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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. I am...stunned
  2. Hi eddie,sorry to hear your going through a lot right now. Here if you need to howl at the moon mate. You know you can pm me in chat anytime.
  3. Was great to see some guys i have not seen for nearly 30 years. And some troops that were on the team before i was. Lots of stories, good food and good company
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  4. My cheque was payable to her majesty the queen 😉
  5. I don't know what it's like in the USA, but in the UK air force eventually I got single man room in our accommodation block, this made it easier, but I used to use a large towel (it was the nineties, no internet or access to actual diapers). Once we were posted to an active unit it was almost exclusively single man rooms
  6. Nice to see a few more of us find out way here. It's humbling to see how this Unites us, no matter what branch or country we served in. Thinking of you all and hoping for a peaceful nights sleep.
  7. Hi, Firstly I think it is very brave of you to have the courage to come here and post such a well worded post, which is very heartfelt, brings up your issues with your husband without some bitterness (which I think is deserved). I am also a husband and abdl. I too hid it for many many years from everyone. Including my wife in the first few years. When I finally spoke to her about it,it was hard to do, to admit. She tried to accommodate me and my feelings and I went at it like a bull in a China shop (suddenly able to indulge, I went overboard). This had a terrible effect on our relationship, and ultimately led to my wife wanting nothing to do with this lifestyle. All my fault. We are still married, this is a taboo subject and something I can only do alone. I will not say his actions are good ones, but I will say once you have had to be secretive about something about yourself, it's very hard to break that cycle. I think you need to discuss this with him, lay it out, without getting angry (but I understand you have every right to be) try to explain to him how this is all making you feel and how he has "gone at this like a bull in a China shop" overwhelmed you with his needs without taking yours into account. Regarding the secret accounts and A.I. That needs to be confronted, but as I said it's hard not to break the secretive cycle once you have been doing it for years. Not saying his choices are right, but feeling you must hide everything about this is a familiar mindset I recognise. I hope this helps a little, and maybe as part of your discussion he sees you post and our responses. I really hope you can work out your differences and have a stronger relationship going forwards. If you need any support myself and others here would be happy to help if we can
  8. LilFozzyJ5


    It's a difficult niche in multiple areas...abdl, furry, bdsm to name three. Our circle crosses most of them. It's hard to find a home. For me being a babyfur straddles my adult baby needs and desires, so I flit between them. This place is the most welcoming I have found so far. What I have learned from being here for a very long time is that conversations and posts ebb and wane and sometimes repeat (if you stay long enough 🙂) We all have busy lives and maybe don't drop by often. Nature of the beast
  9. Sorry to hear your struggling Elfy. It's a tough time for a lot of people. I hope with the meds and some emotional support you able to get through this. Anxiety disorders can be crippling. Thinking of you
  10. A very happy Christmas to you all. 🎄✨🎀
  11. Hi folks I just wanted to wish you all a happy christmas, I know for a lot of us it's not always happy, friends we have lost, it can also be a lonely time for us, even in a crowd. So I hope it's a good day, and if it's not the best, I am thinking of you, whatever nation you served with! 🎄
  12. Hi folks, I just wanted to wish you all a happy christmas, I know for a lot of us it's not always happy, friends we have lost, it can also be a lonely time for us, even in a crowd. So I hope it's a good day, and if it's not the best, I am thinking of you, whatever nation you served with! 🎄
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  13. I guess we are a small sub section of the whole abdl sphere. And most are strong silent types 😉 it's still nice to have somewhere to go
  14. Cheers lilrugrat that means a lot
  15. I see a few new faces have made it through the camp gates. Welcome to you all.
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