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How old do you feel?

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So this past week was my mom's birthday! Happy birthday Mom!????? And I said how old are you again?! She said "72, but I DON'T feel 72, I feel like I'm in my mid-60s." And she said, how old do you feel Jesse?! And I said, "I feel like I'm 30." But I know I'm NOT. And she said, "you're 30 in terms of maturity." and I was like, "Definitely!" LOL!??????? So I have a question for you guys, how old do YOU feel?!???♥️????

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That is a complicated question, at least for me.  I will be 71 next month.  Today I ran a 5K under 44 min; not a great time - but, I finished and I have not done much in the way of preparation.  My brain seems to think I'm in my 40's.  My body feels older with the aches and pains - but I can't really put a number on it.  Getting up from the floor can be tough, but I can spend 8 hours on my feet at my job with no problems.  With regard to this site, I'm a DL (its mostly a way of coping with stress dating back to a traumatic event when I was young) not really into AB other than an occasional fantasy.  So, enough rambling.  How old I feel really depends on when you ask me.


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Physically? Ancient. I have bad knees and joints that make getting around painful and a struggle.


Mentally? Adultish.


Emotionally? Childish mostly.


Sexually? As an asexual that never understood the whats, whys, hows, or attraction of sex, I'm in that weird area where sexuality and gender don't exist. 

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I’m 61, but definitely feel younger till my body says otherwise like now with a messed up back, I do stay in shape as much as possible 

Now if your talking when I’m in diapers, we’ll definitely a baby age of about 1 

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3 hours ago, Rachael-Little said:

I’m 61, but definitely feel younger till my body says otherwise like now with a messed up back, I do stay in shape as much as possible 

Now if your talking when I’m in diapers, we’ll definitely a baby age of about 1 

That's my Little age too!?????????? Looks like you and I have something in common!???????♥️??

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mentally im probably 2 but since i was told that the age you remember abuse starting at is where your mental development stops(for lack of the right term) probably a very immature 4, physically im in my 40s(just over 4 decades of being here WAY too long) and if i try to use the belt sander, ill feel like im in my 80s.

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When I see a cute young girl (18+ of course), I feel like a high school teenager or young man in my 20's.  When training coworkers I feel like a wise and experienced 40 or 50 year old passing on my wisdom.  After working on my car and around the house lifting boxes and hauling out trash all day, I feel like a worn out 80 year old man with all the aches and pains.  One thing I don't ever feel like is a baby.  I am a DL and always an adult in age.

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2 hours ago, DailyDi said:

I definitely don't feel my age, I'd say adult me is in his late teens, and little me is 11 or 12.

Really?! That's pretty cool. I DEFINITELY feel like a 11 or 12 year old in general, all the time. I NEVER grew out of it.??☺️♥️?????? LOL!???????

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Physically 50 

Mentally under 12 years old at work but most of the time toddler or baby  

Emotionally  toddler 

Sexually asexual 

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I turn 69 in less than a month. It's hard to put an age on it but I feel like I did at 50 and at 50 I felt like a 30 year old so yeah. Since I'm in diapers full time I can't say 50 except when I'm in diapers so I'll say with just my partner I'm a toddler with no interest in big girl panties.



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Turned 75 in June but in the last 3 months I have had Covid and just getting over pneumonia so now I feel 75, but I feel younger when I am with my grandkids or doing diaper play.

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Feel no different than I was when I was in my late teens, I tell people I still feel 19.

 A growth spurt put me to 5'4" when I was in grade school, then stopped growing,  I am still the same height and weight.

I feel no different inside, but of course I do look different, can't do anything about that.

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I'm physically 50 years old. Sometimes however, I really feel like I'm about 75, which is about the same age as my father. It all depends on how I feel every day. If I'm energized and ready to work, and nothing is hurting, then I feel like I'm 35. However, most times there are situations where I feel like I'm going to be sick, something aches or hurts, or I just don't feel very good. Sometimes when I feel that way, I kinda wish that I had someone to just be with, to end up giving you a hug or whatever it is that helps you get over whatever it is. The pandemic being as bad as it was, and probably still is to a certain extent, really shook up a lot of norms, because when we first started with the pandemic we shut down everything, and no one went anywhere unless it was necessary. I ended up being quarantined for approximately six months, maybe more. During this time, I really really really took a look at myself, and realized that there are a lot of things in my life that I have that I am thankful for, and I am very happy that I did not get COVID very severely if I got it at all.

When I have a diaper on, I feel my age, but I also know that when I have a diaper on that I can release. When you're a baby, you are expected to release in a diaper, and someone is going to change that diaper. Being an adult, there are times that I can't get to the bathroom fast enough, and it's a lot easier just to release in the diaper. The first few times you do that, it kind of feels weird, or it feels like you're trying to get away with something, or it feels naughty. Some people still feel that way when they release in a diaper, regardless of what age they are, but diapers are comfortable for me, and they helped me with my feelings as well as my incontinence.

Sometimes, I kind of joke with my brother James: his youngest daughter is approximately 2 years old: I tell him all the time that I wish I could take a little bit of her energy, stick it in a syringe and inject myself with it. This way I could revitalize myself, just like they were talking about fountains of youth and all these creams that help you keep your skin healthy and young and vibrant. I told him that if I had even an eighth of my nieces energies, I would be able to be able to run a marathon, but of course I won't be able to do that. However, there's times when I ache so bad it's not even funny:  @Rachael-Little was telling me how her back is messed up: there are times when my legs hurt, my back hurts, my head hurts or something. Most times I can deal with the pain, but other times the pain goes right up your spinal column and regardless of what you try to do it hurts like a son of a gun.People tell me all the time that I should be tough , and that I shouldn't be a wimp , and all of this nonsense . I try to be tough , because I'm a guy, and guys are supposed to be tough I guess, so we don't normally show emotions .

however, all my life for some reason I have always found that when I get really upset, my emotions just pour out of me. I just can't help it, I guess it's just because sometimes when somebody would tell me to do something, and then I would get stuck on something, and then they tell me to do something else, I get stuck there. Then I have to switch to another subject in school, try to do the homework there, and I'm still running behind. So many times I almost lost my temper because I still couldn't figure out how 2 be in the same position as some of my friends that could do the work easily. I was told that I should not try to be like my friends all the time, and just worry about what I can do, and I just told people that I'm sick and tired of waiting for somebody to help me, when it takes them two hours to help me, and I'm not getting any work done. When I get angry like that or upset, it really screws up my head. Luckily, school is not something that I worry about now, because I have had years to work out coping mechanisms to make it so I can handle the workload that I'm dealing with. When you have a disability, sometimes when you're asked to do mainstream work, your disability may interfere with your ability to do it, and it would be like somebody plugging something that is built for a 110 outlet into a 220 outlet: it's just not gonna work: and then you're going to fry yourself trying to be someone that you're not, or trying to be the big tough Superman.

I have learned that the most important thing is that you should be yourself, and not worry about what everybody else thinks says does or beliefs. You can have your own opinions and your own morals and all of this, and you can support people that you agree with, and sometimes you even support people that you disagree with, because we all can agree to disagree. What I want to try to do with my life is to live the most engaging life that I can, and live my life to the fullest whatever happens happens:  the time to worry about what would happen or what has happened in the past is long gone.  I am very fortunate to have had a lot of strong willed individuals who enforce this theology, so I don't forget that I don't have to live my life because of somebody else's standards period of course when you're a kid, you always try to do the right thing and you try to follow your parents advice and you always have discussions about right or wrong, or whether you should do something or not, and you learn values that your parents instill in you. I still have those values, but I refuse to live as an individual where people think that I'm one step away from the grave! Far from it: I wish for some reason that I could get somebody to give me a shot of youth serum, so I can see what it is like to be able to do something without being in a lot of pain.  @DailyDi knows what pain is all the way around: I don't know how he deals with it, but I salute him because there is a lot of times when pain is just something that you'd have to deal with, and regardless of what you say, it doesn't change the situation. I'm glad that I am here however, because being here has allowed me to be the person that I want to be, and the people here on DD are very supportive of me and others. Like I said, this is a family unit, and we take care of one another.

As for an age I feel when I'm in diapers:I don't feel really young in diapers . However, it does allow me to do things that I wouldn't normally do . Meaning that I can use the diaper for its intended purpose and then change it and not feel guilty that I have done the deed . Maybe someday, I will be able to experience what it is life to be cared for just like in the video with goddess cat and Caitlin , but for now , I roll on , trying not to let everything bother me, and trying not to allow the pain to take me down .

If @PeachiUwU used her magic, I'm not sure exactly what age I would be, but I would still be her Big Brother! There's no way that someone can use magic in the real world to make you younger than you actually are, but if you're lucky,like for example  @FretaBWet she can wear diapers with her partner, and feel exactly the way she wants to feel, and enjoy that. The last time I felt as good as I did with no cares in the world was when I went to Florida and I had my friend give me a head to toe massage on the first night I arrived.This person had one hell of a touch and could actually relax me from the tip of my head to the tip of my little toenail . I don't exactly know how she does it or how she did it, but she ended up taking a lot of the tightness and a lot of the stress and a lot of the problems with my back right out of this world, because she was able to help me slip into a situation where the pain was gone, and I could actually enjoy a relaxing massage . If I'm lucky someday, maybe I will have a person that will become my girlfriend or significant other, that will accept me for what and who I am . I've already have a disability , so using diapers won't be too far outlandish , and at least with diapers I don't have to worry , because diapers are there to help me .

finally, there's one thing that I'll always remember: I remember my late grandmother Baker telling me one day: I feel old, grandpa won't let me do.... And she would tell me what grandpa wouldn't allow her to do. And I would tell her: Grammy, you can do what you can do. Don't worry about what you can't do because if you can't do something, someone will help you. I ended that statement with the words you're only as old as you feel:  I really do believe that if you have the mentality that you feel younger than you actually are chronologically, maybe that will help you make your life better. God gives us a lot of strength, and the ability to handle most challenges, because I was always taught that God does not give us a challenge that we cannot handle. Hopefully God will give me the strength to be able to overcome some of the things that bother me, so I can be even better of a person than I am now.

I have faith, I have God, I have my family, and it's right here on DD- everybody else, well most people that I have talked to since I have decided to go full time 24/7 understand my reasoning and support me, and they always will. I have to realize however that there are times when the only way to deal with the situation is to just turn off the noise. My doctor told me that sometimes when people project their worry concern or anger, they worry about you, but in actuality he said that the person who is worrying about me for example comma is worried about them having medical issues. 

When I heard him say things like that to me, I finally think something snapped on in my head. I'm not really worried, because my doctor is helping me when I need it, and he's watching my health. I try to do the best I can, and I always will. I am not a kind of gentleman who will give up and throw the towel. Sometimes I feel like I have the tenacity of a 2 year old having a massive tantrum, because I feel so driven, that I want something so bad that I would do anything to do it or get it. A 2 year old is not going to be able to control his emotions after a while, and so he or she will have a meltdown. An adult who is having an issue may end up having some depression, maybe some tears, or something like that, but it is my opinion that what happens with an adult is when a 2 year old is having a tantrum, an adult will take that tantrum that a 2 year old is having, and turn it around, and use that to drive them to do it harder longer or better. It all depends on how you use anger and being upset.


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Hiii! Jaggy

I'm 56 but my brain writes 25 year old checks and my body says we're not cashing that LOL ? ?. My little time age 3 to  5 most fun!


Sorry stupid auto correct on jeggy. 

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4 hours ago, MegaChar said:

I feel like a teenager but my body is starting to feel the effects of aging.

Ha! You and me are the same age. That's pretty cool! I didn't know that. I probably feel like a 30-year-old because of my cerebral palsy, but I don't care. I still feel young at heart and that's all that matters.????????????♥️???

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I turned 69 a month ago. I find that hard to believe. I don't feel a whole lot different than I did at 35, I guess. Though I have noticed that I need to warm longer before I play my guitar. I've also noticed that once warmed up, I play better at my current age than I did at 35.

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The age my body feels is like 50. Mostly because of physical health issues like arthritis and neuropathy. But my go-to answer when someone asks how old I am tends to be "2" or "7" 

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On 8/28/2022 at 2:43 AM, BabyJeggySpideyBoy said:

That's my Little age too!?????????? Looks like you and I have something in common!???????♥️??

I'm 68 but I really don't feel anywheres near that. In my head I could still be a teenager but when I diaper up, I want my pacifier in and just feel free to do what I want. If I want to wet myself, I do, love that feeling.

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