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On 5/27/2021 at 12:04 PM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Sorry, but do you mean Catherine is spying on you and Gwen?”


“Pretty sure, yeah.”


“But that’s illegal!”


“So? Catherine and Grace have money. Sure, not as much as your Mummy, but they have enough to have power over Gwen, especially since your Mummy fell out with them.”

The Black Mirror vibes intensify. This makes me think of the kind of games elites tend to play, especially in totalitarian regimes. Trying to one up each other, form clicks, and break out the knives over status. Fascists gotta ratfuck each other I guess... Just what has Livi gotten herself into?

On 5/27/2021 at 12:04 PM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

The last thing going through my mind as the video played, entrancing me and lulling me into a mindless daze, was the title of the video; Wibbles love their dummies.


My final words before my mind went blank were whispered towards Amber.

Yell... gum... drop...




They should have never trusted these people holly fuck..... I would be so tempted to kick ass. Of coures that would draw way to much heat and put Charlie and especially Livi in danger....

Fuck let me at them I got this..... *starts loading the murder bag* ??

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On 5/28/2021 at 4:04 AM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

She shoved the warm soapy dummy in my mouth and stood up.


“That’s better. Naughty little girls get their mouths washed out.”


I made the biggest mistake of the day when I spat it out, it landing near her feet.


I tried to scrape the soap taste from my tongue when she furiously grabbed my arm, sat me down on the floor in front of the TV and scrolled through the list of videos on the remote control.


“Can’t keep your dummy in eh? I can fix that.”


She scrolled and scrolled until she landed on the video she had been searching for. I looked up and saw the title and my eyes widened in terror.

You are a talented writer, love the power dynamic with Liv having no idea what is coming next as the woman angrily picks her up and sets up the video for her to be regressed. All going well Charlotte is going to be distracted by the other Amazon’s and isn’t coming to save her, Liv is about to get the full baby experience including being bottle fed by the woman who now has control and put down for a morning nap as the baby she is meant to be role playing in one of the cribs in the nursery upstairs then left there until she soaks her diaper and there isn’t a damn thing she can do about it. Great writing, can’t wait for the next chapter. ?

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18 hours ago, SGTbaby said:

Awesome! Excitement coming!! I look forward to the next part! Think she was more pissed she talked back than anything.

Thank you! And yeah, she wasn't expecting her to talk back to her, especially like that. ?

15 hours ago, Moon3ye said:


oh god the next one with these horns. I'm going to have a fucking breakdown. ????

Haha, I couldn't resist that once. Usually I just tease with a ?

50 minutes ago, YourFNF said:

The Black Mirror vibes intensify. This makes me think of the kind of games elites tend to play, especially in totalitarian regimes. Trying to one up each other, form clicks, and break out the knives over status. Fascists gotta ratfuck each other I guess... Just what has Livi gotten herself into?

They should have never trusted these people holly fuck..... I would be so tempted to kick ass. Of coures that would draw way to much heat and put Charlie and especially Livi in danger....

Fuck let me at them I got this..... *starts loading the murder bag* ??

You'll just have to wait til tomorrow to find out exactly what Liv has got herself into and what becomes of her ?

22 minutes ago, Tracey said:

You are a talented writer, love the power dynamic with Liv having no idea what is coming next as the woman angrily picks her up and sets up the video for her to be regressed. All going well Charlotte is going to be distracted by the other Amazon’s and isn’t coming to save her, Liv is about to get the full baby experience including being bottle fed by the woman who now has control and put down for a morning nap as the baby she is meant to be role playing in one of the cribs in the nursery upstairs then left there until she soaks her diaper and there isn’t a damn thing she can do about it. Great writing, can’t wait for the next chapter. ?

Awww thank you! That's really lovely of you to say! Won't have to wait too long to see exactly what happens, I'll be posting tomorrow! ?

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2 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Thank you! And yeah, she wasn't expecting her to talk back to her, especially like that. ?

Haha, I couldn't resist that once. Usually I just tease with a ?

You'll just have to wait til tomorrow to find out exactly what Liv has got herself into and what becomes of her ?

Awww thank you! That's really lovely of you to say! Won't have to wait too long to see exactly what happens, I'll be posting tomorrow! ?

Your structure takes the reader on a journey of surprise, while somethings are expected the twists and turns make it interesting and leave your readers wondering what will happen next.

There are so many ways that this could now go. Liv might just have to endure the baby treatment for just a single day or perhaps Charlotte's friends could be scheming and have threatened to report her to LPS unless she gives up on the idea of Liv being her girlfriend and not her baby. With her lucrative writing career threatened Charlotte would have to make a decision between three choices:

1. Liv's adulthood or her writing career on the spot, or

2. They could have invited Charlotte's Mom to the baby shower and that could see Liv having to spend the next two weeks being forcibly babied while Charlotte goes through the formal adoption process, or

3. She leaves Liv with them for the next month to regress her before handing her back to Charlotte.

A not so happy ever after story would be good, too many of these stories end up all smiles and roses. 

Great work, can't wait to see what you will serve up for your readers tomorrow.   

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7 hours ago, Tracey said:

Your structure takes the reader on a journey of surprise, while somethings are expected the twists and turns make it interesting and leave your readers wondering what will happen next.

There are so many ways that this could now go. Liv might just have to endure the baby treatment for just a single day or perhaps Charlotte's friends could be scheming and have threatened to report her to LPS unless she gives up on the idea of Liv being her girlfriend and not her baby. With her lucrative writing career threatened Charlotte would have to make a decision between three choices:

1. Liv's adulthood or her writing career on the spot, or

2. They could have invited Charlotte's Mom to the baby shower and that could see Liv having to spend the next two weeks being forcibly babied while Charlotte goes through the formal adoption process, or

3. She leaves Liv with them for the next month to regress her before handing her back to Charlotte.

A not so happy ever after story would be good, too many of these stories end up all smiles and roses. 

Great work, can't wait to see what you will serve up for your readers tomorrow.   

I usually supported evil twists and when it goes mean. But unfortunately I do not see or understand some of your theories.

1. why would Charlie choose between Liv's adulthood and her writing career?

2. at least I hoped that her mother would show up, but at the time of the baby shower they probably didn't know that Liv is not regressed.

3. first hell would freeze over than Charlie leaving Liv with those crazy people.

And even if they call LPS. There is no law that says Littles have to be regressed and they could claim before LPS that they are both testing it to see if they fit together as mother-daughter when they discover she is not adopted. Also, Amber had said that Charlie is much much richer than the others and since richness equals power Charlie can probably sic the other two LPS on her.

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7 hours ago, Tracey said:

Your structure takes the reader on a journey of surprise, while somethings are expected the twists and turns make it interesting and leave your readers wondering what will happen next.

There are so many ways that this could now go. Liv might just have to endure the baby treatment for just a single day or perhaps Charlotte's friends could be scheming and have threatened to report her to LPS unless she gives up on the idea of Liv being her girlfriend and not her baby. With her lucrative writing career threatened Charlotte would have to make a decision between three choices:

1. Liv's adulthood or her writing career on the spot, or

2. They could have invited Charlotte's Mom to the baby shower and that could see Liv having to spend the next two weeks being forcibly babied while Charlotte goes through the formal adoption process, or

3. She leaves Liv with them for the next month to regress her before handing her back to Charlotte.

A not so happy ever after story would be good, too many of these stories end up all smiles and roses. 

Great work, can't wait to see what you will serve up for your readers tomorrow.   

Thank you ? and I hope you enjoy what path I've chosen for our protagonists. 

As for smiles and roses... in the DD? Are you sure about that? So many stories are depressing and sad. Its like a requirement to be a DD story ? some endings are happier than others but they're still not what I'd call a happy ending.

But then again I've not read every DD story, just a lot of them.

35 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

I usually supported evil twists and when it goes mean. But unfortunately I do not see or understand some of your theories.

1. why would Charlie choose between Liv's adulthood and her writing career?

2. at least I hoped that her mother would show up, but at the time of the baby shower they probably didn't know that Liv is not regressed.

3. first hell would freeze over than Charlie leaving Liv with those crazy people.

And even if they call LPS. There is no law that says Littles have to be regressed and they could claim before LPS that they are both testing it to see if they fit together as mother-daughter when they discover she is not adopted. Also, Amber had said that Charlie is much much richer than the others and since richness equals power Charlie can probably sic the other two LPS on her.

Charlie hasn't really kept in touch with her friends or parents at this point, it was pure luck that she ran into Cat, so her mother won't know she has adopted. But that's not to say she won't find out. It'd be pretty hard to keep it a secret.?

And I love that people connected with my characters so much that they know Charlie wouldn't let anything happen to Liv ?

I'll be editing the next chapter this afternoon and posting shortly after. And hopefully a few questions will be answered. ?

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3 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

I usually supported evil twists and when it goes mean. But unfortunately I do not see or understand some of your theories.

1. why would Charlie choose between Liv's adulthood and her writing career?

2. at least I hoped that her mother would show up, but at the time of the baby shower they probably didn't know that Liv is not regressed.

3. first hell would freeze over than Charlie leaving Liv with those crazy people.

And even if they call LPS. There is no law that says Littles have to be regressed and they could claim before LPS that they are both testing it to see if they fit together as mother-daughter when they discover she is not adopted. Also, Amber had said that Charlie is much much richer than the others and since richness equals power Charlie can probably sic the other two LPS on her.

Thanks for the feedback, looking at the 3 potential worse case outcomes, 

1. Liv’s adulthood or Charlottes career - It certainly sounds like Charlotte is financially well off, what would she chose however if her main income source was at risk? People often do unexpected things when money is involved.

2. agreed, that is what makes it all the more interesting, not only are they surprised to find Charlotte has a little but that said little isn’t regressed, and 

3. Of her own volition yes, but what if she were to be convinced that the only way Liv is not going to be handed over to LPS is if Charlotte let’s then deal with it or one of them will claim Liv as their own little?





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57 minutes ago, Tracey said:

Thanks for the feedback, looking at the 3 potential worse case outcomes, 

1. Liv’s adulthood or Charlottes career - It certainly sounds like Charlotte is financially well off, what would she chose however if her main income source was at risk? People often do unexpected things when money is involved.

2. agreed, that is what makes it all the more interesting, not only are they surprised to find Charlotte has a little but that said little isn’t regressed, and 

3. Of her own volition yes, but what if she were to be convinced that the only way Liv is not going to be handed over to LPS is if Charlotte let’s then deal with it or one of them will claim Liv as their own little?

Interesting thought let's like to talk further.

1. As Amber says, Charlie is much richer than the other, so since it seems that making money there also means I think they could hardly do anything against Charlie. Even if they try to discredit her, Charlie could just claim that it's people from the past who are jealous of her success and little and are now badmouthing her.

2. I have nothing to say, I hope the mother shows up soon.

3. like the first point. She could just tell the LPS that the other two are jealous, she could also point out to the LPS that Cat seems to know Little breeders, in some stories this is forbidden or not appreciated.

And even if the two crazies manage to take Liv away from Charlie, and even if it's only for a short time, I think Charlie will call Malcolm immediately and the others will somehow free Liv before I become dangerous. Even though I think that could permanently damage the relationship with Charlie and everyone else, which is why I think that's the least likely.

I can absolutely follow your thoughts, but I think Charlie can get himself and Liv out at least partially unharmed, depending on how strong the hypnosis was, and maybe even build a better relationship with Amber and Gwen if you could take the other two out, where Gwen can at least treat Amber normally at home.

I'm so excited to see how it goes after this

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Chapter 24: Gumdrop

I didn’t know how much time had passed.

I didn’t know what had happened.

I didn’t know where I was.

I did know I was somewhere soft and warm.

And that I could probably stay here forever and I wouldn’t mind.



But that was disrupted by the yelling coming from wherever I was.

That’s when all my memories of the day returned and my eyes shot open to see that I was in the arms of Charlie.

‘Thank fuck. But that video... oh shit what did it do to me? I’ve still got my mind... apparently, so that’s something!’

“What the fuck do you think you were doing to MY little?” Charlie yelled.

She was obviously pissed about the forced hypnosis.

“She was being a little brat! And hey, she should be regressed!” Grace argued.

“What, like your fucking mindless toys over there? Sorry if I don’t want to lose the most precious thing about her, her mind. She is a talented, wonderful person and I would never fucking take that away from her. What you do to your littles is your business. Don’t fucking dare tell me what I should be doing with mine. Got that?”

“Oh fuck off Charlie. Always so high and mighty. It’s your fault Gwen won’t melt her little girl’s mind.” Catherine decided to join in on the attack on Charlie.

Charlie looked at Gwen with a newfound respect. She obviously didn’t know Gwen hadn’t regressed Amber. She then turned to said little, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Then she noticed I was awake and listening. She looked up at Grace and Catherine.

“Well at least she has a fucking backbone you heartless bastards!”

“Get OUT of my house! Take your stupid ugly little and get out. And as for you Gwen, you better brainwash that little snitch or you’ll find her taken away from you. I can make just one call...”

Catherine was scaring me at this point, but I was more scared for Amber’s sake. If she was taken away, there was no promise she’d be adopted by someone as nice as Gwen and she’d probably be regressed fully.

Charlie stepped between Catherine and Gwen, staring down Catherine with all the fury she had coursing through her body.

“You do that and you’ll regret it. You know the power and connections I have. You EVER bother me, my little girl, Gwen or Amber again, and you’ll be living penniless with no career. Or even better, in jail. I have enough dirt on both of you to do either, or both.”

‘Okay... now I was really confused about who Charlie was. Who would have this much power over these two entitled arseholes?’

“Come on Gwen, I’ll give you and Amber a ride home. Grace, Catherine... don’t contact any of us again.”

Gwen picked up Amber and placed her in a baby carrier/car seat and followed Charlie and I out of Catherine’s house.

The door slammed shut and we walked down the long winding garden, arriving at Charlie’s car.

That’s when Gwen fell to her knees and broke down in tears.

Charlie helped her up, still holding me in her arms, and gave her a hug.

“Thank you so much Charlie. They’ve been threatening me ever since you left. I’m... we’re free.”

“Honey, it’s okay. Let’s get the little ones into the back seats and we’ll get out of here and you can tell me everything.”

Strapping me into the car seat next to Amber, I smiled at her behind my dummy and tried to mouth out the words ‘Thank you’.

She nodded back.


After we were on the road, with the house in our rear-view mirror, Charlie spoke up.

“Gwen, just what was going on while I was away?”

“After I adopted Amber, I nearly gave into peer pressure from those two and nearly had poor Amber here regressed. It wasn’t until you left I realised just what we were doing to these littles. Your writing and you leaving gave me the courage to stand up for myself... and for Amber. But when I refused to melt her mind, they used some shady connections and their wealth to threaten me.”

“What did they threaten you with?”

“They said if I didn’t at least treat Amber like she was a baby, they would call LSS or something, and have her taken away from me. I knew I had to cooperate otherwise someone else would have adopted her and wiped her mind.”

“Well I am very very proud of you for standing up for her. You did the right thing.”

“What about you? Why do you suddenly have a little? We never got round to that question. You are the last person I’d expect to have a little.”

Charlie looked at me through the mirror of the car. I nodded at her to show my approval.

“Look, we trust you. So we’ll tell you the truth. Liv... isn’t actually my little. She’s not actually adopted.”

“She isn’t? But she looks so... babyish? Why is she dressed like that?”

“Because we’re trying a new thing in our relationship, she pretends to be my little so she’s safe from being adopted in public, and I get to dress her up in all those cute clothes. In private she is treated like an adult. She got the idea from some of her friends. We only started on Saturday, we weren’t expecting to run into Catherine or anyone really, at least that quickly!”

“Wait... relationship? Oh my god, are you two... dating?”

Charlie blushed.

“Yes. We’ve been dating for what? Six? Seven months? Something like that. I know it’s not exactly normal, but legally she’s not a regressed little so we’re okay. We’re actually very similar ages, she’s 28.”

“And you’re gonna be 30 next! We need to plan something for you; it's only a few weeks away if I remember!”

“So you’re okay with me and Liv dating?”

“Oh yeah, of course. I trust you, and if you’ve finally found someone who makes you happy, then I trust them. Now, back to the birthday plans...”

As they talked about potential birthday plans on the drive back to Gwen’s house, I struggled to keep my eyes open after a stressful day. Slowly drifting off to sleep, I closed my eyes and within a few seconds I was fast asleep.


“Time to wake up Princess!”

I opened my eyes and we were back at Charlie’s place.

“I dropped Gwen and Amber off at their home, and drove us back here. After today, we’re going to be much closer friends, so you’ll have another little to play with! At least for a while...”

I looked at her quizzically.

“Oh yeah, you were fast asleep at that bit. I think Gwen is planning on retraining Amber and letting her take the maturity tests so she can legally be an adult again. But that may take a while, her potty training is completely gone, and whilst she avoided the hypnosis today, she has been subjected to plenty of it before by Grace.”

“How did she avoid deh hypnosith?” I said from behind my dummy.

‘Wait, we’re home, I can safely take this out.’ I thought to myself.

I tried taking the dummy out, but it would not budge.

I struggled and panicked as I pulled as hard as I could on the dummy, trying to remove it from my mouth. Somehow it was stuck in place. It wasn’t an inflatable one, it was just my normal dummy which still had the slight taste of soap lingering on parts of it.

“Babe, babe, stop. Please. Let me explain!”

I started crying.

Why can’t I remove this? What did that hypnosis tape do to me?’

“Grace made you watch a video with some subliminal hypnosis in it. You know the Wibbles?”

‘Ah fuck. Now I remember. I’ve always known to avoid those.’

“Wha were deh effecks?”

“Sorry to say it babe, but the one you watched makes it impossible for you to remove your own dummy. Like literally impossible. You’ll need someone else to take it out for you, otherwise it’s stuck there.”

“Ish dat it? No wetting or meshing or anyfin?”

“One other thing... No wetting or messing or regression, BUT it did give you a bit of an oral fixation. It’s designed to make you want to suck your dummy, and once it’s in, even if you put it in yourself, there’s no removing it without someone else taking it out.”

I wanted to cry.

How could we be so careless? It’s not even been a week and I’ve already had my brain scrambled, albeit only slightly.’

“Can yoo pwease take it out of my mouf?”

“Yeah sorry babe, here you go.”

She took the dummy out and I suddenly felt free. I could talk normally and felt like a massive weight was lifted from my mouth.

Only to be replaced with the longing for it to be back in.

“Call Eve now. Please. We need to get this fixed. I can’t go wanting a dummy all the time, even if I’m acting like a baby in public.”

“Already did. She’ll see you at the shop tomorrow afternoon. But she said she’s not making any promises. Oh and that it could take a while to get it fully fixed.”

“Yeah sure. Whatever. Just... get it gone.”

I hung my head and curled up on the sofa, softly crying into a cushion.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry for today. I should have been there for you and I should never have trusted those two. But I promise you, we’ll do everything we can to get you back to normal.”

Charlie sat down next to me and lifted me onto her lap, pulling me in for a snuggle.

She started rocking me back and forth and gentle shushing as I cried in her arms.

“I love you sweetheart. I won’t let anything bad happen to you again, okay?”

“I love you too Mummy.”

Charlie wasn’t expecting that. Honestly neither was I. I guess that was my baby side coming out a bit. Or at least I hope it was, and it wasn’t just another effect from those hypnosis tapes.

She hugged me tighter.

“Umm.... Charlie...?”

“Yes cupcake?”

“What is it you do again for your job?”

“I write stuff, you know that.”

“Yes, but what exactly.”

“Oh not much, I wrote a book and I get a decent amount from that.”

“What book?”

“Why are you so interested sweetie?”

“Because Amber knew exactly who you were, and said you had way more money than both Catherine AND Grace. And then the whole thing with you saying you have power and connections...”

Charlie sighed.

“...I guess I should tell you the truth. I’m sorry I’ve been keeping this from you, I... I was a coward. And I liked that you didn’t know, so it didn’t influence your interest in me.”

“Just who are you?”

“Look, let me tell you properly tomorrow, okay? I’ll even get us takeout again, your choice too.”

“But you promise me you’ll tell me? And tell me everything this time?”

“I will tell you everything tomorrow. Pinky promise.”

Pinky promise.” I replied back as we interlocked pinky fingers.

She hugged me tightly and I nuzzled against her chest.

“Wait... Charlie?”

“Yes sweetpea?”

“You said oral fixation right, not just dummy dependency?”

“Yes sweetheart. You’ll want to have something in your mouth as often as possible. Be that a dummy, a baba, or whatever.”

“Ummm...?” I pointed at her breasts.

“Yea... oh baby! I’m so sorry!”

She quickly lifted me away from her chest, trying to save me from the sudden urge to nurse from her.

“I’m so sorry baby, we’ll have to be careful.”

I started crying. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t want to. I had no real need to. But it was like I was being torn away from the thing I loved the most, I needed to nurse right there and then.

“Maybe just this one time?” I pleaded.

“Babe, you know its effects!”

“But... please. It hurts. Like it actually hurts. I need it. Please.” I sounded like an addict. But honestly, thanks to the feedings and the hypnosis, I was starting to feel like one too.

“No. No more.”

I cried as loud as I could, sounding more and more like the baby I was dressed up as.

“Oh fuck. Right, this one time, okay? Then we’ll just need to be super careful and maybe even use a dummy.”

She gently brought me back close to her chest and lifted down her top, revealing her breast. I instinctively started suckling and letting the warm milk flow down my throat.

The need to suckle on something was dying down, but the drowsiness was starting to kick in as I was switched to her other breast.


It wasn’t long before I was fast asleep, snuggled in my girlfriend’s arms.



Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone enjoyed it. Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I really love reading everyone's comments and feedback and theories!

Some questions answered, and hopefully a few more questions asked.

I managed to write another chapter, edit this AND come up with an idea for my second story, one that won't be in the diaper dimension. I'm thinking once I've finished with Little in Love, I may do this second story, then come back for a potential sequel or spinoff to this. I've started brainstorming ideas for both of these future stories and I'm already excited!

Next chapter Monday!


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There is "only" an oral fixation created by the hypnosis (I really see this as a pro).
Amber and Gwen are free from the other two, which is also good.
Zoe can apparently help even if it takes time.

Charlie could have just told Liv everything now she has to wait again (and so do we).

I like the chapter once again. I liked how Charlie protected Liv, Amber and Gwen. I wonder what info she has on the others. I think Amber will also stay with Gwen in the long run because if she gets free and the other two find out she will be caught by them very quickly.
The two crazy Amazons really have a bang. I have written it repeatedly in other books I would love to know what is going on in their heads.

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Thank you for being so generous with your story bank! Don’t get burned out!

You have created some great characters here. You can probably afford to let your story arcs get a bit deeper. We trust you not to let Liv get permanently damaged, so you could let her be in jeopardy for a little more than one chapter at a time.

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Wow this is terrifying. Espcially as a queer woman the things they could do with brain programming....

Just have to keep telling myself that there's no way in hell this could actually work ?

Urghh I need a drink but there is nothing in the house and I have work in 2-3 hours...

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1 hour ago, YourFNF said:

Wow this is terrifying. Espcially as a queer woman the things they could do with brain programming....

Just have to keep telling myself that there's no way in hell this could actually work ?

Urghh I need a drink but there is nothing in the house and I have work in 2-3 hours...

In fact, hypnosis is something that works. 
Not as simple as it is presented here or as massive. 
I myself, for example, am hypnotized to save me from exam anxiety, I even have music. 
It is here above all something to come down and relaxing.

But also the hypnosis presented here with "reprogramming" of the person is possible but absolutely reprehensible because it is provided with torture and the like. 
As a queer person you should know that this approach is common in conversion therapies.  
Isolation, torture and repetition of the same statements.
The pure theory behind it is even relatively simple. 

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2 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

There is "only" an oral fixation created by the hypnosis (I really see this as a pro).
Amber and Gwen are free from the other two, which is also good.
Zoe can apparently help even if it takes time.

Charlie could have just told Liv everything now she has to wait again (and so do we).

I like the chapter once again. I liked how Charlie protected Liv, Amber and Gwen. I wonder what info she has on the others. I think Amber will also stay with Gwen in the long run because if she gets free and the other two find out she will be caught by them very quickly.
The two crazy Amazons really have a bang. I have written it repeatedly in other books I would love to know what is going on in their heads.

 Awww, but Charlie wants to prepare before she tells her. And I get to make you all wait for the reveal. Which I've got to say, is a LOT of fun! Mwhahaha!

And I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter ?

1 hour ago, Bluebird67 said:

Thank you for being so generous with your story bank! Don’t get burned out!

You have created some great characters here. You can probably afford to let your story arcs get a bit deeper. We trust you not to let Liv get permanently damaged, so you could let her be in jeopardy for a little more than one chapter at a time.

 Thank you ?

Oh and don't worry, I do everything for a reason.

Plus if I spent multiple chapters on some of this stuff I'd struggle and the quality would get worse, plus it'd probably be about 100 chapters long!

1 hour ago, YourFNF said:

Wow this is terrifying. Espcially as a queer woman the things they could do with brain programming....

Just have to keep telling myself that there's no way in hell this could actually work ?

Urghh I need a drink but there is nothing in the house and I have work in 2-3 hours...

I'm also a queer woman and that's one thing that's always terrified me about the Diaper Dimension and their ability to hypnotise and reprogram brains like that.

11 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

In fact, hypnosis is something that works. 
Not as simple as it is presented here or as massive. 
I myself, for example, am hypnotized to save me from exam anxiety, I even have music. 
It is here above all something to come down and relaxing.

But also the hypnosis presented here with "reprogramming" of the person is possible but absolutely reprehensible because it is provided with torture and the like. 
As a queer person you should know that this approach is common in conversion therapies.  
Isolation, torture and repetition of the same statements.
The pure theory behind it is even relatively simple. 

Yeah, in the real world you can hypnotise people to do things as long as they want to do it. But you can't hypnotise anyone to jump off a cliff. The fact they are able to do such serious damage in the DD is scary.

The thought of using DD technology as conversion therapy for queer people... that would be a story I couldn't write OR read. It's bad enough that someone could be reduced to the mind of an infant, but to have their queerness taken away... nope.

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Enjoyed this chapter! Glad that's the worst of what she got stuck with! I'll be losing privacy for a week, looking forward to reading the next chapter when I get back though! ?

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1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

In fact, hypnosis is something that works. 
Not as simple as it is presented here or as massive. 
I myself, for example, am hypnotized to save me from exam anxiety, I even have music. 
It is here above all something to come down and relaxing.

But also the hypnosis presented here with "reprogramming" of the person is possible but absolutely reprehensible because it is provided with torture and the like. 
As a queer person you should know that this approach is common in conversion therapies.  
Isolation, torture and repetition of the same statements.
The pure theory behind it is even relatively simple. 

Oh yeah I meant just like not nearly as simple or precise in effects. Like you can't just pop in a DVD and make someone's personality go 180. My working theory is that in this setting they put a viral or nanite payload in the food/watersupply and the visual stimuli is just the trigger.

59 minutes ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

The thought of using DD technology as conversion therapy for queer people... that would be a story I couldn't write OR read. It's bad enough that someone could be reduced to the mind of an infant, but to have their queerness taken away... nope.

Big same

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And right when I thought we’d find out who she is you, you leave us hanging you evil, evil person ??????

just because I’m me I’m going to say that while Liv was out Gwen told Charlie that after she was threatened she was spanked and spent a weekend in diapers as punishment for standing up to those two. ?

I can’t wait to see where this goes. 

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In my opinion it is foolish to satisfy the oral fixation by nursing. When the urge becomes too great, they can use a pacifier instead. That's what pacifiers are made for.

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So many great comments, this is without a doubt the trending story on DD currently.

It's good to see Charlotte and Liv are still together and that they will no doubt still be at the end of the the story but Liv could really benefit from some first hand experiences being babied full time for a week or two, ideally by the amazon who almost took her from the store when she had the leash clamped around her wrist but managed to escape, but this time Liv isn't so lucky and it is only saved after two weeks of enforced babyhood by a 'help me tracker device' that she finds in a footed sleeper the woman has purchased from Malcolm's store.

Like Moon3ye I also hope that the mother shows up and Liv gets a new Nanna who only sees here as a diapered toddler.

This really is a dangerous game that the two girlfriends are playing. 

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Well good thing it wasn't worse. Catherine and Grace can go right to Hell. I'm guessing that this isn't over between them though. Even if its just an oral fixation, it looks like it could ripple out to worse with the breastfeeding.

Seriously what book did Charlie write? The DD equivalent of Harry Potter fused with Lord of the Rings?


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11 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Enjoyed this chapter! Glad that's the worst of what she got stuck with! I'll be losing privacy for a week, looking forward to reading the next chapter when I get back though! ?

Thank you! You'll probably have 2-3 chapters when you get back that I hope you'll enjoy! ?

11 hours ago, the diaper mike said:

 I think somewhere in the near future Olivia is going to get choose to be adopted by Charlotte Awesome chapter

Thanks! ?

10 hours ago, Guilend said:

And right when I thought we’d find out who she is you, you leave us hanging you evil, evil person ??????

just because I’m me I’m going to say that while Liv was out Gwen told Charlie that after she was threatened she was spanked and spent a weekend in diapers as punishment for standing up to those two. ?

I can’t wait to see where this goes. 


9 hours ago, bje said:

In my opinion it is foolish to satisfy the oral fixation by nursing. When the urge becomes too great, they can use a pacifier instead. That's what pacifiers are made for.

Yeah but being that close to Charlie... and remember that it's not been long since she last nursed. 

Plus if she put a dummy in she wouldn't be able to take it out.

8 hours ago, Tracey said:

So many great comments, this is without a doubt the trending story on DD currently.

It's good to see Charlotte and Liv are still together and that they will no doubt still be at the end of the the story but Liv could really benefit from some first hand experiences being babied full time for a week or two, ideally by the amazon who almost took her from the store when she had the leash clamped around her wrist but managed to escape, but this time Liv isn't so lucky and it is only saved after two weeks of enforced babyhood by a 'help me tracker device' that she finds in a footed sleeper the woman has purchased from Malcolm's store.

Like Moon3ye I also hope that the mother shows up and Liv gets a new Nanna who only sees here as a diapered toddler.

This really is a dangerous game that the two girlfriends are playing. 

Thanks for your comment! ?

8 hours ago, TerranV said:

Well good thing it wasn't worse. Catherine and Grace can go right to Hell. I'm guessing that this isn't over between them though. Even if its just an oral fixation, it looks like it could ripple out to worse with the breastfeeding.

Seriously what book did Charlie write? The DD equivalent of Harry Potter fused with Lord of the Rings?


You'll just have to wait and see. I promise you won't have to wait long!

5 hours ago, SGTbaby said:

Glad that was all that  happened . Great little update!

Thank you! ?

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Chapter 25: After Effects

I must have been napping for a while, because it was now dark out as I opened my eyes.

“Hello sweet angel.” Charlie said, peeking down at me.

“H... hi. Umm... how long was I out?”

“Well it’s seven now, so we better get that tummy of yours full with actual food... no more milk.”

“I guess. What are we having?”

“How about... hmm... a nice salad?”

“Ewww! Give me the milk over that. I’m not touching that stuff!”

“You really are a baby sometimes!” Charlie said, sticking out her tongue.

“Hey, well I’m already dressed the part!” I stuck my tongue out in retaliation.

The rest of the evening passed quite quickly, Charlie cooked some pasta dish for us both, we snuggled up on the sofa together and played video games, and because of the feeding earlier, I needed a couple of changes before we eventually went to bed. I was treated like an adult for the most part; although Charlie couldn’t resist some teasing and baby talk whilst she changed my messy nappy. It was nice after today to be an adult, but I couldn’t help but feel a small hint of regret that I couldn’t be little for longer. Something about it was just... right.



The following day, I went to work dressed in a navy blue dress with white accents on the hem. I had a white hairband on, a dark blue cardigan and black mary janes. Now I wouldn’t say this outfit was particularly grown up, but it wasn’t particularly babyish either. At most, I looked like a well cared for little.

Charlie had given me a lift to the shop, dropping me off just outside and giving me a kiss goodbye before driving off to some meeting or whatever. I guess I’ll find out later where she’s going exactly. I knew it would eat away at me all day, so I walked into the shop and decided to distract myself in my work.

“Morning kiddo. How was the baby shower?” asked Malcolm upon seeing me.

“Don’t fucking ask.” I replied.

“That bad huh?”

“Worse. I’ll tell you about it later. For now, let’s just get to work. Anything happen yesterday? Any potential leads?”

“Nope. No littles capable of being saved. I swear it’s getting harder and harder for us. But hey, if Eve manages to master this whole fixing regressed littles thing, we could be a lot busier, so just be patient.”

“Ugh. I guess.” I said as I started walking towards the back room.

“Is that crinkling I hear? Someone a widdle padded pwincess?” Malcolm teased.

“Look, shit happened, milk was involved... again. You know the drill.”

Malcolm mimed his mouth being zipped up and smiled.

“Hey Liv, mind flipping the closed sign on the shop? We may as well open up.”


I walked over to the front door, crinkling the whole way, now super paranoid about how much noise my nappy was making. I flipped the sign on the door to open and started walking back when the door opened behind me.

“Well hello there little cutie! And I’d recognise a waddle like that anywhere!” said a feminine voice.

My feet froze to the floor, my head slowly turning to see a face I hadn’t seen in a while.

‘Oh shit. Why is she here? Why now? Should I run? Did she work it all out?

I stared at the face of the woman who had kidnapped my friend Sam. It was Lauren.


I hadn’t seen Lauren since that day at the coffee shop. She never came back to the shop, so I assumed she hadn’t worked anything out or made any progress in her missing littles case.

Noticing I wasn’t alone with Lauren, I looked at the person listening in to our conversation, the little in her arms. She must have adopted another little to replace Sam, this time adopting a woman.

“Oh... hey... Miss Lauren.”

“Hi again little cutie. I see someone is thickly padded this time.”

“I see you’ve adopted another little...” I said, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, yes, this is little Stephanie. After the last ungrateful little brat, I figured I’d just adopt another and this time actually regress her so she can’t run away.”

“Oh? Did... umm... Samantha escape?” I asked, coyly.

I wasn’t sure how suspicious she was of me and this place regarding Sam’s escape, so I needed to play dumb about the whole thing.

“Yeah, no big loss though. She probably won’t make it very far in life, I had her legs done.”

I shuddered at the cruelty shown by this woman. She obviously didn’t care about Sam, or any little for that matter. She just saw us as disposable toys.

“I was going to get the police to look into it all, but I had a last second change of heart. Figured it would just be easier to adopt another little and let Samantha die in some street or get adopted by someone who can fix her attitude problem.”

I wanted to kill this woman.

She was the typical heartless monster that most Amazons were. But I played nice and gave her my best fake smile.

“How can I help you today Miss?”

“You can help me... by being this little cutie’s baby sister! You’re obviously part way to being a baby with that nappy, I’m going to help you the rest of the way.”


She lunged at me and I stumbled back, quickly turning on my feet and running for the back of the store.

“I was here for a cute dress for my baby, but honestly why settle for paying for one, when I could adopt you and get you to make you both cute clothes?”

“I don’t think so, you crazy bitch.” I shouted back at her.

“Bitch? Oh you’ll regret that you little brat. Once I’ve finished with you you’ll never be able to speak to me like that again!”

She ran towards me, reaching her hand out to grab me, when I felt a tug on the back of my dress.

I was pulled back by large hands, dragged behind someone’s legs as they stood between me and this fucking monster.

“Excuse me. What seems to be the problem here?”

Malcolm was the one who grabbed me. He must have heard the commotion and come to my aid. Lauren stopped two feet in front of him and stood up straight, fixing her hair as the little in her arms started crying uncontrollably.

“The problem, is that I was about to adopt this little baby and you have got in my way.”

“I’m sorry Miss, but even if she wasn’t my employee and friend, you wouldn’t be able to adopt her anyway.”

“And just why is that.” Lauren said, visibly annoyed.

“Because she’s already been adopted. You’re too late. Her Mummy lets her work here during the day.”


“Honest. A nice lady adopted her recently, but decided to let her carry on working here because she likes her designs. I can call her if you want?”

“She shouldn’t be working, she should be in a nursery, babbling and chewing on her stuffies!”

“Maybe you think that, but her Mummy wants her working here. You are free to do what you like with your little, but if you don’t cease this assault on my employee and owned little, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Malcolm said as he walked behind the counter and picked up the phone.

“Ugh. Fine. I don’t want a crappy dress by this little brat anyway.”

Her little was still crying, and the noise was obviously getting to her.

“Shut the fuck up you little brat.” She screamed to her little.

Lauren slapped the little across the face with the palm of her hand. I couldn’t help myself when I spoke up.

“Fucking leave her alone you monster!”

“Look you little shit, you may be adopted, but I’d be careful if I were you. Keep that mouth shut, or someone will fix it for you.”

She quickly grabbed one of her little’s dummies and shoved it in my mouth.

“Much better.” She said as she left the shop in a huff.


I started panicking as I tried to remove the dummy in my mouth, the hypnosis working it’s magic on my ability to take it out.

“Sorry about that kiddo. I think I’m going to call LSS on her anyway, that was clear abuse and I could see the bruises on that poor little woman’s body. Pretty sure we can’t save that little, but maybe LSS can find her a better home and that woman can be locked up.”

I tried to call out to Malcolm but the dummy prevented me from doing so, whilst it wasn’t a locking one, it still filled the whole of my mouth, making it impossible to speak. Malcolm didn’t notice and carried on fixing the store after the incident. After a minute of trying to get his attention, he finally noticed the silence from me.

“Hey Liv, you okay? You’re awfully quiet!”

He turned round at me and saw that I still had the dummy in my mouth, my eyes pleading for him to take it out.

“Just spit it out. It looks like a large dummy, not one of those locking ones or whatever.”

“M MMMM” I yelled.

“Liv? What’s up?”

I pointed at the dummy, my panic getting worse and worse.

“Do you need help getting it out? Is it stuck?”

I shook my head back and forth, trying to get across the seriousness of this.

Malcolm walked over and removed the dummy with no effort whatsoever.

“Well it wasn’t stuck, and wasn’t a locking one.”



“Shit! When? How?”

“At the fucking baby shower.”

I was trying to catch my breath after the panic attack I had just gone through.

“But Charlie is... Charlie seemed like a good person!”

“It wasn’t her. It was a couple of her asshole ex-friends. They had some issue with me so decided to make me watch one of those fucking cartoons.”

“Shit. How bad?”

“Considering how bad it could have been? A walk in the park. Just means I have an oral fixation and...”

“Unable to take a dummy out?” Malcolm cut me off, “Shit, I’ve heard of that one. Sorry Liv. I didn’t realise.”

“It’s okay. I was going to tell you eventually. Wasn’t expecting Lauren to walk in first thing.”

“Me neither. Just relax okay. I’ll go call Eve and see if she can come over and fix you.”

“Charlie already called her yesterday. She’s coming in this afternoon. She said it may not be an easy fix, but it should be doable.”

“See, I knew from the moment I met Charlie I’d like her!”

“You like any woman with long hair and large breasts.”

“I mean you’re not wrong.” Malcolm grinned.


Work felt like it was lasting a lifetime as I waited for Eve to get here to fix this mess. I did a bit of work making some baby outfits for customers. I watched the clock tick by, trying my best to suppress the urges to go get a dummy and suck on it, instead replacing it with my pen.

I was working on some personal designs when the back door opened.

“Hi Olivia” said Eve.

“Hey Eve!” I said, noticing she was alone. “No Zoey?”

“Nah, she’s being babysat by Claire today so I can come in and help you. We’re going to need quiet if we’re going to sort this out. And you know how much of a little chatterbox she is.”

“Haha, that she is. She doing okay though I hope?”

“She is, thank you. She’s making lots of progress. I’m very proud of her, it must be so difficult for her to deal with everything that happened to her.”

“Yeah I bet.”

“Right, shall we get started? Why don’t you go sit down on the sofa over there and I’ll grab a chair.”

I went and sat down and Eve grabbed a chair that was near to where I was working. Looking down at the designs I had just been working on, she looked up at me.

“Oooh I like these designs. Are you planning on selling these?”

“Umm... no. They’re... umm... personal designs.”

“But they’re so cute and babyish! Look at all the little frills. And hey, if you’re getting me saying a baby outfit for littles is cute, you know you’re onto a winner.”

She wasn’t wrong, she hated the idea of regressed littles. She hated babying any of us, even though she had a natural maternal side to her. So if she thought my designs were cute, that was the highest praise for me.

“Thank you. But they’re not going to be for sale.”

“Oh.... OH. D’awww! Does widdle Wivie wanna pway dwess up in these cute widdle clothes?”

I blushed and grabbed a cushion to cover my face.

“Haha, sorry Liv. Couldn’t resist. But seriously, Charlie will LOVE you in that if you do ever make it. It’s just so... you.”

“...Thanks. I guess.”

“Anyway, I won’t make you blush anymore. Let’s get this problem of yours sorted, shall we?”

I nodded and straightened myself up.

“Now, I understand you can’t remove a dummy from your mouth, and you have obtained an oral fixation that makes you want to put a dummy in, correct?”

“Not just a dummy in.” I poked the nappy I was wearing through my dress.

“Oh okay. So you ended up nursing from Charlie? Could you remove her breast at all?”

“Yeah? I guess?”

“Hmm. Right, well Liv, I have good news and bad news.”

“Bad news first please.”

“Okay then, bad news, it’s going to take me a few weeks to remove the oral fixation.”

“Ah fuck.”


“Sorry Eve.”

“Good girl. Now the good news is that because you’ve only been exposed once, I should be able to remove the dummy fixture thing. So whilst you’re going to feel the need to suck on a dummy, you’re at least going to be able to remove it yourself.”

“Well that’s something I guess. How long will that take?”

“That one’s going to be easy, I could have it done in an hour or two. If you had said you couldn’t remove your girlfriend’s breast from your mouth it would have ended up taking weeks too.”

“Let’s just get started, please? I want this shit gone from my head.”

Eve gave me that stern look again.

“Sorry, stuff from my head.”


Malcolm gave me a ride home, dropping me off at Charlie’s house. Before he got out to help me out of the car seat, he looked at me.

“Liv, I can see something is eating away at you. It has all day. You may not notice, but I do. And I know it’s not the hypnosis thing or Lauren or whatever. You can talk to me.”

I remembered that the talk with Charlie was tonight, she was going to tell me what she really does for a living.

“It’s...it’s Charlie.”

“What about her? She’s treating you right, you’re happy?”

“Yeah yeah! Of course! Never happier... just...”

“Oh boy. There’s a just. What’s up kiddo?”

“She’s never told me part of who she is. Apparently according to her friends, she’s some big shot author who is wealthy and powerful.”

Wait, she is?”

“Yeah, apparently. She managed to threaten two of her friends into backing down. And according to Amber, a little of a friend of hers, she makes even the people on the upper side of town look poor.”

“Fuck. Who is she then? You shouldn’t be hiding any secrets or anything from each other, and that’s a pretty big one!”

“I know, right?”

“I’ve never recognised her, and I know you don’t read or watch the news, you’re completely oblivious to any current goings or famous people.”

“Hey, I don’t trust those channels, too many traps waiting for littles! And I can’t exactly go out and buy the paper from the local shop!”

“Charlotte...Charlotte... hmm... what’s her last name?”


“No, can’t say I recognise that name. One second... What about her friends, what do they do?”

“No idea really, I think they were some big shot corporate types. Now they mostly keep to themselves. But they must have been up to some shady shit if Charlie has dirt on them that could send them to jail.”

“Jail? Damn. That must have been a big deal... wait... no, it can’t be.”

“Can’t be what Mal?”

“Unless she went under a different name...”

“Unless who went under a different name?”

Malcolm’s face dropped like he had just been told the secret to everlasting life.

“Rose Woods... The one who wrote... that.” He kept mumbling to himself.

“Who is she?”

“Oh boy. I see why she didn’t want to tell you. I take back everything I said before. And I’m not saying anything to you; you need to hear this from her.”


I walked up to the front door and pulled out the spare key Charlie had given me. After a lot of struggling trying to reach to get the key in, I managed to finally open the door and walk in, closing it behind me.

I heard Charlotte moving about in the bedroom.

“Liv? Is that you? You home?”

I shoved my pink dummy in my mouth and shouted back at her.

“Yeah! It me. I mished yoo!”

Charlotte came running through to the living room in a panic.

“Babe? What happened? Why do you have your dummy in?”

I pulled out the dummy in front of her.

“Oh Eve thank you so much. So it worked?” she asked.



“Couldn’t get rid of the oral fixation yet. But the rest is gone!”

“Well that’s something I guess. Assuming she’ll be able to get the other eventually?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Good. Now you get that cute little butt over here, Mummy needs some snuggles. I missed you!”

“Good, because I missed you too Mummy!”

I waddled over into her arms and she picked me up snuggled me against her chest. I gave her the biggest kiss I could and nuzzled into her.

All the worries about Charlie’s big reveal tonight just flew away, like they never existed.

Something about all this just felt... right. Sure, I didn’t want to be a baby like all the other regressed littles. Sure, I didn’t want to lose my mind or my rights or my life. But here, in her arms, in a slightly wet nappy, suckling on my dummy and being rocked gently by the woman I love... I felt something that I had never felt my whole life.

I felt... happy.




Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone enjoyed it. Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I really love reading everyone's comments and feedback and theories!

Done a bunch of writing the past couple of days so may try and take a day off tomorrow. Managed 2 more chapters today as well as editing this one to post, and I spent most of yesterday outlining and fully planning out my second story, one not set in the Diaper Dimension, which I'm really excited to start.

I'll probably wait until I've finished this to start on that one properly, as I'm thinking of setting up a patreon for early access chapters (Don't worry, none of my work will be locked behind a paywall, but I may offer early access to chapters from my second story onwards if people are interested. Still figuring out this, but I'll keep people updated!).


And also, you'll find out about Charlie next chapter, which should be posted on Wednesday or Thursday!



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So, I'm super late to the party on this one, but I'm really enjoying it so far! I really like the balance you've struck between Charlie and Liv having an adult relationship as well as having their mommy/baby dynamic. It's a difficult line to walk, but you've done an excellent job with it so far.

I love that you've made Liv such a capable and resourceful person, she's definitely an interesting character to watch. Though Little Livy is also adorable! She seems to be getting a little hooked on Charlie's milk, but Charlie seems to have a handle on that situation.

Speaking of Charlie, I find her attitude toward Littles in general to be refreshing. It's wonderful that she's unwilling to treat a Little like, well, a Little against their will. That being said, I'm glad she's able to have a bit of an outlet for her maternal instincts with Liv; that arrangement seems to be doing good for both of them. It's not without it's hiccups, but since said hiccups are adorable, you won't catch me complaining about those. I'm excited to find out what Charlie's big reveal about the book is as well. I have my suspicions, but I've forgotten how to use spoiler tags, so I'll keep them to myself.

All in all, a very well-crafted and enjoyable story! Keep up the excellent work!

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