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Going to the dentist.


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I have a trauma of dental care since I was a toddler and my parents tried to forcefully brush my teeth with the most awful-tasting toothpaste imaginable. It left a big mental scar so I know all about the fear of people sticking dental instruments in your mouth. If I give my dentist enough notice, they will often prescribe me a tablet of Xanax to take prior to my appointment, and that has been helping so I don't miss appointments like I used to. You may wish to ask your dentist if they can do something similar, or just give them advance notice that you have dental care anxiety. You are not alone! :)

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Dental apointments freak me out too. I have dental problems, so have had a bunch of root canals and extractions over the years, so when I go there is always a chance that the drills are coming out!

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I have such a fear of the dentist that I cannot even walk into the dental clinic,if just get the smell of the clinic or the noise of the drill I get panic attacks.I have very bad teeth but cannot get myself near the place.

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Mine thought he hadn't given me enough the first time, so he did some more with a stronger drug higher in the jaw. When that took effect, I couldn't feel my

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I had ANOTHER root canal last Wetnesday....took three hours....lots of needles ( including a shot directly into the pulp after the crown was drilled through ) .....ugh ugh ugh

But you know? The only thing worse than going to the dentist is NOT going to the dentist regularly !

and I might need full-fledged jaw surgery to correct my open-bite condition, which would mean I'd be off work for 6-8 weeks with my jaw wired shut :(

NOT looking foward to that :(

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On ?11?/?18?/?2016 at 3:35 PM, Baby Dee said:

My dentist even has a garbage can in the restroom labeled "Diapers or feminine pads only"!

He must have noticed your diaper bulge while you were sitting in the chair getting your teeth worked on!

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Digging up an older thread but whatever.)

I recently got my braces put on and I first went to an orthodontist who does nothing but braces. He said I'd need 3 teeth pulled 11 fillings and then new molds and braces within a week. He refused to sedate me because I'm small. (I'm technically underweight for my height and age.) And he said I'd need braces for a minimum of 3 1/2 years.

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xanex, nitrous, a good dry heavy absorbency diaper and headphones is what it takes for me to get in the chair... i panic meaning i uncontrollably wet basically as if i had a catheter in...

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