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justagirl4fun last won the day on August 4 2015

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    Adult Kid
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    4-5 years old

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  1. Alex hugged Kaley, wanting her to know he wasn't mad at her. "Sweetie, I know Rocky is loud. Really, really loud. And I know you don't like when she's loud. But you can't just push her around like that. If she's being too loud you can come get me, and I will tell her to quiet down, or Sarah will. Or you can go play in another room. But no more pushing, okay?" "Well, tell her it's bad, then she will know better!" Rocky insisted.
  2. "It's okay. Were you upset because Rocky was too loud?" Alex asked. "It's fine, she didn't even hurt me," Rocky scoffed. "But next time, I'm pushin' her back."
  3. Alex sat down and offered Kaley the tablet. "Honey, can you tell me me why you pushed Rocky?" he asked gently, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer.
  4. Alex was shocked by Sarah's response. "She doesn't just attack people out of nowhere. Something had to set her off," he snapped.
  5. "No, I think that's it," Alex said as Kaley started yelling. "I...I gotta go. Keep me posted." He hastily hung up and hurried to the living room, where he scooped Kaley up. "What did you do?" he asked Rocky sternly, though he kept his voice low so as to not upset Kaley any more. "I just told you this morning to leave her alone. Now you can go sit in the corner until dinner time." Rocky, too scared to argue, just looked to Sarah pleadingly, hoping her mother would defend her.
  6. Before long Rocky was getting wound up. "I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win!" she chanted over the noise of the game as she wiggled excitedly. "No, she's had a number of accidents. She's wet the bed every night and also had at least one daytime accident every day. She shows no initiative to use the toilet on her own, doesn't tell us when she has to go...sometimes she'll cry after she has an accident but other times she just sits in her wet clothes like it's no big deal."
  7. "Can we play Hungry Hungry Hippos?" Rocky asked, not waiting for a response before running off to the playroom to retrieve the game. "I wanna be the green one!" "Okay? She certainly is not okay," Alex asserted. "Not only did she wet herself, her underwear was on backwards! I got her dressed this morning so I know it was on the right way before she left. And she has bruises that weren't there before. Nothing about this is okay."
  8. Rocky glanced in the living room and scowled when she saw Kaley's new tree house and Calico Critter sets. Once again Kaley got all that, while she was only allowed to pick one thing - plus the girl was once again monopolizing the TV and the tablet! Prior to Kaley's arrival she'd been happy with small doses of screen time, generally preferring to play outside or do something active, but seeing the girl with seemingly unlimited access to both was driving her nuts. Of course complaining would do no good but, but she sat across the room and glared at her. "Yes, that would be great," Alex said and wasted no time dialing the social worker's number. "Yes, I have some major concerns regarding Kaley's visitation," he said once the woman answered.
  9. Rowan squealed with delight as the otters took the clams. "Well, did you have fun?" Peter asked Izzy as they left the Manta Ray exhibit and entered the gift shop at the aquarium exit.
  10. Alex made his way to Sarah. "I don't think it sent well at all," he informed her quietly. "I need to call the social worker. When she got home her underwear was on backwards - and I know it wasn't earlier because I got her dressed - and she'd had an accident. She has bruises and red marks on her body, the asshole even tore up her activity book and the drawing she made for him!"
  11. "I had fun, too!" Rocky squealed as she hopped out of the car, and swung her sloth around as she made her way to the house. "Can we always do something fun when Kaley goes away?" Alex pulled Kaley's hands out of her mouth and pressed a chewy toy in each hand, hoping to distract her from hurting herself. He really wasn't sure what else to do but hoped Sarah would be home soon so she could keep an eye on Alley and he could call the social worker.
  12. Rocky played happily until it was time to go. Alex found Blush for Kaley. "Do you want a snack, or something to drink?" he asked.
  13. Rowan nodded vigorously and reached for Michelle to get her out of the stroller. Peter set Izzy down in front of the exhibit.
  14. I suppose baby talk is all well and good if you're adults playing but please please please if you have daughters they should know the correct anatomical term right from the get go. In the event of CSA or inappropriate touching girls must be able to specify where they were touched. Cutesy names are vague and leave things open to interpretation, getting cases thrown out. Personally, I would avoid any baby names, slang terms, etc.
  15. Rocky devoured her meal, eyeing the play place the entire time. "Can I go play?" she asked as soon as she finished. Alex took the bag Kaley offered and started to unpack it, his blood boiling when he saw the torn picture and book. "I'm sorry you didn't have a good time with your dad. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" he offered.
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