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  1. To summarise, nothing ever happens to the bullies unless there really is no other way (like here) or you defend yourself. But if you fight back then you are suddenly the problem.
  2. I would just like to say briefly that I am still reading your work and am very enthusiastic, but unfortunately I have not been able to comment recently because of mid-term exams. But I'm looking forward to more and what the future holds.
  3. As crazy as it sounds when I started reading the epilogue, I knew she was staying. I'm sorry to hear about her pain. I think it's good that it came to a good end I wonder if we'll still get something from Katie in LCW or something similar. I'm already looking forward to the next adventure.
  4. I would say Sofia is not like Rowling. After all, she is an advocate of trans rights, an openly tolerant and kind person Everything Rowling is not. And yes, even if the books were good back then, as an adult today you have to say that the stories were incredibly flat and the characters were 1 dimensional by Rowling.
  5. Even the new granny is sensible. What strange Amazons has Katie found. I'm looking forward to the final tomorrow (or Sunday for me, depending on how you publish, but I'm excited)
  6. We all knew that Erica wasn't innocent in Kathi's situation, but I'm very surprised that she was so bad, but I'm glad that you were able to surprise me again.
  7. Oh an interesting twist. Also interesting that certain instructions still have to be given by the judge. I'm curious to see what it's all about.
  8. Oh Sofia, you've fooled us again. Kathie's behaviour was deliberate to warn the other students. How absolutely brilliant. I take my hat off to you and bow my head.
  9. Does the fact that I took an involuntary nap from about 6pm when you should have published it until just now count as the usual: you always update just after I've gone to bed? But joking aside. It was an ‘accident’, although what is an accident in DD is always difficult to judge I'm looking forward to the last chapters.
  10. That could be interesting depending on how Olli behaves, it might not be so bad for both of them. On the other hand, it's your story, so we'll see.
  11. On the subject of genetics, some people tend to have different tastes. I, for example, am a blatant anomaly within my family tree. While absolutely nobody in my family can eat spicy food, I have even won competitions for the spiciest currywurst and the like, as mentioned in other stories. By all the goddesses I used to eat chillies as a snack during my breaks.
  12. Could we now find out how everything happened? Yes, she did receive treatment for the first hypnosis, but on the one hand she wasn't cured immediately and on the other hand she has enough Amazon mother's milk in her. I found the hair thing surprising because she hasn't been adopted yet. On the other hand, under the right conditions she would still be around for a while. I'm curious to see how it continues.
  13. Regarding the debate about healthcare that has taken precedence. I come from Germany and even if not everything is perfect, I have excellent healthcare here in Germany and unlike in the USA, for example, I don't have to worry about going into debt if I have to go to hospital or that even an insurance company will refuse to pay for vital care (unlike insurance companies in the USA whose CEOs are no longer with us). And even if there is room for improvement, I wouldn't change it because without German care (for example with US care) I would have been dead a long time ago. Also as far as the disappearance of people is concerned. I don't know what kind of surveillance state he's talking about (maybe it's even worse in the USA now than we all know) but disappearing in Germany if you want to is not that difficult if you want to. The good thing is that we have had the so-called self-determination law in Germany since last year, which at least makes the legal registration of gender (male to female, female to male or even to non-binary) incredibly easy and also the preparation for hormone therapy and surgery. Of course, we currently have to defend it in the face of what could come to power here, but we won't let it be taken away from us.
  14. She is dressed like a baby Further treated like a baby Is deliberately put in a situation where she is treated like a baby And people are already talking about what kind of fries they could give her. Yes, even if LCW wasn't already heading in a certain direction, it would be easy to see where this is going.
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