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How important are diapers to you?

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For me they are an important part of who I am. I’m not comfortable unless I am wearing some level of protection. With a real diaper being the best feeling. 

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They are one of the less important parts of my accoutrements, but still necessary, just not what define me as a lvery little girl of the late 1950's/early'50's. That is done more by my dollies, tiaras, Fairy, dresses/skirts/babydolls, being a blonde (I am not just "blonde", I am "A blonde") and rubber panties and, less so, other baby items like bottles and pacifierrs. To get a "Christine at a glance", like at the picutres in my siggy; they all count. This last was as much a definer of "babyish" as diapers since they were what was more apparenet being put over the diaper and being of an unusual matterial for clothing. You would hear "rubber pant(ie)s" or "diaper(s) and rubber pant(ie)s" more than just  "diaper(s)". Whether it was "pants" or "panties" depended on the numerical predominance of females or how accurate as to the style of garment the speaker wanted to be or whether the speaker was direicting the remark at a misbehaving little boy. Also, since nursery duty was done overwhelmingly by females "panties" was preferred in my circles. So the rubber panties are more definitive of the remaining buts of "babyish" in me that makes me "very" little and what puts the "Baby" in "BabyDoll"

Editied since I was a bit pressed for time when I first posted here so I wanted to add more detail and clarity to explain how come diapers were necesssary but almost secondary to who and what I am

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I don't base my life around diapers.  They do not control me.  The moment diapers start controlling me or taking over my life is the time I will quit them or go into an addiction rehab.  I do like diapers.  To me they are just one of many interests, although they are a fetish for me.  I wear once or twice a week at most and wet them as well as mess them now and then and I am glad I do not need to wear them medically for incontinence.  I may get there one day, but now I cherish my continence and control.  True, when I get the chance once or twice a year when off work and the house to myself, I will try and go 24 hours as much as I can.  This past summer I took a solo vacation for almost a full week and was 24/7 the whole time, no exceptions wherever I went (no messing though).  Museums, tourist attractions, even a full day at Hershey Park and always in either a Betterdry, Trest, Abena or Beyond XP 5000 with plastic pants on under my shorts.  It is an enjoyable escape but when the week is done I'm happy to be back in my cotton Haines undies.  Diapers are somewhat important to me because of the fetish I have for them since I was 5 years old, but if I had a choice, I would rather be rid of the fetish and diapers completely.  

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They have been a comfort to me since I started wearing them 24/7. I didn't use them as much as I do now, and I started wearing about 10 years ago. But as I age I use them for dribbling and then  also, I will be lazy a lot at home and then want to feel the nice wet warm 😁😁. But I can't make it to the restroom 🚽 as fast as I could years ago. So I just let it go. So my want of them years ago has turned into a nice need. They don't Control my life, they make it much more convenient and I of course still really enjoy wearing. But I only pee in mine. Don't like the mess of poop, I have done that several times and only once was by choice ......

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Diapers are pretty important to me. First of all, I value my sleep, and having slept in a diaper for about 6 years, I would sleep terribly if I decided not to wear one to bed. Indeed, when I've found myself in situations where the diaper I have on might be inadequate - say, poor planning has resulted in my staying over at a buddy's place after a night on the sauce, and all I have with me are lightweight diapers - I invariably sleep fitfully and wake up early, because in the back of my mind, I have anxiety about the possibility that I'll go on autopilot while in a deep sleep, and pee and overwhelm the diaper. Whereas if I am in a big, capable diaper, I sleep like a rock. Most of the time, I don't wet the bed, but, I do wet the bed from time to time, and it is unpredictable (although alcohol definitely increases the odds). Being in the right diaper, therefore, is critical to my getting a decent sleep. 

Outside of that, I can function without having a diaper on, but, I've been wearing them during the day for about 5 years, so, I am way more comfortable in one than not in one. I've white-knuckled doctors appointments successfully, but doing so has taught me that my cruising range has declined considerably from the before times. I know I can make it 90 minutes or even 2 hours, but at that point it starts to get physically uncomfortable, and, here's the thing: one aspect of my urological capabilities that has changed, is my ability to reign in an "event", once it has started. I can't - if I start peeing, that's it, I'm peeing. So, if THAT happened at the doctor's office, or in line at the supermarket, or whatever, well, it would be deeply inconvenient. So, I sleep better, and, I function better, with less anxiety and a happier disposition, when I'm in a diaper. 


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Diapers are very important to me but not something I must have all the time. I wouldn't mind being diapered 4 or 5 days a week but I have gone several months without one at all. When I do wear one, it's a comfortable and blissful treat. Now it's just a basic, if secret, part of who I am and I don't intend to give them up unless necessary.

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Diapers are so important to me because they help me stay safe, secure, and padded. They keep me in adult babyhood all the time and they make sure I am not potty trained. They help me sleep better and I sleep soundly in them. I can poop and pee in my diapers without the stress and worry. Plus, I never have to worry about being potty trained cause that's never gonna happen to me. At the same time, I get to have an adult babyhood and not have to deal with adulthood. As an adult baby, I can be an adult baby who's diapered all the time and still hang out with the adults, grown-ups, and big kids. I know that I am in diapers, no matter where I am.

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My nappies are now an essential part of my life. I'm always in one, and always will be. Everything else has to fit around them - and it works OK for me. I don't look back.

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8 hours ago, Stroller said:

My nappies are now an essential part of my life. I'm always in one, and always will be. Everything else has to fit around them - and it works OK for me. I don't look back.

That's the same with me. My diapers are essential to my life and my adult babyhood. They are a part of me no matter where I am and everything else around me has to fit within me. It works out extremely well for me because I am comfortable with being diapered and babied. It's why I have never looked back because being diapered is way better for me.

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Diapers certainly aren't the most important things in my life but they are definitely up there.  I do feel more comfortable and way less anxious when I'm wearing them and I can certainly appreciate the convenience of them when I'm out shopping or running other errands.

That said....I don't think I could TRULY give them up.  If they all disappeared tomorrow then I would most definitely feel the profound loss.

At the end of the day I'm much happier in a diaper.

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1 hour ago, drynot said:

That said....I don't think I could TRULY give them up.  If they all disappeared tomorrow then I would most definitely feel the profound loss.

At the end of the day I'm much happier in a diaper.

That's why I can never, ever TRULY give up diapers. They help me be an adult baby and keep me padded permanently 

At the end of the day, I am so much happier in a diaper and I can never give them up

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Diapers  are a part of my life yes but don't control my live.They help me destress and relax me,in winter I wear every night as I like the convenience of not needing to get up two or more times at night to use the toilet because of the cold.In somer wear maybe two or three times a week depending on how stressed out I am.

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I made a choice over two years ago to be diapered full time. Being a toddler is very much a part of who I am and that includes diapers. So yes, diapers are a big part of my life.

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On 2/8/2024 at 1:45 PM, DailyDi said:

For me they are an important part of who I am. I’m not comfortable unless I am wearing some level of protection. With a real diaper being the best feeling. 


Yah I must admit I have not been without a nighttime diaper in 25 years. That being said I like to feel protected day time when I can, but when decorum dictates I can due without anxiously. My bladder has shrunk and weakned over time. 


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Very, I feel complete and normal with them on and I feel I am meant to be in them. They also help keep my pants dry from vaginal liquid discharge or any bladder leakage. They also give me a sense of freedom. 

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I enjoy them but in terms of importance they are just an item that if I need to do without I can fairly easily. Like a lot of little accessories they help me relax but what is more important is my Wife and Daddy. Their unconditional love means I can wear diapers when I want so it just becomes another option in my life. On a scale of one to ten they are probably like a 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's see...

There's Breathing.















All joking aside, they are number one after the necessities of life. I can and have gone longer without the other things I enjoy longer than I have without diapers.

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19 hours ago, Three Rivers said:

Diapers for me are part of my life, they don't control me but are essential to my overall happiness. Just like going to the beach or traveling to new places, it's something that makes me happy.

That sums it up the best!

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Diapers are my "happy pills". 
All the below was before I started wearing 24/7.

I get angry when not wearing, and have crushed my share of items.
I have holes in doors and walls. 
I have scars from hitting stuff. 


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While I wear diapers most of the time they are still just part of me.   They don't control me (my cat controls me enough as it is). Work is most of my life.   However, now that I have moved closer to my mom, older sister, and brother in law I have also learned that family is also mainly important to my overall happiness.

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Great topic. Diapers are important to who I am, but they are not the only thing in my life. I have many interests outside of the community. That said, could I live happily with them? Probably not. 

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  • 2 months later...

Being DL (sometimes AB) is a part of who I am but it does not define me. My husband knows and is fine, he accepts that I will be diapered at home. I do not shout about it though and only a couple of friends know - one is DL and one AB/furry. I am very comfortable wearing my nappies out in public under my clothes and I love wetting myself in public. But I don't want to show them off. I do have a fantasy of being in a strange town where no one knows me and being more open about it.

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