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Everything posted by BabySofia

  1. Chapter 25: I WOKE UP to a hand gently rubbing my back. I opened my eyes to see Erica holding me on her lap in Mindy’s office. “You awake now, Katie?” Erica asked me. I nodded, “Sowwy, tha’ was har.” She hugged me, “I know, Sweetie.” Mindy, Holly, Ivy, and Kyle were all in the office, sitting beside and across from us. “Okay, so I want to preface our findings, Katherine, by stating that this is a baseline assessment. You will likely improve your skills with time and some therapy. I don’t want you to despair because it could have been so much worse if the procedure hadn’t worked as well as it did.” “How ba’ was I?” I groaned, “I ha’ tha’ t..t… tees, and d… d… dees are so haw!” She smiled, “Keep struggling; you’ll get there. To answer your question, Katherine, you were basically at the newborn level after the hypnosis reset. Watching your skills drop so rapidly and beyond what they had been before was terrifying.” I felt my stomach turn at that, “An’ now?” She breathed, “I’m going to break it down by a few categories as everything is different. With your motor skills, you are at the level of an average eighteen-month-old, if I had to guess. Running is definitely a weak area, but you can at least walk. It seemed that dressing yourself is about impossible, but you could feed yourself with just a little help! The rest of your gross motor skills coordination is definitely low; you can throw a ball but have no control over the direction. I think we can say without a doubt that even if the breastmilk hadn’t caused problems, I don’t see any signs of you being able to potty train again.” I nodded, accepting the assessment as the same as mine as we did it. Kyle took over, discussed my fine motor skill issues, and tag-teamed through my problems with reading and writing. With the cognitive and academic skills that were read to me, I was successful at what Kyle considered a middle school level. That was the only bright spot of the assessment, though, as when we began discussing my social and emotional skillset, I was at best at the preschool level. My general life skills like cleaning up, brushing my teeth, washing my hands, or situational awareness were down at the eighteen-month level, too. “Will I… im… improve?” I asked. “I think so,” Kyle said. “We’ll have to wait and see, though. I think Mindy and I have a rough sketch of a plan we can implement to try to get you as much as possible. It’ll be hard work, though?” “I can d… do… har wor…k,” I told them. “Wha’ now?” I looked at Holly and glanced back at Erica. “We didn’t want to have her do it until you had whatever improvements we could hope for,” Holly told me, “But, I think for your own safety, you need to have Erica adopt you.” Adopt. Adopt me. From everything I’d learned, it was a clear sign I would never return home, and it left me feeling numb and cold right then. Erica and I faced each other. She wasn’t responsible for this latest fall, but she had been responsible for allowing the initial hypnosis for sure. I still hated that she’d done so many things to trick me, and I wasn’t sure I could ever completely trust her again. That said, I’d seen others of her kind in the past few weeks and knew I could end up with way worse. Even Holly had some level of babying despite her professional adult role. I could say, outside of losing her mind with the spanking, Erica had never been anything but kind and gentle with me. I looked Erica in the eyes, “Mommy?” “You don’t have to call me that if you don’t want to?” she told me. I sighed and repeated, “Mommy.” She was crying then, even as she squeezed me into a hug. “Erica, you’re going to officially adopt Katherine tomorrow. When you do so, you’ll be on sixteen weeks of maternity leave.” “But…” She started to argue. “There is no room for discussion here. You will spend those sixteen weeks seeing if there is any way to get Katherine back to a higher skill set. I don’t see any way she’ll be able to return home, but if you could get her back to only having accidents as her main problem, there might be a way to get her working again.” Holly told her. “We will be checking in on you periodically, beyond the therapy sessions.” “Fair enough,” Erica said. “You’ll handle getting my caseload covered?” “Consider it done already,” Holly told her. I have an experienced doctor who can fill in for a few weeks until I get someone else on board. “She nodded at Ivy. “Wait… how am I having to work again?” Ivy asked with a laugh. “You’re welcome, Mommy; you told me you were bored last week!” “I…” she shook her head and looked at Erica. “Congratulations on getting your own baby girl, but be warned, they tend to wrap you around their finger sometimes!” There was some lighthearted laughter and a few hugs, and then I was carried back to the room to be discharged from the hospital. It was late when we reached home, but Erica made a quick meal of chicken nuggets and fries with the AmeniTea. After a badly needed bath, she settled me into a pair of fleecy pajama bottoms and a t-shirt top over a fresh diaper. In the rocking chair, she just held me for several minutes. “Katie, I am so sorry about all of this,” she said after rocking silently for a moment. I looked at her, “I bewiev you.” I hated my speech issues then but took my time, “Jus…t pwomise to be kind, pwease?” She hugged me tightly, “I promise!” “Other thin,” I said, “nee t…to mee with Ma...thoo tomowow. Wan t… tell him.” “I actually checked your emails, and there’s supposed to be a meeting with your students tomorrow because of a problem at Emerson today.” “Ki..d..ds okay?” I asked. “Sounded like it?” She replied. “I’ll call him after you go to sleep and set up a meeting with you two before they come in.” I nodded, “Tha’ll be hawd.” She hugged me and sat with me, cuddled into her arms for a bit before I felt more than ready for sleep. “Nummies?” I asked. “Sure, Katie girl,” she told me. Nursing from her was becoming common, but that night felt slightly different. It was no longer something I was forced to do or even coerced to do… it was something I wanted. ‘If I’m stuck like this, at the very least she can do is feed me,’ I thought as I nursed from her. Simultaneously, she rubbed my back, ran her hands through my hair, and sang a lullaby. All those things, plus the warmth from her skin against my face, left me feeling more content than I’d felt in years. At this point, there was nothing to be nervous about; I would be adopted the next day. While waiting for my hospital discharge, Erica made an appointment at a local adoption center that Ivy and Mindy had recommended as the most humane. It would be in the afternoon as soon as I saw the students and Matthew. We even discussed telling my family I wouldn’t be returning home. That had been difficult due to the issues with my speech, but we’d devised a plan. Erica would try to get a video call with them in a few weeks after I had hopefully recovered some skills. My mind drifted for a while before I was switched to the other breast and found my eyes staring at Erica’s… at my Mommy’s eyes. Like most every time I nursed, I was out, changed, and placed into bed without stirring until the morning. “GOOD MORNING, KATIE,” Mommy said as she entered my nursery and found me sleepily wiping my eyes. “Mornin’ Mommy,” I managed to say. She smiled at that, and it was beginning to dawn on me just how powerful that word could be to get her to be happy to do things! She reached down into the crib and pulled down my pants a little. “I think we can make it through breakfast before we change you. Are you okay with that?” I looked at her and shrugged, “Kay.” Truth be told, I didn’t feel gross or even wet, most of the time, unless I had a poopy diaper. Even then, I wasn’t noticing that all the time right away the previous week, so I figured I’d live with a bit of extended time in the diaper. She carried me downstairs, and I smiled when I realized there were pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon! “It’s a special day!” she told me, hugging me as she sat me in the highchair and buckled me up. Erica put a big bib on me that extended over my shoulders, then set the tray in place with the eggies, bacon, and pancakes all cut into bite-sized pieces. “Syrup?” She asked me. I looked at her and nodded. A moment later, she said, “Dig in!” “No for?” I asked her. “No fork,” she said, emphasizing the ‘k.’ “We want you to use your little handsies as much as we can on everything so they can get better.” “Is sicky?” I replied. “It’ll clean off,” she smiled. I reached in with my right hand, took a big fistful of eggies, and brought them to my face. I opened my mouth and stuffed them inside, enjoying the taste and texture. I ate some bacon next, and then more eggies. “Are you not going to eat your pancakes?” Erica asked. I nodded, “Am! Save for en!” She smiled, and I started shoving syrup-covered pancake pieces inside my mouth. At first, I tried not to make a mess, but eventually, I just accepted my lack of coordination; it was inevitable, and I tried to have fun with it! “Wow, what a messy little girl!” Mommy cooed at me with a big smile. I was nearly coated from nose to arms, all of my bib, and the tray with syrup! “Sowwy,” I said. She laughed, “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Katie. It looked like you were having fun! At this point, I want you to find joy anywhere you can.” I nodded and sat still while she tried to start cleaning me off with baby wipes. “Let’s get some nummies now?” She said. I nodded and leaned into her as she carried me to the living room and sat in her recliner. As soon as my mouth went around her nipple, I heard, “Eeeww…” The taste had not stopped being amazing, so it was with a lot of effort that I stopped and looked up, concerned, “Is okay?” She laughed, “Mommy just didn’t think about your lips still being completely coated in syrup! It’s a little sticky on her skin. It’s okay, baby. Maybe we’ll take a quick bath together to clean us both up!” I was really full from the breakfast, so I only made it through one of her breasts and had to say, “Full, Mommy.” “Shouldn’t have fed you such a big breakfast!” She told me. I watched her drag out a pump that I’d never seen her use, even though I was sure she had to have been doing it to get me milk before. It popped on her breast and stayed there on its own. After starting the pump, she said, “Okay, bath time for this messy girl!” True to her word, Erica hopped into the bathtub with me. Midway through the bath, she pulled off the pump and set it aside, along with the milk it contained. I was a little shocked to see just how much she had pumped! She gently washed me from head to toe, maintaining contact with me throughout the bath. I watched as she especially scrubbed her breast free from my sticky lip residue and laughed. “I’d like to see how you’d like that,” she smiled at me. Eventually, she dressed me in a diaper and one of my ‘work’ outfits. I gave her a perplexed look, saying, “No cu... t... cute close?” “I thought you would like one last time being the professor?” She said with a smile. I shrugged, “Kay.” Erica had donned a pair of scrubs for the meeting. A WHILE LATER, we met Matthew in a conference room he’d reserved for the students’ meeting. It honestly didn’t affect me at this point, but he explained some shenanigans and protests that had led to the ouster of several of the administrators in charge of our students. Additionally, there was some hypnotic device they’d been exposed to. Matthew wanted to check in on everyone with the many changes and unrest. “What about you?” He asked, noting that I hadn’t said much. I’d pretty much let Erica speak for me. I sighed, “No good. Sa..Sa..t…” I looked at Erica, “Help?” “Saturday, we were at the mall with the Nickersons shopping. Things were going well, but then Katherine caught a glimpse of a Little’s screen watching her ‘favorite’ hypnotic TV show.” “Shit…” he said, “You said if that happened again?” Erica nodded, “It was immediately apparent she’d regressed to somewhere between a newborn and a year-old baby then. We treated her with a protocol for the next two evenings, and fortunately, she has mostly come out of it.” “Mostly?” He asked me. I nodded, “I can’ speak well…” I tried to calm my frustration, “moving is har, and I’m pretty helless sill. Only goo thin is I have min’?” He looked shocked. “I’m sorry about this, Katherine. So what now?” I noted that he looked at Erica for that. “Her Living Will is being invoked here after your meeting. I’ll adopt her; it’s the only way to keep her safe and prevent her from being sent to an orphanage or worse.” “Damn,” he said, looking scared and agitated. After a moment of pause, he asked, “What do we do about telling the group?” I looked at Erica, “I dunno?” “You want more students to make it back, right?” She asked after a second. “Uh-huh?” “Then I have an idea. If you both can play along, we can get them to be more careful than our princess here was. After a few more minutes, he looked at the clock and said, “I’ll be back with the students. They probably think they have a Little’s Seminar, but they won’t. Oliver and Asher may get here earlier. Tell them to have a seat if they do.” The two taller boys who weren’t a part of the Littles group due to whatever quirk was in play came in, and I could tell they were a little scared of Erica. “Everyone, you needed, Professor Owens?” Erica asked. “Yes, Doctor Daniels, we can take it from here?” He said a little nervously, it seemed. “I’ll be back in a half-hour. Please take good care of Katie while I’m gone?” “Umm… certainly,” he told her, unclear of the role now. When the door closed, Oliver swore, “What the fuck?!?” “Couldn’t have said it better,” Avery added. Willow looked over and said, “Not without getting another mouthful of soap and another spanking!” Avery blushed brightly. “Are you okay, Doctor Benson?” Connor asked me. “Of couse! I just ha’ nummies, and Mommy made me all dwy now!” I had to force my words out, but it was clear I was semi-understood, at least. “Okay, we don’t have much time, but I wanted to check on you,” Professor Owens started speaking. “Umm… I think we all knew of the rumors and likely issues here. Still, I think some of the potential consequences were understated. A level of protection was promised that obviously you haven’t been given.” Oliver raised his hand, “Professor, this isn’t everyone that came. Where are Tatum, Noah, and Luca?” Connor responded to him, “Probably adopted or in an orphanage.” Knowing Erica’s suggestion, I forced out, “Ooh, Mommy was ‘awking abou’ adop’ing me la’er! Dey so lu-cky!” I giggled, then put my thumb back into my mouth where it had been sitting. “So… umm… What do you want to do?” Ava asked. “I definitely didn’t sign up to be in diapers or have to have ‘mummies’ from a mommy.” “There’s not much we can do. We can’t go home until our date at the end of the semester. I have contacted our embassy, though, and they’re lodging a complaint with the government about the poisonings and hypnosis that have been administered to you all.” Doctor Owens said it in a matter-of-fact tone. Right then, I could feel something in my tummy; I wasn’t sure if it was hunger or any other feeling anymore. It wasn’t comfy, I knew that! “Wait! What?” Oliver showed his cluelessness. “Oliver, have you like paid no attention to anything else around you these past few weeks?” Mia prodded him. “Not really? I’ve been going to class, then to the library, studying until I can’t stay awake anymore, then repeating? These guys have weird terminology, and catching up has been hard!” “Well, you idiot, things aren’t going well for most of our group,” Asher told him. “I’m just glad I didn’t end up at Little Height. Sorry guys, but that seems horrible!” “That’s putting it lightly,” Liam said, shaking his head. “So what do we do now?” Avery asked. “Well, first of all, if you have any more poisonings or run-ins with the illegal hypnosis, you need to contact me ASAP. I’ll act as a liaison with the university as we planned.” Professor Owens said with a severe expression. “What good will that do?” Willow asked. He shrugged, “It’s something at least.” Connor asked, “And what about Katie here?” He turned white, “I don’t think we’re able to do much there,” he said quietly. Right then, after a fart, I found myself squatting and pooping my diapee! Knowing I couldn’t have planned this better for our desired effect, I sat down and smushed it, forcing a big smile as I said, “Poopies!!!” “No, I don’t think there is…” Connor replied. I sat there, forcing a smile, even as my diaper felt yucky. Matthew gave suggestions and warnings not to get in trouble before Erica returned. She made a pretty big deal as she sniffed the air and picked me up, placing her nose on the pungent diaper under my skirt. ‘Eeew… why would she do that?’ I wondered in my head. “Well, seems like I have a stinky whittle girl now, huh? None of that big girl doctor stuff now, huh?” Erica giggled. She pulled my slobbery thumb out of my mouth and replaced it with a pacifier that she clipped to my outfit. “I hope you don’t mind if I change her here?” Erica wasted no time laying out the supplies as the room grew more awkward for a public diaper change in front of my former students… ‘Please don’t…?’ I thought, but I knew we were trying to help scare the others into being more careful. “Anything else?” Connor asked. “No, I think that’s all; good luck,” Matthew replied as Erica pulled the first tape open. It was almost humorous how quickly the room cleared then! “Did that warn them adequately?” Erica asked him after finishing my change. “It sure did me…” he said. “Are you okay, Katherine?” I nodded, “As goo as poss… ible.” “Well, we’ll still see you around, Matthew, but Katherine will officially be removed from the exchange faculty today.” He gave me a look of pity, “Please take good care of her at least!” “I promise,” Erica said, carrying me out of the room and the building toward my final fate. “Bye,” I said in my final moment. I could see him sitting there, his face white with a frozen look of terror. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for reading! Please press the Like Button and leave a comment! So it's crazy to me that in such a short time that this is the 500th reply to the thread! Thank you all so much for your kind words and Likes! I had at least one person who wondered if there would be a difference on the other side of the final encounter Doctor Benson has had with her students - good guess to that person! Some may note that the language she spoke with was different than initially in LCW; I have edited that to line things up better. (I honestly don't consider LCW to be a fully final version as I post it - there will be edits before I eventually publish the entire work in 3 or 4 separate books.) I have a work trip I'm leaving tomorrow with no privacy and some late nights. I'll post the next chapter on Sunday - Saturday evening if I get home early enough. (I have proofed all the chapters but always go through them again).
  2. Yeah, this one is definitely dangrous... Cute show, but one way trip to babyhood if you watch too much! Thanks for the comments! 🙂
  3. Thanks for commenting this time! I appreciate it! 🙂 ...not intentionally? 🤣 Thanks! 🙂
  4. Thanks for the comments! Nummy likes are nummy likes? I'm sure if that's the the case their mommies and daddies will eventually catch them! In the meantime... Sofia is happy! 🍼 🙂 That's an interesting idea, but sadly, I have to say I didn't think of it! (LCW will be moving in a different direction, but that would have been fun!) Made sense Holly and Ivy would reach out to them. Thanks for the comments! 🙂
  5. A lot of spots it catches me on involve commas and other mechanical errors. I don't want to spend a ton of time looking, so here's one section. Original: What followed was probably the hardest afternoon of my life – ever. Mindy had me walk across the room a couple of times. I could mostly still do so, but I found my balance was off, and I definitely toddled more than I walked. I was a bit apprehensive when she asked me to run, and that turned out to be for a good reason, I face planted numerous times as I just couldn’t maintain my balance for the change in stride! Edited: What followed was probably the most arduous afternoon of my life—ever. Mindy had me walk across the room a couple of times. I could mostly still do so, but I found my balance was off, and I definitely toddled more than I walked. I was a bit apprehensive when she asked me to run, which was for a good reason. I face-planted numerous times as I just couldn’t maintain my balance for the change in stride! Nothing in here changes ideas, and I ignored a few more that are highlighted, but it makes it a bit more readable, I think. I would say, on average, things start with about 260 errors per chapter, and then I go through and accept or deny things. Growing up, I was in advanced placement classes all the way through, and because of that, we actually got to skip the stupid little textbooks about grammar rules. It actually became a source of stress for my class during our senior year because we felt less prepared for the second AP test we were supposed to take, which was less about essays and more about rules.
  6. I do not accept all suggestions; I go through each of them and debate if they're correct. For me, I don't feel like the process is much different than using a human editor as I have in the past. They often have suggestions that I turn down too. What it does do though, is allow me to make sure my writing isn't riddled with errors that distract from the ideas I'm putting down. You won't find my writing changes ideas or is AI generated in that manner, but I feel like it polishes what I've written. With the instances of some words I add them to the custom spell check that Grammarly has. I have well over a hundred words in my dictionary like 'pwease,' 'uppy,' 'nummy,' 'diapees,' etc. The last thing I will say is if you have the pro version of Grammarly (tax write-off for me) it allows you to customize some of that too.
  7. It was hard to write honestly. Not to mention proofreading something like this is a nightmare! Grammarly refuses to let go of some of it no matter how many times I press ignore! You're not wrong on the McSweetie issue. Katie has bigger problems right now than worrying about that though! Thanks for the comments! 🙂
  8. You all made it! 💜 Chapter 24: THE GROWNUPS WERE suddenly shouting and hissing a whole bunch of naughty words around me. I didn’t know what was happening, so I put my thumb in my mouth as my stroller seemed to race out of the mall. As we came to a stop by Mommy’s car, I burst into tears, unable to deal with the shock of whatever upset her! Just as suddenly, Mommy filled my view as she unbuckled me, and I grabbed onto her and cried. She was comforting me enough that I made out some voices saying words I didn’t understand. “Just seeing the screen did that to her?” a small voice asked. “She should have been a little more resistant than that!” “I told you it’s a powerful one,” a big voice, not mommy’s but like hers said. “We need to see if something can be done to get warning labels on that show. I bet Littles aren’t the only ones harmed since Erica got hit.” “What do we do now?” Mommy asked, hugging me, even as my tears wouldn’t stop. “Meet us at the hospital - we’ll get Mindy to meet us there. I’ll see if I can pull in a favor with someone else, too,” Holly said. “I didn’t mean to!” I heard Mommy say. “We know… probably good that two of her four people on her Living Will were here, or we wouldn’t have believed it,” Ivy said with a sigh. “Get her in the car. It’s imperative she gets there quickly if we’re going to do anything!” I was crying my eyes out still as Mommy pushed me into the car seat, “No, wan you!” I cried. She stuffed a pacifier in my mouth, but I spit it out as she connected the harness in the car seat, trapping me. “Mommy!!!” I cried. ‘I can’t believe she’s just leaving me like this!’ The car started moving, and at some point, I must have cried myself to sleep. THE NEXT TIME I became aware, I was comforted by Mommy’s heartbeat as she held me. My diaper felt squishy, but I trusted her to take care of it. She saw my eyes open, “There’s our little Doc!” I smiled, “Mommy!” I said, squirming to get closer to her. “Should we try the headset again?” I heard Miss Mindy ask Holly. “I don’t think it’ll work a second time,” Holly said. “What do you think, Amanda?” “I doubt it, but it wouldn’t do any harm? Before you do that, let’s have Tessa scan her. That room has one of the stations, right?” “Yes,” Holly said. A moment later, I heard a new female voice and looked up to see a tall woman standing there—but I hadn’t heard the door open! “Who’s dat?” I asked after seeing her. “I’m Tessa, Katherine,” the tall woman said. “I’m here to look at you to see if you have a boo-boo we can fix.” “Boo-boo?” I asked, “Those hurt.” She nodded, “Yep, they do! But I’m pretty good at helping others fix them.” She turned her gaze from my face higher, “Would you please place her down on the table?” “No, Mommy! No, put down!” I cried as Mommy placed me on the table. “It’s okay, baby, it’s just for a moment,” she said soothingly. I looked at her in betrayal, even as a bright blue light blinded my eyes! I closed them quickly and could tell it was over because I had seen it even with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and said, “Mommy, bight!” Then, I devolved into another meltdown. “Why don’t you try nursing her to calm her for now,” Miss Mindy said. As soon as Mommy sat down and started pulling at her top to open the flap to her nummies, my mouth watered. I cried until I felt her nipple enter my mouth, and I started to suck on it, swallow milk, on repeat over and over again. “Definitely got a set of lungs on her,” I heard a voice say. “Yeah,” Mommy agreed. “So, anything, Tessa?” “I’m comparing my scan just now with Doctor Fairbanks, the one she entered the dimension with, and another Doctor Daniels completed last week… give me just a minute.” I continued to nurse from Mommy; she was more important than whatever else was going on. Her hug and diaper pats felt good and made me calm down. “Okay, I’ve finished my analysis, Doctors. Unfortunately, it’s not great?” I felt Mommy sigh, and she shifted, almost pulling her nipple from my mouth. I whined and leaped back on! “Sorry, Katie,” she told me. “So?” Mommy asked. “This is the scan from when Doctor Benson arrived. Her brain shows the typical adult readings we expect from a Portal Little. Full control over nervous systems, bladder, bowels, etc. When you did your scan, Doctor Daniels, it was clear that she had plaque on the Micturition center, most likely from breast milk since you are nursing her. I believe her current level of build-up will prevent her from ever being potty trained again.” Mommy squeezed me then, and I heard her cry. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. I whined because she moved the nipple back out of my mouth for a second. I rooted for it again and noted it produced fewer milkies, so I started kneading her skin again. “What about her neural scan?” I heard the smaller voice say. “Well, you can see the clear effects of the hypnosis and conditioning rewiring and bypassing parts of her…” I tuned it out and kept nursing, eventually feeling Mommy pull me away. I whined! “Just a minute, baby, let’s get that gassy out of your tummy, and you can have Mommy’s other nipple.” I felt her hand give me a rub on my back and then a couple of light pats before burping a big belch! “Bet that feels better now, huh?” She said to me, pulling her top back out of the way and putting me at her other breast. I wasted no time latching and continuing to nurse! “She seems more regressed than she was Monday,” Mindy said. “No doubt there,” Holly said. “Tessa, do you think the treatment can help?” “Help? Yes,” she paused, “Cure? No.” I felt Mommy’s chest heave some more and had to really hang on to her breast to keep it in my mouth. “I didn’t want to go this far,” she sobbed. “That’s what most women who do what you’ve done ultimately decide,” Ivy said with a heavy sigh. “Tessa, I think we’re all in agreement. Do what you can for her. How would you need to initiate the treatment?” “She still has her nanites from her treatment after the broken wrist; I can just access them and initiate their actions?” “How long will it take?” Holly asked. “It would be best to take a few days to avoid severe, permanent damage. I don’t recommend going rapidly with the process due to the way the brain has been damaged.” Tessa replied. “That’s one of the only times I’ve ever heard that,” Mindy said, “I thought when you all used nanites to treat, it was about as instantaneous as anything?” “Normally, that’s true, Doctor Fairbanks, but this is a very delicate job. I recommend sedating the patient until it’s completed. Then, we can fully assess where she’s at?” Amanda said. Holly said, “Erica, I’m not thrilled that you caused most of this intentionally or not, but we have that Living Will from Katherine that states you should be allowed to adopt her if you didn’t cause further damage. I don’t think you should enact that yet, but I do think you have the right to choose her treatment at this time with her incapacitated?” Mommy kept moving and annoying me as I kept sucking milk, swallowing, sucking milk… She moved again! I moved my hand to grab her tighter and put my mouth back on her nipple to suck more milk. “Let’s do it,” she said. “Let’s wait until she’s finished nursing? She’s usually pretty milk-drunk and is a heavy sleeper after that. She won’t feel the sedative…” I didn’t understand what they were saying, but I was sleepy and safe in Mommy’s warm arms, so I just let everything go and went to sleep. “KATHERINE, TIME TO wake up,” I heard next. “You need to wake up for us, Sweetie.” “Erica?” I rolled over—or at least tried to; my body wasn’t moving for some reason. “You’re okay, Sweetie. We just strapped you down to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself when you woke up. We’ll remove them if you can be good for us for a few minutes.” I recognized Holly’s voice then. I nodded, able to move my head, “Kay, I’m sweepy though s’ill?” “That’s to be expected, Katherine,” I heard. “Why do you keep calling me that, Mommy?” I said. “My name is Kadie?” “Sorry, Katie, Mommy was feeling silly,” she replied. “She’s talking, at least?” I heard a voice say. “It’s an improvement,” another voice replied. I vaguely placed it as Holly’s Mommy’s. “Vitals are stable, and it looks like her neural readings are closer to where they were last week.” “Not all of the way back?” Mommy asked. “No, but we figured that going into this,” a voice said. “We’ll just have to determine where her deficits are and do our best to get her back from this.” My tummy ached then, and I instinctually said, “Hungwy, Mommy,” I said. “She called me Erica just once?” “We’ll have to see what she does later. For now, I would just be her mommy,” Holly said. “Tessa, go ahead and remove the straps so she can see if nursing is what she wants?” “Nummies…” I said sleepily as the straps that were holding me down suddenly disappeared. “Sounds like it,” Mommy said. I opened my eyes and saw her coming over to me. She looked tired and like she didn’t feel very good. I held my arms out to her and felt better when she picked me up off the bed and settled in a chair. “Here we go, Sweetie,” she said lovingly to me as she messed with her shirt and got her breast free for me. I sleepily latched on and began nursing the sweet milk, feeling my hunger pains fade. “It didn’t take as long as you thought it would,” Mommy told them. With a sigh, I heard Holly’s mommy say, “Unfortunately, that’s probably a bad sign. It means it couldn’t heal as much damage as we hoped. It’s only been forty-two hours, which is longer than normal, but we’ll just have to see.” “Let’s let her nurse herself back to sleep, then we’ll get her up in a couple of hours and run her through some assessments,” Miss Mindy said. I tuned out the rest of the talking, happy to fill my tummy with Mommy’s milkies. It felt like I hadn’t done that in a long time for some reason! Eventually, I must have passed out from my full belly of milk. I WOKE UP sometime later in a hospital crib, hugging Honey and sucking on a pacifier. I vaguely remembered the last time I was awake, but everything was hazy and light on the details. I sat up and noted that my muscles felt like that took more effort. After nursing me to sleep, Erica must have dressed me in footed pajamas, so I was at least warm in the freezing hospital room. With my right hand, I moved to take my pacifier out of my mouth. And I missed! ‘Huh?’ I thought to myself. I made two more attempts before successfully grabbing it and placing it on the sheets since it wasn’t clipped to my pajamas. Erica looked to be napping in a chair beside my crib, and I hated to disturb her, but after pushing on my diaper, I could tell it was soaked. “Ewica?” I said. “Why soun like tha’?” I thought aloud. “Katie?” I heard. I was distracted by Erica standing up and coming over to the crib. She wordlessly picked me up and sat down in the chair with me on her lap, facing her. “What happ?” I asked. “Why tawk fuuuny?” She squeezed me tightly for a moment. “Do you remember when Mindy and Holly told you that you shouldn’t have any screen time or anything for a couple of weeks?” I nodded. “Do you remember being at the mall on Saturday?” I nodded, “Yeth.” “Well, when we were shopping with Ivy and Holly, everything was fine until we ran into a patient you had both seen?” I foggily remembered, “I member?” I grimaced at the words not coming out right. “The patient’s Little sister was watching a tablet, but none of us noticed it since she had earbuds in. When she turned the stroller, you saw what she was watching…” “I hyno mythelf ‘gain?” She nodded, “It shouldn’t have happened as severely as it did, but you were more susceptible to it than average for some reason. Mindy thinks it’s because it was relatable to you as a career and a similar cartoon back home.” “Wha’ now?” I asked fearfully. She sighed, “We don’t know yet? Mindy wants to run you through a series of assessments this afternoon to see where you are?” “Is no goo,” I sighed. She hugged me tightly, and I started to feel hungry. I instinctually tried to get to her breasts to nurse, but she held me still, “We can do that later, Katie; for now, we’re going to need you hungry to start the assessments.” I frowned at that. “It won’t be long! Let me just let Mindy know you’re awake; she was supposed to have everything about setup.” I frowned but just snuggled into her arms while I waited. Her not long seemed forever to me! “How long has she been awake?” Mindy asked when she arrived. “Five minutes?” Erica told her. ‘Only five minutes passed?!?’ I thought in alarm. Mindy led us down to her playroom therapy area, where a highchair was set up. “Erica said you were hungry in the message, so we’re going to start with feeding yourself, Katherine.” “Eathy,” I said while noting something was seriously wrong with my speech center! I was sat in the highchair with the straps on, bibbed up, and she placed a couple of plates and bowls in front of me. All of it was cut small enough to ensure I wouldn’t choke, and there was a variety, at least. Apple cubes, nuggets, mac and cheese, carrots, a cup without a lid, a sippy cup, and a baby bottle were also visible. “I ea’?” I asked. “Start with the apple cubes,” she told me. “Do you know which one is apple?” I should have been offended, but I understood they were trying to assess where my skills were. I pointed at the bowl and meant to grab one but ended up with an awkward handful of three. I looked at my hand and frowned; it was not doing what it was supposed to! I moved the handful to my mouth and managed to get two into my mouth, dropping the third onto the bib catcher! I took a deep breath and chewed the ones I had managed to get inside my mouth. They were tasty and made me feel a little bit better. I reached down into the bib pocket and managed to snag the errant cube. I noted I couldn’t get my fingers to grasp correctly! I looked up at Mindy, who seemed to assess the same thing. “Be patient, Katherine. We have a long way to go—and we are just starting to help you recover. I’m happy to keep helping you with things until you get as far as possible. I will tell you it’s not a muscle issue right now; it’s just a matter of getting your brain and hand to connect correctly.” I nodded and went for a few more apple cubes before she asked, “Do you think you can do this cup?” She showed me that the regular cup only held a sip of water. I shook my head, “No?” “Why don’t you try? There’s not much in there if you spill.” I sighed and reached for it with both hands. I managed to pick it up, which made me happy, but the second I tried to tilt it, it dropped out of my hands and spilled onto the floor beside me. I had tears in my eyes, “Can’!” I managed the sippy cup and the bottle okay, at least, and I got some fluids into my parched throat then. The chicken nuggets were a bit larger, which required me to bite off a piece and chew under Mindy’s careful supervision. Fortunately, I could do that and eat the carrot pieces just fine, which made me smile with at least some hope! “Before I let you finish what you want to eat, I want you to try using this spoon with the mac and cheese,” she told me. I grimaced,” ‘Kay.” The next several minutes were incredibly messy and degrading, but when she helped me find a better grip on the spoon, I was able to get most of it to my mouth. The rest landed around my face and bib. I frowned. “Don’t get down here,” Erica said, reappearing before me. For some reason, they had her go away while I started, and it kind of sucked. It was so nice to have her in front of me again! “You’re doing great, Sweetie!” I shook my head but filled my stomach with more before stopping before I was sick. “Good job!!!” Mindy and Erica both praised me. “Wha nex’?” I asked. What followed was probably the most arduous afternoon of my life—ever. Mindy had me walk across the room a couple of times. I could mostly still do so, but I found my balance was off, and I definitely toddled more than I walked. I was a bit apprehensive when she asked me to run, which was for a good reason. I face-planted numerous times as I just couldn’t maintain my balance for the change in stride! She had a series of objects to try climbing, and I struggled with that if I had no help supporting me. She had me try jumping, which was an interesting challenge. I tried it unsuccessfully and nearly cried when I realized I couldn’t bend my legs and push up off the ground correctly! I assumed it was related to my issues with running as well. By then, I needed a diaper change because I was poopy. Erica took care of my diaper, but then Mindy had her see if I could dress myself in several different types of outfits. Sadly, I was worthless there, and about all I could manage was to put my socks on badly, and I did manage to put a hat on my head. Rolling and attempting to throw and catch a ball was not going well! Mindy brought in another colleague, Kyle, who spent two hours seeing if I still had any of my academic skills accessible. That was indeed the most depressing thing to realize that, for some reason, letters on the page were scrambled like some form of severe dyslexia. They tried a couple of tricks with me, but at least initially, reading was now impossible. I could just about scribble with a large crayon… I could press individual letters on a keyboard. Still, my reading ability was blocked, which meant I found it useless to communicate. On the positive side, I could still mostly talk, with some signs, my diction might be fixable with therapy. I could understand what was said to me, even when they didn’t speak to me as a toddler. I could still do some problem-solving if it didn’t involve reading; I could still count and do math, too! My time awareness was off somehow, though, so the afternoon dragged on endlessly and was over before I knew it. “Let’s meet in an hour to discuss things in my office,” Mindy told us. In the meantime, Erica took me back to my room for another diaper change and a cuddle. I dozed off then, as the afternoon had been very taxing! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for reading! Please press that Like button and, even better, leave a comment! You all met my demands for an extra chapter... pushed it a little timing-wise, but procrastination is nothing I can speak ill of! 🤣 I will post the next chapter on Tuesday, and then, unfortunately, you'll have to wait until the weekend while I'm out of town for work. Please leave some comments; it helps when I'm trying to motivate myself to continue on LCW to have chapters ready to go when this finishes! Let me know your thoughts on this latest twist in Katie's story! There are four more chapters plus an epilogue remaining!
  9. You're down to just needing one in the next three hours... I wonder if you'll make it...?
  10. All told I feel like he got exceptionally lucky so far. The cop being willing to just let his parents be the people who removed his driving ability is clear, and honestly a humane gesture on his part. Hopefully he makes some friends or reconnects with some at this institute... This isn't like your Smeckton story, so hopefully that means it's a genuine caring place that can help him. The moment with Amanda was touching, I'm really looking forward to more!
  11. I'll give you all 5.5 more hours to find them... otherwise the chapter is... waiting until Tuesday 😈
  12. That will be twenty stuffies that must be given to the authoress from your collection of prized stuffies! 🤣 Sadly no... you all are 8 votes short still right now... 🤷‍♀️ As a character she reminds me of the chief's daughter in Avatar when she's yelling at Sully for being like a child. Definitely not the most prepared character to come to the diaper dimension!
  13. Tasty snacks! 🙂 Thanks for the comments! 🙂 In the case of this one I think anyone who had never been exposed to it would not have to worry about it. Katie has had a very high direct exposure in the recent past to this one in particular. That's all I can say until after the next chapter. Speaking of next chapter... you all need to gather another 11 votes if you want the chapter tomorrow. Otherwise I just torture you with the cliffhanger until Tuesday, and then force you to wait again until Saturday or Sunday! 🫣 😈
  14. Ah, original plans... well, not plan survives in my experience! Enjoyed this chapter! 🙂
  15. So glad to see an update! It was a good one, and I'll be curious to see her mom's new romance. It sounds like if her mom brings it up in the right way she might not be completely opposed to her nursing... Looking forward to more! 🙂
  16. Thanks for the comments! 🙂 Stacy and her genetic line are a bit of an oddball in my mind. She's not normal... (Nor is Carly) Some people genetically are more predisposed to bitter foods like coffee and certain kinds of beers. In this case Katie already sugared up her coffee so much at home I have a feeling she needs a Little syrup shot of 'coffee' over normal stuff. Of course it's also possible that Erica buys crappy coffee! 🤷‍♀️ Little of both I think - see the response to Terran there, thanks for the comments! 🙂 Thanks! 🙂 Thanks for commenting! 🙂 Stacy just barely fixed that problem in time for her thankfully back then! That anti-hypnosis programming to the nanites was a good move, even if it probably caused some of her later shrinkage issues. Thanks for the comments! 🙂
  17. This is by Teekabell 'A New School.' After abdlstoryforum went away I don't know of another full copy of that one posted anywhere.
  18. Chapter 23: THE NEXT MORNING came, and after I recognized I had returned to Erica’s home, I sighed, hugged Honey, and began evaluating my surroundings. It was clearly daylight from the light around the window curtains. I looked down and saw I was dressed in a light purple footed pajama set with a series of pink and white hearts. That made me realize Erica must have just about emptied out the Valentine’s Day outfits from the stores this week! I didn’t mind cutesy Valentine’s Day outfits as a little girl. Still, I had avoided them as an adult… especially as the holiday just became another singles appreciation day each year! I noticed my diaper was soaked, but I wasn’t surprised, given that I had nursed from Erica as I went to sleep. I let the pacifier in my mouth fall to hang from a clip she had attached to my clothes and stood up to stretch. Right then, on cue, Erica entered the room. “Morning, Sweetie!” she said with a smile. “How do you know I’m up?” I asked curiously. “Baby monitor,” she told me frankly, nodding towards a cabinet where I looked for a camera but only saw a teddy bear. I didn’t respond as I looked closely at it, even as she picked me up and laid me on the changing table. “Let’s just leave your PJs on until after breakfast,” she told me as she pulled them back on after the necessary diaper change. I sleepily complied and leaned against her shoulder as she carried me downstairs. I was settled in my highchair with a bib before she spoon-fed me an alternating meal of oatmeal and scrambled eggs. I was slowly waking up, and I couldn’t help but feel jealous of her coffee on the table. “Could I please have some coffee?” I asked her. She looked a bit surprised at the request. “I don’t think you’ll like it,” she replied. “Why not?” I asked. “Describe coffee back home for you?” she asked. I shrugged, “Bitter? I always add cream and sugar to it to make it better. I miss the caffeine?” She smiled, “Tell you what, I’ll give you a chance to try it; it’s only fair… but I want to warn you you’ll probably hate it?” She shook her head, “I’m surprised you hadn’t asked before, though.” She poured a small amount into her tiniest teacup a few minutes later. It reminded me of a gigantic soup bowl I had back home at one point, but I could manage it, I hoped! I added some cream and sugar she had, making it look the right color, then took a sip. “Yuck!” I said aloud, even as I spit the sip back in the cup and began coughing! “That’s horrible!!!!” She giggled, “Sorry, Katie, I did warn you?” “I even added extra sugar! That’s like… I don’t even know…? You drink that?” “I warned you early on that our taste palates are different?” I shrugged, “I wonder if there’s any way to get some from home…?” She giggled again and kissed my head, “I know our icky coffee doesn’t taste good, but let’s get you some nummies that do taste extra good to your tummy!” I blushed but complied as she gathered me out of the high chair and carried me to the recliner in the living room. She must have decided skin-to-skin was too much trouble right then, as she didn’t pull me out of my sleeper. Her top was a cute purple tunic draped nicely over her body. As she sat me down on her lap, I watched her separate the top into two separate layers, pulling up the top layer to reveal her breast exposed below. ‘That’s a clever design,’ I thought as I watched her move a little flap of fabric out of the way, put my face to her breast, and then let the fabric drape over me. It was a bit claustrophobic at first, but after I got into my suckling rhythm, the world mostly tuned out anyway! I was full from breakfast, but the taste was so addictive I kept sucking regardless of how full I felt! After a while, she switched me to the other breast, and then I heard her phone ring. She shifted just slightly and said, “Hello?” I couldn’t hear the other person because her phone connected directly to her through the contacts she wore. She’d explained the neural transducer implanted to transmit the audio to her brain. Still, nothing of it seemed like something I wanted! “Oh, hi, Ivy, how are you doing?” “Oh?” She patted me on my back, “Well, you saw the rules we agreed to with each other?” “Yeah, so far, so good, I think?” I kept sucking milk and swallowing, even as I tried to focus on her words. “Shopping trip?” I heard her say. “Sure, that sounds like fun!” she patted my diaper lightly as I continued to nurse. We’ll see you there in three hours—hopefully, we can get some other cute outfits for my Katie here! We’ve got another stop before then, and we’ll meet you in front of Littletude.” I was not getting much milk anymore, but my body was on autopilot with nursing. I continued that for several minutes before Erica broke the latch, burped me, and said, “Are you good with a shopping trip with Ivy and Holly?” I nodded, “Sure.” She sighed heavily, “They don’t trust me, so I’m sure they want to check on you. That said, I don’t blame them and appreciate them looking out for you.” I sat quietly in her lap for a moment while she used some baby wipes to clean her breasts of drips of milk and my slobber before she carried me upstairs. “Are you okay for real with a haircut?” she asked me. I froze. “Depending?” “Well, Katie, you have hair down almost halfway down your back… it’s a lot to take care of?” I shrugged, “It’s never bothered me?” She nodded, “I’m sure it hasn’t, but it kind of worries me?” “How?” “Well… hair that long is easy to get things stuck into if you’re around any other regressed Littles.” “Like…?” “Gum, paint, who knows?” “Huh?” “Just trust me, I’ve seen it all, I think!” I felt queasy, “How short do you want me to go?” “Just to a bob above your shoulders?” She smiled, “It’ll be easier to take care of, and I can still put your hair up in pigtails?” I shuddered at losing my hair but nodded, “I guess that’s fine.” “I’d like to do one other thing?” she asked. I steeled myself for something worse, “Yes?” “Can I have them dye your hair just a little lighter to match mine better?” I’d never considered that we both had brown hair, but mine was darker than hers by a couple of shades from the dye used back home. “It’s bottle-colored anyway,” I told Erica with a shrug. “Huh?” she asked. “Dyed from a bottle? I have some gray hairs that I don’t like seeing?” I noted she looked closer at my hair, “I can see the roots actually… I’ve heard about using dyes.” “Wait, don’t you mean a dye?” “Sort of… it’s using nanites, though?” “Just do it,” I told her, closing my eyes. The milk was beginning to make me sleepy. A short while later, I discovered I’d slept through a wet diaper change and had been dressed in leggings and a dress that didn’t feature a onesie built-in for once. I woke up as she was checking me in at a stylist. “Hi, I’ve got an appointment for Katie here?” Erica was telling the woman. “Oh, what a cutie!” the woman cooed. “Let me get Tawny; she’ll be your stylist today.” I looked around, and Erica patted me on the diaper a bit. “Woke up finally?” “Sorry, your milk makes me sleepy most of the time,” I told her, realizing I had a pacifier in my mouth. “An extra nap isn’t a bad thing,” she told me with a squeeze and a kiss on my forehead. I debated spitting the pacifier out, but it was comforting, so I just kept nursing it occasionally. “Katie?” A friendly-looking woman in her late forties asked. “Right here,” Erica said, carrying me after her. I was placed in a chair resembling a princess’s throne. Soon, I looked passively at my reflection in the mirror, my pacifier bobbing up and down in my mouth nervously. “So, Mommy, what are we doing today?” I wanted to argue that Erica wasn’t my mommy, but that seemed pointless, so I just kept nursing on the pacifier. “I want you to cut her hair shorter up to here?” Erica held her hand at the level we’d agreed to. Also, can you give her a treatment to match my hair?” “Of course, that’s simple. Do you want me to curl the hair under for the bob?” “Just a light curl, don’t go crazy. I’m not a big fan of over-the-top curls on babies.” She laughed, “Neither am I.” The woman finally addressed me, “Now, I know this is going to make you have some big feelings to have this much hair come off, so feel free to keep your eyes closed, Sweetie. I promise you’ll be even more beautiful when we’re done because that hairstyle doesn’t really suit your face as it is.” I blushed but followed her advice to shut my eyes tightly as I saw the scissors come into view. She began to snip at my hair and chop it shorter than I’d had since I was seven or eight! I felt tears in my eyes and sucked on the pacifier for all I could throughout the experience. Just when I thought Tawny was finally done, she sprayed my hair with something again and said, “Just sit still, baby, almost done! You’ve done sooo good you’ve earned a treat afterward!” The woman said to me. Five minutes later, I was told to open my eyes. If the image in the mirrors had been that of an older toddler before, I had slipped below two now with my hair so short. The color now perfectly matched Erica’s, which made her smile as she talked about it on the way out to the car with a sucker in my mouth that the stylist had given me. As she buckled me into my seat, I pulled the sucker out by the white stick and asked, “How long does the dye last?” She smiled, “It’s an amazing product; unless we want to change hair colors, it doesn’t ever fade?” “Never?” I asked. “Never,” she told me. “Unless we change our mind on hair colors. That might be fun to be blondes or redheads at some point,” she said as she squeezed my diaper. “We’ll change you when we get to the mall. I think you’ll be fine until then,” she added. I only then noticed my diaper was squishy and soaked. With a sigh, I sat patiently as we were driven by the car to the local mall I’d been to with her. I was strapped into my stroller again, with the safety harness entirely preventing me from doing anything more than moving just a tiny amount in the seat. Fortunately, it was soft, but my diaper was cooling and clammy when she made it to the restroom and changed me. “Feel better?” She asked me. I nodded, even as I felt like my stomach was kind of gassy and overfull. ‘I haven’t had a bowel movement today,’ I thought to myself and groaned at the high likelihood that it would happen in this public space! “Let’s go find Ivy and Holly!” she said with a smile, buckling me back into the cushy stroller. As she pushed me through the mall, I felt like a bystander, and I looked at other people coming and going. The large teenagers hitting the sales, hanging out with their friends, shopping, and having a good time seemed normal. Frequent mothers with children or Littles would be moving about. I noted some of the Littles did seem happy, while many others scowled or struggled in their strollers or carriers. One Little was being pulled by a backpack leash as they sat on the floor in protest. Their ‘mother’ just kept walking as they slid on their diaper backward, wailing the whole time… Those scenes were horrible! Eventually, we made our way to a bench in front of Littletude, which I could see from my low position was essentially a version of tweeny children’s store with bright pink and purple outfits, glittery embellishments, and seemingly a bit ‘cool’ of designs that kids might want to wear into their early teens. I noted, though, that they were definitely designed for Littles, with the mannequins displaying diaper bulges visible even from where I sat dozens of feet away. As I sat there, I noted that you didn’t see many Little families out shopping. It was conspicuous to me, as I knew they had to be out there living freely still. The only free Littles I saw were maybe some college kids darting around, but even then, most of them seemed to have found a Big to be their bodyguard. ‘Babysitter more likely,’ I thought. Erica sat on the bench and began annoyingly pushing the stroller back and forth as if she needed to calm a fussy baby. I was just about to say to stop when I heard, “Hi, Ivy,” from her. The stroller suddenly turned, and I was face to face with another stroller containing Holly inside. I felt my face flush but realized she was dressed as juvenilely as I was. ‘I wonder how that works if patients see her outside the hospital?’ I wondered. “Hi, ladies,” Ivy said to us. “How are you doing today?” She asked, bending down in front of my stroller. The sudden invasion of her face was a bit off-putting, but I just shrugged and said, “We’re doing okay.” “She’s holding to her end of the bargain?” she asked me. I nodded, “Yes, as am I?” She smiled, “Good!” “Any particular place you wanted to shop?” Erica asked Ivy when she stood up. “Let’s look in Littletude first. I sometimes find some really cute and adorable sparkly outfits for the princess here. She doesn’t wear them much since she has to be a big adult at work, but I get to have fun on weekends!” Holly blushed, “Too much fun,” she said to me. The ‘mothers’ pushed us into the store and surprised me by releasing both of us to walk on our own. Holly and I talked quietly about how things were going down on our level, even as the ‘moms’ talked and ran hands through clothing racks. Most of the clothing was apparently ‘too mature’ for their liking, so I only had a couple of outfits to try on. Erica bought one romper for me that she said might work for at work. It was black, with tiny embroidered sparkly hearts and stars that did not seem appropriate, but I just shrugged it off. Holly gained a few dresses that weren’t horrible except for the bright pink and purple colors that said ‘still just a little girl’ in most people’s eyes. Erica seemed to lose all shopping self-control in a store I’d heard mentioned with my dress the previous night, Kelly and Killian’s. It reminded me of an upscale children’s boutique chain back home specializing in luxury children’s clothes. I ended up with a dozen dresses from there by the time we left, all quite fussy with organza overlays, tulle skirts, or more frills and bows than had any business being on one outfit! Holly looked sympathetic there, fortunately only ending up with one dress that Ivy just couldn’t put down. “I’ve always dreamed of having a little girl to shop for in that store,” Erica told Ivy. Ivy laughed, “I understand; I only picked up that one dress today, but Holly probably has a hundred like them back home. Since she never outgrows her baby clothes, keeping track of her outfits is challenging!” I saw Holly sigh beside me, our strollers again clacking along the floor together. We made a little bit of chat here and there before hearing, “Doctor Nickerson?” I noted the voice sounded vaguely familiar and sat still as the stroller turned to reveal a mom holding the hands of a girl Holly had cared for a few days prior. The fact that she could have a heart condition treated and be walking about the mall so quickly in a couple of days was incredible to me! I noted the tall woman had a double stroller she was pushing that only had one occupant in the front right then, a Little girl dressed in only a onesie, sucking on a pacifier, and watching a screen. She seemed oblivious to the world. “How are you doing?” Holly asked from her stroller. “Great!!!” the girl’s mom said. “Jemma could never have walked this much of the mall last week!!!” The girl smiled and hid behind her mom, clearly still shy. “That’s fantastic,” Holly said. “Hopefully, we don’t need to see her for anything else in the hospital again.” “I hope not. Oh, is this your friend that was with you too?” She said, moving the stroller closer to me as she closed the gap. “Yes,” I heard, “this is Doctor Benson, she’s an exchange doctor…” I heard, even as the tablet the Little was watching came into my view. I giggled, “Doc!!!!!” I smiled, “It’s Doc, Mommy!” I said, pointing to the colorful screen displaying my favorite show! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for reading! Please press the Like Button and Leave a Comment!!! Next week, my work will take me out of town, so I won't be able to post on Friday. I'm intending to post Tuesday and then Sunday. I might be coerced into giving you a bonus chapter this Sunday to make up for the extra time between Tuesday and Sunday, but it'll take 35 likes this time to bribe me! 😎 PS Rings told me I have been far too stingy on providing cliffhangers for a while! 😈
  19. I normally wait to read these until I get home from work, but couldn't help myself. I had a feeling that was going to be the result set. Hopefully he's still able to toddle about when he finally bounces, I think the foreshadowing is obvious he's going to be at best a toddler filling his diapees. I'm curious if Molly comes back into his life at some point or not as a mother or if he just becomes Amanda's baby brother and they move on with life. Great writing as always, you're already written as long, or longer story in the AR Virus idea than I think anyone else has done before. Looking forward to more!
  20. Poor Peter, but also poor Molly... she really did hang in there as long as she could. Now I think we're going to find out this is more in the toddler realm of bouncing! He can't drink anymore, what's the difference between that and now diapers? Keep up the great story!
  21. Thanks for the comments! 🙂 🤣 🤷‍♀️ What can you do? She did do something good here... been a while! Lol, now I can't even remember where I dug that one up from. It was a memorable name to use! 🤣 We shall see what happens... Thanks! 🙂 Thanks for the comments! 🙂 Very true! Not babying your Little is definitely grounds for suspicion! 😈
  22. Chapter 22: I WOKE UP a couple of hours later, finding myself trapped inside the crib. It annoyed me, but after speaking with my local friends, I knew she wasn’t lying about the likelihood of being inspected. I rolled myself upright and realized I was again sucking on a pacifier. Part of me wanted to be annoyed that Erica was pushing the babying card so fast again. Another part of me really felt better, giving the pacifier a suck and squeezing Honey tight as I stood up. I was just getting ready to call for Erica when I felt the first cramp. “Er…” I started to say, but it turned into a grunt as my bowels forced their contents into my diaper. I was no stranger to pooping myself at this point, but it didn’t make it any more pleasant! I felt a mushy mound of poop form at the bottom of my diaper and a sense of relief when my body was finished. A sense of euphoria hung in my mind for a second before I again realized how gross my situation was! “Erica!” I cried out, dropping the pacifier from my mouth as I did so. I heard rapid footsteps coming up the staircase and to my room. “What’s wrong, Katie?” She asked worriedly. “I…” started to say, even as Erica’s nose visibly twitched. “Made boom booms in your diapee?” “Do you have to say it like that?” I asked as she carried me over to the changing table. “Any time I clean up a poopy wittle girl, I reserve the right,” she cooed at me. “And she’s so cranky when she’s poopy too!” “Just change me, please?” I cried. “Yes, Your Highness,” she said with a smile. “Why don’t you suck on this, though, while I do this.” She produced yet another pacifier and stuck it inside my mouth, which instinctively began sucking again. ‘I thought the hypnosis was gone?’ I worried even as I felt soothed by the action. Erica smiled at me and quickly completed the change. “Now, I think you being back home is worth celebrating, so I want to go out for dinner tonight, just the two of us!” She smiled. “Let’s find you the perfect dress!” The agreement had no control over clothes, so I was unsurprised at the dress style she pulled out for me. The dress was what I considered to be a hybrid of a dress and a onesie, with a baby pink velour top, an attached skirt with a white pink and white plaid tartan style, and then the top continued through the bottom to an attached onesie to ‘hide’ my diaper. Erica had found a pair of white tights that she pulled up and put underneath the onesie flap to help hold them in place. A matching stretchy headband with a bow was pulled over my head, with my hair hanging loosely beneath it. It was still pretty cold outside, as it was winter, so I was relieved to get a coat. However, I blushed at the dress coat that matched. It was as long as the skirt, but the onesie flap could be seen no matter how I sat. The dress coat featured three large buttons, two bows on either side before it belled out, and white furry fabric on the ends of the sleeves and around the neck. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was shocked at my appearance and felt the pacifier drop from my mouth. “You look adorable!” She told me, catching the dropped pacifier before squeezing me tightly against her. “I need to get dressed to match; you play here for a few minutes, but don’t get dirty, please!” “How would I…?” I asked as she pushed the pacifier into my mouth and left my room for her room, leaving me on the floor. I found myself drawn to stare at my reflection some more then. ‘If I had shorter hair and a bit puffier cheeks, no one would believe I wasn’t a baby,’ I noted. I turned from my reflection and saw that Honey was still caged in my crib, but another fluffy stuffie was sitting beside the toybox. It was new, as I didn’t remember it before, but I found the purple stuffed elephant adorable. It was nearly half my size, so I appeared even younger as I hugged it and looked in the mirror. I rubbed my hands through the fur, which was so soft that I wanted to cuddle with it all night. I walked around for a few minutes to see that there had been a few other changes in my absence. I mainly noted that the toddler bed was gone for the first time. I had been distracted at first, and a part of me was annoyed by it, even as I knew I had no desire to sleep on the uncomfortable mattress ever again! I noticed then that in its place was now a massive dollhouse that towered over me. I was about to curiously explore it when Erica returned. “Did you find a new friend?” She asked me with a smile. I pulled the pacifier from my mouth and sat it beside me as I blushed, “Maybe she’s really soft.” “I…” she started, “I saw her in the store yesterday evening and thought you might like her. Do you want her for the ride to the restaurant?” I thought for a second, squeezing the large stuffed animal, “she’s kind of big?” She smiled, “I guess she is. Do you want another of your friends to go with you instead?” I nodded, “Honey?” “Are you sure you want to risk losing her?” She asked nervously. “You won’t let that happen,” I told her. After a last hug, I sat down and put my new stuffie back where I found her. I then held my arms to Erica to indicate I wanted to be picked up. She looked surprised but quickly settled me on her hip as I noticed her dress fabric was the same design as the skirt on mine. “Mother-daughter dresses?” I asked. She blushed, “Yes? Do you mind?” “It’s fine, don’t forget Honey!” I ordered. “Course not!” She said, squeezing me, leaning into the crib to hand her to me, and then carrying me out to the car with a diaper bag over her shoulder. “Where are we eating?” I asked. “Fiona’s,” she told me. “What kind of food do they have?” “Pasta,” she told me. “It’s one of my favorite places, but I haven’t been there in a while.” She sat me in the car seat, strapped me in, and then produced a baby bottle of juice that she handed me. “You probably are a bit thirsty after your nap?” she said. I shrugged, “A little?” “Well, there’s some juicy to get you through until dinner. It’s a bit of a drive to get to this place,” she told me. “‘Kay,” I told her. As she went around to the driver’s side, I stared at the nipple for a moment, wondering if I shouldn’t be fighting all of this more. Still, Holly certainly seemed happy enough with her life. I stuck the nipple into my mouth and noted it felt so good to be nursing juice from one again. ‘Why fight it?’ a voice inside my head asked. I vaguely remembered the stories my mother used to tell about me not letting go of my baby bottles until I was nearly three. A part of me wondered if that attachment was surfacing again. I didn’t drink all of the bottle before pulling it away from my mouth. As we slowed to a stop, Erica came around to my side. She smiled, “I have the most adorable dinner partner ever!” “You’re embarrassing me,” I complained while squeezing Honey with the hand that wasn’t holding my bottle. She laughed, “Okay, I’ll stop.” She unbuckled the straps and said, “Let’s leave Honey here.” She picked me up and replaced me with her in the seat before placing me on her hip. She managed to grab the diaper bag over her other shoulder, and as we walked in, I realized I still held the half-drank bottle of juice. She carried me up to the hostess station, “Two? One high chair, please?” The hostess looked up at me, and something about their eyes told me it was again a hologram. “Certainly! It’ll be about ten to fifteen minutes?” “That’s great!” Erica said, then moved over to the side and sat on a bench with me perched on her knee. “Oh my god, that is the most precious dress!” A woman with a daughter who was probably in elementary school cooed. “Where did you get that?” “Kelly and Killian’s,” Erica told her. “Did they sell the matching mother dress, too?” the woman asked, standing up to take a look. “They did! I couldn’t resist when I saw them,” Erica admitted. “Aren’t you the most precious baby girl ever?” The woman started cooing and looked like she was about to start trying to touch me. Not having any other defenses, I looked at the bottle and stuck it into my mouth before turning my head into Erica, the clearest sign that a baby was seeking comfort I could think of. “Shy, huh?” “Yes, she is,” Erica agreed, squeezing me tighter. Fortunately, we heard, “Bob? Party of four?” And she waved bye to me and left. “She was kind of pushy, wasn’t she?” Erica said lightly to me. I nodded, still drinking more juice. By the time we were called, a teenager, a grandmother, and a five-year-old had to admire my outfit, too. The attention made me feel good about looking cute but horrible in how I looked! We were led to a small table where a chair sat opposite a highchair pulled up to the table. “Do you mind if I pull the highchair to this side?” Erica asked, setting me down for a second. “That’s fine; I’d do the same thing,” our moderate-height waitress said. “Let me move it for you, though,” she told her. Erica picked me back up and threaded my legs through the holes in the highchair before helping me to take the coat off. “I love your matching dresses,” the waitress said, watching us. “Thank you,” Erica said. “No thank you from you?” The waitress asked me. “Thank you,” I told her, sticking the bottle back into my mouth. “Shy or misbehaved?” The waitress asked Erica. “Definitely shy,” Erica smiled. “Takes a while to warm up to strangers!” “Well, here is your menu,” she told her. “The child’s menu is at the bottom.” “Thank you,” Erica told her, even as I blushed about the child’s menu comment. I set the bottle on the table in front of me, about a quarter of it remained filled with juice, and looked expectantly at Erica. Her eyes turned to me, “You can have spaghetti and meatballs, ravioli, an alfredo pasta, or mac and cheese?” “Mac and cheese?” I said. “Really?” She asked, surprised. I nodded, “I like mac and cheese?” “Fair enough,” she responded. A few moments later, the waitress returned, “What can I get you ladies tonight?” “I’ll take the chicken marsala,” Erica told her. “And for the baby girl?” she said, nodding toward me but not acknowledging me as an adult who could answer. It was infuriating to me, but it was another reason I knew Erica was safer than any alternative right then. “Mac and cheese, please?” “Normal?” “Normal for kids,” Erica told her. “No Little additions, please.” “Very good. I’ll be back in a bit. Do you need something else to fill her bottle with?” “I have another bottle for her in her diaper bag,” she assured her, and we watched her depart. “Speaking of the diaper bag,” she said, reaching into my diaper area and squeezing, “You should be good through din-din.” She dug into the diaper bag and produced a large bib that completely covered my chest, down to the bottom of the highchair, and over my shoulders with a ruffled fabric that only emphasized the infantile girliness of my outfit. Then she just started talking to me. She actually talked with me about her life and asked me questions about my own. At that point, we’d been together for a couple of weeks, and it was the most honest conversation I’d had with her where I didn’t feel like there was an ulterior motive. That made it a bit more jarring when our food arrived. She dug out a plastic spork baby spoon and began feeding me my mac and cheese bite by bite! “I can do it,” I tried whining. “I know you can, but Mommy wants to feel wanted,” she told me. “Please?” she added. I sighed and opened my mouth. Our waitress came midway through the meal to check on us, “What a good eater your baby girl is!” “I know, right?” Erica said. “My baby girl would throw a tantrum if I did that in a restaurant,” the waitress said as Erica pushed another spoonful of cheesy noodles into my mouth. “How old is she?” “Twenty-eight,” she replied. My mind instantly made that twenty-eight months, but the gut feeling it was years suddenly was confirmed, “My Little never behaves well enough to come here,” she added. “I keep hoping someday she’ll learn to behave.” My gut twisted as Erica said, “I’m sure it’ll happen someday; just be patient.” “I’ll leave you to your meal,” she said. “Good girl,” Erica cooed at me as she left. “I know that can’t be easy to be talked about like that…” With that, when I wasn’t opening my mouth or chewing, she had me answer questions and talk again. It was embarrassing to be taken down to the level of using diapers and bibs and seen as a baby. Still, I felt genuinely happy that Erica treated me so ‘big’ besides those things that night! “One more bite!” Erica said after she had finished her dish. “I’m full…” I said. “Come on, just one more!” She smiled. I reluctantly opened my mouth and allowed the noodles and cheese that had cooled considerably to enter my mouth. “Good girl! You made that all go away!” She dug into the diaper bag for a baby wipe. Then she wiped my face clear of the cheese from when she had intentionally missed my mouth with a twinkle in her eyes a couple of times. I was glad to be free of the crusty drying goop, even as she finished with my hands and set the baby wipe on the dish. She pulled the bib off me, unbuckled me, and moved me to her lap to hold while we waited for the check. When our waitress returned with a device to scan her payment chip, she asked, “Not going to nurse her here for dessert?” Erica laughed, “I think her Little tummy is a bit too full right now. If I don’t want to wear her dinner and milkies, we’ll have to let it settle for a while longer.” The waitress laughed, “Well, I’ve been there before, probably smart. Anything else I can get for you two?” “No, thanks!” Erica said, standing up with me on her hip. She handed me the second baby bottle of juice I’d drank about half, “Carry that, please?” I nodded and watched her gather my diaper bag and my coat. I thought we’d be going out to the car. Instead, we went to the restroom, and I sat still in the stall with her as she went pee first, then led me to the changing table she pulled down from the wall. I watched from the ground as she set the diaper bag on an attached hook, pulled out a changing pad, and then picked me up to set me down on the table. She pushed me on my back even as another woman came in carrying a shouting toddler. “No diapee!!!” The preschool-age boy was shouting even though Erica had unsnapped my onesie bottom. She was pulling my tights down to my ankles when his mother calmly said, “Windel, I don’t have any more big boy underwear for you. All I have is your baby sister’s diapees, so I guess you’ll just have to wear that.” “No diapee!” I turned my head, looked at the genuine child, and felt bad for him even as professionally; I knew setbacks like this could happen to a child. “When you’re a big boy and get your poopies in the potty, there are no diapees,” the mother said to him, kneeling in front of him and holding him gently at arm’s length. “Did you get your poopy in the potty?” He shook his head, “No.” “Where did you go poopy?” “In my undies…” “Do big boys do that?” “No,” he said, even as Erica pulled my legs in the air and lifted the wet diaper out. “Who does that?” She asked. “Babies…” he said. “You’re right! Now, if you can keep your baby diapee clean and dry until bedtime, I’ll let you wear undies again tomorrow after we take your night-night diapee off.” “Pwomise?” he asked. “Promise,” the woman told him and hugged him. Erica quickly finished and sat me up after readjusting my tights and onesie and then putting everything away. “Sorry for the wait,” she told the mother. “Oh, no worries; unfortunately, we’re used to waiting for changing tables for my baby boy here!” “Not a baby,” the boy sniveled around his thumb. “Potty training certainly isn’t easy,” Erica offered. “Looks like you’ve given up?” “Oh, she’s just a Little; why would we even try at this point?” Erica squeezed me tighter to reassure me I hoped she didn’t mean that, even if there was truth to the lost cause implication. “We all have our burdens,” the woman said. “We gave up on his baby sister, too. We tried potty training her again when we did him, but she just couldn’t get the hang of it! It’s okay; her daycare doesn’t mind baby Tweeners.” Erica picked me up and vacated the changing table. As we washed our hands, I saw her lift him onto the table that he barely fit onto. I was grateful when she seemed to want to flee the room as much as I did! I was quiet on the way back to her house, finishing up the rest of the bottle by the end of the trip, and Erica noted as we entered, “Looks like it’s about your bathtime, Sweetie.” I looked at her, “Bubbles?” “Bubbles,” she agreed, “and I have some other surprises for you too!” She left me in my room momentarily while she went and changed out of her dress and into a robe to protect the dress. I was nervous about what surprises she meant. Still, that night, I was pleasantly surprised that they were essentially mini bath bombs that colored the water and added glitter. While it wasn’t the first time Erica had washed me, it was the first time I’d been ‘myself’ fully, so it was a bit awkward. She pulled out some floating water toys and got me to play with them before soaping my hair with baby shampoo. “Would you be okay with a haircut?” She asked me. I tensed up, “Maybe?” “Just turn this into a cute bob?” she suggested. “Or maybe not that short; pigtails are fun to braid,” she sighed. “I could go a bit shorter,” I told her, “But not too short, please?” She smiled, “No worries, I don’t have any desire to see you with just the whisp of hair of an infant!” I shuddered, “That wouldn’t be good,” I told her. Erica used a bucket meant to rinse out children’s hair on me a couple of times to clear the shampoo before moving on to scrubbing my body down with a soft cloth and bath gel. She seemingly hit every possible spot on my body, from my arms to my intimate areas! I blushed still as she washed my personal spots, but I knew the agreement I had made with the devil meant this would be my life now for the rest of the semester. “Let’s get you out before you turn into a prune!” she told me, draining the tub. She wrapped me in a miniature purple bathrobe she’d bought in that spending spree before diapering me in a thick overnight diaper. “Let’s dry your hair,” she told me next, carrying me to the bathroom where she used my hairdryer that had come on the trip and connected to her power with an adapter. It looked tiny in her hands but was far more comfortable than the jet engine she used! I sat still, and truth be told, I enjoyed it as she worked a tangle comb through my hair and dried it thoroughly before braiding it into a pair of loose pigtail braids that she tied off with rubber bands. “Just about ready for bed, huh?” she said. I nodded, acknowledging that my eyes were closing on their own. The fatigue and stress clearly catching up with me! “Let’s get your night-night nummies!” she told me with a smile as she sat me down in the rocking chair on my own for a second. She pulled my robe off and laid it next to the changing table, leaving me naked. I shivered in the cold, then, “Brr…” “Just a second,” she reassured me as she sat down with me in the chair and shrugged her robe out of the way. “I love having skin-to-skin with you,” she told me. I blushed but chose not to respond. Clad only in my diaper and Erica in her panties, she pulled my face to her breast, and I didn’t hesitate to begin our new routine. Suck the nipple, swallow the milk, knead the breast, suck the nipple… She sang a lullaby as I nursed, and I was soon in a deep sleep. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for reading! Please press the Like Button and Leave a comment! I really enjoy seeing you all try to guess where my brain is going next in the story! I'll post the next chapter on Friday!
  23. Lol, very different characters! 🤣
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