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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by tommyneedsdiapers90

  1. tommyneedsdiapers90

    My bedroom.

    ugh what a dream room must smell like powder all over the place!@
  2. so soggy! bet its drooping nicely as you waddle
  3. welcome! love all your pics! i also love plastic pants over disposable. just love all the crinkles they make and they're great for covering up smells if u go poopy lol
  4. My first daddy right out of high school forced me to stay in my diapers after we had sex or if he milked me in my diapers. I hated it and just wanted to change but he trained me to love it and stay a good diaper needing boy
  5. Ivd gotten so used to changing my messy ones I'm sure I wouldn't mind changing another big baby. Also I know how rare it is to find another playmate into poopy so I'd want to help them live that fantasy
  6. Just north of sj! Would love to play
  7. I love wearing clothes when I poop myself. It really makes me feel like a little kid being naughty, like when I'd have to wear layers and layers of clothes to play in the snow as a kid and suddenly have to potty but don't want to go back inside. I love wearing a onsie and shorts or two piece pjs and poop in bed. Feeling it lump up in my diaper, pressing against all my clothes I love it
  8. The slightest leak down the leg guards because I'm a pretty active baby and don't want to leave puddles everywhere. But if I'm in full regression mode my shorts or pjs need to be soaked before I change lol
  9. @Enthusi goodness i feel like that day is coming soon for me. going to be so embarassing especially if someone else is changing me
  10. yup i 100% no longer understand it. when im in public and in just a pull up or an underwear guard, first of all i have to use a stall because i get embarassed, then i go , then i have to shake for a loooong time because if i dont i'll instantly start dribbling in my pants, sometimes a full uncontrolled stream. even tho im not totally incontinet yet, my fully potty trained days are long gone
  11. It's like 90% a comfort thing and a thing to help me regress. I really feel like a little one grunting and filling my shorts! Then it always feels nice and squishy when i toddle around or sit and feel it spread. The sexual element i think is the embarassment/humiliation of seeing how messy and pathetic i am
  12. I first wanted my diapers back not long after I was potty trained so 3? Started stealing my cousins diapers at like 6 then started buying my own at 13
  13. Any Littles or caregivers in the bay area? Love to just chat and maybe hang! I just moved here and don't have many friends
  14. Apple sauce especially in those sippy pouches, mushed bananas, cheerios and of course a baba of warm milk n honey
  15. I've had folks threaten to throw my mom a second baby shower as a way to force me to be her baby boy again. Needless to say I love the idea
  16. My mom is okay with it now or at least it doesn't come up. I wish she embraced it
  17. ngl love the smell of soggy diapers. messy too to a point tho but thats just me. it just makes u smell babyish and little and its so embarassing
  18. These are way cooler than the first MLP pull ups that came out for rite aid. i know loving pull ups is a third rail topic almost but i personally have always found ALL pull ups so mega cute and always been jealous that i couldnt wear em too
  19. Zappa, knopfler, pat metheny, m ward, John Williams, garcia
  20. I've done this but never with someone lactating. I love it it's so soothing and a great way to bond and submit. I wasn't a breast baby but wish I was
  21. Peepee, weewee poopy, caca, boom boom, stinky. If I'm naughty then it's stickies, googoo, make milk.
  22. I love being humiliated for still acting like a little toddler filling my pants and sucking pacifiers and needing my mom. Makes it fun and embarrassing
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