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Possible Trojan On Site?

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I access the main site and this forum (through the main site link) and my browser throws up some really weird errors / spam, warning me of a trojan on the site and to stop what I'm doing.

I'm using Google Chrome.

I haven't experienced this on any other site except this one, you may want to search the site and this forum for trouble.

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Then explain how I found Hector, Priam, Cassandra and a pack of condoms

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No. but I stil knew I was REALLY up the Greek!

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  • 2 months later...
14 hours ago, diapernh said:

there is malware on the main page of dailydiapers.com  went there and immediately started getting spam virus popups

Didn't see anything, but I just uploaded fresh copies of the pages.

Also ran it through 2 site scanners and it came back clean.


Often times the trojan is on a users' computer and is triggered by visiting certain adult sites.

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I did not see Cassandra anuwhere. And I cannot remember the last time I saw Paris: Must have been about 3472 years ago, when I was with Lady Truthfinder on some search she was on and took me with her We did run into Ukysses doing some mopping up and he asked us if we saw a pack of Trojans and Laty Truthfinder said all she saw was a pack of Belissimos and a case of NorthShore MegaMax

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  • 3 months later...
On 4/21/2022 at 12:37 PM, willnotwill said:

I got a malware alert while viewing the site a few days ago, but it was transient.   I assumed it was garbage in one of the advertising insertions.


If so, that advertiser should be reported. 

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then the thread starter needs to go into safe mode and do a full system scan, could be a rootkit or a redirector, dont just do 1 scan, do many, such as symantec, trendmicro, avg, malwarebytes, and i think there was one called roguekiller, id have to go back and look to get the name of it, i needed something to kill a virus that came through, oddly enough, from wikipedia, some kind of host virus, made so many instances of a file run that my system crashed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can consistently replicate this problem.  I browse in a private Chrome session, so nothing is saved.  If I do not sign in for a week or more, I go to click the login button and bam, I get that popup about a virus and needing to  scan the computer.   I kill the browser.  I have scanned my computer with the various spybot, malware bytes, online scanner and my local webroot secure anywhere.  

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  • 1 month later...

Same here, every first time i connect to this site in a couple days, i get a panic screen from the browser, i have to kill the page then i can reconnect properly.
This never happens on trusted websites, only here or on very shady pages that overloads you with popups.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/20/2022 at 10:12 PM, diapernh said:

there is malware on the main page of dailydiapers.com  went there and immediately started getting spam virus popups


On 10/4/2022 at 12:46 AM, feralfreak said:

i dont get that problem, i wonder if there is a bad script, i use noscript, i have to approve anything for it to run, might help with yourr problem

If you're using Google Chrome or DuckDuckGo, it's likely the browser that's putting the errors there.  Both browsers are known for producing false errors/warnings on sites they don't like, mainly ones that aren't far left.

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On 12/1/2022 at 10:17 PM, Firefly 35 said:


If you're using Google Chrome or DuckDuckGo, it's likely the browser that's putting the errors there.  Both browsers are known for producing false errors/warnings on sites they don't like, mainly ones that aren't far left.

Alphabet, the owners of Google and Google Chrome do not do that, and if they started, they would go the way of the Dodo, Ask Jeeves and other search engines / browsers. Your logic fails since these companies generate revenue by feeding users what they are looking for, and selling advertising space on their own sites before the link. Users are very fickle creatures, and if they are getting errors with one browser / search engine, they very quickly switch to one that works. That concept is no good for the revenue streams of Alphabet etc.

The advertisements on Ask Jevees, Yahoo plus others were so intrusive, many people switched to Google etc. The pestering of Microsoft on their browsers Internet Explorer; MS Edge etc. is so annoying that those in the know, if they can, remove them from their computers. Add to this the response Alphabet (Google) gave to a US investigation when they were asked for information in relation to their users - people now semi-trust Google, and Google are doing everything in their power to keep these users - and the associated €70 billion+ that they earn from same.

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  • 5 months later...

Am currently on the road, and have attempted to use hotel computers to access this site via google in 3 different states.  Each time, I get an on screen warning that the site is infected with both malware and a Trojan.  The third attempt resulted in microsoft immediately taking over the computer and basically shutting it down.  There was a verbal message giving details of the Trojan (apparently a password and account number skimmer), and instructing me to contact tech support to learn how to proceed.  This amounted to doing nothing more than literally pulling the plug, but I got a distinct impression during the phone conversation that I am not the first person with this issue on this site.  

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On 5/10/2023 at 12:31 AM, Babypants said:

Am currently on the road, and have attempted to use hotel computers to access this site via google in 3 different states.  Each time, I get an on screen warning that the site is infected with both malware and a Trojan.  The third attempt resulted in microsoft immediately taking over the computer and basically shutting it down.  There was a verbal message giving details of the Trojan (apparently a password and account number skimmer), and instructing me to contact tech support to learn how to proceed.  This amounted to doing nothing more than literally pulling the plug, but I got a distinct impression during the phone conversation that I am not the first person with this issue on this site.  

1. What is more likely is that there is an issue with the service provider that the hotel is using. This site is secure.

2. Microsoft NEVER will take over a computer to shut it down. That is an application triggered by a button / event on the browser window you are using. Even on update, the Windows OS will tell you that you need to restart your machine (meaning restart the kernel operating system) to allow the required files that were updated to be incorporated in the OS. You can, if you wish, never restart the machine (restart the kernel).

3. A verbal message is an audio file that is on the computer you are using / after been downloaded to that machine being played by a media player. It usually has NO link to any file or process on the machine.


Finally... if you ever get an issue with this site, close your browser and restart it. Then go back to this site. After all, what you are seeing is a rendered view of a text file that has been downloaded (requested by you and your browser). It is the browser that is doing all the work. The file and its data has no access to any other files on your computer.

The internet, and the browsers use basic functions such as HTTP_POST and HTTP_GET. i.e. send data to web address (specific machine), request data from a web address (specific machine). It is a very simple process which scam artistes lie to confuse and manipulate people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/28/2022 at 11:47 AM, 2sail2 said:

I can consistently replicate this problem.  I browse in a private Chrome session, so nothing is saved.  If I do not sign in for a week or more, I go to click the login button and bam, I get that popup about a virus and needing to  scan the computer.   I kill the browser.  I have scanned my computer with the various spybot, malware bytes, online scanner and my local webroot secure anywhere.  


On 10/3/2022 at 5:02 PM, Fuzz said:

Same here, every first time i connect to this site in a couple days, i get a panic screen from the browser, i have to kill the page then i can reconnect properly.
This never happens on trusted websites, only here or on very shady pages that overloads you with popups.


On 8/8/2022 at 2:43 PM, feralfreak said:

then the thread starter needs to go into safe mode and do a full system scan, could be a rootkit or a redirector, dont just do 1 scan, do many, such as symantec, trendmicro, avg, malwarebytes, and i think there was one called roguekiller, id have to go back and look to get the name of it, i needed something to kill a virus that came through, oddly enough, from wikipedia, some kind of host virus, made so many instances of a file run that my system crashed.

It seems to me from your descriptions that you have a smart malware program installed with your kernel operating system. As a result, the only way to scan and remove it is to download and create a USB bootable device with a different machine and run it on your infected machine to clean it. Try one of Free Bootable Antivirus Tools or  Free Bootable Malware Tools, but remember, you will have to download these with a different machine than the one that is infected - and then create the bootable USB device. Then, boot from the USB device to scan and clean the infected machine. Once that is done, you can reboot your machine and it should be clean.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/28/2022 at 6:47 AM, 2sail2 said:

I can consistently replicate this problem.  I browse in a private Chrome session, so nothing is saved.  If I do not sign in for a week or more, I go to click the login button and bam, I get that popup about a virus and needing to  scan the computer.   I kill the browser.  I have scanned my computer with the various spybot, malware bytes, online scanner and my local webroot secure anywhere.  

This is exactly, to a T, what is happening to me. It doesn't happen every time but it ONLY happens on the DD Forum.
I just had it happen to me this past week

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if there is anything that says that Microsoft wants you to call anywhere for support, It's usually because somebody's trying to make money off of you or it's just a scam to make you think you have a virus. This is not to say that you don't have a virus, but the best policy is to make sure that to the best of your ability you are not running anything that could be considered as a virus or as an unwanted program or what they call a potentially unwanted program or PUP! Anyone who is running a computer has to make sure that they're scanning their drives every once in awhile to make sure that they don't have anything that is a virus, and then you end up having your on demand scanner that you use when you want to scan either a directory or you want to run a scan on demand. If you have your scanners available, usually you have the protection on when you have your Computer on because it is a resident scanner that is always available.  you should always be scanning your computer every few months, and even when you are using it if you use it a lot you should scan it like maybe once a week. Onboard scanners that are in the background scan for viruses when necessary, but if you do a full skin you should be able to clean it out. Please do not use anything that would cause you to get more viruses such as stuff like Webroot, or any of the other types of garbage software out there. There's a lot of places on the Internet that will try to get you to buy better products to be able to remove a virus, and usually if that is the case a good run with malwarebytes anti malware will help you! You should always be aware of these crypto lock viruses that hold your files ransom until you pay them an amount of money that usually is outrageous, and they send you an unlock code to be able to remove the virus. Most likely, this is just some sort of extortion because they have your files and you might need them so they scare the hell out of you with a crypto lock virus so that you have to go and pay them money! One day I was able to save my friend over $400 because of the fact I told her that it was a scam and you should never pay someone to remove a virus like that. My friend that works on computers would be paid for service, but he would never extort money to be able to fix a problem!

People that make viruses are crypto lock things that lock your data up until you pay them the extortion are idiots, they are pieces of scum, and all they are doing is trying to scare the living crap out of people because they might not be as computer savvy as others. One thing I cannot stand in over 30 years of experience with computers is the fact that there are people out there who soul aim is to screw around with people's heads and make them feel uncomfortable make them feel uneasy, make them feel like they have been violated, and they end up taking everything so serious, and they try to take something from somebody else that they shouldn't have in the first place. I know that there are viruses out there I know that they are always going to be there, but the best thing you have to do is you have to be smarter than the idiots that are trying to take things away from you. You should always do your windows updates, you should always scan for viruses, you should always use good scanning products, and keep one with on demand scanning, and then keep 1 for resident scanning. Sometimes if you have more than one scanning product, one product may be able to pick up something that the other one does not. Also realize that you do not want to be running two or more scanning tools at the same time because that can cause more trouble than it's worth, and it might not work to the extent that it needs to work. You should always scan at least once a month if at all, to make sure that you're not picking up viruses. The most important things is that you should not go to sites that you are not familiar with, that do not provide what they need to, because I'm telling you right now the most important thing is not to do that. Let's say somebody says okay I need this program or I need this particular file or whatever: usually that means that you might get that file, and if you do when it works the way it's supposed to that's great! You end up taking a big risk when you do that! Sometimes what happens is you think you downloaded something that's legit it looks legit it sounds legit and then it turns out to be a virus and it tries to extort you, or it'll tell you to dial a number to get help from Microsoft when all it is is just some sort of a virus or some sort of a thing to scare people, because viruses are so prolific these days people can be scared quite easily into a situation where they think they need to pay someone muku bucks to be able to get the help they need, when all they really need to do is be savvy enough to realize that there are different programs out there that can scan their machines. They also need to be running their updates and keeping these things active, because if they don't then it's just like having a scanner without using it, and it's just a waste!

You also have to realize that every single site out there could be showing that they have a virus as well! I've had situations where something shows up on my website as a problem, and then I have to tell it to ignore it because there's nothing wrong with it it's just there as a warning to let you know something is up! If there was a virus on a machine, or in a website, I would think that the administrator, being Mikey in this case would be checking to make sure that his site is not infecting other people's computers, because he wants to make sure that for to the best of his ability his sights, being like his children need to be taken care of, so he makes sure everybody is working the way they're supposed to, and to the best of his ability keeps all the junk stuff off of his servers.

Hosting all of his ads and making sure that they're all PG is a great thing: the only thing that is hard on that is that Mike has to be able to make sure he has everything he needs, and make sure that something is not being pumped into his server that is not wanted such as APUP: I know that Mike tries his best to do what he does and I'm very happy that he takes the time to make sure his site is safe, but regardless of what happens you have to be vigilant and understand that a virus can come on you and hit you hard when you least expect it and you just have to be able to run the right programs to be able to scan your computer once in a great while make sure that it's clean so you don't end up with an issue. The best thing that you can do when ....ne what tools that you have available In your toolbox: if you have the right tools in your toolbox you should be able to take care of it, but if you don't have the skill to be able to scan for viruses or whatever or something is causing issues you can always take it somewhere if after doing scans trying to do it yourself you find yourself still having an issue.

Finally: you should always be as careful as you can be. I remember when I was helping my dad a couple summers ago before he moved into his new apartment: he had me come up and take a look at a computer, telling me that it was infected with a virus and he wanted me to try to clean it off. What's happening was he was having an issue where something got ahold of his banking information, and it was causing trouble with the computer.  I ended up telling dad to get rid of the computer because regardless of what I tried I could not remove it. When you end up having your banking or any other important information compromised then sometimes what happens is you must eliminate the computer because you cannot clean it off. Because my dad was moving, there was no reason for my dad to have a desktop computer, and he had his ipad my step mom had her ipad, and now she has a laptop that she uses, which is what she needs. They use wireless Internet, and they have a wireless printer, so they have everything they need. To me I was able to fix a problem with ink, but still you have to be careful with viruses because you're not sure what can happen, but some viruses are really nasty and they can take information from you and then you end up having a virus and in my dad's case he had to change banking information so that whoever had control of the computer wouldn't get that information.

So even if there isn't a virus, you still have to be vigilant and be careful where you're going. If you get a warning, the best thing to do is to do a scan to see if there's anything that you have on your machine. It is also appropriate to report to Mike if there's a problem, because Mike can go check his servers to find out if there's an issue. He tells us that there isn't an issue, then I would seriously run the scan again to see if there's anything that doesn't belong and if that is true, you can remove it using something like malwarebytes anti malware, or you can go to a place that is a specialist in completing those types of things. For those that might need the scanning assistance, you can go to a place called geeks to go, because they have the people that can help you. That's where I learned a lot about viruses and all the things that they can do, and I learned how while I was in their classes to learn how to do that how viruses work, but I could never finish the course because everything got harder and then my life changed and it got really really really difficult to complete the class work. But you should always be vigilant viruses are everywhere, and there's always gonna be an idiot out there that's gonna try to force the issue or try to fake you out. Ever get a Microsoft virus warning just kill the process that's the easiest way to get rid of it, if that doesn't work then I would go and use my scanners in safe mode to make sure that the system is not infected use one thing at a time and do it appropriately and you should be able to remove it I've been doing stuff like this for a long time, so if I know that there's a problem, or my computer is slower whatever, then I know that I have to do something. I've also learned that sometimes viruses can get under you and you don't know about it so you have to be careful.


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it is getting crazy the amount of people that are convinced, despite contradicting information, that DD is the source of their malware etc.

  1.  This site page is "https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/81524-possible-trojan-on-site/#comment-2073469"
    1. This breaks down as:- www.dailydiapers.com is the domain name
    2. board is a subpage, usually in a subdirectory.
    3. index.php is the default home page of the active board
    4. the ? is a search term start that is handled by the web server that looks for 'topic' with the index of 81524 and comment 207346
  2. On 15th August, 2023, Firefox 116.0.2 (64 Bit) running on Windows 10, to the left of the web address at the top of the page is a picture of a closed lock with an exclaimation mark on it. This is Firefox identifying that parts of the www.dailydiapers.com site is not secure, and it lists them as images. This is correct in that some of the images being posted by some members may contain embedded code what is normally referred to as malware / virus's.
  3. This image issue is constantly being checked and corrected by the admins / mods of this site which also means that they are also updating security on this site all the time.

A result of the simple http_get [#1] all you see is a HTML page for your browser to render. This site is by design, secure. Therefore the virus etc that is on your computer was already on your computer before you connected to this site. I suspect that the virus on your computer has stored the domain name of this site as a trigger to run as soon as you enter this site. It really could be any site, but it prob chose this site due to the time / duration you spend on this site.

Remember this one ... In 1990, software existed  that could read heart rate, blood pressure, stress level from a user pressing a touch screen interface of a computer. These figures where used to adapt stock control and ordering systems. The bank cash machine touch screen has extended this even further today - but all these are software installed on a machine, NOT a web browser rendering a block of text.

This site, although an invision MVC application, is still a simple text file being rendered by your browser. It is no more complicated than a text document being read by a text editor. That is all the browser is -  a fancy text reader. 

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