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  1. From the album: Art of Lil me

    Done by ChrisTheFox on FA Worst time to regress... all that hardwork gone.
  2. Chapter 1 Princess Leia Organa, leader of the rebel alliance has discovered a Empire drone crash landed on a planet call Kaylak, she pack everything she needs, after all she is doing this alone. As she got into her ship she saw a droid at the pilot seat. It looked female as it got up to help Leia with the weapons and equipment. 'Thanks err' said Leia as she dust some dirt off her white jumpsuit 'ND-23' said the Droid 'or Nell as some call me' Leia just brush past it as she reach the pilot seat, 'Well stay out of my way ok?' She said as she start the ship up 'Sure princess, shall we take the a nala system?' It asked 'No it takes too long, we're going through the Bala belt' said Leia as she drove the ship off nabob into hyperspace, The droid then sounded worried 'but ain't that a dangerous system? It is known to have some effects on humans' Leia laughed 'yeah I heard, it's just a fairy tale' she pilot the ship with great ease 'besides its important we get soon before the empire notice it' 'If you say so' said Nell 'shall I make some refreshments?' 'Sure, I could go for some coffee' 'Very well princess' it got up and went to the kitchen, nell push some buttons and activate the coffee machine when there was a rumble, it look outside as the space was covered with lights from other planets. 'Well isn't this beautiful' it said as it continue making the coffee. Nell came back to the cockpit as Leia set it to autopilot. She then turn to Nell 'see, 5 minutes in and I'm doing fine' Leia got up and drank her coffee 'now I'll just have a shower, make sure we don't get attacked' she put her coffee down and head to the bathroom. Nell just sat in the co pilots seat and watch the stars. Leia a took her jumpsuit off, then strip herself naked and got in the shower. Stupid robot being paranoid, she thought, maybe I prefer to have C3-PO with me, and maybe Luke or Han, she smiled as she wash herself. Once she's done she turn the water off, put white panties and bra on and wore her long white dress. She walk out when she saw herself in the mirror. Her long brown hair done up in buns and her same white dress that she wore when she was captured by Darth Vader, Leia felt a little weird as she went to her room to sleep. She got in and lay on the bed and soon fast asleep. Nell was watching funny vids through her eyes as she check the security cameras. There's Leia laying on her bed sound asleep, Nell decide to go to sleep mode for bit as it shut itself down. Leia woke with a yawn as she rub her eyes, she got up as she went to brush her hair but stop. She looked at herself in the mirror, her dress was gone but replace with a school girl outfit, her skirt barely covers her thighs as she sees her panties sticking out, her hair in a ponytail. 'Wha... Why am I in my old school uniform?' Said Leia as she took it off 'I haven't worn this since I was 15!' Now in her underwear she went to the closet. Lei a jaw drop as it was full of her old teenager clothes, 'That droid did this! It must have!' She put on jeans and a shirt as she angrily went to the cockpit. The droid was offline so Leia switched her on. 'Oh princess! Enjoyed your nap?' It asked 'Where is my clothes you tin can?' Asked leia in a stern voice 'Pardon?' 'My adult clothes! What you think I've been acting like a brat?' Yelled Leia 'Princess I don't know what you're talking about' 'Give me back my clothes now or I will shut you down!' 'Sorry princess, but I haven't' zzzzzk Nell went offline as Leia shut her down 'Ok, guess I have to look into your files then' she pick the droid and take it to her bedroom. She place the droid on the ground and attached wire from it to the computer. Leis started downloading files but it will take hours. 'Great just my luck' she waited in her chair as she started to fall asleep. Leia awoke up tired as she found the download has completed, but then she notice her clothes. She jump up and went to the mirror, now she was wearing a yellow sundress and her hair done in pig tails. She lift her dress up as she felt cotton around her waist and screamed as her panties are cotton and has cartoon cats around it, her bra has disappear leaving her breast hanging out under the dress. Leia couldn't belive it, she looks like a ten year old girl that, in fact she was wearing the exact same clothes when she was 10. Leia look at Nell still offine, there was no way it was the droid, so what's happening to her? She look in her closet for adult clothes but is was filled with only 10 year old clothes. Leia turn Nell back on, Nell looked at Leia 'aww you look cute in that' 'Do you know what's happening to me?' Asked Leia Nell nodded, 'we'll there was a rumor about the Bala belt, as it said whoever passes it will mentally regress until they are drooling and shitting themselves' Leia sat on her bed, 'you mean soon I'll become a baby?' 'Physically you will still be a grown women but mentally you will become a baby' said Nell Leia hug herself, she could imagine herself wearing nothing but a diaper while this droid feeds her and change her, she won't stop the empire and galaxy will be doomed. If she doesn't find a cure, she will become an adult baby. 'Ok We need to find a cure' Leia sat at her computer and started searching but she doesn't know how to spell regression, Nell watch as Leia try to think, but she decide Nell should find a cure. 'Ok tin can you go find me a cure' said Leia as she stood up 'But Princess I thought you were gonna find one' 'Why bother while I have a handy droid to do it for me' said Leia with a grin 'now get to work otherwise you will go into the scrap pile' Leia left her room to go to the cockpit. Nell sighned and search the cure in the head. Leia sat in the pilot chair and saw that they have arrived at the planet. 'Ok time to find that drone' she landed and walk out to the location of the drone, struggling to keep her dress over her thighs. She got rid of her pigtails as she let her brown hair fall around her shoulders as she left the ship.
  3. Chapter 1 'Open wide!' Jenna Coleman fed Billie Piper the mushy baby food, Billie was giggling as she sat in her high chair wearing nothing but a big diaper. Jenna had been her mummy for over a year, after the incident with the doll. After that no one believes that Billie Piper and Karen Gillan are adults. So it has been days of feelings and diaper changes. 'Ok last spoonful' said Jenna as she clean out the jar. Billie ate the food then spat it over on Jenna's shirt. 'Billie!' She yelled as she got up to look at the mess, Billie smiled as she stuck her thumb in her mouth. Jenna groaned as Karen crawled in and started pulling on her dress. 'What's wrong?' Asked Jenna when a foul smelled filled her nose. Karen just sat on her messy diaper and giggled, 'poopy mummy' she teased, Jenna lift her up and carried her out of the kitchen, 'come on I just change you' she complained leaving Billie in her high chair. Billie waited while mummy change her sister, she blew raspberries as she waits for mummy when someone entered the kitchen. A younge girl wearing a sundress and a flower in her hair, in fact she looks like Karen's old doll. The girl walked up to Billie and cooed to her, 'Hello Billie' she said 'My ain't you getting bigger' Billies smiled as the girl took her from her high chair and put her on the floor, 'now where can I find your mummy?' She asked Billie felt calm around his girl, 'mummy changing stinky dee dee' she babbled 'Really now?' Said the girl 'well how about I help "mummy" with that?' She pick Billie up and they walked towards the nursery. Billie doesn't know why but this girl seems familiar, they entered the nursery as Jenna just finished taping a new diaper on the naked Karen, her poopy diaper in the bin filled with other poopy diapers. Jenna turn around and screamed when she saw the girl. 'No! Impossible!' She panicked as she backed away 'Does somebody wants a new diapee?' Mocked the girl as she put Billie down and walked towards Jenna 'Go away! Leave me alone!' She yelled as she ran out of the room, the girl chased after her leaving Billie and Karen alone. Karen still lay on the table, playing the mobile atop of her as Billie wants milk. She carefully got on her bare feet as she stood, 'Baba!' She said as she waddle outside. She could hear crying coming from Mummy's room. Billie waddle as she hears a newborn baby's wail. Is there a baby in there? She wondered as she try to open the door but it was locked. Billie shrugged as she waddle towards the kitchen. Billie open the fridge and grab the jug of milk, 'baba!' She giggled as she open it and spill it on the ground. She sat down and splash when Karen crawled in, 'where's mummy?' She asked with a curious look on her face. Billie just shrugged as an idea pop into her head. They crawled into the living room to their play area. As they played with their toys they hear mummy's door open. Billie and Karen looked as Jenna waddle into the room. She was wearing a cloth nappy held by two pink pins, she was also completly naked but she has a look of fear on her face as she stares at the two adults on the ground. Jenna smiled and Billie could see her teeth were gone, she sat on her cloth nappy and start to babble, 'goo gaga bla ga' Billie and Karen stared at their mother, who is giving them a big toothless smile with drool running down her chin. Jenna sat down next to her new big sisters, Karen poke mummy in the boob, 'mummy why you baby?' She asked 'Hehehe ba baa boo' babbled Jenna as she poke Karen back. Billie watch as Karen and Jenna began poking each other, wondering what happen. The girl came into the room as Billie crawled towards her. 'What happen to mummy?' Asked Billie The girl smiled as she lift Billie up, 'Oh she was never your mummy, just your baby sister playing house with you two' Jenna then bit her lip as she started to fart and filled her nappy up. Karen clutch her nose, 'Ewwwww! You made poopy!' She pointed to the dirty cloth nappy, Jenna didn't care as she started to pick her nose, still babbling nonsensely. The girl put Billie in a bouncer as she pick Jenna up, 'see? She can't even keep her little tushy clean' shelace her on the table and began to change her diaper, she remove the pins and remove the cloth, Jenna just blew raspberries as her ass was getting wiped. Karen crawled to the table, remembering Jenna change her diaper just a short while ago. Billie started to feel left out, why is she getting all the attention? As soon as Jenna was place in a new cloth diaper, the girl put pink plastic panties on her. Jenna giggled as she waved her legs, the girl picked her up and put her in a high chair. Billie began calling out to the girl, 'missy missy!' She yelled The girl turned and lift her into the air, 'Just call me Betsy' she said 'now you play withy your sister while Baby Jenna needs to be fed' she put her in a playpen with Karen being put in it as well. Then she went to get baby food and began to feed Jenna. Billie turn to Karen, 'why is mummy baby now?' Karen drooled as she replied 'she baby now' and crawled over to the blocks. Billie shrugged as she joined her and they both play with the blocks. Betsy fed a big spoonful into Jenna's mouth, which she greedily ate. 'Good girl!' Said Betsy as she got another spoonful. Jenna giggled, opening her mouth for another. Betsy couldn't believe how easy it was to make her into a newborn. As soon as she strip her clothes off and spank her until her ass was bright red, Jenna just snapped, crying like a newborn baby. Then it was a matter of putting her back into diapers, but she wanted to make it more perminate for her. So she pulled out a cloth nappy and as soon as the pins were in place, Jenna was content and began acting like a newborn baby. The jar then got empty out as Jenna burped. Betsy then took her out and put her in the playpen with the other babies. Betsy watched as they played blocks, unaware that Betsy the Doll isn't the only doll in the world.
  4. Im looking for an Rp partner that is willing to be the parent/caretaker. I play as a 4 foor 11 inches tall, 110lbs, 24 year old whimp who gets tricked and regressed forcibly by a friend/relative that has been wanting to make me their baby for a long time. They have everything set up such as nursery, diapers, clothes, ect. You would be a tall and strong person (you pick height and age). You decide to regress me to a babbling infant that is completely dependent on you/others. If you are interested message me or reply here.
  5. Miley Cyrus sat in the back of her limo as she drove through the great city of LA. She have been tweeting and taking selfies through out the ride. When she got to her beach house, she got out of the limo and went inside. 'Ah it's so good to be home!' She said as she took of her coat. When she put her coat in her closet she notice a small door at the back. 'What's this?' She put her hand to the door and knocked, it sounded hollow so she pushed it open. 'Maybe this isn't a good idea' she thought but she couldn't help herself. She got on her hands and crawled through the door. She found herself in a secret room. She got up to look for a switch when her foot touch something. She bend down to pick it up and discover its a squeaky toy. 'What the hell?' She found a light switch and turn it on. She found herself standing in a bright nursery, it looks clean with fresh diapers in a cupboard under a big change table. There was a crib and playpen and even a high chair. 'Wow! Someone kept this room clean' she threw the toy at the toy box and looked around. She grab out her phone and took a selfie, #standinginanurserybehindmycupboard She took phot and looked at it when she almost fell back in surprise. The photo show a woman standing behind her. The girl looked 40 with a bun and big dress. Miley turned around but couldn't see her. 'Ok, I'm getting out of here' she quickly run back to the hole but all she found was a wall where it should be. She got on her knees as she try to find it, felling around for a handle or switch. 'Come on, where is it?' She said desperately. 'What's wrong little one?' Miley froze, that sounded like a woman's voice. She turned her head to the woman standing behind her. Miley screamed as she put her back against the wall. The woman was smiling at her as she reach out her hands to Miley. 'Come here' she said in a soothing voice 'let mummy calm you down' she grab Miley by her armpits and lift her up into the air. Miley was then snuggled into the woman's arms as she was carried like a baby towards the change table. 'Please let me go!' Begged Miley 'I was just looking around' 'Hush!' The woman said as she laid Miley down. Miley watch as the woman began to remove her shorts down her legs and onto the floor. Miley was too scared to fight back, what is she going to do with me? Her panties was removed as the woman lift up her bottom. Miley felt something soft and padded as her ass was placed back down. She lift up her body as the woman powdered her and pulled something plastic up over her vagina. As soon as it was taped snugly around her waist Miley reliased what it is 'A adult diaper' she gasped, this woman is going to make her into a baby! 'There we go' squealed the woman 'isn't that much better!?' She pulled up Miley's shirt as she started blowing on her belly. Miley started to laugh hysterically 'please!.....hahahahahaha....stop!.....gahahahah' she kick her legs as she laugh. The woman stopped and put Miley on the ground. Miley landed on her diapered butt, 'now play with your toys' the woman said. Miley turn to look at her but she has disappeared! 'I better get out before she comes back!' Miley then began to stand up. She put her hands on the ground as she lift her butt in the air then stood up. Sure she got up the same way a toddler would but this Diaper is so thick her legs became spread apart. Miley waddle to where the door was, she looked it over, hoping to see an outline. 'Maybe the door moved around' she said as she waddle alongside the wall. she came to the big crib. 'It has to be behind here!' she smiled as she started to push the crib out of the way. She grunted as she pushed, her bare feet sliding on the carpet. 'How heavy is this thing?' She put all of her strength to at least move it from the wall. She grunted when she heard herself farting. 'Phew!' She sniffed the smell, then before she knew it she was lifted in the air. She turn her head to see the woman putting her nose to the back of her diaper. 'Time for a diaper change!' She pronounced as she carried Miley to the change table again. 'No! Wait it was fart!' Said Miley as she laid on the table, the woman removing her diaper as she looked at her clean bottom. 'All clean eh? Maybe someone is having trouble going potty' smiled the woman as she turn Miley on her back and lift her ass sticking in the air. Miley felt something cold as she turn and saw a funnel sticking in her butt. ' What are you...' But the woman started pouring hot water into it. Miley gasp, she is getting an enema! The woman turn her around, removed the funnel and put her in a new diaper. 'I'll be back to check your diaper little missy' it said as she put Miley on the ground. Miley felt the hot water working in her bowels, 'no!' She sobbed 'I can hold it' the woman left again so Miley just crawled around the nursery. Soon she clutched her tummy as she laid her head on the ground, her ass sticking in the air. 'I can't hold it anymore!' She sighed as her ass exploded in her diaper, she sat up as she felt her poop mushing against her butt. 'Oh no, what have I done?' She sniffed the foul smell coming from her diaper. The woman walked towards her as Miley looked up at her, tears and snot running down her face, 'I did poopy' she said The woman smiled as she cooed her and pick the dirty diaper girl up. Miley laid on the table as her diaper was removed, her ass getting wipe by the woman. Miley just started at the mobile atop of her, spinning and spinning, Miley beacame fasinated by it as it play a lullaby. The woman put her in a new clean diaper, sat her up and remove her shirt. Miley just drooled as her shirt was removed, her bra falling to ground where the rest of her clothes lay. 'Now it's time for play time!' The woman said as she put Miley in a playpen surrounded by stuffed toys. Miley looked up at her, 'just wait here while mummy do some big girl things' the woman said as it evaporated in front of her. Miley sat back in shock, suddenly it all making sense. 'She's a fucking ghost!' Yelp Miley 'she is gonna make me into her baby!' She grab the bars and started to climb out when a voice called out to her from behind 'Where do you think your going?' Miley turned and spot a teddy bear sitting behind her, it was looking at her with big button eyes. Miley sat back down as her heart began to race. 'Hel.... Hello?' She asked as she crawled towards the bear. She yelp as the bear turn its head and got up. 'Why don't you play with your toys?' Said the bear 'we can play with the blocks' he grab some baby blocks and put them in front of Miley. Miley sat down as she grab one and put it on top of another one. The bear watch as Miley burrowed her face in concentrated as she started making a tower. 'There isn't this fun?' Asked the bear as she tickled Miley's bare belly. Miley smiled, this is fun! She build the tower higher until it fell down. 'Dammit!' She yelled as she started again, the bear help her by making another row of towers next to it. Miley and teddy continued to play as they make a tower, then Miley push it down. 'Heheheh' giggle Miley, the bear chuckled as it pick the blocks up. Miley just crawl around the playpen when she saw a rocking horse outside of the playpen. Miley bounce up and down as teddy pat her back, 'do you wanna play on the horse?' He asked Miley nod her head 'yes please!' So teddy un hook the bars and let it fall as Miley got up and waddle towards the horse. Miles got on the horse and started to rock, she can't denied that this is fun! She then started to put pressure on her diaper that made her tingle. Miley felt aroused as she place her hand on the front of her diaper and pushed. 'Ohhhhhhhh!' She moan as she started to rub it, before she could finish the woman lift her off the horse. 'Bath time!' She pronounced as Miley notice a big bathtub near the wall. She had her diaper removed as she sat in the tub, ep water rising up to her thighs. Miley played with the bath toys as the woman washed and clean her. Miley laughed as she splashed and laugh, the woman giggled as she wash Miley's hair. She then drain the tub and cover Miley with a towel, during her and carried her to the table. Miley suck her thumb as her hair was tied in pig tails and her ass en cases in a new thick diaper. Miley looked up to her new mummy as she carried her to the crib. 'My sweet little baby' Miley smiled as she started to doze off to her mummy's soothing voice 'You are a baby ain't you?' 'Yes' said Miley 'I am a baby' Mummy put Miley inside the crib, Miley looked up at her mummy and smiled, drool running down her chin 'Good baby' Miley closed her eyes and went to sleep. The next day there wa big news in the tabloid magazines, witness heard strange noises coming from Miley's beach house so one went in to check on her. He found Miley sitting in an old room, the room was empty but Miley was sleeping in an a banded bed, sources say she was in a big diaper. When the guy try to talk to her Miley just replied in nonsense baby babble. Miley now lives with her mother, who has this to say: 'I don't know what happen to my daughter but at least she can grow up again as a proper girl' The mother takes care of her adult baby girl as she reliese a phot of her with Miley Cyrus wearing her birthday suit and a big pink diaper, with the words: #newbornbabymileycyrus The end
  6. Hi i had this idea for an rp if any mommy or daddy want to do it ok so here it goes
  7. Hi everyone! so this weekend I will have the house to myself all of friday saturday and sunday and part of monday so Im planning on wearing diapers 24/7 for those 3 days which Ive never been able to wear them for more than a couple hours at a time before so this will be a new experience to me I really want to get deep into the aspect off feeling like a baby and regressing to just me and my diaper and feeling happy, but im not sure exactly how to go about doing this... I mean yeah putting on a diaper helps but it doesn't always put me in that baby mindset that im looking for! so I was hoping that maybe some of you could help me plan out what I should do this weekend to really help me feel like a baby and regress to my happy place. Ive already ordered some bambino diapers but thats all I have right now so if you have other suggestions on things I should get to use/wear I would appreciate it, or if you have ideas of things that I could do as far as activities or how to act when wearing/using my diaper I would
  8. So, I went and did it.. I went on craigs list, posted an ad for adult-baby sitter in domestic gigs and am getting a huge reply! So far 6 women want the position and understand it fully. I've taken a shine to one girl in particular and we just talked on the phone a bit ago. she doesn't seem too outrageously priced ($50 for the first hour and $30 for each hour past that). We agreed on no #2's and no public displays of a babyish nature while under her care.
  9. A sequel to http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?showtopic=41024&hl= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Jenna Coleman hugged her legs as she sat in her therapist office. For months she, Karen Gillan and Billie Piper had been attending therapy for what happen to them. Few months ago they found them in a giant crib, wearing nothing but diapers as they coo and gurgle like babies. It taken months to bring them back to their senses but no one would believe that a doll made them like that. Jenna try to tell them but they keep saying it's just their mind being over stressed. Jenna remembered how she like being diapered, and remembered regressing. She also remover her Billie and Karen acting like babies. The therapist, Dr Stein is going through his notes as Jenna sat on the chair. 'Well Jenna, I think you're feeling better' said Dr Stein 'Yes, no more accidents, I wake up clean everyday' said Jenna 'Thats good, which means that you've passed your potty training' Jenna Billie and Karen also had to be re-potty trained as they keep having accidents, Jenna remember the months of wearing diapers, then pull ups until she was ready to wear panties again, 'guess I don't have to see you any more' 'Thank you doctor' said Jenna as she got up, she shook the doctors hand and left the room. As she walked by the waiting room, she notice Karen reading a magazine on the chair, Jenna could see the diaper under her skirt as she walked by. Billie Piper was sitting on the ground near the children's toys, she was wearing her shirt and a diaper as she tries putting the right shapes in the right hole. Jenna felt guilty about maturing faster then them, but they'll soon go back to normal, after all that doll is gone for good as Dr Stein said they threw it in a garbage disposable. Jenna took a taxi back to her home and lay on the couch. 'Finally it's over' she said as she kick her shoes off. She soon fell asleep. She dream she was walking through the park, still wearing her dress and shirt as she saw lots of grown women diapered and playing. 'JENNNNNNNNA!!!' Screamed Karen as she waddle and hug Jenna 'wanna pway tag?' Jenna push her away, 'no! Karen, we are adults!' But Karen just pulled Jenna's dress down, reviling Jenna's big adult diaper. 'See you baby!' Said Karen pointing 'baby baby baby!' Jenna started to wobble as she fell down, then she sees the doll walking towards her. 'No! Get away!' Jenna crawled away, but the doll just continued walking towards her. Jenna then felt her bowls moved as stop and started shitting her diaper. 'No! I'm a big girl! Not a baby!' But the doll pick her up, Jenna felt fear as she relies her shirt disappeared, the doll pulled out its big boob and started breast feeding Jenna. Jenna cried as she drank the breast milk. Every girl started chanting 'Baby Jenna' over and over again. The doll put her down down and change her diaper. Jenna started wailing and crying as the doll wiped her messy ass. Jenna screamed awake, thank god it was a dream, Jenna hug her legs as she rest her head. Then she saw the adult diaper around her waist. Jenna yelp as she pulled back. Looking at her naked body but saved for that big diaper. 'How? The doll wasn't here! It wasn't the doll!' She poke it, then try to rip it off, 'no no, I don't wanna be a baby' she whimpered as she realised she was in a crib. She got on her knees and look over the railing. It looks like she is in an apartment, as she saw a queen size bed next to her crib. Jenna look around but it was too dark to see. Jenna got up and was about to climb over the crib when the door open and the light came on. Karen Gillan was wearing a towel as she came in the bedroom, she saw Jenna standing up and squealed, 'awwww! The baby wants to get out' said Karen as she lift Jenna up and place her on the floor, 'now wait here while mummy change into her clothes' Karen then took the towel off, showing off her sexy body as she started putting clothes on. 'Karen what are you doing? Why am I in a diaper?' Asked Jenna as Karen put panties and a bra on. Karen look at Jenna and crouch down, 'your in a diaper because your not potty train yet silly baby' said Karen as she pinch Jenna's cheek, Jenna push it away, 'stop this! I'm an adult!' But Karen just went back to her closet to put on sweat pants and a pink top. She lift Jenna up and carried her to the living room. Jenna squirmed but Karen just keep a tight grip on her as she sat on the couch, placing Jenna on her lap. 'Karen let me go!' Yelled Jenna but Karen just pulled up her shirt, and pulled her boob out as she put her hand on Jenna's head and started making her suck on her nipple. Jenna squirmed but she started drinking the breast milk. 'Good Jenna' said Karen 'this milk will make you big and strong' Jenna just suckled as the milk went down her throat. After 30 minutes Karen pulled Jenna back, pull her shirt down as she lay Jenna over her shoulder and pat her bare back. Jenna let out a big burp as milk started drooling down her face. Karen then put Jenna in a play pen as she walked to the kitchen. Jenna started grinning, she missed this kind of attention, but she shook that thought away, she is an adult, she should act like one. Jenna stood up and climb over the rails, as she walked quietly to the door there was a knock. Jenna frozed, she hears Karen coming out of the kitchen as she quickly ran back to her playpen, sitting in it just in time as Karen walked past to get the door. Jenna could hear Karen talking with someone, as she got on her knees. To look Karen shut the door and walked to the playpen, her hands behind her back. 'Mummys got a surprise for you' said Karen as she smiled, then she showed Jenna what she got. Jenna screamed as Karen was holding Betsy the Doll.
  10. Chapter 1 Karen Gillan has just bought a doll for her little cousin, she was in her house looking at the toy, it look like an old doll wearing a sundress and a flower in her hair, she pull the string on the back. 'Hi! I'm Betsy and you are a good baby' 'Wow what a nice voice' said Karen as she she place it on her table, her phone started to ring as Karen got up to answer it. As she was talking on the phone the doll spoke again. 'Who's a cute baby?' It said as it watches Karen. When she hung up Karen felt sleepy, she decide to head to bed, as she put her pyjamas she laid down in bed and slept. She had the strangest dream, she was at a party with other female celebrities, everyone was talking and laughing, until a women, wearing the same exact clothes as the doll walk in. 'Whos a good baby?' Everyone, even Karen put their hand up, the doll said 'come to mama' the everyone got on their hands and crawled, once they were trying to get to mummy, their beautiful dresses have disapered, leaving only big white diapers, Karen look at her diaper, with elmo designs, Karen loved elmo, mummy pick Karen up, 'looks like somebody needs a diaper change' she said as she tickle Karen's belly, making her laugh, then Karen woke up, 'Wow what a weird dream' she said but as she took her covers off, she wasn't wearing her pyjamas, she was wearing the same diaper from her dream, Karen screamed, she got up and poke at it. 'Why am I wearing a diaper?' She then heard something 'Did someone made a stinky?' The doll said from her bedside table, Karen grab the doll and put it in her closet, she took her diaper off and put her panties, bra, shirt and dress on. She then left her apartment, trying to forget about the diaper. Later that night when she came back, the doll was sitting on her coffee table, next to a bottle of milk, Karen screamed, 'I thought I put you in the closet' she yelled pointing at the doll 'Does baby want her baba?' Karen grab the doll and threw it away, she was about to throw the milk when she suddenly put it in her mouth, she sat on her ass as she drank the milk, she feel so relaxed and happy as she suckled, when's the bottles empty she put it on the table and did a burp, 'oops, where did that come from?' She yawned and started falling asleep on her floor. Karen was in crib, everywhere other diapered celebrities was in their cribs, the same women came and checked Karen's diaper, 'yep you need a diapee change' she said picking the giggling Karen up, Karen suck her thumb as the girl changed her diaper, 'you are a good baby, yes you are, yes you are' she tickled Karen as she laugh, When she woke up she was in her bed, what's weirder was she was naked but wearing another diaper, this is getting scary as she notice the doll on her bedside table, 'does baby want a diapee change?' Karen does smell something, as she touch her ass she feel poop squishing, she has mess herself, she ran to the bathroom, threw the diaper in the bin and took a shower. She sat on the floor as the water wash her, crying while trying to think what's happening to her, she then started to suck her thumb. When she got out she wrap a towel around her and walk back in to put clothes on but she sees an open diaper on her bed along with baby powder and wipes, she quickly threw them out the window and put her normal clothes on. The doll was on her bed again, 'baby needs a new diaper' it said 'I am not a baby! Go away!' Karen grab the doll and threw it out the window. She calms herself down 'ok the mean doll is gone, I'll just buy my cousin a new toy. Karen walk to the living room and instantly sees the doll on the table 'Notty baby' Karen started to cry as she sank to the ground 'You have been a bad baby' 'Im sowwy' said Karen as she suck her thumb 'Be a good baby or mummy will spank' Karen started to wet herself as she cried 'Does baby want a diapee change?' Chapter 2 Billie Piper was off to visit Karen Gillan, when Karen called her she was crying about some doll reducing her to diapers, Billie thought it was silly and went to check on her, once she entered it was not a pretty sight, the room smelled of baby powder and diapers, she walk in to find Karen Gillan playing with baby toys on the ground, she was completely naked except she wore a big white diaper, she was making baby sounds until she turn and notice Billie, 'Hi Billie!' She yelled waving her arms 'Karen what are you doing?' 'Playing dollies, wanna pway?' Billie notice the doll Karen was holding, it was blonde with a flower in her hair and wore a sundress, Billie bend down and took the doll from her, Karen started to cry 'Karen stop, you are a grown women' said Billie 'You took my Dollie, waaaaaa!' Karen cried, Billie try to calm her down so she put a pasi in her mouth, 'There you big baby' said Billie as she sat on the couch while Karen suck her pasi, Billie look at the doll then... 'Whos a good baby?' Billie drop it, 'woah, I didn't even pull the string' but she realise there was no string, she pick the doll up and put it on the table. Karen was pulling Billie's leg, 'what is it Karen? Why are you acting like this?' She smelled something horrible as she realise Karen has messed her diaper. .'EWWW KAREN!' Screamed Billie as she cover her nose, Karen laughed, dropping her pasi on the floor and letting her drool on her bare breasts, 'don't think I'm gonna change you! You want to be a baby then you can stay in your messy diaper!' She yelled making Karen burst into tears, Billie left Karen to cry her eyes out and went out. Billie went to her home, her husband and kids are on a trip to Disneyland so she has the house to herself, she sat on her couch and turn on the tv. She then fell asleep on the couch, she dreamt she was walking down a hallway, the smell of baby powder everywhere, she open a door into a nursary, an adult nursary, then a young women was there, she was wearing the same clothes as the doll, she look at Billie 'come here my baby' Billie smiled and looked down, she was completely naked but wearing a big white diaper around her waist, she sat sat on her diapered ass and mummy pick her up, 'my ain't we a happy baby' Billie giggle as mummy lace her on the mat surrounded by toys, she played happily, then she woke up. She was in her bed, funny she was on the couch, and she was naked except wearing the same diaper from her dream, she saw the doll on her bedside table, Billie took the diaper off, put clothes on and took the doll. She bang on Karen's door, she went in to look for Karen and found her in a crib, but this was an adult crib and Karen was sleeping peacefully, Billie poke her awake and Karen sat up. 'Karen why is your doll in my house?' 'Hi Billie' said Karen in a baby voice 'Don't hi Billie me, who change your diaper?' 'Why mummy did' said Karen Billie threw the doll and left, when she walk by the tv she saw that barney the dinosaur was on, Billie started to watch, as it played Billie sat on her ass, Karen crawled and saw Billie clapped and laugh, Karen joined her makeing Billie realise what she's doing 'what am I doing?' she got up and went to the door, she was about to leave when Karen started laughing at her. 'what's so funny?' said Billie as Karen point at her jeans 'Baby!' Billie look and screamed, she has wet herself, pee is running down her jeans, she try to cover but she is soaking wet, 'whaaa?' she sank to the ground, Karen crawled and gave her a diaper, Bille hit the diaper and ran out. She used her jacket to cover herself as she went back home, she ran upstairs and into her room, she took her wet jeans and panties off and put new panties on 'does baby want a diapee change?' Bille look at the doll on her bed, with a diaper and baby powder, she screamed as she threw the doll out the window, she ran to the living room where the doll was on her table 'You've been a bad baby, picking on Baby Karen like that' 'I AM NOT A BABY! GO AWAY!' screamed Billie as she tie the doll into a bag and into her bin outside. Later that night, Billie was wearing her sexy nightgown, the events of today far from her mind, as she slept peacefully, she had another dream. She was back in that nursery, she was in her crib sucking her pasi when mummy came into the room, Billie sat up and spread out her arms to be pick up, mummy pick her up and sat her on her lap, she laid Billie down and pulled her diaper down, Mummy then started to spank her. 'You are a bad baby, picking on Karen' she spank and Billie cried, she sees Karen Gillan on the ground laughing at her, Billie cried louder, then she woke up in a sweat. She look and realise she is in a diaper again, her nightgown is gone, and the doll was at the foot of her bed, Billie screamed and fell to the floor, she crawl backwards away from the doll. 'Please go away' beg Billie as she sobbed 'Baby has been notty' Billie's back was against the wall 'Baby must be punished' "I'll be good! Please!' Billie cred, wetting her diaper out of fear 'Sit on mummy's lap' Billie crawled and laid on the doll's lap, then she feel a hard spanking on her diaper, Billie cried as the spanking continues. Karen Gillan heard a knock at her door, when she open it she found her doll and Billie Piper on the ground naked but in a diaper, looking sad like she had been crying, 'Change my diapee please?' Said Billie as she suck her thumb, Karen smell something horrible, she sees that Billie had mess her diaper, Karen led Billie inside and they both sat on the floor, Billie want Karen to change her but she doesn't know how to, they both cried until a girl came in. It was the same girl from their dreams, she pat Billie's head, 'don't worry, mummy will change that stinky diaper' she then started to change Billie, Karen watch as mummy wiped and powder Billie, then after she put a new diaper on her, she pick both babies up and put them in the crib, Karen and Billie fell asleep as mummy sang them a lullaby. Then there was a knock on the door, Mummy open the door to find Jenna Louise Coleman in a diaper on the ground, babbling nonsensical as she drool on her bare breasts. Chapter 3 Karen Gillan was in the shop buying a doll for her cousin, when Jenna Coleman saw her and went to say hi. 'Hey Karen fancy seeing you here' said Jenna 'Hey Jenna, I was buying a doll for my cousin, what do you think?' Karen held a blonde doll with a flower in her hair and wearing a white dress. 'Nice,' said Jenna as she held it, she pulled the string, 'Hi I'm Betsy and you are a good baby' 'Wow what a weird doll' said Jenna as she hand it back, 'hey wanna have lunch at my place on Sunday?' 'Sure' said Karen 'I'll be in my sexiest dress' she smiled and went away, Jenna decide to head home to relax, when she got home she sat on her couch and turn the tv on, she watch some soap operas until she got tired, she went to change into her pyjama shirt and took her pants off, she lay in bed and fell asleep. She dreamt she was in a stroller, she notice she isn't wearing anything except a big white diaper, Karen Gillan was poking her bare belly, 'who's a cute baby? Who's a cute baby?' She said as Jenna giggle, then Jenna mess her diaper, 'awww, somebody made a stinky!' She said as she pick Jenna up and lay her down as she change her diaper. Jenna suck her thumb as she watch Karen tape a clean diaper on her, then Karen top disappear along with her bra, then her pants and her panties morph into a diaper, now she is a big baby, Karen asked Jenna if she wanna play patty cake which Jenna agreed and they both played until Jenna woke up. 'Woah what a weird dream' she said as she got up and heard a crinkle, she look down to find her shirt missing, her boobs exposed and wearing the same diaper from her dream. 'What the?' She said as she got up and look in the mirror, she can't deny she does look cute, she turn to see her diapered butt and pat it, 'huh, it's so comfortable, I wonder why I don't wear it often.' She admire herself more, even feeling a bit turned on, She was about to take it off, 'we'll one day won't hurt' she leave it and put some clothes on. After she look in the mirror again, her skirt is long but couldn't cover the bottom of the diaper, anyone would see it poking out under it, she then went out to do some shopping. She went to Kmart to buy some new clothes when she found herself in the baby isle, she stop and look around at all the baby stuff, 'all these things look good' she pick up a rattle and shook it, giggling as she shake it more. Making sure no one was looking she put it in her trolley, and start putting more baby stuff, bibs, bottles, adult diapers (why are they in here?) and even baby wipes. She took them to the counter where a teen girls was staring at it. 'Its..... For my niece' said Jenna 'Riiiight' said the girl as she scans them, then Jenna felt a bowel movement, without warning she started to mess her diaper, the teen cover her nose, 'what's that's smell?' 'Oh probably nothing' said Jenna as she paid and took the bags, the teen noticing her diaper sagging as Jenna walked away. Jenna went to the bathroom and check her diaper, sure enough she feel the shit load in her diaper, Jenna should be embarrassed, she just shit herself like a baby, but she's actually relieved, even proud that she done it, she smiled as she sat on her messy diaper, the poop squishing against her ass. She notice a diaper changing machine for babies, she sat on the table and the machine came to life. It pulled off her her skirt revieling the messy diaper, it untapped the sides and pull it off. Then the machine grab wipes lift Jenna's legs and wipe her ass so it's clean of any poop, it then threw her diaper in a diaper pail, then it grab an adult diaper from Jenna's bag and life Jenna legs so her ass is on the diaper, it started to powder her ass and tape the clean diaper up, finally it put her skirt back on. Jenna got off the table, glad to be in a clean diaper, she can't walk around with people smelling her and noticing her diaper. She pick up her bags and went home. When she got home, she pulled her skirt off, spill the baby toys from her bag and begin to play with them. After a few hours she fell asleep on her floor sucking her thumb. She dreamt she was in the park, she sees her mommy, who is wearing the same flower and dress like Karen's doll, she came to Jenna, who is topless and has a pasi around her neck. She pick Jenna up and tickle her tummy, she then put her in the sandpit with Baby Karen Gillian and Baby Billie Piper, they play in the sand until more babies came, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Emma Stone, Miley Cyrus and Katie Holmes. They all played until Jenna woke up, topless and in her bed. Jenna wonders how she got in her bed but she doesn't care, she kick her blanket off and stared at her feet, she never notice how wiggly and cool it looks, she grab her foot and try to suck on it, she fell off her bed and she crawled out, wagging her diapered ass. She crawled to her toys and played with toy keys, she turn on the tv and watch teletabies, she crawled around and notice something in a basket in the bathroom, she found it was full of clothes, she pulled out a pink thing, she thinks it's panties but she doesn't wear big girl panties, she threw all the clothes out and put the basket on her head, and crawled with the basket on her, Jenna then got hungry, she open her fridge to find milk in a baby bottle, she grab it and started to suck on it, she lay on her back, her legs in the air as she drank. When she's done she sat up, threw the bottle and remember something, she promise Karen she'll come to her house for a play date. She crawled to the door and try to open, but she couldn't reach, she yawned as she laid down and fell asleep. Once she woke up she was on her back at Karen's door, then her mommy open the door and Jenna just gurgle while asking for a pick up. Mummy pick Jenna up and carried her to the crib, Jenna sees Billie Piper and Karen Gillian also diapered in the crib sleeping, Jenna yawned as mummy laid her down next to them and let her sleep. Mummy walk to the counter, a bright flash appeared and mummy became the doll that sat on the counter watching her babies. The end
  11. Chapter 1: Baby Kairi Namine sat on her bed in her house, she look at photos of Kairi with her friends and Namine just sat there imagining Kairi in a huge diaper, Namine grab her notebook out and started to draw. She drew Kairi in a huge pink diaper, Namine smiled, then heard a knock on the door. Kairi was at the door 'Namine come on, we have to go shopping' Namine walk down and open the door, kairi stood there in her Kh2 clothes and smiling. 'Ok give me a second' said Namine as kairi walk inside, Namine then notice something pink under Kairi's dress. 'Uh Kairi what's that?' Asked Namine Kairi blushed and pull up her dress to reveal her big thick pink diaper 'I don't know, while on my way I notice my panties were getting thicker until this happens, please don't tell anyone I'm wearing a diaper, I don't went Sora to see me' said Kairi as she try to pull her dress over her diaper but its still showing, Namine smiled, but she said 'do't worry, you can wear my panties' Namine walk back to her room while Kairi is still covering her diaper. Namine found her notebook and started to draw, she drew Kairi as a big baby and need Namine to look after her. Meanwhile Kairi was sitting on the couch when she started to suck her thumb, she felt a draft and look down to find her clothes have disappeared, leaving her boobs out and she is still wearing that pink diaper. Kairi screamed and got up and cover her breast, 'what's happening to me?' She fell on her diapered ass and started to cry, 'Namine! Namine!' She yelled but Namine wasn't listening so kairi crawled to the stairs but find the stairs so high, so she sat on her ass and started to cry. Namine walk back to find Kairi naked except in her diaper and crying. 'Aww my poor baby' said Namine picking Kairi up, then check her diaper 'looks like someone need a diapee change!' Then she carried Kairi to her bed, she drew some diapers and powder and began to change Kairi, Kairi just laid there glad That Mummy is here to change her. Once Namine was done she pick Kairi up and carried her to the living room. She put Kairi in a pram and strap her in. 'Now we're going shopping so mummy can but baby stuff for Baby Kairi' said Namine as she push Kairi out the door while Kairi suck her thumb giggling. At the shops, Namine has bought lots of adult baby stuff for Kairi and when they got home, Namine got a phone call. 'Hello?' Said Namine 'Hey Namine do you know where Kairi is?' Said Sora on the phone. Namine look at Kairi trying to eat her rattle and messing her diaper 'Kairi went on vacation, when she gets back she'll call you' said Namine with a grin 'Oh ok, when will she be back?' 'I don't know she didn't say' 'Ok, thanks Namine' sora hung up, then Namine went to Kairi 'Its time for baby's diaper change' Kairi starting to giggled at her messy diaper as Namine carried her to the bed.
  12. Can anyone suggest any ways to continue the age regression at work without getting caught? Besides wearing diapers under my suit...heheheh Thanks everyone!!
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