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Bed Wetting Families


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Some years back we knew a family with four kids, all of whom wet the bed nightly well into teens. Never did ask the bedwetting history of the parents although it seems highly likely they both did or perhaps still wet as parents.

I currently know a family with one lifelong bedwetting (and AB) parent and three 20+ kids all of whom still wet the bed. The mother is the only dry one, but she wet the bed until 20. It seems the kids got the wet end of the gene-pool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my family I had no brothers or sisters that wet the bed in their youth. I was 56 when I started, I also found out recently that one of my sisters started wetting her bed at about age 56, she is in her 60's now. I've had a niece

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I used diapers almost every night until I was nine years old because of bedwetting. Same procedure every night, a shower, fitted diaper and pajamas. I used the usual children diapers from libero and pampers. My little sister did not struggle with this. It was quite embarrasing when I as her 3 year older

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  • 2 weeks later...

I knew 4 families in my neighborhood that had at least a couple bedwetters the Johnsons had 2 girls and a boy Josh was the bedwetter , the Peterson's 3 boy's all bedwetters, the Hanson's had 2 boys and 2 girls June and Jason and Paul bedwetters .Then there was the Johannson's had 3 boy's and 3 girl's all 6 kids were bedwetters

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I was in diapers during the day until 6 and wet the bed well into my late teens. My younger sister was actually potty trained before me and never wet the bed after that. She made fun of me sometimes, but for the most part she accepted my problem. I also had an older girl cousin who wet the bed into her teens. She came to live with us for a while and she changed my diapers quite a bit, but I never saw her wearing them.

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  • 2 years later...

My older brother (2 years) and I both wet the bed chronically well into our teens.  We have a sister three years younger than me who was an every night wetter until she started getting regualr periods around the age of 12 and stopped completely.

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On 3/27/2017 at 8:50 PM, AbabeBill said:

I wet the bed till about 6. My older sister did not. And yes, she did tease me! I found out

My sister used to find it hilarious that her older brother still wet his bed every night. 

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1 hour ago, stevewet said:

My sister used to find it hilarious that her older brother still wet his bed every night. 

Ugh! Sometimes siblings can be terrible. At least my sister didn’t tell others, not that I know of, or can remember happening. 

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19 minutes ago, AbabeBill said:

Ugh! Sometimes siblings can be terrible. At least my sister didn’t tell others, not that I know of, or can remember happening. 

Ya-my younger sister, because of her still being a bedwetter until age 12, felt our pain and was very discrete.  She would never humiliate us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To my knowledge I’m the only one and I’m one of 5 kids. My siblings never teased me about it and as far as I know didn’t tell anyone.

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  • 3 months later...

Both my younger brother and myself wet the bed into our teens - both in nappies at night until 10 years old. Some of our cousins also did but stopped at 7 or 8. My dad also used to pee his bed as a boy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wet the bed most nights until I was about 5 and occasionally until I was 12. My parents both became incontinent in old age and it was only then that my dad admitted he used to wet the bed when he was young. My son, now in his 30s, also wet the bed frequently when he was young - and did it again recently when he came to stay.

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I have said it before but I once read that bedwetting is often hereditary.  If a kid wets his or her bed well after most kids are dry at night, chances are that one or both parents or grandparents also wet the bed when they were kids.

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Great, so you invent and perfect an awesome time machine, jump in to make your first visit back to your grandparents childhood, cause of all the great stories you’ve heard, and you “POP” in on them being put into their big kid diapers!!! ??? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2019 at 1:29 PM, rusty pins said:

I have said it before but I once read that bedwetting is often hereditary.  If a kid wets his or her bed well after most kids are dry at night, chances are that one or both parents or grandparents also wet the bed when they were kids.

Its my understanding that it was common on my fathers side of the family. I had cousins on that side of the family who wet the bed well beyond the usual age. And in my family it was four out of seven who did too including all three boys.

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It's hard to know for sure, but I did read in a few articles years ago that it is often hereditary.  It's not like your dad is going to say to you when he walks in with the Goodnites or youth diapers for you to start wearing to bed, "Don't worry.  I wet the bed myself until I was 15 and wore diapers every night."  I doubt a dad or mom would mention their own bedwetting and diaper wearing to their kids.

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On 11/8/2019 at 7:16 AM, rusty pins said:

It's hard to know for sure, but I did read in a few articles years ago that it is often hereditary.  It's not like your dad is going to say to you when he walks in with the Goodnites or youth diapers for you to start wearing to bed, "Don't worry.  I wet the bed myself until I was 15 and wore diapers every night."  I doubt a dad or mom would mention their own bedwetting and diaper wearing to their kids.

Not true in our family.  Growing up both my two siblings and I chronically wet our beds.  My sister stopped around the age of 12 when she reached puberty and my older brother "claims" to have stopped around the age of 17 or so, but I know he still as the occasional "accident."  My bedwetting stopped being every night around the age of 13 or so, but continues to this day.  My dad told us when I was about 9 or 10 "to not feel bad-it was not our fault because bedwetting ran on his side of the family.  He told us he had bedwetting problems until his mid teens as did my Uncle who is 3 years younger than my dad.  I have a first cousin around my age and he wet his bed frequently through high school and continues to have issues to this day as well.

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