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I miss old fashioned incandescent light bulbs :( I much preferred the wavelengths of light they pushed out. 

As for the instructions, well, McDonalds had to label their hot drinks "hot" because of idiots. Though I do wonder how they manage to get water to boil over 100 degrees and remain hot for days. There is a secret there that could probably save the earth energy-wise if they would only let on.... 



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Remember to put a blind fold on before you assemble it!!! 

All those "rules" simply because:

-Someone took a lamp outside

-Someone immersed the lamp in water to clean it while it was on

-Someone placed a cloth or paper cover on a lamp and burned a house down

-Someone burned the sh*t out of thier hand by trying to unscrew a bulb after turning it off....or while it was still on!

-Someone used the wring bulb and burned down another house

-Someone though it was a toy, and clobbered someone else with it, or tried to use it in a doll house

There is a reason for all the stupid instructions.....and it is because someone else already did EXACTALLY what they suggest you DON'T do....

some stupid person forgot thier sign, and bought a lamp...and the stupid clerk sold it to them!!


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Years ago I bought my wife this flame thrower thing you attach to a propane tank that she was going to use to kill weeds on the patio, etc.    The instructions included the warning "Do not apply the flame to the propane tank to boost the pressure."    Now, before I read that it would have never occurred to me to aim a hot flame at a tank full of flammable gas/liquid.   But then when you're using it and it starts to run down, you think...well maybe.

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15 hours ago, Apache Raccoon said:

Googled the model number and found the lamp on Amazon.

Did your mom buy the grey one or the pink one?

grey :)

We use led bulbs, so 40w would be more than enough.

They still sell incandescent bulbs here, people complained to much about the switch. I personally prefer led, they are cheaper to run and last longer. And I can get clear bright light, or the warm daylight, i prefer the clear.

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Many years ago a fellow I worked with brought up in a meeting that we need to put a propane heater in the chemical room because it gets cold there in the winter - and he was serious!  With people like that in the world, I can see why simple common sense instructions may be needed for the idiots!  I won't even get into the ones who refuse the vaccine.... 

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9 hours ago, DailyDi said:

grey :)

We use led bulbs, so 40w would be more than enough.

 And I can get clear bright light, or the warm daylight, i prefer the clear.

They're called "warm white" and "cool white". Cool white is like what a flourescent fixture produces. Warm white tries to simulate an old-fashioned screw-in incandescent. The basic idea is because incandescents more closely simulate sunlight. This is why vanity mirrors are equipped with warm whites of either style. If a female applies her make-up with cool white, and walks outside, she'll look nothing like what she intended. 

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6 hours ago, willnotwill said:

Engrish is the best language for the warnings.


http://www.engrish.com/ is the absolute best. 

Warning: Right now their certificate is apparently expired, so Chrome will warn you that it might be some hacker shit.  I assure you, the only thing they're hacking is your funny bone. 

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They missed a few things, such as:  Lamp is not edible. Do not attempt to eat or swallow small parts (this goes for both adults and children). Also, do not stick fingers in an electric socket.  (though maybe the electric socket warning does not apply as the socket is not part of the lamp, so is not the manufacturer's responsibility? Idk, in today's world I can still see some moron trying to sue and claim it is.??)

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