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Where Did It Start?

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Everyone will have a different story, so where did the diapers thing start for you?

I was eight and a half when I had a motor car accident. Since I was unconscious for near on three months, I was diapered in hospital. I don't know if there is anything on an unconscious (Freudian id) level from this time, but when I was back home, there were diapers still in my cupboard and I would play around with them over weekends.

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mine started between age 2 and 3 because I was forced into potty training against my will

I also originally was a bed wetter between ages 6 to 9 but my parents were too old fashion to have me wear diapers to help manage my bed wetting problem back then

I got into diaper on my own around age 13 when I could by them myself

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My sister was born when I was 3 also and I suspect my mother took me out of diapers then so she wouldn't have two of us in them at the same time. This was 1956 so cloth diapers and plastic pants were what she used and I'm sure she wanted to limit laundry. It didn't do her any good since I soaked the bed every night until I was 16 and I wet my pants All the time.

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I too was a "toilet training prodigy" at a very early age -- and I suspect that my brother coming along 16 months after I was born had something to do with the pressure to train early. Like some of you, I have a feeling my mother did not like having

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I come from a family of 11, with the first 8 of us born about a year apart. In the 60's it was cloth diapers and plastic pants, so at any giving time there were 2 or 3 in diapers. myself being a twin have little memories of diapers. growing up i always had a desire to wear

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On 11/3/2015, 9:33:19, dlsafrica said:

Everyone will have a different story, so where did the diapers thing start for you?

I was eight and a half when I had a motor car accident. Since I was unconscious for near on three months, I was diapered in hospital. I don't know if there is anything on an unconscious (Freudian id) level from this time, but when I was back home, there were diapers still in my cupboard and I would play around with them over weekends.

Well, I originally thought my "aha!" moment was after trying on one of my brother's cloth diapers at ten, until I remembered an incident which took place a year or so earlier. A neighbor lady made an offhand remark to me that she'd been hospitalized as a child and had to wear a diaper temporarily--and I found myself instantly jealous without knowing why,

I still don't know why, but I do know I'd been surrounded by diapers of various kinds from birth until my youngest brother was trained (I was about twelve then). The more I saw them, the more curious I became about how they felt. How that intense curiosity developed into a fetish is a mystery to me, though.

On 11/5/2015, 7:18:31, wetatnight said:

it sounds like I'm not the only one who was forced into potty training before they were ready

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A couple of things. I don't know which caused which.

  • My mother was absent. Someone has proposed that lacking a mother's attention makes people more likely to become DL and to be frank, the theory does seem to hold some water.
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I know exactly when this all started for me.

When I was nine I was sexually assaulted in my bedroom, my family was in the garden playing in the summer sun. I now have no memory of anything before that day, even photographs do not jog it. I don't know when I was potty trained, but I would have been right on the boarder of the introduction of disposables.

From that day I tried in my mind to regress back to a time when I was a baby, unconditionally loved and very safe. at first it manifested itself by me racing back to an empty home from school and wetting/messing my pants (Underwear for you American readers) sitting on the toilet.

To this day wearing a nappy is a calming influence on me

A year later I managed to liberate a disposable nappy from my cousins house and it was heaven. They only just fitted me at that age, so I only got to use them a couple of times.
I had to wait until I was in the forces before I got to try something else. In my single man room

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I was an early 80's problem child with despondent hippies for parents. I had no clue what was wrong with me and neither did they. Night terrors, bed wetting, violent outbursts, a horror in primary school. All I knew at age 5 was that I was not a good child and I remember wondering why folks couldn't just do what my best friend's parents did. Which was spank him when he misbehaved and diaper him when he was going to bed. It just seemed so much more straight forward than trying to talk about behaviours that I didn't understand myself.

I remember my father yelling at me one morning that if I couldn't make it out of bed to pee, I should be back in diapers and I recall thinking:

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I wet the bed until my early teens. Unfortunately, my parents didn't diaper me. They just used plastic sheets, etc...When I was about 12, I tried on one of my brother's diapers and that is how I got hooked. By then, my bedwetting had decreased to only rarely. I think the last time I semi-wet the bed was when I was 16. I was sort of half dreaming and in the dream I was peeing. Suddenly, I realized I was peeing for real and ran to the bathroom. At the time, I did wear diapers (as a TB/DL) occasionally, but couldn't obtain enough diapers to wear regularly or wet as I was still living with my parents, so I was not wearing a diaper at the time. Had I been wearing, I would've just let it flow and gone back to sleep.

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I've been little for as long as I can remember - back to before I was fully potty trained. I don't know what triggered it, but I do have a few memories of events that contributed. As I was potty trained very late, so

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Hmm.. I'd have to say my #1 contributor to wanting to be back in diapers was just shortly after my potty training took, I was about 5 (I remember starting kindergarten a year later). I had been sitting on the toilet trying to go when I felt something warm on my cheek. Instinctively I reached up to brush off my cheek and as I did so I ended up flinging a large brown wood spider off my cheek.

The first time I wore a diaper after that was that summer I believe, my mother, sister and I made a summer trip to Boise, Idaho to visit family. My cousin was about 3 or 4 and in diapers still. Seeing him in diapers made me want to wear one, so one day while everyone was in the back yard I snuck into the nursery and put one on and used it. Didn't get a second chance that trip as my disposal method wasn't as clever as I

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