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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2017 in Posts

  1. Yup! I've held it before then changed my mind. Every time I go in the toilet I think about how great that would have felt in a diaper or some panties.
    2 points
  2. (Sorry if this is a bit gross to some lol). But how do you feel about messing? Is it enjoyable? I personally like the feeling of messing more than wetting, it's just a more comfy feel to me. I love the squishy, warm, and messy feel it has. It literally feels like having a banana in the back of your diaper xD. The only problem is the clean
    1 point
  3. Any other trans guys? All I've seen are trans women. Anyway, how do you balance your adult life with your life?
    1 point
  4. DailyDiapers Story Contest for December 2017! Write a short story using the theme "Best Night Ever!" To Enter: Post a new, original story of at least 500 words in the contest sub-forum by December 24th 2017. Stories should be in the ABDL/Little world, and the usual content rules apply. To Win: From December 25th through December 30th users can vote for their favorite stories by liking the posts they enjoy. The post with the most likes will win the first prize. Mike will also choose his favorite story, and that member will win the second prize. First Prize: A Case of Bambino Classico, Teddy or Bianco diapers in your size* Second Prize: A Cloth Diaper or Training Pant of your choice from BiggerDiapers.com Terms: Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. By submitting a story you grant DailyDiapers permission to use the work as content on our main story page, or in a themed story collection. Writers retain copyright and will be credited for their work. Prizes furnished by DailyDiapers. * In some cases, an international winner may be awarded the cash value of the prize if shipping to you is not possible. This is at the discretion of dailydiapers and is not a winner selectable option.
    1 point
  5. I think one of my pics is too risque for DD... click here to read the full story with both pics. A friend of mine said she was in the mood for something dark and embarrassing... I'm dedicating this one to her and all the other naughty girls out there. If you’re a naughty girl and you’re reading this, then it’s already too late. That fascination you’re feeling, the urge to read onward-- that’s not an accident. You’re already falling under my spell... and by the time you’ve finished reading, it won’t matter what you are now... because by the time you get to the end of this, you’re going to be nothing but an overgrown baby. Don’t believe me? Then keep reading (as if you had a choice.) Let your eyes wander on down the page, and maybe even allow yourself a smile or chuckle at how silly it all is. That’s fine... your disbelief is all part of the plan... by the time you realize what’s going on, it’ll be too late. You can probably feel it now. It’s very subtle at first... little more than a tickle in the back of your head... but ignore it for now (as I know you will) and just keep reading. Let your eyes wonder over the words, letting them fill up your mind until there is nothing else. There... you can feel that something’s wrong now, can’t you? All those precious big girl thoughts are going away... drown out by the growing din inside of you-- a voice that tells you to abandon the hollow trappings of your adult life and settle back into the soft, babyish comfort of a nice... soft... diaper. Now it’s in full effect, and you wish you could take your eyes away... that you had just listened to my warnings... but now it’s too late. It’s OK, don’t fight it... just let the words wash over you, filling you up with warm, mushy feeling, pushing out all the bad thoughts, pushing all that boring schooling and useless job experience aside. Just relax and let it fill you with warmth and innocence, and don’t worry about a little dampness down below... you’re just wetting your pants. Now now... don’t run away (like you could if you even tried.) Just give your butt a little squirm in the seat any you’ll discover a little extra padding-- that’s right: you’re wearing diapers! Good thing, too... they’ll catch all the pee pee you were too silly to hold in and keep you from making a big mess... after all, you don’t want to get spanked by daddy or mommy... do you? And as you sit there, on you’re plushly padded patootie, you’re going to notice small changes... your cup of coffee becomes a bottle, your t-shirt becomes a onsie, and... was your hair up in pig-tails like that before you sat down and started reading? There’s no denying it, honey-- you’re turning into a baby! Now, you’re probably asking yourself “could I possibly be more infantilized than I am right now?” and I would like to respond to that question with a little riddle: what’s white and brown and stinky all over? Give up? BBBLLLAAARRRTT! The answer is you, honey... or more specifically, your diaper! PU! Don’t try to deny it young woman... your pampers are all saggy and brown and the back, even if the stink wasn’t a dead giveaway! You look so cute with that shock look on your face as that big load overwhelms you, forcing it’s way out of your backside and squishing into the back of your pampers without your permission. A saggy, stinky diaper butt... that was your fate the moment you logged in to this website! And let’s face it-- you wouldn’t be here unless you wanted it... would you sweetie? Now, I know you’d love to read more, but you’re long overdue for a nap, and mommy or daddy should be along soon to put you down for the afternoon. Night night, sweetie... and stop by again real soon... assuming you’re still allowed to use the computer, that is! Until then, I know you’ll be dreaming of diaper changes...
    1 point
  6. Lights are up on the house, tree is decorated, and look at all the wonderful cards I've gotten! Smoked Ham is in the fridge ready to be baked, and Christmas Concert tickets are in hand. Make with the make merry!
    1 point
  7. not so good, I prefer her noodles and poodles Megaman or Rockman?
    1 point
  8. I have used oatmeal before. One, it's good for the skin. Two, it doesn't stink up the place and I hate the smell of poo. Three, it's so much easier to clean up and you don't feel so icky, especially if you get it on your hands cleaning up. Not everyone can hop in a shower and clean up that way, especially if you are away from home and have a messy diaper. Also, remember not all of us are AB. Some people who are AB state they like pooping their diapers because it makes then feel naughty, babyish, etc. Fine for an AB but a DL may just like the feeling of a load in the seat of his diaper as he walks around going about his day. With oatmeal, for example, there is no need to rush off to change weather at home or out and about. No worry of a diaper rash if you stay in it too long, no worry that the smell will offend anyone nearby, and as I mentioned, it's good for your skin. That is a big reason some DL's would rather simulate a mess rather than actually poop out the real thing into their diapers.
    1 point
  9. Glad to meet you! I live about 65 west of Texarkana In east Texas. So we are neighbors! Glad you joined us. This is a great group of people, oops...babies and diaper lovers.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. wow! let me say that backwards: wow! let me say that upside-down: mom! aside from this being one of the most well-written stories I've seen here in a while (I would expect no less from you ) It's also one of the most compelling for me. I can very easily imagine myself in Leslie's shoes 20 years from now. Her depression & hopelessness resonate with me on a deep level that I so rarely find in stories. Not because I am that way, but because I could be. Frostwyrm, you are absolutely phenomenal.
    1 point
  12. Chapter 2 Hopes And Dreams She regretted her decision to come out here. It was already past noon and her foregoing breakfast turned out to be one of the worst decisions of this day, aside from every other she'd made. Of course, Leslie knew that going out on a sunday was idiotic in and of itself, but to do it without any food in the stomach bordered on insanity. Still, she pressed on. By the time she'd gotten off the train her stomach was roaring and as she made her way past the houses of more people who were richer than her, she found that the only respite she got was from the falling snow. As she was completely alone on the road, she took to making snowballs and throwing them as far as she could, just to see how far her reach went. It was very far, but just being able to play for a bit filled her with an ember of happiness. Leslie held that inner child of hers back, that inner she that wanted to come out and play. Shutting away the self that wanted to fool around, Leslie continued on in silence. As she reached the final house, she chose to turn around and have a look at this place she called home, an ever-growing city bordering on the vast ocean. Tall skyscrapers rose up in the center, she even spotted the one belonging to her company. They were a trading business, though Leslie had the horrible luck of working in a department that was just there to crunch numbers. It was a miserable thought, because she was the one cog that the company could do without and she figured that the only reason she was still allowed to work there was by the grace of the chief himself. Beyond the town spread out a vast conifer forest, the pride of the region, and she decided to enter it in hopes that would make the thoughts of work and home go away. They sort of did as the evergreen trees wrapped themselves around the old paths that led through the forest. A thick web of branches darkened the woods and she saw not a single person on the path she treaded on. Here, nobody cared about the falling snow and it already lay in a thick layer, almost drowning her feet. She regretted her choice of not taking any gloves with her, so instead she buried her hands deep in her pockets. While Leslie was used to the cold, she wasn't fond of the idea of frostburn. Neither was her body fond of her continuous walking, as her stomach made itself heard through the quiet of the woods. Aside from the crunching sound the snow made beneath her shoes, there was hardly any noise. There was no wind, no people, just her and hunger walking down a lonely path. She grumbled, walked onwards with her teeth clenched, until she spotted a crossroads ahead of her, where light pierced through the clouds and the branches. There, she found someone else walking down another path, a figure she knew. She halted as they turned to look at her and then they halted too. "Rick?" she asked with a loud, clear voice, her breath turning to a cloud of smoke before her eyes. "Les?" He asked back with disbelief. "Since when do you take sunday walks?" "I don't know," she answered, half-wanting to smile, and started moving towards him. "Since when do you take your walks through the damn woods?" Rick Goldschmied was a dark-skinned man in his mid-thirties, tall, scrawny, with a crooked nose and an easy smile on his thick lips. He wore a black hat to cover his bald dome of a head, while his body was wrapped up in a long, woolen coat. As she approached he walked towards her and stretched his hand out. She saw that he wore black woolen gloves and grumbled quietly in response to his weather appropriate clothing. She took his hand and shook it as quickly as she could manage before allowing her hand to retreat back into the warm sanctuary that was her right pocket. Leslie tried to look friendly, but she really didn't want to talk to anyone right now. "It's been too long," he said, his grey eyes fixated on her. There was laughter in them too. "We haven't heard of each other for a few months at least." She nodded. "Yeah, work keeps me busy and I tried to cut back on social contacts. I found that they drive me to drink a lot more than I really like." It was an obvious cut, but after Annie, she didn't want to deal with another friend of hers. Judging from his smile, she was too subtle for him. "Come on, we're not that bad," he said, trying to make it sound like a self-depreciating joke. She sniggered half-heartedly in response. "Last time we were out together I was so shit-faced the fucking barkeep had to throw me out. I don't know what I said or did, but he can't stand the sight of me anymore." Rick looked at her slightly uncomfortable, and for a moment she thought he'd finally shed some light on the night she was talking about, but then realized that it was just her language. As much as he liked the sound of his own voice, swear words weren't for Rick. For her however, they were one of the few leftovers from her childhood and all she remembered from her father was his unending swearing. Nevertheless, she decided to use this chance to change the topic, if they were going to talk, it wouldn't be about herself. "But really, why're you in the woods?" "I assume for the same reason you are," he answered and looked at the path from whence she came, "I needed a breath of fresh air and this is pretty much the only place for that." "We have a park near the center, though," she stated matter-of-factly, wondering why she hadn't gone there. "I don't like it that much. Too many parents with their children, too many teenagers and too many other people. When I want to take a walk, I don't want to meet half the city, you know what I mean?" She did, and that finally managed to bring a smile to her face. He was the only one who ever managed to lighten her mood like that. It was one of the reasons why they had started dating some four years ago and it was the reason they were still friends. It was easy to continue to walk with some company now. They started to walk together, he offered her a bit of chocolate when he heard her stomach rile up again, and thereafter the both of them talked about how their lives went. Or rather, Leslie checked up on his without saying a word about her own. Rick still was a cashier in one supermarket and then another. Sometimes he worked in a car wash, other times for a restaurant. He was drifting through life without purpose, and admitted that much, but he seemed happy with his lot. Even his eyes smiled at her through his tellings. It made her feel just strangely uncomfortable. The snow never stopped falling and after a while Leslie figured that she could as well use this chance to discuss something more important with him. "Rick," she said grimly, "You talked with Annie about Carla." Of course, he just sighed. "Well, after the both of us broke up she did force herself into my life. You have to excuse me for thinking she completely bonkers." Leslie rubbed her temples at that. It was an excuse just like him and she immediately regretted bringing the topic up. Nevertheless, now it was done and she needed to finish it. "Well, call the cops on her if she messes with you. Annie's got her own shit to deal with and I don't like the idea of her also getting all up in mine." He hesitated for a second. "Can you ever not talk in such profanities?" Leslie shrugged. "Make me." He turned around to have a look at whether anyone else was on the path, but found it empty. For a moment, Leslie wondered why, but then he sidestepped and suddenly his fingers were beneath her jacket, tickling her sides. "Woah," and "Shit!" were all the words she could offer before she erupted in laughter and tried to wiggle herself free. Rick stood much taller than she was, but he wasn't all that strong, so she managed to free herself quickly, went down for the snow and threw some at his face. "Have at thee!" she said, feeling her left knee ache. "You want it? You got it!" Leslie found herself Little rejoicing as they had themselves a good old-fashioned snowball battle in the heart of the forest, though it didn't last very long. Leslie found herself realizing pretty quickly that not working out in any shape or form finally took its toll and just after a few minutes of throwing snow and running around, they were standing on the path again, breathing heavily. "Why did we do that?" Leslie asked, knowing the exact answer. "It's fine to have a bit of fun, you've grown way too bitter," Rick answered, his teeth flashing in a bright smile. She felt her knee hurt worse now and how her muscles ached from the exhaustion. Her body was too eager to grow old, she knew, but her mind urged her to keep on playing, to keep on running. It was a bitter taste and it would only grow worse as the years continued, she was sure of it. "Yeah, sure. Sports ruined my joints, though." It was half a lie. While she was playing sports back in university, her left knee had gone bad due to all the heavy lifting she'd done during her first years at work. It was a reminder that people as open-minded as Rick were a rarity. "Is it that bad?" She grimaced. "I'm growing old, Rick." He knew her feelings about old age and his opinions on the matter differed quite from hers. Of course they did, he was a guy, he wasn't slave to his looks. None of them ever were. Well, not really, she knew that, but thirty-nine, in her head, was old for a woman. "Well, you just need to accept that your body may wane but your heart remains the same. You really are far too pessimistic on that end." He snipped with his fingers. "Which gets me to think, did Annie tell you about a site I showed her?" "She told me. I answered their dumb questions, too," she answered coldly, not sure what he was getting at. He gave her a smile. "That's surprising. I hadn't thought she would give the address to anyone." He sounded more pleased than anything. "Yeah? You don't sound surprised though." His answer was a shrug, leaving her to continue on with a question; "How'd you come upon it anyway?" "Pop-up ad." "Pop-up ad?" She asked, incredulous. He nodded and gestured her to follow, continuing to talk all the while. "It wasn't a warlock that helped me find it, if that's what you wanted to hear. I happened on it while browsing some imageboards, as you do. As far as I know it isn't harmful and it did make me think. I told Annie about it so that we could have a nice conversation about it." "You went to a depressed, paranoid woman with some creepy-ass website because you wanted to talk about it?" He cringed at her choice of words. "You make me sound like a bad person, but it's true.I find the ideas of genies and monkey paws intriguing, so the site was right up my alley. Talking about it is quite an intriguing affair, too. What would a person wish for if they got just one chance for it? Aren't you thinking it's amazing?" She didn't, or at least a more mature part of her didn't. Of course there was another part, one that was intrigued, one that wanted it to be true. Leslie knew why she thought that way, but she rolled her eyes at his explanation anyway. "If it's all so exciting, then what did you wish for, then?" Rick looked up at the sky, snow fell down on his face. His nose wasn't a pretty sight from the side, like a hook it went forth from his face. The sight always annoyed her ever so slightly, but she took it as positive that she didn't find him attractive anymore. Her love for him had been a distraction anyway. "Well, I thought of the possibilities first. I mean, if you had one wish, wouldn't it be prudent to wish for world peace? Money that never runs out? I thought that I kind of needed to wish for something big, something that would advance everybody, but then I thought about you." She almost felt compelled to halt, to turn around and just walk away before he said another word. Instead, she lifted an eyebrow and carefully tried to assemble a proper answer in her head. "Please don't tell me you wished that we date again." He smirked at that comment, and she smirked right back at him, but not a word was said. What his smile meant, she couldn't quite say, but she hoped it was his way of sarcastically answering her, "Suuure." "I thought of you confessing your infantilism-thingy to me, actually. Dressing up, playing pretend." That wasn't exactly what she expected, but she felt heat coming to her head and averted her eyes. "You thought I was a freak." "At first, right? If I remember correctly I let you pretend to be a child at least once. I was thinking of that specifically, actually." That had happened, she remembered, though since she didn't think much of their relationship anymore, the memory was left in a bin somewhere in the back of her brain. It had been in the early days of their relationship and it'd been the first time someone had shown any interest in her littlespace. It hadn't been something Rick was into, but at the time, he looked like he enjoyed it as much as she did. "I think I was always jealous of how honest you could be with yourself," he continued as the dark path twisted and turned before them, branches preventing all but the snow from reaching through. "It said that one true wish would be needed to set me on the path or something, so I decided to be honest with myself. Did I want world peace? Yeah, sure, but I don't even believe it can happen. Do I want a lot of money? I'm happy where I am moneywise. I get to live and die by my own rules, so I've got nothing to complain about." "You found yourself a happy man, then?" Leslie asked, the thought a twisting knife in her mood. "I wouldn't say that," Rick answered her, "but I am a satisfied man, for the most part. The thing that would bring me happiness isn't so much that I want to make people happy with my wish, I wanted something else." The woods parted before them and they found themselves standing close to a beach. The sea's waves crashed against the sandy shore and seagulls were caw-ing above them. Leslie stared at it with little affection. The sea was a common sight for her and after all these years there was little splendor left to it. Rick extended his arm and pumped his fist into the air. "I wished for the determination to always do the right thing. As a child I always wanted to be a hero, but I was always painfully aware that reality and the comics I read were two vastly different entities. I thought that if I could be at least a little more determined, then maybe I could help at least those around me and probably make this city a much better place than the run down heap of trash that it became." His smile was a hopeful one, one that told her that he really wanted this wish to come true. She'd thought him a nice person, a talkative person, but she hadn't thought he'd be an idealist to such an extent. "You don't really think the wish can come true, do you?" Leslie asked as he finally put his hand down. "That's the thing. I kind of do. As you said, the site is strange. I can't even tell you the address, and I've been there multiple times. There's nothing on the internet about it, no hint that it even exists. I've read enough stories and seen enough movies to know where this should go.." She sighed, sure that he was overthinking it, but the moment she tried to think of the site's web address, she couldn't quite pin down the letters. For whatever reason, she was sure she could reach the site on her phone, but couldn't say how she would do so. As that realization hit, she felt something cold crawling down her spine. "That doesn't sound like a good weird, though," she told him quietly, but he just shrugged it off. "You might think that, Les. Did you have a wish, too?" He asked and she nodded. "Oh? Could I take a guess at it?" Leslie looked at her friend, who smiled at her eagerly. He was sure to be able to tell what sort of wish she had, an easy confidence that came with having known each other ever since she first stepped into this city. "Go ahead," she answered him. He giggled. "This is easy. Knowing you, you wished to be able to prance about, diapered and wearing the cutest dresses and everybody telling you what a cute little kid you are." She blinked, then touched her chin with two cold fingers. It was a good thought, Leslie found. Every ABDL wanted to be able to go out without fear of persecution, she'd always figured, but with the wish she might've made it happen. In a way, what she typed now seemed a waste, but she was also sure that if she hadn't thought of it, it wasn't a "true desire". "Actually, I wished to have a child's body." "Oh," he answered flatly. "So you want to be a toddler, is that wise?" Her Little was somewhat of a toddler, though she'd never pinned down the age. "No, that be worse. Just a child again, that'd be nice. I loved life when I was young and that was in part because I knew I was young." He wanted to say something, but then no words came out of his mouth. Silence followed and she was thankful for it. The crash had taken her parents, the fire had done away with her home. She had outgrown it all, but everything aside from a blazing red was a haze of wishful thinking, old hopes and childish dreams. After a while, he spoke up again. "You know what? If it's a hoax, we'll wake up tomorrow as always and get to work. I'm not staking my hopes and dreams on a website I found while browsing for cat pictures. If it does work? I think that'd be interesting, Les." She doubted it, but a small part of her wanted to believe, to be relieved of this rotting body. Leslie looked at her right hand, as it shook in the cold. She could spot the veins on its back, obvious little things that pressed blood towards her freezing fingers. "So, how about we make a deal?" "A deal?" she repeated, tilting her head, while her hands retreated into her pockets once more. "Yeah. If tomorrow, everything's the same as always, I'll take you out next saturday. You can pretend to be a child for a whole day. If our wishes do come true, how about you call me and we help each other settle into the changes?" She looked at him queerly. "Why would I want to come and play at your house?" His smile was a wonderful sight, Leslie had to admit. "Simple, because you look tired and I guess you need to unwind at one point or another. I don't care whether you be nine months or ninety within my domain, we're friends and we should hang out more." And her smile came easier to her than before, Leslie figured. "How cute, you just want to hang out with me." "Deal?" He asked, stretching out his hand again. "I'll take the deal, but I won't shake your hand on account of my hands freezing, alright?" He laughed and ruffled her hair. "It'll be fun, Les." They parted ways there. She went on along the harbor, back to the city, while he walked back to the forest. Leslie was glad that she met him, now that she thought about it. Otherwise, she would've just spent her afternoon brooding, which was a pain, if truth be told. Now her head wasn't hurting anymore and she could spend the rest of her day slowly getting back home. And slow she intended to take it. When she reached the train station on the edge of the district she was in, it was already past 4 PM. Leslie didn't have much money with her, but she bought a ticket that would allow her to ride around like an idiot for two hours. Stalling at its finest. Not many people rode with her. An older man sat quietly, two teenage boys talked about video games opposite to him, and a group of men and women was laughing it up by the next door. She seated herself distant from them all and go out her phone, checking whether she could truly access the wish making site. Her fingers danced on the plastiglass of her phone, hitting buttons and writing out an address she didn't know and by the time they were done and she was there, Leslie wasn't even sure what just happened. The site itself was different. The words "PLEASE WAIT" stood huge and bold in the center of a black backdrop, but Leslie noticed that she could scroll down. With a flick of a finger she found herself staring at more text. "There are rules on the path you chose. If you do not fail the first challenge, the chance will never have appeared to you in the first place and your life will go on or not, depending on your will," she read out loud. That's rather morbid, she thought and her mouth twisted a little. This site really was creeping her out. "The first rule is to always stay true to the path you chose. Do that and your quest will yield the rewards you seek and more," Is this an RPG?, "but fail and the consequences will swallow you and all you hold dear." She thought of the shiver she felt back in the forest and wondered whether it already left her, because she kind of thought that it was still there, softly running its fingers down her back. "The second rule is to only wish for the hopes and dreams you held close to your heart the most. False ideals and lofty desires will only show you for the coward you are. The path you chose is one of your making, but once you forsake it and yourself the consequences will swallow you and all you hold dear." Two rules, that was it. She found the second one a bit more ominous, but it was pretty much in line with the first one. Be yourself, get booty. Don't be yourself, the consequences will swallow you and all you hold dear. Was this whole thing about loving oneself? Leslie rolled her eyes. As she turned her phone off and put it into the pocket of her jacket, her thoughts drifted to Rick. He'd never once told her that it was fine to play. He smiled at her once as she dressed up and was herself just for him, but nevermore. A part of her was angry, another was relieved. She didn't know what to make of his deal with her, but if he stood true to his word, then she would have a chance to be Little with someone accepting her. In a way, that was already a wish come true. It didn't fill her with as much happiness as it should have. Tomorrow was monday and then came another gruesome week of work. She felt a tinge of fear in the back of her head and hoped that Carla was sick. That or fired, Leslie would take either gladly. Yet she couldn't know how the morrow would look, aside from bleak and horrible, and so she decided to just let her thoughts drift for a while. From the edge of town to where she lived, it took a train about an hour, so she spent the rest of the time getting on another train and then another, riding in circles around her home district. After that, she got out at a station farther removed from her home than originally intended, so the walk there took her another hour. It was already 7 PM when she got home, her stomach telling her to finally grab something proper to eat. So she prepared a dull meal in a dull kitchen and ate it on that couch she hated so much. After that, she took a shower. Though the water was warm she felt a cold in her as her heart viciously beat against her chest. She felt like could throw up. It was just like every sunday evening, Leslie figured bitterly. Wrapped in a towel, she walked over to her bedroom where she opened her cabinet in hopes of finding proper sleepwear. On the top shelf rested four more diapers. They were too few and the end of the month was too far away, so Leslie grumbled. She needed to recalculate how much money she could spend, since the diapers kept her at least somewhat afloat when she felt down on her luck. For tonight, she didn't take one, even though she wanted nothing more than feel the safe embrace of crinkling plastic and soft padding against her skin. Instead, she opted for a simple shirt and pants. She closed the cabinet, tossed the towel into a corner and went to get her phone, looking at it one final time before she put it down on her couch. "Fat chance," she grumbled and went off to bed, where she would lie for a few hours, dreading the morning to come. As the clock struck midnight, she finally managed to drift off to sleep. She thought to hear her phone in the distance, but dismissed it. There were no dreams that night and the morning came against all hopes. Leslie woke long before her alarm clock made itself noticed. Her eyes opened themselves, while only the city's lights provided some illumination to her bedroom. Still half-asleep, she felt a bit weird, as if her clothing pants had come loose and so she kicked them off before they could annoy her too much. Then, after staring at the ceiling for a while, she finally managed to rise up and slipped her legs past the edge of the bed. That was when she noticed the second strange thing. She wasn't touching the ground. Instead her feet sort of dangled there for a second. And her room was looking awfully big, too. Leslie Audet blinked and then she heard the sound of her phone in the distance, as it rang with the melody of a song she didn't particularly like. "Who Wants To Live Forever," had always been her least favorite Queen song. As she let herself drop down from the bed, she felt strange on her feet, as if they were much shorter than usual. She didn't quite get it, but moved forward nonetheless. "Don't tell me I got a fucking cold," she muttered, not knowing whether she should be angry or joyful. As she stood before the door she looked at the handle, how much closer it was to her eye level. For a second she stared at it, while the song played from the mobile phone. For a second her thoughts were vanishing in a river of nothingness and then a clear thought appeared within her and her eyes widened in shock. "You have to be kidding me!"
    1 point
  13. when im in public but nobody knows that im wearing one
    1 point
  14. I haven't leaked in the day for quite a few months (except for when it's on purpose; sometimes I like to stay in my soggy diaper and let a chuck pad catch all the leaks). My wettings are so small that leaks aren't an issue during the day (I'm going upwards of 20 times in a 24 hour period). I do leak at night, maybe once every other week. I'm still working through what the right night time protection will be for me. I tried cloth for a while but its too much work to clean up when I'm getting messy every morning while at the same time I'm trying to get ready for work. I've tried the liners made for baby cloth diapers, using multiple layers, but they still leave a mess to clean up. Lately I've been wearing cloth over disposable for easier cleanup but my plastic pants I have are either too tight around the leg cuffs or ridiculously baggy. To try and make things more comfortable, I've placed a custom order at babykins for some terry cloth lined protective pants that I plan to use over disposables during the night. Those should show up in a week or so. My boyfriend is over a year into wearing 24/7 but he hasn't made as much progress as me. He still has to tell himself to relax and there are times he will retain a large amount of pee before he is able to wet. He can't pee laying down but he just started to be able to pee while sitting down. If his bladder wasn't so shy and if diapers weren't a new thing to him when he started wearing 24/7, I imagine his progress would have moved a lot quicker. He, like me, is taking the progress as fast as our body will allow.
    1 point
  15. Nope never, not in a million years.
    1 point
  16. Yup, whenever I get a really great poop, really big and soft and feels so good coming out and then I'm like "I should have been diapered for that one". But then again, I'm not allowed to go poopy in my pants, so every great poop is like that.
    1 point
  17. Yes every time I poop in the toilet I feel like it's a waste of a nice messy diaper
    1 point
  18. Set a new record yesterday, over 14 hours in the same messy diaper. Woke up and changed into a clean diaper and went about my day, had my first mess around 9am and I was going to go to change and my wife told me that was our last disposable diaper until Amazon sends my next case sometime during the day so I would have to stay messy until I leak or they are delivered. We planed to stay home all day so it was no big deal. Two messes and 14 hours later it was time for bed and I was told to clean up and wear a cloth diaper to bed. What I did not know was the diapers came to our home in the afternoon when I was taking a nap my wife just wanted to keep me messy all day. I do have a small rash but I made it.
    1 point
  19. "Aww baby are you all antsy because Mommy is letting you wear your big girl panties to bed" Alexa cooed holding up a disposable diaper that would easily fit Sammy "Or does my little princess want to go night night like a big girl?" she said the threat being serious with how Sammy was reacting to coddling the diapers would come eventually but Sam didn't need to know this.
    1 point
  20. I have a copy on hard drive of A FAMILY AFFAIR including the 7 June 2015 update. Just PM and I will send that to you. Angela
    1 point
  21. Hello Drowndinp, nice to see you again as an author - I had thought you left the DD-community after the desaster with "The Professionals" and "Glory Be". Now I have an important question - the experiences of 'widowmaker' with not asking were very impressive: Are you interested in getting a copy of "The Professionals" and "Glory Be"? Of course you can do with your products what you want, but a revival and continuation of these stories would be a not bad solution and many readers would be perhaps glad about it. Please tell me! With best wishes Diddldum
    1 point
  22. I grew up wetting the bed without diapers. I slept in wet underwear and pajamas until mom came in to check on me or I woke up. My bed and matress always smelled like pee so I guess I became conditioned to it an actually like it. As a young adult, at I first wet my bed with no protection. I enjoyed the humiliation of my mom or later grandma finding my soaking wet underwear hanging in the bathroom or seeing a massive wet spot on my sheets. As I got older and discovered diapers, it seems to suit me but at times I do miss a wet bed!
    1 point
  23. From my loose estimates you guys are outnumbered by MTF's around 300-400 to 1 But don't feel alone because you're not- there are lots of special folks like you on similar journeys and there's several places online just for you. One was once my partner and I still miss him. Bettypooh
    1 point
  24. Hi there! I'm a trans guy
    1 point
  25. Me too. Another Notts person. Feel free to contact on here, both of you.
    1 point
  26. I don't feel regressed in a poopy nappy but I do LOVE to feel naughty. I can't do it often and usually when I do, it's the icing on the cake. I feel naughty for wanting my nappies, naughtier for wetting my nappies, naughtier still for touching them.... well pooping is the ultimate naughty thing I could do. Yay naughtiness!!!
    1 point
  27. I'm not alone out here am I. Looking to meet people to share stories interests and possibly more. Come one hands up
    1 point
  28. You guys are DL's that are probably afraid to wear a diaper anywhere near another human in a public place but you look at photo's and people "trying" to figure out who is wearing protection your like 5 year olds who just found out Crayola makes more than 10 colors, why is it important , why is worth noting , do you want some idiot walking around behind you going "yeah this guys got one on" i mean really grow up a little !
    1 point
  29. Yes, I do. I fantasize about extreme diaper discipline, being in diapers for long periods of time and diaper rash as punishment. Well anyway, one time I stayed in a wet, messy diaper for 36 hours and I had a pretty good/bad diaper rash, depending on how you looked at it. I got up early in the morning, got cleaned up, put a fresh diaper on and went out hunting. The area was about two hours away. My plan was to mess my diaper during the hunt, then have to sit in it for the two hour trip home. I wet my diaper a few times, but I chickened out messing. The rash did hurt and I wasn't sure how much more it would hurt with a fresh mess, sitting in it for the two hour drive home.
    0 points
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