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Why I will be forever alone

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So I just realized from watching a Dr. Phil documentary on ABDLism that I am probably going to be forever alone. The world views us as "Freaks." It was hard enough for me to accept myself in this lifestyle, but I can't even begin to imagine someone else accepting me in a serious relationship.


If the fetish precludes you from having a normal relationship, then blending the two as appropriate, then you're doing it wrong.

This applies to any fetish, not just DL.

Many of us found an accepting partner, some even a willingly playful and engaging partner. Few have partners that do everything the same way every time (especially if it's one sided) and find it enjoyable.


Paying attention to Dr. Phil is for people without lives, as with all the rest of the pop psych charlatans that infest the media. The whole pop psyche/pop med thing is a scam and has been for 20 years


You won't be alone unless you want to be alone. Your fetish does not have to dominate your life! If you notice that 'smokin hot gal' you are attracted to, let nature take it's course. If you are attracted to her, you will try to get more acquainted with her, maybe ask her for a date. Try to do something of interest to you both.

I can guarantee you that if you intend to indulge your fetish 24/7 for the rest of your life without any other interests or activities, you may be a lonely person. Think about it, how many Moms would tolerate a baby who needs to be diapered and breastfed forever! They would burn out eventually from dispensing so much love and affection.

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Dude, plenty of us here have girlfriends/SOs that are accepting and sometimes willing partners in our fetish. For many people a fetish is no more weird than putting hot sauce on your ramen.

And if thats your own pic of you playing guitar as a front man, than WTF? You should have no problem finding someone who likes you for who you are.

Best of luck provin yourself wrong!

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I find people licking other peoples feet way more disgusting than diapers


Only with that attitude will you be alone. It's that self loathing and disdain for the diapers that turns the women off. Women like confidence and positive attitude.

Attack the diaper topic with tactful excitement with a potential mate. You may be surprised to find that she may get into it.

All the women I've introduced diapers too have engaged in one way or another. :)


Yah thanks for the advice lol. I think my first mistake WAS listening to Dr. Phil. What a douche. Perhaps I've just been a bit insecure or something. The fetish thing can be the third wheel that creates a tricycle. After all, some things are better with 3 wheels.


You will find someone who not only accepts but LOVES who you are and your weird sexy kinks. Underneath the surface we all have our oddities.


Why do people lend credence to Dr. Phil?


I told my wife, she has no interest (im thinking she is gaining some of lat though) but we have been happly married for 2 years. i sit around the house in my diapers and baby clothing, even some sissy stuff. my bottles are in the cupboards, all over are baby toys and powder. she doesnt care at all


Yeah poopit, I used to think just like you, but then again, when I thought this way, I was very ashamed about being abdl and as others have mentioned in this thread, I believe its this 'self manufactured' shame encouraged by the full of shit status quo that compels us to fulfill this lonely 'freakshow' destiny for ourselves.

It was this thinking that caused me to never open up about being abdl with any of my girlfriends till I met the girlfriend that would become my ex-wife. About 6 months into that relationship I opened up to her about being abdl and she was literally freaked the fuck out. Now, if this were to happen today, a reaction as fucked as that was would be no big deal and a sure fire sign that I simply am not compatible with a girl and it would be time to bail, but at that time, I was so insecure about being abdl that her awful reaction just fed right into the lifetime's worth of shame I had for being abdl and yes, I believed I was a disgusting freak that needed a lifetime of therapy to 'cure' me so I could meet the standards of what the status quo believes a male adult should be within the confines of a relationship.

Long story short, all was well with me and my ex-wife as long as I just did my abdl stuff by myself and never mentioned a word of it to her. We get married hoping we will come around to meet the others expectations, of course this doesn't happen, our sex life turns into a train wreck, and then yadda, yadda, yadda, she cheats on me, then I divorce her.

It was at this point that I decided to get to the bottom of my abdl-ism with a therapist. Did that, and in time found that the problem wasn't being abdl, the problem was my beliefs about it.

So since this 180 in perception about being abdl, I have dated a few women in high confidence of my self should the relationship get far enough to where I would disclose this part of myself. And one of those girls I dated did turn into a year long relationship. About a month in, I told her that I was abdl, sure, I was nervous, but I knew it had to be done. She not only accepted it but until other circumstances ended our relationship, I had a mommy that actually enjoyed babying me whenever we could find the time.

So dude, I don't believe the problem is being abdl. The way I see it, the problem within the confines of a relationship are,

1. how YOU perceive being abdl within yourself

2. How compatible you really are with a partner (because it does not matter what they think, YOU do not have to be in a relationship with them)

and 3. ( I did not mention it above but its very important) if you are lucky enough to find a partner who indulges you, don't be a selfish prick, you better be rocking their world as much as they are rocking yours.

So yeah dude, I believe we fulfill our own destinies, and if you can't change the perception of being abdl within yourself on your own, I am a strong advocate of seeking out the right therapist, it worked wonders for me.


being alone is all up to if that is the mindset yu have then that is what will probably happen,, as for me personally i thought that for a long time and thought i was a freak or something ,, then one day i said to my self that enough was enough i stopped hiding who i was from every one and over time i found a beautiful person who accepts me , my diapers and my ab side


Yeah, Not that I'd ever use the term "documentary" with Dr Phil, but there are two types of documentary and I really wish they were seperated.

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I am often impressed, even inspired by the wisdom I read in these forums.


I found love who loves me and my diaper life. she learned about 3 months into are relationship still she didnt leave me we had are rough times so there is hope.

Guest diaperboykcmo

I'm 41, and I had a gf/mommy for 5 years, unfortuntley I'm bipolar and I destroyed our relationship.


Good luck finding your significant other. I'm still searching myself. I wonder if any adult babies worked for Disney college program though. Hmmm

  • 3 years later...
On 11/27/2013 at 10:30 PM, Zekent said:

You will find someone who not only accepts but LOVES who you are and your weird sexy kinks. Underneath the surface we all have our oddities.

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