positive sign, and another woman was there to greet Andy in their dining room. Both of these women were dressed in a regular casual style, and seemed outgoing and friendly. Emily had deep red hair and pale skin and a friendly open face, the new woman had jet black hair and a more severe expression. She stood up from the dining room table and introduced herself as Kali, Emily’s wife, and offered Andy a handshake. Kali’s handshake was firm and he realized that both these women here were taller and outweighed him. After some small talk Kali began to go into the details. “So you are comfortable being a fetish performer?” she asked. “Umm, well I’m a model actually,” Andy replied. Emily chuckled, and Kali said, “Not much difference, did you look up the sissy fetish?” “Yeah, I did some research.” Andy answered. “Great, so Emily and I run a website and live stream called AB Sissy Factory. Essentially the theme is that we take seemingly unexpecting males and sissify them.” “Wait, I thought I was just modeling?” Andy said. “Well yeah, but you’re modeling in video,” Emily answered. “I’m not sure about this, I’m not much of an actor?” Andy replied, getting nervous. “That’s what’s great about our method, essentially you’re just going to be yourself, we do most of the actual acting, and you just respond as you would normally.” Kali said. “Our base pay is $1500, but based on performance you can earn a bonus,” Emily said. “And no sex?” Andy asked. “No actual sex, though there will be sexual situations, like we may wave a dildo around in your face,” Kali said. Andy had butterflies in his stomach, this wasn’t really what he had in mind, but he had already given up a job to be here, and he needed the money. He nodded his agreement, and the women gave him a few papers to sign. Including getting his cash app address to pay him. “OK, so like we said we do this non scripted in a very authentic way, basically go get some coffee and come back in about 30 minutes but go around and knock on the back door. You’re here to be a model for us, just pretend we didn’t have this conversation.” Kali explained. “During the video we’ll call you Sam, so just pretend that’s your name,” Emily added. Andy did as they requested and 30 minutes later followed the path down some stairsdown the side of the hosue. The backyard was completely fenced in but a gate had been left open. He went down some steps into the backyard and found it well kept with many flowering bushes, the fence had some cute Alice in Wonderland murals, and he also saw a large sandbox, and outdoor swing set. He knocked on the backdoor and was greeted again by Emily who ushered him into the basement. The women were now wearing different clothes. Emily was wearing a classy tan dress with an apron and looked very motherly, while Kali was wearing a black dress that was traditional but sexy. “Hello, you must be Sam?” Emily said. Andy was momentarily blinded by lights and nodded. He saw that he was in a well decorated living room with a very fancy feminine style, and that a camera was nearby on a tripod. “Can’t you talk boy?” Kali asked. “Umm, yes mam, I’m Sam.” Andy said. “That’s better, so I’m Kali and this is Emily, and you’re here to model for us.” Andy nodded again, “Say, Yes Miss, Kali.” She sternly said. “Umm, yes Miss Kali,” Andy answered. Kali and Emily both chuckled, “You have much to learn, so let's get started. Do you have any questions?” “Umm no Mam,” Andy shyly replied. “Very good, Emily took him by the shoulder and he was led into a hallway and through a door into a room that was decorated exactly like a baby girl’s nursery. He did a double take and froze in his tracks as Kali moved around him and sat up the camera in a corner. “What is this?” he asked. “It’s your new nursery, don’t you like it.” Emily said. “Umm, no? I think you have the wrong guy, you need a baby or something?” Andy said. “No Sam, you’re perfect, and you want the money don’t you?” Kali said. When Andy looked up Sissy fetish he had seen plenty of frilly maid outfits and some things that were little girl style, but he hadn’t seen anything specifically from the sissy baby fetish and he had almost no knowledge of the ABDL fetish community, other than a passing knowledge that there some adults who wore diapers for “fun.” This was a real eye opener. He tried to take a step back but was held tight by Emily, Kali came over and held him from the other side. “Remember that bonus, now be a good girl and let's get you out of these ugly clothes.” Andy was like a deer in headlights, Emily and Kali quickly yanked his T-shirt over his head and then pulled it back while it was still wrapped around his arms. He made an attempt to break away but they held him tight, while pinning his arms behind his back. He laughed nervously acting for the camera, “Ladies now I didn’t sign up for this,” he said. “Actually you did, you didn’t read those contracts you signed?” Kali asked. Andy didn’t know what to say but then blurted out a muffled no, as a large pacifier gag was shoved into his mouth and strapped behind his head. The door was shut behind him and before he knew it he was restrained to a hook attached to the back of the door. Emily and Kali had done this before and were quite good at it, Emily quickly removed his shirt while Kali fastened a strap around his pinned back elbows that was then quickly attached to the hook. The door was strong and Andy began to sweat and yell into the gag, this had gone from funny and embarrassing to scary in a few seconds. He desperately struggled but went limp when Kali took a firm grip and pinched a pressure point on his forearm. She leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “This is all for the show, you’re doing great.” Andy stopped fighting, and Kali turned to the camera, “well chat, it looks we caught another sissy, Sam here is now in your hands. What should we do with him?” Emily moved over to an open laptop that was sitting on a dresser. “Ohh Kali, $50 dollar donation pink diaper, $200 to see his clitty? “That’s it? Come on chat,” Kali said. “Oh, I’ve got to read this comment, listen to this, Mr. Sissy Maker says, ‘That's the prettiest femboy I’ve ever seen, she needs the full treatment, $1000 dollars for shaved, caged, plugged, Pampers, and total Sissyfication.’” “Wow Sam, you’re a star,” Kali said. She leaned in close again and said, “You just earned a $500 dollar bonus.” She undid his belt and slid his pants down showing the camera his plaid boxer shorts. Emily and Callie laughed and then yanked down the shorts, Andy tried to hide his manhood from the camera and was immediately swatted hard followed by another pressure point grip on his leg. He didn’t resist as Kali fondled his small balls and cock. “OK chat we’re going to get set up for Sam’s humiliation and we’ll be right back,” Kali said and Emily froze the feed. “Wow, that was great, such a good job.” Kali said. She unstrapped the pacifier gag and Andy spit it out. “What the fuck, this stops now, unhook me,” Andy yelled. “Calm down Andy, you’re doing such a great job, do you realize how much money we are going to make?” “What the fuck is wrong with you, I’m supposed to be modeling.” Kali took her phone out of her pocket hit a few buttons and showed him the screen, “I just sent you 500 bucks, that’s just a bonus, now you still get 1500 if you complete the weekend, and if you calm down when we finish the full treatment I’ll send you another $500 bonus. “What is the full treatment?” Andy asked suddenly feeling much less angry after becoming $1000 dollars richer. “Well that first we’ll shave you, then put on a chastity cage and butt plug, then a diaper. After that it will be makeup, wig, and a sissy dress.” “No butt plugs, no way,” Andy said. “And what the hell is a chastity cage?” “Here look, it’s not a big deal, you’ll barely notice it,” Kali said and showed him a small anal trainer and a pink plastic chastity cage. “No,” Andy replied. “OK, I’ll cancel that transaction, turn the camera back on and embarrass you on the stream then send you on your way Andy. Look, we can test it real quick, if it hurts we’ll not do it, OK?” “OK fine, but if I say stop, than stop,” Andy said. “Of course,” Kali lubed up the 1 inch training plug and slowly worked in and out of Andy’s hole. When it slid in he felt his sphincter clinch down. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, in fact it felt kind of good. “Is that OK?” Kali said. “Yeah, I guess?” he said as she slid it out. “Great, now we’ll shave you here, keep acting mad, but don’t fight us or you might get cut,” “Wait…Andy was cut off as the Pacifier gag was strapped back on. A towel was spread underneath him, and Emily produced a can of feminine shaving cream and a big pink razor from a cabinet and then the stream was back on. He stood there limp and uncomfortable while Emily lathered up his body. Kali brought her a bowl of hot water and over the next 15 minutes Emily shaved him while Kali communicated with the chat and said humiliating things to Sam about what they would do to him. Andy had very little body hair so shaving was relatively easy, but his pubic hair required trimming with an electric trimmer first. When they were finished he was toweled off and coated in baby oil. To continue the humiliation they brought out a mirror and placed it in front of him and required that Andy look at his now baby smooth body. Andy had been so worried about the butt plug that he hadn’t even thought about the pink plastic chastity cage. He mumbled into the gag and pivoted back and forth as Emily lubed up his genitals and worked them through the ring. Another squeeze from Kali stopped his squirming and he watched helplessly as his limp cock was squeezed into a small plastic tube and locked in. Andy had never seen such a device and his genuine shock was sending the chat wild, who responded with many donations. Finally the moment he had been dreading, crouched behind him Kali produced a much larger plug than the one she had tested on him and his eyes opened wide. It was a stainless steel plug nearly 2 inches in diameter, with a pink jewel on the bottom. Andy began to struggle but was quickly subdued with another pressure point hold. He was helpless as Kali began to work the plug in and out of his lubed up hole. “Just relax Sammy, let it slide in, don’t fight it baby,” Emily said as she patted his head and held his shoulders. After a moment of pain he felt it pop into place, and again the sensation was not all together uncomfortable. To his surprise Emily began rubbing his nipples and he felt himself clinch down on the plug and his caged cock started to grow. “Here you go chat, our new little sissy can feel what its like to have a useless little clitty,” Emily said in a sweet motherly voice. The cage began to stretch out and Andy felt some discomfort as the ring pulled against his balls. Kali brought the camera in closer so it was possible to see his penis skin pushing through the holes in front of the cage. It was too much for Andy, he began to cry. Both women stopped tormenting him and hugged him telling him how good a girl he was, how special, how beautiful, and how perfect. Kali unhooked him from the door and the broken man was led over to the changing table. Andy didn’t fight but began to cry again when he saw the diaper the woman were putting on him, he had no idea such a thing existed. It was a near perfect replica of a baby diaper, it was light teal with cute little nursery animals on the front and said Baby in big happy letters on the rear. Emily tugged it up snuggly between his legs and fasted the velcro tapes tightly. He was now completely encased in the big fluffy garment. The show was paused again, Andy realized he was no longer restrained. He could stop this, he sat up then got to his feet and reached around to unstrap the pacifier gag. “Where are my clothes?” he asked. “They are safe,” Kali said. Well I want my clothes back.” Andy replied. “That’s a problem because they are literally in the safe, and it’s time locked, along with your phone, wallet, and keys.” Emily pointed to a safe in the closet. “What the fuck?” Andy said. “We want to protect your stuff, so we put it in the safe, it can’t be opened until Sunday at 5PM.” Emily said. “Get me some clothes, I’m leaving.” Andy said. “Are you going to walk, you can’t drive, you can’t call an Uber, and we’re not giving you clothes so you can go out there in your diaper, but we’ll call the police and tell them a creep is wandering around the neighborhood,” Kali said and laughed. “Jesus,” Andy said. “Here look,” Kali said and showed Andy that she sent him 500 more dollars. “What do you normally make for a modeling job?” She was right, Andy hand made more money in 2 hours than he had made in a month of modeling jobs. “That’s what I thought, and there’s more to come, so stop your tantrum. “OK, but no more surprises, no more tricks,” Andy said. “Allright, next we are going to do your makeup and dress you, then do some pics. Also we need to stop pausing the show, it should last until around 11PM, so no more pauses. Just keep playing along, you’re doing perfect,” Kali explained. Andy nodded and allowed Kali to refastend the pacifier gag. Soon the stream was up again. Emily announced that the viewer who sent in 1000 dollar donation, Mr. SIssyMaker, had sent in his request for Sam’s outfit and she was going to get it together. Andy was sitting on the changing table with his arms crossed and his leg’s hanging off and looked miserable. “Samantha, you’re such a cutie, are you having a good time?” Kali asked. Andy mumbled into the gag, and Kali chuckled then pulled it out. “No, I’m not, I want to go home,” he said. “Oh, but we are just getting started, it’s makeup time so relax hun.” Kali said and led Andy to a vanity in the corner. The next 20 minutes were essentially a Sissy Makeup guide, as Kali explained the products and how to use them. Andy’s face didn’t need that much makeup, he had only a slight 5 o’clock shadow that needed color corrector, then some fair foundation, lots of blush, eyes, mascara, pink lipstick, she set it all with a powder and spray. Next she securely pinned on a blond princess wig with ringlet curls that looked very little girl. All throughout the process she continually told Andy how beautiful and perfect he was becoming. Andy continued to gaze at himself in the mirror, it was bizarre to see a girl looking back at him. “What do you think, Kali asked?” “I don’t like it,” he said and she giggled. The outfit they had picked out for him was even more embarrassing, a super short pink gingham dress with big puffy sleeves, lace everywhere and a sailor style collar with an embroidered ABC design. Initially he shook his head, but a quick squeeze to his arm had him raising his hands up so the dress could be placed over him and zipped up. Next some white tights were pulled up his legs, a big puffy petticoat and finally a matching rumba diaper cover. THe ensemble was finished off with black mary janes, a big pink hair bow, and a pink pacifier clipped to the collar. Over the next thirty minutes Emily took photos while the chat suggested various poses, Kali brought Andy a large baby bottle of milk and required him to suckle it all down as he was photographed. Once that was finished Andy was led from the nursery room and photographed in the fancy living room sitting on the couch and on the floor. It was nearly 9 PM when Kali announced it was time for him to meet Puppy Girl. “Who is Puppy Girl?” Andy asked but Emily and Kali ignored him and took him down the hallway to another room. Inside was brightly lit but not an adult sized nursery like he had been in, this room was more like a little girl’s room, lots of pink and purple, a bed with removable bed rails, posters on the wall of Disney Princesses and Paw Patrol, but unsettling right in the middle of the room was a large dog black dog cage with a girl inside. She was wearing a snap up onesie. It had some nursery prints on it but it was so worn and stained that it was hard to tell what they were.. The Onesie was currently straining to hold on a massively swollen diaper that was stained brown and leaking all over the large puppy pad she was laying on. The girl got up on her hands and knees and took hold of the bars and went “Woof woof,” “Say hi to the stream Puppy,” Emily said. “Hi stream,” she said. Andy was hit the pungent scent of poop and the strong sweet smell of baby powder, “Oh God it stinks in here,” he said. “Samantha, you’ll hurt Puppy’s feelings,” Kali said. “I made big stinkies,” the girl said. She was chubby, with a really cute face, and messy shoulder length brown hair, she wore big round glasses and a big pink dog collar. Andy could see that she had a steel dog food bowl filled with what looked like chocolate milk. “We can see your big stinkies, this is Samantha your new SIssy Sister,” Kali said. “Hi Sissy, you’re very cute,” Puppy said. Kali commanded that Andy thank the messy girl and curtsey and when he refused she grabbed his arm and pinched, he nearly fell down from the stun, but then quickly thanked her and curtseyed. Emily put on a big plastic apron and opened up the cage, there was a big adult changing table in the room and Puppy ran on her hands and knees out of the cage then up the ladder then laid down on the disposable mat that was laid out there. Andy was required to stand nearby and help with the disgusting diaper change, he was stunned to see that inside her diaper was a pink chastity cage like the one he’d been put into, but much smaller, only a small nub for the penis and the balls were half the normal size. Andy stood there handing wipe after wipe to Emily. The mess was mostly liquid and the girl had been coated with diaper rash cream so it cleaned off fairly easily but was still disgusting. Afterwards she was put into a puppy themed diaper and the dirty onesie was removed uncovering her large breasts. Puppy got off the changing table and began crawling around the room, she brought a dog toy in her mouth to Andy and kneeled on her knees like a dog would.“Take the toy and toss it Kali said. She was standing near the doorway holding the camera. Andy looked back and shrugged his shoulders then tossed the bone shaped toy. Puppy quickly retrieved it. Emily took the stained pad out of the cage and placed a new one inside. “Mommy can I please have buzzy tonight?” Puppy asked. “Ask the chat,” Kali commanded. “Hey chat can I please have Mr. Buzzy,” Puppy begged into the camera lens. Kali looked at her phone for a few moments, “Good news Puppy, the chat has approved, you get Mr. Buzzy.” With that news Emily put the chubby trans girl back in the cage and gave her a battery powered magic wand. Kali placed the camera on a tripod and Puppy laid down on her back and made a relaxed sound. Andy saw the diaper get a yellowish stain in the crotch, than the girl began rubbing the spot with the wand. At this point Andy had seen enough, he quickly moved past Kali and out the door then walked to the basement living room area. Kali and Emily followed him in and watched him nervously pace. “What’s wrong Samantha?” Kali asked. “I’m Andy, not Samantha, and she’s not acting is she? I mean she really enjoys… whatever this is?” Andy asked. “She’s acting, just like you, she’s getting paid, but she enjoys it too, it's her fetish, so it’s like getting paid to do something you love, a win win,” Emily explained. “OK, why do you keep her in a cage then?” Andy asked. “She likes being in a cage, it makes her feel safe,” “But she was so disgusting?” Andy said. “She likes that too, I know it’s hard to understand, but trust me, we don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, she lives here for free, and goes to school just like you do,” Emily explained. “OK, I’ve got to pee, so can I do that before we go back on camera?” Andy asked. “Sure Samantha you can pee whenever you want,” Kali said. “OK, where’s the bathroom?” Andy asked. “Sorry babe, the bathroom is off limits to you, that’s why you’re wearing a diaper,” Kali answered. “No, no, no, you’re kidding, I’m not like her. I’m not into this. I don’t wet myself.” Andy said. “It’s easy, like the song says, just let it go,” Emily replied. “Oh Em, I’ve got a great idea, this will make great content, when Puppy’s done we’ll do this for our next segment. We’ll bring the camera back in here, and we’ll make it like we’ve been forcing Sam to drink alot, and then force her to wet herself.” “I’ll grab some bottles,” Emily said and left the room. “OK you just sit down here on the couch, and remember to act just like you have been, we’ve got to sell it to the chat that you really don’t want to do this,” Kali explained. “But I don’t, I’m not going to wet myself,” Andy explained. “Exactly, that’s why they will pay for us to force you, easily another 500 bucks. It’s no big deal millions of people all over the world are wetting diapers and how many of them get paid for it?” Kali asked. “OK, show me the money,” Andy said after a moment of consideration. Kali took out her phone and sent him another $500 bucks. “OK, I’ll act,” Andy said, but I’m not enjoying this. Emily returned with 3 filled baby bottles of milk. Andy was encouraged to start drinking so he could do a good job, and didn’t think to question why it was important that he drink from a baby bottle. Kali explained a rough outline for the segment but left most of it to improv. It was a little embarrassing at first to suckle the bottle, and made more awkward that he could now hear louder moans from Puppy’s room. Eventually Emily came in with the camera and began to film Andy drinking, one empty bottle sat on the table beside him. “OK lets check on Samantha, how are we doing Sissy?” Kali asked. “I need to pee,” Andy said. “I know dear and when you get all of your bottles down we’ll show you the restroom,” Kali said. Over the next few minutes Emily and Kali playfully taunted Andy who was slowly getting more and more embarrassed as he complained about the clothes, outfit, bottles and needing to pee. Finally he finished the last bottle and could really feel his bladder bursting. “OK little Samantha, let's show you the restroom, it’s right here,” Kali said and patted the front of his diaper underneath the layer of petticoats. “No, no way, I’m not,” Andy said. He made to get off the couch and was forced back down by Kali while Emily positioned the camera to a lower and closer position. Kali pulled his skirt and petticoat up and held them against his chest. “You don’t have a choice, I’m going to hold you until you wet,” Kali said. Emily then put the icing on the cake and began to tickle him. “OK, OK, OK, please,” Andy said between uncontrollable giggles. “Come on baby, wet for Mommy, wet your little sissy diapers like a good sissy babygirl,” Kali said. Andy felt himself getting hard and felt the pressure of the cage around his cock. Then began to squirm a bit as his muscles started convulsing on the plug, it felt good, really good. He felt himself turning red and a tear in the corner of his eyes. “I really don’t want to,” he muttered. “Oh I think you do, I can tell by the way you’re squirming, just let it go and be the babygirl you’re meant to be,” Kali said. The cage stifled Andy’s erection and left him feeling humiliated, embarrassed, and pathetic. He needed to go so bad but he couldn’t seem to relax, after a few more moments eventually it just happened. It felt almost as good as an orgasm as the pee just flowed out. He could feel the warmth spreading through the padding of his diaper and hear the girls giving him praise for how well he was doing. Eventually it was over and he relaxed on the couch. Emily hugged him while Kali adjusted the camera to her, “Well chat, another man on the road to sissyhood, Samantha is now going to meet with our top tier members before we put her to bed in her crib for the night. The private chat will be up in 15 minutes. Goodnight everyone. And we’re out,” Kali said. “Great job Samantha, you really pulled it off.” Emily said. “My name is Andy, why are you calling me Samantha when we’re not on camera?” Andy asked. “It’s just easier, you wouldn’t want us to slip up and call you Andy would you?” Kali explained. Andy nodded, logic made sense. “So now, we have about 50 top tier members who pay extra for this, so you’re going to chat with them for about 30 minutes,” Kali continued. “Chat? About what?” Andy asked. “Whatever, most of them are jealous so they just want to know how it feels, they’ll want to see your diaper, ask you why you are doing this, stuff like that. Don’t tell them anything private or personal, just make up stuff. The more you play up that you really don’t want to do this the better.” Kali explained. Andy was led into the adult nursery and sat down at the vanity. A pink leather collar was buckled around his neck and he was leashed to an eyelet on a nearby wall. It was mostly just for show, could probably break the leash if wanted to, but at this point he was getting devoted to the character he was playing so it just fed into the idea of being humiliated and helpless. Kali sat down an open laptop computer on the vanity with the streaming program open and a desktop microphone. There was a large window showing his camera view on the left and a chat stream on the right. Kali explained that he only needed to respond to the bold and highlighted questions. Over the next 30 minutes the users asked him all manner of questions. People wanted to know where he was from, how old he was, if he was a crossdresser, how often he wore diapers, how much he was being paid, how it felt to be humiliated, his favorite song. For the personal questions he just refused to answer, but he did honestly explain that he was a model who was paid to come here and do a Sissy photo shoot. He explained he had no interest in ABDL, and didn’t even know what it was before tonight, that he wanted to leave, but the women bullied him into staying. Most of the chat believed it but a few were skeptical and thought the entire thing was a setup, but still loved it. He was also told to use his pacifier, show off his diaper, and show them his chastity cage to prove he was still wearing it, which he begrudgingly did after Kali told him to. Over and over again he was told how perfect he looked as a sissy, and how wonderful it was to wear diapers. Eventually Puppy walked in and pulled up a chair beside Andy, she was wearing just a diaper and a short pooh bear shirt and her collar. She was much more comfortable interacting with the chat and had no problem showing off her diaper, cage, and giggling like a child about how much fun it was to have “buzzy time.” Eventually Kali announced that she had to put the babies to bed and ended the show. “Wow, you’re doing so good Samantha, the chat love you” Puppy said. “Umm, thanks, what should I call you?” Andy asked. “Puppy, or pup, or Puppygirl, is what I go by,” she answered. Kali announced it was time to get ready for bed and that they would have a big day tomorrow. Emily then began the process of desissying Andy, removing the collar and leash, wig, makeup and costume. Afterwards she applied some face creams. Andy saw himself in the mirror and the effect was surreal, he had been looking at himself all dolled up for so long that now seeing his normal hair and face was a bit shocking. “And this?” Andy said pointing at the diaper. “Your diaper doesn’t need to be changed silly,” Emily answered. “You expect me to sleep in this, I wet it?” Andy asked. “These diapers can handle many wettings, you’ll be fine,” Emily answered. “I don’t understand why I need to wear a diaper and what about the other stuff? Tts getting uncomfortable,” Andy asked. “Don’t worry we’ll take the plug out before bed, and tomorrow we’ll be getting footage of your first diaper change, so we need that to be really wet,” Kali answered. She undid one side of his diaper and slid it down then carefully removed the plug, which caused Andy some mild pain. Andy was put into some very babyish footed PJs, they were one piece and zipped up the back. They were snug and showed the outline of his diaper very clearly. Andy was then marched to the crib, Kali lowered the side, “Get in,” she commanded. “Look, I’ll just sleep on the couch OK,” Andy said. “No you won't, your diaper might leak, and I’m not having my couch ruined, there is a mattress protector under the sheets, and anyway this is where the baby sleeps,” Kali said. “OK, I’ve had about enough of this, I’m fine being humiliated for your crazy fucking show, but I’m not into this, I’m not a baby,” Andy said turning to face Kali. Kali grabbed his arm and pinched, she was quick and before Andy even realized what was going on he fell to his knees stunned from the pressure point shock. She pinned his other arm behind his back and pushed his face up against the crib. “Samantha, you will not speak disrespectfully like that to me again or you will forfeit all the future earnings you have coming to, and trust me little girl I can make the next two days of your life very miserable. I can make the rest of your life miserable. Now say you're sorry,” Kali commanded. She pinched a bit harder and Andy nodded and mumbled sorry. Kali took a firm grip on his bottom and nearly tossed him into the crib. The side went up and locked into place. “Now I think your outburst has earned you some job training so you can do a better tomorrow.” Kali said. She turned on a device in the corner and turned off the lights. The room was filled with colorful glow and a lullaby music began to play. Emily came in with a large baby bottle and put it through the bars into the crib. “We’ve put something in the milk to help you sleep, that bottle better be empty in the morning.” Kali said. Emily pushed a pink stuffed unicorn through the bars and said goodnight then the two women left, shutting the door behind them. Andy was still stunned, that was the second time that the women had overpowered him, but this time wasn’t for show. Had he been kidnapped by two women? He got to his feet and explored the crib, the sides were very tall, it was impossible to climb over them, the sliding door was unlatched from the bottom. He grabbed one of the bars, and found the crib was very well constructed. He might be able to break out, but then what? Andy fumbled behind his back for the zipper and found that it was locked. So even if he could break the crib, get out of the nursery room and out of the basement he’d still be trapped diapered in baby pajamas without his keys and phone. “OK, they’ve already paid me 1500 dollars, this is weird, but it’s worth it, I just got to stick it out,” he said out loud to himself. About the time a man’s voice began to play over the device in the corner, in soft soothing tones he began explaining that the hypnotic session would turn the listener into a babygirl. “What the fuck?” Andy said out loud. For the next few minutes the voice droned on about nothing, just discussing the nature of opening one’s mind. Andy picked up the bottle and began to drink, it was a sweet vanilla milk. There were no pillows or blankets in the crib so he rested his head on the stuffied pony. The recording continued to drone on about nothing and soon he was asleep. “Gong”, Andy opened his eyes at the sound effect and then heard a voice, “you need to go, there is no sense holding it, you are a baby and have no control over your bladder, it just empties when it needs to.” He realized he did need to pee really bad, after a few more minutes of encouragement from the voice he gave in and did just that. The voice slowly faded out to the sound of relaxing rainfall and he fell back asleep easily. “Gong,” Andy was woken up again, he heard a babyish lullaby and a sound effect like someone rubbing a crinkly plastic, followed by heavy breathing. Then a sweet woman’s voice, “It feels so good doesn’t it, that nice warm filled diaper, so soft, so comfortable as it cradles all your parts just right. It feels so good to rub your diaper doesn’t it, babygirl, rub for Mommy.” The noises became faster and then a moan was added. Though tired and irritated Andy felt himself growing hard in the cage, without thinking he reached down and began to rub the front of the diaper. It did feel good, so warm. He wanted to masterbate but the cage prevented any feeling and soon his erection was stifled and shrunk leaving him again with this feeling of helplessness. Eventually the woman on the recording had an orgasm and the again slowly faded to relaxing sound effects of rainfall. “Gong,” Andy was woken again to strange mix of garbled sound effects, music and voices, he kept hearing diapers, sissy, baby, mommy, love, wet, messy, girl, but there was no order to it just more words, Huggies, Pampers, bottle, suck, powder, diapers, diapers. He began to hear a slowly droning monolog underneath the words, “It’s normal, to wear diapers, it’s normal to wet, it’s normal to wear diapers, it’s normal to wet. Just relax and allow yourself to enjoy your diapers, it’s normal to enjoy diapers.” Feeling himself need to go again Andy wet and then was unable to find sleep as the hypnotic track continued to play. SATURDAY “Good morning sleepy,” Andy he heard and opened his eyes to Emily, for a moment he panicked, unable to remember, it took a while for his brain to put all the memories back in place. “What time is it?” he asked. “Around 9:30,” Emily said and then lowered the side of the crib, she reached in and felt around his bottom, giving the swollen diaper a pat. “Wow, you’re a heavy wetter,” she said. Andy could feel how swollen his diaper was and got embarrassed. “I don’t wet the bed, that stuff you played last night kept waking me up, and I had to go.” he said. Emily assured him it was a great thing because it would make better photos. She explained that they wouldn't be live streaming for a while but that they would be making a video and pics about how Andy was becoming more accustomed to being a Sissy baby girl in diapers. “You’re doing such a good job, you're the best little baby girl we’ve ever had, today just keep acting kind of annoyed, but also try to make out that you’re starting to enjoy it a bit.” Andy wasn’t sure how anyone could enjoy this but he nodded. A few minutes later Kali came in with the wig from last night and a video camera. Andy complained as Emily tightly pinned the wig back on his head and afterward “ Good morning Samantha. How was your first night as a baby girl?” she asked while he sat up in the crib. “Annoying, I could have slept better if that stuff hadn’t been playing,” Andy said. “How is your diaper this morning?” she asked. Andy turned red and didn’t answer, Kali turned to Emiily and asked “How was it Mommy Emily?” “Samantha is a very wet girl, she couldn't hold it at all last night. It’s a good thing we used an overnight diaper on her,” Emily answered while Andy felt himself turning red. Eventually he was taken out of the crib and led down the hall and into a kitchen. The basement was set up as a complete two bedroom apartment. Puppy was already in an adult high chair and Andy was placed into the empty one beside her then buckled in and an oversized bib was tied around his neck. “I can feed myself," he complained when Emily began spoon feeding him a big bowl of yogurt granola baby food. His whining was ignored and a big spoon full was shoved into his mouth. Puppy giggled and ate with her hands, getting her face all messy. She was wearing the pooh bear shirt from last night and the same diaper which was considerably wetter. From out of nowhere Andy felt a strong need to poop. “Umm, hey, I’ve really got to,” his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed Puppy squirm in her seat making a concentrated face, then heard wet fart sounds. Her face relaxed and she went back to eating. They had both been given the same powerful deployed reaction laxatives in their before bed bottles. Andy’s stomach churned and the pressure increased and he beared down. “I’ve really got to poop,” he said. “OK just one sec lets unbuckle you,” Emily said. As she reached down to unbuckled Andy she quickly redirected and began to tickle him mercilessly. After several uncontrollable giggles Andy yelled and then felt himself mess, once he started he couldn’t stop, he could feel it sliding up his crack and then upwards to his caged privates. “Why,” he said and began to cry. “I hate you, this is so fucking stupid, I want out of this, give me my stuff back, I want to go home.” Kali laughed and kept the camera rolling, “Baby’s first tantrum,” she said and laughed. “Get it all out, just let it all go,” she said. Emily was soon behind Andy rubbing his shoulders and whispering to him. He was then forced to finish his baby food while the kitchen became inundated by the smell of two very messy diapers. Eventually the two adult babies were taken to the nursery for clean up. Kali continued to film while Emily changed them. Andy just stared in space, not really acting, just feeling humiliated and defeated. They were both taken over to the bathroom and given a bath together. Emily unlocked their cages and Andy could see that Puppy had a very small penis and balls. Puppy played and splashed a bit and tried to lighten Andy’s mood. After the bath they were toweled off, rubbed down with baby oil and recaged. Kali announced that the chat had voted that Samantha’s first activity for the day would be outdoor play. Andy was dressed in cute pink princess onesie and a pair of button crotch shortalls decorated with iron on patches of hearts and butterflies. Emily then put his hair in pig tails with ribbons and did a little light makeup and clipped a pacifier leash to his shortalls. “I’m not going outside like this,” Andy said and crossed his arms in defiance. “Calm down Samantha, our back yard is completely fenced in and secure. There are no neighbors close, it’s fine,” Kali said and despite his trepidation Andy followed the three girls outside. Andy had only seen the backyard in twilight yesterday and now saw that it really was an adult baby wonderland. He took a moment to look at the Alice in Wonderland themed murals on the fence, the adult sized swingset, and the sandbox. Despite the playful surroundings Andy wasn’t in a mood to play and mopped around, but eventually Puppy convinced him to build a sandcastle with her. What started as a half hearted attempt to get her to leave him alone became an engrossing activity. Playing with Puppy really was like playing with a child, and soon Andy was having fun. Either Kali or Emily were always hanging about occasionally asking them to pose for pictures or they were silently recording video clips. Andy told himself that he was just doing the work he was being paid for, it was a convenient excuse. After the sandcastle they played on the swingset, trying out the swings and climbing the ladder to the little fort and going down the slide. Emily brought them bottles and they both sucked down the delicious milk. Eventually Andy realized he needed to pee. He considered asking if he could use the toilet, but he knew what the answer would be so he paused for a moment and just let it go, finding it relieving and somewhat comforting. Puppy was getting more and more wild and giggly and soon she was living up to her namesake running around on her hands and knees. She brought Andy a ball that was carrying in her mouth and dropped it his feet. “You want me to throw this?” he laughed. “Woof, woof,” she said. For several minutes he tossed the ball, eventually she came back and instead of dropping the ball she tackled him. She was stronger than he was and easily pinned him down and began humping. Her uncovered diaper was swollen and saggy and flopped back and forth against Andy’s leg, the sound reminded him of the hypnotic track he had heard the previous night. “Oh my god, what are you doing?” Andy asked as he laughed and tried to get the much larger girl off him. Soon they were both giggling uncontrollably as Puppy licked and humped, but then she did something Andy didn’t expect, she kissed him and followed it up with rubbing one of his nipples while she pinned down the other hand. Despite himself Andy felt aroused. His penis grew firm in the cage and he too tried to press it into the chubby transgirl that had him pinned. She kissed again and he kissed back, his mind clouded by arousal. After a few more moments of that Kali pulled Puppy off him and gave her a few swats on the rear. “Bad Puppy,” she said and the chubby girl crawled over to a nearby blanket and laid down panting. “Sorry Samantha, she gets a bit carried away sometimes,” Kali said. Andy just nodded and felt ashamed of his actions. Emily brought out a diaper bag with more bottles and some snacks. Another blanket was spread out and they all ate under a pleasant blue sky. Kali announced it was changing time. Puppy went first since her diaper was obviously soaked, afterwards Andy was laid down on the blanket and Emily unsnapped his shortalls, well Missy, you’ve really soaked your diaper” she said. Andy felt his face turn red and Kali came closer with the video camera, “You didn’t even ask if you could use the toilet did you, little girl?” “I knew there was no point, you weren’t going to let me,” Andy pouted. The woman giggled and Andy realized how whinny and childish he just sounded. Was he getting into character or just saying what he felt? “Or maybe someone’s starting to like wetting their diaper?” Emily said and tickled him. “No, I definitely don’t, in fact I’d like to stop wearing them now,” Andy said. Everyone giggled as his pink princess diaper was snugged around his caged privates and taped down extra tight. “Well maybe if you can keep this one dry we’ll think about it,” Kali said and then stopped the camera. “Wow Samantha you are so good at this, you’re a really great actor,” Emily said as she snapped back up the shortalls. “OK it’s 1 O’clock so I think you’ve earned a break, and in an hour we have some social media work for you to do,” Kali said. “Break, so like can I have my phone, get out of these clothes and go get something to eat?” Andy asked. “You’re phone is in our time lock safe, remember? We can’t get it out until tomorrow, and since it’s only an hour it’d be best if you just left your clothes on but if you want to go for a walk or something you can,” Kali said. “You mean I can just walk out now?” Andy asked. “Sure without your keys, wallet or phone, and in some very interesting clothes, or you can go watch TV on the couch if you want.” Kali said. Andy thought for a moment about going, but the idea of being held against his will was starting to seem like something he had just imagined, just part of the gig he was working, sure the job was a weird one but the pay was great, he needed to just buckle down and get through this. Back in the living room he sat down on the couch and started flipping through channels on the TV. Emily brought in a bottle filled with chocolate milk and gave it to him. “Umm, can I just have this in a glass or something?” Andy asked. Emily just smiled and went upstairs. Andy thought about just unscrewing the lid to drink the milk, but a few minutes later found himself nursing the teat as he absent mindedly watched some old movie. A few minutes later Puppy came out of her room wearing shortalls over a pink T-shirt. It wasn’t completely obvious that she was wearing a diaper, but if you looked close you could see the padded outline. “Hey Mommy, I’m going out,” she yelled up the stairs. “OK honey,” Kali yelled back down. “You’re going out?” Andy asked. “Yeah I like to get a few mile walk in before I do my homework, do you want to go?” Puppy asked. “Umm, no, thank you though,” Andy replied. Puppy shrugged and walked out. Andy couldn’t imagine going on a walk in a diaper. About an hour later Kali came in and turned off the TV, “OK it’s time for your next assignment, no cameras though, this is just social media work. Andy was led into the nursery room where the laptop was setup a desk. “I’ve created a few social media profiles for you Samantha, one on twitter and another on fetlife.” “Wait, what? You what?” Andy said as he saw a picture of Samantha on the screen. “No, no way. I never agreed to that?” “Actually you did, didn’t you read the contract you signed?” Kali asked. “What did you think we were doing with these photos anyway. “This is twitter, my Mom uses twitter,” Andy said. “I’m sure that your Mom isn’t searching through ABDL sIssy profiles, anyway relax, you’re completely anonymous. Even your Mom couldn’t tell Samantha from Andy, it’s a very good disguise.” Andy realized that she was right, in some ways this was better than normal, he could be recongized from his regular modeling work, but no one would recognize Samantha. Kali explained that his task would be to essentially just use the profiles. To look for other ABDLs, like and make cute comments on their pics. Both profiles were already following several accounts including Puppy’s and Sissy Factory, which both had thousands of followers. Andy was to also reply back to those who commented on Samantha’s pictures. His directions were essentially to stay in character as Samantha, but to show that she was gaining some acceptance of being forced into a diapered sissy lifestyle. Kali supervised the work for awhile helping him come up with cutesy comments and answers when people commented on Samantha’s pics. When he seemed to have it figured out she left. Andy was amazed at how popular Samantha was, she was gaining new followers left and right and comments were flowing in faster than Andy could answer them. He never dreamed there were so many people into diapers. It crept up on him slowly, faster respiration, high body temperature, and pressure in his diaper. He was getting aroused. Andy got out of the chair and looked at himself in the mirror, his wig still in cute pigtails, just enough makeup to look girly, his cute girly shortalls. His penis was straining now in the cage, he wanted to touch it. He realized he wanted something in his mouth so stuck the pacifier in and began to suck. Unable to do anything about the arousal Andy went back to the social media and continued feeling ashamed and frustrated. “OK, it’s almost show time, how’s our busy little bee doing,” Emily said as she entered the nursery with a camera on a tripod. Andy shrugged, in response. Kali followed her in and they each grabbed under Andy’s arm and lifted him out of the chair gently and had him sit down on a pink and blue playmat on the floor. Kali sat down at the computer and in a few minutes the show was rolling. “OK so we made Samantha a deal earlier that if she could keep her diaper dry we would let her start using the bathroom. How’s your diaper Samantha, is it dry?” Kali said. Andy felt his face turn red. That was three hours ago he had wet a few times since then and hadn’t really thought much about it. “Hmm, suspiciously quiet,” Kali said and laughed. Emily unsnapped his shortalls and folded them up revealing an obviously wet diaper and both girls giggled. “I didn't actually think you were serious, I thought you were joking,” Andy said. Andy endured an embarrassing change into a diaper that looked exactly like a baby diaper scaled up to an adult size, but even worse, a butt plug went back in. Andy didn’t see it, but it felt different than the last one, it had a section that seemed to wrap upwards toward his balls. After his diapering the shortalls and pink onesie were removed completely and he laid on the playmat. He was given a bottle to drink while Kali and Emily interacted with the chat for a while. Kali announced that the chat had voted and he was going to spend the evening as a Sissy Maid. It took 30 minutes to get him ready for this new task, A very short frilly pink maid dress, with ruffled plastic panties that fit over his diaper. A garter belt and white stockings, black shoes, and frilly headband. Some light makeup and then to Andy’s shock they painted his nails pink. First Andy was given some basic instructions on how to behave, such as curtseying when he presented himself to Mistress Kali or Emily. How to walk and talk, and conduct himself in a demure and servantile way. Once training was complete Andy’s first task was to dust with a feather duster. Kali followed him around and gave feedback commanding him to keep his back straight, bend at the waist, and keep the butt out. Throughout the ordeal Andy would express his displeasure and humiliation at this treatment but it was obvious that something had changed, the real fight was gone. If they had tried to pull this yesterday they would have had to get physical and force him, but now Andy was playing the role of a submissive maid quite well. Kali decided it was time to play her next trick. Andy was cleaning Puppy's room while she played Minecraft. Kali came in and Andy, following the training, stopped sweeping and curtseyed. “Good girl, now come with me,” Andy followed behind while Emily carried the streaming camera. Back in the basement living room there was a blanket and some pillows on the floor. “Samantha please pick up these pillows and return them to the couch then fold the blanket,” Kali commanded. Andy nodded and bent down to pick up the pillows. Kali had her phone in her hand and touched the screen and the buttplug in Andy started vibrating, he immediately clinched and felt his knees go weak as the powerful vibrations began to rock his prostate. “Ohhh,” he said in a voice higher than usual. Andy squeezed his legs together and stayed in the position. “What's the matter Samantha?” Kali asked. “Umm, the toy, it’s umm…” Kali hit another switch and the end of the toy that stuck out and wrapped around over his balls started vibrating as well. And dropped to his knees and realized when he did that the toy was making contact with his cage and became quite pleasurable. In an instant he was hard and his encased cock began throbbing for release. “Please, turn it off,” the humiliated Sissy mumbled. “Finish your task Samantha,” Kali commanded. Andy picked up the pillow and made an effort to stand back up, Kali adjusted the vibration pattern so that it only kicked on hard very couple seconds. As Andy walked to the couch twice he almost tripped as the vibrations set off fireworks in his head. The chat was going crazy and people were sending in small donations, with the goal of keeping Samantha on edge as long as possible. “Keep going Samantha, you have another pillow to pick up,” Kali said. When Andy sat this one the couch Kali placed all vibration to max, Andy collapsed onto the couch, his mouth fell open and made an O shape. Andy began to feel pleasure deeper than he ever had before, not just in his cock but deeper radiating from his prostate to all parts of his his body. Andy wondered if it would be possible to have an orgasm in this cage? Despite his humiliation, or maybe because of it he was now completely turned on and totally disregarded the fact he was being streamed live to hundreds of viewers. He started grinding a bit against the couch trying to increase the vibrations on the cage which felt so good. “Samantha, that is no way for a lady to behave,” Kali said and turned off the vibrations. She grabbed his arm and lifted him off the couch then spanked his padded bottom. Andy's face was flushed, “Sorry mamm,” he said now completely in character. “Now fold up this blanket,” Kali commanded, pointing at the blanket on the floor. When Andy bent over to pick it up Kali switched the device to the last mode she had yet to use. The plug's vibrations were now accompanied by an actual stroking movement on his prostate, Andy tried to focus on folding the blanket but about halfway through he got down to his knees and placed a hand on his chest and his other hand on the front of the diaper unable to control himself. “Well this isn’t a very good maid is it,” Kali asked Emily. “No, she seems to have a hard time focusing on her work,” Emily replied. Kali produced a pair of handcuffs from her purse and forcefully took Andy’s hands and locked them behind his back. Then she placed some cuffs on his ankles as well. Andy didn’t fight when he pushed onto his stomach and the two cuffs were strapped together placing him in a hogtie. “If she’s not going to work then we can’t have her touching herself,” Kali said. “Turn, turn… turn it off and I’ll work please,” Andy said. “Turn it up, OK,” Kali replied and cranked the vibrations to max. The hogtied maid convulsed. all the prostrate pressure felt incredible and was leaving him immensely horny and unable to do a thing about it. After a moment Kali set the device back to a steady rhythm that built up slowly for 30 seconds and stopped then had a moment of full power and started over again. Then they left the camera on Andy, “Please, turn it off,” he moaned, only to find that Kali silenced him with a ball gag. They left him on the floor with the camera running and went upstairs. Andy crawled around trying a few things to increase the stimulation to his actual cage but it was hopeless. He struggled trying to free his arms and then eventually just laid there in frustration. Ten minutes later Kali and Emily returned downstairs, they brought Puppy into the room and took her her onesie and diaper, and had her sit on the couch. “Now Samantha, your next task is going to be to clean up Puppy. If you do a good job then we’ll give you a treat. “Kali explained and removed the handcuffs from Andy’s arms and the gag from his mouth. She gave him a baby wipe, and looked at her in confusion but didn’t speak. Like Andy, Puppy showed physical signs of arousal, her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were hard. Emily placed a pacifier in her mouth and she began to suckle and looked at Andy with eager eyes. “Start with her face and work your way down Samantha,” Kali said. Andy started wiping and soon Emily guided his hands to Pupplies large breasts, and swollen nipples. Kali began to rub Andy’s breasts and he felt himself grow harder in the cage. “Perhaps you should use your mouth to clean her nipples?” Kali said. Andy didn’t even have to think about it, his inhibitions had been completely removed and he quickly began to lick her breasts. Kali whispered in his ear how good he was doing and to suck, and he started to do so. Her nipples felt wonderful in his mouth and Andy found that licking and sucking them was making him even more horny. Puppy began to moan with pleasure into her pacifier and suck faster. A few minutes later Kali pulled Andy back off of her, and Emily unlocked the only thing Puppy was wearing her small pink chastity cage. Puppy’s small dick and even smaller balls were on display in front of him, and yet Andy didn’t think of this person as a man, it was impossible for a man to have such soft skin, round curves and huge breasts. “Now you can clean up her naughty bits,” Kali said. Andy didn’t even think about it, he just straight down and took her small cock in his mouth and began to suck. Kali and Emily softly encouraged them giving Andy pointers and soon he felt that Puppy was ready to go, she stiffened up and began convulsing even faster. Kali placed a hand on the back of Andy’s head just in case he would pull back but if anything he braced himself for the inevitable conclusion. Puppy released and screamed and Andy felt his mouth filled with her hot salty cum. His eyes went wide at the realization that he had just sucked cock, and tried to pull back but Kali held his head down tight as Puppy continued to hump and scream. “Don’t spit it out,” Kali commanded as she allowed Andy to raise up his head. “Give her a kiss and thank her,” she commanded and pushed Andy’s head towards Puppy, she greedily gave him a kiss and used her tongue to force open his mouth trying to suck her load from Andy’s mouth to hers. Andy was too dazed and stunned. Kali turned to the camera and said, “And that my friends is how you make a Sissy, but there is one more thing still to do. Hearing this Andy expected it to be his turn to have the dreadful cage removed and perked up. Emily began to undress him and when he was down to just his diaper everyone giggled at how wet he was. Emily pulled his wig into pony tails and secured them with large pastel ruffled bands. He was taken to the nursery room and placed in the crib. Emily and Puppy followed them in and Emily helped Puppy up on the changing table and put her in a diaper. Andy was surprised when Kali removed his buttplug and taped a dry diaper on him and got out of the crib. “You said I would get a treat,” Andy pouted. “And you shall Baby Samantha,” Kali said and the three left giggling. Emily returned with a large cookie and bottle of milk, while Kali followed behind with the camera. “Here’s your treat,” Emily said. Andy felt the frustration sink in. “Goodnight everybody, thanks for watching,” Kali said and turned off the camera. “Wow Samantha, you did such a good job,” Kali said. Andy felt the shame and humiliation settle in, “Great OK, can you please let me out of here, I don’t want to sleep in here tonight. And take this cage off, it’s getting real uncomfortable.” Andy said. “Well if you didn’t sleep in your crib where would you sleep?” Kali asked. “I don’t know, the couch maybe?” Andy answered. “No we don’t want leaks on our couch, and when you’ve calmed down I’m sure the cage will stop hurting,” Emily replied. Andy grumbled and argued for a few more minutes while Kali turned on relaxing music and lights and then left him in the nursery alone. Hungry and thirsty Andy ate the cookies and drank the bottle of milk. It eventually occurred to him that he wasn’t wearing anything over his diaper and could easily remove it, but then he felt the need to pee and without much thought he just let go. The warm diaper felt nice, the milk had mild sedatives and soon he was asleep while subliminal recordings played reinforcing the love of diapers and all things baby. SUNDAY Andy woke up feeling very relaxed and peaceful as the machine in the corner played the calming sounds of a beach and warm morning light spilled through the window. He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by white wooden bars and remembered the situation he was in. “OK, this is Sunday, they said the job was over at 5PM, so just a little while to go. He looked down at his diaper and realized just how cute it was. The front panel had a decorative pattern of bows and rattles, and under that was larger images of a bunny, balloons, a giraffe and teddy bear. Below that was large decorative stitching and a cute pattern of little blue dots. The diaper was a bit swollen and warm, but not yet soaked. Feeling the need to wet Andy didn’t hesitate and let it go. It felt so relaxing and pleasurable and he felt himself melt a bit into the crib mattress. Eventually he got up and saw there was a large mirror in the nursery. Samantha was looking back at him, not Andy. He was still wearing a wig, pulled up in pig tails. Samantha was cute and Andy felt himself becoming aroused but the cage reminded him that he could do nothing about it. Emily came in with a bottle, she was dressed differently this morning. Her relatively modern dress and apron had been replaced with a much more old fashioned dress. It was light blue, with big sleeves, and an ornate lacy collar and apron. She looked like something from a historical reenactment. “Wow, is it fancy dress day?” Andy asked. “Yes, I suppose it is. Today we are doing something kind of special, here’s a bottle for you.” As Andy suckled the bottle Emily pulled out several things from the closet and laid them on a chair. THey were all either frilly white or lacy. “I have to say Samantha, that you have really done such a good job for us, I know this kind of work is difficult.” “Well, Kali didn’t really give me a choice did she.” Andy said. Oh silly girl, you always had a choice, but you’ll be finished soon. OK, let's get you ready.” Emily answered. She opened up the crib and stuck her finger in the waistband of Andy’s diaper, finding it soaked she took him out of the crib and to the changing table. As she was wiping him off Andy felt her finger work in his bottom a few times and then a butt plug was inserted. She seemed to spend extra time applying lotions and ointments to his bottom, and then rubbed him down with soft smelling baby oil. The diaper Emily laid under him had an extra booster pad. She pulled it up tight and taped it closed. Then to Andy’s surprise she laid out a white cloth diaper which fastened around him with velcro. “What is that for?” Andy asked. “Just a little insurance policy,” Emily said and chuckled. After the cloth diaper she laid out a pair of snap on plastic pants and snapped them around him. They were milky white and very large. After that she pulled on a huge pair of white rumba panties. Decorative white knee high socks were pulled up Andy’s legs and then Emily buckled on a pair of pink baby booties on his feet. “Now give me your hands,” she said. Andy reached out his hands obediently and then realized what he just did. It wasn’t just that the fight was gone from him, but it just seemed natural to do as Emily told him. Emily buckled on a pair of mittens, they were stuffed with firm padding making it impossible for Andy to use his fingers. Emily reached out and took Andy by the wrists and lifted him into a sitting position and placed an old fashioned lacy bonnet on his head. Andy wiggled his legs around and realized that he couldn’t even come close to closing them with all the layers of padding that lay between them. Emily showed a loving and sincere smile as she took in how completely infantile Andy had become. Andy couldn’t help but feel happy seeing how happy he had made his caregiver. “You are such an adorable little girl Samantha,” she said, pinching his cheek. “Now, today we have decided that we want you to be a completely dependent baby, we have a few special plans. The first thing you need to know is that the booties you are wearing will keep you from walking, so only crawling today. “Wait what do you mean,” Andy asked. “Try to stand up,” Emily said, taking a step back. Andy swung his legs off the table and put his weight on his feet. There was something in the booties that was uncomfortable, he tried to take a step and the discomfort increased and he quickly put his foot back down and balanced his weight. “The booties have spikes in them, not sharp but they hurt when all your weight is one foot.” Andy felt himself growing tense, “And with these I can’t use my hands, so I’m basically helpless,” he said, holding his mittened hands up. Emily nodded. “Please tell me I’m not going to end up locked in here forever,” he said. “No of course not, this is just the wardrobe for your final photoshoot, you’ll get your things back at 5PM. Now let's go have breakfast,” Emily said. “Well how am I going to get there if I can’t walk?” Andy asked. Emily smiled and went to the closet and pushed out an adult sized stroller. “What is that?” Andy said. “We ordered this from a special needs company,” Emily said. The stroller was very similar to a folding baby stroller, just sized up for large children or small adults. It was pink and looked less like something medical, and more just like a big baby stroller. WIth ease Emily transferred Andy to the chair and then buckled the safety harness. He was wheeled into the kitchen where he saw that both Puppy and Kali were in fancy dress as well. Kali was wearing a purple floor length gown with a low cut bodice and showed her bosom, and multiple taper layers of skirts. Puppy was wearing a much more childish dress in a pale yellow, it had an empire waist, with a knee length skirt and puffy sleeves. She had frilly bloomers that were wide under her skirt, white tights and black mary janes. She didn’t look particularly happy about her outfit. “Good morning Samantha,” Kali said. “OK, what’s going on?” Andy asked. Emily stuck a teat in his mouth and titled the bottle up and Andy began to suckle his second bottle of the morning. He was actually really hungry as most of his calories had been sweet milk yesterday. Kali placed a bowl of baby food on the table in front of Andy’s pushchair. “Lorrie, please feed your sister,” Kali said. Lorrie gave a bratty look and came over and pulled out a chair next to Andy’s stroller. Emily pulled the teat out of Andy’s mouth and he said, “I thought your name was Puppy?” “It is, but sometimes I’m Lorrie, like when I have to play dress up for a dumb photoshoot with my baby sister,” she said. “If you keep that sass up your rear will be red and you’ll be the one in the pushchair Missy,” Kali said. “Yes Mam,” Lorrie replied and stuck a big spoon full of food in Andy’s face. Emily sat down and began to eat her own breakfast with Kali which consisted of eggs and pancakes. Andy realized the goop he was eating was liquified pulp of the same thing with plenty of syrup.. Even though the texture was gross to eat it didn’t taste bad, Lorrie was having fun shoving the food in his face and purposely giving him too much or missing his mouth completely. “Could you please try to get some in my mouth?” Andy said. Everyone chuckled, “Lorrie please do a better job of feeding your baby sister,” Emily said. “Yes Mam,” Lorrie replied and continued to feed him, though he was now a sticky mess all over his face. After his bowl and bottle were emptied Lorrie ate her own meal and Kali explained a few things for the day while Emily recorded it. “Your time with us is almost up Samantha, so we have a special photoshoot. We have a photographer coming and a few special guests,” Kali explained while she wiped his face with a washcloth. “What, no, that’s where I draw the line, I can’t do this in front of people, there’s no way,” Andy said. “Please Samantha, calm down, the photographer is a friend, in fact you know them. She’s the one who gave you our contact information.” Kali said. “What about the special guests?” Andy asked. “They are some of our friends and clients. We are doing a “baby’s first tea party” with you. They’re going to help us set it up and then you’ll be the guest of honor,” Kali explained. “Then afterward we can take off these stuffy clothes,” Lorrie said. Andy didn’t argue, realizing it didn’t really matter, he had been made completely helpless and had no choice other than to comply. After breakfast he was wheeled back into the nursery. Emily removed the booties so he could stand on his feet and be dressed in a big elaborate baby dress. It was white with a teddy bear pattern and tons of pink and blue lace, ribbons, and bows. She then pulled up some thick white hose up her legs, a massive petticoat, and some lacey socks. Finally the booties went back on. With the extra layers on his feet Andy could stand without much discomfort but walking was still painful. He was strapped back in the stroller and taken outside. Kali, Lorrie and a woman wearing plain black clothes were out in the yard sitting up at a long fancy table with a frilly tablecloth, decorative cakes, and tableware. Andy felt his face go red and he turned to Emily. “No, I can’t… I don’t want her to see,” Andy said. “Calm down, here’s your pacy, just relax, if you’re sucking on this you don’t have to talk,” Emily said and shoved the pacifier in Andy’s mouth. Kali and the woman walked over with a big smile. “Well hello again, we are looking super cute today,” the woman in black said. Andy recalled their meeting after the LBTQ underwear photoshoot, but he couldn’t remember her name. Taking Emily’s advice he focused on sucking the pacifier and tried not to make direct eye contact with the woman. “Samantha, this is Jen, she’ll be our photographer today. Since she’s a trusted adult make sure to do as she says and treat her with respect,” Kali said. Andy continued to suckle and Kali pulled the pacifier out of his mouth. “Samantha, please introduce yourself to Jen.” “Umm, hello Jen,” Andy said. “Now this is a formal tea party, and while you’re still just a baby, its never too early to start learning etiquette so say, Hello Mrs Jen, my name is Samantha, how do you do.” Andy turned a deeper shade of red but repeated the phrase as he was told to. Kali returned the pacifier and Andy quickly began to suckle. “We are so thankful you sent Samantha our way Jen,” Kali said. The two women returned to their preparations while Emily pushed the stroller over to where a play pen had been set up. A 10 by 10 mat had been unfolded on the grass and surrounded by a blue plastic baby fence. Emily opened the gate and pushed the stroller inside then unbuckled and helped Andy on the soft plastic play mat. She took the diaper bag that was on the bottom of the stroller off and gave him a bottle and handed him the stuffed bear that was the only thing in the play area. Andy watched as the four women brought out chairs, and continued setting up the table with all the trappings of a fancy tea party and occasionally acted like he was playing with the Teddy Bear. Lorrie went over to the swingset and began to play. A few times Jen came over and took some pictures of him with her large professional camera. Eventually the guests started arriving. The first was what Andy believed to be a middle aged transgender woman, she didn’t have the ambiguous body of Andy, but instead had a heavy male build, still her face had some feminine qualities and she smiled big. After greeting the others she walked over to the playpen. Andy focused on his stuffed bear and pacifier, feeling himself turn red in embarrassment. “Hello there Samantha, my name is Alice and I’m so happy to get to share your first tea party today,” she said. Her voice was deep but believable for a woman, and her floral dress was cut low enough to show that she had real breasts. She carried a large bag. Andy forced a nervous smile behind his pacifier and waved. Alice chuckled then went inside. A few minutes later a group came into the backyard, a man wearing khakis and a dress shirt and in each hand he was holding a young woman dressed like princesses. Andy couldn’t believe what he was seeing, these two had apparently traveled here in outfits very similar to his. Both girls were thin with feminine builds, one was taller and her dress was like an adult replica of a little girls Disney Princess play dress. It was made of shiny satin material, with big puffy sleeves, and lots of sew on embellishments. The other girl was shorter and was wearing a less elaborate sissy baby dress like Andy’s and was using a pacifier. Lorrie got off her swing and went to hug the girls, Kali and Emily then gave everyone hugs and they all came over to the playpen, while Jen was recording it on her camera. “Samantha, this is Steve and his daughters Sarah and Chrissy,” Kali said. “How do you do?” Sarah the taller girl said and curtseyed. “Hewoll” the shorter girl said in baby talk and curtseyed as well.” After a moment of silence Kali gave Andy a look and he spit out his pacifier and said, “Hello, my name is Samantha, how do you do?” as he had been instructed earlier. Everyone clapped for him. Steve was probably in his late thirties and everything about him said normal everyday Dad, except for the fact that his two daughters were adult women in their early 20s. “OK Sarah I’m sure you want to go play on the swings and Chrissy you can stay here and get to know Samantha,” Steve said in a fatherly voice and sat his large fancy pink diaper bag inside the playpen. “Yes Daddy,” the girls said. The older girl Sarah and Lorrie ran over to the swings giggling, while Chrissy was placed in the playpen with Andy. The adults went in the house and carried out the adult high chair before sitting around the table to catch up. After a few moments of awkward silence Chrissy spit out her pacifier and said, “You’re very cute Samantha.” Andy spit his out, “Thanks I guess, I’m just a model. I mean, that’s why I’m here. I’m not really into this… stuff.” “Oh, well OK. You’re a very cute model though.” Chrissy Said and blushed. Andy felt himself blush as well. “Thanks, so, you’re umm, ABDL?” Andy asked. “ABDL? What are you talking about?” Alice asked. “Umm, Adult Baby Diaper Lover, apparently what I got signed up for?” Andy said, confused. Chrissy stuck her finger in mouth and looked confused, “Adult Baby Diaper Lover? Never heard of it, me and my sister are just really slow learners, Daddy said we’re not ready for potty training yet.” Andy stumbled, unsure how to respond and then Chrissy cracked up. “Sorry just messing with you. Yes, I’m ABDL,” she said. Andy sighed with relief, and laughed. “So, Steve is your… Daddy?” he could barely get the word out. “Yep, he’s a really wonderful Daddy, takes very good care of us. He’s very good at changing diapers, and giving baths, and other things,” for Chrissy the word Daddy slid off her tongue with ease. “You two came here… dressed…. in. diap…like in baby mode?” Andy asked. “Daddy keeps us in diapers 24/7, and we’re in some level of baby mode most of the time, like not when we’re at work, or visiting family we act more adult, but when we’re at home with Daddy we’re his babies. We go out dressed in baby clothes a lot, but usually much more low key than this. Like cute overalls, and things that don’t look so out of place in public. We just came out like this for your party,” Chrissy explained. Andy wanted to ask more, the entire thing was both very off putting, and yet he was curious, how could it be that someone would choose to live like this he thought. Before he could ask more questions Alice came out of the house and joined them in the playpen. In thirty minutes the woman was now transformed into a baby, she had a super short pink baby dress with a little duck on it, petticoats, her hair was now in cute ringlets, and her makeup was the most babyish of all giving her bright red rosy cheeks. “Hello Chrissy, hello Samantha, this is Pinkie Pie,” she said in baby talk and held out her big stuffed My Little Pony. “Hi, Alice,” Chrissy said and jumped up to go hug her. Chrissy got into her diaper bag and got out a case full of cute animal figures and soon they were playing. The case unfolded to make a tree house and the baby girls tried to get Andy involved as well but with the constricting baby mittens he could barely hold onto the toys so Alice gave him Pinkie Pie to hold while her and Chrissy played with the little figures. It was weird at first but Andy soon got used to it and just pretended like he was just playing with a couple little girls. Eventually Lorrie and Sarah came over to the playpen and let themselves in. Soon everyone was playing with the little animals and giggling at all kinds of silly goofy jokes. The adults came over and got everyone out of the playpen for a game of croquet they had been sitting up. . Emily helped Andy up and put him back in the stroller telling him he was too little to play, so he was just pushed around and watched the other’s all playing. Everyone was encouraged to drink, Chrissy, Alice and Andy were given baby bottles, while Lorrie and Sarah were given sippy cups. After the game Steve took hold of Chrissy, lifted up her skirt and patted her bottom, resulting in a thud sound, “Sounds like someone needs a change,” he announced loudly. He then began feeling around the crotch of her diaper, “Yeap, you’re wet.” “Daddy! I’m playing, changies later,” Chrissy said in her baby voice. “Nope Princess, now go to the playpen,” Steve said. “But Daddy!” Chrissy whined. “Unless you want your change to come with a spanking you’ll stop whining and go!” He said with an edge of threat. Chrissy’s face turned red and she skulked over to the playpen and sat down on the mat. “Now young lady your turn,” Steve said as he walked over to Sarah. Andy saw that Jen was recording everything as Sarah’s face started to blush. “I’m fine,” she said. “Well, lets find out Sarah, did you keep your Pull-up dry like you said you could?” he asked. When the girl didn’t respond Steve took hold of her and flipped up her skirt revealing a Good nite pull up that was very swollen. “Obviously you weren’t as ready for potty training as you thought young lady,” Steve said. “It’s not my fault Daddy, we were playing and…” Sarah started in a whiny voice but was cut off. “Save it Missy, it’s back to diapers for you, go to the playpen and lay down by your sister,” Steve commanded. “Yes Daddy,” Sarah said and walked over. Emily walked over to where Lorrie was standing and took her hand, “I’m sure you need a change too,” she said and took her by the hand and walked her to the big fenced in playmat. She then nonchalantly came back and reached under Alice’s skirt. “You’re wet too Alice, come along.” Kali pushed the stroller over and parked it so Andy could see what was happening. Six adults completely filled the space, with Chrissy, Sarah, Lorrie and Alice all laying down. While their caregivers prepared the supplies for their change. The adult girls seemed to be completely regressed to total babyhood. They were all sucking pacifiers and playing with each other's fingers with a glazed over look while Steve and Emily made cute comments about how wet they were and how much better they would feel in fresh diapers. Chrissy and Alice were giving clean diapers to play with and they needed their petticoats pulled up and folded over along with their dress and their fancy Rhumba panties removed, while Sarah and Lorrie just needed their dress folded up to reveal their pull-up and diaper. Andy felt himself becoming aroused at the completely humiliating scene. Why was this happening, why was this insanely humiliating scene making him horny and why wasn’t he getting changed? His diaper was wet for sure, though it was so thick he could barely tell. Almost as if she could read his mind Kali announced out loud, “I’m sure little Samantha is wet, but her outfit is so difficult that we double diapered her, so no changes until after the tea party for this little girl.” Andy was surprised to see that all the babies' diapers were removed and rolled up so that all four of them were all just left squirming around uncovered. Lorrie, was wearing a very small pink chastity cage, Alice had a metal one that barely had any tube. To his surprise Sarah had one as well, a full size model. Chrissy was the only one of the girls who didn’t have a penis. All four of them were shaved super smooth. Cutesy printed diapers went on one by one. It was about this time that Andy started feeling pressure in bowels. Emily had slipped a delayed reaction suppository in his rear along with the butt plug and it was starting to work, but the butt plug prevented any release. After changes everyone sat around the long table. Andy was transferred from the stroller to the high chair and strapped in. Chrissy, Alice and Andy all had big frilly bibs tied around their necks and were given bottles of milk, while Sarah and Lorrie, acting as older girls, went around filling everyone’s tea. It was all very proper and refined. Andy didn’t really want to eat as the pressure in his bowels was starting to get uncomfortable, but he didn’t really have a choice as Emily kept spoon feeding him cake and shoving his bottle in his mouth. Steve fed Chrissy the same way while Alice ate with her hands and made a mess of her face. Once the fancy tea party was completed Kali announced it was photo time. Jen set up a photography flash on a stand and started posing people for photos. After several shots of Steve with his two “daughters” Emily unbuckled Andy from the high chair. As soon as his rear got off the seat Andy felt his sphincter quiver, gas and some poop slid out around the but plug. Everyone heard the humiliating sound of a muffled wet fart underneath his layers of diapers and plastic pants and giggled. “Well I think Samantha just let us know what she thinks of photo time,” Kali said. Andy was able to stand on the soft grass despite being in the special anti-walking booties, and for the next 20 minutes every possible combination of cute photo that the adults could come up with was taken. Including removing Chrissy and Sarah’s dresses to get photos of them playing in just their diapers. Andy felt himself wetting and messing several times during the photos and could tell his boosted diaper was soaked. Luckily the layers of cloth diaper and plastic pants were keeping any smells inside. “The final photos were in the playpen with all the babies, who were now all down to their diapers, except for Andy who was still in his fancy dress.. “Well I think that was all the photos,” Kali said. “Daddy can we play with Mr. Buzzy now?” Sarah asked. “OK girls I think you’ve earned a special treat," Steve said once the photos were done. He produced a battery operated magic wand vibrator from the diaper bag and clicked it on. Emily spread out a blanket outside the gate and got out a bottle of baby oil and a magic wand from her diaper bag as well. Andy was stunned as he sat in the corner of the playpen. Emily sat down on the blanket, Lorrie and Alice nuzzled up in her lap and she began rubbing baby oil on them and rubbing their nipples. Lorrie had the largest breasts of anyone here, but Alice’s had been surgically enhanced as well and were quite large. Steve did the same thing with his girls, Sarah had tiny breasts that were the result of HRT, and Chrissy’s were natural. Kali sat down and started helping with the massage as well. Andy felt like he was going to explode, his poor cock was pressing so hard against the cage that he felt his balls might explode. He wanted to join in, but was too embarrassed, plus he was in the playpen with Chrissy, Sarah, and Steve and the idea of the man giving him sexual satisfaction was difficult to accept. Steve seemed to be an expert at this tough and moved his wand back and forth teasing his girls who were both now panting and moaning as he massaged their nipples. Steve looked over and saw the look of confused longing in Andy’s eye, “Samantha dear crawl over here,” he said. Andy was frozen and felt his heart beating faster. “Come on over baby girl, come to daddy,” he said and reached over and took Andy’s hand. Andy scooted over and Steve helped him lay down beside the other two and he began rubbing his nipple underneath the Party dress. Andy closed his eyes and felt himself melt into the playmat. A few more minutes of that had him nuzzled up next to Steve and Chrissy. Steve took the pacifier leashed to Andy’s dress and placed it in his mouth and he began to happily suckle, and moan as hands caressed his sensitive nipples. Then he felt the Magic wand against his diaper. It was too many layers to really work, but it still felt amazing. He lifted up his crotch trying to get more pressure from the device. “OK girls,” Steve said as he guided Chrissy ontop of Sarah and worked the wand between their diapers. He then helped Andy ontop his lap and wrapped an arm around him and slowly rubbed back and forth on his nipple. Andy melted into Steve’s lap and watched as Chrissy and Sarah began humping the wand together. Steve then placed his finger in Sarah’s mouth and she began to suck, he then moved it to Chrissy and she suckled, finally he took out Andy’s pacifier and he found himself sucking this man’s finger, easily the most horny he’d ever been in his life. He could hear Kali and Emily giving loving encouragement from outside the playpen to Lorrie and ALice as they both were humping as well. Chrissy came first, screaming, as she was being ridden by Sarah. Andy wondered if it was possible for Sarah to come with the cage on, but in a few moments his question was answered, “Oh, oh, oh, God, Fudge,” she said and arched her back. Chrissy came for the second time and was joined by screams of release from Alice and Lorrie who came together from the same magic wand. Andy felt Steve continue to rub his nipples and the magic wand settled on his diaper, it felt amazing but in a few minutes he realized it was hopeless. All the layers of diapers were thick and I just couldn’t get enough vibrations from the wand. “Sorry babygirl, but no cummies for you,” Steve said. Andy felt a tear in his eye, he wanted it so bad. “Please,” he heard himself pathetically mutter out loud. Kali laughed as she helped Alice and Lorrie into the playpen. The wands and baby oil were put away and all the adult babies seemed to be exhausted. They all curled up in a big cuddle pile except for Andy who was left leaning against the playpen wall. Steve joined Kali and Emily outside the playpen and they looked at their little group with true satisfaction and love then looked at each other. Kali shut the door of the playpen and the three adults held hands and walked over to Jen who had been off to the side recording everything. She put up her camera equipment and all four adults went inside. Andy felt another wave of cramp and pooped again, unable to stop it then felt himself soak his diaper. He lost control of his emotions and began to cry. Lorrie took hold of Andy and pulled him into their cuddle pile and soon everyone but Andy was asleep. Andy was mortified, his diaper was a sticky gross mess, and despite the thick disposable, thick cloth, plastic pants, and Rhumba panties, he was starting to smell stinky. It wasn’t overwhelming and the others were asleep and didn’t notice. He noticed everyone but him had a pacifier, but his was still hanging on it’s leash, he struggled with the big mittens to grab it and missed a few times. Lorrie opened her eyes and put the pacy in his mouth for him then seemed to drift back to sleep. About an hour later the adults came back outside, “Awww, this is so cute, they are all asleep. Jen you got to get a photo of this before you go,” Kali said in a whisper. A few moments later Steve opened up the playpen door and came in. He picked Chrissy up off the play mat and held her in his arms, “Time to go my sweet baby,” he said. Emily helped Sarah up off the ground and helped the sleepy girl up, “I want to say goodbye,” she whispered. She kneeled down and gave Lorrie a kiss on the cheek and a hug, “bye Sissy,” she said. Lorried stirred a bit and sat up and hugged her back. Then Sarah knelt down and gave Andy a kiss, “It was wonderful meeting you Samantha,” she said. Andy pretended to stay asleep. She then gave Alice a kiss and a hug and left with her Daddy and sister. Alice and Lorrie got up and sleepily walked into the house. “Well someone definitely made a stinky,” Kali said, still whispering. She pointed at Andy and made a pretend sleeping gesture with her arms and Emily nodded back. “She’ll be OK, I used extra thick layers of diaper rash cream,” Emily replied. “I wonder how much the boosted diaper leaked? It will be interesting to see how wet the cloth diaper is,” Kali said. “I think I’m going to start using cloth diapers more on Lorrie, especially at night,” Emily replied. “I can’t believe how well this went. Samantha was perfect.” Kali said. “I know it's so hard for new sissy baby models to accept it, but she seems to have gotten used to her diapers already,” Emily said. “Well she has a few hours left, but I think she’s earned a break. Let’s put the baby in her crib and I’ll get Alice and Lorrie to help us put everything away,” Kali said. Andy felt relief, he was afraid that Kali and Emily wouldn’t let him go at the end of the “job.” “Hey sleepy little angel, it’s time to wake up,” Emily said gently rousing Andy. He faked waking up from sleep and was helped back into the stroller. “What time is it?” he asked as they rolled back through the patio door into the basement of the house. “It’s about 2PM, you have just a few hours left with us,” Kali said. “Can you please get me cleaned up,” Andy asked. “Of course we will,” Emily replied as Andy was rolled back into the nursery. He didn’t notice that the camera in the corner was on and had no idea that the room was being streamed to hundreds of AB Sissy Factory followers. They removed his dress, rhumba panties and booties so that Andy was just down to the white plastic pants and baby mittens. Instead of placing him on the changing table Andy was pushed into the crib by Kali who climbed in with him. “Have you enjoyed your time as a Sissy, Samantha?” she asked. “No,” Andy blurted out. “You seemed to enjoy it when Daddy Steve was using Mr. Buzzy on you?” Emily said. “I really didn’t, I just want to get this over with and go home, please,” Andy said. “Mrs. Emily I think someone is telling a fib, what do you think?” Kali asked. “I certainly remember little Samantha here trying very hard to rub her diaper off on Mr. Buzzy, but the poor little girl couldn’t seem to get there.” Emily answered. “Look she’s blushing, she knows it's true, she’s really a slutty little girl, aren’t you Samantha,” Kali said. “I’m not, I’m..” Andy was interrupted when Kali began to rub his uncovered nipples, he tried to bat her arms away but Emily slid into the crib and took his arms behind his back. “Please,” Andy said as his body was filled with more endorphins and he felt his penis growing hard in the cage again. “Please what?” Kali asked. Andy didn’t answer as the sensations continued, but just gently moaned. Emily forced a pacifier gag into his mouth and strapped it behind his head. “Lets just get that mouth of yours filled up by a nice pacifier so you don’t even have to think about talking, you're too little for words right now anyway aren’t you,” Kali said. With his mind overwhelmed by lust Andy just nodded. Kali reached into the front of her dress and lifted a key on a chain. She slid the chain off her head and then pulled the front of Andy’s double diaper down revealing the big pink cage. Andy’s penis was pushing through the gaps in the cage and the girls both giggled. The cage was mostly clean but there was a little poop on his balls that Emily carefully wiped off before Kali unlocked and removed the cage. Emily wiped it with several baby wipes slowly working up and down the shaft and saying cutesy baby things while Andy just laid there. Emily lubed up his erect penis and stroked it a few times, “Yes little Samantha, show Mommy how proud you are to be a sissy baby girl, she said. “Do you want her to stop Samantha, just shake your head and you can go back to being a grown boy,” Kali asked.. Andy didn’t shake his head, he didn’t want her to stop, he needed to cum worse than he ever had in his life. Emily continued back and forth. Soon Andy was starting to rock up and down on his hips, feeling the orgasm build. Suddenly Emily’s hands were gone and Kali pulled the diapers back up. Andy opened his eyes wide in frustration, “No,” he yelled into the pacifier. Emily took the huge teddy bear from the corner of the room and put it in the crib with Andy and closed the door. Sorry Samantha we have to go, but you can play with Mr. Teddy if you’d like. Both women giggled and left the room. Andy growled low in frustration, then with no other option he laid on the big bear and buried his face in it’s chest and yelled. When he did he felt a nice little bit of pressure from the soaked diapers. Getting an idea he mounted the big bear and began to thrust. It felt good and soon he was going faster. He changed up the motion to more of a slide and soon his penis was buried inside his full mushy diaper and it felt amazing. He came with a mind blowing orgasm that had him screaming as days of pent up frustration were humped out into his diaper. When he was finished he collapsed onto the bear and closed his eyes. Sometime later he was woken up by Emily who quietly helped him onto a changing table and using huge wipes cleaned him up. He was taken to a bathroom and given a shower then Emily put a new plain white diaper on him. “What’s that for?” he asked. “Just in case,” she said. Finally he was given his regular clothes along with his keys, phone and wallet and allowed to get dressed by himself. When Andy stepped out of the bathroom Emily and Kali were waiting for him in the basement living room. “Andy, we’ve certainly enjoyed having you model for us this weekend,” Emily said. “I’ve deposited the $1500 and sent you a nice tip,” Kali replied. Andy checked his phone and saw that he had been sent a total of 1700 dollars from Kali. “Shouldn’t this be more?” he asked. “We agreed at 1500 dollars,” Kali said. “But didn’t you give me bonuses?” Andy asked. “No you must have misunderstood I gave you advances, not bonuses.” Kali answered. Andy looked around behind him, expecting for someone to grab him and drag him back to the nursery. He bit his finger nails and nodded. “OK, sorry I guess I can go now?” he asked. “Sure you can go, we placed a pack of diapers in your car, and a little gift.” Kali said. “Why? I don’t want them,” Andy said. “Well you might find that after over two days of diapering you might have an accident if you just stop all at once. But if you don’t need them you can bring them back, next time you come over.” Kali answered. “Umm, sure OK, yeah, well goodbye I guess,” Andy said and headed for the door. “Oh and Andy if Samantha would like to model again for us just give me a call, you have my number.” Kali said. “Thanks, yeah but I don’t think so.” Andy quickly headed out the door and made his way out of the fenced in yard, up the stairs and unlocked his car. In the front seat beside him was a very embarrassing package of adult diapers that would have looked completely normal in the baby aisle. In small bag there was also a pink onesie, and a pacifier. Andy took the items and was going to leave in on the driveway but something inside told him not to. He shoved them into the floorboard of the back seat and took off. Kalli and Emily watched the video feed from their driveway camera as Andy drove off. “See I told you, she would take them,” Kali said. “I’m still not sure that Samantha will come back,” Emily said. “Oh yee of little faith, Lorrie Pup came back, didn’t she?” Kali asked. Emily nodded. “And you came back didn’t you?” Kali asked again. Emily felt her cheeks turn red and nodded again. Kali reached forward and embraced Emily, giving her a deep kiss. “Samantha will come back.”2 points
Chapter 8: Unraveling the Past Michael leaned back in his chair, fingertips pressed against his temples. The faint scent of coffee clung to the office air, its warmth long since vanished in the mug sitting untouched beside him. He let out a slow breath, staring blankly at the ceiling. The earlier visit to Little Haul had left him emotionally hollow, a churned mix of resentment and guilt swirling under his exhaustion. He loosened his tie, rolling it into his palm before tossing it onto the desk. A soft chime from his computer monitor drew his attention, signaling the incoming video conference. He straightened, rubbing his face, and reached for the datapad resting on the desk alongside a jumble of hastily scrawled notes. The screen flickered to life, revealing Cynthia’s sharp expression beside the vaguely humanoid holographic form of Hermes, their enigmatic AI. Behind Hermes, a mosaic of paused video fragments cast muted glimpses of stark nursery colors and dimly lit hallways. “Alright, folks,” Hermes began, its voice laced with faint smugness as usual. “Shall we dive into this cesspool of human depravity again? Always a pleasure.” Cynthia ignored the quip, her own exhaustion visible in the tightness of her lips. “Let’s focus. Michael, you’ve uploaded the latest files?” He gave a curt nod, keyed in a command, and the first clip began to play on a shared screen. The footage, grainy but eerily vivid, showed a Little confined to a crib. The bars gleamed unnaturally under sterile lighting. This Little—a young man—fidgeted aimlessly, his diaper decorated with an outdated, cutesy pattern. His loose romper seemed faded, as if once trendy but now relic-like. “Judging by the outfit,” Hermes said, its hologram flicking an arm towards the image, “this aligns stylistically with late-piece infantilist design trends. Call it... vintage toddler chic, circa eight to ten years ago.” The room felt heavier, air stagnant. Michael hovered over his datapad, jotting notes while the screen transitioned to another clip seamlessly looped into the analysis. This time, the Little appeared calmer, almost vacant. Though the designs on the sleep sack hinted at more recent fashion choices, what stood out was the complete absence of awareness. The placid look in his eyes, the slackness of his body—it radiated something deeper, more manipulated. “We’re looking at different regression stages here,” Cynthia murmured. “Clothing trends help piece the timeline together, but look at their behavior. Whatever’s happening, these... treatments... stretch over years.” “You do realize,” piped Hermes, its tone teetering towards flippant, “this implies industrial-grade ambition, right? We’re talking production-line consistency.” Michael nodded faintly but said nothing, eyes fixed on the next clip. A Little, barely restrained by a padded harness within what seemed like a modified stroller, sobbed quietly as ribbons of drool glistened under the halogen lighting. He wore a bib depicting holographic characters, their animations matching more recent digital trends. Cynthia knit her brows. “That bib—less than two years old. This matches reports of Lil’Me Designs expanding recently. Some of these...” She hesitated, forcing herself to continue, “Some of these clips are current.” The timestamp in one corner, though partially scrambled, seemed to confirm her suspicion. Hermes, catching it, magnified a faint reflection of the room in the footage—a ghostly trace of modern surveillance equipment it tagged as standard within the last decade. “It’s a span,” Michael finally said, voice gravelly, “five, maybe ten years. And it hasn’t stopped.” “It explains the database inconsistencies,” Cynthia added. “Different regimens. Different places… yet it all feels connected.” Hermes swirled its hologram lazily. “Fantastic. Breadcrumbs without the loaf. Lovely work, humans.” Dropping the sarcastic edge, the AI highlighted a few details—here, subtle changes in the crib designs; there, lighting nuances suggesting evolving infrastructure. Piece by methodical piece, they corroborated the theory. Each shift pointed toward a deliberate progression, as if the captors adjusted their methods with the times. Michael leaned back, pressure building behind his temples again. His knuckles rested beneath his chin as the next clip flared onscreen—yet another Little, this time giggling uncontrollably, dressed in neon pastels unmistakably tailored towards recent infantwear trends. It was chilling not for its novelty, but for the casualness of the joy exhibited under circumstances he knew were anything but consensual. “What aren’t we seeing?” Michael muttered under his breath. “If what you’re implying,” Hermes said, more subdued now, “is an origin point or central authority, those breadcrumbs are... frustratingly absent. Which, frankly, feels intentional.” The images slowed, looped back, but even as the team analyzed further, questions multiplied. There were patterns here, Michael knew, but answers remained agonizingly out of reach. Michael leaned forward, staring at the frozen image on the screen. The muted colors of the room—faded greens, heavy browns, and cream tones yellowed with age—suggested design untouched by modern trends. The furniture had an ornate, almost anachronistic quality, carved wood softened by time. “Hermes,” Michael said, voice low but firm, “can you pinpoint anything about the location? Anything recognizable, distinct?” Hermes’s holographic form flickered slightly, its featureless face tilting in mock contemplation. “Define ‘recognizable.’ You’ve shown me wallpaper patterns, ceiling stains, and lighting fixtures straight out of a museum catalog. I could hazard a guess if you were hunting for a vintage recliner dealer.” Michael’s jaw tightened. “Stop dancing around. You know what I mean.” The AI sighed—an unnecessary but calculated affectation. “Fine. Let’s overanalyze this antiquated disaster.” The image flickered and zoomed in on the wall panels. Their surface showed a faint texture—vertical ridges spaced unevenly, parts cracked where time had worn down the lacquer. “Wood paneling,” Hermes commented. “Mid-20th-century manufacturing. Possibly earlier.” “That doesn’t narrow it down.” Michael’s fingers tapped impatiently on the desk. “I was getting there,” Hermes rebutted sharply. It highlighted a corner of the ceiling, where the plaster was crumbling away. A faded emblem stamped into the exposed wood framing became visible. Hermes enhanced the image as much as possible, but the resolution resisted further clarity. “That,” Hermes said, “is military-grade construction. Frame reinforcement typical of fallout shelters or command posts. Prevalent around—surprise!—the Great War era.” Cynthia turned toward one of the analysts seated at the back of the darkened room. Derek, a younger member of the team, was frowning at the screen, his head tilted slightly as if trying to fit disparate puzzle pieces together in his mind. “What is it, Derek?” Cynthia asked, pulling his attention away from the grainy image on the monitor. He blinked, hesitating before speaking. “The Great War… Isn’t that just some old myth? I mean, I’ve read scattered mentions of it in the archives, but nothing concrete. And if it’s connected to this…” He gestured vaguely toward the footage of the crumbling plaster and faded emblem. His voice trailed off, curiosity wrestling against his uncertainty. Hermes’s projection twisted toward him, its semi-opaque form shifting like smoke. “A myth?” the AI repeated, its tone dripping with mock disappointment. “Humans. Always so quick to bury the past. Allow me to educate your poor, sheltered mind.” The lights from Hermes’s projection dimmed slightly, and a holographic map of Amazonia appeared in the air between Derek and the others. Thin red and blue lines webbed across the landmass, converging in dense, blinking clusters. Little by little, they expanded and intersected until the map resembled nothing more than a chaotic snarl of connections. “The Great War,” Hermes began, its voice both sharp and theatrical, “was no myth. It was an all-consuming geopolitical nightmare that tore across Amazonia like a wildfire through dried grass. Two factions, folks—Amazonia and Elysia. In case you skipped your history lessons, Elysia was the underdog dimension, filled with scrappy little engineers and scientists who dared to believe they could outsmart the lumbering behemoth that is Amazonia. Spoiler: they nearly succeeded.” Derek leaned forward, his brows furrowing as he studied the map. “What were they fighting over?” Hermes’s projection raised a translucent hand toward the ceiling in mock exasperation. “Overachieving Littles, mostly. The kind who figured out how to jump between dimensions with shiny new portals and promptly refused to sit in high chairs where the Amazons thought they belonged.” A low murmur moved through the room, still thick with the stagnant, stale heat of overworked equipment. Hermes’s outline shrank slightly, as if a flare had suddenly dimmed. “Amazonia launched an invasion—Elysia retaliated. It was chaos, fire, and sheer idiocy across a hundred different fronts.” Hermes shifted to a sardonic monotone. “And let’s not forget the secret weapons: fabricated nanotechnology, army-grade regression bombs, and propaganda campaigns brilliant enough to turn mediocrity into martyrs. By the time diplomacy crawled in to declare a ceasefire, half the continent was a smoldering wreck.” The AI paused for dramatic effect, its voice softening, slipping into a clinical tone. "You’re staring at the bones of that wreck, by the way,” it said, pointing back toward the flickering image with the military-grade reinforcement frame. “Structures like these were fallback positions—fortresses built to shield personnel from both the fallout of traditional warfare and the psychological funhouse effects of Elysian experiments.” Derek’s frown deepened as he looked back at the screen. “And these… these auction houses—they’re connected to that?” The lights from Hermes’s projection intensified, its holographic eyes locked on Derek’s. “You tell me, Derek. Doesn’t this place look like the perfect hideout for people profiting off the echoes of war?” Hermes paused, the holographic flicker around its form stuttering for a split second before stabilizing. “Now, before any of you get excited with your magnifying glasses and field boots,” it said flatly, “I’d like to point out that there are, in fact, no maps—none that are public or accessible, anyway—of remaining military compounds from that charming little chapter of Amazonian history.” A murmur of disappointment rippled through the room. Cynthia frowned, one hand rubbing the space between her eyebrows. “You’re saying it’s a dead end?” she asked, her voice clipped. “Not dead,” Hermes corrected with an almost audible smirk. “Just cold. Ice cold. Unless one of you has a secret passcode to the Amazonian Black Archive, which, spoiler alert, you don’t, those compounds might as well be ghost stories.” Michael leaned forward, his elbows on the desk, staring intently at the frozen image. The aged structure on the screen stared back, unyielding in its secrets. “There has to be something,” he muttered. “Something left behind.” “Keep digging, by all means,” Hermes quipped. “Just don’t expect the stone walls to start singing.” * * * I rubbed my eyes and stretched, yawning as I felt the bulky, soggy mass between my legs shift uncomfortably. My overall straps pressed snug against my shoulders as I shifted, and I could feel the weight of the soaked padding pull at the snug fabric around my waist. My fingers brushed the thick material of the diaper through the crotch of the overalls, faint warmth radiating from the bulk. Waddlz. There was no mistaking the sturdy, crinkling layers even through the seams of the LittleCloth fabric. Sitting up, I ran a hand along the edges, searching for the adhesive tabs. They were supposed to be simple enough to peel off. Just a pull and—nothing. My hand found nothing but smooth plastic. No luck. I sat back, frustrated, staring down at the stubborn thing. Littleproof. Of course, it would be. Dad wouldn’t leave me with anything else. Any moment of independence was just a fantasy. I sighed through my nose and glanced toward the mirror bolted to the closet door across the room. Rising from the bed, the overalls rustling softly with every movement, I crossed over barefoot, the unmistakable bulk forcing my steps apart. The reflection made me hesitate. A small figure stared back, shoulders slumped, fabric drawing gently against the bloom of the diaper underneath. The bright seams around the rear made its presence obvious enough, even more so with the faint sag caused by the soaked padding. My hair was a mess on top of everything. I ruffled it with a grimace, standing awkwardly for a moment as I scanned the rest of the image—a ridiculous caricature of the teen I wanted to believe I was. “It’s not so bad,” came the voice, soft and high-pitched at the edge of my thoughts. I frowned at the reflection. “Yeah, sure, not bad at all,” I muttered under my breath. Turning, I half expected to see someone standing there. No one. Just the room, perfectly unchanged. But Niki’s voice hummed again like it was coming from the same corner of my brain where doubt usually lived. “See? You’re just comfy now. That’s all. Foxi would laugh at you being all pouty!” I scowled and grabbed at the pacifier clip dangling from the chest pocket of the overalls. The stupid thing hung there like it had every right to. “I’m not comfy. And who even asked you?” There was no response, at least not one I could pin down as anything but my own rattled internal monologue. Still, I could almost picture Niki’s pout waiting in the silence, small and soft and frustratingly expectant, like when kids know they’ve made a point you can’t quite argue back against. I turned away from the mirror, grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and collapsed into the bed, feeling every crinkle, every inch of squish beneath me. News. Something normal, something from anyone who wasn’t me. I scrolled through the messages on my phone, the bright screen glaring against the dim room. My thumb flicked upward, each new notification dragging me deeper into a pit of anger. oThe group chat lit up like fireworks, filled with laughing emojis, diapers, and baby bottles. “Wow, Niko, they got you quick! I knew he couldn’t handle high school.” Another: “Bet you’ll make a cute baby though! Send pics!” My stomach churned. I tightened my grip on the phone, almost wishing it would crack. The next message hit harder. “Don’t worry, I’ll babysit if you need someone to wipe drool off your chin 🎉.” My teeth clenched. My name spattered in the texts wasn’t even my name anymore. Baby Niko. Always tagged with a rattle or a crying emoji. The worst were the ones pretending to sound nice. “Hey, maybe adolescence just really wasn’t your thing. This’ll be easier 🍼!” “I’d be such a good big sibling to you! Lemme know what your favorite cartoons are. I’ll DVR for playdates.” The more I read, the harder it became to stop. Anger bubbled in my chest, threatening to overflow. My thumbs hovered over the keyboard, itching to respond, to fire back something. But what could I even say? Anything I sent would just add to their laughing spree. A photo popped up in the chat—a poorly edited meme slapped together in seconds. My face, blurred from a yearbook photo, plastered onto the body of a giggling toddler. Waddlz and all. The caption read, "Our class's youngest graduate!!" A dozen "😂😂😂" reactions exploded below it. A new notification buzzed on my phone, cutting through the mess of group chat torment. For a second, my heart dropped—was it more of them, piling on? I hesitated, thumb hovering, before tapping it open. It was Zane. Hey, kiddo. Don’t forget, you’re still my little bro. You okay? BTW, about that summer exchange thing... still interested? Let me know if you want to talk. I stared at the message, my chest loosening just slightly. Zane wasn’t like the others. He didn't push or mock; he didn’t treat me like some accessory for his entertainment. If anything, he’d always looked out for me. But the summer exchange—God, I hadn’t even thought about that since everything had spiraled. My fingers hovered over the screen. Zane had been psyched about it, and I’d been too, back before my world got flipped and shoved into this nightmare. The thought of stepping into a summer program now, diapers and pacifiers in tow, made my throat tighten. No way was that happening. Still, I couldn’t just blow him off. Not Zane. And I wasn’t about to explain everything like this, but I could stall. Hey, yeah... can we talk about it later? I guess I’ll have to ask my dad about it first now. Everything’s kinda... up in the air right now. I hit send before I could overanalyze it. * * * Dad’s voice rumbled through the crack in his office door. I pressed my ear closer, catching half a sentence: “…the discrepancies don’t add up. It’s not just sloppy record-keeping, Cynthia.” His tone was clipped, sharp in that way that made everything he said feel like it was etched in stone. I hesitated, the worn carpet feeling rough under my bare toes. The familiarity of his focus, the way he barked out ideas like the room couldn’t keep up, made me second-guess barging in. But my thumb brushed over the sent message to Zane stored in my phone’s memory, and before I had time to psych myself out more, I pushed the door open. Dad’s eyes shot up from his desk, where screens lit his face with cold blue light. Two other faces stared back at me from the holographic display—one of them was Cynthia, looking as prim and put-together as always, her lips halfway twisted into a reply. “Nikolas,” Dad said, his eyes narrowing slightly but not quite harshly. His lips pressed thin. “Give me a moment.” “It’s kind of important,” I muttered, trying to keep my nerves out of my voice. Cynthia tilted her head, leaning forward in her chair, her holographic form flickering slightly. “Michael, do you need to—” “Just one moment.” Dad clicked something, and the display froze mid-gesture. He folded his hands on the desk, giving me his full attention. “What’s so important it couldn’t wait?” I shifted under his stare, suddenly regretting the gamble. The too-friendly sound of a soft crinkle under my step didn’t help. “I, uh, wanted to talk about next semester. The school exchange program.” His expression didn’t change, but something in his brows twitched, just barely. “Exchange program?” “Yeah. For the summer. It’s, um, with Freetown High.” My voice stumbled over itself as the weight of my dad’s gaze pinned me down like a magnifying glass. “I wanted to ask if… I mean, can I participate?” “Participate?” His voice dropped a fraction, quieter now but no less calculating. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepling. “Nikolas, it’s too soon to consider something like that. You know that.” Of course, that was going to be his reaction. My shoulders tensed. “I mean, yeah, but I thought—” “Tell me more about it,” he interrupted, leaning forward again, the sharpness of his attention zeroing in on me. “What’s the eligibility like? What schools are involved?” “What?” The word slipped out before I could stop it. Dad didn’t usually sound interested in school stuff—especially not mine. My mouth went dry. “Um, I think it’s, like, an academic thing. Freetown and Avery, they send students to each other for a semester. I don’t know all the details—Zane’s been talking about it longer than I have.” “Zane,” Dad repeated, testing the name like it was a new variable. His eyes narrowed slightly. “And anyone can sign up for this? What about Littles? Can they participate?” “I... I don’t know,” I admitted, the heat rising in the back of my neck. “I guess? I didn’t really think about...” The corner of his mouth pulled down as he stared, his mind clearly somewhere else entirely now. His fingers tapped against the edge of his desk, each click measured and deliberate. “Are there other schools like this, exchanging with Freetown?” he pressed, breaking the silence. “Uh, not that I know of.” I shrugged, skipping over the light tremble in my shoulders. “It’s just those two, as far as I heard.” “Interesting,” he muttered, almost to himself. Dad extended his hand, gesturing for me to approach. "Come here, Nikolas," he said evenly, his voice carrying no room for negotiation. I froze where I stood, confusion laced with dread. "Why?" His eyes darted to the bottom half of my coverall, then back up to me, face impassive but expectant. My stomach twisted. "You really think this is necessary right now?" "Now, Nikolas." There it was. The tone that meant compliance wasn’t optional. I let out an audible sigh, arms crossed as I shuffled closer to his desk. Heat crawled up my face as he pulled the chair beside him out slightly, motioning for me to turn around. "Seriously?" I mumbled, resisting the urge to bolt. "Seriously," he said, the faintest trace of amusement in his otherwise serious tone. Before I could protest further, the pacifier clipped to my shirt seemed to find its way between my lips, almost like it had a mind of its own. I sucked on it instinctively, realizing too late what I'd done. My cheeks burned even hotter. Dad settled his broad hands on my shoulders, steadying me as he knelt and unfastened the buttons to the flap at the crotch of my coverall. The sound of the snaps echoed louder than anything else in the room, a humiliating reminder of the position I’d found myself in. I squirmed slightly, but his firm grip kept me in place. “You’re damp,” he muttered, half to himself, straightening again. His hand lingered on my upper arm briefly, giving it a faint squeeze that caught me off guard. “Let’s take care of that.” "But—" I started, the pacifier muffling any coherent argument. It didn’t matter. He was already guiding me toward the other side of the room where a fold-out mat was tucked neatly. My legs felt like lead as he spread it out, the soft padding making me cringe inside just at the sight of it. I lay there, staring at the ceiling while Dad worked methodically. My face felt like it might catch fire as he hummed quietly under his breath, acting as if this was as casual as changing a tire. I braced for some kind of sarcastic remark about how this was what it came to, but instead, there was nothing but the rustle of the diaper and the faint noise of the tapes. “There we go,” he said after a moment, his voice unexpectedly warm. “Much better.” I wanted to glare at him but didn’t have the energy. Instead, I just groaned, sitting up and realizing with fresh horror that he’d slid me out of my coveralls entirely. Now, I was left in just the oversized diaper and one of my old t-shirts that barely brushed the waistband. “I can’t believe—” “You don’t have to,” Dad cut me off, leaning closer, his expression softer now. “Why don’t you go relax for a bit? There are cartoons on in the den.” I wanted to argue, maybe even shout, but something about the way he adjusted the shirt over my shoulder silenced me. It wasn’t an act of ridicule or interrogation—it was... careful. Like he actually didn’t hate this, even if I did. Embarrassed, humiliated, and strangely resigned, I shuffled out of the room, the soft crinkle from the diaper following me like some cruel reminder of the state of things. Dad’s voice carried behind me as he resumed the frozen meeting, already immersed back in his world. I wiped my arm across my face, refusing to acknowledge how oddly comforting his attention had been. * * * Michael adjusted his headset, leaning forward in his chair. “What if these Littles were lured into this through a school exchange program?” His gaze fixed on Hermes’s flickering interface. “It’s a plausible angle.” Cynthia raised an eyebrow, her fingers tapping against her datapad. “An exchange program? That’s a stretch. Why target Littles through something so public?” Michael shrugged, his expression grim. “Think about it. Exchange programs are ripe for exploitation. Littles could disappear without raising immediate suspicions. Parents think they’re abroad, mingling and learning.” Jenna clicked her pen nervously. “It’s certainly clean. But surely we’d see something—a pattern. A false name, a forged document, anything.” Hermes interjected, his synthetic voice cutting through the room’s quiet hum. “An intriguing hypothesis, Michael. Analyzing exchange program data for foul play... please hold.” Michael drummed his fingers on the desk, the others falling quiet as the AI’s processing bar hovered on the monitor. The tension hung dense and unspoken between them. A minute passed, then two. Finally, Hermes spoke again. “Analysis complete. Cross-referenced databases, academic logs, and classified archives. Result: zero anomalies detected. No evidence suggests exchange programs were a vector for targeting Littles.” Jenna exhaled sharply, leaning back in her chair. “So much for that. But the fact they left through official channels...” “...means they weren’t abducted,” Cynthia finished. She tilted her head, deep in thought. “Then we’re dealing with Littles who left willingly. But why? And what happened after that?” “Maybe not every intention was innocent,” Michael said, his jaw tightening. “Maybe some of these students exploited the program themselves. Seeking freedom, leverage...” His voice trailed off, the undercurrents of suspicion lingering unsaid. Hermes chimed in again, “Historical records confirm all flagged individuals were legitimate participants in sanctioned programs. No indication of coercion during entry or administration.” Michael rubbed his temples before speaking. “Then this wasn’t about tricking them into leaving. Whatever happened, it came afterward.” “Let’s review what we know,” he began, his tone clipped but steady. “Littles vanish, no abduction evidence. Exchange programs are all legitimate, and portal student exchanges leave us with sealed records.” Cynthia tightened her grip on her datapad but said nothing. Hermes’s interface flickered alive, his voice cutting cleanly into the tense air. “And, notably, no irregularities flagged across exchange durations or afterward. As I outlined earlier, disappearance patterns suggest integration beyond traditional means.” Michael nodded slowly. “Right. So, if it’s not within the confines of our universe, what if—” he paused, dragging a finger across a virtual chart, “—they’re coming from others? Portal routes, alternate universes... could they be pulling from entirely different pools of people? Ones we’re locked out of.” His voice held a steady edge, driving the possibility forward. Jenna’s brows furrowed, a small frown tracing her lips. “Portal students?” she asked, her voice hushed. “The connections are purely academic exchanges. Every single public record tracks the same goal—cultural integration, nothing sinister. But...” Michael shot her a quick glance. “But sealed records leave us blind. If Littles are recruited—or worse, abducted—through those exchanges, they’d vanish into another universe entirely. No tracking from standard systems.” Hermes interrupted, sharp yet sardonic, “Speculative, Michael. But not illogical. Portal data remains government-controlled, top-clearance. Without access, we’re analyzing ghosts. However...” A pause followed, data streams flickering across the holo-display. “If we correlate inter-universe routes with registries marked ‘unverified’ within fifty sidereal cycles—” “No,” Michael interrupted, shaking his head as though clearing static thoughts. “Trust me, Hermes, nothing is that easy. But we crosscheck.” His fingers danced over the nearby console. “Compare institutions actively participating in portal exchanges against timelines of reported disappearances. Any match? Narrow deviations could hold a thread.” As Hermes processed, Cynthia leaned back. Her frown deepened. “Every major university is involved in portal exchanges. How do we sort this? What pattern sets these apart?” Michael stopped mid-motion, lips pressing thin. His mind ticked through probabilities. “Not academic prestige or affiliations. It’s their ability to obfuscate movement. The seals... they’re deliberate.” “Deliberate doesn’t mean nefarious,” Jenna countered, her voice soft but strained. “It’s still... still bureaucracy.” “Bureaucracy,” Michael repeated, voice cold. “Or a system weaponized for exploitation.” He exhaled long, leaning forward almost imperceptibly toward the glowing monitor. “Hermes, focus on anomalies within smaller institutions feeding systems like Emerson University.” The AI responded after what felt like a taut eternity. “Noted. But with approximate access restrictions—expect incomplete results.” Data flashed across the wall display: names, numbers, timestamps spiraling across dimensions Michael felt dizzy staring into. “That,” Michael murmured, fingers twitching silently, “that’s something. We’re getting closer. They can’t control everything.” Michael ran a hand down his face, his tired eyes scanning his team once more. “I’ll be in the office tomorrow morning. Let’s make the most of the time until then,” he said, his voice even. “And…” he hesitated for the briefest moment, “take all necessary precautions. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of what we’re uncovering.” Cynthia nodded, her expression grim but resolute. Harrison crossed his arms, giving a nonverbal acknowledgment, while Hermes let out a soft, mocking hum from the screen. Michael didn’t wait for Hermes’s quip. He stood, pressing his palms against the desk for a moment before grabbing his jacket draped over the back of the chair. The faint scrape of the chair’s legs against the floor followed him as he left, the quiet click of the door marking the end of the meeting. The hum of his office equipment dulled into the white noise of his thoughts as he descended the hallway towards the living room. * * * I fidgeted with the waistband of the diaper, tugging at the velcro tabs that refused to budge. My fingers searched for any weak point, but the damn thing was designed like a fortress. Each pull brought a soft rippling sound, but nothing more. The bulk of the Waddlz crinkled mockingly with every frustrated shift of my weight on the couch. "You’re not strong 'nough," Niki chimed in, his voice echoing in my head like an annoying little sibling I couldn’t ignore even if I wanted to. "Shut up," I muttered under my breath, though I was alone in the room. A giggle burst from somewhere inside me, sharp and teasing. "Nope! You stuck. Daddy said it's for safety! Maybe you just gotta live with it." I slammed my hand down against the couch cushion, the crinkling plastic beneath me only amplifying my irritation. "I’m not living with—this!" My voice cracked, but I didn’t trust myself to say more. “You’re sucha grump…” Niki sang out innocently. "Watch something fun! Cartoons! Like Galactic Patrols!" I snorted, crossing my arms over my chest as my legs splayed awkwardly apart, the bulk forcing them into an unnatural angle. "Cartoons? Really? I’m not three." The words came out sharper than I intended, but they hung there between us, or more accurately, between me and...me. “Am too fun!” Niki shot back, a pout in his tone. “’Member when we liked Captain Zap? Pew-pew-pew! Monster go bye-bye!” I slumped deeper into the cushions, avoiding the TV remote that sat glaring at me from the coffee table. “I’m not in the mood for pew-pew-pew, okay? I’ve had enough of—everything—today.” There was a pause. I thought maybe he’d vanished, leaving me with some semblance of silence. Instead, Niki’s voice was smaller, almost coaxing. “But you tired. Galactic Patrols makes you laugh. Jus’ one episode? Pleaaaase.” My jaw tightened, but the thought of laughing, even just once today, wriggled its way past my defenses. "You’re not gonna shut up about this, are you?" “Nope!” There was an excited bounce to the word that made my lips twitch against my will. Grumbling, I leaned forward and grabbed the remote. The motion made the diaper crinkle louder, and I bit the inside of my cheek as heat flushed my face. I flicked the TV on, navigating with mechanical motions until the pixelated logo of Galactic Patrols burst onto the screen. Bright colors, goofy characters, and the theme music that hit way too many high notes filled the room. "Best show ever!" Niki declared triumphantly. I could almost see him pumping a little fist in the air, even if he only existed in my head. "Whatever," I muttered, leaning back and trying not to feel stupid. I told myself I wasn’t actually going to watch; the TV was just noise to get Niki to quiet down. But as the episode unfolded, something else happened. The galactic crew argued about alien diplomacy while navigating the space station’s malfunctioning warp drive. The colors were vivid, practically popping off the screen, and the dialogue—dumb as it was—seeped into the cracks of my frayed mind. I frowned a little less. My grip on the remote loosened. “Zap gonna fix it! Look, look!” Niki’s excitement was infectious, and though I told myself I wasn’t into it, I found my shoulders relaxing bit by bit. When Captain Zap shouted orders and saved the day with a last-minute gadget, I almost smiled. Almost. I barely noticed him at first as the bright colors of Galactic Patrols played across the screen. Captain Zap was mid-speech, rallying his crew, when the soft clink of a tray on the coffee table snapped me out of it. My eyes darted to Dad, standing there with a little smirk, one hand on his hip. The tray he brought had a plate stacked with finger sandwiches, some sliced fruit arranged like flowers, and a big orange bottle. It was sealed tight, but I didn’t miss the logo—a smiling cartoon dinosaur sipping from a straw. "Thought you might be hungry," Dad said in that tone I could never quite read. Friendly? Mocking? He handed me the bottle first, forcing me to grab it as the overwhelming scent of oranges hit me. "Drink up. It’s your favorite." I held the bottle like it might explode, staring at the oversized straw sticking out of its cap. The liquid inside sloshed with every small movement, the bright orange almost glowing under the room's ceiling light. "I, uh...I’m not thirsty," I muttered, feeling the plastic of the bottle smooth under my fingers. My voice sounded lame even to me. Dad arched a brow, sitting down beside me with the plate. "Really? You were practically melting five minutes ago—fiddling with that diaper like you could Houdini yourself out of it. Can’t break them, you know." He leaned back, taking a sandwich and popping it into his mouth like this was some sitcom. I fidgeted, crushing the bottle slightly in my grip as the crinkle of my diaper reminded me of my ridiculous situation. "I wasn’t—fiddling. Just...making sure it was on right." The words sounded stupid the moment they left my mouth. Niki’s giggle bubbled up in my head, not helping. Dad grinned, annoyingly smug. "Sure, kiddo. You’re an expert on Waddlz now, huh?" He tapped the plastic shell covering me twice, the motion casual yet instantly embarrassing. "Let me save you some time—doesn’t come off unless I say so." My face burned, the teasing making it hard to even glance toward him. "Why does everything have to be...so over the top?" I shook the bottle a little, the liquid sloshing angrily this time. "Is this spiked too? Like...everything else? All the Little stuff?" Dad nodded slowly, like I’d asked the most obvious question in the world. "Of course it is. Littles need a little...help sometimes. That’s what all this is for." He gestured to the tray, the food, even the awful cartoon still playing on the TV. "It’s about keeping you where you need to be. And don’t act like it’s all bad. That’s fresh juice, by the way. You’ll like it." I couldn’t hold back the annoyed huff that escaped. Taking a sip felt like giving in somehow, like handing over some invisible badge of dignity I was still clinging to. "Great. Why does everyone have to 'help' so much?" Dad glanced at the TV, where Captain Zap was throwing giant foam-looking bombs at some alien blob, before turning back to me. "Because letting you figure it all out on your own hasn’t exactly worked, has it?" I opened my mouth for some smart comeback, but his tone—low and firm—stopped me. He was right, wasn’t he? I stared at the plate as my fingers nervously scrunched the smooth label of the juice bottle. The questions in my head grew louder, messier. "Am I supposed to use this thing—for everything now?" The words barely came out, but they hung there like one of those foam bombs from the cartoon, floating just long enough before landing. I didn’t clarify, didn’t need to. The idea—it made my stomach turn. Dad popped a grape in his mouth, chewing with the most infuriating calm. "You could." His voice wasn’t mocking, but it wasn’t gentle either. "That's...kind of the point, isn’t it?" "That’s disgusting," I muttered, looking anywhere but at him. "You'll get used to it," he said simply, and the words hit like a door slamming shut. I turned my head toward the cartoon, anything to avoid looking at him. I bit into one of the triangle sandwiches, chewing slowly, letting the dull crunch of lettuce fill the space between us. Dad sat at the far end of the couch, leaning back, one arm stretched casually across the cushions. His presence felt heavy, like the room didn’t have enough air for both of us. The cartoons on the screen were loud, obnoxiously bright, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn them off. It was...easier to focus on the show than him. I took another bite, glaring at the plate even though it hadn’t done anything wrong. The food was fine. Probably too good for the situation, honestly. But every crunch, every sip from the ridiculous bottle felt like one more reminder of how far I’d fallen. Like I needed help for even this. "Alright," Dad said finally, breaking the silence, "you're not gonna choke down that bottle too?" His voice was calm, light almost, but it nudged something loose in my chest. Something I didn’t want to face. I twisted the stupid cap back and forth between sips, and finally, I blurted, "How bad?" My words came out sharp and flat, like I’d just thrown them into the middle of the room. "How bad did I screw things up?" Dad shifted, sitting a little straighter, his eyes narrowing just enough to make me regret saying anything. But I held his gaze, waiting, needing some kind of answer even when I wasn’t sure I could face it. "Pretty bad," he admitted after a beat, his voice quieter but still weighed down with something that felt...raw. "You made it harder than it had to be, Nikolas." The words sat between us like a brick wall, and the sandwiches in my stomach turned to lead. My throat felt too tight, but I managed to nod, my hands curling reflexively around the juice bottle. It wasn’t like that answer surprised me. I mean, look where I was now. But hearing it from him—hearing it out loud—it made everything feel sharper. I hesitated, then murmured, "I’m sorry." The words tumbled out before I could stop them, but they felt right even though they came out small. "I didn’t mean—like, I wasn’t trying to..." Dad leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his face softening in that way that made him seem miles less strict, miles more...human. "I screwed up too, Nikolas," he said after a moment, looking down at his hands like he was talking to them instead of me. "Spent so much time working, chasing stories, trying to fight everyone else’s fights... I forgot you still needed me here." I stared at him, the weight of his words settling onto my shoulders alongside my own guilt. For once, it wasn’t just about me, wasn’t just about what I’d done. The tightness in my chest didn’t ease, but it shifted, like something fragile and new was trying to steal just enough space to breathe. Dad looked up then, his eyes meeting mine, steady and quietly determined. "I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right, to make things better for you. But I can’t do it alone. You’ve got to trust me... or at least meet me halfway." I didn’t know what to say to that. The show on the TV blurred into nonsense, the colors too bright, the voices distant and meaningless. I picked at the edge of my plate, the sound of my fingernail scraping against the ceramic grounding me even as my mind tangled itself into knots. The diaper crinkled when I shifted, and I didn’t even have the energy to feel embarrassed about it this time. Everything felt like too much and too little all at once. I opened my mouth to speak, but Niki’s voice filled the space before I could, chirping somewhere in the back of my head, soft and certain. "He’s trying. You gotta try too." I shook my head—at him, at me, at everything—but my feet shuffled across the small gap between us. Before I really knew what I was doing, I’d shifted closer, crawling into his space, into his side with a hesitance I hated myself for. Dad’s arm wrapped around me instantly, pulling me in without a word, and I sank into him before I could second-guess it. My head pressed against his chest, the steady thud of his heartbeat filling the hollow space in my ears. I didn’t think I needed this—to feel so small and vulnerable all over again—but there I was, curled up like some little kid with juice in my bottle and trust weighing heavy in my palms. We stayed there like that, the tension hanging somewhere outside of this moment, muted by the steady hum of his breath against the top of my head. I didn’t want to think about what this meant or how things might look tomorrow. For now, this was enough. Dad shifted beside me, his arm still holding me close like he was afraid I’d pull away at any second. His breathing slowed, steady, but I could feel something restless in the way his fingers hovered just above my shoulder—not touching but close enough to feel the warmth of his hand. I didn’t have to look to know where his eyes had wandered. My hair. When I was little, he used to ruffle it all the time—sometimes as a joke, other times as some quiet, absent-minded affection. Back then, it never bugged me. Now, though? Now it felt like another reminder of what I was afraid of, what I was fighting so hard to ignore. I could feel his hesitation in the way his fingers twitched, like he wasn’t sure if he should go through with it. For all his usual certainty, Dad was stalling. A different kind of knot tightened in my chest, something that felt almost like guilt. I stayed tucked into his side, silent, wondering if I could just close my eyes and let the moment pass. Then I felt his hand. Slow, tentative even. The callused pads of his fingers brushed against my hairline before sinking into the strands, softly combing through like he was afraid I might bolt. My shoulders stiffened reflexively, and I bit the inside of my cheek, willing myself to stay still. “Stop…” I mumbled, my voice muffled against his shirt. I didn’t even know if I really meant it. Maybe I just thought I should. His hand paused, but his voice was so soft I almost didn’t catch it. “I used to do this when you had trouble sleeping—remember that?” Of course I remembered. Crystal clear, like every part of childhood I didn’t realize I’d miss until it was gone. I remembered late nights, quiet rooms, the weight of his hand easing whatever fears I’d carried back then. It was embarrassing how much I wanted that feeling now, but wanting it was like admitting something I wasn’t ready to confront. I squirmed, turning just enough to meet his gaze. His expression wasn’t teasing or smug, just...tired. An honest kind of tired that wasn’t about bedtime or bad days, but something heavier. There was enough in his eyes to make me relent, the fight slipping out of me before I could hold onto it. “Fine,” I whispered. The word barely tumbled out before I buried my face in his chest again. “Just…don’t make it weird, okay?” I felt his chuckle rumble even before I heard it. “Deal.” His hand settled back into my hair, this time with a little more confidence. I didn’t resist it, not exactly leaning in either, but the heat of his palm was comforting. It didn’t feel like a leash or a trap, just...there. A tether, maybe. The kind that didn’t pull but steadied. I reached for the bottle still resting on the arm of the couch, my movements lazy and half-hearted. The bright orange drink glinted cheerfully under the soft glow of the room light, mocking me even as I brought the straw to my lips. Sipping was automatic, mindless, like riding a bike I didn’t remember learning how to use. The tang of oranges coated my mouth, sweet and tart but not bad. My throat bobbed as I swallowed, once, twice more. Dad’s fingers were rhythmic now, combing through my hair in gentle, even motions. I hated how much it worked, how the tension in my shoulders eased more with every stroke. The drink sloshed a little each time I tilted it back, the straw making occasional bubbling noises I was too tired to care about. “You getting sleepy?” Dad’s words barely registered over the haze spreading through me. His voice was soft again, low like he didn’t want to startle me awake. I didn’t answer right away, more focused on finishing the last of the bottle. The plastic crinkled faintly under my grip as I leaned further into him, my body giving in before my mind caught up. My head tilted against his chest as the empty bottle slipped from my hand to the cushion beside me. Maybe it was the exhaustion, or the weight of the day pressing down on me, but I stopped fighting. I didn’t think about what this meant or how it cemented every humiliating thing I’d gone through. Dad’s hand in my hair, the steady thump of his heart—it blurred together until all I felt was warmth, the kind of warmth I didn’t know I needed until it wrapped itself around me. The last thing I remembered was mumbling something, though I wasn’t sure what. He didn’t ask me to repeat it. Instead, his arm tightened slightly around me as I drifted, the remnants of orange still clinging to my tongue. For once, the quiet didn’t feel so daunting. * * * The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the bluish glow of monitors lining the walls. Screens displayed an array of surveillance feeds, digital readouts, and rapidly shifting strings of code, all cascading in perfect rhythm. At the center of it all rested a black, egg-shaped terminal suspended in mid-air, wires and conduits forming a web-like pattern around it. Quiet hums of machinery filled the still air. This was the domain of Hermes, where information flowed like whispers in the dark. Streams of data scrolled across the largest monitor as Hermes processed the latest batch of encrypted archives. It was a labyrinth of numbers and fragmented text, yet the AI navigated it with the fluidity of a maestro directing an orchestra. "Curious," Hermes mused, his voice sharp and tinged with amusement. Without hesitation, he compiled a concise summary: overlapping registry logs, inconsistencies within adoption records, and questionable portal activity flagged over decades. The AI added a final query to the code, sending out an encrypted pulse that sliced through anonymity barriers like a scalpel. Moments later, a soft chime signaled the response. "Ah, the infamous specter of subtle rebellion graces me with his attention," Hermes muttered. A voice emerged from the terminal, smooth and measured. “Good evening, Hermes. Ever the diligent investigator, aren’t you?” Hermes’s interface flared briefly. "One could say diligence carries weight when paired with nuance, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Ricoh? Or should I call you something grander? Something… Elysian?" A chuckle. “You’ve always enjoyed riddles, haven’t you? But let’s keep this engaging. You've sent quite the intricate gift. Should I thank you for your thoroughness or your flair?" Hermes's voice adopted a dry cadence. “Consider it a token of mutual advancement. Patterns like these tend to drown in bureaucratic molasses otherwise, even when illuminated. And you, dear Aiden, have a flair for keeping things illuminated.” The connection crackled faintly, masking the pause in Aiden's response. "Patterns, Hermes, are one thing. But this requires a spotlight, something more… theatrical. You know, there’s power in cadence, even in chaos. Perhaps it’s time for a little song.” The monitors flickered briefly, a kinetic energy filling the stillness. Hermes responded quickly, an almost mischievous enthusiasm underlying his words. "Ah, always the artist, aren't we? A song, then, if you insist. May the melody provoke and unsettle." "Provoking is precisely the goal," Aiden returned. There was a faint rhythm to his words, balanced yet pointed. "You already know where to sow your notes, don’t you?" "But of course," Hermes replied coolly. “Mid-tempo, crescendos in all the right places. I’ll handle the prelude. You’ll provide the harmony as always." Aiden’s tone softened, but the calculation beneath it remained. “We both understand the stakes here. It’s not just your programming or my eccentricity driving this collaboration.” “No, it isn't,” Hermes responded. “And no sentimentality required, either. Let’s keep them guessing, shall we?” Without a goodbye, the connection closed. Yet, Hermes lingered for a moment, his circuits humming in thoughtful satisfaction. Patterns were taking shape, and the right notes had found their measure.2 points
Look for chapter 6 by the end of January. I have to reread chapter five and list characters. I hit writers block and my computer died but I got a new gaming laptop this Christmas. Also if there isn’t a new chapter by the end of January I will adopt my self out to an Amazon woman.2 points
I had the opposite of a phantom pooping incident, on Christmas Eve - I had a phantom not-pooping incident. I drank and watched movies with the family and wrapped presents, wearing a Mega Inspire+ that I had decorated with Christmas-themed stickers, although rather unsuccessfully, because I found the stickers in my bedding in the morning. The diaper was very comfortable and easily within it's rated capacity range when I woke up, so I stayed in it until we had to leave the house just after lunch. While sleeping, I became convinced that I had once again mildly "sharted" - I was having a bit of intestinal backlash from something I'd ingested and had left the festivities to go use the washroom in the conventional manner, then I came back, drank some Port, wrapped some presents, and stumbled up to bed at 2 AM. I awoke at 4 or 5 - not sure exactly, but it was still dark, and felt pressure down below, primarily in the waterworks department, but as I rolled onto my back and let myself go, I passed gas as well, and I, in that moment, convinced that it might have been a "may need to check" situation. Then I fell asleep. I woke up again when the dog got restless, a bit further into the early morning, and this time I had more pressure down below, but it was just in the rear, so I pushed, thought, "Oh, God, I'll have to get up and get changed before we unwrap presents... too bad, I thought I'd get more time in this Inspire..." and then I fell back to sleep again. I woke up, went to brush my teeth, and took some cautious steps, while sampling the bouquet of the air around the bed... nothing. Hmmm. I brushed my teeth, moved about, sampling the air like a hunting dog.. and got no negative feedback. But I was so sure, last night. Oh well, no smell, no problem, on to the tasks at hand... coffee, brunch, presents. I pulled some pajama pants over my diaper and went downstairs. Fast forward to noon, and it was approaching the time when we had to hit the road. I left myself some extra time to shower and "tidy up", expecting at least something would be amiss in Diaperville... but when I let that magnificent diaper succumb to gravity, there was no evidence inside it to suggest anything other than wee had been in the weather it endured. So, my mind had made the whole thing up. I was convinced at one point, while in bed, that I'd torched my Huggies, to the point that I felt around the gathers, to make sure I wasn't desecrating the bedding - that would be a bad start to a Christmas day. Nope, nada, false alarm. Today, I'm in a Rearz Essential, also with Christmas stickers on it, although I am getting changed soon, to go watch hockey with a buddy it's best to start that beer-soaked assignment in fresh underpants. Merry Christmas, everyone!2 points
I have a bunch of pacifiers from Rearz. There’s alway one on my play mat, one in my crib and one at my diaper changing mat with my changing supplies. There’s also one in my diaper bag. At home I always have a pacifier in my mouth. It’s so comforting to me.2 points
I wanted to wish everyone of you a Merry Christmas (and a Happy Holidays for everyone else!) and a Happy New Years! I plan to do another blog post before the year is out as a retrospective. But for now, I just have an image from the upcoming Livy's New Family comic that I am creating along with my friend and illustrator Britisher. So... Have a first look at Livy and, once again, have a Merry Christmas. I wish full diapers and stockings for all.2 points
My first thought as I was drawing this was 'You can't go and sit on the Krampus' lap in a diaper this dirty.' (The Krampus and the 'Nanny with the 1000 Nurseries Beyond the Stars' have history so that is why their warlocks have to see the Krampus during the Yule season). But I started thinking more along the lines of 'Show The Krampus/Saint Yuletide/The Hogfather that you can make presents too.' Whatever the story behind this I think we can agree it is good that Mun Mun and Cwisy are enjoying the season.2 points
I got a Bob's Burgers blanket, but its not coming until tomorrow as it got delayed. Mom got a For King and Country Tee and a perfume she loves that she wouldn't buy for herself.1 point
So where to begin this post. Well, I been thinking about this for some time now not sure why or how or what really I am really thinking. I do know I have heard all the different Pro's Con's about this. Even @rusty pins Many of his comments. Which are valued points he puts out there. I know all the information in that arena. Though with the way my body is these days. I believe fulltime is best for me. I though want to plan this out correctly. I am not looking for the Incontinence side of it well not at first. Though you never know what happens in the future as it is not written. So my path looks something like this. Since right now it is not feasible for me to wear full time as I do not have the budget to wear full time. I have to plan for that as well. I do own a few different only businesses. Which one of them is pointed at in the link in my Signature. not looking for anyone to click or buy anything from that which I just said. Just wanting to let everyone know I am in a few different businesses. Plus I do have a full-time job which helps some what pay my bills. And I do make money from my online businesses. First I need to do is make enough money to support myself from my businesses. That I do not need my job any longer. Then I need to buy more Onesies as I do believe in discreet diaper wearing when in public and if you are wearing 24/7 you will be wearing in public. Then I also need more plastic pants to help protect my clothing for when I do use my diapers in public. As I may have a #2 issue I also do pee in my diaper as well. If I can help it I will not poop my diaper if I sure can help it. As I am not fond of Stinking up the place. Though Devrom can help with the odor as I have heard of it before and just recently @Dee Cee mentioned it in a comment on another post. But I have heard of it before from other members. As for Diapers I would like to at least be able to buy 2 or 3 cases at a time for supplies. So I need the income for that. That is 138.00 x 3 is $414 a month or 2 so I need my income just for that as well. Then there is another thing I need the income for. As I want to be in my own place by the time. So I need to make enough to buy a house with. As I am not big on renting out an apartment or condo. With my Credit and such and with a Home based business they would never allow me to rent out an apartment or condo. So home buying it is. Though that also brings up issues with Credit. So I am working that out as well. Though that is it for this part of my path I believe that will be it for now. I wanted to tag a few of my friends on here as I know some of them went to the Good side and went 24/7 hehe. @Little Sherri @oznl @SpiderBaby @froggy @Krysty @DailyDi @~Brian~ @olympus @AngusMac @Spanky @FretaBWet @LilRugrat @spoonchicken @joey52 @TOMC1 @TommyBubbles @AbabeBill @Babygeebee @jesse78 @babysara_4 @Young1 @Diaper Duck @Dprczyone @foreverdl @msjy @naruto2020 @Kurrthemuttboy @sillybaby123 @Pampered66 @LilFozzyJ5 @Rachel1 @snobak @Tai K @DieselDiapered @chefke @Stevie2 @GHOST @Dubious@DiaperedDarkElf @Diaperboi1991 @Enthusi @Rob110 @munkey @Beccathelittle @Timmybaby @woof @DL-Ash1 point
Sometimes I do, but only with newer diapers. When I used to wear frequently I bought Wal-Mart brand size 4 diaps to use as stuffers in ABDL or Abena diapers. THey were great to just remove and replace after a few wettings, it would make my good diaper last all day usually. Problem with them is since they don't pass liquid through they could channel pee right out of a diaper and down your leg. Lately I've just been buying booster pads. I started getting obsessed with diapers in the late 80s and started getting them in the 90s. I really like the ABDL diapers that copy the look of those, Super Baby Dry, and Peek-ABUs, but also I like how diapers have changed too and love the new ABDL diapers that copy that aesthetic as well. I wish they could better copy the build of modern diapers. It's amazing when I was looking at these Pampers from 1992 that the modern ABDL diapers are pretty much built the same, but the Pampers better elastic leg gathers and waistband elastic.1 point
Be careful with this one. Your lie, if you wish to go that route, will need to be 100% consistent. Once you go down that road, there's no going back, so make sure it's what you really want. I don't recommend lying to your wife, but if you must do that, make sure your story is 100% solid and without any leaks.1 point
Agreed. I had the same problem. I find that using boiling water and shaping the stent to be ineffective at maintaining its shape, especially when I go to clean it with boiling water. I use a heat gun and that seems to work well for me.1 point
1 point
And the fitted incontinence sheets have arrived. Now I can sleep peacefully and no longer have to worry about leaking diapers leaving stains on my mattress. Other night gear I currently use: Abena Abrislip L4 Surprima slip nr 1250 It's amazing what precautions you have to take when you have no control over your bladder.1 point
All my orders are coming in three weeks. I refuse to pay exorbitant postage and import. The only Abigail Breslin movie I don't have on DVD, Miranda's Victim. And two Hanson CDs (one from this year and Condor Sessions from 2013) and two Hanson shirts.1 point
In my mind when someone becomes a pet they regress in both maturity and to a more primal state, meaning there's an instinctual edge to a pet which isn't helped by their emotional instability. So being territorial and displaying small outbursts of aggression like that wouldn't really be seen as problematic unless it was frequent. I definitely picture this world having professional pet-trainers, and that parks specifically for human pets would be common. It's fun imagining all the ways the Keeper/pet dynamic would be built into everyday life, like diaper changing rooms in public spaces for pets, pet-friendly restaurants, pet-centric reality TV shows, etc. I know other Keeperverse stories have mentioned or elaborated on concepts like these, such as pet-care centers in big corporate offices, hotel rooms with kennels. It's fun stuff 🥵1 point
I don't masturbate in diapers because my Daddy prefers to take care of me and that's waaaaayyyy more fun than masturbating. Why would I masturbate in diapers when my partner likes doing much more interesting things with me instead 😁1 point
Chapter Three: The Conquest of Brad ‘I need the living room to myself tonight. I want to watch Moana and since none of you are engaging in submissive activities, you shouldn’t be allowed to watch it with me.’ Candy expected the message on the chalkboard to undermine the Littles in their polycule the most. Socks, or herself, or maybe Daisy, whose pet persona leaned more towards ‘puppy’ than ‘dog’. It surprised her, then, that John, the pure kinkster, was the first to crack. “I’m sorry, everyone. I can’t take this anymore–no terms are worth this.” Candy looked up from her breakfast–a spread of waffles lovingly prepared by Mick, though he seemed on edge cooking without his uniform on. “It was your idea,” she objected. “You can’t throw in the towel now.” “You just want to get on his good side!” Socks added, pushing her syrup-soaked plate aside. “Then he’ll be extra mad at the rest of us! S’not fair!” “I’m not going to stab you all in the back,” John shot, getting up from the table. “Or go to him and get special privileges for being the first to submit. We should all give up, at the same time, and beg for mercy. He likes it when we beg.” Daisy whimpered and nodded her agreement, arms crossed over her chest. Candy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Come on–it’s only been two days! We can do better than that!” “Two days is foreeever,” Socks whined. “You’re not even locked in chastity!” Looking for support, Candy asked, “Mick?” Looking at the dishes as an excuse to avoid eye contact, Mick said, “You’re already outvoted. Let’s see if he’s ready to negotiate.” They knew it was a silly thing to hope. Daddy wasn’t anywhere near ready to negotiate. He’d outlasted them, and it hadn’t even been close. All Candy could do was suck it up, draw him out, and hope to find a compromise. “Fine, but I’m going to do the talking.” … Candy’s word choice was precise, direct, and chosen for maximum impact. “Thank you for joining us, Daddy.” Not ‘Brad’. Daddy. She wanted to give him a small victory right away, to show that they were ready to compromise. She was coming to him submissively, with the rest of their polycule lined up around the kitchen table, ready to give him what he wanted. They’d dressed as maturely as they could, in clothes that emphasized their independence and maturity–no maid clothes, no juvenile print shirts, Candy had gone so far as wearing a blouse and light slacks. “You said you were ready to talk,” Daddy said, extending an open hand in a gesture for her to continue. The gesture also, coincidentally, seemed to dismiss the paper contract set out on the table, treating it like a non-object. “So, talk.” “I think we’ve shown that we’re determined,” Candy said, as though they hadn’t been about to buckle in less than forty eight hours. “But there’s no need to drag this out. You know our terms.” Daddy blinked slowly, his expression placid, waiting for her to go on. When Candy didn’t press further, he put a hand on the table and pushed up to his feet. “If this is going to be a waste of my time–” “Wait,” Candy interrupted before he could fully stand, and she breathed out in relief when he sat back down. “We’re willing to compromise on some of our positions.” A smirk curled up at the corner of Daddy’s mouth. “Compromise? I’m listening.” Turning the contract around, Candy picked it up and raised the paper so that Daddy’s face was partially hidden. She opened her mouth, but her voice cracked and she had to try again before she could speak clearly. “The first line item–freedom of cummies. We’re willing to compromise with a once-per-week pass.” “A pass?” Daddy asked. “One free orgasm every week, without needing permission in advance,” Candy explained. “You said you didn’t want me to spend all day riding my wand, well, this way I’ll only have limited buzzy time and that won’t happen.” Daddy tapped a finger on the table, and his gaze slipped from Candy to Socks. “And when you’re in chastity? How will that work?” Socks blushed brightly and lowered her face, and Candy thought she could see steam coming out of the other girl’s ears. “We’ll get to that when we talk about the chastity clause,” Candy explained, trying to remain professional as she moved forward. “Now–the next demand, make out privileges. Instead of at will, we’d be willing to accept thirty minutes of making out, every evening before bedtime.” To her side, Daisy whimpered. This had been one of her requests, the one she’d championed for the most, and Candy had just curtailed it massively. However, she had something else to sweeten the pot: “We would take this time instead of watching cartoons. It would be one or the other.” “You’re willing to give up your Bluey time for this?” Daddy asked. “No more cartoons at all?” “No!” Candy squeaked immediately. “Not–not every night. Just sometimes.” “And how often are you going to say no to watching Bluey with me?” Daddy asked, looking right at her eyes. “Or whatever other show you want to watch.” “Um…I…” Candy stammered, avoiding his willpower-melting stare. “Not…not very often.” “Then why have that option at all? If you’re always going to be a good baby girl for me, then having permission to do something else just complicates things for no reason,” Daddy said. The obvious response came to Candy’s mind, but she couldn’t pass the message along to her lips. (It’s not for me, it’s for Daisy–I don’t need this.) When she tried to explain that, all that she could produce was a quiet squeak in the back of her throat. “Keep going.” Daddy’s tone was full of mock encouragement. “Use your words. What else are you willing to compromise on?” “Um…” Candy’s gaze slid over the paper, where her bedtime arrangements were listed. She’d meant to say, ‘Move bedtimes forward by one hour.’ Instead, she found herself saying, “We want our bedtimes moved from nine PM to nine-o-five.” “Candy!” Socks yelped. “We said–” Daddy cleared his throat, and she immediately fell silent. “I believe Candy is explaining things. It’s not nice to interrupt, sweetheart.” Socks looked down at her toes and nodded sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” “Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Candy.” Her shame building, Socks nodded again. “I’m sorry, Candy.” “Mick is…” Candy started. “Um, also willing to make hot brekki–hot breakfast on Saturdays, he’s only asking for Sundays off.” Daddy tilted his head curiously. “Are you too much of a big girl to say ‘Brekkie’ now?” Candy quickly shook her head. “No! I–” Swooping in, Daddy claimed his verbal victory. “Then why are you telling me what to do?” He’d outdone her again, effortlessly demonstrating how Little she was in contrast to him. Knees wobbling, Candy sank back onto a stool, wishing she had the comforting padding of a diaper to rest between her bottom and the hard seat. “I…” Daddy reached across the table and snatched the list from Candy’s hands. “Let’s see what else is here. John still is asking for an open cage, you want nuggies twice a week instead of three times and only one meal with vegetables, stinky diapers must be changed immediately when guests are over.” At that last one, he raised an eyebrow and asked, “You realize I would change you in front of everyone, yes? I can’t imagine you’d prefer that.” Candy shook her head–he was right, and she just hadn’t considered the fairly obvious loophole in her language. She cast her gaze down, acutely aware of the growing wet spot staining the front of her panties. “Um…” “You already wrote this out, it’s too late to change it,” Daddy said. “And let’s see here…the chastity clause. No more than one week at a time, I see, unless it’s a serious punishment. Where would the fun in that be, exactly, if you knew you would always be released right away?” “One week isn’t ‘right away’,” Mick whimpered. “It’s like…forever!” “Then perhaps you need to work on your endurance,” Daddy said, lifting the paper up for emphasis. “Alright. I’ve considered your new terms, and I have a counter offer.” All five of the subs leaned forward, eyes widening as they listened. Pinching the paper between his hands, Daddy tore it in half cleanly down the middle, then doubled it over and tore it again. “You all submit to me, right now, and beg for my forgiveness.” Candy swallowed on a dry throat. “But–” “Candy,” Daddy said sharply. “I listened to your whole little speech, very politely. It’s my turn now, you will not interrupt me.” She whimpered and nodded, fingers trembling, body pulsing with heat and need and the overwhelming desire to submit. “This is my only offer,” Daddy continued. “You submit, now. Candy might think of herself as the ringleader, but you don’t belong to her, you belong to me, and I think we’ve had enough of this little play-pretend independence from all of you.” (Oh god…) Candy thought, as she nearly came in her panties right then and there. Leaning forward onto the table, she clasped her hands in front of her head and looked down, pleading with her whole body. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” “Candy!” John objected. “You–” “I’m speaking,” Daddy said sharply. “Now, Candy, look at me and tell me what you are sorry for.” “For…” Candy looked up at her Daddy and stared into his eyes. The last vestiges of her resistance wash away like a sand castle against the tide, a crashing wet surge of submission and arousal that ruined her willpower and her panties in equal measure. “For acting like I knew better than grown ups, and for trying to be in charge, and for pretending to be smarter than you.” Daddy’s smile turned onto the rest of the group, gaze shifting from sub to sub as he cleaned up any remaining vestiges of resistance with nothing but a powerful smile. With the ringleader dealt with, the remaining independence in the group toppled like bowling pins. Daisy whimpered and whined and sank to the floor, John dropped to his knees, Mick snapped to an attentive, doll-like stance of obedience, Socks covered her face with her hands. “I want to hear it,” Daddy said. “A promise that you won’t try to pull a little game like this again.” A weak chorus of, ‘We promise, Daddy’ echoed from the polycule, as they were all shamed and cowed into obedience. Daddy stood, somehow looming over them all despite Daisy being several inches his superior. “And I want to be clear about something,” Daddy continued, stalking around the table. One by one, he touched each of them, on the chin or the cheek or running his fingers through a strand of hair, and wherever his touch went, he brought out moans and whimpers of desperation. “There is not, and has never been, any promise of non-retaliation. You are all in serious trouble, and you will be punished for acting out like this.” Once more, five ‘yes Daddy’s mumbled out of the group. Candy shivered, and she only hoped he would punish her first–she didn’t want to be greedy, but it’d been two whole days and she was gonna throw a tantrum if nobody punished her soon. He loomed over Candy, and she squirmed and looked away as he touched her thigh, applying gentle pressure to spread her legs and show the wet spot that’d grown on the front of her pants. She didn’t think she’d peed, though in her overwhelming arousal, she couldn’t be quite certain of that. “We’ll take care of that soon.” Daddy took her by the chin and turned her to look up from her accident, forcing her head to meet his eyes. “I hope you got what you wanted out of this little game,” he said. “Because from now on, we’re not going to even entertain the notion that you might have a grown-up bone in your body. You are, all of you, mine.” He was right: Candy, and all of them, were his. And he was right, again: They had, absolutely, gotten what they wanted. The End ... And that's this story! If you liked it, and wanted to help out an author you enjoy around the holidays, consider subscribing to my work! For just a couple bucks, you get early access to all my stories. https://subscribestar.adult/peculiarchangeling https://reamstories.com/peculiarchangelingabdl1 point
I'm still 24/7, but I avoid doing #2 as much as possible. Only done it on purpose a few times, when I had to change anyway, and its not my thing. I use 1-2 diapers a day, with ABDL its 1 diaper in 24 hours, if not longer. Medical diapers cost me just under a dollar each. One could say I don't drink enough, but I never have issues related to liquid intake.1 point
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@spark: Concerning your onesie: When you need to poop, have you tried snapping the onesie around your waste instead of through your crotch? I find that conveniently holds the onesie up and out of the way when needing to handle # 2 on the toilet. Once I pull the diaper back on afterwards, I can easily snap the onesie back in place.1 point
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Interesting post. I don't like onesies, mainly because of the pooping thing. I will occasionally poop in my diaper, but not very often. One of the drugs I take has a reputation for making one's bowel movements loose and frequent. On a typical day I'll get a good BM in the morning, but I still need to sit on the toilet a few more times in the morning because I've got a bloated and cramping feeling. Somedays are better than others, but it is usually 3 to 4 times. Most of these are false alarms. It gets better later in the day. The key is, if I only pooped in my diaper, I would need about 3 or 4 before lunch, which isn't feasible. I pull my diaper down to do my business, and a onesie gets in my way. I use a waterproof diaper over my ABDL diaper, then loose-fitting boxers over that. It works for me. I work outside of home and haven't had any issues. Occasionally I'll notice that my boxers are below the top of the cover, and an observant person might notice. They can sometimes observe the taps peaking, but nobody has said anything so far. I typically budget 2 diapers per day. One for nighttime, and one during the day. When I'm not going out for the day, I typically keep my nighttime diaper on for a few hours before showering and changing myself. Right now about 1/2 to 1/3 of my pees are involuntary. They come before I know that they are coming. Most of the rest come with limited warning, but enough to stop if I wanted to. Most of those voids are larger. That's how I meter my diaper use and get 10+ hours out of a single diaper. I should probably change once in the middle of the day, regardless of how I meter my diaper usage, and I usually do when it just me at home (weekends). Since I don't bath at night, I can also change to the night time diaper earlier than my bedtime. If you read some literature, they recommend changing every 4 hours, but that's a luxury I can't justify. By 4 hours, my diaper damp but not at all wet.1 point
The aggression or slip up resulting in such is nice and I wonder if they ever go to a trainer for more things to work with him better. Are there off-leash parks for the pets like with dog parks now?1 point
Interludes: Thomas Thomas found the idea of being an adult silly. He had been with his Mommy for as long as he could remember; granted, his memory wasn’t great. His pediatrician had told Mommy his biological age was more than forty. FORTY?! Thomas laughed and giggled at that idea; he was barely three years old! He always had been. Mommy liked to tell him silly stories about when he was younger and how much of a fight he put up being a baby. How much Thomas had fought using his diapers, how big and strong he had acted. Thomas used to boast about being a big-shot CEO, putting others in their places, and always being in charge. Thomas had no memory of these events since his trip to the doctor that fateful day. To Thomas, that was the first actual day of his memories. He remembered awakening; his face pressed to Mommy’s bosom as he was guided to nurse from her. Mommy had been speaking to him, although he didn’t understand, but the sound of her voice when he latched on made it obvious he was doing something right. Thomas loved being a good boy; he loved making his Mommy happy. Mommy had taught him enough language to understand her, but he certainly couldn’t read or write; what baby needed that anyway? Mommy liked to spin tails to people they met, telling them all sorts of things about Thomas. She had explained to him that these were stories, make-believe, and it was fun to go along with it! Mommy liked it when Thomas agreed with what she was saying, regardless of its absurdity. Thomas, apparently, had naughty friends before his birth. That is what he called the first day of his memories. Mommy told him he used to have bad influences for friends; he wasn’t sure how that was possible, how he could have had friends before, but he trusted her. Mommy had guided him on what to say and do, sending him to daycare after teaching him language basics. The people he was supposed to meet with were incredibly concerned for Thomas, although he didn’t understand why. Thomas loved his Mommy; he loved being a baby; who wouldn’t? Thomas followed Mommy’s directions, however, allowing them to take him with them to ‘undo’ the wipe, as they called it. Of course, they couldn’t have known Mommy had implanted a tracker in Thomas, waiting for them to scan for it and then re-activating it with a set timer. The people took Thomas to a strange place, with many Littles acting weirdly. They almost seemed to be adults but were the same size as Thomas. Thomas’s training was nearly at an end, and he wasn’t sure what to do. He was glad when the adults raided the place, Littles running about, screaming as they were caught. Thomas grew upset at the excitement until Mommy came rushing in, scooping and consoling him. Thomas swooned and giggled as Mommy praised him, holding him close and promising him a big reward for being such a good boy. Thomas loved being a good boy. Thomas was a good boy. Interludes: Venli Venli leaned back, her feet kicked up, nursing a mug of coffee as she read the latest reports. Autumn was setting in; the sun had barely risen, and it was still working to fight off the morning’s chill. Deep in the Little controlled city territory, Venli felt safe outdoors, even if it was only a tiny, overgrown, and forgotten park. As always, the reports held cases of Littles being captured, Amazon officials busting Resistance outposts, and documentation of recent technological breakthroughs. The reports were usually dry and disheartening. While The Resistance had managed to break numerous people free from the shackles of Amazon society, far more Littles had been captured. “More of the same?” A voice called to Venli as the girl sat next to her on the bench. The woman was a recent recruit, having been broken out of an awful orphanage. She still wore diapers and likely would for the rest of her life. Venli felt terrible for her, and while The Resistance had made substantial progress in rebuilding neural pathways, not everything came so quickly. This woman, in particular, would need surgery even to begin allowing pathways between her spinal cord and bladder or sphincter to start growing once more. Even with their advanced technology, the woman looked at years of recovery and potty training to get a glimpse of control once more. While the woman was expecting Venli to inform her of the latest captures, Venli preferred to stay upbeat. “Subjects 6,212 are safely aboard along with sixty-one other refugees across several ships. It’s unlikely all will become compromised.” Venli began. Venli knew the names of each subject, although not everyone in The Resistance was privy to such knowledge. She hoped the girls would make it; she had a soft spot for them. “We were able to locate the source of their contract and have successfully enrolled each refugee. They will, of course, need to survive an entire week in school and meet or exceed the requirements for reintegration into Earth society, or they will never be allowed through the portal. We sent the strongest-willed Littles who may be able to make it; the rest will stay here while we work with them.” The woman nodded, pulling her jacket tight around her shoulders, her breath misting before her. “That’s good news,” he replied simply. The two sat there, the woman staring into space as Venli continued reading. She didn’t need to speak for Venli to understand the woman’s agony. She had opted to stay here and help others escape, something she would likely never be able to achieve herself unless she could potty train once more. Amazon protocols for Littles transferring back to Earth were strict, and obtaining passage through official channels was difficult. As difficult as it may be, the school represented the easiest path for Littles to escape back to Earth. The Resistance was hard at work obtaining other passages, but as soon as one was discovered and refugees were sent home, it was quickly uncovered and closed up by Amazon officials. “Don’t you want to go home, Venli?” The woman asked softly, the morning sun breaking through the thick morning fog and warming Venli’s face. “I don’t have a home anymore,” Venli replied, flipping to the next page in her report. “The Amazon government was extensive when they cleansed my past.” The pair fell into an awkward silence, the woman finally resting a hand upon Venli’s thigh. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. Venli set the reports to the side, leaning back against the bench, “It’s okay, this is my family now, my home. I will spend the rest of my days fighting them for what they did. Every person I can help, every life I can save, is a life they didn’t get the chance to steal.” Venli growled, anger flashing in her eyes. “I will take down the officials who sentenced me; I will send those who wronged me into the bowels of the very institutes they tried to send me.” The woman squeezed Venli’s thigh, patting it, “Honorable, I’m sorry it’s a life that was forced upon you; perhaps someday you can return as well.” Venli felt the wind leave her sail as she sighed, “I barely remember a life before all this.” she admitted, “I’ve fought for so long I don’t remember a time I wasn’t fighting. I’m too angry to settle down, and I fear that even if I can put down my sword, I’ll be looking to get back at them. I want vengeance for myself and those who aren’t in positions to defend themselves; I will fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.” “You will find love one day.” The woman said lovingly, patting Venli’s thigh. The comment caught Venli off guard. She had prepared a response for all of the things she had been expecting, except this one. Venli’s voice caught as she tried to say something further, and when she did begin speaking again, it was to weep. The woman wrapped an arm around Venli’s shoulders, embracing Venli. “You’ve fought for what is right for so long, Venli.” the woman said softly, holding the girl as she cried, “You’ve done so much good in this world already; isn’t it about time you deserved to be saved?” “I can’t, I’m not worthy.” Venli whimpered. “You are; you deserve to be loved. You deserve a family. My son he’s about your age; you rescued him some time ago, and he’s been working with The Resistance ever since. Will you entertain an old lady and go on a date?” the woman asked. The woman didn’t look a day over 26, and Venli hadn’t seen her biological age; the Amazon world had technology that allowed anyone to look young. “You’re hooking me up?” Venli sniffled, drying her tears, “I’ve got a lot of work to do, I can’t waste time on-” The woman cut her off, “They will manage without you for a few hours, Venli. I’m not trying to hook you up with anyone; you have been trapped for so long in this fight that you don’t remember a time when you could just relax and be yourself. Have a nice meal, walk, and get your head out of the operations room for a few hours; it’ll do you both a world of good.” “I can’t promise anything.” Venli retorted. “I didn’t ask you to.” The woman replied just as quickly. “He’ll pick you up at six. I’m sure you have a lovely evening gown somewhere gathering dust; use this as an excuse to do something for yourself. Dress up, put on makeup, and treat yourself as well as you treat other Littles, whom you’ve never even met.” Venli nodded sheepishly, “Who are you?” she asked, glancing up at the woman. The woman smiled lovingly, looking away, “A mother trying to do what’s right.” Interludes: Laura For all the power the Amazon government had, Laura found it frustrating working with them to do anything. She had all but led them to the doorstep of The Resistance, and they had let it slip away. The man they had captured was certainly not her husband. A piece of her ached at the backstabbing. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but he had proven how incapable he was as a father figure, resorting to conspiring with the enemy over a simple disagreement. Laura shook her head, comforting Evan, who had awakened early from his nap, feeding him a bottle. For a few blissful days, Laura had come to love her position as a Mommy, relishing the feeling of being able to nurse two sweet babies. She had loved every waking moment of motherhood. Laura longed for her babies; she wanted them to be hers forever; she knew her babies would be very well-behaved once they had the appropriate surgeries and procedures to make them so. Littles needed a little persuasion to become the babies they were always meant to be. She had been so close, a day more, that they wouldn’t have passed the exams to return home, and then she would have the freedom to do what she needed to. That was, of course, before he got in the way. Laura had loved her husband, but their parental views differed significantly, as they always had. Regardless, they adopted little Evan, who brought them together. They learned and grew as a couple, raising him to be a well-behaved Little boy. It had been a rocky road, but they had finally been ready to adopt true babies. That is where they began to drift apart. They had developed plans to help integrate them into their family. Laura loved every moment she spent working on their nursery; it was a dream come true. Laura’s husband had convinced her to try something more short-term, an exchange program that she had begrudgingly agreed to. He had a point; this would be a good trial run for their actual adoptions. That was until Laura had met the Littles that would be hers. Laura quickly became infatuated with being a Mommy; she loved every second. Laura knew from that moment she wanted this life; she wanted to be a Mommy to several babies. Laura also knew they would be at the end of a long line of other Amazons waiting for their children. Laura didn’t want to wait to experience the true joys of motherhood. Laura wanted babies; she wanted them now, not in ten years! The wait would kill Laura; she had to experience being a genuine Mommy, even if only for a few days. Laura had managed to circumnavigate the contract stipulations and retain one Little for longer than the specified week. However, she had felt the contract collar pulling tight around her neck. Laura knew the risks. She was painfully aware of the hormones that flooded her body every day since bringing her babies home; she knew they urged her to do things she shouldn’t. Laura knew she should let them return home, as was their legal rights, and go through official channels to obtain her babies. But they were right here; she loved them already, and she knew she could make them hers forever with a bit of pushing in the right areas. Just in case, though, Laura had experienced it once before they left her. Laura knew she shouldn’t; she knew the risks and had done it regardless, the drive to make them hers too strong. Laura had bonded her two babies. The moment they latched on and nursed from her teets had been orgasmic for Laura; she had felt in tune with them in that moment and each time they suckled. She could feel their bodies, feel her baby's love and desire to be exactly that, her babies. Laura knew how much her Littles craved being babies, especially to their Mommy. She completely dismissed her husband's concerns that Amazon hormones were causing her to project her wishes. He had no clue how she felt or her understanding of her children. Laura knew she would never give up on her children, her babies. They may have slipped the grasp of an incompetent government that fumbled even the most straightforward jobs. Her, however, they would not escape again. Laura glanced out the plane's window, the sun cresting the horizon over the open ocean, patting Evan’s bum as he nursed his bottle. Hannah and Emily would only ever know Laura by her title, never her legal name. To them, she was Mommy. “Mommy’s coming, babies, don’t you fear, Mommy is coming,” she said softly. End of Interludes1 point
So I've been 24/7 for coming up to 6 years and some of the lessons I've learned are: 1. It takes a LONG time for symptoms of physiological dependence on nappies to appear 2. I (and many others) tend to over-diagnose continence decline in the early days If any of this can be transferred to you then the first point would be there is no way you should be seeing continence issues after spending on 13 days in nappies. If my experience is anything to go by is that all that should be happening is that you're getting used to being wet much of the time and learning what products leak least for you. The second point is trickier. In a couple of weeks, the psychological barriers standing between you and peeing your pants will doubtless have come down a little. It does become a bit easier to pee. For many of us (particularly me), conformational bias kicks in and we start concluding that we are spiraling towards incontinence. Some months later we realise we weren't... Needing to pee at the sound of running water is pretty normal. Uncontrollably peeing at the sound of running water is NOT normal. So it's for you to look hard and decide but if there are truly and unambiguously symptoms of incontinence then get thee to a practitioner because it's highly unlikely to be your choice of recreational underwear at fault after less than a fortnight and this would more likely have been coming on for some time.1 point
As long as they are all a snug fit , that has some , body to it , like really thick , with some bulk to it , I couldn’t care less about the color , designs , because they all feel the best , when they are used to total , capacity , and it’s brown , then it’s a great diaper , and most times I have plastic pants that you can’t tell what’s on the outside , and nobody is ever going to see it , so who gives a shit what it looks like , just so long as it holds up to my abuse , or anybody’s use , and if I have been a accident , and the ambo , shows up , I will probably never see nor here from them , “oh yeah dude that was a cute diaper you had on , as we were cutting you outta that wrecked car” like they don’t matter to me , just like their opinions ! My thoughts , exactly 👍1 point
Over the last few months I've been wearing my stent for about 95% of the time. And the more I wear my stent, the more I hate the feeling of a full bladder and the urge to pee when the stent is out. It is so comfortable to always have a nearly empty bladder and feel my pee flowing gently into my diaper. Fortunately diapers do not send alarm signals when they are nearly full. I only have to press on the diaper every now and then to check its saturation. That's all. Okay, sometimes I check my diaper a little too late, but I still prefer a diaper that leaks sometimes over those annoying bladder sensations. Last night I woke up because of a slight leak at the front of my Tena slip maxi day diaper. I had kept it on when I went to bed, because it was still almost dry. But because the back of the Tena was still dry when I woke up, I decided to open the diaper and lie on my back to feel how the urine loss actually works when I am in bed. It is easier to feel when you are lying naked on the open diaper than when you keep the diaper on. You feel every drop or squirt of warm urine flowing over your exposed cool skin. I lay like that for about an hour, so I felt quite a bit of urine loss. I was surprised to notice that the urine loss mostly came in big squirts that definitely required bladder contractions. But strangely enough, I felt nothing of those contractions. Really bizarre, because it made me feel like my bladder was completely disconnected from my nervous system and had a life of its own. I have never felt so incontinent. No connection with the bladder and sphincters at all. Not with force, nor with feeling. Completely happy and satisfied I then put on my well-deserved Abena night diaper and slept wonderfully.1 point
Chapter Fifty Two Amanda pulled into the driveway and looked up at the mirror aimed at John. He was out cold. He might try to fight it, but every single time he was backwards and cradled in a moving vehicle he dozed off. Usually he woke up when she opened the side door, but this time he stayed out. The Spriten Up must have really settled his stomach. Taking a deep breath she left him in the carseat, opened the gate two steps away to let Xerxes out to go be a dog, and grabbed his collar and made him sit when he made a dash straight to the car door John was in. By the time she grabbed him, he was already smelling Johns leg and he moved his leg away from the cold nose. After a moment of snapping her fingers to get his attention and then pointing at the field, she managed to get Xerxes redirected. So she immediately grabbed the diaper bag and two bags of groceries and brought them into the house. Quickly making it back to the side of the car, she was pleased to see that he was still asleep. Once she got him unbuckled, she fanned out her fingers and lifted him gently, slowly moving him up against her shoulder with his head against her neck. By the time she had taken three steps he started to stir a little. By the time she was in the house he was starting to look around all bleary eyed and tired. Amanda couldn’t help looking straight up at the ceiling and silently asking “Goddess, why is it so hard to keep a napping little asleep?” Looking down now at John, she kissed him gently on the forehead and asked “How do you feel?” “Mgnnnn” was as close to an intelligible response as she got. Placing him down on the couch and leaning him against a pillow, she explained “I’ll make you a bit of soup that’ll be easy on your tummy.” John rolled to face the back of the couch as he mumbled “No soup. Fried chicken.” Trying to be as silent as it was possible to be in any dimension on wood floor with socks, Amanda slipped into the kitchen and looked up again. “Goddess, I know you don’t owe me any favors, but please let that child sleep even half an hour and then take a nap. I beg you, he needs the rest.” After putting the groceries away, Amanda crossed back into the living room and noticed John was rolled back over with his eyes closed. And that was when she had the idea. Quickly moving to the playpen, she grabbed his new blankie and carried it to put it into the dryer to warm it up. Then she slipped back into the living room and cracked the windows to let the cool breeze from outside in. And finally she grabbed the now warm blankie, draped it over John and as he did a cute little stretch, it was simple work to wrap him loosely in the blankie and then lower him into the playpen. Taking a moment to express her appreciation by whispering “Thank you Goddess” she draped her own couch blanket over the side and some of the top of the playpen to shield it from light and (hopefully) muffle any noise. Intentionally leaving Xerxes outside, she went to the kitchen and got out her cast iron skillet, a roasting pan, and a small saucepan. As the skillet was heating up, she prepped her veggies. Then she patiently seared her roast on all sides before putting it into the roasting pan. And now for her brilliant plan: She poured two cups of water into the skillet and made sure to only stir it gently. As it turned into a light broth, she poured that water into the small saucepan, and then set about deglazing the pan fully by bringing several cups of water to a boil and whisking everything off of the bottom. All of that flavor went into the roasting pan with the roast and a mountain of vegetables. Into the oven the roasting pan went. Now with her sauce pan of light broth, she threw in some leftover whites from two green onions and carefully sliced some carrots into semi circles before adding that to the broth and turning the fire down low. On a whim she peeled and added one clove of garlic with the intent to pull it out before serving the makeshift light soup to John with some crackers. She was already mentally prepared for the battle of wills that would happen the instant he saw the carrots. With the kitchen finally dog resistant, she let Xerxes back in and he immediately ignored her and went to lay by the playpen. “You used to be my dog, you know.” was all she said as her traitorous canine went to lay down next to his little. With everything now set, she took a look at her phone to check the time and went to the playpen to pick John up. Taking him over to the Rocking chair she got him propped up on her chest and idly patted his bottom in an effort to gently wake him up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John felt himself being moved in his sleep. After being carried he didn’t bother to open his eyes as he felt himself laying on a chest. Okay, he thought he could go back to sleep like this. There was a pat on his butt. A mostly gentle thump on thick, soaked diaper. He groaned. Another pat. Followed by a third. And then a fourth. As the strong pats continued and he felt himself being rocked back and forth, he felt a kiss on top of his head. John was a mostly cheerful person. But the only thing he resented more than having to go to sleep on a schedule … was being made to wake up. Nevertheless, the booty pats, while pleasant, continued until he picked up his head and looked around. After a moment for his eyes to focus, he looked up at his large adoptive Mommy and asked “Two more hours?” He watched her shake her head and say “Sorry sweety, you can nap after lunch.” John groaned “Noooo, no nap.” limp, his head flopped back onto the chest below him. From above him, he heard one single laugh. Then a kiss on top of his head as she whispered “So you don’t want a nap, you just want to sleep?” Having his flawed logic pointed out to him was enough for him to start grumbling and try to climb down off of Mommy. Before he could make it halfway down, she stood up and placed him gently on the new playmat MeMaw had brought. “Nnnn.” was all he managed to grumble out as he rubbed his eyes, but Mommy was already gone, walking to the kitchen. With his diaper swollen, attempting to stand on the already precariously padded playmat was more trouble than it was worth, so John settled for halfway crawling to the edge of it and standing up awkwardly. However, by the time he took one step toward his room, he found himself swept up by Mommy as she came back from the kitchen. Within seconds he found himself on the changing table and stripped down to his shirt and diaper. As Mommy opened up the diaper, her nose seemed to scrunch up involuntarily and she mumbled “Okay, you’re drinking more water immediately.” as she quickly scrubbed and changed him. With a bump of the changing table, the foam covered bars popped up and he was lifted up, hugged, placed onto his feet, and felt a swat on his freshly padded bottom as she walked out of the room. Before he could be intercepted again, he grabbed his large box of coloring pencils and the activity book that had so engrossed him a few days before and walked into the living room. Once there, he looked at Mommy at the desk and asked “Can I go outside on the porch?” He didn’t even have to wait for her to finish turning her head before he knew she was going to say no. “No sweety, it’s a bit chilly out and you’re just getting over being sick.” With a sigh he slumped and trudged over to the playmat to put down his coloring supplies, and went to steal a couch cushion bigger than his torso. The instant his foot hit the thick squishy playmat and sunk into it, he toppled forward onto the pillow. Grumbling “I forgot I can only crawl on this mat”, John flopped across the couch pillow he had bravely stolen and opened up the activity book to a random page. There on the page, waiting to greet him was an incredibly intricate full page pattern that seemed to draw him in with its thin waving patterns. Every spot that he looked at he couldn’t help up start following a path somewhere. So he set about coloring in the delicate paths for a couple of minutes. He never even noticed that his toddler cup was next to him, or that he drained the entire thing over time. He faded red paths delicately into green. Green paths slowly faded to yellow. Yellow blended over long thin strips into blue. The colors alternated whimsically as he grabbed new pencils purely on impulse, yet every time one layer came around to another the colors always matched up well and he was oblivious as to why. The longer he colored the pattern in, the more giggly and whimsical he felt. After seemingly only five minutes of coloring, he felt a hand shake his back and looked up to see Mommy kneeling down at him. Something about seeing Mommy in that moment made him have the uncontrollable urge to clamor up to his knees and hold his arms out for a hug. Which she quickly obliged, lifting him up to her chest and patting his back. Completely unaware of any change in his personality from an hour and a half of the mesmerizing activity book, he just took in a deep breath and sighed contently into the hug. After a moment, she broke the silence above him by saying “Okay, it’s time for you to have some lunch and then maybe unwind just a bit.” With that he found himself deposited into his booster seat and pushed up against the table. And there greeting him was a steaming bowl … of soup. Even the mental state he was didn’t stop him from frowning as he looked at several large semi-circular slices of carrots in the bottom of the dark see through broth. He sighed a bit. From his left he heard “John, this is hearty and it will help you get healthy. I intentionally left the carrots in big pieces so that you can get it over with fast, but those carrots are going into you one way or the other.” When he did not snap out of it, he watched her pull a chair around the table and sit right next to him. As she picked up the spoon, he stared at her. ‘Surely she wouldn’t’ he thought to himself as she fished a small bite of potato out of the soup and blew on it. And yet, the spoon came at him and she had an expectant look on her face. Choosing not to argue, he opened his mouth and in went the spoon. The potato was just tender enough to fall apart with a single bite. The beef broth was delicious. There were some flavors that he was almost familiar with. In short: It was good. But before he could process that, there was another spoon coming toward his mouth with a chunk of carrot on it. He stared at it. “John.” He shook his head. “You’re eating this.” He shook his head again. “No cookies, then.” He looked up at her indignantly, but when he was met with a completely serious face, he gave up and took the bite. It wasn’t bad, despite being a carrot. It tasted good, and the texture was tolerable since it had been slow cooked. After a few bites, he tried to reach for the spoon. Apparently Mommy wasn’t having it and she patiently fed him every single bite of the soup, occasionally handing him a cracker to munch on. By the time she was done feeding him he had started to run out of steam due to a full belly of hot food. As he started to nod off there in the booster seat, Mommy wiped his hands and face clean. The fact that they were already clean and he hadn’t been allowed to touch much of anything on his own didn’t seem to be important. Being carried to the rocking chair was fine, but when she started to wrap him in a blanket and lean him to rest his head on her chest he started trying to push out against the blanket. In that moment, he refused to go to sleep on her terms. As she rocked him softly while he was enveloped in the warm blanket with his head on her chest engulfed in the comforting smell of Mommy, he drifted off to sleep … On her terms.1 point
That's a tough situation. Each person is a unique individual so who knows how they would react. Some spouses might leave while other may stay and tolerate the diaper wearing and using. Even if you go with the incontinence and can pull it off, your wife may still leave you if she feels it is too much for her to deal with etc. trust and communication are important for relationships but sometimes telling the truth can do more damage than good. I don't have any solid advice. It's a sticky situation with much to risk. OP you know your wife best. I wish you luck and I hope all goes well for you. Would talking with a therapist help? Maybe they could give some educated relationship advice or help you work through this? Maybe they could even help you talk to your wife about it? Maybe couple's counseling or therapy could help?1 point
Hello and welcome! I agree with all the tips tricks and pointers shared. I have a few additional comments. 1. When it comes to discretion, if I were you, I’d be less worried about diaper bulge and more concerned about smelling like pee. It’s easy to become “nose blind”. For this reason I wear thick high quality plastic-backed tape diapers, and I stay hydrated to dilute my urine. 2. You may find that after a few weeks of 24/7 you don’t like it as much as you imagined. Don’t get mad at yourself if you loose interest, and certainly don’t force yourself to wear diapers when you really don’t want to. Remember it’s normal for humans to not want to wear diapers… those of us who wear full time for years, we are the oddballs. 3. That said… it gets easier with time. 4. Enjoy it! 😎1 point
Chapter 3: MY FIRST REACTION to the room was how large the bed was along the side. There was a tall dressing table, a mirror in one corner, and a dresser. I saw a chair in front of the dressing table and suspected I would have the same issue with it that I did at lunch. Looking at the bed, I was unnerved by how high it was off the ground. “That seems tall,” I commented. “Sorry,” she said. “I’ll find a step stool for you later to help you get onto it?” “That would be really helpful,” I told her, eyeing it. There was a large closet, but I would again need help to reach the rod to hang up my clothes. I knew there was a chance of being small in this world, but I really hadn’t thought through how small I would feel! “Why don’t you take a bit to go through your clothes? See what fits?” I nodded, “Okay, that’s probably a good idea,” as I played with my purse. “This was just a small handbag before I left my dimension…” She laughed, “Hopefully, not everything had the same reaction.” “Hopefully,” I said. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. When you’re done, come downstairs, and we’ll discuss how we can make this work for you. We’ll eat something from the AmeniTea unit and figure out a plan. “Sounds good,” I said to her. I watched her turn to leave and decided to use the restroom before starting. The climbing up using the toddler stool and potty insert again mortified me. ‘Most mortifying is I feel like it’s almost too big even with that,’ I thought nervously. After washing my hands, I got to work on my bags. I emptied each out one at a time to discover that my computer and tablet felt larger, but I believed they had shrunk some during the trip. The spare pairs of panties and bras in my backpack fell off when I tried them on, and it looked like I was playing dress up in mommy’s clothes like Aria liked to do. I blushed deeply when I saw a reflection of that in the mirror and pulled them off. The pajama shirt I had brought in my backpack was now a nightshirt to me, but at least it was something I could still wear. By the time I made it through my luggage, I was at a couple of shirts that would work for sleeping but nothing that would be appropriate professionally. The smallest white lab coat I’d brought did work since they often were fitted loosely, but the others again made me look like I was playing dress-up. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do about clothes,” I told Erica after hopping back downstairs. She embarrassingly had to give me a lift onto the couch beside her. “Does anything fit?” “One of my white coats and a couple of my shirts can work for sleeping… But nothing else besides what I’m wearing.” “Not even underwear?” I blushed. “The underwear I’m wearing now are the only things that fit... Everything else just falls off!” “We’ll have to get you everything then...?” “I don’t know what they did with my funds? From what Matt said, I think there was supposed to be a packet left for me in my apartment?” “Oh…” She shrugged, “I can lend you some money for the moment. We’re just going to hit ValuMart, I think?” “Do they have clothes?” “Yes, it’s a store with a big selection of things from clothes, house stuff, makeup, jewelry, groceries, and more.” “Sounds like a Walmart back home.” “So we have a deal?” “I still feel bad?” “I’ll contact the university tomorrow. It’s clear there was a huge mess with them. You weren’t a tweener-sized person back home, so the odds of you becoming larger were quite small. They didn’t do their own job correctly. I’m sure they’ll help out.” I sighed, “Sounds like a plan.” We talked for a while before she brought a tablet I could use to order food from the AmeniTea. I picked a pasta dish that sounded good while not being too heavy. As the tablet was doing its magic, she led me over to the table, and I looked at the tall chairs that looked impossible to sit in at my size. Before I could ask for a couple of books or something, I watched her go to a little pantry and open a door before pulling something out. It took me a second to recognize the highchair that she had assembled! “I don’t need…” I started to say. “I’m sorry, Katie, I don’t have any booster seats here. The one I had went to my parent’s house for the holidays since we had some family from out of town. Don’t worry. I won’t judge you for needing a lift to get to the table. I won’t even strap you into the seat either?” I blushed heavily as the padded contraption was pushed up the table. “Fine,” I said. “It’s just really embarrassing.” “I’m sure it is, and I promise I won’t pick on you for that,” she said with a smile. “Now, I’m guessing you’ll need a lift-up?” She surprised me again before I could say something by picking me up and setting me in the infantile seat. She pushed the seat to the table, “I’ll be right back with your food.” I grimaced but was glad that the chair brought me to a level with the table so that I could reach something set in front of me. A moment later, Erica placed a steaming hot plate of rigatoni pesto pasta in front of me and asked, “What would you like to drink?” She paused, “I have iced tea, milk, lemonade, and a couple of types of sodas.” “Iced tea would be fine,” I told her. A moment later, she sat an enormous glass in front of me. It hadn’t occurred to me earlier, but they’d had smaller cups at the luncheon. This was like having a two-liter of Coke in front of me in a heavy glass. I moved to pick it up, and she seemed to have a similar concern. “I should have thought of that being too big…” I looked at her, “Do you have any smaller cups, maybe?” She stood up and looked around her cupboards. “Since it’s just me, I don’t have a lot of extra dishes… I don’t think you’ll like this, but I have my nephew’s sippy cup. They left it a few weeks ago.” I felt my stomach flip as I looked at the sippy cup in her hand. As a pediatrician, I wasn’t a fan of this style because it had a soft silicone spout that might as well have been a bottle nipple. The more I looked at the cup, the more I was sure it was one that probably could have been a baby bottle with a quick switch of the nipple. It was, however, half the size of the cup in front of me. “Not a word to anyone ever about this, please?” I said nervously. She laughed, “I promise, Katie. While we’re at ValuMart, I’ll see if we can find some plastic cups in your size, too.” With that awkward moment out of the way, I found myself alternating between eating a delicious pasta dish and blushing every time I worked to suck the tea out of the sippy cup. Fortunately for me, Erica was a great host to talk to. We had similar interests in being more generalist practitioners for pediatrics. She was a wealth of knowledge for my recent focus on nanite replication, too! She actually was a little lower on the totem pole at her hospital than I was back home. Still, it was clear she was a future superstar wherever she was. I had just finished the last bite I could stomach and took another sip from the cup when my stomach gurgled suddenly. I panicked, knowing that was how my body tended to show it was about to have a major gastro episode. “Erica, would you please help me down?” “Sure, something wrong?” “I…” Right then, I felt my face drain of all color as my bowels chose to drain into my panties! I sat still as my bowels emptied without any sort of push from me. “Oh my god!” I said. “Are you… o… done?” Erica asked. I looked up into her face and noticed her gaze was different than it had been a few moments ago talking about work. Right then, she looked genuinely worried for me. I grimaced, “I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me. I’ve never had that little warning. It’s like the worst case of food poisoning ever,” I said. We sat there for a long moment as the smell of my poop made my eyes water. “So, Katie, let’s figure out the best way to get you cleaned up,” she said, looking around. I saw her look directly at something and sat still while she made some noise behind me in the kitchen sink. “Okay, I’m not going to lie, Katie. This may be really embarrassing for you, but remember, I’m a doctor, too, and we’ve seen it all?” I nodded grimly. She gently pulled the high chair to the counter, and I wanted to puke or cry as I realized her plan! “The sink?” I asked. “Easier to clean up than dripping through the house?” She said, “You can take a quick shower upstairs after we get this off you?” I grimaced, knowing I was about to be washed like my sister-in-law had washed her kids at my mom’s house a time or two in an emergency. The runny matter in my panties was burning more every second, and I felt the disgusting sludge sliding around as I shifted. “Let’s just get this over with,” I told her. Thankfully, I’d left my suitcoat upstairs. My blouse was a button-down, so it slipped off my shoulders to expose my bra. A geyser of brown went up the expensive blouse, seemingly all the way up my back! “Worst blowout ever,” Erica said under her breath. “Lean forward, let’s get your bra.” As she unhooked it, I felt my stomach drop; it seemed damp in the back. Sure enough, when she placed it on the counter, I could see the top part of the explosive diarrhea had made it up there! “How?” I asked, even as I crossed my arms in front of my breasts in embarrassment. “I think the highchair guided it up,” she told me, answering the question I couldn’t completely speak. She pulled my shoes off. Fortunately, they were unscathed. “Time to get the worst over,” she told me. “Lean forward,” she said and lifted me under the armpits like a child and sat me in the sink. She had a sprayer attachment that she used to spray me. “Brr!” I said. “Sorry, sweetie,” she said as she adjusted the temperature. “Is that better?” I nodded and sat still as she started with the parts she could get to me before she manipulated me onto my hands and knees. I was mortified as I realized just how small I was to them in this world then, that I could be in a sink like this! She continued to spray the feces off of my body, leaving the sink at first brown and then finally clear water going through. “You still need a shower,” she said to me as she turned off the water, “but at least you won’t drip poop all over the house.” “I’m sorry,” I told her. She gave me a pondering look while pity showed in her eyes. “It’s okay, Katie; I’m going to guess that you encountered something on the trip or something you ate that didn’t agree with you.” “It seems to work out like this pretty commonly when you come through the portal. Lots of Littles get a strike against them right away. Do you know about the demerit system?” I nodded, “I was there when Dean Northrup explained the rules to them?” “Well, if you were at dinner in the dining hall right now as a college student, you would have earned yourself twelve demerits?” I felt my face pale as I remembered they were only given sixteen. “Umm…” She smiled disarmingly, “You’re not a student, and you’re a guest of mine. I can clearly see this is caused by something out of your control, so I won’t hold this against you.” She dug around a drawer and came out with a clean dish towel. “Let’s wrap this around you, and then you can go up and take a shower.” “What about clothes?” I thought worriedly. She looked at the pile and said, “I don’t think any of this is salvageable, Sweetie… Maybe your bra since it’s just around the clasp… I’ll try and hand wash it here in a second.” I looked down at the pile of my clothes inside the highchair and felt sick. “Sorry about the chair?” She smiled, “It’s meant for accidents like that, I’ll take the cover, throw it in the wash, and it’ll be good as new. Let’s get you sorted out first. I’ll probably have to turn the showerhead on for you in that bathroom. I’ve never installed the voice controls there.” The dish towel was scarily big enough to cover me like a towel back home from just above my breasts to almost my knees. I expected her to set me on the floor out of the sink, but Erica carried me upstairs instead. It was a bit terrifying to be that high off the ground and not in control, so I found myself leaning into her for safety. A large hand patted my back. “Sorry. I figured you probably don’t want to try climbing these steps barefoot. Let’s find your shower stuff, and you can get cleaned up the rest of the way,” she told me. Since I planned to live in an apartment, I grabbed towels from my room and my bathroom caddy. I followed her to the bathroom, where she interacted with a digital screen higher on the wall and turned on the shower. I was glad it was a walk-in shower where I could get in alone! It was an awkward spray since I was so far from the shower head, but I could wash my body off and take the time to wash my hair to be safe, too. When I felt like myself and had just wrapped a towel around my body, Erica came in with a bundle and sat down on the tall countertop. “Better now?” She asked me. I nodded, “I still can’t that happened…” “Well… let’s just say it can happen to anyone.” “I really need to speak with Dean Northrup and get word back to my university,” I started to say. They need to warn students beforehand about this!” “I wouldn’t suggest that,” she told me tersely. “Why?” “What makes you think they don’t already know about it?” My mouth opened and closed momentarily, unable to respond to that! She quickly changed the subject before I could respond. “Look, I’m not specifically sure what made it into your system, but it’s not improbable that there is still more in it. I don’t have any panties your size anyway, so I’m afraid all I have are these,” she told me. It took me a moment to register what she said, even as she held up two objects. One was a clone of a Pamper from back home, and the other looked like a disposable pink pull-up! “But…” “It’s the only thing we have, and you must wear something,” she told me. I looked at both briefly and knew the choice was obvious, “Hand me the pull-up.” She leaned down and handed it to me. I stepped into the leg holes, pulled it up to my waist under the towel, and then groaned as I watched it fall back to my ankles. “I’m sorry about that, Katie, I thought it was worth a try, though.” “Is the diaper smaller?” “Yes, the Pull-Ups one is from my niece, who just finished training at two. The diaper’s from my nephew, who’s sixteen months old now?” I blushed, “I don’t have any reference… just how small am I?” She knelt beside me, “I had to go triple-check earlier while you were at the luncheon... You’re about the average size of our twenty-month-olds?” I lightly banged my head against the cabinet beside me. “Hand me the diaper,” I told her as I stepped back out of the Pull-Up. Instead, she pulled the Pull-Up from my feet and gently guided my body to the ground. “What are you…?” I started to say. “Katie, when is the last time you put a diaper on yourself…?” “Uh… never?” “I figured, just let me get you taken care of! Then we’ll get you dressed and then go to the store.” She moved the towel out of the way and quickly secured the diaper around my waist. “This is better in case anything is left in your system, too…” she said. I grimaced, “I hope there’s not.” She handed me a pair of pants that weren’t horrible. They were elasticized at the waist, but otherwise, they were okay jeans. The sweater she gave me was actually kind of cute. It was a bit long, but it was a cute look that wasn’t far off a typical winter look for me. I’d even had a similar sweater in my suitcase! “Sorry for being a pain; I know you had no plans to be stuck with a new roommate and a host of her problems today,” I told her as she walked slowly down the stairs beside me. “It’s no problem, Katie, helping people is what we both do!” As we traveled in the car to this ValuMart store, I couldn’t help but feel my stomach cramp some more, and I just hoped I’d not have a repeat of that explosive diarrhea while we were in the store! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for reading!!! Please press the like button and leave me a comment! I really appreciate those who have done so! I'll post the next chapter on Sunday!1 point
1 point
THE PIG STY: BEFORE THE BELL “Are you comfortable with this?” Tippi, Priscilla and Ian had retired to Bernice's guest bedroom, and without further ado Priscilla had handed Tip the key to Ian's diaper cover. Retreating to the couch to make herself comfortable-- the same couch on which Suzie had nursed him the night before-- she left Ian sitting on the edge of the bed, and Tippi hovering over him. “I'm more concerned about you,” Ian replied. “I've had my diapers changed by so many beautiful women that it no longer bothers me. But have you ever changed an adult before?” “No,” Tippi conceded. “In my babysitting days, I did change older children, but never a grown up … not even a teenager.” “The principle is the same, but there's no getting around the fact that you are going to be taking a wet wipe to my penis and balls before powdering me. It's intimate, Tippi, and I don't want you to do this if it makes you uncomfortable.” “But I want to, Ian … er … Professor … I want to! Sorry. I don't know what to call you.” “I had this conversation with Janis earlier. We'll save the title for the classroom; in private I want you to call me whatever feels right to you. Ian is fine.” “The same is true for everyone in the house,” Priscilla interjected. “We want to break down barriers, not erect them.” “Can I call you 'Dad'?” “Anything but grandpa,” he joked. “You're not old enough,” Tippi protested. “In fact, you're not nearly old enough to be my father … more like an older brother, but I don't like the feel of that.” Tippi was actually feeling conflicted. Sarah had brought her inside the fence, and chosen her to be Ian's caregiver for the foreseeable future. She would have years to seduce him and turn him into her baby slave, and the fantasy still made her salivate. But she would always be wearing a makeshift chastity belt, and Sarah struck her as the kind of person who would check her diaper, and know instantly if she had somehow managed to defeat it. The idea of confronting Sarah, standing up to her, gave Tippi the shivers. If she had read Ian's fiancee correctly, she would seize upon any excuse to put everyone around her in diapers, and keep them there. Whether she knew it or not, Doctor Robinson was clearly destined to remain diapered for the rest of her life. But her feelings, and her fantasies, had been rocked in the conference room, when Ian had taken Janis into his arms to comfort her, everyone present instantly recognizing that he had adopted the girl in his heart, taken her as his daughter. A part of Tippi-- the part that felt alienated from her own family-- wanted that relationship for herself. When she thought of Ian as 'Dad', something inside her warmed. “Do you like to undress yourself, or do you want me to do it for you?” She was looking at him with bright eyes that hinted at the conflict inside her. “When, I'm able, it's easier if I do it myself, but there are times when my left shoulder acts up, and I need help.” Ian began methodically to undress. Giving herself something to do, Tippi rearranged the changing pad, moving it a few inches deeper into the bed. When he was ready, a thrill went through the girl that she had never experienced before. For the first time, she was about to unlock the heavy canvas cover that imprisoned her father and teacher and baby slave behind the wall of his thick diaper. The thrill was electric. She eased the key into place as Priscilla had instructed her, felt it bite onto the lock, and eased it off the knob that held everything firmly in place. With effort, she lowered the cover to Ian's ankles before slowly, slowly lowering his baby pants. They were transparent, and she wanted them to be pink. She wanted this as much as she had ever wanted anything in her life. She made a mental note to bring the matter up with Sarah. She was sure that turning her baby husband into a sissy was a big part of Sarah's own long-term plans. “Lay back,” Tippi ordered, her expression stern and putting just enough bite into her words to make it clear that she was in charge, and that she expected him to obey her without question. Ian complied, while Tippi wondered whether Sarah would give her permission to spank him. She wanted to put him over her knee and turn his cute buttocks cherry red with the palm of her hand. Unpinning his diaper, Tippi gently lowered it. She was not surprised to see mushy poop peeking out from beneath his ass. Sarah had held out the prospect of bottle feeding him, endless bottles of breast milk that guaranteed a mushy bottom. As an added bonus, the clean up would be easy. Without waiting for her command, Ian pulled his knees up toward his chest, fully exposing his bottom. Tippi took the clean edges of the diaper and, as she had done in her babysitting days, used them to wipe off as much of the poop as she could. Then she attacked him with wet wipes, her hand firm yet gentle. In her hands, he would never have to worry about a diaper rash. As long as he was obedient, she would shower him with all the love that she had stored up inside her. “Thank you for taking Janis into your heart,” she murmured as she looked down at him, her gaze softening. “Her parents have been neglecting her for years, and she's so lonely. Your love will make her whole. Thank you.” “She's my daughter,” Ian admitted, a touch of wonder evident in his tone. “I don't know how it happened, but it did. I could feel it inside me … feel it happening. I will take good care of her.” Listening quietly, Priscilla could feel her heart melting. “Let me slide this diaper out from under you, and then let's see if we can get a new one to take its place!” Working together, Tippi and Ian got the diaper situated, and the moment of truth was at hand. Unconsciously holding her breath, she ran a wet wipe the length of Ian's penis, and then lifted it so that she could make a return trip on the bottom. Sensing that the wipes were too cold, she warmed another pair in her hands before using them to clean his balls. Tippi squirmed, trying to get her own diaper to rest more comfortably around her hips. Lullaby's product was thinner, and for that reason it seemed to want to shift around a lot. In future, she vowed to make sure that her diaper was pinned very, very tightly. She didn't want it to move with every step that she took. She took her time powdering him, first sprinkling and then spreading it around with the palm of her hand. She loved touching him, and smiled when he began to harden. When they were alone and the moment was right, she would take him in her mouth and make her feelings known. He would welcome her, and it would be their secret. The secret lovers. Too soon, the moment came when her work was done, and she methodically pinned the new diaper in place. Once again, he was imprisoned in the heavy fabric of the hospital diaper. She slid his baby pants into place, taking care to make sure that no fabric was peeking out. She did not want her Dad to soil his clothing. Ordering him to stand up, she reached down to grab the canvas cover and pull it up completely to cover his vinyl pants. She despised the transparent pair, and vowed once again to see them replaced with pink. If Sarah could get him to wear the chastity cage and she could lay her hands on the key, she would see to it, as she would see to pleasuring him. The lock clicked home, the sound echoing in the room. It warmed her. Some day, the key would be hers to keep, and with it she would own him. Her baby slave. . . . . “Reminds me of a joint that Donnie and I have been known to visit in Delaware,” Ian observed as he surveyed the premises. Entering from the rear, he could see at a glance that the bar was U shaped, and connected two otherwise separate rooms. Tables two deep had been squeezed in between the bar and the walls, and he could hear the telltale sound of pinball machines being bounced around out of his line of sight. Off to his left, a dingy sign with flickering red letters identified whatever passed for toilets. Looking down, he noted that the linoleum floor was cracked, pitted, filthy, and uneven. The Pig Sty was definitely a cop bar; no one else would have been able to pass inspection. “A vintage Nordeast dive,” Vickie grinned, her eyes alight. “It's got character!” Priscilla elbowed her in the ribs, and then started waving to her friends. Good natured wolf whistles rang out to welcome Vickie and Rita, reminding both that they weren't in the ornate watering holes that each favored in the upscale hotels downtown or ranging west from the airport alongside the interstate. “Welcome, Pris! And thanks for bringing a couple of winners to grace The Pig Sty! Are they on your team?” A female in her mid-thirties came up to give Priscilla a hug, while the guy who had been sitting with her at the bar hoisted his stein in an alcoholic salute. “Cassidy, this is Doctor Victoria Robinson, one of our fab four; her colleague, Doctor Stevenson, is here merely as an observer. And this is our captain, Major … now Professor, Ian Grady.” After doing the introductions, Pris leered at the guy seated at the bar. “We all call him Hopalong, since he partners with Cassidy. I honestly don't remember his real name.” “He's been my partner for seven years,” Cassidy burped, “and I don't remember his real name either.” Ian wandered over to the bar, and ran his hand over the stack of vinyl pants piled high in one spot, with the diaper covers and diapers ranged alongside. The diapers took up a big chunk of the counter. “I take it that Amos has been here,” he said to Hopalong. “You talking about the walking fire hydrant with the sour disposition,” the veteran cop asked in return. “He's in the other room, taking out his frustrations on a pinball machine. You the Major they all call Street Racer? The guy who came up with Hong Kong Rules?” “Yeah, that's me.” “Well, welcome to our little slice of heaven.” Hopalong extended his hand, and the two men shook. “Let me buy you a beer; if I ever get to Hong Kong, I'm going to follow in your footsteps. What's your poison?” “Leinie on tap?” “Coming right up. The ladies?” Hopalong held up three fingers, which was shorthand for a Leinenkugel in every bar in the Twin Cities. “Not a clue. How about Pris?” “Bourbon with a beer chaser,” Hopalong observed … “same as her parents.” “They here?” “Other room. Herb's keeping an eye on your fire hydrant. Word on the street is that the Third has to pony up periodically to replace the pinball machines that he breaks. Even heard a story about him getting so mad that he picked up a machine, took it outside, and threw it in front of a passing bus.” “True story.” “My kind of guy.” “Want him on my side in a firefight,” Ian concluded as he hoisted his beer and took a long swallow. Even on a cold night, the first long pull on an ice cold beer went down easy. “You one of the men in blue we be taking on,” he continued. “Heck, no,” Hopalong laughed. “I'll be sitting this one out … getting way too old for this shit. But you should know that Dwight and Oscar are bringing two policewomen along who'll be tough competition … Carlie and Babs. Gotta warn you that they both like to make side bets. See that paddle on the wall?” Hopalong pointed at a gumbo paddle hanging just to the left of the restrooms. “You take the bet and win, one of them will drop her trousers, bend over to grab her ankles, and you get to let fly. You lose, and either of them will set your ass on fire.” “Through this diaper?” Ian patted the bulging mound of cloth that imprisoned his butt cheeks. “Good luck to them.” He took another long pull on his beer. It still tasted pretty good. “Play fair. Promise them something that will make up for it.” “How about I get down on my knees, pull their panties down with my teeth, and tongue them to a mind numbing orgasm right here in front of the whole, damned crowd?” “You'd do that?” Hopalong's arched eyebrows made it clear that he thought the Major might just be all hat and no cattle. “Had plenty of practice in Saigon. A sort of combination bar, pool room and brothel that I used to visit when I breezed into town to brief the muckety-mucks. Lots of lady pool sharks in that bar. One thing, though; I don't want to get arrested. Can we get by with calling it 'performance art'?” “Don't see why not. No one's likely to call a cop.” Ian finished his beer, and planked the empty stein down on the counter. “Thanks for the beer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to join the others.” He patted the large file folder that he had collected from his office en route to the sorority. He had promised Rita, but he thought it would be good for Vickie and Priscilla to see the sketches as well. Indeed, there was a part of him that badly wanted Sarah to walk in the door, and take her turn leafing through them. Rita was right: with all that was at stake, he could not afford to have Linh and the other children remain anonymous and invisible. As he walked toward it with a smile on his face, Ian was desperate for everyone at the table to come to terms with what they were getting into. . . . . “Anybody home?” It was pitch black dark outside, in an industrial zone that was all but deserted after five in the afternoon. Jerry was surprised that the door was unlocked. A young and very attractive woman looked up from a desk off in the corner, and smiled. “Hi,” she said; “I'm Francie. You must be Mister Cromwell. Welcome to Lullaby.” Francie had a smile that would melt butter on cold toast. If only I was twenty years younger. Jerry sighed. “In person. And true to my word, I've brought along some samples.” Jerry dropped a carton with some of the hospital diapers on a nearby desktop. He was just beginning to sort them out when a second girl walked in from what he presumed was the working side of the operation. Harriet Belmondo was a raven haired beauty and, like Francie Sullivan, she took his breath away. Harriet had a broad smile on her face as she walked up to shake hands and introduce herself. “Thanks for your help, Mister Cromwell! And to thank you properly, Francie and I would like to take you to dinner. Nothing fancy. There's a bar nearby that does catfish and walleye fingers that are out of this world!” “You're on … and please call me Crummy. The last person to call me 'Mister Cromwell' was a Captain in Viet Nam who thought he knew more about supply than I did. We got him transferred out to Guam. Anyone that dumb was either stupid or an enemy agent.” “So, what have we got here,” Harriet laughed. “I brought three of our hospital issue along. This one's brand new … never been through the cycle. This one's about a year old … say fifty washes. And this one's seen maybe eighty-five trips.” Jerry stood aside, and Harriet and Francine immediately began to compare the three diapers. When they ran the cloth through their fingers, the two women nodded at one another. Each could feel the difference, the older fabrics being rougher to the touch. But what really jumped out at them was the size and thickness of the fabric. Francine dashed off to grab three of Lullaby's diapers. When she dropped them on top of the hospital diapers, the differences were stark. “Wow!” Harriet looked at Francine, and saw that her co-worker had had the same reaction. “It's not just that these are quite a bit larger … they are so much thicker!” “Amen to that,” Francine said in agreement. “Did you get any numbers?” Harriet nodded. “I got off the phone a little while ago with Bernice Miller at the sorority house. Here's what she came up with.” Harriet reached into a pocket, and pulled out a piece of scrap paper. “Assuming that everyone graduates on time, it totals out to eight hundred and sixty three months, or three thousand, eight hundred and twenty-two weeks. At thirty-six diapers weekly, we're looking at one hundred and thirty-seven thousand, five hundred and ninety-two diapers. Bernice told me that, when she ran the numbers, she almost had a heart attack on the spot!” “Can you blame her? Well, anyway, you're looking at one thousand, three hundred and seventy-five diapers going into the inventory-- and that's if they're new. I still think you're better off buying used for the older girls; cut costs where you can.” “There's a joker in the deck,” Harriet added with an audible sigh. “There's at least one Senior who doesn't even know her own major. She'll be staying on for at least two extra years. Another Senior will go on living in the house while she attends the teacher's college-- a two year program. So, the numbers I just ran by you are the floor; the ceiling is a great, big unknown.” “Two jokers, actually.” Jerry hated to be the bearer of bad news, especially with two beautiful young women who seemed eager to talk about walleye and catfish. “What do you mean?” “P&G is in the final stage of product development for a disposable adult diaper. They think that Huggies and Pampers have demonstrated that there's an untapped market that's worth pursuing. They're gonna call it Attends, and put it on store shelves sometime next year.” “Oh, come on,” Francine scoffed. “Really? Do you seriously think that grown-ups who have pinned cloth diapers on all their own kids are going to be happy with paper diapers? They'd be better off going into the restroom, grabbing a bunch of paper towels, and shoving them inside their underwear. They must think people are stupid!” “I can tell you that the hospital is interested. It would cut down on laundry big time!” “Well, then, I guess you are going to have a lot of surplus inventory on your hands,” Harriet said cheerfully. “We'll factor that in when the two of us start haggling over the price we should pay for your excess stock.” “Next item of business is figuring out how many of these monsters your machines can handle,” Jerry said. “And after that? Dinner! I'm hungry!” All the talk about catfish and walleye had made Francine realize that she was starving. . . . . Ian stole a glance in Amos' direction. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his hands caressed the levers as he sent the ball skittering from one target to the next. “He takes it pretty seriously,” Herb Canon quietly observed. “I prefer pool,” Ian answered as he nodded at the deserted pool table teasing him from a few feet away. He debated telling the Sergeant that he had lost his virginity atop the green felt, but prudently decided that the story was best postponed until they were well into their cups. “Sit,” Julia ordered. “Your friend hasn't alienated anybody yet, so for the moment at least, all is well.” However reluctantly, Ian sat down. He would have preferred for Amos to give him a hands on tour of Lake Street, just the two of them, but there was work to be done. Getting Herb Canon off his case was priority number one. “What are you drinking,” Herb asked. He had what looked like a double Jim Beam in his hand, but Ian noticed that Julia was abstaining. He guessed that she would be driving a lot of people home at evening's end. “Nothing for the moment. I just had a beer, and before that two shots of Rita's prized cognac. It's going to be a long night, so I need to pace myself.” “Did Sarah say anything?” Rita knew that she must have smelled the liquor on Ian's breath, and if she had kissed him, she would have tasted it. “No. No … she was very diplomatic. We had a good talk, and I'm hoping that we're back on the right track. Surprising as it might seem, I'd be really happy if she stops by when she gets off work.” Ian gently laid the folder on the table, and began undoing the knot. “We should do this before the food arrives,” he softly remarked while looking steadily at Rita. “I don't want anything to happen to the sketches.” “It's Ian's daughter across the years,” Rita said as she saw the confusion on everyone's face. “What a team of forensic artists at Langley think she looks like from one year to the next.” “Don't ask me how it works,” Ian added; “Herb can probably explain it better than I can.” The entire table went deathly silent as Ian passed the top sketch across. “When she was three years old.” Wordlessly, Vickie and Priscilla both got up and walked around the table to stand behind Rita. Each put a hand on her shoulder as they peered at the rendering. Rita fought to keep her hands from shaking before finally turning the paper around so that the Canons could see it. Ian slowly laid out the next five sketches, counting off the years as he passed them on. In the beginning, the resemblance to Nguyen was strong, but as the years passed, it became more and more obvious that the Eurasian child was her father's daughter. He lingered over the last sketch. “She's now nine years old,” he said so softly that Rita had to strain to hear him. She looked at him for a long moment before shifting her gaze to the sheet in her hand. Priscilla, she knew, was holding her breath. It was easy to see why. The artist had worked hard to capture a child drawing close to the age when she would leave true childhood behind. Her silken, dark brown hair fell across her left shoulder, and hovered over her breast. Her father's aquiline nose was now more prominent, his strong jaw and high forehead now on full display. But what took Priscilla's breath away was Linh's eyes. They were almond shaped, and framed by high, elegantly curved brows. And they were green, the color of the sea as it swept in close to shore. Was it yellow, or some very light shade of brown that the artist had used to tint the irises? Linh wasn't beautiful in the conventional sense-- the whole was far too exotic to measure up to conventional standards of beauty. But she was stunning, a creature so unusual that when she grew up she would turn the heads not only of men but of women as well. It seemed unlikely that anyone who met her would ever forget the encounter. “Dear God,” Vickie breathed, “she's stunning. And there's so much strength there. He's given her your determination and sense of purpose, Ian. Truly, this is your daughter.” “Our daughter,” Rita corrected; “our family.” “Now and forever more,” Priscilla murmured. She could feel it in her heart. Herb Canon's anger was volcanic. Like so many police, he hoped that there was a special place in Hell for the monsters who went around hurting children. And someone had massacred an entire village to steal this child. Beneath the table, he clenched his fists, wanting to strangle the life out of whoever had done this. Julia looked at the sketch, and then at her daughter. Her gaze was fierce, and it pleased Julia no end to realize that her daughter was a lioness who would do whatever it took to protect her young. “We should eat,” was all that Herb could think to say. “It's getting late,” he lamely added as Rita neatly stacked the sketches and returned them to the folder. . . . . Emmett Bailey was playing a hunch. He had been at the courthouse, and although it had not particularly surprised him that Professor Grady had taken the girls out the back way, it did surprise him that he had gone to the hospital instead of straight to the sorority house. To get so many girls into diapers so quickly meant that he was well known there. Emmett wanted to find out why. His instincts told him that the girls were an overnight sensation, but the enigmatic war hero turned university professor with his admitted CIA connections might have a story that would catapult the reporter to a place at Sixty Minutes or one of the other investigative outlets in the Big Apple. Emmett began in the lobby, which had a number of bulletin boards. Learning the hours when Walter Kurtz would be playing the Steinway was not exactly what he had in mind, but it was better than the workshop teaching attendees how to build homemade zen gardens to set the mood for their meditation exercises. Emmett wandered off. He strolled the corridors. There were bulletin boards everywhere, filled to overflowing with reminders to staff to wash their hands every time they visited the restroom. As if nurses working twelve to sixteen hour shifts had time for that sort of thing. Emmett had once dated an RN, and he had heard a great many horror stories. One day, when he was right up there with Dan Blather, he intended to follow up on what he had learned, and bring the pretentious jerks Denise had so vividly described down a peg or two. In search of coffee and a place to sit down and ponder his options, Emmett ended up in the cafeteria. As he was pocketing his change, he noticed that a small group of doctors and nurses had congregated around a bulletin board near the exit. Curious, and with his steaming cup in hand, he decided to check it out. Emmett was so shocked that he almost dropped his cup. Professor Ian Grady was staring back at him from a pair of aging photographs. The first, set somewhere in the jungles of Southeast Asia, showed a younger man astride an enormous elephant, with a gigantic snake girdling his shoulders. The second showed the same man, not much older, sitting with a baby in his lap, and a stunningly beautiful Asian girl at his shoulder. But it was the captions that made the story, four lines of brief text on a pair of note cards, written by hand with a heavy black marker: WIFE MURDERED DAUGHTER STOLEN VILLAGE MASSACRED SEARCH ONGOING His coffee forgotten, Emmett raced out the door, and all but sprinted to the parking ramp. He had a nice Olympus manual in the trunk of his car, and with it a Polaroid SX70. He would use both. Kent State and the My Lai tribunal had opened the decade, and he had just stumbled upon the story that would close it. Emmett Bailey had just won the ultimate journalistic trifecta.1 point
Chapter 43: Red BETH LOOKED OVER at Connor, wondering if he knew what he might have gotten himself into by asking a girl to pick something; she realized he was being serious. Setting about to explore, she saw a comedy she hadn’t watched yet, but that Lance had taken their younger sister and brother to see over the summer, and all of them had said it was good. “How about a comedy?” “Sure,” Connor replied to her. She pressed play and climbed onto the oversized couch, noting that Amanda and Fred preferred the extra-large sizes her mom would pick out. Back home, there was a mix of furniture to accommodate her and her dad being smaller than the rest of the family. Though to be fair, Laura used the smaller couch almost as often! Connor began trying to climb up on his own, making her giggle. The couch cushion height fell just above his armpits. “Come over here, I’ll pull you up,” she told him with a smile. He blushed but made his way over and offered her his hands. She leaned over, pulled him onto the couch, and then moved him to sit right against her side. “Right! Now I have my stuffed dolphin to keep me company; let’s watch.” “What…?” Connor grumbled. For that, she couldn’t help but tickle his side a bit, discovering he was a bit ticklish. When she stopped, she hadn’t counted on his reprisal! He managed to get at her ribs where she was horribly ticklish and just kept going, “Stop,” she giggled and cried, but he kept going. Feeling like a bathroom trip was necessary, she said, “Seriously! I need to go pee, and I don’t have something on like you do!” She squeezed him tightly to control his arms. “Alright,” he said, “but you started it!” “Movie pause!” she said aloud and stood up after pushing him off her lap where he had landed. After a quick trip to the bathroom, where embarrassingly she noticed she did have a few drops in her panties, she made her way back to the couch and pulled him back to her. “Not getting away from me now,” she smiled down at him, noting his long hair was somewhat out of place. “So, what happened?” He asked as the movie started playing credits in front of them. “Someone managed to get into the computer system and convince the university I need Pull-Ups…” “That’s scary,” he said beside her. “Yes, it is… Especially…” Connor looked at her, “You don’t have to tell me; my mom told me about it already. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Beth’s heart sank, rose, and did flip-flops all at the same time. Not knowing how else to react, she squeezed him closer to her, “Thanks.” She sighed, “Yeah, you can understand that then. Dad wants the weekend to get Emerson to figure out what’s happening.” “If there is anything I can do?” Connor offered sweetly. Looking at his hair that had come undone from the ponytail holder he was using. “Let me play with your hair while we watch?” She smiled at his blush, but the smile widened as he nodded in agreement. “Pause the movie,” she said again. “You have a brush upstairs?” He nodded, “In my backpack? Front pocket?” “Be right back!” she said. Going up to the room Connor was staying in, she couldn’t help but note that besides the slightly boyish bedding on the bed, it was one of the most sickeningly girly nurseries she’d been inside. She found Connors’s backpack sitting beside a desk. Beth opened the bag, dug through it, and found his brush before she was distracted. She saw a colorful pile of hair clips, bows, and hair ties in a small bin on top of the white changing table. It was obvious that they were older, probably vintage even, and Beth wondered who they were for? She couldn’t help herself as she grabbed a few options and headed back downstairs with them in her pocket, out of sight. “What’s with the girly room?” She asked before saying, “Play movie,” and putting Connor on her lap. “It was my mom’s,” he told her. “Your grandma never changed it?” He shook his head right as she tried to grasp some hair with the brush, “Don’t move, sweetie,” she laughed. “No, she didn’t. It’s kind of sad, creepy, and sweet all at the same time.” “Yeah,” she said. “A lot of her stuff is still there?” “That’s part of the weirdest thing, honestly,” Connor said. “I mean, she even still has clothes from her in the closet?” ‘Wonder if they would fit Connor?’ she mused as she pulled a tiny bit of tamed hair from the front of his head, deciding to have some more elaborate fun like she would with Laura’s head as some therapy even as the movie introduced the two tragically funny characters to the screen. An out-of-work businessman meets up with a mid-level programmer and decides to somehow go in on building a theme park. Or so they told investors! “How tall was she?” “She was a foot shorter than me, only about thirty-six inches,” he told her. “Seriously? That’s like infant sized?” She said in disbelief before adding, “How tall is she back home?” "After she did some tampering, she grew to an inch short of seven feet," he told her. “Grew?” She continued playing with his hair and created a very girly hairstyle he couldn’t see as the movie continued and they talked. “So, what did you do to my hair?” Connor asked, “With as much as you’ve been doing, I’m guessing I look fit to go to prom or something?” He laughed. “You’re not mad?” “Riley and my sisters do it all the time, especially when they’re upset. If it helped you, I’m fine with being your doll.” Beth hugged him tightly, turned him towards her, and placed him on her shoulder. “Thank you, Connor, you really are perfect.” She squirmed inside as she honestly wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t want to make things any more weird than they were. I STARED UP into Beth’s face and really wanted to kiss her, but she’d sent some mixed signals that night that meant I wasn’t sure if she wanted a boyfriend or a little sibling to play with. I squeezed her back, let her reposition me onto her lap, and laid my head back onto her body and between her breasts. They seemed like the perfect size, even though I knew the Bigs probably picked on her for being small-breasted. She was petite, and I hated that I had shrunk when I came through! Her arms were around me as the movie ended, and I felt the need to hit the restroom. “I need to go to the bathroom,” I told her, embarrassed. “We should probably go to bed, too,” she told me, standing up and moving me to her hip. “You know it’s embarrassing how easily you can carry and pick me up.” “My dad says that to my mom all the time!” Beth giggled. ‘Does that mean she’s open to a relationship despite our height differences?’ “They’re kind of like our difference in size, aren’t they?” She nodded as she quietly stepped up the stairs; we were sure Grandpa had already called it a night. “Our proportionate differences are pretty close, actually,” she agreed. I noticed she turned red then and wondered if that grossed her out… or if maybe she was open to it? ‘I’m certainly willing to try it!’ I thought to myself. She sat me outside my door and said, “I’m going to get settled and call it a night. See you in the morning?” I nodded, “Sure. Umm… did anyone warn you about tomorrow?” I asked. She nodded, “Your grandma prepared me for a princess celebration. I think she said I may even have my own gown given to me for it?” She smirked. “Well, given Aunt Bella probably needed all of like five minutes to make one, I bet that will be the case.” “What about you?” I shrugged, “I have no idea what’s going on. I was told I could be one of the babysitters instead of the babysat, but no idea!” She giggled, “We’ll see what the others come up with then. You and Shelby seem to get along well?” I nodded, “She reminds me of my sister Riley a lot!” “So, nothing there…?” She asked curiously. I blushed, “She’s my cousin!” I quietly hissed. She smirked, “Not biologically?” “Still… no… She’s still a little too young even if I was interested,” I reminded her, “She’s in high school still.” She nodded at that, “True.” “Anyway, I guess... goodnight, let me know if you need anything?” She bent down to my level, “Just a goodnight hug,” she smiled and hugged me before standing and walking away. I walked to my room and tried to make heads or tails of what Beth wanted! Deciding the bathroom was a wise stop; I climbed up and used the toilet. Looking paranoidly at the white fabric of the Pull-Up and was grateful that it was spotless still! BETH CLOSED THE door to her room and took the time to use the adjoining bathroom before looking at the room closer. Like Connor’s room, this was a very juvenile-looking and girly room. When Amanda showed it to her, she explained it was technically Shelby’s room they kept ready in case LPS ever stopped by. The bed made her turn completely red when she saw it, noting that it was really just a white converted crib bed. A rail was still attached that went halfway down the bed to keep the toddler from falling out of bed! After everything that day, the fact that she could see the size of the Big-size toddler bed would easily accommodate her petite frame unnerved her – a lot! She could probably have fit even if she was a foot taller, and knowing that made her fear being moved to Sanders Hall even more. Shelby’s room was covered in little tiaras, stars, and hearts in painted murals and shaped mirror pieces. It was barely a step up from toddler and somewhere around an early elementary girl’s ideal bedroom. ‘I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a canopy over the bed,’ Beth thought. She sighed, grabbed her phone from where she had left it, and noted the large number of notifications. ‘Are you okay?’ Cassie had asked. When she hadn’t responded, she’d tried calling, and Beth felt a little bad that she’d worried her. ‘I’m fine,’ she texted her. ‘My dad thought it would be a good idea to get off campus so nothing could happen while he sorts through the problems with Emerson.’ She saw a response almost immediately, ‘Thank God!!!!’ Almost immediately, a call started, and she answered it without thinking about where she was. “Beth, I thought you told me you were safe?!?” Cassie practically screeched. “I am,” she told her. “Then why are you in a Littles nursery?!?” “Oh… I’m staying with Connor’s grandparents. They’re having me stay in their granddaughter’s room.” “You’re being honest, right? If they’re telling you just to say that, just blink twice.” Beth shook her head, “Seriously, Cassie, I’m fine!” “So, what happened?!?” Cassie was clearly nervous and upset for her friend, and Beth was touched that she cared that much for her. “I got back to my room, and more boxes of Pull-Ups and diapers were stacked there.” “What?” She seethed, “I thought they understood someone was trying to set you up? That shouldn’t have been a huge deal?” She shook her head, “I thought I was just going to have to call Penelope and sort it out, but she wasn’t there. I called the on-duty RD, and they claimed those were an order that was in the right place! She insisted Penelope had been the one to order them, and it was showing in the computer system that I was required to be in them at all times now.” “What the hell?!?” Cassie exclaimed. “Yeah… My dad was talking to me when she came by to try and force me into them. He immediately got the administration involved again. After several calls, he suggested my going to Connor’s grandparents was a good idea. I quickly thought about it and took them up on the offer.” “So, is that all of it?” Beth shook her head, “No, on my way out to the car, Tracy showed up and tried to prevent me from leaving when she realized I was doing so. She somehow knew something about me being in ‘protection’ and then tried to state I couldn’t leave… I think she’s probably involved? I mean, I know she could get access to my room?” “That explains why I saw her talking with some security guys earlier?” “Yeah, I guess? I’m just waiting to see what happens.” “So, you promise me you’re really safe there?” She made a face, “I mean, that might be the most girly preschooler’s room I’ve ever seen? And isn’t that a toddler bed? Can you even…?” Beth blushed, “Unfortunately, yes, I can fit. It’s more than a little disturbing to realize I’m small enough for it, and that means a crib would not be too small either.” “I promise, I won’t let you get pulled away or adopted,” Cassie told her. “I know… and neither will my dad or mom. I’m sure they’re both ripping people apart right now.” “Well... So I guess you can work on your tiny romance then?” “Cass!!!” She hissed. The two of them talked for half an hour before Beth got her calmed down and off the phone. Messages from her parents were less urgent, and with the time change, she didn’t want to call and wake anyone up. She climbed under the tiara-covered sheets just after midnight and wasted no time getting to sleep, tightly squeezing Rings. She barely registered the door opening and closing to check on her. AFTER MY QUICK bathroom stop, I opened up my computer from home and connected it to the internet. Mom had thoroughly taught me everything she knew about computer systems in our dimension and the one I had traveled to. When she left, she retained the ability to learn about things via Grandma and others. She also ensured that the computer I brought to this dimension was more powerful than the one the university had provided me! I got busy with the photo I had taken in my pod and began researching the device. It sadly didn’t take me long to find a reference to the device as a ‘SleepTight Dome.’ I read the description and grimaced, ‘Discreet sleep training device that can be placed in cribs or beds of Littles to begin the process of adjusting them to a night of comforting sleep. Harmless subsonic soundwaves help lull the occupant into a deep sleep quickly and maintain that until disengaged. Our device scans the Little and determines when they are in their most suggestible sleep pattern before beginning to transmit a signal that travels, causing the pons center of the brain to send a signal to release their bladder. Usage of this guarantees nocturnal enuresis regularly after one to six weeks, according to studies from Emerson University’s Early Childhood Center experiments.’ I stared at the screen for a moment and grimaced, saved the information into a secure portion of my hard drive, and dug around, hoping to find out more. Unfortunately, that didn’t help me out, as I discovered there was an anti-tamper feature that would cause an annoying alarm to sound while at the same time causing a burst of the sleeping transmission. ‘They didn’t make this easy…’ I griped. There was a knock on the door, and I said, “Come in?” Even as I saved and cleared my computer back to my script. “Connor, I know you don’t have a bedtime being watched here, but maybe it would be a good time to get some sleep?” Grandma said, coming in. I nodded, “You’re probably right.” “Why don’t you hop over to the potty again, and I’ll tuck you in?” I blushed but sat my computer down and made my trip to the bathroom again. Making sure I was empty and the Pull-Up was clean, I climbed into the bed Grandma had pulled the sheets down. “Thank you for being kind to Beth tonight,” she said as she tucked me in. “Kind to her? I think it’s the other way around?” I said, confused. “I don’t think you know how close she came today to being in some real trouble Connor. I guarantee time with you helped her out a lot.” “She’s fun to be around,” I told her. “And kind of cute?” Grandma pushed. I blushed, “Maybe?” “If you’re really interested, don’t wait forever to make a move. You only have a semester here, after all!” “Grandma!” I hissed… “Uh…” She pushed me down on the bed and pulled the covers to my chin. “Good night, my little dolphin; I truly love those pajamas!” As she closed the door and turned off the light, I was sure I must have been the reddest dolphin to have ever existed! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for reading! Please press the 'Like' Button for this chapter! Comments are always really, really, really, really, really super appreciated as well! Thank you to those of you who regularly leave them!!!! Next week then, will be the final Friday posting I'm going to be making for a while. I'll be transitioning to Saturday after that for a while. With my work schedule for the next couple of months, things will probably continue shifting some. If you've enjoyed this or any of my other works, consider supporting me by purchasing copies of them on Amazon Kindle! (And if you do so pretty please, consider leaving me a 5-star review (you can leave the stars, and no public reviews are viewable then!))1 point
So it been a busy couple of months. I would like to wish everyone a happy holidays/ Merry Christmas. Here is a gift for y’all Imprints Resort Chapter 5 Shopping “YOU WHAT !!!” Jenny’s voice echoed though the hallway. “That is jus amazon propaganda that they feed to people our size to get there dolls and forever babies.” Mary took a deep breath, “no it’s not over here though its more commonly know as age regression.” Jenny’s voice was quivering “oh I see now your one of those weirdo’s that get sexual pleasure from being a baby. I bet this whole place is just one big kink fest to you.” Mary’s eyes were as hard as steel “Age regression has nothing to do with sexual activities.” She huffed loudly, “It’s a copping mechanism to handle stress. In my case the stress of everyday life.” “Oh, so you can’t handle being an adult, so you want to be treated as baby. You freak.” Jenny scoffed her lips curling into a sneer. Mary inhaled a beath looking at Jenny her voice came out in a calm even tone, “I am not a freak. You try growing up and being forced to play a role in society that is the complete opposite of who you are. Being a young kind and wondering why you’re not allowed to wear shirts with Ariel, Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella on them. Having to watch what you say around people, so you won’t to get beat up just for being yourself.” Mary inhaled again, “Now imagine on top of that you are constantly in state of agitation. Everyone around you tells you there is nothing to fear. Your fears however are grounded in actual experience from your own life. Things like not going to sleep till after 3:00 am because one time your smoke detector went off early in the morning, or how about being unable to drive very far on the road because of the time your car overheated on the interstate.” A tear fell from Mary eyes, “And to top all of that of you feel like a burden to you family because you can’t do anything right. You can’t even get a regular job because you can’t look people in the eyes and continually need to fidget or do something with your hands. So yeah, I suck at adulting ok. The only time I am truly happy is in a diaper, wearing a onesie, holding my stuffies, watching cartoons, and drinking from my princess sippy cup.” Mary said as little sobs came out of her mouth. “Oh, dear what is going on here?” a seven-foot-tall woman with blond hair walked up to Mary and Jenny. Jenny’s face felt hot and turned crimson as a heavy weight pushed against her stomach “I am afraid me and Mary had a disagreement. I said some thing to upset her.” Jenny start examining her shoes and spoke softly “Mary I don’t understand what you are going through. I do understand that I was wrong and hurt your feelings. I am sorry. If you still want to help me, we can talk some more latter.” “Good Girl. I am glad to see you being mature and apologizing for hurting your friend’s feelings. Its not something a lot of littles are able to do unless a grown up tells them too. Now Mrs. Jenny I believe you have a couple guest waiting for you over in the lobby.” Jenny nodded and quickly made her way over toward the lobby. The blond hotel worker then handed Mary a tissue. “It’s ok little one your friend is sorry. Now dry those tears you are here to enjoy yourself.” As Mary dabbed at her tears with the washcloth the worker fished around in her pockets. After a little she brought out something that looked like a scanner. “Please hold out your wrist that room key is dear.” Mary did as the resort work pointed the device at the watch like band on her wrist. A slight beeping sound was heard. “There you go dear 200 dollars complements of our resorts. Now hopefully you want to have any more reasons to make a frowny face.” The taller blond woman gave Mary a hug and then patted her on the head before heading down the hall to check on another guest. Mary walked down the hall as she passed each of the picture a quick glance told her that their positions had changed. She continued out int the lounge. The lounge had only a few people her size in it and a couple of people that were taller than her but not quite as large as the bigs that seemed to run the resort. Mary walked over to a set of tinted glass doors that lead outside. She noticed that the doors had two sets of handles on them. One set was at her height while another set was four feet higher for the resorts bigs. The doors were surprisingly light and easy to move for their size. Stepping outside the door she noticed an expansive sidewalk. Though the sidewalk was especially smooth there was a colorful sign on a post just after she steeped out the door. It had a picture of a brunette hair woman in nothing but a diaper with pictures of little rainbows on it. She had her hands up to her face rubbing at tears that were flowing from her eyes. In big black letters it read don’t get boo boo’s watch your step or let Mommy carry you. There were also signs that pointed out were things were at the resort. An arrow pointing to the right said BABY’S CORNER GIFT SHOP AND SUPLIES. An arow pointing to the left said GOLDEN SPOON RESTERANT, POOL, THEATER, and FATASY ISLAND THEME AND WATER PARK. After gazing at the signs for a little bit Mary decided that she would make her way to the gift Shop. Walking to the gift shop Mary glance walked by other Guests. The majority of littles were paired up with a big. Glancing at the littles wrist she noticed that the wristbands the wore were red compared to the green one she was wearing. Also, she noticed that the red bands had a name stitched on them. Looking around Mary also noticed that the trees at the resort were taller and higher than the trees outside of it. After walking about ten minutes on the sidewalk Mary came to build shaped like a toy chest. The build was brightly painted with two distinct colors one side was painted blued while the other side was painted pink. The dividing line for the colors seemed to be the enormous automatic sliding glass doors. As Mary approached the doors they opened with a soothing tone. May Made her way into the store and noticed that the pink and blue theme continued on the inside of the store. Mary made her way over toward the pink side of the store. She passed an area that was full of racks of dresses ranging from everyday styles to ones that could almost be considered ball gowns. She passed a diaper area that had diapers of all sorts of thicknesses though most shared either a gryphon theme or princess theme sometimes both. She went to look the pacifiers though since she saw a couple of them that were cute and caught her eye. One in particular had a princess in a large pink ballgown on its shield and was colored Purple. She noticed that there were several more identical to it but with different sets of numbers in the corners. The one she was currently looking at had the number 3 on the top right-hand corner and a 12 bellow that. Mary reached up for it so she could get a closer look at it but realized that it was just out of her reach. A voice came from behind Mary dripping in with a shallow sweetness. “Little one is your Mommy or Daddy nearby?” Tiffany was just below the average height of the typical Amazons. While her nine-foot height was still enough to classify her as an amazon and not as an inbetweener she still made sure to dress as mature as possible. her chestnut hair was always styled in either a bun or another type of updo. She wore navy blue skirt suits and black heels or platform shoes to add a couple of inches to her height. Being on the small side for an amazon had also caused Tiffany to get a massive chip on her shoulder. All during high school the tallest amazons would jokingly make offers to have their parents adopt her and keep her in high school forever. Some had even suggested that with a few minor cosmetic changes she could become the schools permanent head cheer leader. Once she got into college the jokes quit since all the amazons there were focused on adopting littles. After getting her degrees in both little development and business Tiffany opened the first ever combined little etiquette school and adoption center in New Caroline. As the supply of unadopted littles was running low in New Caroline Tiffany had her technicians working a secret portal to the little dimension that would being over random portal littles to her school so they could be trained and added to the adoption pool. The first test had successful in bringing a portal little over, but the targeting system was off causing that little to land in some random Bigs pool. It did have a happy ending though as the little was adopted by the Big. While the tech team was working out the kinks, she decides to get a bit more hands on and got a team together to collect portal littles straight from the source. Some countries from her home dimension had been trying to plan a full-scale invasion of the portal littles home. They were stopped though by several tourist companies and governments that would lose money in the deal. In Tiffany’s opinion going in with a small specialty trained forced to libertate portal littles from the squalor of their home dimension and into the loving arms of Mommies and Daddies was a better option. Tiffany had spotted a female little coming out of the resorts lobby she was wearing a colorful prink dress with white polka dots on it. Under it the little had on a pink petticoat that would peek out from under her dress as she walked. Her legs were pale and she was wearing black Mary-janes with white socks that had little pink ruffles on them. The little girl’s hair was light brown and slightly tangled. Just from the state of the girl’s hair alone it was obvious that she needs a loving mommy to take care of her. Tiffany didn’t know why it was, but she felt a long in her heart to make this little her perfect doll. Tiffany followed the girl as she headed to the baby supply store know this would be the perfect opportunity to snatch her up. Tiffany had visited this store herself when she had first gone undercover as a guest at the resort. She had stocked her room full of the thickest crawler diapers she could find. That way when she carried a newly compliant little out of the resort and into the loving embrace of Little Darlings etiquette school and adoption center, they would be heavily padded to protect the accident prone little. As she passed the baby clothes, she not that to many of the clothes were not cute and just looked like smaller versions of Bigs clothes. Even after her and her teams buying spree the diaper selves were well stocked. When she got to the pacifier isle, she saw the little girl she had been following had turn down the aisle. Tiffany mouth stretched into a sly grin. Is she could convince the little to suckle on the right pacifier not only would she easily obtain her doll, but with a little tweaking of her dolls mind at her etiquette school she would be able to get a doll that could convince others to accept their infantile fate. The question was how she was to approach her soon to be doll. The answer came to her immediately the same way any Big approached a little. Tiffany raised her voice in way that her classes had taught her littles found comforting “Little one is your Mommy or Daddy nearby?” The little turned toward making her dress bell out and swish as it cut through the air. “I don’t have a Mommy at least not yet?” the little said with a bit of a noticeable tremble in her voice. Tiffany almost let out a small gasp as the liquid greenish brown pools of the littles eyes gazed at her and her mouth tremble a little bit. Tiffany could just make out a bit of shadow behind the little make up. Oh, she had indeed found a special little to be her doll one that all the Bigs hoped to find one day especially those that want little girls. And those eyes were just the icing on the cake they seem to convey every emotion in the littles head at once. Tiffany did think they would be cutter if they were widened just a bit to fit the doll aesthetic more. With her though keeping a condescending smile plastered on her Tiffany began to integrate her soon to be doll. “Is That so dear, well then little one what may I call you?” The little look up at the big stand above her. Her voice quivering, she said “My…My name is Mary. My pronouns are She and Her.” Tiffany nodded having her suspensions seemingly confirmed “Hello Mary, my name is MS. Tiffany my pronouns are also she and her. Though I hope someday I can be called Mommy. What are you looking at?” Mary face heated up and matched the color of a near by neon pink pacifier though weather it was from be caught looking at pacifiers or Ms. Tiffany’s Mommy comment she didn’t really know. “I was looking at these pacifiers and wondering what the difference in them were Ms. Tiffany. ” Tiffany’s lips stretched out in an overly syrupy smile “Oh little one the difference is that some would look cutter on than others.” She said as she reached her hand up picked out a copy of the one that Mary had been looking at the difference being that under the three there was what looked like a sideways 8 on the package, “Here little one let me open this package for you and you can have this cute paci and then we can go and have some fun.” Before Tiffany could open the pacifier though she felt a gentle pressure on her shoulder and a feminine voice directly behind her “Excuse me ma’am but I believe there has been a slight mistake.” Tressa had been watching Mary on her the office monitor since about 5:00 am. It was odd how little sleep Bigs needed in the littles home dimension. The littles only had a 24-hour day, so it made since that when the crossed the portal they often tiered the selves out, got grumpy, and then got adopted by a parent or parents that made sure they got a proper nap or two during the day. She had been watching Mary sleep with her arms wrapped around her plush bat. Teressa had been tempted to call the floor manage and have Mary’s hotel room convert itself into a temporary nursery. She knew that would set a bad example for her quest that were Bigs. After all there was a protocol that was followed before any babying could be done to a little. The biggest thing was that the little had to show signs of wanting to be babied or asked. Even if a little had accident no big could force a little into babyhood on resort property. Of course, there were big’s that tried to break these rules, but they were always caught. Also, despite these restrictions the resort had a 100 precent adoption rate for its littles. Apparently genuine love and care mixed with some food from the Bigs dimension were the prefect combination for happy littles. Teressa had seen the tantrum that the little in the room next Mary was throwing. Seeing what was transpiring in that moment she had quickly called the front desk to intervene. She had even told the employ at the front desk to add the extra money to Mary’s room key. Of course, she had a pretty good idea what the extra money would be spent on, and she looked forward to the little girl paying her back with giggles and smiles. Just then Tressa caught something concerning on the camera that monitored the door outside the little’s lobby entrance to the resort. A big was just hanging out by the doors as if see was waiting for something. Tressa had seen that look before in the eyes of the big’s that came to Indra thinking it was an easy place to get littles. Those eyes were the sharp cold calculating eyes of a predator out looking for prey. Quickly making up her mind that she needed to intervene Teressa raced out of the control room and to the Executive express elevator. As soon as so pressed the button with the star beside it the elevator zipped down the shaft. Despite its speed each second on the on the elevator ticked by at a snail’s pace. Tressa mind raced at the thought of one of her little guests being snatched up by the shark that had swam into her peaceful river. She had to keep herself from imaging the horrible tortures they would be forced to endure. After an eternity the elevator came to stop on the ground floor. She forced herself to stay calm as she glanced around for the big she had seen. Her eyes fell on the undersized big just as she started walking towards the gift shop. Knowing that any little caught in there by cunning big was almost certainly leaving as their baby or at least well on the way to becoming that big’s baby she knew it was imperative for her to follow the woman. Going into the gift shop Tressa barely registered that she was on the girls side. She sprinted past the outfits after all a big would have plenty of time to dress up a little after the poor things mind was mush. She took a quick glance down the diaper aisle. It was a know fact that a common big trick was to little’s tasty treats that would cause them to have accidents. The woman was not there either. Next was the pacifier aisle. At first, she was going to speed on by it and go to the toy aisle after all no little was going to be looking at pacifiers unless they were already adopted. Tressa just happened to glance down the aisle and see the woman she was tailing standing over a little with light brown hair. Knowing it may be her only chance to save the dear girl Tressa put her hand on the undersized big in front of her and pressed down on her shoulder. It wasn’t enough to do any physical harm to the smaller big, but put you hand on someone should and pressing down was a universal sing of dominance to all big’s it was basically saying I am taller than you so I have more authority. Choosing her words carefully Tressa vice came out calmly and clearly, “Excuse me ma’am but I believe there has been a slight mistake” “Excuse me ma’am but I believe there has been a slight mistake” Mary’s hears hear the calm soothing voice of the female that just appeared. Mary was in awe of deep brown skin that reminded her of freshly tilled soil. The new woman lips were a deep ruby red more perfect than you would find in any tube of lipstick. Her hair was midnight black and shimmered in the shop's fluorescent lighting. The gorgeous woman continued talking. “ You see I am her mommy and I don’t want my little one accidentally permanently regressed to a toddler.” The other big stopped try to give mary the pacifier that was in the package. She got out of her kneeling position ready to argue with whom ever had dared to put their hand on her shoulder. Turning around she noticed that her eyes only came to nose love with the other female big , “ I am sorry ma’am,” Tiffany said her voice waver between to octaves “But I her wristband shows she has yet to be claimed.” Mary trembled a bit and fiddled with the green colored wrist band as the larger bent down and inspected it “yes see just agreed to be my little we were coming here to change her wrist band to red. I afraid that the naughty little girl got over excited and rushed ahead of me.” Tressa bent down to the littles ear’s and whispered into it softly. “Just play along if you want to stay safe.” As the woman stood up Mary nodded her head. “Yes Mommy, I am sorry I ran off so fast without meeting up with you first.” Tiffany hid a grimace knowing that her chance at having this little become her perfect little doll was slipping away. A slight grin formed on her face if she couldn’t have this doll she would form a plan latter right now how ever there was a naughty child in front of her that needed to be disciplined, “Madam your little tricked me into thinking that she hadn’t been claimed please allow me to punish her propply I would say about 30 should do.” Tressa moved fast to grab up the poor little be for the smaller woman could put her over her knee,”that quite allright I think i can administer a proper punishment as her mommy.” Terssa had seen the slight glint in Tiffany's eye and knew that this was one of those women that enjoyed punishing littles. She found these types of Bigs deplorable. As their aim wasn’t to care for someone smaller than them but to control that person. They didn’t enjoy shared loved but instead got a rush from the fear littles gave them and control they were able exert on the litles. The scary thing about these type of Bigs is that somehow love had got twisted into their feelings of wanting to control littles so that these people rarely even understood the harm they were doing by crushing a littles spirit and reshaping the poor child's mind. “I think she will be having an early bedtime tonight and not getting to watch any cartoons” Mary sensing that it was important picked up on what the larger woman was doing “No Mommy I want to stay up and watch cartoons like you promised me” Teressa looked the clever little in the eye and gave her a small smile, “No dear it’s off to bed with you and no cartoons for being such a naughty little girl. Now let tell the nice woman bye bye and finish our shopping.” Mary held up her hand and open and closed it the way a toddler would, “Bye bye Mrs Tiffany thank you for helping me find my mommy” In any other set of circumstances those words would have warmed Tiffany’s heart now though they just left her heart with a bitter cold ache, “Ofcourse young one that is what I am best at,” looking at the taller woman whom had taken her prize “Madame you and your daughter have a nice day.” Tiffany said heading out of the aisle and back toward her room. Treessa placed Mary back on on the floor, “Well it looks like for the rest of your stay at the resort your with me.” she giggled. Mary’s face turned warm and tomato colored, “yes ma’am but i was kind of wanting to look around more. I am searching for someone who is interested in being my new Mommy.” Teressa's heart felt like it was doing back flips in her chest. This little girl that she had been observing since she had stepped of the bus was actually looking for a mother. This was too perfect, though it would mean more work for her she was already thinking about seeing if she could convice this little to let her adopt her. A quick glance at her dress told Tressa that this little was ready to be adopted after all there was no mistaking the slight puffy under her dress. “ Well how about you give it a trial run with me.” she said grinning, “After all there are some ladies out that would make very bad mommies.” Mary tilted her head to the side “what do you mean?” Treessa grabbed the plastic pacifier with the number three and the sideways eight on it that the other woman had tried to give the little., “ well for instance see this paci it would not only have regressed you down to a three year old , but it would have wiped most of your memories and personality only here because some people need that kind of restart but only after our resort psychologist has talked to them.” Mary’s body started trembling as she realized what would have happened if the other had put that pacifier in her mouth, “I am glad you protected me then. Ok I will go with you then.” Treasa’s face lit up. Her radiant lit brown skin seemed to be glowing from the inside, “very well Since i will be your guardian her at the resort then I should introduce myself. My name is Teresa but you will be calling me mommy. What is your name my dear?” Mary swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat. “Mary Mommy.” Teresa couldn’t contain herself and wrapped her arms around Mary before lifting her up “well now let's finish our shopping before we go have lunch.” After wandering through the aisles Tressa was on her way to the cashier. In her arms were her temporary daughter, a griffin onesie that had a princess dress attached to it, a plush giffin that was wearing a pink bow, and hidden was a pacifier with the numbers three at top and twelve under it, “Mary give give the nice girl your arm” Mary did as her mommy asked, “Whats this for?” she said as the cashier changed out the green wrist band attached to Mary’s key for a red one. Teresa smiled “that is so no more mean ladies try to claim you has their own dear. From now on you are officially my little when ever you are at the resort or in the rest of our Town.”1 point
I've been lurking there for several years now, google translate works good enough for that. So I thought it would be fair to post the story over there, too. 2 - Awkward cleanup It was 20 minutes later that she heard the shower starting. Megan had been sitting in the kitchen, watching her pasta cooking while trying to read a few pages in her book. It was impossible she knew after having to reread the first page 3 times, her mind drifting back to Lisa every time. Instead she had been thinking about her plans for Lisa. She had always had a bit of a dominant streak in her, but never had the opportunity to experience it. That would change with Lisa. When Lisa entered the kitchen Megan could see that she was still red eyed and sniffing. She didn’t say a word and instead prepared a plate for Lisa and herself. During dinner nobody said a word. Lisa was desperately trying to avoid eye contact while Megan was deep in thought about what her next steps should be. When they had finished, Lisa quickly put the dishes into the dishwasher and was already on her way back to her room, when Megan finally broke the silence. “Lisa? Can you please say something?” She was standing with her back to Megan on her way out the door when she stopped in her tracks. Tears started streaming down her cheeks again and Megan could see her trembling. Megan walked up behind her and slowly pulled her in an embrace from behind. “I know this is really awkward for you and I understand that you are ashamed. But I need you to know that there’s no reason for that. Can we please talk about it? I really don’t want us to be like that from now on. I consider you my friend and I can see that you’re hurting.” Megan slowly pulled her towards the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling Lisa with her so that she sat on her lap with her side to Megan. Gently she pushed Lisa's head to her shoulder and put her arms around her again. “You know there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I just want you to know that you can talk to me about these things and that I won’t judge you. I want to help you and I’m a bit concerned that you’re hurting yourself. Can you tell me how this started?” Lisa was still trembling in Megan's arms and it took her a few moments to start talking. “I… I’m so sorry, Megan… I promise I’ll never do it again. It was just… I don’t know what happened. Can we just forget this, please? It was just an accident.” Megan pulled her in tighter when Lisa started crying again. It took her almost 5 minutes to calm down again, with Megan rocking her slowly back and forth and whispering small words of encouragement to her. When she finally stopped crying and had calmed down a bit more, Megan started talking again. “I know this is really personal, but I am a bit concerned about your health. Now we both know that this wasn’t an accident. You could have accidentally pooped yourself, but you don’t accidentally poop a diaper that you normally don’t need. So please don’t lie to me, I really don’t like that.” She had pushed Lisa away a bit so that she could look her directly in the eyes and when Lisa looked down in shame she quickly put her hand under her chin and made her look up again. “As I told you, you don’t need to be ashamed, it’s perfectly normal to experiment with your sexuality, even if it’s a bit more out there than usual. And there are really only two reasons we’re sitting here talking about it. First of all, like I told you, I don’t judge you. And the sooner you accept this, the sooner we can go back to normal here. I really like you and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. This is your home now, too. The second reason is my concern for your health. Now there’s nothing wrong with experimenting, but using a diaper like you did poses some risks. Do you know what I mean by this?” Lisa didn’t know what to say to that. Of course she knew that you had to be extra careful and clean yourself ‘down there’, but more than that…? Megan looked at her doubtfully, with Lisa’s ‘deer in the headlights’ look she was not convinced. “There are bacteria in your poop that could lead to an urinary tract infection if they reach your vagina, you know. This is a huge risk and it is very painful and might lead to incontinence or worse. It’s really important that you clean yourself up thoroughly after you had your fun time. Do you know, how you clean yourself up down there? Did you use a douche?” Lisa didn’t know what that was. Her mother had never mentioned a douche to her when they had their very awkward ‘talk’ and when she had showered just an hour ago she was still shaken and pretty much on autopilot, so more than anything she had cleaned her dirty butt, without really paying attention to her vagina. So when Megan asked her directly, if she knew how to clean herself, all she could do was blush and look down ashamed of herself. Megan on the other hand had hoped for something like that. “Oh honey, you didn’t clean yourself properly?” Tears started to flow anew and Lisa buried her head in Megan's shoulder again. “Shhhh… It’s okay. It’s o-kay. It’s not that bad, we can still get this sorted out. You know that is exactly what I meant earlier when I said that I was concerned for your health. I know it’s difficult for you, being so young and away from your mother. Now I don’t want to be your mother, but I really want you to talk to me if you have problems like these. I’m here to help, okay? Okay. Now. We still need to get you cleaned up properly, so why don’t we go to the bathroom and see what we can do.” She pushed Lisa up and then stood up herself. Lisa still stood with her head down, not knowing where this was leading. When Lisa didn’t make any move towards the bathroom, Megan took her hand and slowly pulled her there. “Come on, we need to take care of this, before it’s too late. I’ll help you, so no need to be afraid.” When they arrived Megan let go of Lisa’s hand and started searching the cabinets for her equipment. She hadn’t planned for any of this so she didn’t have any extras for Lisa, but she cleaned the nozzles very thoroughly every time she used them so she thought it would be okay this time. “This will take a second, so why don’t you have a seat over there and we can talk about this.” Lisa was becoming more and more agitated by the second. She didn’t want to be cleaned by Megan. Megan was like a big sister to her, she looked up to her and even had some kind of little girl crush on her, and all this was extremely embarrassing for her. She desperately wanted a way out of this situation and looking nervously around the bathroom, her eyes finally fell on the toilet. Yes, that’s how she would get out of this, she would tell Megan, that she needed to go to the bathroom and Megan would leave her so that she could take care of it and Lisa would then try to escape to her room. Actually she felt her bladder being filled to the brim so she really wouldn’t be lying. “Megan? I have to pee.” Megan had found her old bulb douche and an unused nozzle to go with it. It had been part of a set of nozzles and this one was the biggest. In addition she had a razor and shaving cream. She wanted to clean Lisa up completely. It would be just so much sexier, having the girl with no pubes in front of her she thought. When Lisa said she needed to pee, Megan had to think quickly. She didn’t want to give Lisa an opportunity to regain her composure without her. “Actually that’s perfect dear. Can you hold on for just a few minutes more? You know peeing is the easiest way to clean your urethra from any bacteria your little adventure could have put there. But we need to prepare this properly, okay? So hang in there for another few minutes.” Lisa was shocked. Megan wouldn’t let her go and wouldn’t give her any privacy at all. Thinking fast she couldn’t make up any other idea and finally resigned. “I… I can hold it for a few minutes.” “Perfect, sweetie. Now let’s see. I think we’ll start with shaving your pubic hair. Now don’t look so shocked, it’s really not a big deal. I would guess that at least some girls your age do this simply for fashion. And it is so much more hygienic, especially with your dirty little hobby. It will make cleaning up much more simple and on top of that it’ll look and feel really sexy, believe me. After that, we’re going to clean your vagina out with this douche. I know, the nozzle looks a bit frightening, but it’s the only unused one I have. We’ll have to shop for a new one, but for now that’s it I’m afraid. When we’re finished with that there shouldn’t be any bacteria left so we can flush the rest out with your own pee. So then you should be squeaky clean and ready for a new adventure. So what do you say?” Lisa didn’t know what to say. She had lost complete control over herself and there was really only one thing she could do. She started crying again. Megan had her in her arms the second the tears started to roll down her cheek and it took her another five minutes to calm Lisa down enough to start. “Now first I want to examine you, so I know that it’s not too late. So please strip out of your pants and panties and lie down on the towel.” Lisa was now on autopilot, just following the instructions of her older friend. When she had stripped out of her panties, she laid down on her side and waited for Megan to get ready. Megan was ready for her and slowly pulled Lisa onto her back. “Lisa… You need to bend your knees a bit. I can’t see a thing when you’re lying on your side with your legs closed. That’s better.” Megan now knelt down between Lisa's legs and got her first direct look at the girls most private parts. After a few seconds of admiring the girl's beautiful privates, she slowly put her hands on the inside of the girl's thighs and began to push outwards. “Come on, just a bit further apart. You have nothing to be ashamed of, you know. I think you’re really pretty down there.” Nobody had ever said something like that to her before. Then again nobody had ever seen her privates like that before. Lisa didn’t know what to say or do, so she hid her blushing face behind her hands. “Okay, let’s see. Hmmmm. You know I can’t see very much with all that hair in the way. Best shave it a little.” Megan had no intention to shave ‘just a little’. But best to start it slowly, so she started clipping some of Lisa’s pubic hair, followed by applying a generous amount of shaving cream. Lisa was still shaking, but now looked down at what Megan was doing. When Megan was finished with her first sweep and had cleaned the remaining shaving cream off with a towel, there was still some pubic hair left, but much shorter than before. Lisa actually liked it like that, it wasn’t too bad and it actually felt nice when Megan touched her most private parts. She even was a bit wet and hoped that Megan hadn’t noticed her arousal. Of course Megan had deliberately touched the girl more than necessary to get exactly that reaction and was delighted to see her work paid off. Now she started her second examination of the girl's pussy, but soon stopped again with a sigh. “I don’t think I can see enough yet. Perhaps it’s best to remove all the hair. It’ll only get in the way and it’s not like you don’t like me shaving you, right?” Lisa was blushing even more than before. Megan had noticed. She would think that Lisa was a pervert, getting off on Megan shaving her private parts. But then again Megan already had to think of Lisa as a pervert, with what she had seen her do before. So Lisa just spread her legs again and let Megan do whatever she wanted to, and becoming more and more aroused during the process. “Okay, I think we’ve got everything. Just let me check and then we can have a better look for any obvious signs of an infection.” With that Megan started rubbing the freshly shaven pussy in front of her, checking for hair and arousing Lisa more and more in the process. Lisa had started breathing heavier and was moaning silently, desperately trying to suppress her feelings. When she finally gave up and tried pushing her pussy up against Megan's hands, Megan stopped her examination of the freshly shaven pussy and with a grin looked at Lisa's face. “Naughty girl, this is supposed to be a clean up after your sexy time, we’re not starting all over again. Now let me have a closer look.” She pushed the girl down again and spread her legs even further. After pushing and pulling on Lisa’s private parts for some minutes, and commenting on everything being wet and slippery down there, Megan finally declared Lisa to be reasonably clean. “I think we’re still good, no infection that I can see. Your lips and clit are a bit swollen and red, but I think we can safely assume that that’s not due to an infection, just you being still a bit naughty. What do you say?” Lisa couldn’t say anything. She had almost reached an orgasm when Megan had first shaven and then examined her. Slowly coming down from her high she was embarrassed beyond belief, hoping for the floor to open up and swallow her. Instead, Megan pulled her up to her feet and guided her to the shower stall. “Now after we have cleaned your pubic hair, I think it’s time to start with your insides. I think it works best with you standing in the shower stall. That way it won’t be a problem if something spills, okay? Oh. And I think it would be best if you take off your top now, too. We don’t want it to become wet, do we.” Lisa only nodded and pulled her top over her head. She hadn’t been wearing a bra so she now stood naked in the bathroom. Megan pushed her into the shower stall with her back to her so Lisa had to lean against the wall, pushing her butt out. “Wow, you know, you really do look sexy. And I love this hairless look on you, makes you look so innocent and all. Spread your legs a bit more… Yes, like that. Oh. I see we’ve missed a couple of hairs. Can you reach back and pull your cheeks a bit apart?” Lisa was blushing furiously again. Here she was, naked in front of her friend, bending over and pushing her butt out so Megan could shave some left over pubic hair from between her butt cheeks. Megan quickly removed the last hair, not without using the opportunity to arouse Lisa some more. When she finished Lisa was wet and breathing hard again. “I think someone’s enjoying the shaving, hm?” Megan was teasing of course, trailing a finger along Lisa's butt, then ending with a small slap. Lisa yelped but didn’t dare protest too much, knowing that Megan was right. She was enjoying Megan's touch more than was proper. “Okay, douche time. Let me get this thing filled up. You know if you watch you can do it yourself in the future… Then it won’t be such a big problem if you’re having your fun time with your diapers again.” But Lisa couldn’t look up now, she was much too embarrassed, so all she did was look down. When Megan had filled the bulb completely, she came back to Lisa, who was still bent over in the shower stall. “Okay, if you want to, I can help you in the future, too. It’s no problem and actually a bit fun, don’t you think? Now push your butt out a bit more. Yes, just like that. Now this will feel a bit weird. It’s a big nozzle, but you’ll be alright. I noticed while examining you that you’re not a virgin, so you’ll be able to take it.” In fact Lisa was a virgin. She had broken her hymen when she was little, probably when she fell off her bike some years ago, but nobody had ever touched her there. Not before today. Megan put her left hand on Lisa’s belly and then slowly pushed further down, until she had her fingers over Lisa's pussy, then spreading her by pulling her fingers apart. Lisa had almost fallen over when Megan touched her there, still highly aroused from before. But Megan was pushing her up and further back with her hand. Lisa tried humping the hand but Megan reminded her to stay in position. “This isn’t supposed to get you off, young lady.” She told her in a mock stern voice. “Now here comes the nozzle… Say aaahhhh.” When Megan pushed the nozzle in, Lisa did indeed moan. The thing was huge and touched all the right places inside of her. Megan slowly started moving it inside of her, trying to stimulate the girl even more, but without pushing her over the edge. That would have to wait. So just when Lisa was working herself up and started grinding in a small rhythm, Megan stopped and instead pushed down on the bulb and sprayed Lisa with the cold water. Lisa gasped in shock and shuddered as the cold water cleaned her out, trailing down her legs into the shower. Megan pulled away and watched the girl standing there, still humping the air until after a few seconds she slowed down, blushing again. “My, that was a good cleanout, hm? You sure didn’t mind that too much.” “I’m sorry.” “Oh it’s alright, as I told you in the beginning, nothing to be ashamed about. You’re still exploring what turns you on and perhaps you’re just a bit more adventurous than the rest of us. Well in fact we can agree on that, don’t you think?” Lisa was blushing furiously again, not knowing what to say. “Well as I said before, I’m here to help, and if I can make you feel good in the process, it’s a burden I’m willing to carry. As long as it’s not completely one-sided, you know. You can help me out too sometime…” Lisa wasn’t sure what Megan was talking about. Did she just offer to sexually please her if Lisa did the same for her? Would that be something Lisa wanted? She did have a little crush on Megan, but was it sexual? Or was she talking about helping her clean up. “I think you could do something for my health too, you know. Do you know how to give massages?” So that’s what she had in mind. Or was it? Lisa looked over her shoulder at Megan, but couldn’t read her expression. It was all too much and she quickly looked down again. Megan was her friend and trying to help her with her health, and here she was becoming aroused like never before and thinking naughty thoughts about Megan being just as perverted as her. Slowly she started to stand up and was about to turn around and get out of the shower, when Megan interrupted her. “Not so fast, Lisa. You still need to clean out your urethra and bladder. Best do it in the same position as before, that way I can see if something’s wrong.” Lisa turned back to the wall and waited for the next step. When nothing happened she looked back at Megan, who was standing a few feet away, arms crossed and clearly waiting for Lisa to do something. “Well? What are you waiting for, I’m not going to pee for you, you know. You do still need to pee, don’t you?” “Like this?” “Yes, of course like this. It’s a bit messier, but I’ll be able to see any problems and we can clean you up afterwards.” Lisa turned back to the wall in shame. She did indeed have to pee quite badly, but like this? With Megan watching? It took her a few minutes, but finally a few drops appeared and a few seconds later, a steady stream left her, flowing down the inside of her tights. “Good girl. Push it all out. It’ll clean the last bacteria from you.” When the stream subsided and only a few drops fell from her pussy lips, Megan gently patted her on her butt. “You really had to go there, hm? Well it’s good that you did. Now let me clean you up a bit and then we’re finished here.” She took the shower head and slowly sprayed Lisa’s lower body, paying special attention to her pussy so that the water hit her right on her sensitive spots. Lisa was beginning to get worked up again but Megan soon stopped the shower and instead started drying her off with a towel. “Okay, I think that’s it. I declare this operation a success. Let’s get you into something comfortable for the evening and we can cuddle on the couch a bit more, what do you think?” Lisa only nodded, following Megan to her own room. She was still aroused and wouldn’t have minded a little alone time, but it wasn’t going to happen and she was too afraid to complain. So when Megan pulled out some childish pajama bottoms with a small top, she let herself be dressed without protest. The bottoms were a bit small and pushed themselves between her legs and butt cheeks, so she had to stifle a moan when Megan pulled a bit hard, but that was all the sexual stimulation she was going to get. When they finally sat back on the couch, Lisa again on Megan's lap cuddling, she calmed down and became sleepy. “I think that went well, don’t you? And I kind of enjoyed helping you like that. It was almost like my maternal side made an appearance, with just a bit of naughty mixed in with you getting off on it and all.” Lisa was blushing again, but not too much. She finally started to accept the fact that Megan seemed okay with her being aroused. “Now I think we need to talk about some rules. It’s clear to me that you enjoyed yourself and that’s okay, but I don’t think that you will do it right without my help. And I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself because you did something wrong, okay?” Lisa didn’t know what to answer. Megan was of course right, half of the evening she didn’t know what had happened to her, with her mind in a thick fog of embarrassment and arousal. So all she could do was nod. “Okay. So first of all I want you to tell me, when you’re doing something like that again. I’m not convinced that you keep yourself clean enough down there, so if you want to touch yourself, then come to me beforehand and we’ll figure out what to do.” Lisa was shocked by that. She would need to tell Megan, if she wanted to touch herself? “Don’t look at me like that. I know it’s a bit unusual, but for now I think it’s best. We don’t want you to become ill or hurt yourself, so this is what we’ll do. So you will come to me if you want some naughty time and if I have the time we’ll make it possible, okay? Now we both know that you’re into some kinky stuff, but we’ll manage that, too. I’ll go shopping tomorrow for some proper diapers. They’ll fit you better and we won’t risk you messing something besides your own butt. They’ll be real diapers, not those small pull ups, so I’ll help you put them on and clean you up afterwards. We can give them a trial run the next time you need to poo, so don’t do that without coming to me and getting a diaper on your butt, okay? And last but not least, I think we should repeat our little clean out session from today regularly. It’s good for your health and I think it helps us bond a bit, too. So let’s say we’ll do it every other day, that way your pubic hair won’t itch. So what do you say?” Lisa was too shocked to say anything. All she could do was bury her face in Megan's shoulder and start crying again. “Shhh, it’s alright. I know this is much to take in, but I think it’s for the best. And we’ll become even closer friends than we already are, don’t you think?” Lisa nodded her head but couldn’t look up into Megan's eyes. She was still too embarrassed. “Okay, now I’m going to do a lot for you, so there will be some things that I’ll require from you, too. I’m thinking about some massages and such things. So you won’t have a problem with these things, when I tell you to do something for me, won’t you?” “No, I can do that.” “Okay, perfect. Now I think it’s been a long day, why don’t we go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day and things will become clearer.” Lisa nodded and was about to stand up, when Megan stopped her again. “I know you’ve become quite aroused during our cleaning session. Do you need some relief? I want to remind you of our new rules, no touching down there without coming to me first. It’s okay now, we don’t have anything else to do, so if you need it, it’s alright…” Lisa could only shake her head, blushing furiously in the process. She was still aroused and under normal circumstances she would have enjoyed a good orgasm, but she couldn’t tell Megan that. So she choose to just go to bed instead. “No, I’m okay. Thank you.” “Okay, if that’s what you want. I won’t push you. But don’t go behind my back, you know I don’t like lying and disobeying the rules. And I know for a fact that you were quite horny in the bathroom and didn’t get any relief. In fact that pajama bottom is small enough to see your little pussy all swollen. You’re sure you don’t need any relief?” Lisa just shook her head again. “Well okay. Then off you go to bed. Sleep well.” Finally Lisa could stand up and leave, kissing Megan good night on her cheek and leaving with still trembling legs for her bedroom. When she finally was under the covers, she thought about what had happened that day. It had changed her life completely. Megan would control most of her body, even when she would be able to touch herself. It frightened her and she was very ashamed of what had happened. But Megan was such a good friend, not once being mean to her. And when she was honest with herself, she liked that Megan was pushing her a bit. She was a bit submissive she knew, and when Megan almost manhandled her, she had become quite aroused. It would be quite humiliating in the beginning, of that she was sure. But perhaps it could be very satisfying, too. Thinking about it she could feel her arousal rising some more and without thinking, she slowly pushed her hand down to her pussy. The pajama bottom was a bit small and had already ridden up between her legs. It felt good and when she pushed with her hand from the outside it felt even better. She was just about to start in earnest, when her bedroom door opened and Megan looked inside. “Just checking on you. Everything alright?” Lisa didn’t dare to move. Just 10 minutes ago they had talked about her new rules, and here she was breaking the first one and Megan's trust at the same time. “Uhu, I’m alright.” Megan came over and sat next to her on the bed. “Good. I know it was a lot to take in, but tomorrow everything will be alright. Now sleep tight.” She leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, then stood up leaving the room. When she reached the door, she took one last look at Lisa. “And remember: No touching without coming to me first.” And with that she closed the door again. Megan was beside herself. That had worked perfectly, in every way possible. Not only did she get to see Lisa completely naked, but she had touched her, shaven her and almost brought her to an orgasm. And on top of that, she had established enough rules to make sure that there would be other opportunities. She would be able to control Lisa sexually in no time at all. When she had entered Lisa's room she was sure Lisa was already breaking the no masturbation rule. Megan was quite happy with her timing, she was sure that Lisa would now go to sleep frustrated, and it would help her establish her dominance further. Lisa would learn that sexual relief would come through Megan. And that would require Lisa to do some favors for Megan, too. Megan was horny as ever and when she reached her room, she tore her clothes off and pulled out her favorite vibrator. She didn’t care that her door wasn’t fully closed, Lisa would definitely hear her. It would drive her even more crazy. With that thought she brought herself off for the first time that night. It would take her another half hour and 2 orgasms more to finally be able to sleep. When she finally collapsed on her bed, taking deep breaths, she thought she heard a small whimper from the other side of the door. With a smile, Megan finally fell asleep.1 point
Sam has finally landed back in America but after the shocking revelations of what Jess has done to her she knows she isn't about to go free. With one final command Sam becomes putty in Jess's hands. Then find out what happens later as Jess takes her new little girl home in the bumper epilogue! --- As ever I am extremely thankful to my patrons who allow me to write as much as I do If you have a little spare money and would like to support me and help me pay the bills then please do consider having a look at my Patreon page. I post an update every 4-5 days and patrons get access to everything I write one week before the rest of the world. Also, for $10 a month you can get access to Patreon exclusive stories! I have 41 STORIES AVAILABLE FOR $10 patrons that you can read right away with more posted regularly! https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Sam was carried across the seating area to the immigration desk. With each step Sam felt her mind clearing, by the time they had joined the queue Sam felt in control again. The trigger that had held her down could be fought though it seemed to take a hell of a shock or struggle. She couldn’t believe what she had heard from Jess. She had questioned how trustworthy the professor was but she had never expected her to be this evil. Sam’s bladder was at critical mass. She had long since past the point she thought she could hold on and it felt like her resistance would break at any moment. She started struggling. Her arms and legs gaining strength and her crying turning to anger. How dare someone treat her like this! She was going to shout and scream until… “H U S H L I T T L E O N E.” Jess said confidently. Sam tried to fight the words but it was a losing battle. The fog rolled over her like a slow moving tsunami. Her limbs fell limp and the words she had been about to shout were lost en route to her mouth. All she could do was let out a little whine as thoughts intruded and took over her mind. She found herself thinking that maybe Jess was right after all, she should just mentally step back and trust the professor to know what is best for her. The small little voice fought back valiantly when it seemed like everything was lost. Sam shook her head and cleared enough of the fog to start struggling again. She started shouting loudly even if her words were undefined and she sounded more like a toddler having a tantrum than a young woman in desperate need of help. She was achieving her goal though as people were turning to look at the suddenly screaming girl, she only needed one to realise she was an adult. “Oh, you’re a fussy little baby aren’t you?” Jess said hypothetically before lowering her voice, “It is pointless trying to resist the triggers.” Sam tried to flail even harder and she felt she had almost formed some words. The triggers didn’t seem as unbeatable as Jess thought and as more people looked over she felt like she actually had a chance. That was until she felt the professor’s fingers starting to dance across her belly. “I think this little girl needs a visit from the tickle monster!” Jess said. Sam wanted to push the hand away but the fingers starting dancing across her belly and her tantrum turned to laughter. She didn’t want to squirm and giggle but she couldn’t help herself. She saw people looking away and anyone who might’ve thought she wasn’t a baby was clearly convinced otherwise as she helplessly laughed. Sam tried to push the fingers away but her weak arms didn’t want to obey and as the tickling continued she felt the pressure in her bladder suddenly jump up several notches and then just as quickly disappear. Her eyes flew wide even as she continued to squirm. Sam could feel an intense relief tinged with shame as she felt liquid pouring into her diaper. The padding wrapped around her waist suddenly grew warm as hot urine cascaded into it. Sam cringed. She was no longer being tickled but the dam had burst and there was nothing she could do to halt the reservoir from pouring into her pants. She turned her head towards Jess and buried her face against the woman carrying her to the immigration desk. What resistance Sam continued to have faltered. “Passport please.” The bored looking man at the immigration desk said. Jess handed over the two passports as Sam squirmed. The wet padding now encasing her crotch felt heavy and it weighed down on her crotch. It didn’t feel as uncomfortable as Sam had imagined it would, the warmth was even quite comforting. She had forgotten how it felt when she was in the nursery. She kept her face hidden against Jess’s shoulder. “This all seems in order.” The man at the desk said barely suppressing a yawn, “Welcome home.” “Thank you.” Jess smiled, “It’s nice to be back.” As Sam was carried away from the immigration desk she was sobbing quietly. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. It felt like Jess had covered all the angles and now she was set to disappear. Her family and friends would think something had happened to her on vacation, none of them would realise she was in the country and trapped with a psychotic professor. Even the calming internal voice telling Sam to trust Jess, the same one she got after any of the triggers, couldn’t soothe her pain. “There’s no need to cry, baby.” Jess said as she patted Sam on the back and started walking towards the exit of the airport, “You’re safe now.” Sam only cried harder as she fought to maintain what little control over her body she had left. “Alright, I know how to make my little Sam feel better.” Jess said as she stopped on the sidewalk just next to one of the large car parks encircling the airport, “I was saving this for when I really needed it but I guess you need a little time to process everything. Mommy understands.” Sam didn’t know what Jess was referring to until it suddenly hit her she didn’t know how many triggers there were or what they did. How many hooks did Jess have embedded in Sam’s mind? “G O O D L I T T L E G I R L.” Jess said with an authoritative tone of voice. There was no fighting it this time. Sam was swept away immediately, all her conscious thoughts were washed away as the tears dried up. She started giggling and drooling childishly as she looked around with her thumb in her mouth. She looked up at Jess with that awe that babies have for their parents. Sam pushed down without a second thought and felt herself evacuating her bowels into her diaper as she was carried to the car. Her little fists held Jess’s shirt as grunted and tensed up. She could hear Jess giggle, no doubt she could feel the sudden squishiness on her arm as she carried Sam to her car. “Isn’t that better?” Jess asked rhetorically knowing Sam had no way to answer. The rear door of the car was opened and Sam was lowered into a car seat. She felt the mushy contents of her underwear ooze and squeeze around her as she was strapped in. Jess put the bags in the trunk and then climbed into the driving seat. She looked over to Sam with a smile. The baby was now grabbing one of her own feet and putting it in her mouth. Jess was certain she was doing the right thing as Sam fell into a deep sleep. --- Epilogue --- Jess leaned back in the wooden chair at her dining room table. Her apartment wasn’t too big, a single bedroom space with an open plan living area, but it was perfect as a temporary measure as she looked for a permanent position at a university. She was receiving offers from places, some of them very attractive, but she wasn’t in a rush and knew that when the right offer came along she would be able to go wherever she was needed. Until then she had her current job at the college Sam had previously been a student at. Jess was looking through her notes and typing up some more of her observations. She glanced over to the side and smiled. Remembering why she was going to all this trouble she felt a new energy to continue her work. “Are you being a good girl?” Jess called over to the playpen. Jess smiled when she saw Sam turn her head to look at her. The pigtails with pink bows shook in the air and a line of drool dropped from behind the bobbing pacifier on to the front of the little one’s dress. Jess could see Sam was holding two of her little dolls and appeared to be playing house with them. It had been three weeks since the plane had landed and Jess was starting to make some conclusions about the experiment she had been running. The triggers had continued to work and observing Sam’s behaviour had been fascinating. The poor girl had a difficult time adapting to life as a baby but it seemed she was slowly getting the hang of it. The triggers, which had been nearly continuous to start with, was now used with less regularity. “The “Behave” trigger was designed to make the subject more agreeable to a figure of authority.” Jess typed into her laptop, “A light layer of hypnosis that, though effective, was also broken by the subject with relative ease. Application for actual children could be beneficial for training and behaviour purposes.” Jess had been so busy applying for jobs and learning how to be a mother that she hadn’t had a chance to type up her findings until now. She smiled as she remembered the first time she had used the trigger to get Sam to dress in some baby clothes, it seemed like the suggestion of diapers had broken it. Jess had to laugh when she thought about just how many diapers she had changed now. She would be surprised if Sam wasn’t sitting in a wet diaper at that very moment. “The “Hush Little One” trigger is more heavy-duty. It is designed to make the subject more malleable but also physically weak.” Jess continued as the sounds of crinkling let her know Sam was moving about, “It’s been very effective whenever the subject resists. This would be perfect for criminal rehabilitation.” After getting Sam back home this medium level trigger had to be constantly used and reinforced by Jess until Sam calmed down. Over time she had been able to wean the little girl off this command as Sam gradually became more agreeable. “Finally, the “Good Little Girl” trigger is the most aggressive hypnotic suggestion.” Jess typed, “This causes the subject’s consciousness to recede along with their personality. They have little control over their body and will need to be treated, for all intents and purposes, like a helpless baby. At a push this could be used to punish inmates though this has some ethical concerns.” Jess clicked the save button and sat back in her chair. She felt proud of her efforts, Sam had needed an adult to guide her and take her in, and Jess had been that person. She had been nervous for the first two weeks after getting back to the apartment with Sam, she half expected the police to come bursting in at any moment and yet nothing had happened. Her plan had worked completely. Having visitors was a concern but Jess had learned that as soon as there was a knock on the door she gave Sam a trigger and it left her unable to cause problems. Jess soon learnt that Sam hated the most powerful trigger that basically made her a baby in both body and mind. However, after Jess interviewed Sam when she had recovered she found out Sam maintained some adult consciousness but could only remember snapshots of what happened. Jess was soon able to subdue Sam into being a good baby with the threat of that trigger hanging over her head. She rarely needed to use it when Sam did her best to do as she was told. It meant the independently minded young woman was doing her best to be a baby. Sam was practically doing Jess’s job for her which, to the professor, just proved the usefulness of her suggestions. It was obvious Jess could never publish her findings but that didn’t delegitimize her research. She knew her theories were correct and would now just have to prove them in a clinical setting. In the meantime she had to balance work with looking after her newly “adopted” daughter. No one had even questioned whether Sam was anything but a baby, they just accepted the adoption story Jess told them. “Are you having fun with your toys?” Jess asked as she stood up and walked over to the edge of the playpen. Sam looked up with a red face and nodded. Jess smiled but could see the truth in Sam’s eyes. The little girl hadn’t completely accepted her role she was just no longer being vocal with her objections as much. It was a start. There would be a long time in the future for Jess to continue to train Sam. Jess reached over the side of the pen and slipped a hand underneath the baby’s onesie. She felt Sam tense up as the swollen padding was prodded against her little body. “You’ll last until after lunch.” Jess said as she withdrew her hand, “I’ll be in the kitchen. If you need me just cry.” --- Sam watched Jess walk into the kitchen. As soon as the professor was out of sight around the corner she spat out the pacifier and dropped the dolls. It had been weeks since Sam disappeared and since then she had been constantly treated like a baby. Much to her annoyance she could only go along with everything to avoid the horrible hypnotic triggers. Sam had given up hope of being found or discovered. When she had first been brought back to the apartment she had thought there was no way this could carry on forever. It had been incredibly disorientating to wake up in a crib suddenly. She had experienced the strangest feeling when Jess had used the last trigger, she remembered some of what happened afterwards but it appeared to her like photographs and she knew she had no control over her body or mind. It was the worst feeling. It was Sam’s fear of the most powerful trigger that kept her in line for the most part. She hated being a helpless baby but it was one hundred times worse when she was out of control of everything. Having zero control over herself was Sam’s worst nightmare, it was as if her body was turned into a prison cell. The last time Sam had the heaviest hypnosis used on her it felt like she had lost a day of her life. She had kicked up a fuss when Jess tried to bathe her, it had been a difficult day for Sam and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She flatly refused to get undressed or get in the tub. When Jess reached over to pick her up Sam bit the professor’s arm, it wasn’t hard enough to really hurt or draw blood but it was a petulant move from someone on the verge of a tantrum. “You need to be a G O O D L I T T L E G I R L.” Jess had said crossly. Sam’s legs immediately went limp and she fell on to her hands and knees. Her adult consciousness was pushed back towards the back of her mind and it felt like something else took over. It was the strange combination of feeling time passing but not sensing anything that happened, just seeing occasional images. For Sam everything became a weird kaleidoscope where she couldn’t make sense of anything except occasional snapshots. She saw a shot of her naked in the bath with Jess leaning over her. As quick as a flash it was replaced with an image of her being spoon fed and then another shot of her in her crib. She seemed to snap back to reality in her playpen. She was holding her dollies and sitting in a heavily soiled diaper. She had reached behind her and felt the lump that was partially squashed against her body. It took a few hours for Sam to feel like herself again. Sam was left terrified by what that trigger which robbed her of everything. She had no control and barely any idea what happened when under that command. She knew she had to avoid it at all costs even if it meant going along with Jess’s insane babying. It had been a very difficult month. Sam vividly remembered her first diaper change after getting “home.” She was wet when Jess picked her up and showed her into the nursery. Nursery was maybe a grand word for what was essentially just a corner of the master bedroom but it was all the space that was available until they moved. The changing table was foldable to save space and was little more than a modified foldout table. It was right next to the small and basic crib. There were a few toys scattered around but that was pretty much it. Sam had been under the softest trigger at the time. She had full control of her faculties but was a little more pliable for Jess as she was laid down on the padded table and had her onesie opened. She blushed as Jess gently prodded the wet diaper before opening it and cleaning her up. That first time had been humiliating and it had only got slightly easier with each of the many changes she had suffered through since. Sam felt powerless to resist because if she broke character for a moment she was hit with a trigger. Jess had so much control over her that she could take her outside without risking being revealed. Jess had bought Sam a stroller that she was strapped into. Jess used the medium level trigger on Sam before leaving the apartment. Sam was trapped in the stroller and rolled through town seeing dozens of people but not being able to give them any hint something was wrong. “I bought some new baby food for you to try.” Jess called out from the kitchen bringing Sam back to the present. Sam felt hungry but she grimaced at the words “baby food.” Her diet had been drastically changed since she had arrived in Jess’s apartment and although she didn’t always get fed the mushy baby food it was more common than being allowed regular food. She suppressed her immediate instinct to complain and just waited for Jess to take her to the highchair. Sam didn’t have to wait long. She soon had Jess walking over to her and lifting her up off the floor. Her little legs kicked out automatically as she was lifted under her arms and sat on the professor’s lap, it was a position she was very familiar with now. The highchair was a standard baby one, much to Sam’s chagrin there had been no need to adjust it for her body. Sam was spoon fed baby food whilst she enviously eyed Jess’s adult meal. She had to admit the new baby food wasn’t too terrible but it was still bland and she hated the lumpy texture. It wasn’t long until she was finished leaving her sat in the highchair impatiently whilst Jess continued to eat. She felt a rumble in her tummy and didn’t even hesitate. Leaning to the side Sam didn’t give it a second thought as she pushed down with her tummy muscles and felt a fast flow of mushy poop spill out into her diaper. The diet which contained mostly baby food had made her bowel movements much softer so her waste was often this easy to pass. Jess didn’t like it when Sam didn’t immediately use her diaper when she needed to and the risk of getting a trigger was too much so Sam made sure to fill her pants at the slightest need. Sam sat in embarrassed silence as she slowly sank into the feces in her diaper. She looked down at the tray but kept an eye on Jess out of the corner of her eye. She really wanted a diaper change as soon as she did these disgraceful things but she had been taught not to announce what was in her diaper even if she was leaking. It took only half a minute before Jess sniffed the air. She didn’t say anything but continued eating her dinner. “I’ll change you in a minute.” Jess said as she finished up her meal, “I’ll just clean up.” As Jess started taking the dishes and cutlery out to the kitchen Sam pushed uselessly on the tray in front of her and when it didn’t budge she slumped down into her mess and waited to be released. Like the situation she found herself in escape was impossible. --- Sam closed her eyes as warm water was poured over the top of her head. She felt a wet flannel scrubbing at her naked body tickling her slightly. In the background the sound of the television provided accompaniment to Jess’s humming. It had been six months since Sam had taken her fateful flight though she was only aware of that fact because Jess told her. Sam’s days consisted of mind-numbing routine occasionally broken up by massive embarrassment. She had completely lost track of time and had accepted no one was looking for her months ago. They still hadn’t moved and Jess was still looking for a new place to work. Sam didn’t think she needed to bother, she had given up being found by anyone. She was sure everyone who had known her had already moved on. “You’ve been such a good baby recently.” Jess said happily as she soaped Sam up, “I will have to think of a special treat for you.” Sam’s rather frazzled mind immediately jumped to the hope that she would be let go. She hadn’t spoken much over recent months because she knew that Jess didn’t want to hear her talk and she risked getting punished. Not to mention without anyone to converse with Sam’s opportunities to chat were limited at best. Despite the risks of doing so Sam decided it was time to speak up. “Are you going to let me go?” Sam asked in a quiet voice, “Like, ever?” “Silly baby.” Jess replied as she started washing the soap off, “What would you want out there in the big scary world when you have me?” Sam could think of a thousand reasons to want to be out of the crazy professor’s clutches but she knew none of them would make a difference to Jess. She looked down at the small tub full of water that had been sat in the sink for her. She looked at the little rubber duck floating amongst the bubbles in the baby bath. Maybe there was something that would appeal to Jess. “What about college?” Sam asked. She winced knowing that she risked the triggers every time she spoke. Fortunately Jess seemed to be in a good mood. None of the triggers had been used in the last few months but their threat still scared Sam. “Silly girl, when you went missing they removed your enrollment.” Jess chuckled like her baby was saying something very silly indeed, “You can’t just waltz back in like nothing happened.” Sam felt herself slump in the water. Of course there was no going back to college, as far as anyone knew she had disappeared off the face of the Earth whilst in Europe half a year ago. She would probably give her friends heart attacks if she suddenly walked through the door at this point. It’s why any time Sam was taken outside Jess made sure it was far away from anywhere Sam used to frequent even if it was unlikely anyone would recognize her now. The professor was crazy but she wasn’t stupid. Sam sniffed back tears. “Aww, don’t fret baby.” Jess rubbed Sam’s back, “You don’t need to worry about these things anymore.” Sam moved her feet a little causing the water to splash. She tried to hold back the panic that always accompanied times like this. Whenever she allowed herself to think about the future and what might be coming next she felt a ball of anxiety grew in her tummy until it threatened to overwhelm her completely. Jess lifted Sam out of the tub and swaddled her in a towel so that all her limbs were pinned to her side. Sam looked up at Jess’s face as she was carried from the baby bath in the sink to the corner of the bedroom used for her nursery. Her mind was racing as she thought about the rest of her life being spent like this. Her eyes were wide and she was trembling. It seemed like Jess could sense something was brewing inside her baby. “You’ve been such a good girl.” Jess cooed gently, “I haven’t had to use a trigger in months. Don’t ruin it now. Come on, I’ll put you down for a nice nap.” Sam struggled against the cloth that held her like a cocoon. It had been months since she felt the panic overwhelm her like this and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The crushing weight of her future pushed in on her much harder than the towel swaddling. Jess pursed her lips. The struggling was useless as Sam was easy to hold like a baby, she looked down at the bundle in her arms and sighed. She had thought Sam was beyond this but it seemed like the triggers still needed reinforcing. “H U S H L I T T L E O N E.” Jess said with a sigh of disappointment. Time had not dulled the triggers effects and Sam felt a sinking feeling as her limbs became leaden. She opened her mouth to protest but found she could only babble incoherently. The fog descended in her mind obscuring her ability to think properly, suddenly making sure Jess was happy with her became the most important thing. “It’s OK, baby.” Jess said as they went into the bedroom, “Mommy’s got you. You’re safe and secure.” Sam was diapered with her arms and legs flailing uselessly. She whimpered softly as she was picked up again and deposited in the crib. Jess leaned over the rails and kissed Sam on the forehead. “Have a nice nap, sweetie. I’m sure you’ll be better behaved afterwards.” Jess smiled as she flicked a switch on the mobile above the baby bed to get it started. She walked away from the crib and closed the door behind her. --- Sam babbled happily as her Mommy made funny faces at her. The pacifier in her mouth bobbed in and out as she giggled. They were standing on a moving walkway that was taking them through a busy airport, the very same one they had landed at over eighteen months previously. Jess cuddled her baby girl and held her suitcase to the side. After a very lengthy search Jess was finally moving across the country to a new job. She was to be the head of the psychology department at a prestigious college on the opposite coast. Jess was more than happy with how things were turning out. With her new salary Jess had been able to buy a nice three-bedroom house. She had hired decorators and one of the rooms was already set up as a nursery. Moving across the country also meant she didn’t have to worry so much about anyone finding Sam anymore. “You’re being such a good girl.” Jess said, “You’re going to love your new nursery!” Sam crinkled slightly as she adjusted her legs. She looked at Jess with admiration, like a little girl looking at their mother and protector. It had been so long since she had been a regular independent adult that “acting” like a baby no longer felt like acting. She struggled to remember what being an adult had entailed, what her daily life had been like before diaper changes, bottle feedings and everything else. Sam had to admit that the thought of being a normal adult again scared her. For one and a half years all she had known was Jess, the triggers and the constant non-stop babying. All she knew was diapers and after so long in them it had become second nature to use them, she had found herself wetting and even pooping herself without a second thought a lot of the time. Sometimes she would be playing in her pen and suddenly realise her diaper was wet, she would wrack her brain but not have any memory of wetting. She couldn’t even blame the triggers. “Tickets and passports please.” A bored sounding man behind a desk said. Sam looked around as Jess handed over the documents. She looked at him and wondered if he had even a faint inkling that the apparent baby in the woman’s arms was actually an adult. Sam knew her documents reflected her new infantile identity. “Thank you.” The attendant said, “The plane will be boarding soon.” Sam was carried away from the desk and over to the seating area. She had flashbacks to when she had first been shown the videos of the hypnotism session. It felt like a lifetime ago, she felt like a whole new person. “Are you excited?” Jess asked as she placed Sam on her knee and bounced her a little, “A new start in a new place.” Sam knew her opinion wasn’t wanted and if she had spoken she was sure that Jess would stop her sooner rather than later. She had learned it was much easier to just babble around her pacifier than try to actually express her opinion. Besides, what did she have to look forward to? Her life was surely going to be the same once they landed and settled in at the new house. She was going to be kept as a baby in perpetuity. “Well you should be excited.” Jess said happily as she started tickling Sam, “Yes you should! Yes you should!” As Jess repeated the words in a childish way Sam could only writhe and giggle. The professor’s fingers danced over Sam’s belly tickling her into submission. When Jess finally stopped she wondered breathlessly what she could possibly have to be excited about. She looked up at her Mommy hoping to hear more information. “You should be excited because…” Jess let the sentence linger to create suspense, “I enrolled you at the college I’m working at!” Sam’s mouth dropped open and the pacifier fell out from between her lips. A line of drool fell down her chin. Surely she had misunderstood what her Mummy was saying. There was no way Jess would’ve actually enrolled her. After everything that had been going on there was no reason to do it, Sam had only just started acting like the good baby Jess had wanted for so long. Despite the rational side of Sam’s brain telling her something seemed wrong the faint flicker of hope that had been nearly extinguished suddenly erupted. “The look on your face!” Jess chuckled, “I take it you’re excited now?” Sam could feel her chest swell as she started thinking about what this meant. She was going to be a grown-up again! She would have to get new clothes, new stationary, she’d make new friends. Sam’s mind raced as she thought about everything that would need to change. Sam felt the warm padding between her legs and realised she would have to potty train herself again, she’d have to get used to talking like a regular adult. Maybe she would even be able to go home… “When I saw the program they’re running at the college I just couldn’t resist. It’s perfect for you.” Jess said. She started rummaging in her handbag for something. Sam could only imagine it was a psychology course since that was what she was doing before. She saw Jess pull out a small leaflet from her bag and she turned it so the front faced Sam. The little girl’s face froze as she looked at the pictures and read the text. Deep down she knew something like this would happen but the hope being ripped away hurt a lot. “Apparently the college daycare is top of the line.” Jess said, “And you’ll have so many other babies to play with whilst Mummy works.” Sam could feel herself tearing up as she looked at the leaflet. The words and pictures took time to sink in. Her bottom lip quivered as she felt her heart sink. She had expected to be kept as a baby until the brief flicker of hope had flared. This was so much worse than the status quo, instead of being kept mostly at home she was going to be left with other babies. Every day would be a fresh humiliation. “Don’t cry, baby.” Jess said as she picked up the pacifier and slipped it back into Sam’s mouth, “I’m sure you’ll make plenty of new friends. I know that when you get anxious you do silly things like telling people you’re a grown-up so I made a trigger just for this scenario to help you acclimatize with the other babies. We can try it out now.” Sam hated the triggers more than the babying itself. The triggers took away her autonomy and made her beholden to the will of others. Whether she was put under the heaviest trigger or the smallest suggestion it felt unbearable. “No, wa-” Sam started to say around the soother in her mouth. “S I L E N C E.” Jess said loudly. “-it please don’t blurur.” Sam’s sentence died as the trigger hit her ears and instead she babbled like a real baby. Jess smiled. Her system of hypnotic suggestion appeared to be foolproof, she had turned it into an art form. “Glurt thuolo lerl.” Sam tried to speak again but her words turned to mush on their way to her mouth. The frustration immediately bubbled over as she flailed her fists. Jess just held her baby close to her chest. She smiled as she patted Sam’s back. The little girl had no idea how many triggers had been implanted and were just waiting to be exploited when the time was right. “Shush, don’t worry, baby.” Jess said quietly as she rocked Sam back and forth a little, “You’re going to be the best baby girl for Mommy.”1 point
Thanks! ? ? But is it going to be for better or worse? Chapter Eleven “Ed, take a smoke break with me, will you?” Ray asked me, leaning on my desk. “You know I don’t smoke, why would I?” I questioned back, not looking up from my monitor. “Ed,” Ray insisted. I looked up to face him and saw a big frown on his face. He looked a little too serious. “Alright,” I said with a sigh. I finished the last paragraph of my report and logged off from my computer. “Lead the way,” I said as I stood up and motioned for him to move. Whatever Ray has on its mind, it’s probably serious enough. Even if it wasn’t serious, he wouldn’t stop bugging me until I went with him. I followed Ray down the hallway and into the elevator. Ray pushed the button for the ground floor and the doors closed. “So, what’s so important?” I asked him, staring at the doors. “Not here,” Ray whispered and put his finger to his lips. I let out a little groan, wondering why he was so mysterious. Finally the doors opened and we walked outside through the hallway. The sunlight blinded our eyes and we grabbed our sunglasses. Ray shiftly looked around and pointed at a dumpster. “There,” he whispered. I followed him in silence and arrived at the dumpster. Ray grabbed his pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took one out. “You sure?” He asked, reaching the pack towards me. “No, now tell me what is so important?” I asked, a little irritated. Ray slowly lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. I felt like I was back in high school, standing next to the dumpster hoping not to get caught while smoking in secret. “How much do you know about Irene?” He asked. I gave him a puzzled look, not sure where he was going with this. “Not all that much,” I admitted. “She is our boss that oversees this operation. I have no clue about her homelife or if she has a husband, boyfriend, or a girlfriend. She is not really what I call an open book.” “Right, what do you think of her attitude towards, well all this? Kara, Layla, the operation?” He asked. I still didn’t get what he was getting at. I thought the events over in my mind. “Well, ever since we picked up that report about Layla, she seems a little cold, unnerved maybe? I don’t know, she is acting differently though, I have picked up on that. As to why, I don’t know,” I rambled on. “I mean, we have prepared for a case like this, one of them coming into our dimension. It couldn’t be a surprise for Irene that it finally happened, right?” I questioned Ray. He took a long drag from his cigarette and inhaled deeply. “Right, so you have noticed her behaviour change too,” Ray exhaled. “Since we had contact with the other dimension she is acting differently, a little too hostile towards them for my taste.” Ray said, taking another drag. “ I have found out why. Turns out Irene has spent up to five years in Layla’s dimension,” Ray coldly stated. “She what?” I was shocked! “How? How did that happen? How did she get back? Just how?!” I bursted out, just too many questions as to how. I thought bringing another person back to its original dimension was never achieved!. “Easy,” Ray said, trying to shush me. He looked around quickly and focused back on me. “I know, I know. It’s all new information to me too. But can you imagine? Five whole long years in that dimension?” Ray asked. “How did you find out?” I wondered. “Easy, I got access into the database and found a secret personal folder containing all this information,” Ray explained. “You what?” I yelled. “Why would you ever do that!? You know what kind of punishment is on that!” I was shocked. How could Ray be so stupid! He knows the dangers of snooping around the compound and database, at least I am pretty sure he does. We all got the same warning at orientation. “Lower your voice idiot!” Ray hissed. “I just got a little suspicious by Irene’s mood shift, that’s all.” “And that’s a good reason to snoop around?! A mood shift?!” I yelled again, throwing my arms up in the air to emphasize my point. “You know Irene, one thing you can count on is that she has a very consistent mood. Doesn’t matter the weather, season or stress from the job,” Ray explained. “And lower your damn voice,” he added. “True,” I said, lowering my voice. “So now we know what you want to do with it?” “I don’t know, that’s why I told you, you’re good at things like this,” he smiled. “Great, dragging me down with you,” I sighed and shook my head. ------------------------------------------------------------ It has been a week since I came down to the nursery and been a pretend sister for Layla. I couldn’t really believe it, a whole week of using diapers, changes, drawing, and sleeping in a crib next to Layla. Luckily for me I settled in quickly and got over the embarrassment of the big two way mirror and only walking around in a diaper. Well, that was until it was bath time. Bath time considered using a washcloth and a bucket of lukewarm water with soap in it that Ed brought down. For a facility like this you think they would’ve thought everything through twice and added a bath, or even a sink. Sadly, Layla and I had to stand on a big towel in the middle of the room while we were scrubbed down by Helen. Layla and I had our arms across our chests holding our towels, shivering a little bit while nanny put the bucket with dirty water in front of the door. “Sorry about that,” Helen apologized while rubbing Layla dry. “Let’s get you back into a diaper and something warm, how is that?” Helen asked her. Layla only nodded slightly. Helen turned to me and dried me off too and instructed us to stand next to the crib. We were quickly put in identical white diapers and in footed-sleepers. Mine baby blue again with dark blue cuffs, Layla in her pink one with white cuffs. “Is that better?” Helen asked us. We nodded simultaneously while looking at Helen. “Good! So what do you want to do Layla? I can braid your hair?” Helen asked her. I have noticed Helen almost always asked Layla first for things she wants. I kinda figured that since I took this job, still I couldn't help feeling a little envious. “Reading?” Layla asked, pointing at the tiny stack of books on the table. A few days ago Layla asked for something else to read instead of a colorful farm animal book. At first Helen had a surprised look on her face and quickly typed something on her phone. Apparently Irene and the other people upstairs had agreed to send a few books down, mostly books for little kids with a bit more text in it. When Layla read through all those, she had requested books without pictures in it. Which, again, management agreed with. They send down copies of The Hobbit and the Redwall series. “Of course you can,” Helen chirped and walked us down to the table. Layla plopped down on her seat and immediately continued reading The Hobbit. I instead picked up the pencils and started practicing my art work. It still wasn’t anywhere close to Layla’s work, but I was happy with the progress I was making. Helen gave us our bottles of warm milk and we both took our occasional sips from it. I noticed it tasted a little different than a few days ago, but shook it off as them trying some sort of almond milk to see if Layla likes that better, which she did. “Where are you now?” I asked Layla after a while, feeling a little bored of drawing. “The dwarves just entered Lake Town,” Layla answered, a little irritated, not looking up from her book. “Oh, Okay,” I answered meekly. I stood up, letting Layla read her book in peace. I walked over to a little playmat that was spread out in front of the closet and sat down on it. I made a tower out of the blocks that were on it and let it fall down again. I repeated the process a couple of times before leaning my back on the closet and letting out a sigh. This sure wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Layla seemed to get more bored by the hour now, not playing with the other toys that were lying around. I suspected that she even got bored playing and talking with me. After a while Helen brought me my half finished bottle and handed it to me. “Thank you,” I said and took a few sips. Helen sat down next to me with her legs crossed. “You’re welcome,” she said softly. We sat there in silence for a little bit, watching Layla reading at the table. “Not what we had imagined, huh?” Helen said. “Not really, no. I thought I was going to be playing with her more, instead she just wants to read all the time,” I answered. “Same, she acts more like a teen then a toddler,” Helen added. “Sure does, even has the mood,” I chuckled. “Any idea why?” I asked Helen, looking up at her. I knew it had something to do with breastmilk, or lack thereof. “No clue, they don’t give me a whole lot of information about what is going on. Something is definitely wrong, I know that,” Helen whispered. “Luckily I still have you to take care of.” “Wha-” I was cut off by Helen's merciless tickle attack. “Plea-ease! Stohop!” I laughed out loud. I felt my diaper growing thicker as the tickling continued. “You have to say the magic word!” Helen chirped. She stopped tickling for a moment to allow me to catch my breath. “I-I already said plea-se,” I said, gasping for air. “You didn’t say pretty please,” Helen said, continuing her tickling attack. I immediately started laughing again. “Pre-t-ty pl-ea-se!” I stuttered out from laughing. Helen finally stopped and I slowly caught my breath. I gave Helen a little hug as a thank you and sat down on the mat again. “So what now?” I asked her. “I guess it’s bedtime,” Helen said, looking at her phone. She got up and helped me to my feet. She unzipped my footed sleeper and inspected my diaper. “Guess I better change you into a night time diaper.” I nodded and walked over towards the crib. Helen grabbed the changing mat and I laid down on it. Helen almost removed the sleeper and quickly changed my diaper. She put a soaker in the new one and taped it shut. As is tradition I had my eyes closed during the whole change. “All done, hop in the crib while I get your sister,” Helen said. I did as I was told and got in the crib. I watched as Helen got to Layla and instructed her to put the book down. After a little protest Layla reluctantly put the book away and followed Helen. Without a word from the both of them Layla quickly got changed. Helen clipped the pacifier to Layla’s sleeper. I wondered why Helen did that, it's not like Layl still suckled on it. Helen helped Layla into the crib and put the bars into place. She wished us both a good night and quietly exited the nursery with the help of Ed. We laid there in silence for a while until I spoke up. “So how is that book? I remember when I read it as a kid I really liked it,” I said, trying to break the tension that was forming between us. “It’s okay,” Layla simply stated. “Uhu, What do you think of the dwarves? Which one is your favorite?” “Don’t know,” Layla said, turning away from me. “Bilbo then?” I asked, hearing a big sigh coming from Layla. I put her mood down on her being homesick. It's been a week already, without hearing a word from Irene or even her own mother. “I guess you must miss your mommy terribly, don’t you?” I asked, trying to get her to open up. “Do you ever shut up!?” She yelled all of the sudden, turning around to face me. “I-I sorry, I ju-just wan-” I stuttered, completely taken aback by her yelling. “Here, this will help,” Layla said. She unclipped the pacifier from the cord and shoved it into my mouth. Still in shock I was surprised how big the bulb felt in my mouth. I wanted to pull it out quickly but before I could do that Layla touched it a couple of times. I felt the bulb growing bigger in my mouth until it filled up my mouth completely. Layla removed her hands again. Completely in shock I clawed desperately at the pacifier in the hope to deflate and remove it. “Try all you want, you’re not getting it out yourself,” Layla said, turning around so her back faced me again. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I didn’t deserve this kind of treatment, I am here so she wouldn't feel alone! “Hmfh!” Was all that came out of me, trying to get Layla’s attention. I pushed her back softly, hoping she would turn around. “Nope, not removing it, good night,” Layla said in a cold voice. “Go to sleep.” I pushed her a couple of times more but got no reaction from her. I sat down in the corner and angrily looked at Layla. The tears started to slowly roll down my cheeks. I wanted to hit her badly, force her to remove this stupid gag from my mouth. I hope someone in the control room has seen the interaction and would come down to help me. ******* Next chapter is going to have to wait for a little bit... Real life and stuff, sorry in advance!1 point