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  1. If I had someone to change me, the most anticipated part of the diaper change for me would be the bare bottom spanking/paddling that I would get.
  2. Right now, I'm in a pretty wet and very dirty Rearz Daydreamer. Came home this morning and really had to go, bad. I didn't know if I would be able to get my diaper on in time without pooping in my pants. Fortunately, I got my diaper on in time. As soon as I got the tapes fastened, I relaxed and the poop came out. It just kept coming out and I peed too. It was a huge mess, really soft and squishy, almost diarrhea in my diaper. I actually had some more poop come out a little bit later and peed a few more times. The diaper is pretty swollen right now and feels amazing. It was a little soupy for a while, now it's just really squishy. Been in it about two hours and will wear it for as long as I can.
  3. Today, I have a pretty massive mess in my diaper. I really had to go bad when I got home from work. I really had to clench my butt cheeks together as I went downstairs to get my diaper from my stash. I grabbed a Rearz Daydreamer diaper and came back upstairs with my clenched butt cheeks. I was really worried that I was going to poop my pants. I pulled down my pants and got my diaper on just in time. As soon as I got the tapes fastened, I just relaxed and let the poop flow. It's a really soft, loose load. Almost diarrhea. And it just kept flowing. Now, I'm sitting here in a really squishy, warm, dirty diaper. My stomach is churning, so, I may be adding to this dirty diaper. I'm going to get a leak pad to sit on, just in case. Update, this was an awesome diaper day. Spent over 3 1/2 hours in the diaper. Pooped 2 more times and they were pretty good poops. Plus I wet it multiple times. The poop made it up to the front of the diaper and felt absolutely amazing. The diaper was swollen huge with all the pee n poop in it. Even had a poogasim in it. Had to get cleaned up and put on a Tykables Puppers diaper.
  4. I was in my dirty diaper for a little over 5 hours yesterday. I wore a NRU Str8up blue diaper and pooped in it as soon as I put it on. I'm sitting in a messy Rearz Daydreamer diaper right now. We'll see how long I stay in it today. Update, stayed messy in the Rearz Daydreamer diaper for over 3 1/2 hours and messed it two more times. The poop made it up to the front of my diaper and felt absolutely amazing. I also peed multiple times. The diaper was huge with all the poo and swollen up with pee. It was truly amazing. One of the best diaper days I've had in a long time. Wish I could have stayed in it longer, but had to get cleaned up.
  5. Just now, again like yesterday. I got home from work and really had to go today, really bad. I got a Rearz Daydreamer diaper on and pooped and then peed in it. It's a huge load and really loose. Almost like diarrhea in my diaper. It feels really squishy and warm. I'll have to be really careful so that I don't leak. I'll probably get a leak pad to sit on just in case. My stomach is churning, so I may be adding to the messiness of my diaper.
  6. Right now, I'm in a dirty NRU Str8up blue disposable diaper. Not wet yet, just dirty.
  7. I'm sitting here in a NRU Str8up blue disposable diaper right now. I just put it on and dirtied it right away. I had to go pretty bad after work and pooped as soon as I got my diaper on. A big, really soft mess. It's really squishy and feels awesome. I didn't even pee in it yet. I'll be able sit in it for quite a while and with any luck, I'll be able to dirty it some more.
  8. Just now. I just dirtied my diaper. I come home from work, after a quick stop at the grocery store, and put on a NRU Str8up blue disposable diaper and pooped in it. I didn't even go pee in it yet, but it's really dirty already. It's a pretty big load and very soft and squishy and it feels amazing right now sitting in it. I'll surf DD for a while and then make some breakfast and enjoy this dirty diaper for several hours.
  9. I love to stay in my diapers as long as I possibly can and like to use them too the max. I'll often sit on a leak pad so that I can wear them beyond their capacity. Especially when I get a nice, full load in my diaper. I'll enjoy it for as long as I possibly can.
  10. Most any position. Standing is always good. Laying flat on my back in bed with my legs spread kinda wide may be the best. I love it as the pee warms the front of my diaper and runs down over my nut sack and then trickle down the edge of my butt cheeks and butt crack and then make the seat of my diaper warm. That's if it isn't already warm and messy back there.
  11. I'm sitting in a poopy Puppers diaper right now. Came home a while ago and put my Tykables Puppers diaper on and peed in it. Played on my phone a bit and had some breakfast. Watched some TV and wet some more. Went outside and did a few things. Had a few brews, and of course, wet some more. Then I decided to clean up the dog poop in the yard. Then, I had to poop. So I pooped in my Puppers diaper. Now, I'm sitting here in my recliner in my Poopy Puppers diaper surfing DD.
  12. Bet that felt good during your morning run I'm sitting in a messy Rearz Violet Seduction diaper right now. It feels really good and I'll enjoy it for a few hours before I change.
  13. About 36 hours messy is my record. It was amazing. I didn't use any kind of cream and ended up with a rash, but it was still awesome.
  14. Currently wearing a wet and messy Rearz Violet Seduction diaper. Got home today and put my diaper on and peed and pooped in it right away. Made breakfast and ate, now I'm surfing DD. Yesterday, I wore a Rearz Critter Caboose. I only wet in it. I have a Rearz Daydreamer diaper on deck for when I change out of this diaper. Tykables Puppers and Soggers diapers are ready for tomorrow
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